HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/00 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Council Chamber, City Hall Thursday, November 2, 2000 5:30 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL NOTE: MICHAEL DHANENS, Chairman STEPHEN BOYLE, Vice-Chairman MA THEW BRAD Y MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER TOM MCGINNIS RON SPRAGUE JEFFREY TKAC Agendas may be amended up to 72 hours prior to the Planning Commission meeting. A final agenda may be obtained from the Planning Department 72 hours prior to the.meeting. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ANY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE AGENDA OR WISHES TO SPEAK REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING NEED NOT FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD. ALL OTHERS WISHING TO SPEAK BEFORE THE COMMISSION MAY FILL OUT A SPEAKER'S CARD AND PRESENT IT TO THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Planning COmmission decisions on Zone Changes, Parcel Maps and Tentative Subdivision maps are subject to appeal by any person aggrieved. No permit shall be isSued for any use involved in an application until after the final acceptance date of appeal. Such appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of hearing, addressed to the City Council, c/o Office of the City Clerk, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. A $334 non-refundable filing fee must be included with filing of the initial appeal for those appeals filed by the applicant or any person outside the notice area. All appeals filed on land divisions will require a $334 non-refundable filing fee. If all appeals are withdrawn prior to the City Council hearing, it will not be conducted and the decision of the Planning Commission will 'stand. If no appeal is received within the specified time period or if all appeals filed are withdrawn, the action of the Planning Commission shall become final. Agenda, PC, Thursday - November 2, 2000 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - (marked by asterisk (*) These items will be acted on as a group without individual staff presentations if no member of the Planning Commission or audience wishes to comment or ask questions on a case. The items are recommended for approval by staff. The applicant has been informed of any special conditions and has signed an agreement to conditions of approval and requested to be placed on the consent agenda. If anyone wishes to discuss or testify on any of the consent items the item(s) will be taken off consent and will be considered in the order on the agenda. If not, the public hearing will be opened and the items acted on as a group. 3.1) 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) 3.5) 3.6) 3.7) Agenda Item 4.1) - EOT Vesting Rights - Tract 5290 Phases A, B and C (Mclntosh & Associates) -Agenda Item 4.2) - EOT Vesting Rights - Tract 5822 Phases A, B and C (Mclntosh & Associates) Agenda Item 4.3) - EOT Vesting Rights - Tract 5827 Phases D and E (Mclntosh & Associates) Agenda Item 5.1) - EOT Tentative Tract 5738 (Telstar Engineering) Agenda Item 5.2) - EOT Tentative Tract 5915 (DeWalt Corp) Agenda Item 5.3) - EOT Tentative Tract 5916 (DeWalt Corp) Agenda Item 5.4) - EOT Tentative Tract 5917 (DeWalt Corp) PUBLIC HEARINGS - Extensions of Time - Vestina Riahts (Mclntosh & Associates) 4.1) (I/Yard 4 ) Vestin; Rights Extension of Time for Tract 5290 Phases A, B and C generally located on the southeast corner of Buena Vista Road and Chamber Boulevard, consisting of a total of 52 lots on 29 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling). (Exempt from CEQA) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. 4.2) (Ward 4) Vesting Rights Extension of Time for Tract 5822 Phases A, B and C generally located on the northwest corner of Mountain Vista Drive and White Lane, consisting of a total of 40 lots on 24 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling). (Exempt from CEQA) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. Agenda, PC~ Thursday - November 2, 2000 Page 3 (Ward 4 ) 4.3) Vesting Rights Extension of Time for Tract 5827 Phase D and I~ generally located on the east side of Jewetta, south of Brimhall Road, consisting of a total of 60 lots on 20.7 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling). (Exempt from CEQA) ' RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. . 5. · (Ward (Ward 6) (Ward PUBLIC HEARINGS - Extensions of Time 5.1) Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5738 (Telstar Engineering) Containing 504 lots on 120 acres, Zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and PCD (Planned Commercial Development), located on the west side of South "H" Street on both sides of Berkshire Road. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. 5.2) Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 591~; (DeWalt. Corporation) Containing 5 lots on 74.52 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling), located between Olive Drive and Hageman Road and between RiverLakes Drive and the Friant-Kern Canal. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE GrouP Vote. 6.3) Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 591~ (DeWalt Corporation) Containing 5 lots on 135.27 acres, zoned R~I (One Family Dwelling), located between Olive Drive and Norris Road and between Coffee Road and Calloway Drive. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. Agenda, PC, Thursday ' November 2, 2000 Page 4 (Ward 6) 5.4) Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5917 (DeWalt Corporation) Containing 5 lots on 78.56 acres, zoned R-1 (One Family Dwelling), R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) and C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial), located between Olive Drive and Hageman Road and between the Calloway Canal and Calloway Drive. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. (Ward 4) PUBLIC HEARING -Vestinq Tentative Parcel Map 1073n (DeWalt Corp) Containing 9 parcels on 17.2 acres for commerCial shopping center development purposes, zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial), located on the northeast corner of Calloway Drive and Hageman Road. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Group Vote. (Ward 1) PUBLIC HEARING - Zone Change P00-069_~ (Milazzo and Associates) Zone change from an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone to an R-2 CH (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling-Church) zone on approximately 5 acres to allow development of the site as a church, located on the east side of Lotus Lane, approximately 1/4 mile north of Watts Drive. (Negative Declaration on file) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE Roll Call Vote J COMMUNICATIONS A) Written B) Verbal COMMISSION COMMENTS A) Committees Agenda, PC, Thursday - November 2, 2000 Page 5 10. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THF NEXT PRE-MEETING. 11, ADJOURNMENT October 20, 2000 Planning Director Held November 2, 2000 5:30 p.m. city Council Chamber, City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: Present: STEPHEN BOYLE, Vice Chairperson MATHEW BRADY TOM MCGINNIS MARTI MUNIS-KEMPER RON SPRAGUE JEFFREY TKAC .~- Absent: MICHAEL DHANENS ADVISORY MEMBERS: Present: CARL HERNANDEZ, Assistant City Attorney DENNIS FIDLER, Building Director MARIAN SHAW, Engineer IV Staff: Present: STANLEY GRADY, Planning Director JAMES MOVIUS, Principal Planner PAM TOWNSEND, Recording Secretary In the absence of Chairman Dhanens, Vice Chairman Boyle chaired the meeting. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 3.1) Agenda Item 4.1) - EOT Vesting Rights - Tract 5290 Phases A, B and C (Mclntosh & Associates) Minutes, PC, November 2, 2000 Page 2 3.2) 3.3) 3.4) 3.s) 3.6) 3.7) Agenda Item 4.2) - EOT Vesting Rights - Tract 5822 Phases A, B and C (Mclntosh & Associates) Agenda Item 4.3) - EOT Vesting Rights - Tract 5827 Phases D and E (Mclntosh & Associates) Agenda Item 5.1) - EOT Tentative Tract 5738 (Telstar Engineering) Agenda Item 5.2) - EOT Tentative Tract 5915 (DeWalt Corp) Agenda Item 5.3) - EOT Tentative Tract 5916 (DeWalt Corp) Agenda Item 5.4) - EOT Tentative Tract 5917 (DeWalt Corp) ' A motion was made by Commissioner Kemper, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to approve the Consent Agenda items. Motion carried. 4.2) 4.3) PUBLIC HEARINGS - Extensions of Time - Vesting Rights (Mclntosh & Associates) 4.1) Vesting Rights Extension of Time for Tract 5290 Phases A, B and C _(Ward4) See Consent Agenda Vesting Rights Extension of Time for Tract 5822 Phases A, B and C (Ward,~) See Consent Agenda Vesting Rights EXtension of Time for Tract 5827 Phase D and E (Ward4) See Consent Agenda PUBLIC HEARINGS - Extensions of Time 5.1) Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5738 (Telstar Engineering) (Ward 7) See Consent Agenda 5.2) Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5915 (DeWalt Corporation) (Ward See Consent Agenda Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5916 (DeWalt Corporation) (Ward See Consent Agenda Extension of Time for Tentative Tract 5917 (DeWalt Corporation) (Ward See Consent Agenda 5.3) 5.4) Minutes, PC, .November 2, 2000 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING -Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10730 (DeWalt Corp) (Ward 4) Staff report given recommending approval with the conditions attached to resolution and the memorandums from the Public Works and Planning Departments. Public portion of the meeting was opened. No one spoke in opposition. Kathy Fritz from DeWalt Corporation, representing the applicant, stated that they had reviewed the conditions of approval and requested a few changes from both the Public Works Department and the Planning Department. They have reached an agreement with the two departments and request the. Commission approve .the project as it is presented to them today with the memorandums on the conditions. Public portion of the meeting was closed. Commissioner Brady 'asked Public Works to give a brief run down of the memorandum. Ms. Shaw went over the memorandum and said that most of the condition changes are reflecting some clarifications with regard to their entrances, what type of access they will be allowed and the locations of the right turn deceleration lanes. Commissioner Sprague asked if there is a 500 foot surface waiver on this parcel or if there is a designated drill parcel that relates to this parcel as far as the surface waivers on the mineral rights? Mr. Grady said there is no drill site on this property but the applicant is requesting the Planning Commission approve waiver of mineral rights signatures on the map because the title report has indicated that mineral rights owners have waived' their rights to the surface. Kathy Fritz said there is a 500 foot surface waiver on the site. Commissioner Sprague asked about the C-1 zone on the corner and whether they would have to come back to the Commission if they wanted to build a mini-market on the site? Mr. Grady said they could only build on the site what is allowed in a C-1 zone. Motion was made by Commissioner Brady, seconded by Commissioner McGinnis, to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration and approve Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 10730 with findings and conditions set forth in attached resolution Exhibit "A" and incorporating the changes shown in the Planning Director's memorandum dated October 30, 2000, and the Public Works memorandum dated October 25, 2000. Motion carried. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Zone Change P00-0695 (Milazzo and Associates) (Ward Staff report given recommending approval. Minutes, PC, November 2, 2000 Page 4 Public portion of the meeting was opened. No one spoke in opposition. Ken Swenson, representing Milazzo and Associates, asked the Commission to approve the project and is available to answer any questions the Commission might have. Public portion of the meeting was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Sprague, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to approve and adopt the Negative Declaration and approve Zone Change P00-0695 with the findings and conditions set forth in attached resolution Exhibit "A." Motion was carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT: Commissioners Brady, Kemper, McGinnis, Sprague, Tkac, Boyle None Commissioner Dhanens COMMUNICATIONS None COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Brady gave a report on the Canal Fencing Committee. He said they met today and are going forward with a compromised position that they hope to finalize at the next meeting on November 16. They have had goodinput from the building industry, the water districts and staff and he believes they will reach a good compromise that will move canal fencing forward with a good solid ordinance. Commissioner Boyle asked Mr. Grady if the Urban Development Committee for the City Council had a chance to consider the ordinance suggestions that they have been discussing on their committee for landscaping? Mr. Grady said they will hear those items on November 13. 10. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THF NEXT PRE-MEETING. Mr. Grady stated that there are three items that may be of interest that the Commission might want to review in a pre-meeting. The Commission decided to hold a pre-meeting on November 13, 2000. Minutes, PC, November 2, 2000 Page 5. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary November 15, 2000