HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/29/2016 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER January 29, 2016 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager AT Subject: General Information Notable Items: • The City conducted its annual budget kick-off meeting yesterday, and work on the budget will now begin in earnest. Council consideration is scheduled to begin on May 4, 2016, when management staff will present the yearly overview. • Attached you will find the IACP Quarterly Report. In October 2014, the City Council approved the IACP implementation plan, which allocated $2.3 million toward funding many of the priority 1 and 2 recommendations. We are happy to announce that 22 recommendations are completed and/or have been implemented; 6 recommendations are underway; and 6 recommendations are for future consideration. Staff will continue to provide these quarterly updates in the future, as necessary. • Work on the Centennial Plaza fountain is progressing as scheduled and is expected to be complete in May. Over the past month, City staff has demolished components of the old fountain and has installed a new drainage system. Plumbing and electrical fixtures are currently being installed in the fountain and control vault by the contractor. Residents should not be alarmed if they peer over the green fence and notice their bricks missing. They have been removed by City staff and stored in a safe place while construction takes place. When the fountain is complete, they will be mortared back in place. General Information January 29, 2016 Page 2 Traffic and Other Road Advisories: Work may be canceled due to inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances, and be rescheduled to a later date. State Route 178 Traffic Control Between Valley Street and Alfred Harrell Highway • One-way traffic control will continue on State Route 178 for the next two weeks while the contractor for the widening project works on drainage crossings between Valley Street and Alfred Harrell Highway. The one-way traffic control is expected to be in effect between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. The signal at Alfred Harrell Highway will be set to flashing while work is in progress. Flagging personnel will need to stop traffic and use one-way traffic control to facilitate the work and stop times may be up to 10 minutes. Motorists are advised to allow sufficient time to reach their destinations or to use an alternate route during this time period. Re-scheduled Geo-technical Survey Work • Geo-technical survey work is planned for the west end of State Route 58, near South Real Road, and at the State Route 99/Ming Avenue Interchange next week. The work will be conducted during nighttime hours, Monday, February 1 and Tuesday, February 2, 2016. This work has been rescheduled from an earlier date due to inclement weather. On Monday night, this work will require a shoulder closure on westbound State Route 58 near Real Road between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Drilling operations are expected to move to the north side of Ming Avenue, just west of State Route 99 on Tuesday night. The Ming Avenue work will also be conducted during nighttime hours, between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., and will require a shoulder closure in the westbound direction of Ming Avenue. Nighttime Lane and Ramp Closures Planned for State Route 58 • Motorists traveling on State Route 58, from State Route 99 to Cottonwood Road, should watch for potential nighttime lane and ramp closures, next week. On Monday night, February 1, the contractor anticipates closing both the northbound State Route 99 to eastbound State Route 58 connector ramp and the southbound State Route 99 to eastbound State Route 58 connector ramp to set temporary concrete barrier rail. This work is expected to take place between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. From Monday night through Thursday night, the following ramps are expected to be closed for restriping and roadway construction. The outside traffic lanes General Information January 29, 2016 Page 3 approaching these ramps are also expected to be closed. These lane and ramp closures are expected to be in effect between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. each night. o Eastbound State Route 58 to Union Avenue off-ramp o Eastbound State Route 58 to Cottonwood Road off-ramp o Westbound State Route 58 to Chester Avenue off-ramp There will be no lane or ramp closures during rain or heavy fog conditions. Scheduled work may be canceled without prior notice due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Please stay alert to changing conditions while driving through the construction zone. Southbound State Route 99/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp • Work is scheduled to begin next week on the Southbound State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Improvements Project. This project includes the construction of an auxiliary lane on southbound State Route 99 from the Gilmore Avenue Undercrossing to the Rosedale Highway off-ramp, and widening the off-ramp from one to two lanes at State Route 99, expanding to four lanes at Rosedale Highway. The contractor plans to erect construction signs on Monday, February 1. No impacts to traffic are expected, but please watch for construction vehicles and personnel while traveling through this area. Restriping work is planned for Tuesday and Wednesday nights between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., each night. This work will require alternating lane closures of the two outside lanes on State Route 99, between the Gilmore Avenue Undercrossing and Rosedale Highway. Reports: • Streets Division work schedule for the week of February 1st • Letter from Bright House Networks regarding possible programming changes Event Notifications: • Event Calendar for Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center • Kidz Love Soccer: Does your child want to learn soccer? A session begins on Tuesday, February 9th. Ages range from 2 to 10. • Adult Softball: Spring softball is just around the corner. Registration ends Friday, February 5th. Participants must be at least 18 years old. AT:cg cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk IACP Quarterly Progress Report Page 1 of 6 Summary In January 2014, the City of Bakersfield (City) selected the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to conduct a comprehensive study of the Bakersfield Police Department’s (BPD’s) management and operations. In September 2014, the IACP Study outlined 34 recommendations to further improve BPD’s management and operations. In October 2014, the City Council approved $2.3 million in funding to begin implementing Priority 1 and 2 recommendations. The following quarterly progress report includes the recommendations’ implemented, underway, and for future consideration. Please note that once a recommendation is implemented that it will not be displayed again in the narrative of this report; however, a summary of all the recommendations implemented can be found as Attachment A. Recommendations Implemented 1. Re-introduce and emphasize community policing concepts and practices throughout BPD (Community Engagement – Priority 1) Community policing concepts and practices are currently emphasized through reassigning Patrol personnel into specific zones. Patrol personnel are now responsible for a geographical area and its residents. More importantly, the Patrol personnel can build a rapport with the community within their respective zone. As a result, Patrol personnel have already hosted 12 community meetings (two per zone) during the past two calendar years, which has totaled around 1,200 community members. Also, the BPD has created a community panel element within its mini-academy, which was previously just used to teach academy graduates about departmental equipment, policies, and procedures. Here members of the community can now provide new trainees with perspectives on how to engage and build trust within a diverse community. In addition, the BPD contracted with a vendor to provide community engagement training. An eight-hour training course on building and maintaining community trust was attended by sworn personnel in August and October 2015. A two-hour community policing training course for sworn personnel was held in fall 2015. The BPD will look continually look for ways to implement community policing concepts and practices. 2. Create a Community Liaison Unit (Community Engagement – Priority 3) The BPD has created and fully staffed its Community Liaison Unit (CLU). The IACP Study recommended hiring a total of three CLU Officers. Now that the BPD’s recent graduating academy completed its field training, a total of four Police Officers (one per zone) are assigned to the CLU. IACP Quarterly Progress Report Page 2 of 6 3. Support commitment to community policing through detailed goals and objectives (Community Engagement – Priority 4) The BPD has supported a commitment to community policing through reassigning Patrol personnel into specific zones. Patrol personnel are now responsible for a geographical area and its residents. More importantly, the Patrol personnel can build a rapport with the community within their respective zone. As previously mentioned, 12 community meetings have been held over the last two calendar years. Also, the BPD contracted with a vendor to provide community engagement training. An eight-hour training course on building and maintaining community trust was attended by sworn personnel in August and October 2015. A two-hour community policing training course for sworn personnel was held in fall 2015. The BPD will look continually look for ways to implement community policing concepts and practices. 4. Establish a referral protocol to appropriate agencies (Workload Management – Priority 3) The Communications Center continues to utilize the 211 system for service calls outside the responsibility of the police department. Police Officers have been placed in the Communications Center to assist and reinforce the BPD’s commitment to this referral protocol. 5. Explore the use of developing technologies (Technology – Priority 4) The BPD is now connected to the new California Department of Justice Smart Justice portal. This web–based portal allows law enforcement agencies to share criminal justice data on a statewide basis. The BPD will continually explore the use of developing additional technologies in the future. Recommendations Underway 1. Increase the role and responsibility of Senior Patrol Officers in Patrol (Staffing – Priority 1) The BPD has identified opportunities to increase the roles and responsibilities of Senior Police Officers assigned to the Operations Division. A training plan has been established as well. Preliminary meetings in regards to updating the job specifications have occurred between the Operations Captains, Human Resources staff, and the Bakersfield Police Officers Association. 2. Invest in training for the use of current technologies and data analysis (Data Driven Practices – Priority 2) The BPD has invested in training related to current technologies and data analysis. The types of subject matters include ArcGIS (mapping), EnCase (electronic forensic evidence), Compstat (monitoring crime trends), crime analysis, and other IACP Quarterly Progress Report Page 3 of 6 technology-related training courses and conferences. Additional technology training and data analysis for BPD personnel is scheduled for 2016. 3. Institute an ongoing recruitment process (Hiring and Promotion – Priority 4) The Police Civil Service Commission approved implementing the use of the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Entry-level Law Enforcement Test Battery (Pellet-B) written exam as part of our continuous testing process, which candidates are eligible to retest every 30 days. The most recent Police Trainee recruitment accepted Pellet-B scores from other agencies. Due to staffing and logistical concerns, the City has partnered with the County of Kern’s Human Resources Department to provide an adequate test location and shared duties in test proctoring. City and County staff anticipate meeting in the near future to finalize the testing implementation plan. A pilot program of this new plan commenced in September 2015. City staff has now developed a continuous testing schedule in 2016. Attachment B is a recruitment flyer that includes the testing times and dates. 4. Market services, values, and accomplishments of the BPD, both internally and externally (Community Engagement – Priority 4) The BPD has established a Facebook webpage, which allows for the interaction between the community and BPD personnel. The webpage currently has over 19,000 followers. Also, the BPD will be revamping its City website to provide more easily accessible, relevant information. The website will be upgraded in early 2016 (corresponding with the Citywide website upgrade). The Police Department recently established a “YouTube” account as well. 5. Revise the delivery method and content of the current policy and procedure manual (Policy and Procedure Manual – Priority 4) The BPD has reviewed and made recommendations to its policy and procedure manual. These recommendations are currently under review. 6. Provide an annual report of internal affairs investigations to the public (Internal Affairs – Priority 4) The BPD anticipates providing an annual report of internal affairs investigations to the public in conjunction with updating BPD’s website in 2016. Recommendations for Future Consideration 1. Refine promotional processes to increase transparency and objectivity (Hiring and Promotion – Priority 1) 2. Develop measures of achievement to drive performance throughout the Organization (Community Engagement – Priority 4) IACP Quarterly Progress Report Page 4 of 6 3. Maximize opportunities for civilianization (Staffing – Priority 4) 4. Employ former law enforcement officers where appropriate (Staffing – Priority 4) 5. Establish a promotional improvement process committee (Hiring and Promotion – Priority 4) 6. Revise the performance appraisal process to provide ongoing feedback, incorporate departmental goals, and establish consistency (Performance Appraisal – Priority 4) Attachments: A. Summary of Recommendations B. Recruitment Flyer IACP Quarterly Progress Report Page 5 of 6 Attachment A Summary of Completed Recommendations  Reinforce an agency-wide commitment to community policing in mission and vision statements (Community Engagement – Priority 1)  Create a full-time Telephone Reporting Unit (Workload Management – Priority 1)  Establish an accountability process for CFS response (Accountability – Priority 1)  Augment patrol staffing (Staffing – Priority 1)  Assign a Watch Commander position to both the East and West Districts on day and evening shifts (Staffing – Priority 1)  Institute Compstat style crime meetings for Patrol and Investigations (Data Driven Practices – Priority 1); these meetings will occur in perpetuity  Reorganize/re-staff the crime analysis function (Data Driven Practices – Priority 1)  Revise call priority classifications (Workload Management – Priority 1)  Incorporate data driven strategies to reduce crime (Data Driven Practices – Priority 1); these practices will occur in perpetuity  Re-introduce and emphasize community policing concepts and practices throughout BPD (Community Engagement – Priority 1)  Establish a Police Liaison position in the Communication Center on all shifts (Staffing – Priority 2)  Maximize data mining and sharing opportunities (Data Drive Practices – Priority 2); these practices will occur in perpetuity  Develop prevention and intervention programs for juveniles (Youth-Focused Policing – Priority 2)  Develop leadership through exposure to contemporary practices (Leadership Development – Priority 3); these practices will occur in perpetuity  Create a Community Liaison Unit (Community Engagement – Priority 3)  Establish a referral protocol to appropriate agencies (Workload Management – Priority 3)  Open competition for executive level positions to external candidates (Hiring and Promotion – Priority 4); Committee did not desire moving item forward IACP Quarterly Progress Report Page 6 of 6  Expand minority hiring efforts and include national organizations (Hiring and Promotion – Priority 4)  Revise Beat boundaries to equalize workload (Data Driven Practices – Priority 4)  Revise the policies requiring approval for arrest and towing of vehicles (Policy and Procedure Manual – Priority 4)  Support commitment to community policing through detailed goals and objectives (Community Engagement – Priority 4)  Explore the use of developing technologies (Technology – Priority 4) The written exam is the first phase of the examination process for Police Trainee candidates and measures reading and writing ability. The City of Bakersfield is excited to offer the POST Entry Level Law Enforcement Battery Test (PELLETB). City of Bakersfield Police Officer Trainee candidates will need to obtain a score of 48 or higher to apply for the Police Trainee position when the recruitment opens. *Please note in accordance with POST, test can only be taken once in a 30 day time period. *Please visit the City of Bakersfield Human Resources website at: http.//www:bakersfieldcity:us/administration/citymana ger/humanresources/regular_job_listings:html to register for one of the scheduled exam dates: The PELLETB is a multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank written examination designed to measure reading and writing ability. Applicants are given 2 ½ hours to complete the PELLETB, which contains five sections: Spelling (applicants select the correct spelling of a word from a list of options) Vocabulary (applicants select the correct meaning of a word from a list of options) Clarity (applicants select the sentence that is most clearly written from a pair of options) Reading Comprehension (applicants read a passage and answer questions about the passage’s content) CLOZE (applicants use Contextual Clues to complete a passage that contains blanks/missing words) Candidates can prepare for the PELLETB by reading the “Preparation Guide for the POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery” and taking the practice test included in the guide at: http://lib.post.ca.gov/publications/poWrittenPracticeTest. pdf POLICE TRAINEE CANDIDATES PELLETB EXAMINATION DATES FOR 2016 Monday, February 22, 2016 Monday, April 4, 2016 Monday, June 13, 2016 Friday, August 12, 2016 Monday, October 24, 2016 Friday, December 2, 2016 ** Dates and Times Subject to Change Attachment B street schedule Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION – WORK SCHEDULE Week of February 1, 2016 – February 5, 2016 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Grading and Dirt Work for Mc Cutchen Rd extension between Ashe Rd and Mountain Ridge Rd Maintenance Grind & Pave on Planz Rd between Wible Rd and So “H” St (depending on weather) Paving at Sports Village (depending on weather) Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer line found during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the city Sidewalk installation at Sports Village (depending on weather) Working on Brick repairs at Centennial Plaza (after Contractor is done) Concrete Repairs to various Bus Stops throughout City limits Concrete work in the area of California Ave to Verde from “A” St to Chester (HUD Area) Concrete work in the area of Madison to Cottonwood from Casa Loma to Brook St (HUD Area) Concrete improvements at Park at River Walk BHNA Demo work for New Seating at BHNA Park at River Walk Concrete work in the area of California Ave to Brundage from Union Ave to Railroad Tracts east of Martin Luther King Blvd (HUD Area) NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweeper are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month only when possible. Street Sweeping has not been able to complete sections of the schedule sweeping routes as several sweepers broke down during the month of January. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK street schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, February 1, 2016 Between Golden State & 16th St. -- “F” St. & Oak St. /kern River Boundary Between 34th St. & 30th St. – Chester Ave. & San Dimas St. Between San Dimas St. & Beale Ave. – 34th/Bernard St. & Niles St. Between Olive Dr. & Riverlakes Dr. (ext.) – Riverlakes Dr. & Coffee Rd. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Between California Ave. & Brundage Ln. – Oak St. & Union Ave. Between Renfro Rd. & Jenkins Rd. – Stockdale Hwy. & Kern River Boundary. Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Between Panorama Dr. & Bernard St. -- Union Ave. & Loma Linda Dr. Between River Blvd. & E. Columbus St. – Panorama Dr. & Columbus St. Between College Ave. & Azalea Ave. – Mountain Dr. & Raval St. Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. – Allen Rd. & Buena Vista Rd. Thursday, February 4, 2016 City areas between Kentucky St. & Quincy St. – Owens St. & Virginia St. Between Union Ave. & Washington St. – E. Truxtun Ave. & Brundage Ln. Between Progress Rd. & Old River Rd. – Panama Ln. & Pacheco Rd. (alignment) City areas between Progress Rd. & Old River Rd. – Meadow Falls Dr. & Rose Creek Dr. Friday, February 5, 2016 Between Buena Vista Rd. & Allen Rd. – Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Mountain Vista Dr. – Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. Between 178 Hwy. & Paladino Dr. – W. Columbus St. & Morning Dr. City areas between Sterling Rd. & Morning Dr. – 178 Hwy. & College Ave. Between Valley St. & Lene Pl. -- 178 Hwy & Hickory Dr. Between 178 Hwy. & Reynard Rd. – Kern Canyon Rd. & McKenna St. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Joseph Dr. – McDonald Wy. & N. Stine Rd. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Event Days) CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-888-929-7849 GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Bakersfield Community Concert Association 661-589-2478 www.bakersfieldcca.org UPCOMING EVENTS January 22-23 – Monster X Tour 7:30 PM $40, $20, $17, $15, $10 On Sale Now January 26 – Condors vs Manitoba7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now January 29 – Condors vs Manitoba7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now February 5 – Condors vs Milwaukee7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now February 9 – Condors vs Stockton7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now February 14 – WWE Live 1:00 PM $95, $65, $50, $35, $25, $15 On Sale Now February 15 – Harlem Globetrotters2:00 PM $85, $50, $40, $33, $25, $18 On Sale Now February 19 – Condors vs San Diego7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now March 4 – CIF Wrestling Session I9:00 AM $21, $18, $15, $14, $13, $12, $11On Sale Now March 5 – CIF Wrestling Session II9:00 AM $23, $20, $17, $16, $15, $14, $12On Sale Now March 5 – CIF Wrestling Session III7:00 PM $25, $22, $19, $18, $17, $16, $13On Sale Now March 13 – Cage The Elephant 7:00 PM $39.50, $29.50 On Sale Now Februrary 6 – Symphony 7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now February 8 – Kevin Johnson 7:30 PM BCCA event February 11 – The Producers 7:30 PM $55, $40, $30 On Sale Now February 12 – Valentines Love Jam7:30 PM $69.50, $52.50, $42.50, $37.50, $32.50On Sale Now February 14 – La Arrolladora Banda7:00 PM $120, $80, $65, $50, $40, $30 On Sale Now March 10 – Ragtime: The Musical7:30 PM $55, $40, $30 On Sale Now March 12 – Symphony 7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now March 25 – Slayer 7:30 PM $37.50 On Sale Now April 6 – Blue Man Group 7:30 PM $65, $50, $35 On Sale Now April 25 – Joe Bonamassa 8:00 PM $125, $99, $89, $79, $69 On Sale Now April 27 & 28 – Shen Yun 7:30 PM $120, $110, $100, $80, $70, $60 On Sale Now May 17 – Celtic Woman 7:00 PM $105, $65, $45 On Sale Now www.rabobankarena.com - www.bhnamphitheatre.com www.kidzlovesoccer.com Presented by North American Youth Activities, CA non-profit: 3241599 SOC CERFUN! SIGN UP NOW FOR WINTER BAKERSFIELD Class Status Hotline:1-888-372-5803 Shin Guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me For Ages 2 – 10 Years 5 Weeks Fee: $57 Tuesdays Soccer 1 5-6 3:30-4:15pm Silver Tot/Pre Soccer 31/2-5 4:15-4:50pm Creek 2/9-3/8 Mommy/Daddy & Me 2-31/2 5:00-5:30pm Park Mommy/Daddy & Me 2-31/2 9:00-9:30am Saturdays Tot/Pre Soccer 31/2-5 9:40-10:15am Seasons 2/13-3/12 Soccer 1 5-6 10:15-11:00am Park Soccer 2 7-10 11:00-11:45am Day/Dates Class Ages Times Location For registration information,please call (661) 326-FUNN (3866)Register online atwww.bakersfieldparks.us Follow Kidz Love Soccer on: Re g i s t r a t i o n D a t e s : J a n u a r y 4 - F e b r u a r y 5 Reg i s t r a t i o n # 1 2 1 0 0 1 Ga m e s B e g i n : W e e k o f F e b r u a r y 2 2 Ag e s : 1 8 + y e a r s Fe e : $4 7 5 p e r t e a m (C h e c k p a y a b l e t o C i t y o f B a k e r s f i e l d ) Fi e l d L o c a t i o n s : M e s a M a r i n S p o r t C o m p l e x , B e a c h , Wa y s i d e , a n d D r . M a r t i n L u t h e r Ki n g , J r . P a r k s Ma n a g e r ’ s M e e t i n g : T h u r s d a y F e b r u a r y 1 8 @ 6 p . m . M A N D A T O R Y A T T E N D A N C E Lo c a t i o n s : D r . M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , J r . C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r 10 0 0 S O U T H O W E N S S T . LE A G U E C A P 1 8 0 T E A M M A X 7 2 C O E D 1 0 2 M E N ’ S 6 W O M E N ’ S • Tw o n i g h t s a r e r e q u i r e d . • Coe d t e a m s m u s t b e p r e p a r e d t o p l a y Mo nd a y & T u e s d a y • Me n ’ s t e a m s m u s t b e p r e p a r e d t o p l a y Wedn e s d a y - F r i d a y . • Wo m e n ’ s m u s t b e p r e p a r e d t o p l a y o n Th ur s d a y . • Re c r e a t i o n & P a r k s r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o p l a c e t e a m s i n d i v i s i o n s t o m a i n t a i n t h e q u a l i t y o f c o m p e t i t i o n . • Te a m s a c c e p t e d o n a f i r s t c o m e , f i r s t s e r v e d b a s i s . • No t e a m w i l l b e a c c e p t e d a f t e r t h e r e g i s t r a t i o n d e a d l in e u n l e s s ne e d e d t o b a l a n c e l e a g u e s o r m a i n t a i n d i v i s i o n e q u i t y . Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t : De p a r t m e n t o f R e c r e a t i o n & P a r k s 66 1 - 3 2 6 - F U N N ( 3 8 6 6 )