HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3694ORDINANCE NO. ~ 6 9 4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE AND ZONING MAPS 103-28 AND 103-29 BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF 19.4 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF MONTEREY AVENUE, BETWEEN KING STREET ON THE WEST AND WILLIAMS STREET ON THE EAST FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE TO LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING ZONE. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a petition to change the land use zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield generally located on the north and south sides of Monterey Avenue, between King Street on the west and Williams Street on the east; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 66-95 on September 21, 1995, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of an ordinance amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code to approve a change from Neighborhood Commercial to Limited Multiple Family Dwelling as delineated on attached Zoning Map Nos. 103-28 and 103-29 marked Exhibit "B", by this Council and this Council has fully considered the recommendations made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as a result of said hearing, did make several general and specific findings of fact which warranted a negative declaration of environmental impact and changes in zoning of the subject property from Neighborhood Commercial to Limited Multiple Family Dwelling and the Council has considered said findings and all appear to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations, as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff, Planning Commission and this Council; and WHEREAS, a Negative Declaration was advertised and posted on August 4, 1995, in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, the general plan designation for this area allows High Medium Density Residential development; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. All required public notices have been given. 2. The provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been followed. environment. The proposed project will not have a significant effect on the 4. The proposed zoning classification is compatible with existing surrounding zoning and land uses. 5. No substantial commercial development has occurred within the site since the prior rezoning of the area from residential in 1987. SECTION 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDA1NED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: All of the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. 2. The Negative Declaration is hereby approved and adopted. 3. Section 17.06.020 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended by changing the land use zoning of that certain property in said City, the boundaries of which property is shown on Zoning Map Nos. 103-28 and 103-29 marked Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and are more specifically described in attached Exhibit "C". Segment II. Such zone change is hereby made subject to approval of GPA 3-95, SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ......... 000 ......... 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on DEC 1 3 ioooo$ , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIlMEMBER BeMOND, CARSON. SMITH, McBERMOrr, ROWLES, SULUVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCh.[~E~,~DEP .... ~k.],,,,~ ~. ABSTAIN: COUNClLMEMSER P,.[t.'3 ~ ~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER t\ I ~ ~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED DEC 1 3 lffi~ / BO MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: JUDY SKOUSEN CITY ATTORNEY BY: CARL HERNANDEZ DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY MJM November 30, 1995 res\o395s2.cc 3 ~0~ ~28 m CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD ZONING MAP LEGEND 103 - 2 9 m CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ZONING MAP SEC 2~ T 295 LEGEND EXHIBIT "C" Zone Change No. 5655 FROM A C-I (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) TO AN R-2 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) ZONE: Those pomons of Blocks in the City of Bakersfield. Kern County, California. as lots and bloc~ are shown on ~'Map ot Kera~' filed for record April 10, 1893, ia Map Book 1, Page 53 in the offiee~f the Kern Count~ Recorder. being descr/bed as follows: 1) Lots 2) Lots 3) Lots 4) Lots 5) Lots 24 th/ough 32. Block 26 27 thsuugh 32. Block 27 17 through 32. Block 28 17 through 32. Block 29 17 through 32. Block 30 6) Lots 17 through 32, Block 31 7) Lots 17 through 24 and the remainder portions of Lot 25 through 31, Block 32 and flint portion of vacated alley right of way in said block per City Resolution No. 111-86 8) Lots I through 16. Block 33 9) Lots I through 16. Block 34 10) Lots I through 16. Block 35 11) Lots I through 16: Block 36 12) Lots I through 16. Block 37 13) Lots I through 11 and the remainder portions of Lots 12 through 16. Block 38 14) Remainder portion of Lot I and all of Lots 2 through 9. Block 39 15) Lots I7 through 32. Block 167 16) Lots I through 16. Block I70 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Kern ) CAROL WILLIAMS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 14th day of December, 1995 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Bakersfield City Council at a December, 1995, and entitled: Ordinance No. 3694, passed by the meeting held on the 13th day of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE AND ZONING MAPS 103-28 AND 103-29 BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF 19.4 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF MONTEREY AVENUE, BETWEEN KING STREET ON THE WEST AND WILLIAMS STREET ON THE EAST FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE TO LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING ZONE /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield DEPUTY City Clerk