HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel 4 PM 6972 Sewer Study - Signed LetterAllen & Meacham Commercial Project SEWER STUDY 2 Objective The primary objective of this analysis is to quantify the sewage discharge from the proposed commercial development Existing Facilities The site is located outside City of Bakersfield’s limits - within Kern County’s jurisdiction and is currently undeveloped. It is bound on the west by single-family residences, on the north by a single residence with M-1 zoning, on the east by Allen Road, and on the south by San Joaquin Veterinary Hospital. An existing 18” sewer main line runs along Allen Road with an 8” sewer stub to the west to serve this site. The existing Allen Road sewer line is owned and maintained by the City of Bakersfield. As part of the CSA 71 agreement and the sewer will serve letter provided by the City of Bakersfield, the City has agreed to serve this County property. Proposed Project The zoning for the site is Office Commercial (CO). The 6.25 net acre site will consist of 4 – 6,000 sf office buildings adjacent to Allen Road and 3 – 12,600 sf office buildings along the west boundary. Design The proposed development will be served by the 18” sewer located in Allen Road with two connection points (see Sewer Study Exhibit). The southern point of connection has an existing 8” sewer line stubbed to the west. The northern point of connection will have to be at the existing manhole. Sewer lines onsite were designed according to the 2013 California Plumbing Code. The total peak sewage discharge generated by the proposed project was determined using the City of Bakersfield’s Subdivision Design Manual for commercial development. The equation for peak discharge for a commercial land use is 0.010 cfs/gross acres. Results The peak discharge generated by the proposed project is 0.075 cfs. An 8-inch pipe flowing at eight-tenths depth at a slope of 0.5% can convey 1.0 cfs. Allen & Meacham Commercial Project SEWER STUDY 3 Vicinity Map ________________________________ ____________________________________________________________Not to Scale COMMERCIAL PROJECT SE W E R S T U D Y Al l e n & M e a c h a m C o m m e r c i a l P r o j e c t Mi n i m u m V e l o c i t y F u l l : 2 Ma n i n i n g s " n " : 0 . 0 1 1 Gr o s s Cu m u l a t . P e a k T o t a l SE R V I C E L a n d D e n s i t y A r e a E . D . U . A v e r a g e A v e r a g e A v e . R e s . P e a k F l o w D e s i g n AR E A U s e D U / A C a c r e s c f s / a c F l o w , c f s F l o w , c f s F a c t o r c f s F l o w , c f s St u b C G N / A 7 . 5 0 0. 0 4 2 0 1 . 8 0 0 0 . 0 7 5 Co n n e c t i o n i n t o E x i s t . 1 8 " P V C o n A l l e n R o a d > > > 0.075 Ap r i l 7 , 2 0 1 6 CO M M E R C I A L Z O N I N G Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Thursday, Apr 7 2016 8-inch Sewer Flowing at 0.8 Depth Circular Diameter (ft)= 0.67 Invert Elev (ft)= 100.00 Slope (%)= 0.50 N-Value= 0.011 Calculations Compute by:Known Depth Known Depth (ft)= 0.54 Highlighted Depth (ft)= 0.54 Q (cfs)= 1.000 Area (sqft)= 0.30 Velocity (ft/s)= 3.31 Wetted Perim (ft)= 1.48 Crit Depth, Yc (ft)= 0.48 Top Width (ft)= 0.54 EGL (ft)= 0.71 0 1 Elev (ft)Section 99.75 100.00 100.25 100.50 100.75 101.00 Reach (ft)