HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/16 CC MINUTESBA ° BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL o MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 4, 2016 ieo Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Tnu tun Avenue Regular Meeting- 5:15 p.m. REGULAR MEETING -5:15 p.m. ACTION TAKEN 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Hall, Councilmembers Rivera, Maxwell, Smith, Sullivan, Porter Absent: Vice -Mayor Hanson, Counclimember Weir City Clerk Gafford announced a staff memorandum was received requesting item 8.1, be removed from the agenda. 2. INVOCATION by Dr. Danielle Wright, Freedom Worship Center. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Nevoeh Herrera, 3rd grade student at Princeton Elementary School In Delano. Mayor Hall acknowledged students from the California State University Bakersfield Public Administration Political Science class and Liberty High School Government in attendance at the meeting to learn about City government. 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation by Mayor Hall of two AED unitk to Wastewater Manager Zac Meyer, and one ED unit to Water Resources Manager Art Chianello, for installation in their respective locations. Water Resources Manager Chianello and Wastewater Manager Zac Meyer made staff comments. A ?544 5 4 5 Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 2 4. PRESENTATIONS continued ACTION TAKEN b. Presentation by Mayor Hall of a Proclamation to ] Adam Kohler, Bike Bakersfield Program J Manager, declaring May 2016 Bike Month, and May 20, 2016, Bike to Work Day. Mr. Kohler accepted the Proclamation and made comments. C. Presentation by Mayor Hall of a plaque to Don Lucas, owner of Don Lucas Jewelry, recognizing the company's beautification efforts. Mr. Lucas accepted the plaque and made comments. 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a. G.J. Zala, from the Best Western HIII House, spoke regarding increased crime and vandalism In the downtown area; stated it is affecting the image of his business and the City; and requested the City's help with the situation. b. Savannah Gonzalez and Nicole Bernal, Liberty High School government class students, spoke regarding "Backing the Blue ", a project to honor local Law Enforcement; will hold a window decorating contest that will coincide with the National Memorial Police Week from May 15th through May 21 n, partnering with the Bakersfield Police Department to decorate trees along Chester Avenue with blue ribbon and lights; and stated anyone that is interested In making a donation can visit their Go Fund Me page at www.00fundme.com/12robackingtheblkje Councilmember Sullivan announced a lighting ceremony for the Chester Avenue trees will be held in front of Rabobank Arena on Monday, May 16th at 5:00 p.m. G ?546 Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 3 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN C. Marvin Dean, on behalf of the Kern Minority Contractors and San Joaquin Valley High Speed Rail Association, thanked Mayor for his many years of service to the City: spoke in support of the High Speed Rail; Invited everyone to attend the 9m Annual Public Contracting Conference between May 10' through May 13' ; requested participation from City staff and Councilmembers; and submitted written material. 6. WORKSHOPS a. FY 2016 -17 Proposed Budget Overview, City Manager Tandy made staff comments. Assistant City Manager Huot made additional staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Finance Director Smith presented the overview of General Fund revenues for the next fiscal year and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Councilmember Maxwell stated he will submit his questions to staff in writing; and asked staff to provide information on the federal asset forfeiture and how that has affected the money being received currently and why it is going into the general fund instead of leaving with the Police Department. Councilmember Rivera requested staff provide the dollar amounts of the Federal funds and the City's matching funds, for budgeted construction projects that are being carried over, during the Public Works budget presentation. Councilmember Rivera requested staff provide him with details on the proposal and cosh associated with using Socrata as the vendor for the open budget platform. ?547 a Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 4 APPOINTMENTS ACTION TAKEN None. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the April 20, 2016, Regular City Council Meetings. Payments: b. Receive and file department payments from April 8, 2016 to April 21, 2016, in the amount of $14,501,842.98, Self Insurance payments from April 8, 2016 to April 21, 2016, in the amount of $345,930.86 totaling, $14,847,773.84. Ordinances: Resolutions C. Resolution authorizing the submittal of RES066 -16 applications for payment programs for Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery ( "CalRecycle ") Grants for Fiscal Years 2015/16 through 2020/21. d. Resolution confirming approval by the City RES 067.16 Manager designee of the Chief Code Enforcement Officer's report regarding assessments of certain properties in the City for which structures have been secured against entry or for the abatement of certain weeds, debris and waste matter and the demolishment of dangerous buildings and authorizing collection of the assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. e. Resolutions adding the following territories to the Consolidated Maintenance District and approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works Director's Report for each: Area 3 -101 (5001 Llsa Marie Court) - RES068 -16 Ward 6 j 8. I 0 Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 5 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ITEM 8.e. CONTINUED 2. Area 4 -144 (Ralston Street & Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard) - Ward 1 & Area 4 -145 (2115 -2125 18Th Street) - Ward 2 4. Area 4 -146 (901 18th Street) - Ward 2 f. Resolution to form a Traffic Signal Maintenance District designated as TS -26 (northwest corner of Morning Drive and Highland Knolls Drive) and approving, confirming, and adopting the Public Works Director's Report. g, Resolution of Intention No. 1876 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving the Public Works Director's Report for the Consolidated Maintenance District ( "CMD" herein) and the 2016 -2017 budget and setting the time and place for hearing protests regarding the amount of park landscaping assessments to be levied throughout the CMD. Resolution of Intention No. 1877 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving the Public Works Director's Report for the Consolidated Maintenance District ( "CMD" herein) and the 2016 -2017 budget and setting the time and place for hearing protests regarding the amount of street and median landscaping assessments to be levied throughout the CMD. Resolution of Intention No. 1878 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving the Public Works Director's Report for twenty (20) Traffic Signal Maintenance Districts ( "TSMD" herein) and their 2016 -2017 budgets and setting the time and place for hearing protests on the amount of Traffic Signal assessments to be levied for each TSMD. ?546 ACTION TAKEN RES 069 -16 RES 070 -16 RES 071 -I6 RES 072 -16 R01 1876 I:N]IF)II R01 1878 ?549 Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 6 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Agreements: j. Agreement with the Housing Authority of the AGR 16 -080 County of Kern (HACK) for $1,500,000 U.S. Department of Housing (HUD) HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds for the rehabilitation of affordable housing units located at 601 36m Street and 1420 Monterey Street. k. Final Map for Tract 6297 Phase 5, located north AGR 16 -081 of Redbank Road between S. Oswell Street and S. Sterling Road, I. Amendment to Ming Lake Temporary Service REMOVED FROM Agreement with County of Kern for AGENDA replenishment of water. M. Amendment No. 3 to Agreement No. 13 -091 AGR 13- 091(3) with Safeway Sign Co. ($75,000; revised not to exceed $260,893.40 and extend term one year), to continue the supply of traffic signs. n. Contract Change Order Nos. 1, 12, 15, 17, 18, AGR 15.094 19, 20 and 21 to Agreement No. 15-094 with CCO 1, CCO 1$ Granite Construction Company ($12,683.36; CCO 15, CCO 17, CCO 18, CCO 19, revised not to exceed $22,365,091.36; change CCO 20, CCO 21 orders funded with Federal Earmark Funds {88.53 %} and Capital Outlay Utility /Roads Fund 111.47 %1) for the State Route 178 Widening Construction Project (TRIP), Property Acquisition Agreements - TRIP: o. Agreement with Cheryl Ann Hyde -Reid AGR 16 -082 ($170,000) to purchase real property located at DEED 8420 128 Dunlap Street for the Centennial Corridor Project. p. Agreement with Sajid and Melanle Miller AGR 16 -083 ($257,000) to purchase real property located at DEED 8421 4300 La Mirada Drive for the Centennial Corridor Project. k j J Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 7 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN q. Agreement with FANNIE MAE ($137,000) to AGR 16 -084 purchase real property located at 105 Morrison DEED 8422 Street for the Centennial Corridor Project. Bids: Accept bid from Zones, Incorporated ($46,61474), for Ubiquiti Wireless Equipment for the City's Communication Network. Accept bid from Turf Star, Incorporated ($170,783.04) for the purchase of three replacement riding mulching wide area lawn mowers for use by the Recreation and Parks Department, Miscellaneous: Appropriate $8,640 contributions from the Bakersfield Foundation to the Police Department Operating Budget within the General Fund for the purchase of a Police Canine. U. Appropriate $12,000 in Transportation Development Act - Article 3 grant funds to install bicycle parking rocks In the downtown area to the Public Works Department's Capital Improvement budget within the Bikeway and Pedestrian Pathway Fund. V. Appropriate $720,878 Federal Grant funds from the USDA Forest Service and the USDI Bureau of Land Management and $125,931 State Grant funds from the California Office of Emergency Services to the Fire Department Operating budget within the General Fund for reimbursement of personnel and equipment costs on state -wide master mutual aid assignments. I 2550 2551 a Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 6 CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN W. North Beltway - 7th Standard Road Cleanup Actions: 1. Appropriate $1,116,161 County Local TRIP funds to the North Beltway project; 2. Appropriate $1,116,161 Federal Beltway Earmark funds to the Centennial Corridor Project; and 3. Appropriate $1,696,624 Federal Beltway Earmark funds to the Centennial Corridor Project. Successor Agency Business: City Clerk Gafford announced a staff memorandum was received requesting item 81 be removed from the agenda. Councilmember Parlier requested item 81 be removed for separate consideration. Mohan by Councilmember Smith to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar items 8.a. through 8.w. with the removal of AB HANSON, WEIR item S. I., and separate consideration of item 8. t. f. Appropriate $8,640 contributions from the Bakersfield Foundation to the Police Department Operating Budget within the General Fund for the purchase of a Pollce Canine. Motion by Councilmember Padier to adopt APPROVED Consent Calendar item 81 AB HANSON, WEIR CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS None. k' J Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 — Page 9 ?55Z 10. HEARINGS [' a. Budget and Finance Committee Report i�1 regarding FY2016 -17 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG - $3,260,214), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME - $1,088,202), Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV /AIDS (HOPWA - $384,538) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG - $287,896) Annual Action Plan submittal (Total - $5,043,930), and HOPWA Amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2020. City Clerk Gafford announced a staff memorandum was received transmitting public comments received during the 30-day review period Community Development Director Mclsaac made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Hearing opened at 6:46 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing closed at 6:47 p.m. Councilmember Rivera requested staff provide him with the payoff dates for the remaining two HUD Section 108 loans. Councilmember Rivera requested staff coordinate with the County on installing LED lighting on Virginia Street. Councilmember Rivera requested staff contact Virginia Elementary School regarding the application process for CDBG funds to construct a shade structure on the school playground. Councilmember Rivera requested staff meet with him to revisit the Council Policy regarding inhabited City annexations and formulate a plan to move forward with the annexation of the larger County pockets of land within southeast Bakersfield. ACTION TAKEN 755'1 Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 -Page 10 10. HEARINGS Continued ACTIONTAKEN Councilmember Maxwell requested staff look into increasing the number of sheet lights in the Westchester and Oleander areas in order to provide citizens with a better sense of security. Motion by Councilmember Smith to accept the APPROVED report and authorize the City Manager to AS HANSON, WEIR execute all necessary documents required to submit the Annual Action Plan and HOPWA Consolidated Plan Amendment to HUD. 11. REPORTS None. 12. DEFERRED BUSINESS None. 13. NEW BUSINESS None. 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Councilmember Maxwell commended the Police Department for speaking at a recent neighborhood watch meeting and providing information on the number of officers that cover the "Hill Division ",, and requested staff provide the Council with a schedule which shows how many police officers are scheduled during shifts and the geographical areas they cover, including the size of those areas. Councilmember Smith thanked Mayor Hall for sponsoring the Employee Appreciation Breakfast and feels blessed to have employees that do their best to make our community a better place. Councilmember Smith expressed his appreciation for the approval of the appropriation of grant funds to install bicycle parking racks in the downtown area. j i F Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 11 2,554 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN Councilmember Fortier thanked Mayor Hall, staff, and his colleagues, for their support and service at the Employee Appreciation Breakfast. Councilmember Poster thanked Solid Waste Director Barnes and staff for assistance in cleaning up an area off of Coventry Drive, and removing illegally dumped couches, mattresses, and pallets. Councilmember Fortier stated an elderly gentleman with medical issues reached out to him for help with his property; thanked the "Adopt a Block" group from Valley Bible Fellowship Church and City staff for removing several bins of trash; and thanked staff for providing him with information regarding County services that can further assist him. Councilmember Porter thanked all the sponsors of the 4m of July Fireworks show at The Park at Riverwalk; stated Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Southern California Gas Company have recently made commitments to help support the fireworks display; and stated Haddad Dodge also expressed interest in sponsoring the event. Councilmember Sullivan also thanked Mayor Hall for sponsoring the Employee Appreciation Breakfast. Councilmember Sullivan stated she feels strongly in favor of working toward the elimination of the County pockets within the City limits; and requested staff provide the Council with an overview of the annexation process and the probability of annexing the remaining County pockets of land into the City. Mayor Hall expressed his appreciation to Vice -Mayor Hanson for filling in for him at the last Council meeting. Mayor Hall stated the 15TH Anniversary of the Great American Cleanup Day was on April 231°; was very pleased with participation by Vice -Mayor Hanson and Councilmembers Sullivan, Parlier, Weir, Smith, and Maxwell; the Executive Director for Keep America Beautiful was in attendance; and thanked staff and the Is Great American Cleanup Committee for their help with the event. 55 ti Bakersfield, California, May 4, 2016 - Page 12 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN Mayor Hall stated he feels honored to contribute three AED units to the City tonight and is happy to hear the staff is continuing education to become certified in CPR, First Aid, and AED's. 15. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hall adjourned the meetin at 7:07 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfie d, CA ATTEST:: , %� % - 16 eJ4 d CITY CLERK and Ex Offi i Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield J