HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoil Sample 2-9-16February 9,2016 Mr. Mike Wannes Hungry’s Market 3711 Mount Vernon Avenue Bakersfield, California 93306 PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT FORHUNGRY’S MARKET 3711 MOUNT VERNON AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (BFDPSD PERMIT NO. 15-10000661) Dear Mr. Wannes: VVEIR Corp is pleased to present the following PreliminarySiteAssessment Report(PSAR)for the assessmentactivities being performed at the Hungry’s Market(site). On October 28, 2015, the 10,000-gallon, premium grade gasoline, single-walled fiberglass underground storage tank (UST), which is equipped with U-tube type secondary containment, failed an integrity test. Subsequently repairs were performed on the UST and the tank passed a retest. The Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention ServicesDepartment (BFDPSD)requested that soil samples be collected beneath the invert of the UST under the location where the repairs were performed in order to assess whether a petroleum release has impacted the subsurface beneath the UST. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located at 3711 Mount Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, Kern County, California(see Figure 1 – Site Location Map). The site is located within the commercial district that flanks Mount Vernon Avenue. The site is identified as Kern County Assessor’sParcel Number 382-020-01.The site is at an elevation of 700 feet above mean sea level, and the topography is relatively flat with a slight slope to the south, toward the ancient Kern Lake bed. The site is located within thenorthwest quarter of Section15, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. Located at the site are three 10,000-gallon USTs,two multiple product dispensers on single island, and associated product and vapor recovery piping (see Figure 2 –Plot Plan). The USTs are used to storegasoline and diesel fuels. The sitecontact is Mr. Mike Wannes, Hungry’s Market, 3711 Mount Vernon Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93307,(661) 722-4000. The environmental consultant is Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, VEIR Corp,3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A, Bakersfield, California, 93308, (661) 631-8347. The Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Departmentcontact is Mr. Kris Karnes, Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services, 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 401, Bakersfield, California 93301, (661) 326-3979. Mr. Mike Wannes Hungry’s Market February 9, 2016-Page 2 BACKGROUND TOPOGRAPHY The site is located at an elevation of 700 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the southwesttoward the ancient Kern Lake bed. The subject site is located within the San Joaquin Valley, approximately 15 miles west of the Sierra Nevada, 30 miles east of the Temblor Range, and 30 miles north of the San Egmidio Range. GEOLOGY The subject site is located on the eastern flank of the San Joaquin Valley and west of the southern SierraNevada. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley is composed primarily of unconsolidated Pleistocene (1.6 million to 11,000 years ago) and Recent (11,000 years ago to the present) alluvial sediments. Beneath the alluvial sediments are older, predominantly lake-bed deposits. These lie unconformably on Mio-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at a depth of approximately 50,000 fbg. At the subject site, surface deposits consist of Quaternary (recent) unconsolidated alluvium overlying Quaternary (Pleistocene) nonmarine sediments. Geologic deposits in the study area include Pleistocene alluvial sediments that form a homocline dipping gently to the southwest. The deposits are alluvium consisting of indurated and dissected fan deposits (CaliforniaDivision of Mines and Geology, 1965, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet). Thealluvium consists of coarse-grained sandsand gravels, with intervals of finer grained, sandy silts and minor development of clayoverbank deposits. Surface soils are classified by the Soils Conservation Services as Cajon sandy loam with high permeability. HYDROGEOLOGY The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley is a north-south-trending valley, approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is known as the San Joaquin Valley. Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers, the closest to the site being the Kern River. The subject site is located approximately one milesouth of the Kern River. The depth to the regional, unconfined aquifer is in excess of 300 fbg, and the groundwater gradient is to the southwest. There are several municipal water supply wells located within a mile of the site. The groundwater is considered to be potable and suitable for beneficial use. None of the municipal wells are located within a 1,000-foot radius of the site. Mr. Mike Wannes Hungry’s Market February 9, 2016-Page 3 PRELIMINARYSITE ASSESSMENT The intent of thesite assessment wastoevaluate whether petroleum hydrocarbons were released from the premium grade UST byslant drillingasoil boringfrom a surface location north end of theUST to a bottomhole location beneath the invert of the UST under the location where the repairs were performed (see Figure 2for the soil boringlocation).Prior to any intrusive methods being conducted atthe site, UndergroundService Alert wasutilized to map out the underground structures. Based on the clearances obtained, VVEIR Corp sitedthe soil boringina safe location. On January 19, 2016,VEIR Corp drilledsoil boringB-1using a Mobile B-53™ hollow-stem auger dri ll rig. The surface location was six feet to the north of the premium grade UST and the boring was slant drilled for 30 linear feet at 22.5 degree to the south to a bottom hole location beneath the invert at north end of the UST where the repairs had been performed (see Figure 2). During the drilling process, soil cuttings, as well as each soil sample, wasfield-screened for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a photoionization detector (PID) calibrated to 100 ppmv isobutylene, and observations will be made for the visual identification of any soil staining or discoloration(see Attachment 1 for the Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures). Soils wereclassified according to the Unified Soil Classification System by an experienced environmental geologist under the direct supervision of a State of California professional geologist, and all data wasrecorded ona log of exploratory boring(see Attachment 2 for the Log of Exploratory Boring). Soil samples were stored in stainless steelsleeves, which werewrapped in Teflon®, followed by close-fitting plastic caps, and held at a temperature of 4°C while in the field andin transit to the laboratory. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals, and selected soil samples were analyzed for TPHas gasoline using EPA Method 8015M and BTEX,MTBE,TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, and 1,2-DCAusing EPA Method 8260B.Soilsencountered during drilling included well gradedsands and gravel with cobbles up to eight inches in diameter.Groundwater was notencountered while drilling. TPHas gasoline,BTEX,MTBE,TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, and1,2-DCA werenotdetected in the soil samples collected from thesoil boring, which collaborated the field screening performed during the drilling and soil sampling(see Table 1 –Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results and Attachment 3for the Laboratory Report). CONCLUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the results of thepreliminarysite assessment petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the northern end of the premium grade UST.VEIR Corp recommends that the BFDPSD issue a no further action determination in association with the repairs made to the premium grade UST. LEGEND FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP MIKE WANNES HUNGRY’S MARKET 3177 MOUNT VERNON AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA VEIR Corp SITE LOCATION FIGURE 2 - PLOT PLAN LEGEND MIKE WANNES HUNGRY’S MARKET 3711 MOUNT VERNON AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA VEIR Corp 10,000-GALLON USTS 0 7.515 1 inch = 15 ft. ( IN FEET ) DISPENSERS HUNGRY’S MARKET SOIL BORING LOCATION B-1 BOTTOM HOLE LOCATION BO R I N G NU M B E R DA T E SA M P L E D D E P T H SA M P L E ID TP H A S GA S O L I N E B E N Z E N E T O L U E N E ET H Y L - BE N Z E N E TO T A L XY L E N E S M T B E T B A D I P E E T B E T A M E E D B 1 , 2 - D C A (f b g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g/ k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) ( m g / k g ) R E F EP A A N A L Y T I C A L M E T H O D 8 0 1 5 ( M ) N/ A B- 1 1 - 1 9 - 1 6 2 5 B - 1 - 2 5 N D ( < 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0. 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 2 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D (< 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) A 1- 1 9 - 1 6 3 0 B - 1 - 3 0 N D ( < 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 01 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 2 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 .0 0 1 ) N D ( < 0 . 0 0 1 ) A RE F = R e p o r t r e f e r e n c e . N / A = N o t ap p l i c a b l e . N D = N o t d e t e c t e d . So i l b o r i n g B - 1 w a s s l a n t d r i l l e d a t a n a n g l e o f 2 2 . 5 d e g r e e s t o a b o t t o m h o l e l o c a t i o n b e n e a t h t h e i n v e r t a t t h e n o r t h e n d o f t h e p r e m i u m g r a d e u n l ea d e d g a s o l i n e t a n k . A = V E I R C o r p ' s c u r r e n t r e p o r t . TA B L E 1 . SU M M A R Y O F S O I L S A M P L E A N A L Y T I C A L R E S U L T S HU N G R Y ' S M A R K E T , 3 7 1 1 M O U N T V E R N O N A V E N U E , B A K E R S F I E L D , C A L I F O R NI A 80 2 1 / 8 2 6 0 ATTACHMENT 1. SOIL BORING AND SAMPLINGPROCEDURES REVISED 1/1/10 VEIR CORP’S STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES PRE-DRILLING PROTOCOL Prior to the start of drilling, necessary permits, site access agreements, and/or encroachment permits are obtained. "As-built" drawings are obtained if possible. At least 48 hours prior to drilling, Underground Service Alert or an equivalent utility notification service is notified. A geophysical survey may be conducted to locate subsurface utilities. Site plans and/or "as-built" drawings are compared to actual conditions observed at the site. The property owner/retailer is interviewed to gain information about locations of former UST systems (including dispensers, product lines, and vent lines). A visual inspection is made of the locations of the existing UST system, and scars and patches in pavement are noted. The emergency shut-off switch is located for safety purposes. The critical zone, which is defined as 10 feet from any part of the UST system, is identified, and any proposed drilling locations within the critical zone may be subject to special hole clearance techniques. Drilling locations within the critical zone are avoided if possible. Notifications are made at least 2 weeks in advance of drilling to the property owner, client representative, on-site facility manager, regulatory agency, and/or other appropriate parties. A site-specific, worker health and safety plan for the site is available on site at all times during drilling activities. Prior to commencing drilling, a health and safety meeting is held among all on-site personnel involved in the drilling operation, including subcontractors and visitors, and is documented with a health and safety meeting sign-in form. A traffic control plan is developed prior to the start of any drilling activities for both on-site and off-site drilling operations. The emergency shut-off switch for the service station is located prior to the start of the drilling activities. A fire extinguisher and "No Smoking" signs (and Proposition 65 signs in California) are present at the site prior to the start of the drilling activities. The first drilling location is the one located furthest from any suspected underground improvements in order to determine the natural subsurface conditions, to be able to better recognize fill conditions, and to prevent cross contamination. For monitoring wells, a 2 x 2-foot square or 2-foot diameter circle is the minimum removal. For soil borings and push-type samplers, the minimum pavement removal is 8-inches. When pea gravel, sand, or other non-indigenous material is encountered, the drilling location will be abandoned unless the absence of subsurface facilities can be demonstrated and client approval to proceed is obtained. If hole clearance activities are conducted prior to the actual day of drilling, the clearance holes are covered with plates and/or backfilled. The minimum hole clearance depths are 4 feet below grade (fbg) outside the critical zone and 8 fbg within the critical zone and are conducted as follows: VEIR Corp’s Standard Operating Procedures for Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Page 2 REVISED 1/1/10 • 0 to 4 fbg: The area to be cleared exceeds the diameter of the largest tool to be advanced and is sufficiently large enough to allow for visual inspection of any obstructions encountered. The first 1 to 2 feet is delineated by hand digging to remove the soil, then the delineated area is probed to ensure that no obstructions exist anywhere near the potential path of the drill auger or push-type sampler. Probing is extended laterally as far as possible. Hand augering or post-hole digging then proceeds, but only to the depth that has been probed. If subsurface characteristics prohibit effective probing, a hand auger is carefully advanced past the point of probing. In this case, sufficient hand augering or post-hole digging is performed to remove all the soil in the area to be delineated. For soil borings located outside of the critical zone, an attempt should be made to probe an additional 4 feet. • 4 to 8 fbg: For the soil borings located inside the critical zone, probing and hand clearing an additional 4 feet is performed. If probing is met with refusal, then trained personnel advance a hand auger without excessive force. An alternate or additional subsurface clearance procedures may also be employed, as required by clients, permit conditions, and/or anticipated subsurface conditions (for example, near major utility corridors or in hard soils). Alternate clearance techniques may include performing a geophysical investigation or using an air knife or water knife. If subsurface conditions prevent adequate subsurface clearance, the drilling operation is ceased until the client approves a procedure for proceeding in writing. If any portion of the UST system is encountered, or if there is any possibility that it has been encountered, the work ceases, and the client is notified immediately. If there is reason to believe that the product system has been damaged, the emergency shut-off switch is activated. The client will decide if additional uncovering by hand is required. If it is confirmed that the UST system has been encountered, tightness tests are performed. The hole is backfilled only with client approval. DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES Soil boring are drilled using one of the following methods: x Manual drilling: Manual drilling utilizes a 2-inch-OD, hand auger manufactured by Xitech Industries, Art’s Manufacturing Company, or similar equipment. Soil samples are collected with a drive sampler, which is outfitted with 1.5-inch by 3-inch steel or brasssleeves. The specific equipment used is noted on a soil boring log. x Truck-mounted, powered drilling: Truck-mounted, powered drilling utilizes hollow-stem flight auger drilling, air rotary drilling, or percussion hammer drilling, or similar technologies. Soil samples are collected in steel or brasssleeves with a California-modified, split-spoon sampler or, for specific projects, a continuous sampler. The specific equipment used is noted on a soil boring log. VEIR Corp’s Standard Operating Procedures for Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Page 3 REVISED 1/1/10 x Direct push sampling: Direct push sampling utilizes Geoprobes®, cone penetrometer testing rigs, or similar technologies. Soil samples are collected with a drive sampler, which is outfitted with steel or brasssleeves. The specific equipment used is noted on a soil boring log. Before each soil sampling episode, the sampling equipment is decontaminated using a non-phosphate soap wash, a tap-water rinse, and a deionized water rinse. The drill string is decontaminated with a steam cleaner between each soil boring (truck-mounted rigs). Soil samples that are collected in steel or brasssleeves are covered with aluminum foil or Teflon™ tape followed by plastic caps. If EPA Method 5035 is required, then 5 to 20 grams of soil is extracted from the sample and placed in methanol-preserved containers supplied by the laboratory, or sub samples are collected using Encore® samplers. During the drilling process, soil samples and cuttings are field screened for VOCs using a photoionization detector calibrated to 100 parts per million by volume isobutylene. Any soil staining or discoloration is visually identified. Soils are classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Specific geologic and hydrogeologic information collected includes grading, plasticity, density, stiffness, mineral composition, moisture content, soil structure, grain size, degree of rounding, and other features that could affect contaminant transport. All data is recorded on a soil boring log under the supervision of a geologist registered in the state in which the site is located. The samples are labeled, sealed, recorded on a chain-of-custody record, and chilled to 4°C in accordance with the procedures outlined in the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Field Manual and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization Manual. Sample preservation, handling, and transportation procedures are consistent with VEIR Corp’s quality assurance/quality control procedures. The samples are transported in a chilled container to a state-certified, hazardous waste testing laboratory. Cuttings from the soil borings are stored in 55-gallon, Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved drums, roll-off bins, or other appropriate containers, as approved by the client. Each container is labeled with the number of the soil boring(s) from which the waste was derived, the date the waste was generated, and other pertinent information. The drums are stored at the site of generation until sample laboratory analytical results are obtained, at which time the soil is disposed of appropriately. A soil boring log is completed for each soil boring and includes the following minimum information: • date of drilling; • location of soil boring; • project name and location; • soil sample names and depths; • soil descriptions and classifications; • standard penetration counts (rigs); VEIR Corp’s Standard Operating Procedures for Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Page 4 REVISED 1/1/10 • photoionization detector readings; • drilling equipment; • soil boring diameter; • sampling equipment; • depth to groundwater in soil boring; • name of person performing logging; • name of supervising registered geologist; and • name of drilling company (rigs and direct push). SOIL BORING COMPLETION PROCEDURES All soil borings are either properly abandoned or completed as a well. Abandonment Each soil boring that is not completed as a well is backfilled with bentonite grout, neat cement, concrete, or bentonite chips with a permeability less than that of the surrounding soils, and/or soil cuttings, depending on local regulatory requirements or client instructions. Grout is placed by the tremie method. Backfilling is performed carefully to avoid bridging.The type of backfill material is noted on the soil boring log. Well Installation Wells are designed according to applicable state and local regulations as well as project needs. Details of the well design and construction are recorded on the soil boring log and include the following minimum information (in addition to the items noted above for soil borings): • detailed drawing of well; • type of well (groundwater, vadose, or air sparging); • casing diameter and material; • screen slot size; • well depth and screen length (±1 foot); • filter pack material, size, and placement depths; • annular seal material and placement depths; • surface seal design/construction; • well location (±5 feet); and • well development procedures. Groundwater monitoring wells are generally designed with 30 feet of slotted casing centered on the water table, unless site conditions, project needs, or local regulations dictate a different well design. The sand pack is placed at least two feet above the top of the screen, and at least 3 feet of low permeability seal material is placed between the sand pack and the surface seal. The sand pack and low permeability seal material are placed in the annular space from the bottom up using the tremie method. When drilling in VEIR Corp’s Standard Operating Procedures for Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Page 5 REVISED 1/1/10 asphalt, a 24-inch round cut is made for the well pad. When drilling on concrete, a 2 x 2-foot square is sawcut. The well cover is traffic-rated and has a white lid with a black triangle painted on it (3 inches per side) or a black lid with a white triangle (3 inches per side). The completed well pad should is concrete of matching color with the existing surface. The well number is labeled on the outside of the well box/pad and the inside of the well box. The number on the outside is painted on with a stencil, stamped, or attached to the well with a metal plate. The number on the inside is written on the well cap with waterproof ink. The casing has a notch or indication on its north side indicating a unique measuring/surveying point. Well development is conducted by simple pumping if bridging of the screen does not occur. If bridging occurs, well surging is conducted for adequate well production. Well surging is created by the use of surge blocks, bailers, or pumps, whichever method is most appropriate for the well use. Only formation water is used for surging the well. Well development continues until non-turbid groundwater is produced or turbidity stabilizes. All purged groundwater is held on site in covered 55-gallon DOT-approved drums or other appropriate containers until water sample analytical results are received. The elevation of the north side of the top of well casing (or other appropriate reference point from which the depth to groundwater can be measured) is surveyed to an accuracy of ±0.01 foot. All measurements are reproduced to assure validity. Surveying is performed by a state-licensed surveyor if required by state or local regulations. In the State of California, wells are surveyed in accordance with AB2886. DATA REDUCTION The data compiled from the soil borings is summarized and analyzed. A narrative summary of the soil characteristics is also presented. The soil boring logs are checked for the following information: • correlation of stratigraphic units among borings; • identification of zones of potentially high hydraulic conductivity; • identification of the confining layer; • indication of unusual/unpredicted geologic features (fault zones, fracture traces, facies changes, solution channels, buried stream deposits, cross-cutting structures, pinchout zones, etc.); and • continuity of petrographic features such as sorting, grain-size distribution, cementation, etc. Soil boring/well locations are plotted on a properly scaled map. If appropriate, soil stratigraphy of the site is presented in a scaled cross section. Specific features that may impact contaminant migration, e.g., fault zones or impermeable layers, are discussed in narrative form and supplemented with graphical presentations as deemed appropriate. ATTACHMENT 2. LOG OF EXPLORATORYBORING ATTACHMENT 3. LABORATORY REPORT                  !" #$%% & %' (!#( )#  # *+", -!".!-!! /!-("! 0 0 1  - .!.("!2"/# 1 #!!!.( /"--"!3!-/1#!! !""-"". 42#- 5-164#7 !  !.-/!1!!!/!!8"1 5 .(3 ! ! --./!"(1 )-!        9!! !)(-)( Page 1 of 8         !           !"# $ $  !"# $ %&'&( '()$#*+  ,-            "#$%&'  ($%%  "# )&*+$&,-+- .&, % /01 . 0 %%%.&,&( %&%%&( -'' %%%.%&,&( '&%%&( -''  /0 ### 12           !"  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