HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 112-16 RESOLUTION NO. 112 – 1 6 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR UNITS AND ADOPTING SALARY SCHEDULE AND RELATED BENEFITS. WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, Section 12, authorizes the City Council to provide for salaries and related benefits for employees of the City; and WHEREAS, in compliance with the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act of the State of California, the City has met and conferred in good faith with the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) which represents this City's Blue and White Collar unit; and WHEREAS, the City's negotiator and S.E.I.U. have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding, as attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that such Memorandum of Understanding complies with the guidelines established by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that provisions of the attached Memorandum of Understanding shall commence on January 1, 2016, and expire at midnight on December 31, 2016, for all employees of said Unit employed on the date of adoption of this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that commencing June 29, 2016, the attached document entitled "Memorandum of Understanding between the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) and City of Bakersfield" shall constitute the salary schedule and related benefits for the categories and positions specified therein on the date of adoption of this Resolution, and that the whole of said attachment is hereby incorporated and approved as the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bakersfield and Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.) unit for the period beginning January 1, 2016, and expiring at midnight, December 31, 2016. - - -- - - - - - - -000—- - - - - - - ,rv!_r,¢anL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted byy the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on 1UN 1 9 2016 by the following vote: ✓ / I ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ AY COUNCILMEMBER,RIVERA,MAXWELL,WEIR,SMITH,HANSON,SULLIVAN,PARLIER OSS. COUNCILMEMBERts/flNA ABSTAIN: COUN LMEMBER N'An� ABSENT: COUNGILMEMBER NMDA h CITY nd EX OFFICIOCLERK of ffli 64 a the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JUN 2 9 1016 04 HARVEY L. HALL MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPPROVV as to form: VIRGINIAJA. GENNARO CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield Attachments m rinal MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 521 The duly authorized representatives of the City of Bakersfield, herein after referred to as "the City" and the Service Employees International Union, Local 521 hereinafter referred to as "the Union" , having met and conferred in good faith concerning the issues of wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, as herein set forth, declare their agreement to the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding. ARTICLE 1 - PURPOSE It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding to promote and provide the harmonious relations, cooperation and understanding between Management and the employees covered by this Memorandum; to provide an orderly and equitable means of resolving any misunderstanding; and to set forth the full and entire understanding of the parties reached as a result of good faith meeting and conferring regarding the wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment covered by this Memorandum. ARTICLE 2 - RECOGNITION Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the City Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations and applicable State law, the Service Employees International Union, is recognized as the majority representative of the City employees in the Blue Collar Unit and While Collar Unit and as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees in said Units. Section 2 . The term "employee,, or "employees" as used herein shall refer only to the regular and probationary employees employed by the City in said Unit in the employees classifications comprising said Units as well as such classes as may be added hereafter by mutual agreement between the City and the Union according to the provisions of the City Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance. Section 3 . Nothing contained in this Memorandum shall prohibit any employee of the Blue Collar Unit or White Collar Unit of the City of Bakersfield, who is not a member of the Union from appearing in his/her own behalf in his/her employment relations with the City. ARTICLE 3 - TERM OF AGREEMENT The City and the Union agree that the term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2016, and expire at 12 : 00 midnight on December 31, 2016 . o``0 AKF9� 1 > m v 0 ORIGINAL Final ARTICLE 4 - RENEWAL Except as provided herein, the City and the Union agree that, for the term of this Agreement, each party waives the right and each agrees that the other party shall not be obligated to meet and confer with respect to any subject or matter pertaining to or covered by this Agreement, except as to meeting and conferring over the renewal or continuation of this Agreement . The City and the Union further agree that meeting and conferring over the renewal or continuation of this Agreement shall be initiated and conducted in accordance with the applicable sections of the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations and that every effort will be made to reach an agreement prior to the expiration of this Agreement on December 31, 2016 . Negotiations for the successor agreement will commence by October 1, 2016 It is further agreed that nothing in this Agreement shall in any way diminish the rights of the employees, the City or the Union as established by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act of the State of California and all amendments thereto, except as herein provided. ARTICLE 5 - MAINTENANCE OF BENEFITS Section 1 . The City and the Union agree that the following benefits shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement: Hours of Work, Call-Back, Overtime, Jury Duty, Sick Leave and Vacation except as modified herein. Section 2 . It is understood that existing ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City cover matters pertaining to employer-employee relations including, but not limited to, salaries, wages, benefits, hours and other terms and conditions of employment . Therefore, it is agreed that all such ordinances, resolutions and policies including the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations are hereby incorporated herein as though set forth in full . ARTICLE 6 - REPRESENTATION - UNION OFFICERS Section 1 . The City and the Union agree that Union Officers and Representatives will be allowed to meet with City Management on City time for the purpose of meeting and conferring in good faith without loss of pay or any benefits. Section 2 . The Union agrees to provide the City Human Resources Manager with a list of the Union Officers and Representatives with their job classification, who are authorized to meet and confer in good faith. Section 3 . The City agrees that authorized Union staff members shall be given access to work locations during working hours to conduct Union grievance investigations and/or observe working conditions . Such vk"ta,� r om U p ORIGINAL Final are to be made in accordance with the procedures outlined in the applicable sections of the City of Bakersfield Employer-Employee Relations Ordinance, Supplemental Rules and Regulations . Section 4 . The City agrees to allow authorized Union representatives access in City facilities before and after working hours in order to present facts regarding benefit programs. ARTICLE 7 - UNION STEWARDS Section 1 . The City agrees that the Union may designate a reasonable number of Stewards per Bargaining Unit to represent employees in the processing of grievances. It is further agreed the Union may designate alternate Stewards for use when a Steward is on an approved leave of absence or vacation. Section 2 . The Union shall furnish Management Representatives with a written list identifying by name and work location all regular and alternate Stewards and the list shall be kept current by the Union at all times . Section 3 . The Steward is to begin investigating a grievance only after the employee has tried to resolve the problem with his/her immediate supervisor and the two parties failed to reach a resolution of the problem. Section 4 . Union Stewards may be elected to serve as an Officer or Director of the Board of Directors for the Union. The members can also be elected to serve as an Advisory Board Member of the Union, which acts as a bridge between the Board of Directors and the Members. The City shall allow these members to have release time for these special union activities. In addition, periodically Union Stewards are called upon to serve the Union for the benefit of members . In these times, the City shall also allow these members to have release time for these special union activities. No more than two (2) employees, two (2) days of release time each shall be allowed per month with an annual accumulative total of fifteen (15) days . Normal time off approval request procedures apply. If used, the City of Bakersfield shall invoice the Union for the hourly cost of employees plus the cost of benefits for the day(s) used. ARTICLE 8 - NO STRIKE OR LOCKOUT The City and the Union agree that during the term of this Agreement the City will not lockout employees and the Union will not engage in labor practices detrimental to providing services to the citizens of Bakersfield; or detrimental to the interests of the City, nor will the Union sanction, support, condone, approve or engage in any strike, sick-in, slow down, work stoppage or speed ups. The City and the Union further agree that all F eAk, o N 3 = U O ORIGINAL Final matters of controversy coming within the scope of this Agreement will be settled by established grievance procedures . ARTICLE 9 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The parties hereto recognize the City has and will retain the exclusive right to manage and direct the performance of City services and the work forces performing such services. The City and Union agree that nothing in this Memorandum of Understanding shall in any way abridge, restrict or modify the rights and prerogatives of the City and its employees as set forth in Sections 3 . 16 . 040, 3 . 16 . 050 and 3 . 16. O60 (c) of Ordinance No. 2154 and said sections are hereby incorporated by this reference and made a part hereof as though set forth in full . The City shall, however, give the Union reasonable notice of any plan to contract work currently performed by Union Members . Upon request, the City will meet with the Union to explain the reason for the decision to contract out and to solicit Union views on the proposal . Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the right of the City Council to contract out work in its sole discretion. ARTICLE 10 - MAINTENANCE OF MEMBERSHIP Section 1 . Any employee covered by this agreement who is a Union member, or becomes a Union member, shall continue to pay to the Union those dues or fees regularly charged members of the Union in good standing for the life of this agreement. Any new employee covered by this Agreement who voluntarily joins the Union, shall be subject to the same terms of continued membership as employees above. Section 2 . Every employee who is a member of the Union shall have the right to withdraw from membership during the last thirty (30) days of this Agreement . An employee who has properly withdrawn membership as provided herein shall be subject to the provisions of Article 48 Agency Shop. ARTICLE 11 - RIGHT TO REPRESENTATION The City shall advise the employee of his/her right to be represented by the Union or other representation of his/her choosing at any meeting in which disciplinary action is to be imposed or at which disciplinary action might reasonably be expected (by the employee) to be imposed. Disciplinary investigations are included in this section. If the employee elects to have representation present, and none is immediately available, the meeting will be postponed for up to twenty-four (24) hours not including Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays, in order to permit the employee to obtain representation. 0AKF9 4 > r o ORIGINAL Final There is no right to representation during meetings where the employee is not suspected of wrongdoing. For example, such meetings include, but are not limited to, work related instruction, questions, performance evaluations, etc . If the City advises the employee that a meeting does not involve potential discipline there is no right to representation. ARTICLE 12 - PROCESSING OF FORMAL GRIEVANCES Section 1. The Union agrees that whenever investigations or processing of a grievance is to be transacted during working hours, only the amount of time necessary to bring about a prompt disposition of the matter will be utilized. Section 2 . Stewards will be permitted reasonable time off with pay for the investigation and processing of grievances. Stewards, when leaving their work locations to transact such investigations or processing, shall first obtain permission from the Department Head or his/her designees and inform him/her of the nature of the business. Permission to leave will be granted promptly unless such absence would cause an undue interruption of work. Section 3 . Upon entering a work location, the Steward shall inform the cognizant Department Head and Supervisor of the nature of his/her business. Permission to leave the job, but not the location, will be granted promptly to the employee unless such absence would cause undue interruption of work. If the employee cannot be made available the Steward will be immediately informed when the employee will be made available. Section 4 . The parties agree that all formal grievances will be processed in accordance with the City' s grievance procedure. The parties also agree that any grievance over the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement may be submitted through the grievance procedure for resolution. Section 5 . The City agrees to alter its formal grievance procedure as follows : Grievances which are not settled pursuant to the grievance procedure at the City Manager' s level shall be further considered in the following manner: Upon written response from the City Manager, the affected employee shall have the option of a third party advisory review. Such advisory review shall be conducted as follows: A. The City and Union shall select one representative for the purpose of selecting a third party who shall hold a hearing for the purpose of reviewing the City Managers decision. B. The agreed to third party, shall, as soon a practical, but not later than thirty (30) days, hold closed hearings on the grievance which shall be held in conformity to normal hearing procedures . F0A KF9N s _ m 0 o ORIGINAL Final C. Either the City or the Union may call any employee as a witness and the City agrees to release said witness from work if he/she is on duty. Any employee called as a witness by the City shall be debited for any hours not worked while on such call. Employees called by the Union may be reimbursed by the Union for any loss of pay for time off. D. The third party shall have no power to alter, amend, change, add to or subtract from any of the terms of this Memorandum. The opinion of the third party shall be based solely upon the evidence and arguments given by the respective parties in the presence of each other. E. Either party may be represented by legal counsel. F. Parties shall pay their own expenses except for the third party whose expenses shall be shared equally. G. The opinion of the third party shall be strictly advisory and shall be submitted to the employee or his/her designated representative and to the City Manager for his/her further consideration. H. No opinion of the third party shall require the exercise of the legislative authority of the City Council nor shall it contravene any existing City Ordinance, City Charter or State law. The opinion of the third party shall be in writing within twenty (20) days from the close of the hearing. ARTICLE 13 - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT The City and the Union agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall be applied equally to all employees covered herein without favor or discrimination because of race, creed, color, sex, age handicap, marital status, national origin, political or religious affiliations or union membership. ARTICLE 14 - PERS PICK-UP At the beginning of the employee ' s sixth (6`h) cumulative year of service, the City will pay the full portion of the normal contributions required to be paid by the employee to the Public Employees ' Retirement System. Effective with the implementation of the 3& at 60 retirement program, City agrees to pay one (1%) percent of the employee' s retirement contribution for employees with less than six (6) cumulative years of service. The City will pay the full portion of the contribution at the beginning of the employee' s sixth (6th) cumulative year of service. Employees hired subsequent to February 22, 2006 will not receive this one (1%) percent contribution. Such payments by the City shall be reported as normal contributions and shall be credited to said employees ' accounts pursuant ��KF 6 > 9N o �FIGINq� Final Government Code Section 20615 . This PERS pick-up is done in accordance with Section 414H (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. This article is not applicable to employees hired after January 1, 2013, that are not deemed "classic" members, as a result of the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) . ARTICLE 15 - COMPENSATION Compensation shall remain unchanged for the term of this agreement. ARTICLE 16 - STAND-BY PAY The City and the Union agree that when an employee is designated by management to be available to return to work at any time during specific hours outside of normal working hours the employee shall receive forty dollars ($40) per each eight (S) hours on Controlled stand-by or faction thereof . Such pay shall be in addition to any call-back compensation. To the extent feasible, the parties agree that controlled stand-by shall be assigned on an equitable basis to all eligible employees possessing the requisite skills . Controlled Standby Standby time is controlled where the City of Bakersfield requires an employee during a specific time period to be within (45) minutes driving time from the City limits to the work place or location where the employee is to report. The rate of pay for controlled standby time is the ($40) dollars per eight (S) hour shift. An employee on controlled standby time is expected to: A. Be ready to respond immediately to calls for service. B. Be accessible by telephone, pager or City radio. C. Remain a reasonable distance, within (45) minutes driving time from the City. D. Refrain from activities that may impair the ability of the employee to perform the assigned duties. Uncontrolled Standby Uncontrolled standby time is uncontrolled where the employee leaves the workplace and is required merely to inform his/her supervisor of his/her designee of where/how the employee may be contacted, but the employee' s activities are not restricted. FgAKF9 7 O T v O ORIGINAi Final ARTICLE 17 - CALL-BACK Section 1 . An employee who is directed to return to work to perform additional services after completion of his regular work period shall be authorized a minimum of two hours of work. Section 2 . Any call-back during which the employee performs two or more hours of work shall entitle him to an authorized credit for the number of hours actually worked completed to the nearest one-tenth of an hour (six minutes) . Section 3 . In computing work hours during a call-back, employees will be credited up to 30 minutes travel for both reporting and returning home following call-back. The travel time will be included in the two-hour minimum covered in (A) above. Section 4 . Any call-back which occurs prior to and which continue through the beginning of the employees regular work period shall not entitle the employee to the two-hour minimum. The call-back shall entitle the employee to an authorized credit of the number of hours actually worked computed to the nearest one-tenth of an hour (six minutes) . Section 5 . Call-back hours which result in additional hours to the basic work week or work period shall be credited to the employee as compensatory time off or paid, as determined by the department head at the employee' s applicable overtime rate. Section 6 . The City will discuss appropriate circumstances for phone calls at home with Supervisory personnel . The parties will continue to discuss call-back issues on a department by department basis. ARTICLE 18 - RETIREMENT Section 1. Tier One: For miscellaneous employees hired on or before, December 20, 2008, the City shall maintain a contract with CalPERS for the provision of a 3& ® 60 (highest 12 months) retirement benefit formula. Tier one employees pay . 5% of the employee retirement contribution. Section 2. Tier Two: For "classic" CalPERS members hired on or after December 20, 2008, the City shall maintain a contract with CalPERS for the provision of a 2 . 78 @ 55 (average of the highest 36 months of service) retirement benefit formula pursuant to CalPERS requirements. At the beginning of the employee' s sixth (6th) cumulative year of service the City will pay seven and one-half (7 .5%) percent of the employee retirement contributii.APKF9 a T m U O CROINAL Final Concurrently, Tier two employees shall pay . 5% of the employee retirement contribution. Section 3. Tier Three: For employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 and classified as "new" members of Ca1PERS as defined by Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) , the City shall maintain a contract with Ca1PERS for the provision of a 216 @ 62 (highest 36 months) retirement benefit formula. Also pursuant to PEPRA, these employees are responsible for paying one-half of the normal cost of this retirement plan. Section 4 . These plans include the Military Service Credit option and the Option 2 Death benefit. ARTICLE 19 - PROMOTIONS The City agrees that whenever there are, in the employ of the City, a sufficient number of employees who meet the minimum qualifications for an open position and have performed at the standard level or above, the job examination for that position shall be given on a promotional basis. ARTICLE 20 - CITY INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION Medical, vision and Dental Benefits. The City and employees shall share bi-weekly contributions towards a medical, vision and dental plan for all employees of these Units subject to the following contributions: Fee Dental HMO Dental Fee Dental Dental HMO Fee Health HMO Health HMO Health Fee Health Employee Vision Vision Vision Vision Contribution Employee 806 808' 806 80% 206 Only Employee 806 806 806 806 208 +1 Family 806 806 808 806 206 The City and Union have agreed that all future meeting and conferring and decisions regarding the structure of medical/dental insurance coverage' s shall take place through the Joint City/Employee Medical Insurance Committee. The Committee shall consist of representatives from each Unit and the City. There shall be a good faith effort to make all decisions by October 31st of each year. Discussions as to the City' s contribution toward medical/dental insurance shall continue to be determined through the formal meet and confer process between the City and the individual Units . The 8096/20% premium split shall remain in effect unless an alternative agreement has been reached. Any changes to the health plans shall fo lowe 9 9 m U O CN�O�NAL Final the existing process noted in this Article, whereby the City will meet with the Insurance Committee. Life Insurance. The City currently provides for Life Insurance of $30, 000 . Employees have the option of buying additional Life Insurance beyond $30, 000 at their expense, subject to carrier conditions . Disability Insurance. Employees in the Blue and White Collar Units may voluntarily participate at their expense, in the long-term disability program currently offered to Supervisory and Management employees. The terms and conditions for this benefit shall be the same as provided for Supervisory and Management employees . ARTICLE 21 - SAFETY Section 1 . The City and the Union agree to abide by all provisions of the California Plan approved in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and any legislation as may be passed by the State of California to implement that plan. Section 2 . The City agrees that any safety courses the employees are required to take will be provided on City time with pay. Section 3 . The City agrees to maintain a Safety Program in accordance with and where required by law. Section 4 . The Union agrees to support without qualification, the City' s Safety Program and will encourage its members to attend safety courses and to obtain First Aid Certificates if required by the City and made available on City time. Section 5 . Both the City and the Union recognize the need and will strive to reduce the number of industrial injuries among the employees. Employees are expected to report for work in suitable clothing including appropriate footwear for the type of work to be performed. Section 6 . It is the duty of Management to make every reasonable effort to provide and maintain a safe place of employment . The Union will cooperate by encouraging all employees to perform their work in a safe manner. It is the duty of all employees in the course of performing their regularly assigned duties to be alert to unsafe practices, equipment and conditions and to report any such unsafe practices or conditions to their immediate supervisors. If such condition cannot be satisfactorily remedied by his/her immediate supervisor, any employee has the right to submit the matter either personally or through the Steward to his/her Department Head or his/her designated representative. OAKE9 10 '„ - m OAIGINAI Final Section 7 . Classifications, designated by Risk Management or mandated by regulation, shall be provided with hepatitis vaccinations. Section 8. Light Duty. When due to injury or illness, whether or not the injury or illness is work related and the employee is unable to perform his/her usual duties, the employee may work in a light-duty capacity based on the following conditions: A. An employee may work light duty only upon approval of the Department Head upon the recommendation of the appointed City Physician, and only to the extent that the employee' s illness or injury is not further aggravated by working in this capacity, nor is a hazard created for other employees . B. Human Resources Division, working with the city departments, will identify potential light duty assignments. The employee may perform a light duty assignment within any City department, as determined by the City. The City will determine the availability and duration of light duty assignments. C. Individuals will not be assigned to light duty if there is a chance that doing so might result in liability against the City, as determined by the City. D. An employee shall accept light duty assignments, if offered, if his/her illness/injury is job related. E. An employee denied a requested light duty assignment will be provided a written explanation, if requested. F. Industrial light duty assignments have precedence over non-industrial assignments. Section 9 . Safety Equipment. The City and the Union agree that the City will either provide all safety equipment required by the City or will reimburse the employee for purchasing the equipment whenever such equipment has been required by the City as necessary on the job. Such equipment shall include, but not be limited to, safety shoes, safety glasses, helmets, gloves, boots, life jackets and all related safety items . Both parties agree that the City shall retain the right to determine the minimum specifications of the safety equipment, procurement procedures and limitations and exclusions . Section 10 . Safety Committee. The Union will be allowed to appoint one member from each bargaining unit to serve on the City' s Safety Committee. F 0AKF9 1l T m u � OF' OINAL Fuel ARTICLE 22 - TRAINING The City and Union recognize that the training programs and the advancement of employees to positions of higher skills are matters of great importance and interest to the City, the Union and the employees covered by this Agreement. The City and Union agree that all costs and time for training or instruction required by the City shall be paid by the City; however, the City shall retain the right to determine what training is required for the employee to improve his/her performance on the job and to make such training a condition of employment. Whenever possible and practical, the City will rotate the scheduling of employees into training programs in order to assure employees an equal opportunity in advancing to higher classifications. ARTICLE 23 - PREMIUM COMPENSATION The City and the Union agree that it is the intent of Departmental Management, whenever possible, to avoid working an employee out-of- classification for a prolonged period of time. Section 1. Acting Appointment- The City and the Union agree that Department Heads, with the approval of the City Manager, may assign the full range of duties and responsibilities of a vacant position to a qualified regular employee for a period of time not to exceed six months. Such appointment in excess of six months may be made with the approval of the appropriate civil service board. The compensation for the action appointment shall be within the salary range of the class so assigned with a minimum of 5&. Section 2 . Temporary Assignment- The City and the Union agree that assigning an employee to perform the duties of a higher class will occur only to meet work requirements within the City. When performing duties assigned by the Supervisor, for the majority of the scheduled shift, the employee shall be compensated for the full work day at base rate. All premium pay practices will conform with PERS rules . The following table outlines the premium rate per grade temporarily assigned above permanent assignment . If percentage difference between classifications is ; Range (8) Premium rate (8) 6 -19 5 20-29 10 30-39 17 40-49 25 50-59 34 of 0AKF9 a r 12 U m ORIQINAI,� Final 60-69 43 The range percentage is the difference between an employee' s regular grade at step 1 compared to the higher grade at step 1. Department Head approval will be required if range percentage is 70%, and above. The premium rate column is equivalent to an employee at step 4 of their current grade receiving step 2 of the higher grade. Section 3 . The City and the Union agree that when an employee is assigned as follows, they shall receive a five percent (5%) increase during the period of such lead assignment: A. When any Blue Collar or White Collar employee is assigned responsibility over any work release or community service workers. B. When any White or Blue Collar employee is assigned lead worker responsibility over a crew of three (3) or more temporary, extra help or full-time employees and whose job description does not include lead responsibilities. A crew of three (3) means, a crew of three (3) including the lead worker. C. Unless a supervisor is present, a lead employee is to be designated and paid lead assignment pay for the night sweeper crew. D. Except in emergency situations, the City will continue the current practice of assigning work release or community service workers to employees who have voluntarily accepted the responsibility and completed any required training. E. When Service Maintenance Workers in the Sewer Division are assigned lead responsibility on a two-person truck, they will be considered as working at the Sewer Maintenance II level and paid out-of- classification assignment. ARTICLE 24 - HOLIDAYS Section 1. All eligible employees in the Blue and White Collar Units shall observe the following eight-hour holidays with pay: Martin Luther King Day President' s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving DayJF gAKF9 Day after Thanksgiving Day m 13 o p ORIGINAL Final Christmas Day New Year' s Day Three Floating Holidays, as provided below. Employees shall also receive every day designated by the City Council as special holidays in commemoration or in memorial of an extraordinary occurrence as paid holidays. Section 2 . Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday shall be observed as a holiday. Section 3 . Employees assigned to seven-day per week shift schedules shall observe the actual, not the observed holiday. Those days are Independence Day, Veterans Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day. Section 4 . Floating Holidays - Each employee in the Blue and White Collar Unit, who is employed by the City when a floating holiday is credited, shall be eligible for that floating holiday. Floating holiday(s) must have prior departmental approval and shall be consistent with the efficient operation of the affected department and its activities. A. Floating holidays shall be utilized as follows on years that Christmas and New Years fall on: 1. Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, three floating holidays will be credited to employees. 2 . Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday Christmas and New Years Eve will be observed as full day holidays and one floating holiday will be credited each employee. 3 . Thursday, the Fridays following Christmas and New Years will be observed as full day holidays and one floating holiday will be credited each employee. 4 . Floating holidays not observed as Christmas or New Year' s Eve shall be credited and available by July 1 of each year. Section S . Solid Waste Holidays - The Solid Waste Division has two types of field operations which normally work either a five day or four day work week: A. Refuse Collection Yard Operations: Employees on a five day work week schedule may also be required to work designated holidays which fall within their normal work schedule, excluding New Year' s Day, July 4`", Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and those days the disposal facility is closed. Employees actki&k11N51 14 F U O ORIGINAL Final working any of the designated holidays will receive time and one half pay for the hours worked that day, in addition to the eight hour holiday pay. For the purpose of completing the weekly refuse collection cycle after a holiday which closes operation, employees may also be required to work the Saturday after the holiday and will receive time and one half pay for the hours worked that day. B. Recycling Facilities Operations: Employees on a four day work week schedule may also be required to work designated holidays which fall within their normal work schedule, excluding New Years Day, July 41Il, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Employees actually working any of the designated holidays will receive time and one half pay for the hours worked that day, in addition to the eight hour holiday pay. Section 6. During the time of any leave of absence without pay employees will not be eligible for Holiday Pay. ARTICLE 25 - SHIFT ASSIGNMENTS The City agrees to continue its present practice at the Public Works Department in scheduling shift assignments. If changes are made, the City will meet and consult with the Union prior to making said changes. The City and Union agree that to meet the needs of the Police Department the following factors shall be considered in making assignments for employees in the Police Service Technician classification: Special skills Experience Seniority Accommodation of education schedules Other factors, as determined by the Chief of Police The City and Union specifically acknowledge the need to balance experience and inexperienced Police Service Technicians on all shifts . Appointments shall be made at the sole discretion of the Department . ARTICLE 26 - SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL Section 1 . A shift differential of $ . 90 per hour shall be paid any employee when the majority of their shift falls between the hours of 3 p.m. and 12 midnight. o1<eAKe9s r 15 � U p ORIGINAL 81aa1 Section 2 . A shift differential of $1. 25 per hour will be paid any employee when the majority of their shift falls between 12 midnight and 7 a.m. ARTICLE 27 - UNIFORM/FOOTWEAR ALLOWANCE Section 1. Uniform Allowance - All employees in the Blue Collar Unit required to wear uniforms will be furnished such uniforms at no cost to the employees . The City shall provide employees with eleven (11) uniforms during each hi-weekly uniform cleaning cycle. A. Except for Police Service Technicians, non-safety personnel employed in the Police Department, who are required by the Chief of Police to wear a uniform, and Fire Dispatchers, shall be provided with a Five hundred eighty dollars ($580) per year uniform allowance. Animal Control Officers (ACO) , Police Service Technicians (PST) and Fire Prevention Personnel required to wear a uniform shall receive a Eight hundred fifty dollars ($850) per year uniform allowance. This allowance is to be paid on a bi-weekly basis to meet CalPERS requirements. The City shall provide at no cost to the employee all required patches and chevrons . B. The City shall provide all employees required to wear uniforms, provided through a uniform service with a choice of 100& cotton or poly blend uniforms . Section 2 . Safety Footwear Allowance - The City shall provide a safety footwear reimbursement of up to One hundred twenty five dollars ($125) annually, for a maximum of two (2) pairs of Department Head (or designee) approved safety footwear per calendar year. Reimbursement will be approved with the original receipt for those specific classifications listed with Human Resources . The City and the Union both reserve the right to make changes to add or delete classifications from the list upon mutual agreement. During the time of any leave of absence without pay employees will not be eligible for uniform or footwear allowance. ARTICLE 28 - TOOL ALLOWANCE Employees in the following classifications who are employed as of January 1, and are required to provide a complement of hand tools as approved by the Public Works Director, shall be reimbursed by the City for approved tool purchases : Equipment Mechanics Up to $425 . 00 Fleet Service Worker II Up to $300 . 00 gAKF Fleet Service Worker I Up to $300 . 00 �< qN 16 m 0 'RIGINAL Final Fleet Service Worker II shall provide two-thirds (2/3) of the full tool set as per the established tool list. Fleet service Worker I shall provide one- third (1/3) of the full tool set to be determined by management. Tools purchased pursuant to this Section remain the property of the employee. ARTICLE 29 - BILINGUAL PAY Employees who have been designated by the City Manager and regularly utilize bilingual skills in their job or as a departmental translator for the City, shall receive Thirty-five dollars ($35) bi-weekly for such services . To be eligible, an employee must pass a test demonstrating their bilingual conversational fluency and will be subject to periodic retest. The City Manager shall designate qualifying languages and authorize the number of positions to receive bilingual pay based upon the needs of the City. Notwithstanding the above, all personnel shall utilize any language skills they possess to the best of their ability in handling their responsibilities on a non-regular basis without compensation. During the time of any leave of absence without pay employees will not be eligible for bilingual pay. ARTICLE 30 - COMPENSATORY TINE The accumulation of compensatory time shall not exceed eighty (80) hours . Any compensatory time in excess of eighty (80) hours shall be automatically paid if management is unable to schedule the time off . The use of comp time shall be scheduled through mutual agreement between the employee and management. Management may establish the time off for comp time in excess of forty (40) hours where mutual agreement cannot be reached. Employees retain the right to cash payment for any comp time on the books, subject to budgetary restraints. ARTICLE 31 - OVERTIME overtime worked must receive pre-approval. All overtime compensation shall be in the form of compensatory time, unless pre-approved for cash payment. Overtime compensation is credited at one and one-half times the employee' s regular rate of compensation. overtime compensation will be credited only for those hours in excess of the employee' s regular scheduled workday or the 40-hours workweek. ARTICLE 32 - SICK LEAVE Blue and White Collar Unit employees accrue sick leave at the rate'pXIf twelve (12) days per calendar year, with a maximum accrual of one h5hd 7ep m 17 U O ORIGINAL Final twenty (120) days. An employee who has an accrued balance at the end of the calendar year, which exceeds one hundred twenty (120) days, will receive one hundred percent (100%) of his/her accruals in excess of 120 days as vacation and may convert and be paid for up to seventy-five percent (7596) of that amount of vacation. The amount to be converted must be designated by the employee no later than the following January 31, which will be paid to employee the second pay day in February. Employees receiving the above conversion will not receive any sixty (60) to one hundred twenty (120) day conversion of sick leave for that calendar year. The previously established non-conversion sick leave "bank" will no longer exist for this group. For the term of this agreement, the parties agree that individuals retiring with a service retirement shall be entitled to a premium sick leave pay- out . Specifically, individuals shall receive an additional 25$ of accrued sick leave compensation at the time of retirement beyond that provided for in Municipal Code Section 2 . 84 . 570 . This payment shall not be considered gross remuneration for purposes of retirement . Except as provided below, any employee converting the service retirement to a disability retirement within five (5) years of the date of retirement shall refund this premium sick leave payment to the City. If repayment is required, a reasonable repayment schedule shall be established between the employee and the City. Exceptions to the repayment requirement may be made as follows : A. No repayment shall be required if an employee dies after retirement and the survivor' s allowance is converted to a disability allowance. B. The City Manager will waive repayment in the event of a catastrophic event resulting in substantial disability from heart attack, stroke or cancer for the employee. Substantial disability is defined as a disability which would have required the retirement of the employee if still in active service. ARTICLE 33 - PERSONAL NECESSITY LEAVE The City agrees to allow each employee covered by this Agreement to utilize eight (8) hours per year as Personal Necessity Leave, chargeable to Sick Leave. Such leave is designed to permit employee time off during normal working time to conduct personal business. Personal Leave shall require prior approval and shall be taken in minimum two (2) hour increments. ARTICLE 34 - DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN All probationary and regular employees in the Blue and white Collar Units of the City shall be eligible to participate in the City' s DefeWg Compensation Plan. 04 9m 18 U p ORIOINAI. Final ARTICLE 35 - PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS The City agrees to provide payroll deductions for Union dues and benefit programs at no cost to the employees or Union. ARTICLE 36 - CLASSIFICATION REQUESTS Requests for classification consideration will be processed once a year on February 1st, except those requests of an emergency nature (as determined by the Human Resources Office) may be acted upon regardless of the submission date and presented for review outside the routine schedule. The effective date of any proposed upward classification will be implemented with the budget in the year that it is approved. Normally, position reviews will be generated in one of two ways: A. By request of the employee and/or B. By request of the Department Head Prior to reaching any final decision, the Human Resources Office shall forward its draft findings to the employee and shall consider any comments the employee may have on the draft report. If the recommendation of the Human Resources Office is negative, no further action shall be taken on the request. If the recommendation is positive, it shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate Civil Service Commission and City Council . The parties agree to continue negotiations on the issue of revising the City' s reclassification procedure. ARTICLE 37 - LONGEVITY PROGRAM Unit members shall be eligible for a Longevity Pay Program as follows: 10 or more uninterrupted years of City service 2% of Base Pay. 15 or more uninterrupted years of city service 4% of Base Pay. 20 or more uninterrupted years of City service 6W of Base Pay. The amounts above are not cumulative. Employees hired after January 1, 1985, shall not be eligible for Longevity Pay. ARTICLE 38 - RETIREE MEDICAL Section 1. Medicare coverage - Any employee eligible to receive retiree medical insurance coverage who is eligible for Medicare coverage wh� r 19 y sr _ m 0 ORIGINAL Final through the City of Bakersfield, other employers, spouse/domestic partner coverage, or for any other reason, shall be required to obtain and utilize such coverage as a condition for receiving coverage under the City's plan. Section 2 . The City shall provide the surviving spouse/domestic partner and eligible dependent (s) of any deceased employee with the health and welfare benefit contribution that had been made on behalf of the employee prior to their death. Section 3 . Employees hired after February 22, 2006 will not participate in either of the retiree health subsidy programs set forth in this section. In lieu, the City will match up to one (14) percent of the employee' s mandatory contributions to their Retirement Health Savings account commencing the beginning of their sixth (6th) year of employment. Section 4 . Retiree Medical - Employees hired after April 1, 1996 but before February 22, 2006 will be eligible for retiree medical under the following conditions : A. Participation in the City retiree medical insurance plan will be offered to those employees who retire following twenty (20) years of regular service or retire due to disability. Such retirees will receive a premium subsidy based upon 34 per year of service, to the nearest quarter year, up to a maximum of 30 years (904) , of the lower of the HMO or Fee-For-Service Single rate.. In no case shall a retiree in this class receive more than 904 of their applicable rate structure (i.e. single without Medicare rate, single with Medicare rate, etc. ) in subsidies from the City. B. Any employee eligible to receive retiree medical insurance coverage who is eligible for Medicare coverage (Part A) whether through the City of Bakersfield, other employers, spouse coverage, or for any other reason, shall be required to obtain and utilize such coverage as a condition for receiving coverage under the City' s retiree medical plan. C. Employees hired after April 1, 1996 shall not be eligible to receive the 424 Fee-For-Service plan subsidy. Section 5 . Retiree Medical - Employees hired prior to April 1, 1996 who retire following fifteen (15) years of regular service or retire due to disability, eligibility for and contributions towards retiree medical insurance shall be as originally set forth in City Council Resolution #227- 88 and herein set forth: oOpNF `` '9 20 r U b ORIPINA4 Final A. Retired employees enrolled under the City' s health plan shall receive city contributions based on the following formula: Participation in the City retiree medical insurance plan will be offered to those employees who retire following fifteen (15) years of regular service or retire due to disability. Such retirees will receive a premium subsidy based upon 3& per year of service, to the nearest quarter year, up to a maximum of 30 years (90%r) , of the lower of the HMO or Fee-For-Service Single rate. In no case shall a retiree in this class receive more than 90% of their applicable rate structure (i .e. single without Medicare rate, single with Medicare rate, etc. ) in subsidies from the City. B. Forty-two (42$) percent of the actual premium for the "Fee for Service" Retiree Health Plan shall be paid by the City and the balance of the premium shall be calculated and paid pursuant to the formula in "A" above. C. Retired employees covered under the HMO Insurance plans shall only receive the City contributions under the formula in "A" above. Section 6. Retirement Health Savings Accounts - The ICMA Vantage Care Retiree Health Savings Account program (RHSA) has been implemented. One (IC percent of base pay will be deducted from each employee' s paycheck on a pre-tax basis and deposited into their individual account effective with program implementation. As soon as is possible the City will amend the Retirement Health Savings Account for the White Collar Unit to eliminate the deposit of accrued leave payouts into the Account upon retirement. The City assumes no liability for adverse tax rulings by the IRS relative to this program. ARTICLE 39 - TRAINING STEP A Training ( "T") Step exists for the following classifications : Clerk Typist I Fleet Service Worker I Service Maintenance Worker This step shall be ten percent (10%) below Step 111" . Newly hired employees shall be hired at the "T" Step whenever, in the opinion of the City, the hires is not fully prepared to function in their classification until a training period has been completed. i aAKeq r 21 m � O ORIGINAL Final Employees shall be advanced to Step "1" by the end of six (6) months of continuous service. Time spent in the "T" Step shall count towards satisfying the probationary period. ARTICLE 40 - DRUG TESTING The goal and intent of this program is the rehabilitation and assisting of first-time offenders with drug problems . However, action taken against an employee shall be determined by individual circumstances of each case and disciplinary action, up to and including termination is possible. Authority for Testing - Only an employee 's Department Head or his/her designee, acting in the absence of the Department Head, may order a drug test . Conditions Allowing for Testing - Employees may be subjected to drug testing if the City has a reasonable suspicion that the employee is using: 1) illegal drugs, 2) prescription drugs without or contrary to a prescription, or 3) being under the influence of alcohol during working hours . Reasonable suspicion shall mean one or more of the following exists as determined by the Department Head or his/her designee: A. Having more evidence for than against . B. An apparent state of facts and/or circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to believe an individual was using drugs/narcotics. C. A reasonable grounds for belief in the existence of facts or circumstances warranting an order to submit to a drug test . Testing Procedure - Detailed testing procedures shall be developed by the City to: A. Positively identify employees prior to testing. B. Provide for employee privacy and security of samples. C. Establish if an employee is taking any drugs legitimately under medical supervision. D. Develop a two-step test. Both urine and blood samples shall be drawn unless the employee waives his/her right to the blood sample. Any specimen testing positive in the urinalysis shall be subject to confirmation by blood test unless waived, No notification shall be given of initial positive tests until the confirmation blood test has been completed and is positive. At the time the samples are drawW* o mT 22 � m U O ORIGINAL Final second set of samples shall be taken and sealed. Should the original blood test show positive, the second sealed set of samples shall be retained for six (6) months to allow for further testing in the event of a dispute. Testing Agent - The laboratory selected to conduct the analysis must be experienced and capable of quality control, documentation, chain of custody, technical expertise and demonstrated proficiency. ARTICLE 41 - COURT CALL BACK Unit employees in the Police Department shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours compensation at the appropriate rate of pay when called back for court appearances . ARTICLE 42 - VACATION Vacation accrual shall be as follows: Years Days 0-4 10 5-13 15 14+ 20 Maximum vacation accrual shall be three (3) years annual accrual. Between 5 to 10 years of service, the maximum vacation accrual shall be increased to three (3) years and three (3) days. After ten (10) years of service, the maximum accrual shall be increased to three (3) years and nine (9) days . ARTICLE 43 - CERTIFICATION PAY A. When the City requires an employee as a condition of employment or request the employee to voluntarily obtain and/or maintain a State or National certification, the City shall reimburse the employee for any cost of obtaining and/or renewing the certification. B. The City shall reimburse employees for any cost of obtaining and/or renewing a City required driver' s license, above the cost of a class "C" license. C. Employees who have been designated by their department head and regularly use specialized skills for which a state or national certification is required in their job, shall receive annual certification pay, to be paid in the last pay period of December of every year, for such services . To be eligible, an employee must pass the test given by the certifying agency, obtain required continuing education units and keep certification current. The certification)lyatpF9N 23 m � p ORIGINAL Final will only be paid if an employee maintains the certification for an entire calendar year. The certification must not be a requirement listed in the job specification in order to obtain the job. The recognized certifications are: DOT Tester Certification $1, 000 California State Water Resources Control Board Grade III (Waste Water) $1, 500 Certified Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester (Parks) $1, 500 Pest Control Advisor License (Parks) $1, 000 Combination of D.O.T. Hydrotester and State Fire Marshal Fire Extinguisher (Fire) $1, 000 Qualified Applicator License (Parks) $500 Certified Arborist (Parks) $500 Certified Pool/Spa Operator (Recreation) $500 Bar 97 Advanced Smog Certification $1, 000 Certified Latent Print Examiner $1, 000 Notary Public License $500 Crane Operator Certificate $500 Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certificates (Equipment Maintenance) $ 100 per certificate* *Maximum Fleet Service Worker I $ 400 Fleet Service Worker II $ 600 Fleet Mechanic (All) $ 1, 000 Automotive Parts Specialist $ 200 Waste Water Mechanic - Plant Maintenance Mechanical Technologist $100 Grade I, $200 Grade II per year, non-accumulative. ��epKC9T 24 <� O QAIOINAL Final Building Inspectors, Code Enforcement and Building Staff - $100 each per year for City approved certification, up to a maximum of 5 certificates. Traffic Signal Technician - International Municipal Signal Association Certification $100 Grade I, $200 Grade II, $300 Grade III, non-accumulative, per year. Signing and Striping Certificates - $100 Grade I, $200 Grade II, $300 Grade III, non-accumulative per year. City or Union may request additional and/or modifications to certification pay during the term of the agreement, which will be implemented upon mutual agreement. ARTICLE 44 - JURY DUTY The City shall provide for paid leave, when an employee is subpoenaed to Jury Duty and/or to appear as a witness in court in Kern County on matters of civic concern. Examples of matters of civic concern would include criminal matters, accidents, etc. ARTICLE 45 - IRS 125 PROGRAM The City has implemented the IRS 125 Program for payment of medical insurance premiums, childcare and un-reimbursed expense. Employees may voluntarily participate in the childcare and un-reimbursed medical portions of the program. ARTICLE 46 - RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT The residency requirement for Unit employees shall require that employees maintain residency within forty-five (45) minutes normal driving time from City Hall. Normal driving time shall be defined as driving the most direct route at the posted speed limit. ARTICLE 47 - PAYROLL CHANGES A. The City shall maintain in effect the voluntarily direct deposit program for unit employees with the following provisions: 1 . Require all regular employees hired on or after January 1, 1994 to participate in direct deposit. Participation shall be voluntary for employees prior to January 1, 1994 . 2 . Eliminate payoff checks for sick leave converted to vacation with all such payoffs being added to the regular paycheck. gAKF9 25 m U p ORIGINAL Final 3 . Limit employees to changing financial institutions once annually when participating in direct deposit. 4 . Employees are responsible for investigating errors in direct deposit with their bank. 5 . City will give notice to the Union should it wish to change any of the paycheck release times currently in effect . G. The City will give reasonable advance notice if it will be unable to provide direct deposit for a given pay period. B. All payroll changes shall become effective at the start of the nearest payroll period. C. There will be no early release of vacation checks. ARTICLE 48 - AGENCY SHOP Each employee in the Blue Collar Bargaining Unit and new employees in the white Collar Unit hired after the adoption of the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding shall either 1) become a member of the Union to the extent of tendering the periodic dues uniformly required for membership, or 2) pay to the Union a periodic representational fee. Such representational fee shall be in an amount uniformly established by the Union' s Board of Directors, but in no event shall such representational fee exceed ninety- five percent (95%) of the amount that a Union member would pay in dues for the same period. The Union shall indemnify the employer and hold it harmless against any and all suits, claims, demands or other liabilities, including the employer' s reasonable attorney fees, that may arise out of or by reason of any action taken by the employer for purposes of complying with this Article. This Article was implemented in accordance with Government Code Section 3502 . 5 . The requirement for Blue Collar Bargaining Unit members was implemented following a secret ballot election of the Bargaining Unit employees which was held on February 28, 1989. The requirement for white Collar Bargaining Unit members hired after the adoption of the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding was negotiated and adopted with the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding. The Union agrees to adhere to all statutory and judicial requirements relating to Agency Shop. Specifically: Service Fee �` 9NKF9N 26 m ORIGINAL FiMl A. Union agrees to keep an adequate itemized record of its financial transactions and shall make available annually to the City within sixty (60) days after the end of its fiscal year, a written financial statement in the form of a balance sheet and an operating statement certified as to accuracy by SEIU' s Board and a Certified Public Accountant. B. Union further agrees to hold such disputed fees in their entirety in an Escrow account pending resolution of the dispute pursuant to the Service Fee Complaint procedure. Service Fee Complaint Procedure A. This Complaint Procedure shall be utilized solely to resolve disputes arising out of the deduction of a Service Fee by the City pursuant to a negotiated agreement. 1. Issues subject to this Complaint Procedure shall be limited to the following: a. That a portion of the Service Fee deduction is being utilized for non-representational activities . b. That the non-member is a member of a bona fide religion, body or sect which has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting public employee organizations . 1. In the event that it is determined pursuant to this procedure that such non-member is a member of a religion or body pursuant to this Section, he may designate a charitable fund exempt from taxation under Section 501, Paragraph C, Subsection 3 of the Internal Revenue Code chosen from the following: Any United Way Charity 2 . City agrees to deduct and to remit fees so designated on behalf of one of the above charitable organizations to said organization. B. Any non-member who objects to the deduction of the Service Fee by the Union shall file a complaint with the Service Employees International Union. The complaint shall be in writing and shall specify the reason(s) for the objection to the deduction. The complaint need not be formal but shall clearly state the basis for the objection. o``9AKF,flm T 27 m U � ORIGINAL Final 1. An employee who objects to the deduction of the Service Fee shall forward his/her written complaint to the Union within forty-five (45) calendar days after the fee is initially deducted. 2 . Upon receipt of the written complaint the Union shall place the entire Service Fee deduction into Escrow pending resolution of the dispute and shall request a list of arbitrators from the State Conciliation Service or the American Arbitration Service. C. Informal Mediation - Notwithstanding Step B, Subsection 2, above; either the Union or the complainant may request the services of a State Conciliation Service Mediator in a preliminary effort to resolve the dispute prior to arbitration. The Mediator shall be utilized in an advisory capacity only. Following such non-binding informal advisory mediation, if either complainant or Union is dissatisfied either party may request arbitration. D. Selection of Arbitrator - The Arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement between the Union and the complainant. 1. Date for Complaint Hearing - The Union shall contact the selected Arbitrator within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the completion of the Mediation Process, or in the event that Mediation is not utilized, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the complaint. Upon confirmation by the Arbitrator, the Union will forthwith contact the complainant by Certified Mail indicating the date, time and place of the Complaint Hearing. E. Payment of Costs - In the event that the Union prevails in said Arbitration, the cost of arbitration shall be shared equally between the Union and complainant . Should complainant prevail, the Union shall pay the entire cost of the Arbitration. F. Effect of Arbitrator' s Decision - The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding. Upon receipt of the Arbitrator' s decision, fees being held in Escrow shall be disbursed by the Union in accordance with said decision. In the event that the Union prevails, the City shall continue to deduct the Service Fees and remit them to the Union as determined by the Arbitrator. ARTICLE 49 - NEW HIRE INFORMATION The City will provide the Union a monthly listing of each newly hired employee represented under which will include name and address . The City shall also provide to the Union a listing of all Service Fee Payers represented under SEIU which will include name and address each Quarter. The Union will also have the opportunity to meet with newly hired emplo)yR*19 28 o mr m U O OHIOINAI Final during new employee orientation. The City shall provide a calendar of any new employee orientations . ARTICLE 50 - UNION BULLETIN HOARD The City will provide approximately a two by three foot (2 ' x 3' ) bulletin board space at each of the major work site locations for Union bulletins. If space is not available the Union may provide a two by three foot (2' x 3' ) bulletin board which the City will install. The space will be located in an area frequented by a majority of the employees at the work site. The Union will be responsible to maintain the designated posting area and ensure compliance with City, State, and Federal compliance requirements, including the prohibitions of derogatory or inappropriate documents. ARTICLE 51 - SDI ELECTION Blue and White Collar employees have elected to participate in the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program. SDI benefits will be automatically coordinated with wages for employees off work for seven (7) or more calendar days. ARTICLE 52 - SEVERABILITY It is understood and agreed that this Memorandum of Understanding is subject to all present and future applicable Federal and State laws and regulations and the provisions hereof shall be effective and implemented only to the extent permitted by such laws or regulations. If any part of this Memorandum of Understanding is in conflict or inconsistent with such applicable provisions of Federal and State laws or regulations, or otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such part or provisions shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable laws and regulations and the remainder of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect . The City and Union agree to meet and confer in an attempt to replace and/or adjust for any suspended or superseded provisions. o``0AKF5'r 29 m O p ORIGINAI, Final THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING entered into and signed this _ day of June 2016. FOR THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL 521 Billy Owens _ William Aver z _ � StevenL. glia Jolin Patterson Sandra Sime e Nick)Fidler C.>�L'.�a Debra Ogle Darin Hudak dl:� Jason Suchin Michelle Gonzalez Dena.Mury y was removed from the Bargaining Team prior to reaching an nn aemant '-ara Alvarez ��0ANe9Nr 30 m v O ORIGINAL City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 , Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29, 2016 xx.,.µ 26030 ACCOUNTANT I 180 23.148 24.307 25.529 26.801 28.142 A 2,080 $4,012.32 $4,213.21 $4,425.03 $4,645.51 $4,877.95 26039 ACCOUNTANT I-TEMP 780 23.034 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26050 ACCOUNTING CLERK 1 030 15.823 16.612 17.446 18.321 19.233 A 2,080 $2,742.65 $2,879.41 $3,023.97 $3,175.64 $3,333.72 26059 ACCOUNTING CLERK I -TEMP 735 15.745 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26060 ACCOUNTING CLERK II 055 17.485 18.36 19.282 20.242 21.257 A 2,080 $3,030.73 $3,182.40 $3,342.21 $3,508.61 $3,684.55 26070 ACCOUNTING CLERK II-CGCC 055 17.485 18.36 19.282 20.242 21.257 C A 2,080 $3,030.73 $3,182.40 $3,342.21 $3,508.61 $3,684.55 26069 ACCOUNTING CLERK II -TEMP 745 17.399 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 28010 ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE 180 23.148 24.307 25.529 26.801 28.142 C A 2,080 $4,012.32 $4,213.21 $4,425.03 $4,645.51 $4,877.95 26040 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 1 235 25.639 26.921 28.258 29.667 31.158 A 2,080 $4,444.09 $4,666.31 $4,898.05 $5,142.28 $5,400.72 26049 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST I-TEMP 787 25.513 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26110 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 11 285 27.425 28.817 30.275 31.814 33.419 A 2,080 $4,753.67 $4,994.95 $5,247.67 $5,514.43 $5,792.63 22010 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 180 23.148 24.307 25.529 26.801 28.142 A 2,080 $4,012.32 $4,213.21 $4,425.03 $4,645.51 $4,877.95 ^.fyn 23, 2016 1 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29, 2016 4 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 v "" 22019 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I-TEM 780 23.034 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22020 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 215 24.809 26.055 27.353 28.719 30.155 A 2,080 $4,300.23 $4,516.20 $4,741.19 $4,977.96 $5,226.87 26430 ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN 215 24.809 26.055 27.353 28.719 30.155 C A 2,080 $4,300.23 $4,516.20 $4,741.19 $4,977.96 $5,226.87 14140 AIR CONDITIONING TECH 1 200 23.606 24.793 26.031 27.337 28.71 A 2,080 $4,091.71 $4,297.45 $4,512.04 $4,738.41 $4,976.40 17570 AIR CONDITIONING TECH II 230 25.313 26.578 27.911 29.297 30.762 A 2,080 $4,387.59 $4,606.85 $4,837.91 $5,078.15 $5,332.08 27200 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 010 14.432 15.151 15.907 16.706 17.547 A 2,080 $2,501.55 $2,626.17 $2,757.21 $2,895.71 $3,041.48 27209 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER -TEMP 860 14.361 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14210 AQUATICS MAINTENANCE TECH 201 23.615 24.803 26.032 27.34 28.703 A 2,080 $4,093.27 $4,299.19 $4,512.21 $4,738.93 $4,975.19 25049 ASSISTANT PLANNER-TEMP 787 25.513 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27069 ASSOCIATE PLANNER-TEMP 798 32.056 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25040 ASSOCIATE PLANNER I 235 25.639 26.921 28.258 29.667 31.158 A 2,080 $4,444.09 $4,666.31 $4,898.05 $5,142.28 $5,400.72 27060 ASSOCIATE PLANNER II 360 32.215 33.832 35.523 37.299 39.168 A 2,080 $5,583.93 $5,864.21 $6,157.32 $6,465.16 $6,789.12 � GI'Ip e Jun 23,2016 2 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 Ji, Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29, 2016 ....l..w I 27070 ASSOCIATE PLANNER-COMM DEV 360 32.215 33.832 35.523 37.299 39.168 C A 2,080 $5,583.93 $5,864.21 $6,157.32 $6,465.16 $6,789.12 27240 ASST CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 060 18.786 19.726 20.716 21.755 22.842 A 2,080 $3,256.24 $3,419.17 $3,590.77 $3,770.87 $3,959.28 27360 AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALIST 150 22.458 23.593 24.758 25.997 27.299 A 2,080 $3,892.72 $4,089.45 $4,291.39 $4,506.15 $4,731.83 13088 AUDITORIUM MAINTAINER I TEMP-T 710 11.134 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13081 AUDITORIUM MAINTAINER I-T STEP 710 11.134 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13089 AUDITORIUM MAINTAINER I-TEMP 735 15.745 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13120 AUDITORIUM MAINTAINER II 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 26470 BENEFITS TECHNICIAN 285 27.425 28.817 30.275 31.814 33.419 A 2,080 $4,753.67 $4,994.95 $5,247.67 $5,514.43 $5,792.63 27140 BLDG INSPECTOR I 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 O A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 27149 BLDG INSPECTOR I -TEMP 782 24.557 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27080 BLDG INSPECTOR II 265 27.145 28.508 29.93 31.43 32.996 A 2,080 $4,705.13 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,447.87 $5,719.31 27089 BLDG INSPECTOR II-TEMP 790 27.011 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 �Iiv�un 23,2016 3 4:47:29 PM T City Of Bakersfield Effective: June29,2016 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 y . 13060 BUILDING MAINTAINER 1 010 14.432 15.151 15.907 16.706 17.547 C A 2,080 $2,501.55 $2,626.17 $2,757.21 $2,895.71 $3,041.48 13069 BUILDING MAINTAINER I -TEMP 727 12.759 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13061 BUILDING MAINTAINER I T-STEP 705 10.151 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13068 BUILDING MAINTAINER I TEMP-T 705 10.151 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13100 BUILDING MAINTAINER 11 030 15.823 16.612 17.446 18.321 19.233 A 2,080 $2,742.65 $2,879.41 $3,023.97 $3,175.64 $3,333.72 27169 BUILDING PERMIT TECH -TEMP 782 24.557 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27160 BUILDING PERMIT TECHNICIAN 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 27520 BUYER I 060 18 786 19.726 20.716 21.755 22.842 A 2,080 $3,256.24 $3,419.17 $3,590.77 $3,770.87 $3,959.28 27540 BUYER 11 180 23.148 24.307 25.529 26.801 28.142 A 2,080 $4,012.32 $4,213.21 $4,425.03 $4,645.51 $4,877.95 13340 CANALTENDERI 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 13341 CANAL TENDER I T STEP 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13349 CANAL TENDER I TEMP 742 17.283 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 `dV� Si V j 29 PM `�-Jun 23,2016 4 4:47 City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 1 13348 CANAL TENDER I TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13350 CANAL TENDER II 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 26120 CASHIER-RECEPTIONIST 015 15.107 15.869 16.657 17.487 18.367 C A 2,080 $2,618.55 $2,750.63 $2,887.21 $3,031.08 $3,183.61 26129 CASHIER-RECEPTIONIST-TEMP 730 13.354 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26180 CLERK STENO 1 015 15.107 15.869 16.657 17.487 18.367 C A 2,080 $2,618.55 $2,750.63 $2,887.21 $3,031.08 $3,183.61 26210 CLERK STENO II 035 16.349 17.159 18.016 18.93 19.865 C A 2,080 $2,833.83 $2,974.23 $3,122.77 $3,281.20 $3,443.27 26220 CLERK TYPIST 005 13.783 14.476 15.194 15.958 16.757 A 2,080 $2,389.05 $2,509.17 $2,633.63 $2,766.05 $2,904.55 26221 CLERK TYPIST I-T-STEP 700 10.753 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26229 CLERK TYPIST I-TEMP 725 13.715 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26228 CLERK TYPIST I-TEMP T-STEP 700 10.753 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26230 CLERK TYPIST 11 025 15.611 16.391 17.219 18.073 18.978 A 2,080 $2,705.91 $2,841.11 $2,984.63 $3,132.65 $3,289.52 26239 CLERK TYPIST 11-TEMP 732 15.534 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Jun 23,2016 5 4:47:29 PM O Ci?V�� C� - - s City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29, 2016 , 1 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29, 2016 A ,, 27250 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFR 1 250 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 31.573 A 2,080 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 $5,472.65 27259 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFR I -TEMP 788 25.801 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27260 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFR II 295 28.508 29.93 31.43 33.005 34.655 A 2,080 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,447.87 $5,720.87 $6,006.87 27269 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFR II-TEM 793 28.368 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27379 COMMUNICATIONS TECH I -TEMP 782 24.557 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27389 COMMUNICATIONS TECH II-TEMP 795 29.015 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27370 COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN 1 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 27380 COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN II 300 29.159 30.613 32.148 33.75 35.437 A 2,080 $5,054.23 $5,306.25 $5,572.32 $5,850.00 $6,142.41 25030 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TECH 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 21509 COMMUNITY REL SPECIALIST-TEMP 761 19.625 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 21500 COMMUNITY RELATIONS SPECIALIST 092 19.723 20.714 21.75 22.845 23.977 A 2,080 $3,418.65 $3,590.43 $3,770.00 $3,959.80 $4,156.01 25200 COMPUTER DRAFTING TECH 1 115 21 463 22.525 23.656 24.841 26.075 O A 2,080 $3,720.25 $3,904.33 $4,100.37 $4,305.77 $4,519.67 (3on 23,2016 6 4:47:29 PM ci z n City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 25209 COMPUTER DRAFTING TECH I-TEMP 770 21.358 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25240 COMPUTER DRAFTING TECH II 225 25.153 26.407 27.729 29.119 30.572 A 2,080 $4,359.85 $4,577.21 $4,806.36 $5,047.29 $5,299.15 25250 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 1 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 25259 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I-TEMP 782 24.557 0 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25260 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II 295 28.508 29.93 31.43 33.005 34.655 A 2,080 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,447.87 $5,720.87 $6,006.87 21600 CRIMEANALYST 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 26170 DATA ENTRY CLERK 030 15.823 16.612 17.446 18.321 19.233 C A 2,080 $2,742.65 $2,879.41 $3,023.97 $3,175.64 $3,333.72 26179 DATA ENTRY CLERK-TEMP 735 15.745 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26350 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 070 19.214 20.176 21.186 22.244 23.348 A 2,080 $3,330.43 $3,497.17 $3,672.24 $3,855.63 $4,046.99 25070 DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT 235 25.639 26.921 28.258 29.667 31.158 C A 2,080 $4,444.09 $4,666.31 $4,898.05 $5,142.28 $5,400.72 25060 DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE 360 32.215 33.832 35.523 37.299 39.168 A 2,080 $5,583.93 $5,864.21 $6,157.32 $6,465.16 $6,789.12 25069 DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE-TEMP 798 32.056 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 n � j `4un 23, 2016 7 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield ' Effective: June 29,2016 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 •: 1 25020 DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 150 22.458 23.593 24.758 25.997 27.299 A 2,080 $3,892.72 $4,089.45 $4,291.39 $4,506.15 $4,731.83 14139 ELECTRICAL ASSISTANT 871 14.471 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14130 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN I 205 24.045 25.256 26.508 27.828 29.233 A 2,080 $4,167.80 $4,377.71 $4,594.72 $4,823.52 $5,067.05 14100 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN II 263 27.08 28.422 29.847 31.342 32.905 A 2,080 $4,693.87 $4,926.48 $5,173.48 $5,432.61 $5,703.53 25120 ENGINEER 1 315 29.884 31.38 32.954 34.601 36.327 A 2,080 $5,179.89 $5,439.20 $5,712.03 $5,997.51 $6,296.68 25129 ENGINEER I-TEMP 797 29.736 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25150 ENGINEER II 375 34.369 36.085 37.891 39.791 41.774 A 2,080 $5,957.29 $6,254.73 $6,567.77 $6,897.11 $7,240.83 25159 ENGINEER II -TEMP 799 34.2 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25180 ENGINEERING AIDE 1 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 25189 ENGINEERING AIDE I-TEMP 742 17.283 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25210 ENGINEERING AIDE II 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 25220 ENGINEERING AIDE III 115 21.463 22.525 23.656 24.841 26.075 C A 2,080 $3,720.25 $3,904.33 $4,100.37 $4,305.77 $4,519.67 •7I7r`,dun 23, 2016 8 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 t Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 ..w 25270 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 265 27.145 28.508 29.93 31.43 32.996 A 2,080 $4,705.13 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,447.87 $5,719.31 13500 FACILITY WORKER 010 14.432 15.151 15.907 16.706 17.547 A 2,080 $2,501.55 $2,626.17 $2,757.21 $2,895.71 $3,041.48 13509 FACILITY WORKER-TEMP 860 14.361 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13508 FACILITY WORKER-TEMPT 860 14.361 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26080 FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR 070 19.214 20.176 21.186 22.244 23.348 A 2,080 $3,33043 $3,497.17 $3,672.24 $3,855.63 $4,046.99 26100 FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR II 180 23.148 24.307 25.529 26.801 28.142 A 2,080 $4,012.32 $4,213.21 $4,425.03 $4,645.51 $4,877.95 26260 FIRE DISPATCHER I 045 17.673 18.554 19.486 20.463 21.484 A 2,080 $3,063.32 $3,216.03 $3,377.57 $3,546.92 $3,723.89 26269 FIRE DISPATCHER I-TEMP 740 17.586 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26290 FIRE DISPATCHER II 076 19.619 20.607 21.636 22.718 23.853 A 2,080 $3,400.63 $3,571.88 $3,750.24 $3,937.79 $4,134.52 26299 FIRE DISPATCHER II -TEMP 756 19.522 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 21479 FIRE INSPECTOR-TEMPORARY 135 22.211 23.324 24.488 25.716 26.999 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27040 FIRE PLANS EXAMINER 325 30.907 32.47 34.114 35.848 37.654 A 2,080 $5,357.21 $5,628.13 $5,913.09 $6,213.65 $6,526.69 jJun 23, 2016 9 4:47:29 PM Z City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 'IN777N Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 21480 FIRE PREVENTION INSP/PETROLEUM 135 22.211 23.324 24.488 25.716 26.999 O A 2,080 $3,849.91 $4,042.83 $4,244.59 $4,457.44 $4,679.83 21470 FIRE PREVENTION/ENVIRON OFFR 250 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 31.573 A 2,080 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 $5,472.65 14330 FLEET MECHANIC I 110 21.433 22.507 23.624 24.809 26.055 A 2,080 $3,715.05 $3,901.21 $4,094.83 $4,300.23 $4,516.20 14280 FLEET MECHANIC II 245 25.944 27.241 28.603 30.025 31.532 A 2,080 $4,496.96 $4,721.77 $4,957.85 $5,204.33 $5,465.55 14300 FLEET MECHANIC III 260 26.921 28.278 29.715 31.212 32.796 A 2,080 $4,666.31 $4,901.52 $5,150.60 $5,410.08 $5,684.64 14040 FLEET SERVICE WORKER 1 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 14060 FLEET SERVICE WORKER 1 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 O A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 14069 FLEET SERVICE WORKER I -TEMP 742 17.283 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14061 FLEET SERVICE WORKER I T-STEP 715 13.549 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14068 FLEET SERVICE WORKER I-TEMP-T 715 13.549 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14050 FLEET SERVICE WORKER II 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 C A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 14460 FLEET SERVICE WORKER It 090 19.535 20.508 21529 22.619 23.743 O A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 '- 'Jun 23,2016 10 44729 PM 7� City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29, 2016 ° Approved: June 29,2016 ' Salary Schedule by Title �� 14049 FLEET SERVICE WORKER TEMP 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14048 FLEET SERVICE WORKER TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22130 FLEET SERVICES SYSTEMS ANALYST 145 22.426 23.55 24.731 25.966 27.265 C A 2,080 $3,887.17 $4,082.00 $4,286.71 $4,500.77 $4,725.93 21510 GENERAL SERVICES COORDINATOR 115 21.463 22.525 23.656 24.841 26.075 C A 2,080 $3,720.25 $3,904.33 $4,100.37 $4,305.77 $4,519.67 25140 GIS ANALYST 280 27.006 28.363 29.78 31.272 32.833 A 2,080 $4,681.04 $4,916.25 $5,161.87 $5,420.48 $5,691.05 25000 GIS TECHNICIAN 097 20.316 21.329 22.39 23.521 24.689 A 2,080 $3,521.44 $3,697.03 $3,880.93 $4,076.97 $4,279.43 25009 GIS TECHNICIAN -TEMP 882 20.62 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25230 GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN 150 22.458 23.593 24.758 25.997 27.299 C A 2,080 $3,892.72 $4,089.45 $4,291.39 $4,506.15 $4,731.83 27230 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST 325 30.907 32.47 34.114 35.848 37.654 A 2,080 $5,357.21 $5,628.13 $5,913.09 $6,213.65 $6,526.69 13220 HEAVY EQUIP OPERATOR-WATER 183 23.407 24.566 25.799 27.1 28.444 A 2,080 $4,057.21 $4,258.11 $4,47183 $4,697.33 $4,930.29 13240 HEAVY EQUIP OPR-WASTE WATER 183 23.407 24.566 25.799 27.1 28.444 A 2,080 $4,057.21 $4,258.11 $4,471.83 $4,697.33 $4,930.29 13230 HEAVY EQUIP OPR-SW&RECYCLING 183 23.407 24.566 25.799 27.1 28.444 A 2,080 $4,057.21 $4,258.11 $4,471.83 $4,697.33 $4,930.29 C V �0-40 23,2016 11 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29, 2016# Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29, 2016 13210 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPR-PARKS 183 23.407 24.566 25.799 27.1 28.444 A 2,080 $4,057.21 $4,258.11 $4,471.83 $4,697.33 $4,930.29 13200 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPR-STREETS 183 23.407 24.566 25.799 27.1 28 444 A 2,080 $4,057.21 $4,258.11 $4,471.83 $4,697.33 $4,930.29 25080 HELP DESK SPECIALIST 085 19.499 20.479 21.504 22.582 23.712 A 2,080 $3,379.83 $3,549.69 $3,727.36 $3,914.21 $4,110.08 27010 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST I 235 25.639 26.921 28.258 29.667 31.158 A 2,080 $4,444.09 $4,666.31 $4,898.05 $5,142.28 $5,400.72 27019 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST I TEMP 787 25.513 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27000 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST II 315 29.884 31.38 32.954 34.601 36.327 A 2,080 $5,179.89 $5,439.20 $5,712.03 $5,997.51 $6,296.68 26440 HUMAN RESOURCES CLERK 070 19.214 20.176 21.186 22.244 23.348 A 2,080 $3,330.43 $3,497.17 $3,672.24 $3,855.63 $4,046.99 26400 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 215 24.809 26.055 27.353 28.719 30.155 C A 2,080 $4,300.23 $4,516.20 $4,741.19 $4,977.96 $5,226.87 26409 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN-TEM 785 24.686 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14350 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR 165 22.998 24.148 25.356 26.619 27.956 C A 2,080 $3,986.32 $4,185.65 $4,395.04 $4,613.96 $4,845.71 24350 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 14359 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR-TEM 165 22.998 24.148 25.356 26.619 27.956 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 p CITV,Jun 23,2016 12 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29, 2016 Z } _ Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,zols ®� 24359 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR-TEM 782 24.557 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13490 LABORER 001 10.337 10.855 11.399 11.97 12-569 A 2,080 $1,791.75 $1,881.53 $1,975.83 $2,074.80 $2,178.63 13499 LABORER-TEMP B40 10.286 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26300 LEGAL SEC-MUNICIPAL LAW 095 20.174 21.181 22.248 23.353 24.514 C A 2,080 $3,496.83 $3,671.37 $3,856.32 $4,047.85 $4,249.09 26310 LEGAL SECRETARY 095 20.174 21.181 22.248 23.353 24.514 A 2,080 $3,496.83 $3,671.37 $3,856.32 $4,047.85 $4,249.09 26319 LEGAL SECRETARY-TEMP 765 20.075 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13190 LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPERATOR-WATER 094 20.022 21.022 22.066 23.184 24.334 A 2,080 $3,470.48 $3,643.81 $3,824.77 $4,018.56 $4,217.89 13180 LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPR-PARKS 094 20.022 21.022 22.066 23.184 24.334 A 2,080 $3,470.48 $3,643.81 $3,824.77 $4,018.56 $4,217.89 13170 LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPR-STREETS 094 20.022 21.022 22.066 23.184 24.334 A 2,080 $3,470.48 $3,643.81 $3,824.77 $4,018.56 $4,217.89 13179 LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPR-STREETS-TE 762 19.923 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13580 MACHINIST 245 25.944 27.241 28.603 30.025 31.532 C A 2,080 $4,496.96 $4,721.77 $4,957.85 $5,204.33 $5,465.55 14200 MAINT CRAFTWORKER I 201 23.615 24.803 26.032 27.34 28.703 A 2,080 $4,093.27 $4,299.19 $4,512.21 $4,738.93 $4,975.19 �' ✓0, ,Jun 23,2016 13 44729 PM x City Of Bakersfield EftecNe: June 29 2U,6 - Approved: June 29,2016 , Salary Schedule by Title -^--��®� 13080 MAINTAINER-CGCG 030 15.823 16.612 17.446 18.321 19.233 O A 2,080 $2,742.65 $2,879.41 $3,023.97 $3,175.64 $3,333.72 13090 MAINTAINER-CGCC 030 15.823 16.612 17.446 18.321 19.233 C A 2,080 $2,742.65 $2,879.41 $3,023.97 $3,175.64 $3,333.72 14220 MAINTENANCE CRAFTWORKER II 229 25.298 26.577 27.912 29.331 30.82 A 2,080 $4,384.99 $4,606.68 $4,838.08 $5,084.04 $5,342.13 14320 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 150 22.458 23.593 24.758 25.997 27299 C A 2,080 $3,892.72 $4,089.45 $4,291.39 $4,506.15 $4,731.83 25010 MARKETING&EVENTS SPECIALIST 235 25.639 26.921 28.258 29.667 31.158 A 2,080 $4,444.09 $4,666.31 $4,898.05 $5,142.28 $5,400.72 26140 MICROGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN 025 15.611 16.391 17.219 18.073 18.978 C A 2,080 $2,705.91 $2,841.11 $2,984.63 $3,132.65 $3,289.52 13270 MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR 160 22.521 23.647 24.831 26.063 27.371 A 2,080 $3,903.64 $4,098.81 $4,304.04 $4,517.59 $4,744.31 25100 NETWORK SYSTEMS ANALYST 220 24.885 26.127 27.432 28.804 30.247 A 2,080 $4,313.40 $4,528.68 $4,754.88 $4,992.69 $5,242.81 25130 NETWORK SYSTEMS ENGINEER 297 28.652 30.094 31.614 33.215 34.896 A 2,080 $4,966.35 $5,216.29 $5,479.76 $5,757.27 $6,048.64 25119 NETWORK SYSTEMS TECH-TEMP 776 21.936 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25110 NETWORK SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN 130 22.045 23.146 24.311 25.523 26.804 0 A 2,080 $3,821.13 $4,011.97 $4,213.91 $4,423.99 $4,646.03 25089 OFFICE SYSTEMS SUPP ASST-TEMP 757 17.929 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 O pITY� 14 44729 PM '�lun 23, 2016 City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29, 2016 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29, 2016 26410 PARK& LANDSCAPE DESIGNER 350 31.687 33.273 34.938 36.684 38.519 A 2,080 $5,492.41 $5,767.32 $6,055.92 $6,358.56 $6,676.63 13300 PARK MAINTAINER 050 17-369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 13320 PARK MAINTAINER II 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 C A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 13308 PARK MAINTAINER TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13301 PARK MAINTAINER-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13310 PARK SERVICES COORDINATOR 229 25.298 26.577 27.912 29.331 30.82 A 2,080 $4,384.99 $4,606.68 $4,838.08 $5,084.04 $5,342.13 24500 PARK SERVICES TECHNICIAN 145 22.426 23.55 24.731 25.966 27.265 A 2,080 $3,887.17 $4,082.00 $4,286.71 $4,500.77 $4,725.93 24440 PARK TECHNICIAN 265 27.145 28.508 29.93 31.43 32.996 A 2,080 $4,705.13 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,447.87 $5,719.31 24349 PARTS&INVENTORY SPEC-TEMP 869 17.283 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 24340 PARTS& INVENTORY SPECIALIST 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 26090 PAYROLL TECHNICIAN 070 19.214 20.176 21.186 22.244 23.348 O A 2,080 $3,330.43 $3,497.17 $3,672.24 $3,855.63 $4,046.99 27029 PLAN CHECKER-TEMP 794 30.755 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "Jn 23,2016 15 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 u ;. k4%yll til 27020 PLAN CHECKER-ELECTRICAL SPEC 325 30.907 32.47 34.114 35.848 37.654 A 2,080 $5,357.21 $5,628.13 $5,913.09 $6,213.65 $6,526.69 27030 PLAN CHECKER-PLUMB 8 MECH SPEC 325 30.907 32.47 34.114 35.848 37.654 A 2,080 $5,357.21 $5,628.13 $5,913.09 $6,213.65 $6,526.69 27050 PLAN CHECKER-RESIDENTIAL SPEC 325 30.907 32.47 34.114 35.848 37.654 A 2,080 $5,357.21 $5,628.13 $5,913.09 $6,213.65 $6,526.69 25039 PLANNING TECHNICIAN -TEMP 781 23.434 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14489 PLANT MAINTENANCE WORKER-TEMP 738 15.5 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 21400 POLICE COMPUTER FORENSIC EXAMI 245 25.944 27.241 28.603 30.025 31.532 A 2,080 $4,496.96 $4,721.77 $4,957.85 $5,204.33 $5,465.55 26370 POLICE DISPATCHER 1 075 19.234 20.203 21.212 22.272 23.385 A 2,080 $3,333.89 $3,501.85 $3,676.75 $3,860.48 $4,053.40 26379 POLICE DISPATCHER I-TEMP 755 19.14 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26380 POLICE DISPATCHER II 100 20.462 21.491 22.56 23.691 24.878 A 2,080 $3,546.75 $3,725.11 $3,910.40 $4,106.44 $4,312.19 26389 POLICE DISPATCHER II-TEMP 767 20.362 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 21200 POLICE LAB TECHNICIAN 245 25.944 27.241 28.603 30.025 31.532 A 2,080 $4,496.96 $4,721.77 $4,957.85 $5,204.33 $5,465.55 21300 POLICE LATENT PRINT EXAMINER 245 25.944 27.241 28.603 30.025 31.532 O A 2,080 $4,496.96 $4,721.77 $4,957.85 $5,204.33 $5,465.55 pT o)un 23,2016 16 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29, 2016 IKL "' �� , Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29, 2016 - 21450 POLICE SERVICE TECHNICIAN 060 18.786 19.726 20.716 21.755 22.842 A 2,080 $3,256.24 $3,419.17 $3,590.77 $3,770.87 $3,959.28 21459 POLICE SERVICE TECHNICIAN-TEMP 750 18.693 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25090 PROGRAMMER ANALYST 290 27.806 29.2 30.656 32.189 33.795 A 2,080 $4,819.71 $5,061.33 $5,313.71 $5,579.43 $5,857.80 25099 PROGRAMMER ANALYST-TEMP 884 27.669 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27510 PUBLIC/FIRE SAFTETY EDUC SPEC 180 23.148 24.307 25.529 26.801 28.142 A 2,080 $4,012.32 $4,213.21 $4,425.03 $4,645.51 $4,877.95 26000 REAL PROPERTY AGENT 1 235 25.639 26.921 28.258 29.667 31.158 A 2,080 $4,444.09 $4,666.31 $4,898.05 $5,142.28 $5,400.72 26010 REAL PROPERTY AGENT 11 360 32.215 33.832 35.523 37.299 39.168 A 2,080 $5,583.93 $5,864.21 $6,157.32 $6,465.16 $6,789.12 26420 RECEPTIONIST 015 15.107 15.869 16.657 17.487 18.367 C A 2,080 $2,618.55 $2,750.63 $2,887.21 $3,031.08 $3,183.61 26360 RECREATION COORDINATOR 060 18.786 19.726 20.716 21.755 22.842 A 2,080 $3,256.24 $3,419.17 $3,590.77 $3,770.87 $3,959.28 26020 RECREATION SPECIALIST 180 23.148 24.307 25.529 26.801 28.142 A 2,080 $4,012.32 $4,213.21 $4,425.03 $4,645.51 $4,877.95 27100 REHABILITATION SPECIALIST 265 27.145 28.508 29.93 31.43 32.996 C A 2,080 $4,705.13 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,447.87 $5,719.31 26390 REVENUE PROGRAM AIDE 065 19.061 20.01 21 22.059 23.16 A 2,080 $3,303.91 $3,468.40 $3,640.00 $3,823.56 $4,014.40 p 0 Tv Jun 23, 2016 17 4:47:29 PM c City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 2s, zots '�"' 13390 SANITATION WORKER I 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 13391 SANITATION WORKER I -T STEP 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13398 SANITATION WORKER I TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13420 SANITATION WORKER II 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 C A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 13429 SANITATION WORKER II-TEMP 760 17.961 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13439 SANITATION WORKER III TEMP 770 21.358 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26450 SECRETARY I 055 17.485 18.36 19.282 20.242 21.257 A 2,080 $3,030.73 $3,182.40 $3,342.21 $3,508.61 $3,684.55 26459 SECRETARY I-TEMP 745 17.399 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26490 SECRETARY II 070 19.214 20.176 21.186 22.244 23.348 A 2,080 $3,330.43 $3,497.17 $3,672.24 $3,855.63 $4,046.99 26500 SECRETARY II -CGCC 070 19.214 20.176 21.186 22.244 23.348 C A 2,080 $3,330.43 $3,497.17 $3,672.24 $3,855.63 $4,046.99 26499 SECRETARY II-TEMP 752 19.119 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 27205 SENIOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 040 16.638 17.47 18.347 19.261 20.228 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 C CITY,), 11 Ju0,23,2016 18 4:47:29 PM i _ m City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 , Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June29,20162016® 20010 SENIOR KENNEL TECHNICIANS 010 14.432 15.151 15.907 16.706 17.547 O A 2,080 $2,501.55 $2,626.17 $2,757.21 $2,895.71 $3,041.48 25139 SENIOR OFFICE SYS ANALYST-TEMP 792 25.219 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26460 SENIOR POLICE RECORDS CLERK 070 19.214 20.176 21.186 22.244 23.348 A 2,080 $3,330.43 $3,497.17 $3,672.24 $3,855.63 $4,046.99 27340 SENIOR PROPERTY TECHNICIAN 150 22.458 23.593 24.758 25.997 27.299 A 2,080 $3,892.72 $4,089.45 $4,291.39 $4,506.15 $4,731.83 25160 SENIOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE 235 25.639 26.921 28.258 29.667 31.158 O A 2,080 $4,444.09 $4,666.31 $4,898.05 $5,142.28 $5,400.72 13709 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WKR-TEMP 866 17.283 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13708 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WKR-TEMPT 715 13.549 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13700 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WORKER 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 13701 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WORKER-T 715 13.549 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13440 SEWER MAINTAINER 1 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 13449 SEWER MAINTAINER I -TEMP 742 17.283 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13441 SEWER MAINTAINER I T-STEP 715 13549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 O 6IT V Qiun 23,2016 19 4:47:29 PM 5 z City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 Bak a: Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 13448 SEWER MAINTAINER I TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13460 SEWER MAINTAINER II 097 20.316 21.329 22.39 23.521 24.689 A 2,080 $3,521.44 $3,697.03 $3,880.93 $4,076.97 $4,279.43 13470 SEWER MAINTAINER 111 140 22.32 23.428 24.6 25.833 27.12 A 2,080 $3,868.80 $4,060.85 $4,264.00 $4,477.72 $4,700.80 13430 SOLID WASTE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 115 21.463 22.525 23.656 24.841 26.075 A 2,080 $3,720.25 $3,904.33 $4,100.37 $4,305.77 $4,519.67 13640 SPRAY RIG OPR/PEST CONTROL ADV 105 20.507 21.532 22.61 23.743 24.929 C A 2,080 $3,554.55 $3,732.21 $3,919.07 $4,115.45 $4,321.03 14450 SR W W TREATMENT OPR 265 27.145 28.508 29.93 31.43 32.996 A 2,080 $4,705.13 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,44287 $5,719.31 14440 STAGE TECHNICIAN-CGCG 150 22.458 23.593 24.758 25.997 27.299 C A 2,080 $3,892.72 $4,089.45 $4,291.39 $4,506.15 $4,731.83 13140 STREET MAINTAINER 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 13141 STREET MAINTAINER T-STEP 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13148 STREET MAINTAINER TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13149 STREET MAINTAINER-TEMP 742 17.283 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25280 SURVEY PARTY CHIEF 1 210 24.679 25.928 27.23 28.615 30.07 A 2,080 $4,277.69 $4,494.19 $4,719.87 $4,959.93 $5,212.13 o� dun 23,2016 20 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield `' w Effective: June 29, 2016 �i ',i, Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29,2016 """ 25300 SURVEY PARTY CHIEF II 265 27.145 28.508 29.93 31.43 32.996 A 2,080 $4,705.13 $4,941.39 $5,187.87 $5,447.87 $5,719.31 14480 TRADES ASSISTANT FIRE HYDRANT 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 C A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 14471 TRADES ASSISTANT T-STEP 720 14.873 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14479 TRADES MAINT WORKER-TEMP 877 19.439 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14478 TRADES MAINT WORKER TEMP-T 720 14.873 O A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14470 TRADES MAINTENANCE WORKER 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 25290 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN 263 27.08 28.422 29.847 31.342 32.905 A 2,080 $4,693.87 $4,926.48 $5,173.48 $5,432.61 $5,703.53 14080 TRAFFIC PAINTER 1 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 14081 TRAFFIC PAINTER I T-STEP 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14088 TRAFFIC PAINTER I TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14089 TRAFFIC PAINTER I-TEMP 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14190 TRAFFIC PAINTER II 090 19.535 20.508 21.529 22.619 23.743 A 2,080 $3,386.07 $3,554.72 $3,731.69 $3,920.63 $4,115.45 Jd123,2016 21 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 Approved: June 29,2016 Salary Schedule by Title �� 7715 ul 17190 TRAFFIC PAINTER III 115 21.463 22.525 23.656 24.841 26.075 A 2,080 $3,720.25 $3,904.33 $4,100.37 $4,305.77 $4,519.67 15310 TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECHNICIAN 263 27.08 28.422 29.847 31.342 32.905 A 2,080 $4,693.87 $4,926.48 $5,173.48 $5,432.61 $5,703.53 26250 TRANSCRIBING TYPIST 040 16.638 17.47 18.347 19.261 20.228 A 2,080 $2,883.92 $3,028.13 $3,180.15 $3,338.57 $3,506.19 26259 TRANSCRIBING TYPIST-TEMP 737 16.556 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13610 TREE MAINTAINER I 050 17.369 18.23 19.139 20.09 21.101 C A 2,080 $3,010.63 $3,159.87 $3,317.43 $3,482.27 $3,657.51 13618 TREE MAINTAINER I TEMP-T 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13611 TREE MAINTAINER FT STEP 715 13.549 C A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13620 TREE MAINTAINER II 097 20.316 21.329 22.39 23.521 24.689 A 2,080 $3,521.44 $3,697.03 $3,880.93 $4,076.97 $4,279.43 13630 TREE MAINTAINER III 115 21.463 22.525 23.656 24.841 26.075 C A 2,080 $3,720.25 $3,904.33 $4,100.37 $4,305.77 $4,519.67 13480 UTILITY WORKER 030 15.823 16.612 17.446 18.321 19.233 C A 2,080 $2,742.65 $2,879.41 $3,023.97 $3,175.64 $3,333.72 13489 UTILITY WORKER-TEMP 735 15.745 A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14360 W W TREAT PLANT LAB TECH 165 22.998 24.148 25.356 26.619 27.956 A 2,080 $3,986.32 $4,185.65 $4,395.04 $4,613.96 $4,845.71 "`Jun 23,2016 22 4:47:29 PM City Of Bakersfield Effective: June 29,2016 ;14 Salary Schedule by Title Approved: June 29, 2016 14390 W W TREATMENT PLANT CPR 1 065 19.061 20.01 21 22.059 23.16 A 2,080 $3,303.91 $3,468.40 $3,640.00 $3,823.56 $4,014.40 14420 W W TREATMENT PLANT CPR II 115 21.463 22.525 23.656 24.841 26.075 A 2,080 $3,720.25 $3,904.33 $4,100.37 $4,305.77 $4,519.67 14430 W W TREATMENT PLANT CPR III 229 25.298 26.577 27.912 29.331 30.82 O A 2,080 $4,384.99 $4,606.68 $4,838.08 $5,084.04 $5,342.13 14290 WASTEWATER PLANT MECHANIC 245 25.944 27.241 28.603 30.025 31.532 A 2,080 $4,496.96 $4,721.77 $4,957.85 $5,204.33 $5,465.55 25050 WEBMASTER 220 24.885 26.127 27.432 28.804 30.247 A 2,080 $4,313.40 $4,528.68 $4,754.88 $4,992.69 $5,242.81 13510 WELDER 200 23.606 24.793 26.031 27.337 28.71 C A 2,080 $4,091.71 $4,297.45 $4,512.04 $4,738.41 $4,976.40 13520 WELDER II 245 25.944 27.241 28.603 30.025 31.532 C A 2,080 $4,496.96 $4,721.77 $4,957.85 $5,204.33 $5,465.55 r� '°4pn 23,2016 23 4:47:29 PM