HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.14.2016 WB Minutes Special MtgMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, March 14, 2016 - 4:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Hanson, Member Smith, Member Maxwell Absent: None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 17, 2016 for approval. Motion by Maxwell to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 17, 2016. APPROVED, ALL AYES 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS - None 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT - None 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, reviewed the operations graphs and stated the Isabella storage at midnight was 50,583 acre feet; the natural flow is at 650 cfs, the outflow is in the 300 cfs range. We do see spikes, but the overall trend is increased flow into Lake Isabella. The Kern River basin snow pack accumulation model is still below normal; the April runoff average is in the 71 % range of normal snow pack for this time of year. On March 10th the State Department of Water Resources updated the water runoff to 320,000 acre feet, 69% of normal, Our city model is currently tracking at 330,000 acre feet or 71 % of normal. Either way there will be a little bit of yield off the snowpack. The storm last Friday, gave us about 1/3 of an inch of water content in our basin. Unfortunately the weather forecast is for five days of dry and spring like weather. Information only, no action taken, Bakersfield, California, March 14, 2016 - Page 2 6. REPORTS continued A. Hanson requested Staff look into the possibility of incorporating the graphs within the California Water Service water billings or encourage the Bakersfield Californian to print the graphs. He feels this may have an impact on consumers to reduce water use. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated staff will look into Mr. Hanson's request. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Agreement for Dry Year Water Supply between City and Kern County Water Agency Improvement District No. 4 (not to exceed $400,000). Motion by Maxwell to approve the agreement and forward to the City Council for approval at the March 30, 2016 meeting. Approved all ayes. 10. MISCELLANEOUS - None 11. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS - None 12, CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (One matter) Recess to Closed Session at 4:10 p.m. Closed Session was adjourned at 4:39 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, stated by unanimous vote the Water Board authorized staff to move forward with adding ID4 to the MOU for the Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency on the terms of majority vote and also authorizing staff and the vice Mayor to have some flexibility in presenting that MOU to the Council on March 301h. 14. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Hanson adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m. Harold Ha son, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zarag C Secretary, City''af..B ke fielci'Water Board