HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.09.2015 WB Agenda Packet Regular MtgCity of Bakersfield Water Board Regular Meeting of September 9, 2015 Kern River at Hobo Camp Ground Water Resources File Packet WATER BOARD Harold Hanson, Chair Bob Smith Terry Maxwell CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 5, 2015 for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT b. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for July 2015 - For Board Information 7. HEARINGS 8. DEFERRED BUSINESS B A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD Harold Hanson, Chair Bob Smith Terry Maxwell CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 5, 2015 for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT b. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for July 2015 - For Board Information 7. HEARINGS 8. DEFERRED BUSINESS Water Board Agenda September 9, 2015 Page 2 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Administrative Citations; Emergency Ordinance Amending Chapter 14,02 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Regulations for Urban Water Conservation to Limit Irrigation of Turf and Landscapes. B. Independent Contractor's Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc., ($90,000) for On -call Services for Implementation of the 2014 Storm Water Management Plan - For Board Review and Action 10. MISCELLANEOUS 11. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 12. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (One matter) 13. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 14. ADJOURNMENT ART CHIANELLO, P,E. Water Resources Manager POSTED; September 4, 2015 BAKE OF HC00.POFAT� RScn ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IFO IL� WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: September 9, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Minutes ITEM: 3. A. TO: Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DATE: September 3, 2015 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD Lj SUBJECT: Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of August 5, 2015. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of August 5, 2015. BACKGROUND: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 2;00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present; Chairman Hanson, Member Smith, Member Maxwell Absent; None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 10, 2015 for approval. Motion by Maxwell to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 10, 2015. APPROVED, ALL AYES 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Dennis Fox spoke regarding the Westland Water District in Fresno, and how water transfers from Bakersfield will affect our public image up north. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, stated the midnight storage is at 32,632 acre feet; the current natural flow is running about 125 second feet; the current City storage is 1,912 acre feet; and the estimate on the April -July run off period is at 56,885 acre feet, which is the all -time recorded lowest in the history of the records, The good news is the water year ends on September 30th. Information only, no action taken. B A K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 2;00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present; Chairman Hanson, Member Smith, Member Maxwell Absent; None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 10, 2015 for approval. Motion by Maxwell to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 10, 2015. APPROVED, ALL AYES 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Dennis Fox spoke regarding the Westland Water District in Fresno, and how water transfers from Bakersfield will affect our public image up north. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, stated the midnight storage is at 32,632 acre feet; the current natural flow is running about 125 second feet; the current City storage is 1,912 acre feet; and the estimate on the April -July run off period is at 56,885 acre feet, which is the all -time recorded lowest in the history of the records, The good news is the water year ends on September 30th. Information only, no action taken. Bakersfield, California, August 5, 2015 - Page 2 6. REPORTS continued B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for June 2015. Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, stated the monthly usage is reported to the State by the 151h of each month. For the month of June 2015 there was a decrease for the total water production in the City's domestic water service area of 33.9 percent for the total water produced; the residential per capita basis was 35.8 percent. The State looks at total water produced, so they will look at the 34% verses our goal which was set at 36 %. Our system is doing well at conserving water. We didn't reach the target as of June, but we are close. Also, a fact sheet was provided to explain how the State will assess compliance for the period of June 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016. Water Board Member Bob Smith stated that 35 -36 percent reduction is a great effort by the City. Chairman Harold Hanson asked if the letters to the top 50 water users have been mailed out. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager stated the letters have been mailed out in batches and almost complete; several have been returned with undeliverable addresses and will be resent. Chairman Hanson stated he was contacted by Jim Scott, KGET 23, and asked if the City will be looking into implementing a water reclamation program such as some northern cities have implemented. City Manager Tandy stated the City is currently studying expanding the tertiary treatment plant in connection with an irrigation district and a private sector property owner /agricultural interest. To change the usage of our affluent to do 80 gallon pick -ups would require an alteration to our state permit. We are constructing Phase 3 of the Sports Village which will consume more of our capacity and entering into negotiations with these two entities. It is not worth changing our permits on an interim basis when we're having the state look at changing our permits on a longer term basis for this partnership. Dennis Fox asked if the Stockdale Country Club Golf Course has their own well, as when it was first Tevis Ranch. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated Stockdale Country Club has a private well and that's how the golf course is being irrigated. The surrounding area is Stockdale Mutual which also has its own water well which is potable water. Stockdale Mutual and Stockdale Country Club records their pumping data and pay a pump tax to Improvement District No, 4. They are also expected to meet the state's required reductions. HEARINGS -None 8. DEFERRED BUSINESS - None Bakersfield, California, August 5, 2015 - Page 3 9. NEW BUSINESS - None 10. MISCELLANEOUS - None 11, WATER BOARD STATEMENTS Chairman Hanson stated he is proud of the City's efforts to save water and asked when do we get the July numbers? Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, stated that He will be meeting with Cal Water on Thursday to compile the numbers. Dennis Fox made a comment regarding the weed growth in the Isabella Reservoir. 12. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) (Two Cases) North Kern Water Storage District, et al v. City of Bakersfield Tulare County Superior Court Case Nos. VCU25178 (consolidated with Case Nos. VCU251598 and VCU251535) 2. State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 Recess to Closed Session at 2:18 p.m. Closed Session was adjourned at 3:04 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, state Staff was given direction on Closed Session Item 12, A. 14. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Hanson adjourned the meeting at 3:05 p.m. Harold Hanson, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, CIVIC Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board BAKER OF HcoRPOR���'`S� 1 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT cALIFO ` WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: September 9, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6. A. TO: Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DATE: September 3, 2015 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD SUBJECT: Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report RECOMMENDATION: For Board Information BACKGROUND: Report by John Ryan Hydrographic Supervisor on current Kern River flow and Isabella storage conditions. w Q O H oC O w N w a J J w Q cn as a � w O J w " a °w �: Q r J N a 4 w c N O J LL J Q M Q m w Z m w Y (SiSOy}uaaed ui UOIJUAG13) J:JOV u! 3!DVIIO1S O O O O O O O O O O 0..- O O O O O O O O O O O O s O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 L N o O (O U) ._ O O M< O co c (i) N c., 0 N o O O m (n °0 °0 °o °o °0 °0 °0 °0 O° °0 ° O M M (O U') It M N r T aNO03S Had 1334 oisno L O U) LO T 6) Q LO T LO T co oil LO T i Q Q Ln T L co 2 LO T Q N LL LO T U N 0 O Z v O o E a m � � I a� cc L O f� (D m cc N U. ' L Z LL. cc d cc C °0 °0 °o °o °0 °0 °0 °0 O° °0 ° O M M (O U') It M N r T aNO03S Had 1334 oisno L O U) LO T 6) Q LO T LO T co oil LO T i Q Q Ln T L co 2 LO T Q N LL LO T U N 0 O Z v O BA Q5 1,oWl- d ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ZIF o WATER BOARD cq MEETING DATE: September 9, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 6.B. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD September 3, 2015 �/ A PPROVED Cat Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for July 2015. RECOMMENDATION: For Board information. BACKGROUND: The emergency drought regulations implemented by the Governor require the City to report water usage to the State by the 15th of each month. The City began reporting monthly water usage for its domestic water service area in June 2014. Table 1 below shows information that was reported to the State for the month of July 2015. Note that one (1) CCF is one hundred cubic feet, or 748 gallons. "R -GPCD" is the residential gallons per person per day water usage. Table 1 July 2013 July 2015 Increase/ Decrease - Total Water Produced (CCF) 2,473,680 1,694,296 - 31.5% Population 135,851 142,980 7,129 Residential Use Percentage 70.8% 74.0 R -GPCD 311 212 - 32.0% Total Residential Connections 38,933 40,976 2,043 SA2015 Water Board \9.09.15 Water Board \Water usage update July 2015.docx pnnaiaaN P gym'1 ` %!�1!/ ''���� NaammiNM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT WATER BOARD The State Water Resources Control Board will assess compliance for the period of June 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016. The City's conservation standard goal is 36 %, which was established by the State. As of the end of July 2015, the City's cumulative savings is 32.6% as shown in Table 2 below. Table 2 2013 2015 Month 2013 2015 Monthly Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Water Water Use Use Savings Usage Usage Savings CCF CCF CCF CCF June -15 2,082,532 1,377,011 -33.9% 2,082,532 1,377,011 -33.9% Jul -15 2,473,852 1,694,414 -31.5% 4,556,384 3,071,425 -32.6% 5:\2015 Water Board \9.09.15 Water Board \Water usage update July 2015.doex BAKE MRAr�RS ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT WATER BOARD cALIFO � MEETING DATE: September 9, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 9. A. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT Harold Hanson, Chairman Terry Maxwell, Member Bob Smith, Member APPROVED Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD September 4, 2015 CITY ATTORNEY v Administrative Citations: 1. An Emergency Ordinance Amending Chapter 14.02 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code Relating to Regulations for Urban Water Conservation to Limit Irrigation of Turf and Landscapes. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Emergency Ordinance. BACKGROUND: On January 17, 2014, the Governor of California declared a State of Emergency to exist due to the ongoing severe drought conditions. The continuation of the drought has led the Governor to issue multiple executive orders, culminating with his April 1, 2015 executive order which tasked the State Water Resources Control Board with imposing restrictions to achieve a statewide 25% reduction in potable urban water usage through February 28, 2016. On May 5, 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted an emergency regulation to address the Governor's April 1 executive order. To reach the statewide 25% reduction mandate, the emergency regulation assigned each urban water supplier a conservation standard. The City was given a conservation standard of 36 %. Despite the adoption of the ordinance limiting the irrigation of outdoor landscaping to three days per week, the City still narrowly missed its 36% reduction target by 2% in June and 4% in July. Therefore, the City must take additional steps to reach the reduction target going forward. This Emergency Ordinance will give the City an additional enforcement tool to use against water users that are not complying with the City's water use regulations by creating an administrative citation process. This Emergency Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, and safety. Before this Emergency Ordinance is submitted to the City Council, staff would like to receive comment and input from the Water Board. Copies of the draft Emergency Ordinance will be provide at the meeting. VG:dll S'. \WATER \Wat — Dad \I5 -16 C11.1tio d- 1 \9- 9- 15.PADocx 9/4/2015 BAKE O� �CORPoR „��'S d ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT cAL`P WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: September 9, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 9.13. TO: Harold Hanson, Chairman Bob Smith, Member Terry Maxwell, Member FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DATE: September 3, 2015 APPROVED %� DEPARTMENT HEAD L �P` SUBJECT: Independent Contractor's Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. ($90,000) for On -Call Services for Implementation of the 2014 Storm Water Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of agreement by Water Board and referral to City Council for final approval. BACKGROUND: The City of Bakersfield (City) and the County of Kern (County) jointly hold a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES or Permit) Permit issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The purpose of the Permit is to ensure that the discharge of storm water does not negatively impact the Kern River and local canals. Although it is a joint Permit, costs associated with conformance to the Permit are separated between City and County. In addition, lack of performance from either entity will not be associated with and negatively impact the other entity. Since the early 2000's, the Water Resources Department has overseen the NPDES storm water monitoring and reporting program. The Water Resources Department works with other City Departments and the County to prepare and submit Annual Reports on permit compliance to the RWQCB. Per the permit the City and County submitted an updated SWMP on September 8, 2014 to the RWQCB. The engineering and analysis required to write the updated SWMP was performed by Carollo Engineers. Carollo Engineers was used for several reasons; their professional experience in working with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, their knowledge of state law and all regulations, their extensive expertise in administering stormwater programs, and their competitive rates. Due to Carollo's familiarity with the City's SWMP, staff is recommending that the City enter into a new agreement with Carollo for the implementation of the SWMP program. Carollo Engineer's would provide on -call support and assistance to all City Departments that have responsibilities to comply with the SWMP. Carollo has provided a time and material proposal in an amount not -to- exceed $90,000 for a two year contract to provide such services. Funds are available from the Water Resources Department's FY 2015 -16 Agricultural Water Division Operations budget. 5:\2015 Water Board \9.09.15 Water Board \SWMP Agreement with Carollo.docx AGREEMENT NO. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, ( "CITY" herein) and CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. ( "CONTRACTOR" herein). RECITALS WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR represents CONTRACTOR is experienced, well qualified and a specialist in the field of Storm Water Management Programs, NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and CONTRACTOR mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK. The scope of work is described as: Provide On -Call Services for implementation of the 2014 Storm Water Management Plan, more specifically described in "Scope of Work" letter dated April 2, 2015 (see Exhibit "A "), The scope of work shall include all items and procedures necessary to properly complete the task CONTRACTOR has been hired to perform, whether specifically included in the scope of work or not. The scope of work shall include all items and procedures necessary to properly complete the task CONTRACTOR has been hired to perform, whether specifically included in the scope of work or not. 2. COMPENSATION. Compensation for all work, services or products called for under this Agreement shall consist of a total payment of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000) which shall be paid as follows: completed services after receipt of an itemized invoice approved by the Water Resources Manager or his designee. The compensation set forth in this section shall be the total compensation under this Agreement including, but not limited to, all out -of- pocket costs and taxes. CITY shall pay only the compensation listed unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. 3. PAYMENT PROCEDURE. CONTRACTOR shall be paid for services rendered after receipt of an itemized invoice for the work completed and approved by CITY in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Payment by CITY to CONTRACTOR shall be made within thirty (30) days after receipt and approval by CITY of CONTRACTORSs itemized invoice. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT SA2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 -- Page 1 of 9 Pages -- 4. KEY PERSONNEL. CONTRACTOR shall name all key personnel to be assigned to the work set forth herein. All key personnel shall be properly licensed and have the experience to perform the work called for under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall provide background for each of the key personnel including, without limitation, resumes and work experience in the type of work called for herein. CITY reserves the right to approve key personnel. Once the key personnel are approved CONTRACTOR shall not change such personnel without the written approval of CITY. 5. STARTING WORK. CONTRACTOR shall not begin work until authorized to do so in writing by CITY. No work will be authorized until the contract has been fully executed by CONTRACTOR and CITY, 6. INCLUDED DOCUMENTS. Any bid documents, including, without limitation, special provisions and standard specifications and any Request for Proposals, Request for Qualifications and responses thereto relating to this Agreement are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth. 7. NO WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another party any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 8. LICENSES. CONTRACTOR shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect or obtain at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits and approvals which are legally required for CONTRACTOR to practice its profession. If a corporation, at least one officer or key employee shall hold the required licenses or professional degrees. If a partnership, at least one partner shall hold the required licensees or professional degrees, 9. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. All work shall be performed in conformity with all legal requirements and industry standards observed by a specialist of the profession in California. 10. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. This contract sets forth the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all other oral or written representations. This contract may be modified only in a writing approved by the City Council and signed by all the parties. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR's AGREEMENT SA2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 -- Page 2 of 9 Pages -- 11. EXHIBITS. In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions or specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in exhibits attached hereto, the terms, conditions, or specifications set forth in this Agreement shall prevail. All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed incorporated in this Agreement, whether or not actually attached. 12. TERM. Unless terminated sooner, as set forth herein, this Agreement shall terminate on September 30, 2017. 13. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by any party upon ten (10) days written notice, served by mail or personal service, to all other parties. 14. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. CONTRACTOR shall, at CONTRACTOR's sole cost, comply with all of the requirements of Municipal, State, and Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes, rules or regulations, and permitting requirements now in force or which may hereafter be in force including, without limitation, obtaining a City of Bakersfield business tax certificate (Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 5.02) where required. 15. SB 854 COMPLIANCE. To the extent Labor Code Section 1771.1 applies to this Agreement, a contractor or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, be subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, as defined in this chapter, unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725,5. It is not a violation of Labor Code Section 1771.1 for an unregistered contractor to submit a bid that is authorized by Section 7029.1 of the Business and Professions Code or by Section 10164 or 20103.5 of the Public Contract Code, provided the contractor is registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5 at the time the contract is awarded. The prime contractor is required to post job site notices in compliance with Title 8 California Code of Regulations Section 16451, This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. 16. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. This Agreement calls for the performance of the services of CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor. CONTRACTOR is not an agent or employee of the CITY for any purpose and is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by CITY to its employees. This Agreement shall not be construed as forming a partnership or any other association with CONTRACTOR other than that of an independent contractor. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR's AGREEMENT S: \2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 -- Page 3 of 9 Pages -- 17. DIRECTION. CONTRACTOR retains the right to control or direct the manner in which the services described herein are performed. 18. EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR will supply all equipment, tools, materials and supplies necessary to perform the services under this Agreement, 19. INSURANCE. In addition to any other insurance or bond required under this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement the following types and limits of insurance ( "basic insurance requirements ") herein; 19.1 Automobile liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall; 19.1.1 Provide coverage for owned, non -owned and hired autos. 19.2 Broad form commercial general liability insurance, unless otherwise approved by the CITY's Risk Manager, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall; 19.2.1 Provide contractual liability coverage for the terms of this Agreement. 19.2.2 Provide unlimited products and completed operations coverage. 19.2.3 Contain an additional insured endorsement in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. 19.2.4 All policies shall be written on a first - dollar coverage basis, or contain a deductible provision. Subject to advance approval by the CITY, CONTRACTOR may utilize a Self- Insured Retention provided that the policy shall not contain language, whether added by endorsement or contained in the Policy Conditions, that prohibits satisfaction of any Self- Insured provision INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT SA2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 -- Page 4 of 9 Pages -- or requirement by anyone other than the Named Insured, or by any means including other insurance or which is intended to defeat the intent or protection of an Additional Insured. 19.4. Workers' compensation insurance with statutory limits and employer's liability insurance with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence, and the policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. 19.5 All policies required of the CONTRACTOR shall be primary insurance as to the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, or designated volunteers and any insurance or self- insurance maintained by the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, and designated volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 19.6 Except for workers' compensation, insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating as approved by CITY's Risk Manager, but in no event less than A -:VII, Any deductibles, self- insured retentions or insurance in lesser amounts, or lack of certain types of insurance otherwise required by this Agreement, or insurance rated below Best's A -:VII, must be declared prior to execution of this Agreement and approved by the CITY in writing, 19.7 Unless otherwise approved by CITY's Risk Manager, all policies shall contain an endorsement providing the CITY with thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or material change in policy language or terms. All policies shall provide that there shall be continuing liability thereon, notwithstanding any recovery on any policy. Copies of policies shall be delivered to CITY on demand. 19.8 The insurance required hereunder shall be maintained until all work required to be performed by this Agreement is satisfactorily completed as evidenced by written acceptance by the CITY. 19.9 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insurance and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The CITY may withdraw its offer of contract or cancel this contract if certificates of insurance and endorsements required have not been provided prior to the execution of this Agreement. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR's AGREEMENT SA2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 -- Page 5 of 9 Pages -- 19.10 Full compensation for all premiums which the CONTRACTOR is required to pay on all the insurance described herein shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work to be performed under the Agreement, and no additional allowance will be made therefor or for additional premiums which may be required by extensions of the policies of insurance. 19.11 It is further understood and agreed by the CONTRACTOR that its liability to the CITY shall not in any way be limited to or affected by the amount of insurance obtained and carried by the CONTRACTOR in connection with this Agreement. 19.12 Unless otherwise approved by the CITY, if any part of the work under this Agreement is subcontracted, the "basic insurance requirements" set forth above shall be provided by, or on behalf of, all subcontractors even if the CITY has approved lesser insurance requirements for CONTRACTOR. 19.13 CONTRACTOR shall provide, if required by CITY, performance, labor and material bonds in amounts and in a form suitable to CITY. CITY shall approve in writing all such security instruments prior to commencement of any work under this Agreement. 20. THIRD PARTY CLAIMS. In the case of public works contracts, CITY will timely notify CONTRACTOR of third party claims relating to this contract. CITY shall be allowed to recover from CONTRACTOR, and CONTRACTOR shall pay on demand, all costs of notification. 21. INDEMNITY. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative orjudicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR's employees, agents, independent contractors, companies, or subcontractors in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. 22. EXECUTION. This Agreement is effective upon execution, It is the product of negotiation and all parties are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement. Section 1654 of the California Civil Code shall not apply to the interpretation of this Agreement. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT S: \2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 -- Page 6 of 9 Pages -- 23. NOTICES. All notices relative to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be personally served or sent by certified or registered mail and be effective upon actual personal service or depositing in the United States mail. The parties shall be addressed as follows, or at any other address designated by notice: CITY: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD Bakersfield, California 93311 (661) 326 -3715 CONTRACTOR: CAROLLO ENGINEERS PENNY CARLO, P.E. 710 W. Pinedale Avenue FRESNO, CA 93711 24. GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the State of California will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance. Any litigation arising in any way from this Agreement shall be brought in Kern County, California,' 25. FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each party shall execute and deliver such papers, documents, and instruments, and perform such acts as are necessary or appropriate, to implement the terms of this Agreement and the intent of the parties to this Agreement. 26. ASSIGNMENT. Neither this Agreement nor any rights, interests, duties, liabilities, obligations or responsibilities arising out of, concerning or related in any way to this Agreement (including, but not limited to, accounts, actions, causes of action, claims, damages, demands, liabilities, losses, obligations, or reckonings of any kind or nature whatsoever, for compensatory or exemplary and punitive damages, or declaratory, equitable or injunctive relief, whether based on contract, equity, tort or other theories of recovery provided for by the common or statutory law) may be assigned or transferred by any party. Any such assignment is prohibited, and shall be unenforceable and otherwise null and void without the need for further action by the non - assigning party or parties. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR's AGREEMENT S: \2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.doex August 24, 2015 -- Page 7 of 9 Pages -- 27. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the contract and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and whenever the context so requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter, and the singular number includes the plural. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original and be effective as such. 28. TITLE TO DOCUMENTS. All documents, plans, and drawings, maps, photographs, and other papers, or copies thereof prepared by CONTRACTOR pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, shall, upon preparation, become the property of the CITY. 29. ACCOUNTING RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall maintain accurate accounting records and other written documentation pertaining to all costs incurred in performance of this Agreement. Such records and documentation shall be kept at CONTRACTOR's office during the term of this Agreement, and for a period of three years from the date of the final payment hereunder, and said records shall be made available to CITY representatives upon request at any time during regular business hours. 30. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of entities represent and warrant that they are, respectively, duly authorized to sign on behalf of the entities and to bind the entities fully to each and all of the obligations set forth in this Agreement. 31. TAX NUMBERS. CONTRACTOR's Federal Tax ID Number 86- 0899222 CONTRACTOR is a corporation? Yes x No (Please check one.) 32. NON - INTEREST. No officer or employee of the CITY shall hold any interest in this Agreement (California Government Code section 1090). 33. RESOURCE ALLOCATION. All obligations of CITY under the terms of this Agreement are subject to the appropriation and allocation of resources by the City Council. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR's AGREEMENT S: \2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 -- Page 8 of 9 Pages -- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first -above written. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HARVEY L. HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney Insurance: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ART CHIANELLO, P.E. WATER RESOURCES MANAGER COUNTERSIGNED: NELSON SMITH Finance Director Attachment: Exhibit A INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR's AGREEMENT S: \2015 CONTRACTS \Independent -k Carollo 2014 SWMP.docx August 24, 2015 "CONTRACTOR" CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. Print Name: Title: -- Page 9 of 9 Pages -- City of Bakersfield Scope of Work for On -Call Services for Implementing the 2014 Storm Water Management Plan City of Bakersfield and Carollo Engineers, Inc., a Delaware Corporation April 2, 2015 OBJECTIVE The City of Bakersfield's (City) Waste Discharge Requirements (Order R5- 2013 -0153) (2013 Permit) for their Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), required an update to the City's 2006 Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) to comply with the requirements of the 2013 Permit. The 2014 SWMP was completed in February 2015. In the 2014 SWMP, several program activities were identified for implementation between adoption of the plan and the 2015/2016 reporting period. The purpose of this scope of work is to assist the City of Bakersfield with the implementation of the 2014 SWMP. SCOPE OF SERVICES Carollo Engineers, Inc. (CONSULTANT) shall perform on -call services that may include providing assistance with the following tasks: • Developing report formats • Assist in the review and evaluation of existing procedures and protocols. Contribute to developing revised procedures and protocols. • Developing database structure /formats for various program elements (construction projects, industrial and commercial facilities, public facilities, municipal facilities, industrial public facilities, training activities, post- construction controls., etc.) • Developing water quality prioritization criteria and basis for inspection or activity frequency • Developing inspection forms • Identifying training needs and opportunities • Identifying internal and external informational and educational materials • Assist with developing storm drain marker program • Identifying outreach and educational program needs and opportunities • Assist with implementing monitoring program • Assist with implementing the special studies • Assist with developing the program effectiveness evaluation PAYMENT The fee for this scope of work is for time and materials for up to ninety- thousand dollars ($90,000), not be exceeded without written consent of the City. The City will provide email authorization of specific tasks based on a description of task activities. Monthly invoices will be submitted for the work completed. BA ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT O WATER BOARD ALIFO MEETING DATE: September 9, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 12. A. TO: Harold Hanson, Chairman Terry Maxwell, Member Bob Smith, Member FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: September 2, 2015 CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED V4� V� SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2),(e)(1) (One matter). VG:dll S: \WATER \Wa} erboard \15 -16 Clsessionadmin \9- 9- 15.Potlit.Docx WZY'041If7