HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.08.2015 WB Minutes Special MtgEA K E R S F I E L D �ilr!'JTES THE S. - _IAL (.'�ETiNC �,ATF�' :O�FL� - C:iTY �F B ERSFIELD Wednesday, Aprul 8,2M - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 11;00 a.m, 2. ROLL CALL Present; Chairman Hanson, Member Maxwell Absent; Member Smith 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Greg Hammett, General Manager, Belridge Water Storage District, stated he is here to make the bi- monthly request for the City to reconsider connecting their well to the river canal. Every day that goes by is less water they can extract from the facility, He said they are not asking for anything other than to be able to extract and recover water they banked previously and asked that the City reconsider that request, B. Fred Starrh stated they are still hurting for water. He stated they have 13,000 acre feet of water they paid for and banked, and they want to recover the water for this year. That water will allow them to keep about 600 acres of almond trees alive, that otherwise they will have to let dry up. Last year 1000 acres went dry because of the water shortage and at the moment there is no water available for sale. They are requesting to recover some of the water they paid for. He stated they paid good money to put the water into the ground for this purpose and now they want to recover the water. They are making the some request that the City allow them to connect to the well and put that water into the canal to deliver into the aqueduct, C. Ted Page, President, Board of Directors, Semitropic Water Storage District, stated what they are requesting is consistent with all the banking projects in the county and the state of California, They have been previously allowed to connect to the river canal without objection until this moment, The water that Mr. Starrh has banked also has a component for leave behind water that stays in the basin that he has to comply with, Mr, Starrh is riot going to take exactly what he put underground, He stated they are making the same request, to the same situation as previously, Bakersfield, California, April 8, 2015 - Page 2 � �'EPOKiS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, reviewed the graph activity of the Kern River Inflow /Outflow and storage, The storage is static and will remain that way for most of the summer, The April 1 It snowpack was at 3 percent of normal, which is a' /2 inch of snow and the normal should be 21.6 inches of snow. The Department of Water Resources snows surveys B -120 report states the 50 percent exceedance level is 65,000 acre feet, the 90 percent exceedance level was at 45,000 acre feet total for the Kern River group. The lowest recorded was approximately 85,000 acre feet, even with the lowest we are still 20,000 acre feet below the all -time record, For Board information only, no action taken. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Emergency Ordinance adding Chapter 14,25 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Regulations for Urban Water Conservation to Limit Irrigation on Turf and Landscapes. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, provided background information, City Attorney Gennaro stated staff is presenting a draft emergency ordinance as a result of the State Water Resources Control Board regulations, Staff will incorporated language regarding water runoff; business and commercial properties; and penalties, into the proposed emergency ordinance. Chairman Hanson stated for the record, he is absolutely against tiered water pricing. Chairman Hanson stated the City needs to set the greatest example on water conservation and the City will have tough choices, including the spray parks. Maxwell requested staff provide a presentation to the City Council highlighting the City's conservation efforts. Motion by Maxwell to refer the Emergency Ordinance, with incorporated lC•i)7u17r1e, to the ful! City� Council for adoption. Approved all ayes, Smith absent B. Agreement for a Dry Year Water Supply with Kern County Water Agency, Improvement District No. 4, Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, gave a brief update, +�t;� ;.y '�.� -i� t.� rt�(��r th- �� {c•;�.��_�r „t,r�f f�c��:I, f -� {�; ��`- � t'� ;' .ilil t{��� ���rrl L,�� �,t�i 17 t�� /7 li r`� �:'`y� I'Y��rl1 '� a-����rlt ��ISt(i C��l�v'�•' .i �(1:j`; t�l Bakersfield, California, April 8, 2015 - Page 3 5. NEW BUSINESS continued C. Resolution Setting Domestic Water Availability Fees for service areas of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System, Maurice Randall, Business Manager, gave a brief update and background information. Staff is requesting the Board approve the increase and refer to the City Council for adoption. A public hearing before the City Council is scheduled on June 3, 2015. Motion by Maxwell f1' refer the Resolution, to the full City Council for adoption. Approved all ayes, Smith absent 1 11111016M, rn.1 F-My �, r w Chairman Hanson stated it is tough times and unfortunately the spray parks are also affected. Also, for future years maybe we can get some of the water from the Delta. 30KOI_� k r►1►TA1Q,k1 Chairman Hanson adjourned the meeting at 12;50 p.m. Harold Hanson, Cha�man City of Bakersfield Water Board 1 Bob ie arago C Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board