HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Safety Insp 7-16-151, BAKERSFIELD.FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTION ro o PreventionBE: R S .F D :Services FIRE ' 2101 H Street n .b ARM r Bakersfield. CA 93301 79 •Fax. 66.1 -852. -2171Phone .661 .3'26 39 DISTRICT BLOCK NO. DATE -... FEE FACILITY ADDRESS CITY; STATE, ZIP - FACILITY NAME MANAGER'S NAME . PH NO. i nod. C2 BUSINESS 6WNER5NAME. AND ADDRESS i- pJ g' CITY, STATE, ZIP PH NO., BILL TO:. (IF.DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) NAME .ADDRESS CITY? STATE, ZIP, p. PH NO. OCgT'YPE OCC LOAD '. NO. OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG: RISER DATE CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS : VIOLATION 7tEQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW : NO: . Remove" and safely dispose, of all hazardous .refuse and dry vegetation on. the above premises (CFC COMBUSTIBLE_ WASTE /DRY 304.1.1.) VEGETATION . z .. z. Provide no'n- combustible containers with."tight'fitt ng.lids. for the: storage of ca,mbustibI waste and. ' rubbish `pend.ing; its safe disposal. (CPC_ 304.3:2) No e.:: applies "to'contain.ers over:40 gallons. COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3 Relocate combustible storage to`prov.ide at least"3" feet clearance .ar:ound. motor fuse :box /fine doo (CFC 605:3)..'. 4 Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be in.'a conspicuous loca':aio ;n, hang'in'g on brackets with "the ' top.to' the ext.inguishernot more than 5 feet a-bove.the floor..,(CFC;906.5 & 906.9) EXTINGUISHERS 5` Provide .and install (amo•unt) _ _,ap"provd-d,.(type & . ___ __ _ ____ portable fire extinguisher-to' be im..me.d.iately" accessible for. use in (area) _ ___ ----------- (CFC TABLE 906.:3(1))". 6 Re- charge. all fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers shalt be- serviced at least. once .each:.year; and/or after; each use;. by a :pe'rso'n having a valid. license o.r certificate. (CFC 906.2) 7.. Pr'ovid,e' a:nd:main'tain "EXIT`'si.gn'(s), w.iah..letters.6 or more: in in h.eight:over.e.ach reguired'exit SINS _ door /window) t.o. fire escape.. (CFC 10.11) 8 Provide and rnaint:ain appropriate numbers. on..a .contrasting background and'`vi.sible from the street to indicate the correct address :of the building :.. (C.FC 5.05.1) g Repair: aII ('cra.cks /holes /:openings) in::pIaster in (location} -- - -- ------ - - - --- —" __ --------- -- FIRE DOORS/ Plastering shall return the surface to its original fire resistive. condition: (CFC 703.1) FIRE SEPARATIONS 10 Remove / rep a i'r. ' (item & I: o ca t ion) --- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - --------------------------- -- - - - - -- — Sell== ci 'osi.n doors shall:; be: deal ned -to close b r -avit orb t;he.'action of a :mec.hani"c:al.device, or by an9. 9 Y 9 Y, Y apprci,ved smoke and -heat sensitive'. device -. Self - closing doors shall have no attachments capable of preventing the operation of the' closing: device. (.CFC 703.2) ' 11 Remove all ob.structi;on from hallways. Maintain all means of egr'ess.free of any storage_' (CFC 1028.3) EXITS 12 Provide a contrasting. , colored and permanently installed .electric light over or: near required exit location) ---- -_ —_ -- ----------- --- - -- to cfe -arlY; indicate it is an ex.it•.. (CFC` 1006:3) STORAGE" ;`:` 13' Remove" "all. storage`andJor other obstructions .from" fire' escape landings and "'stairways stair .shafts. " (Fire escapes /stair sh-afts are to be.maintained free from obstructions at. all t'ime.s:.) (CFC 1003.6) . 14 Ex;tension.cords'shall n;0. be" used. in lieu.of p"erri anent a,pprov'ed wiring: In'stafl additional approved ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES electrical outlets where, needed. (CFC-605.5) 15 . Remove multiple attachment cords from specific el "ectr,ic.a.1 convenience outlet (one ''plug `per outlet).. (CFC 605.4)' . OUTDOOR SURNiNG • 16 Recreational fires'or op.en: burn in. . . CFC 307:1 FIREWORKS-.- 17 Vi:olations'of Sectio 608.1) & :040' (B: M'.C:):: , n " (C FC, 5 . O HER - 8 k 1 n A4saf . CF CORRECTION DATECOR r7i Corre -Cf e 'violations noted :above' by: - i,}{ LEGEND: CODEC.F.C. CALIFORNIA FIRE CUSTOMER `? ,- , L- ( Li:t idy .. w \, ^ 4 .w:., c , . y d . C.B.C. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. Signature) (,Please Print Name Legibly, Title) B.M.C. BAKERSFIELD'MUNICIPAL.CODE'. N.F.P.A. NATIONAL FIRE. PROTECTION INSPECTOR: ASSOCIATION N.E.,C NATIONAL: ELECTRIC CODE