HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/2016  B A K E R S F I E L D Committee Members Staff: Chris Huot Councilmember, Bob Smith Chair Assistant City Manager Councilmember, Harold Hanson Councilmember, Ken Weir SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 19, 2016 12:00 p.m. City Hall North – Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember, Bob Smith, Chair Councilmember, Harold Hanson Councilmember, Ken Weir City Staff: Alan Tandy, City Manager Chris Huot and Steven Teglia, Assistant City Managers Christopher Gerry, Administrative Analyst – City Manager’s Office Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Josh Rudnick and Andy Heglund, Deputy City Attorneys Nick Fidler, Public Works Director Doug McIsaac, Community Development Director Jacqui Kitchen, Planning Director Martin Ortiz, Principal Planner Cecelia Greigo, Associate Planner Additional Attendees: Ahron Hakimi, Kern Council of Governments Bob Bell, Downtown Bakersfield Development Corporation (DBDC) Richard Harriman, San Joaquin Valley Environmental Defense Center Renee Nelson, Clean Water Air Matter Dave Dmhowski, Quad Knopf Adam Cohen, Bakersfield Resident Roger McIntosh, McIntosh and Associates Theo Douglas, The Bakersfield Californian /S/ Chris Huot   Planning and Development Committee April 19, 2016 Agenda Summary Report Page 2   2. ADOPT FEBRUARY 2, 2016 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The report was adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. High Speed Rail Update Community Development Director McIsaac stated preliminary work is in the process of being completed. A Stakeholder Committee has been formed and a dedicated webpage launched; the address follows: www.makingdowtownbakersfield.us. He also stated ten visioning workshops had been held and the information gathered at them would be summarized into a “What We Heard” report by the consultant firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP. Several images of the visioning workshops were displayed on the monitor. The consultant will also prepare a conditions report analyzing transportation, economics, urban design, etc. The first large public workshop is tentatively scheduled for June 28, 2016. The potential concepts developed by the consultant for the Downtown area would be presented at such workshop. City Manager Tandy thanked Steven Teglia for all his efforts in creating the branding for Making Downtown Bakersfield. Committee Chair Smith stated he would like an analysis of the different infrastructures in the surrounding areas be included in the report being prepared by the consultant to determine which are available and which are needed. Community Development Director McIsaac stated his request had been forwarded to the consultant who would be incorporating the information in their report. B. General Plan Update Overview Planning Director Kitchen provided a history of the City’s current General Plan and stated that the Government Code does not specify a mandatory timeframe for updating the Plan but states is should be updated regularly as new information becomes available. She referenced the memorandum included in the packet and provided a summarization of several concepts to update the current General Plan. Ms. Kitchen informed the Committee the process would take a considerable time and that costs could range from $1 million to $4 million dollars. Committee direction regarding continuing with County participation, the scope and schedule to complete the Plan will be needed. Richard Harriman with San Joaquin Valley Environmental Defense Center thanked and complimented staff for their diligence regarding the General Plan Update Whitepaper. He stated his researcher was unable to locate an adopted Local Agency Formation Commission resolution approving the Joint Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. Mr. Harriman stated he would encourage the City not to continue a joint General Plan with the County of Kern and stated more emphasis should be directed to water, air quality mitigation, and including an energy element.   Planning and Development Committee April 19, 2016 Agenda Summary Report Page 3   Committee member Hanson stated the process was going to be a long and expensive one. Committee member Weir asked what happens next and what direction the Committee needs to provide. Planning Director Kitchen stated staff could continue to research and provide updates. City Manager Tandy stated a determination regarding continuing with a Joint County-City General Plan would be needed as it will have an effect on the timeframe to complete the update and the costs to complete it as well. Committee member Weir asked if any discussions with the County had been held. Planning Director Kitchen stated she and Community Development Director McIsaac had spoken to county staff several times who are awaiting direction from the Board of Supervisors. Further public discussion may be Community Development Director McIsaac stated there are several components to the update which are specific to the City and would be easier and expeditious to review those items independently. City Manager Tandy stated that the current plan is a Joint City-County Metropolitan Area Plan. Staff has reached out to the County in an effort to continue a joint relationship which will also affect the timeline for completion of the update. Committee member Weir stated he was not opposed to continuing alone but would also like to make sure the County knows that they can actively participate if they wish to as well. Committee Chair Smith stated he would prefer that there be one General Plan for the Metropolitan area. Committee member Hanson stated there are several new agencies to coordinate with to make sure the Plan is updated correctly. Committee Chair Smith asked if there were any available grants to help fund the update. Planning Director Kitchen stated she is unaware of grants that will fund the document but there are several agencies that may have opportunities available to assist with certain studies needed. Committee Chair Smith made a motion to have staff seek the input from an outside consultant to assist with the preliminary steps of the updating process and if a City- County General Plan or a City stand-alone Plan should be sought. The motion was unanimously approved.   Planning and Development Committee April 19, 2016 Agenda Summary Report Page 4   5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion Regarding City-Owned Property on P and Q Streets City Manager Tandy stated that the item pertained to 5.5 acres of City owned land at P and Q Streets in the South Mill Creek area. The item was referred to the Committee by the full City Council. Mr. Tandy stated that there had been an exchange of draft letters of intent to purchase with Kern Health Care Systems and that the last exchange was dated April 7th. A response provided by Kern Health Care System on April 18th, the day before the Committee met, indicated that they will seek other alternatives to the P/Q Street property. Therefore, the presentation prepared for the Committee containing background information on the P/Q Streets property, along with a pro and cons list associated with its development as either office or entertainment were no longer necessary. Committee member Smith stated he met with Kern Health Care Systems and presented them with other options and expressed what was important about the P/Q Streets Property to the City. He presented the same presentation to the Committee. Public Speaker Adam Cohen stated the City should publish a Request for Proposal (RFP) to find out if there are outside developers who may have interest in the site. Committee member Weir made a motion directing staff to bring forward a resolution to the full City Council affirming the City’s original vision for the property at P/Q Streets within the South Mill Creek area. The motion was unanimously approved. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:57 p.m.