HomeMy WebLinkAbout2301 panama tank pull 2016co .. ....... . EnvironnwntaC,Vawagement Services September 26, 2016 Mr. Shane Gardner Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Division 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 401 Bakersfield, California 93301 SOIL SAMPLING WORK PLAN FOR THE BASHAAR CHEVRON 2301 PANAMA LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (BFDPSD PERMIT TO OPERATE 015 - 021 - 000577) (SWRCB GLOBAL ID NO. T06029000665) Dear Mr. Gardner: Complete Fueling Solutions (CFS) was contracted by Mr. Najdawi Bashaar to perform removal of the three existing lined single - walled steel underground storage tanks (USTs), four two -sided multiple product dispensers (MPDs) on two islands, and associated product and vapor recovery pipelines at the site, and subsequent replacement with two 10,000 - gallon split chambered double - walled fiberglass USTs, four two -sided MPDs with containment pans, and double - walled product and vapor recovery pipelines. "VEIR Corp was subcontracted by CFS to conduct soil sampling, laboratory analysis, and preparation of a Tank Closure Report. The soil sampling activities will be performed on September 27, 2016, under permit with the Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Division (BFDPSD). The following presents 'VEIR Corp s work plan to perform the soil sampling associated with the fueling facility removal activities. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located at 2301 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, Kern County, California (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The site is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Panama Lane and Colony Street. Freeway 99 is located immediately to the west of the site. The site is located in a commercial area flanking Panama Lane with the nearest residential properties 500 feet to the east of the site (see Figure 2 - Site Vicinity Aerial. The site is identified as Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 515 - 060 -04 (see Figure 3 - Assessor's Parcel Map). The site is at an elevation of 365 feet above mean sea level, and the topography is relatively flat with a slight slope to the south - southwest toward the ancient Kern Lake bed. The site is located within the northeast quarter of Section 25, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. 34ic) T- i'tditital. .venue, cite A. Baker f .ef d . Cap tforn_ia. 93338 (661) 631 °x'347 00 TiiX (0261)'6314007 Cantraacw licetise Wum&r _q26738-9 Mr. Shane Gardner Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Division September 26, 2016 - Page 2 The site was developed as a service station in 1969 (see Figure 4 — Plot Plan). In 1995 the single - walled product pipelines from the three single- walled steel USTs to the four MPDs was replaced with double - walled fiberglass product pipelines. In 1997 the three single - walled, steel USTs were lined. The central and southwestern 10,000 gallon USTs were used to stored 87 and 91 octane gasoline and the northeastern 4,000 - gallon UST was initially used to store 89 octane gasoline and subsequently was converted to store diesel fuel. In 1998 a 500 - gallon, single- walled steel waste oil UST was removed from the rear of the station building. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected from beneath the former product piping in 1995 and the waste oil UST in 1998 did not detect the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. The property owner is Mr. Najdawi Bashaar, 17537 Legend Oaks Lane, Bakersfield, California, 93314, (661) 832 -4551. The general contractor contact is Mr. Aaron Koop, Complete Fueling Solutions, 12601 Jasmine Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93312, (661) 706 -8688. The environmental consultant is Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, 'VRIR Corp, 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A, Bakersfield, California, 93308, (661) 631 -8347. The regulatory agency contact is Mr. Shane Gardner, Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services, 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 401, Bakersfield, California 93301, (661) 326 -3979. SOIL SAMPLING WORK PLAN 1 R Corp will provide an experienced geologist working under the direct supervision of a California Professional Geologist to collect soil samples at the direction of Mr. Shane Gardner with the BFDPSD from beneath the three USTs, four MPDs, and the piping runs from the USTs to the MPDs. Soil samples TK -1 NW -2 and TK -1 NW -6; TK -1 SE -2 and TK -SE -6; TK -2NW -2 and TK- 2NW -6; and TK -2SE -2 and TK -2SE -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the inverts at the northwestern and southeastern ends of the southwestern and central 10,000 - gallon gasoline USTs, respectively; and soil samples TK -3C -2 and TK -3C -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the invert at the center of the northeastern 4,000 - gallon diesel UST. Soil samples NWD -2 and NWD -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the western MPD on the northern island; soil samples NED -2 and NED -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the eastern MPD on the northern island; soil samples SWD -2 and SWD -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the western MPD on the southern island; soil samples SED -2 and SED -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the eastern MPD on the southern island; soil samples NEPE -2 and NEPE -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the piping elbow to the east of the northeastern MPD; and soil samples SEPT -2 and SEPT -6 will be collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the piping tee to the east of the southeastern MPD (see Figure 4 for the sample locations). Mr, Shane: Gardner Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Division September 26, 2016 - Page 3 All sampling equipment will be washed with a non - phosphate cleanser, pre-rinsed with tap water, and finally rinsed with deionizdd water prior to sampling. The soil samples collected from beneath the three USTs will be collected from the excavator bucket, and the soil samples collected from beneath the MPDs and pipelines will be collected using a hand auger and spoon sampler connected to a slide hammer. The soil samples will be stored in 2-inch-diameter stainless steel tubes, sealed with Teflon 114 liners and end caps; labeled, placed in an ice chest at a temperature of less than 40C and transported to a California Stato,mrtified laboratory for analysis. Sample idenfification and chain-of-custody prbced,ures will be followed for the samples to ensure sample integrity and to document sample possession from—the time, of collection to the ultimate desfinatkon. The sample IaWs will be identified the Job number, sampler, date and tune of colleclon, and a sample nurnbeir unique to each sarn, ple, The soil samples will be analyzed at Moore Twining Associates, Inc. (MTA) 'for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and TPH as diesel using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015M, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTE ), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary butyl alcohol (T BA), dilsopropyl ether (DJPE). ethyl terdary butyl! ether (ErTBE), tertiary arch ylmethyl ether (TAME), ethylene albromide (EDB), '1,2- did (1,2-DCA), naphthalene, and ethanol using. EPA Method 8260C; and total lead using EPAJOethod 7420. Upon completion of the -field activities and receipt of the laboratory report, a Tank Closure Report will be submitted to the BFDPSO. The report will include a data compilation, review of analytical results, and a summary of the results of r the investigation signed by a State of California professional geologist. The report will include findings, conclusions, and recommendations, as well as copies of laboratory reports, chain-of-custody documents, waste manifests, and tank disposal forms. IMM Cor ., I v p trusts that you will find this Soil Sampling Work Plan to your satisfaction, f you ha e any questions or require additional infdri-riatlion, please contact Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, Cft, at (6 1) 631-8347 car at e-mail address mmagargee@veir.net Respectfully submitted, Mark R: Magarg",PG,, Hgg Consulting Hydrogeologist LM Enclosures: Figure i rig ure 2 Figure 3 Figure, 4 - Site Location Map - Site Vicinity Aerial Assessor's Parcel Map plot Plan cc: Mr. Aaron Koop, CFS to s -cry rw�uarJY iL1C Y1F4Ib1]t TILL er,rr rw..r'.a itlrkvflY +—M ae �,a:s �f�s tq Y•� d4brrrr.NPfu 's�tl�y6�� .'.�! < g �Wawtw +In�Ftt �cp� mva4.sa.M.YR, �+w!+riw�' ITFM fnlMa •`•.. j .a ti^xri- ... � Y'yw,rr.r a+wxn.M- ca.+.r w+F LT.- .�r'r Trwr�arww.r.v Y4. MY 40 r; 40 eeesa �'.. szrumwa �. JAI"TJ'9 BASHAAR CHEVRON 2301 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP 3 a . 'VE-TR corn iz . , ..r 4 e k ■' 1 1 �. as � l ..., -we -wk. :•snb.r.laMYM � BMW .: �.•r.w11 ... 3 Al MNt'rarm. x .L. ® � ty,. C . K.. . 4rvn..., . f -. .r � � ... , f a _ v..... ,« . 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