HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Safety Insp 9-30-16BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION -INSPECTIONS selrvices . Rrevention ..B E R S F "I t L D E 2101 H Sfreet ...*F j ARTM T Bakersfield, CA 93301., �x . Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661- 852 -2171 DISTRICT BLOCWNO. DATE ' "� '.. < d G FEE FACILITY ADDRESS CITY,'ST.ATE, ZIP -. .FACILITY NAME MANAGERS NAME.* PH NO. ' BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME A.ND ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP.; PH NO. BILL TO:. (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) NAME, >ADDRESS CITY; STATE, ZIP; '. PH. NO. OCC TYPE. - OCC LOAD NO. OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG RISER DATE #" c 0 YES 0 4�?_" CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS. VIOLATIOry REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW .• .: NO. T Remove a.nd safely dis.p' ose. of all .hazardous refuse aad.,dry veg.eta'tion on the :above premises (CFC COMBUSTIBLE WASTE / DRY 3 0.41.1 1 1 VEGETATION 2 Provide no';n- combu,stible,containe::rs with tight fitting:`lids €or the storage of, c.ombust.ible'was.te. and. rubbish pending, its safe disposal. (CFC 304%.3.2) '.Note: applies" to - containers over 40 gallons: coMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3 Relocate combustible storage to `provide at ,Ieast3 feet clearance around .;motor fuse, box /fire door (CFC 605.3) 4 `s Relocate fire extinguisher(s) so. that they will be in. a conspicuous 'location, ha.nging� qn brack.et with the - top to the, extinguisher n:ot more tlian 5 feet above the..floor. (CFC 906:5 & 906.9) EX TINGUISHERS Provide and in'stall. amount.:._ °_'a roved'' t e'& size 4 _ portable fire' ( ) pp. (yP L _ —.�-�- ea (CFC extiriguisher to be. immediately* acc.ess.ible fo.r use in (ar' . TABLE 906.3.(1),j' ' . k 6 Re- charge all fire extinguishers.. Fire extinguishers shall be.s.er.viced at least once each year, and /or after each use, by, a" person - having a valid.lice.n.se or certificate. (CFC 906:2) 7 Provid "e and .maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with letters 6 or more. inches in height over each required exit SIGNS (doo;r. /window) to fire escape. (CFC.1011) g Provide and"'rnaintain appropriate ":num.pers on a co.ntrasti -ng background :and visible from the street to. indicate the 'correct a,ddress.'of the building. (CFC 505.1.), g .. Repair a.II. (cracks. /holes /open.ings).`in plaster. in (lo.cation-) -------- —_____ _ ________ ___________ FIRE DOORS. ' 'pl.astering shall, return the surface to its o,rig'inal .fire resi'stive., condii-tion.. (CFC 703:1) FIRE SEPARATIONS 10 . 'Remove. /re ai:r item. 8& location _ --------------------- p ( j -------------- - - ---- — Sel= closing; doors shall be d.e "signed to close by gravity; or'by. the action, of a mechanical device, or. by. an -, a.pproved "smoke.and heat sensitive" device. Self- closing . doors. shall'ha've'no attachments capable of " preventing the .operation' of the closing device.' :.(CFC '703.2) 11 `' Remove all obstru.ction .from hallw -ays.. Maintain "all means o;f egress free of any stora :ge. (CF.0 1028..3) EXITS 12 Provide a con,t.rasting co.lore.d and :permaneritly installed.'electri'c" light over or near .required exit . - (location) __ ---------- - -_ to clearly indicate it as an' exit:. (CFC .10.06.3) STORAGE . 13 - Remove all storage and /or; other obstructions from .fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts. ( "Fire escapes /stair shafts are to be maintained. free from obstructions at all times.) (C.FC,1003.6) 14 Extension cords shall. not be used in lieu. of :permanent approved wiring: Install additional approved ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES .' electrical 'outlets where needed. (.CFC .6,05.5)" 15 iZemove_multple. attachment. cords from specific electrica.I convenience outlet (one plug, per outlet) (CFC 605,4) OUTDOOR BURNING 16, Recreational fires or o .e'n burning CFC 307.1 FIREWORKS . 17 -" Violations of .:Section. (.CFC 5: 608.1) & 8.44.040 (B.M.C:). OTHER 18 CORRECTION DATE; - "' Correct the.vio.latio'ns noted - above'by': LEGEND:. ' � �'J� ,+uf !� "�u -✓r �' i # ` ` C.F.C. CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, ,. C:B.C. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE CUSTOMER. �" ' , . r ✓ (Signature), (Please Print Name Legibly, Title) B.M.C. BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE N.F.P.A. NATIONAL FIRE, PROTECTION ASSOCIATION NO. ' " N.E.C. NATIONAL' ELECTRIC CODE INSPECTOR: ` r _ - ,