HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Safety Insp 7-13-16 #721BAKERSFIELD .F1 RE "DEPARTMENT `PREVENTION.INSPECTIO.N FIRE E R.` Prevention Services .�.-- S F I e' L D. FIRE 2101 H Street az a �;rsa "ate °'u s r "^ x a:RrM r - Bakersfield, CA 9330.1 Phone: 661. - 326 - 39.79.• Fax: 661.852- 2.171 DISTRICT BLOCK NO EE : DATE FACILITY ADDRESS TY, S TE, LA 1 i- i . ` "i •�. - zip .mo .o .. CI TA FACILITY.NAMEq P O. r ? MANAGER'S NAME H N BUSINESS OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS CITY, STATE,. ZIR PH NO.' - BILL TO:. (IF. DIFFERENT FROM ABOVQE NAME, ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP, PH, NO. OCCTYPE OCC LOAD NO. OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG RISER DATE ❑ :'YES CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS JiOLATiON REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW 1 Remove and safely dispose of al.l hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the-,above premises (CF.0 COMBUSTIBLE WASTE / DRY, 304,1.1) VEGETATION Z 2 - Provide non - combustible containers with tight fitting lids for the storage of combustible waste and r.ubbish.pending''its safe' disposal. (CFC 3'04.'3.2) Note: applies to containers over, .40:gallons. COMBUSTIBLE; STORAGE 31, Rel.ocate combustible. storage. to provide at`Jeast 3 feet clearance ar:ou.nd motor :fuse box /fire <door`(CFC 605.3`) 4 Relocate fire extin.guisher(s) so.tha.t they will. be in ,a- conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top to th'e, extinguisher not more: than 5 feet.a.bove the floor.. (CFC 906.5 & 90&L 9) EXTINGUISHERS 5 Provide and instal] (amount) approved (typ-e &. size).___ __ portable fire extinguisher to,be immediately accessible for 'use in (area) ----------------------- __- � (CFC` TABLE 906.3(1)): 6 Re- charge all f ire :extinguishers.' Fire extinguishers shall be .serviced at least once each year, and /or after, each. use; byra person having a valid: License .or certificate: .(CFC 90:6:2). 7 Provide and maintain "EXIT" sign,(s) with letters 6 or more 'inches in height..o.ver each required exit SIGNS (d.00r. /window) to f ire esca pe.. (CFC 1011) 8 Provide a,nd maintain: appropr r iate numbers on a contrasting backgound -and yisi:ble fr.om,.the street o indicate the correct.address ' of the. building.. (CFC.505..1) g Repair all (cracks/.holes /openi.ngs) in plaster -in (location) __-- _ -_ - ------ .FIRE DOORS PIastering..s.haII return. the surface to its original fire res stive:.condition.� (CFC 703.1) FIRE SEPARATIONS 10 Remove /repair (item & location) ..---- ------=--= - - - - ------- - - - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - Self= .closing doors shall be designed to close by grav,ity; or. by the action of ' mechanical :device, or.by an, approved `smo:ke and heat sensitive device. Self - .closing doors shall have.no attachments capable o,f prev.e'nting'.the operation of the cclosing device., . (CFC 703.2) 111 Remove all obstruction from hallways:, Maintain al-I m- eans of egress free of any storage. (CFC 1028.3). EXITS 12` Provide -a contrasting `co iore_d and permanently installed `elect.ric light over .or near required exit (Location) _----- - - - - =- - - - - -- a r l y i n d (C F 1006.3) to cle irate 'it as an exit C 1006 STORAGE 13 Remove all storage and /or -other obstructions, from fire: e.s.cape landings and stairways stair shafts., :(Fire escapes /stair shafts are to be' maintained free from obstructions at all.times.)' .(CFC 1.003.6) 14 Extension cords shall not- be: used in lieu. o ' permanent approved, wiring. Install additional approved ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES electrical outlets whe re 'needed.' (CFC 605.5) 15 Remove multiple: attachment cords from specific e.IectricaI convenience outlet ('one plug per outlet). , (CFC 605.4)_ OUTDOOR BURNING i6 Recreational fires or o e -n burnin .: CFC 307.1 FIREWORKS 17 : Violations of Section' (CFC'5608. :1) & 8.44.040 (R.M.C.).­' OTHER CORRECTION DATE, correct 'theyi`aiations , note.d above, by :. F LEGEND G:F.0 CALIFORNIA FIRE ,CODE C.B.C. ICALIFORNIAL BUILDING: CODE. CUSTOMER • � B.M.C. BAKER$FIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. !(5�gnat ) ` (Please Print Name Legibly, Title): N.,F.P.A: NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION . r" INSPECTC)R: f x r- n b *. Nip.:_ r'j9 N.E.C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE