HomeMy WebLinkAboutCALARP 10/20/201671 California Accidental Release Program SO CaIARP Program 3 Inspection Form Facility Name: —"k 'S C-0i---'-) S-)02-R-CE- 6 ICJ ) j S;- -) R', Street Address City State Zip Consent to Inspect BAKERSFILELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 852-2171 Page 1 o 3 Has it Violation CERS CCR Section YES NO NIA Minor, 1,2 Violation Article 1: General Requirements 5010006 2735.5 (a) Provide evidence that response actions have been coordinated with local emergency planning and response agencies. 5010007 2735.5 (b)(2) The RMP shall include a registration that all covered processes 5010008 2735.5 (d)(1) Analyze the worst-case release scenario for the process(es), determine the nearest public receptor is beyond the distance to a toxic or flammable end point. 5010036 2735.5 (d)(2) Complete the five (5) year accident histo ry. 5010118 2735.5 (d)(3) Ensure response actions have been coordinated with local emergency response agency. 5010023 2735.5 (d)(4) Certify in the RMP that distance to the worst-case release is less than the distance to the nearest public receptor, have no accidental releases that caused an off-site impact. Program Management System 5010009 2735.6(a) The owner I operator shall develop a management system to oversee the implementation of the risk management program elements. 5010010 2735.6(b) The owner I operator shall assign a qualified person or position that has the overall responsibility for the development, implementation and integration of the risk management program element. Article 3: Risk Management Plan Components and Submissions RMP Off -Site Consequence Analysis 5010007 2745.4(a)(A) The owner operator shall submit a worst-case scenario for each process. il An additional worst-case scenario shall be submitted for toxics and y flammables. 5010007 2745.4(a)(2)( The owner I operator shall also submit an alternative release scenario for B) each of the regulated substances. Five Year Accident History 5010025 2 - 745.5 The owner / operator shall submit as part of the RMP a five (5) year accident history. j'V C 1 9,6 C. A- e, C RMP Updates 5010025 2745.10 At least once every five (5) years from the date of its initial submission the RMP must be updated. Facility: Qfrnaf AArirncc f`_ifu Cfnfck and Tin CInda- CERS CCR Section Has it Violation Violation YES NO NIA minor, 1.2 Article 4: Hazard Assessment Hazard Assessment 5010036 2750.1 The owner / operator shall prepare a worst-case scenario analysis and complete the five (5) year accident history Off -Site Consequence Analysis Parameters 5010037 2750.2 Off -site consequence analysis parameters shall include the following: Endpoints of regulated substances, wind speed and atmospheric stability class, ambient temperature / humidity, height of release, surface roughness, dense or neutrally buoyant gases and temperature of released substance. Worst Case Scenario Analysis 5010035 2750.3 Worst -case Release Scenario Analysis shall include: release from the greatest amount of a single vessel and from the greatest amount in the t piping system. Alternative Release Scenario Analysis 5010035 2750.4 Alternative Release Scenario Analysis shall consider: at least one alternative release for each covered process utilizing the parameters from 2750.2. Parameters shall give consideration of mitigation. Article 5: Prevention Program Process Safety Information 5010038 2760.1 (a)(b) The owner / operator shall complete written process safety information for the regulated substances and include the following: Toxicity information, Permissible Exposure Limits, Physical and Reactivity Data, Corrosive, "Mixing Data, Thermal and Chemical Data and Hazardous Effects of of Chemicals ". 5010066 2760.1 (c) Contain information pertaining to the technology of the process including block flow diagrams, process chemistry, maximum intended inventory, upper and lower safe limits and evaluation of the consequences of deviations. 5010068 2760.1 (d)(1) Information pertaining to the equipment in the process shall include: Materials of construction, Piping and instrument diagram (P &iD), Electrical classification, Relief system design and design basis, Ventilation system design, Design codes and standards employed, Safety systems and document that all equipment complies with good engineering practices. Hazard Review 5010041 2755.2 (a) The owner / operator shall preform an initial PHA on processes covered and shall identify, evaluate and control the hazards involved in the process. 5010046 2755.2 (c)(8) The PHA shall include the considerations of external events including seismic events. 5010075 2760.2 (e) The PHA shall be performed by a team with expertise in engineering and process operations. 5010077 2760.2 (f) At least every five (5) years after completion of the initial PHA, the PHA shall be updated to assure that the PHA is consistent with the current process. The owner /operator shall retain the PHA and updates or revalidations for each process for the life of the process. Page 2 of 5 FD 2124 (Rev. 01113) Facility: c+s___a w.a.a.. -- ^U: & 04--n*e mr%A 76% l'r%rL& CERS vbr%.v6 CCR Section Has It Violation Violation YES AO 'NIA. Minor, 'I; 2 Operating Procedures 5010079 2760.3 (a) The owner / operator shall prepare a written operating procedure that provides clear instructions or steps for conducting activities associated with each process. 5010080 2760.3 (a)(1) The procedure shall include the following: Initial set-up, Normal operation, Temporary operations, Emergency operations, Normal shut down and start -up following a normal or emergency shut down or minor change. 5010081 2760.3 (a)(2) Operating limits, consequences of deviation and steps required to correct or avoid. 5010082 2760.3 (a)(3) Health and safety considerations, properties and hazards of the material used in the process and precautions necessary to prevent exposure. 5010084 2760.3 (b)(c) Operating procedures readily accessible to employees and reviewed as often to assure that current operating procedures are adequate. 5010087 2760.3 (d) The owner /operator shall develop and implement safe work practice to provide control of hazards during operations. , Training 5020004 2755.4 (a) The owner / operator shall ensure that each employee has been trained or tested competent in the operating procedures. 5020007 2755.4 (b) Refresher training shall be provided at least every three years and more often if necessary. 5010008 2760.4 (c) The owner /operator shall document that each employee involved in operating a process has been and understands the training required. Mechanical Integrity 5010088 2760.5 (b) The owner / operator shall prepare and implement written procedures to maintain the on -going mechanical integrity of the process equipment. 5030002 2760.5 (c) The owner / operator shall document each inspection and test that has been performed on process equipment. Documentation shall include date of inspection or test, the name of the person who performed the ss inspection or test, the serial number or other identifier of the equipment inspected or test that was performed on and a description of the inspection or test and the results. 5020002 2760.5 {f} Appropriate checks and inspections shall be performed to assure that equipment is installed properly and consistent with design. Management of Change 5010089 2760.6 (a) The owner /operator shall establish and implement written procedures to manage changes to process chemicals, technology, equipment and procedures that affect a covered process. 5010090 2760.6 (b) The procedures shall assure that the following considerations are addressed prior to any changes: Technical basis for the change, impact of q change on safety and health, modifications to operating procedures, necessary time period for the change and authorization required for the change. 5010091 2760.6 (c) Employees, maintenance and contractors shall be informed of and trained in the change prior to start-up of the process. 5010092 2760.6 (d)(e) A change in management will require changes in both the process safety . information and operating procedures. Page 3 of 5 FD 2124 (Rev. 01113) Facility: 06•p%,ft+ AAAr,&&-&-_ ('i+%r Qfofn and Tin rtnrick Page 4 of 5 FD 2124 (Rev. 01113) CERS OCR Section Has It Violation violation:. Y Pre-Startup Review 5010093 2760.7 (a) The owner/operator. shall perform a pre-startup safety review for new and significantly modified stationary sources. 5010094 2760.7 (b) The pre-startup review shall include; construction and equipment is in accordance with design specifications, safety, operating, maintenance and emergency procedures are in place, PHA has been completed. Compliance Audits 5010052 2755.6 (a) The owner / operator shall certify that they have evaluated compliance at least every three years. 5010053 2755.6 (b) The compliance audit shall be conducted by at least one person knowledgeable in the process. 5010055 2755.6 (d)(e) The owner / operator shall promptly determine and document an appropriate response to each finding. They shall also retain the two most recent compliance audits. Incident Investigation 5010100 2755.7 (a) The owner / operator shall investigate each incident which results in or could reasonably have resulted in a catastrophic release 5010101 2755.7 (b)(c) An incident investigation shall be initiated within 48 hours of the incident and shall include the following: Date of incident, Date investigation began, Description of the incident and any recommendations resulting from the investigation.'7Q 5010105 2755.7 (e)(f) The owner / operator shall address and resolve the findings and recommendations. These resolutions shall be docurnented and retained for five years. AcO 4 Employee Participation 5010107 2760.10 (a) The owner/operator shall develop a written plan of action regarding the implementation of the employee participation. 5010108 2760.10 (b) The owner/operator shall consult with employees on the conduct and development of PHA and other elements of process safety. Hot Work Permit 5010110 2760.11 (a) The owner/operator shall issue a hot work permit for operators conducted on or near a covered process. 5010111 2760.11 (b) The permit shall document fire prevention and protections have been implemented. This permit shall be kept on file until the hot work in completed. Contractors 5010113 2760.12 (b)(2) The owner/operator shall inform the contractor of the known potential fire, explosive or toxic release hazard. 5010114 2760.12 (b)(4) The ownerloperator shall develop and implement safe work practice consistent to control the entrance, presence, and exit of the contractors. 5010114 2760.12 (b)(5) The owner/operator shall periodically evaluate the performance of the contractor. X31 Page 4 of 5 FD 2124 (Rev. 01113) Facility: Street Address, Citv, State and Zip Code Page 5 of 5 FD 2124 (Rev. 01/13) CERS Vio�'ation CGR Section Has ft Violation YES Nt) ; NIA:, `Minor; :1, 2 Article 7: Emergency Response 2765.1 (b) The owner /operator whose employees will not respond to an accidental release need not comply with section 2765.2 Emergency Response 5010115 2765.1 (b) The owner / operator whose employees will not respond to an accidental release need not comply with section 2765.2_ 5010116 2765.2 (a)(1) The owner / operator whose employees respond to an accidental release shall develop an emergency response plan. 5010116 2765.2 (a)(2) Develop procedures for the use of emergency response equipment and for its inspection, testing and maintenance. 5010117 2765.2(a)(3) Develop training for all employees in relevant procedures and relevant aspects of the Incident Command System. 5010119 2765.2(a)(4) Procedures to review and update the emergency response plan to reflect changes. 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