HomeMy WebLinkAboutREMEDIAL ACTION REPORTDouglas R. Greener w Fire Chief a Deputy Chief Tyler Hartley Operations/Training/Arson 661-326-3655 Deputy Chief Ross Kelly Fire Prevention/EMS/1.11SAR 661-326-3652 Fire Department Headquarters 2101 H Street, Floor I Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3911 (main) (661) 852-2170 (fax) Fire Department Community Services / Public information 2101 H Street, Floor I Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3688 (office) (661) 852-2170 (tax) Fire Prevention Division 2101 H Street, Floor 2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 (main) (661) 852-2171 (fax) Fire Training Division 5642 Victor Street (ODFTF) Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 399-4697 (main) (661) 399-5763 (fax) Live Fire Training 106 E. White Lane (FS 5) Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 397-6305 (main) (661) 852-2170 (fax) Arson Division 2 101 H Street, Floor 2 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661) 326-3911 (main) (661) 852-2172 (fax) January 9, 2015 Mr. Mark Jones II Jones & Beardsley 10000 Stockdale Highway, Suite 350 Bakersfield, CA 93311 RE: Remedial Action Report, Parcel Map 11838 - Phase 3 Dear Mr. Jones, This is to inform you that this Department has reviewed the results of the Remedial Action Report, dated January 6, 2015, prepared by Soils Engineering, Inc. Based upon the data submitted, this Department is satisfied with the remedial action performed, and requires no further action at this time in this regard. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (661) 326-3659. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Professional Geologist No. 7239 Prevention Services Director cc: K. Shea, Planning Dept. FIRE C L A S S 2 F I R E D E P A R T M E N T PGONFIDENTIAL E'YCU EEV SOILS EIBC INEERINGS INC, REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT no Water Well System Area I 'g 1�ast ol411-5-d7er-mere Street Parcel Map 11838 in Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Jones & Beardsley 10000 Stockdale Highway, Suite 350 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Attn: Mark Jones File No. 14-15170 Soil's Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 January 2015 CONFIDENTIAL PF RNEY-CLIENT 4400 YEAGER WAY a BAKERSFIELD, G�-L fiPt 3 1 PHONE (661) 831-5100 * FAX: (661) 831 -2111 r."ONFID'E'NI IAL A'T -i 0 R N E Y- C L I E NT I'D!- January 6, 2015 Jones & Bem-disley 10000 Stockdale Highway, Suite 350 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Attn: Mark Jones Subject: Rerncdial Action Repoi-t Water Well System Area Parcel Map 1183 8 East Side of Windermere St. in Bakersfield, CA Mr. Mark Jones: SE] File No. 14-15170 Soils Engineering Inc. (SEI) has prepared this Remedial Action Report (RAR) following the completion of remedial activities at ail existing agricultural water well system area located on the east side of Windermere St. within Parcel Map 11838 in Bakersfield, California (site). See Plate I for a Location Map and Plate 2 for a Plot Plan. BACKGROUND This agricultural well area was included in a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared by SEI in April 2003. This water well area at that time included a 10,000 gallon diesel aboveground tank (ACTT) and a diesel generator oil a concrete pad along with a metal mixing tank and the water well and associated piping. Minor surface staining was noted on the southern end of the diesel AGT (3' x 2') and adjacent to the diesel generator pad (2' diameter). The water well system is now run off of an electrical feed and the diesel generator and diesel AGT have been removed from the site. The metal mixing tank has been replaced with a poly mixing tank which is presently located in the southern area of the former diesel ACT. The former metal mixing tank location is now evident with a metal ring visible at the surface. A chain link fence now surrounds the water well system including associated piping, electrical panels and ail oil-lube drum as shown oil Plate 2. Oil November 12, 2014, SEI collected discrete soil samples from four (4) locations within the area west and lloiih of the water well system enclosure. Soil boring S1 was conducted on the south end of the former mixing tank location. Soil boring S2 was placed on the east side of the former mixing tank area where minor surface staining was evident. Soil boring S3 was placed on the south side of the current poly mixing tank approximately where the historical diesel AGT surface staining was. Soil boring S4 was placed on the north side of the water well enclosure where minor Surface staining was evident. Soil samples were collected at 6", 2' and 5' below ground surface (bgs) within each of these four (4) hand-auge• borings. SEI also collected a 6" soil sample (PI-6") beneath a pole - mounted electrical transformer to evaluate the soil for polychlorinated bi- phenyls (PCBs). The 6" soil samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH C9 to C36), volatile organics (13TEX), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), CAM 17 metals, and pl-1. The 2' samples were only analyzed for TPH, BTEX & 0CPs, Sample S4-2' was later analyzed for pH to 4400 YEAGER WAY o BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 * PHONE (661) 831-5100 0 FAX:(661)831-2111 r r Remedial Action Report File No. 14-15170 PYW 11838 Witter Well System Area .Janutrij, b, 2015 Earl Side of J1.14dennere S't, 1111 rs eltd CA L= further evaluate pIJ at depth. None of the 5' deep soil samples were analyzed since no constituents of potential concern were identified in the 2' soil samples. The analytical results are presented on 'fable 1 and indicate elevated TPH concentrations in soil borings S2 (2453 ing/kg total TPH ct 6 ") and S3 (7699 nig/kg total TPFI @ 6 ") in at least the top 1' at these locations. The TPH concentrations reported at 2' bgs at these locations were only 58 mg/kg and 41A rng /kg, respectively. Minor TPH concentrations were reported in sample S1 -6" at 780 nlg /kg total TPI•-I and both soil samples from boring S4 were <10 mg /kg total TPH. A lower than normal pH of 4.6 was reported in sarnple S4 -6 ", but the p1l result in sample S4 -2' was in the normal range at 6.5. No OCPs were reported in any of soil samples analyzed for these constituents. Metal concentrations were within the normal range for soil in the Bakersfield area. Soil sample PI-6" had no PCBs reported. In a 1,amlted Phase 11 ESA Report dated November 21, 2014, . SE1 recommended that the soil in the area of borings S2 and S3 be removed to a depth of at least 1.5' or until the soil in this area has no significant petroleum odor or staining remaining. The poly mixing tank will geed to be removed from the area in order to have access to the S3 stain area. Soil samples should be collected from the base of these excavations to confirm TPH concentrations <1000 mg /kg are left in place. The excavation area can then be backfilled and compacted up to match existing grade with native soil. It is estimated that < 10 cubic yards of soil with petroleums hydrocarbons will be removed. SEI stated that the removed soil can either be hauled off -site and disposed of as icon- hazardous waste at a permitted facility or temporarily stockpiled and covered to be placed into roadways or other pavement areas at the site in the future. The Bakersfield Fire Department (BFI.) preferred that the removed soil be hauled off -site for proper disposal which was conducted on December 31, 2014 (see section below for more detail). REMEDIAL EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES On December 9, 2014 petroleum hydrocarbon - impacted soil was removed from the area of borings S2 and S3 after the poly tank was pumped olit into a portable tank trailer and moved. The excavation at boring S2 extended to an approximate depth of 1.5' bgs and extended laterally 12' (north- south) x 4' (east-west) as shown on Plate 3. The excavation at boring S3 extended to an approximate depth of 2' to 4' bgs and extended laterally 12' (north - south) x 10' (east -west) as shown on Plate 3. The stained soil was removed until staining and petroleum odor was absent in the remaining soil. The removed stained soil ( -16 cubic yards) was placed on and covered with plastic sheeting and temporarily stored at the nearby Bolthouse Farms storage yard (SW coiner of Campus Park & Windermere St.) for future reuse in roadways or under paved surfaces of the future development in the area. The excavation areas were backfilled with clean soil up to existing grade. See attached pictures of the remedial activities. Soil Sampling +& Analytical Testing Confirmation soil samples (10 total) were collected from the base (1) and sidewalls (4) from each excavation area and analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH C9 to C36) by EPA method 801513, and for volatile organics (BTEX) by EPA method 80211:3. The soil samples were collected in stainless steel sleeves, sealed with 'Teflon -lined plastic caps, labeled and placed into a cooler with blue ice. The samples were over - nighted in a sealed cooler with blue ice to Positive I.,ab Services, a State- Rentedial Action Report File No. 14-15170 Pill 11838 Water WellSvslein Area January 6, 2015 East Side OL 11111th-1111VTOS4 tftteiZsielel C A fake , certified analytical laboratory. The analytical results are presented on Table I and indicate that the cleanup goal of <1000 ppm total TPH has been achieved. The highest reported total TPH in the S2 excavation area was 749 mg/kg in sample W-1' -S2. The highest reported total TPH in the S3 excavation area was 120 mg/kg in sample S-1.5'-S3. No volatile organics were reported in any of the soil samples above the low detection limits utilized by the analytical laboratory. See Plate 3 for confirmation soil sample locations. Soil Disposition The stockpiled soil was transported to Waste Management's McKittrick Waste Facility in McKittrick, CA on December 31, 2014 under two (2) non-hazardous waste manifests. The total amount of soil disposed of was 17.44 tons. See attached non-hazardous waste manifests in Appendix B. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Based on field observations and analytical recommendations are presented for the site: testing results the following C011CILIsions and Petroleum hydrocarbon-impacted soil (-16 cubic yards) has been successfully removed from the area surrounding borings S2 and S3, All of the analytical results of the confirmation soil samples were below the proposed cleanup goal of 1000 nig/kg total TPH. The highest total TPH concentration in any of the confirmation soil samples was 729 mg /kg in the sample W-1-S2. No volatile organics were reported in the soil samples analyzed. The petroleum- impacted soil removed from the two (2) excavations (17.44 tons) was properly disposed of as non-hazardous waste at the McKittrick Waste facility. 0 SEI recommends that no additional assessment or remedial action is needed at this site. LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Jones & Beardsley as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: The soil sampling performed at this site. • The observations of field personnel. • The results of independent laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, California. • Our understanding of the regulations of the DOGGR, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bakersfield Fire Department and the Kern County Environmental Health Service Department, • Our understanding of the previous field work conducted on the site and the previous independent laboratory results Submitted as part of this report. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions, which may exist beyond the points explored in ti Remedf al Aetion !Report File No. 14 -15170 1331 11838 Water Well System vireo Jawfary d, 2015 P cast ide et 1!gyelixa nere ,fit,: Haak CA Nile 4 this investigation, might affect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time clue to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We hope this provides the information you require. Should you have any questions or require further information please don't hesitate to contact our office at (b6 1) 831-5100. Respectfully submitted, SOILS ENGINEERING ' INC �. 4r, iii. 5476 REN Rout °t ,l, Bed , PG, CEG, RLPA, Q;y �l'. Y Envi. nme nt & Geologic Manager Attachments: Table 1 Analytical Results of Soil SE i 1ple' Location Map, Plate l Water Well System Plot Plan, Plate 2 Water Well Area Excavations & Sample Locations, Plate 3 Pictures of Remedial Action Event Appendix A, Analytical Report Appendix B, Non - Hazardous Waste Manifests cc: Anthony Leggio, Bottllouse Properties LLC Donny Hopkins, Wni. Bolthouse Farms TABLE 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results - Water Well Area PM 11838- East Side of Windermere St., Bakersfield, CA enn CAUDI P AKIAI VTIr•AI RESULTS (results in DDm unless noted) BTEX OCPs pH PCBs Sample TPH TPH TPH Total (EPA (EPA (pH (EPA Other CAM Number Date C9 -C22 C23 -C32 C33 -C36 TPH 8021) 8081) units) 8082) Arsenic 17 Metals SOILS ENGINEERING, f 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661) 831- 5100 DATE: 11/14 PROJECT: 14 -15170 WM Bolthouse Farms Water Well Site Windermere St., Section 13, T30S, R26E Bakersfield, CA. 1� P1 0 PP w /Trans Assessment Soil Sample Location PP = Power Pole SOILS ENGINEERING, IN 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661) 831-5100 DATE: 12/14 PROJECT: 14-15170 0 10' 20' Approx. Scale �...... ,.Pipe Casing M with Lid Poly Mixing .. ...T 0k Minor Staining Former S4 Ate ca O Diesel Approxim -Tank Area Excavation Extent 12' x 1 '' x 2'd to 4'd Q L w: ®afr Mp::r1 o ri :rr ie w: es v sa aw r: it - r - w - I� - r .Yr +� U) • �. — - - - raM. -. �7 .� PipiF. pay i' m PP Elect y Panels -�! S3 y 2 Old Mixing,;. -°' Tank Well � t o.+ 3. Ring Sq ;' drum ( removed) ,�.� Approximate - halnllnk Excavation Extent Fencing 12' x 4'x 1.5'd Assessment Soil Sample Location PP = Power Pole SOILS ENGINEERING, IN 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661) 831-5100 DATE: 12/14 PROJECT: 14-15170 0 10' 20' Approx. Scale • 1W-- -6--1 C a) as E 0 * Pi • PP w/Trans G_,.,..-Pipe Casing with Lid ......... . P oly Mixing . .. T tnk Minor Staining Former S4 Diesel Approxim Ate Tank Area i Excavation Extent :12'x1 x 2'd to 4'd N-1'-S3 p ipjn2 12'd *4d �b"' .... pp Elect W -1.5 -s3 1 S 3 Panels 2 oil S :'-S2 M drum Approximate S3 Excavation Extent F . encing 12'x 41 x 1.5d N-V-S2 '�3 Old Mixing Tank Ring (removed) IE-V-S W-V-S2 er -S2 We 11 2 oil S :'-S2 M drum Approximate halnlink Excavation Extent F . encing 12'x 41 x 1.5d oConfirmation Soil Sample Location Assessment Soil Sample Location PP = Power Pole 0 10, 20' Approx. Scale ---- ............. - &NIN ...... .... Ill , g gug .... . ...... SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. AVM Bolthouse Farms Water Well Site PLATE 4400 Yeager Way Windermere St., Section 13,,, T30S, R26E Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. W (661) 831 - 5100 EX A rea DATE: 12/14 Well CaVafionS W ater PROJECT: 14-15170 1 -1- — Pirti mm 1, 1 nnkina South at me tiZ Area t:xcavauun mrud Picture 2: Looking East at the S3 Excavation Area SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Analytical Reports Mr. Robert Becker Soils Engineering Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 7£31 East Washington F3lvcl,, Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745 -5312 FAX (213) 745 -6372 Report No.: 1412181 Project Name: 15170 BHF / P.O. # 15170 -POS Dear Mr. Robert Becker, This report contains the analytical results for the sample(s) received under chain of custody(s) by Positive Lab Service on December 10, 2014. The test results in this report are performed in compliance with FLAP accreditation requirements for the certified parameters. The laboratory report may not be produced, except In full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The Issuance of the final Certificate of Analysis takes precedence over any previous Preliminary Report. Preliminary data should not be used for regulatory purposes. Authorized signature(s) is provided on final report only. If you have any questions in reference to this report, please contact your Positive Lab Service coordinator. Page 1 of 6 AAD" POSITIVE 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 Mir LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 Certificate of Analysis Page 2 of 6 File *,73443 Solis Engineering Inc. Report Date; 12/19/14 4400 Yeager Way Submitted: 12/10/14 Bakersfleld, CA 93313 PLS Report No.: 1412181 Attn: Mr. Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 FAX:(661) 831-2111 Projoet 15170 BHF / P.O. # 15170-POS Anatyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Analyzed By Batch TPH CO - C22 SaMpfed*.12109114 , 08-., +S' -- -Recelved:.12/10114 13:13 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12116114 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units POL Prelpfrest Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch TPH C9 - C22 .120. 1 mg /kg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA $OiSB 12/16/14 1.2JJ6114 lk BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 270 1 mg /kg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 6015B 12/16/14 12116/14 lk BL41713 TPH C33 - C36 No I rrxjkg 100 EPA 354,5 EPA 80158 12/16/11: 12/16/14 lk BL41713 iu ---- ......... ........... te: n- rmucosxw 99.690 By Batch Benzene EPA 3546 EPA 801S8 12116114 121J6114 Ik 6141713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQ-'L Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch Berme ND I ug/kg 1.00 ePA 50308 EPA W2.18 12111/14 12/1 1/14 1k BL41127 Toluene No I ug /kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12/11/14 lk BL41127 Ethylbenzene No I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80216 12/11/14 12/11/14 1k 8L41127 Xylenes (total) ND 1....._ u 2.00 EPA 5030B EPA 80210 12/11114 ------------ 12/11114 --------------- Ik BL41127 ------- -- -• -_ ................... 54" ter a,, a, a - TrInwrawmv 46 -132 EPA 5008 EPA 80218 12111114 12111114 A AW127 Anatyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Analyzed By Batch TPH CO - C22 202 1 mg/kg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12116114 12/17114 lk BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 466 1 mg/kg IDO EPA 3546 EPA 80150 12116/14 12117114 lk BL41713 TPH C33 -C36 ND A M 100 ......... EPA 3546 EPA 80159 ....... ------------------ .......... 12/16114 -- ................ 12117/14 I ............... lk BL41713 .'-- ... ................ ��; --- n-r — ................ 93.6 6"48 EPA 3546 EPA $0158 J21.16114 12117114 1k &WJ3 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch Benzene ND I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 5D309 EPA 80218 12/11114 12111/14 Ik BL41127 Toluene No I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12/11/14 lk BL41127 Ethylbenzene No I ug /kg 1.00 EPA 50306 EPA 8021E 12111/14 12411114 lk BLOW ND I -------------------------- ug! 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12/11/14 lk BL41127 ----------- 46-132 A 80218 Em 3-0308 EP 12111114 12,111114 /k BUJI27 Sam506.-'K-1"'-9Y' (1412181-03) 60 W34 "&Ived: 12110114 IN"-.13 Sampled .ff/ / Analyte Results Rag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test method Prepared Analyzed By Batch TPH C9 - C22 19.6 3 mg/kg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 60156 12/16/14 12/16/14 ik BL41713 TPH C23 -02 No I mg/kg 1,00 EPA 3546 EPA 80156 12/16114 12116/14 lk BL41713 TPH C33 - C36 No I mgjkq 100 EPA 35-16 EPA 80158 121I6114 12/16/14 lk BL41713 69 -148 EPA 3546 EPA 80159 11116114 IJ6114 1216114 lk &41713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch . . . . .... ............... ....... - — - - Benzene — - - -- - ------------------- — -- -- No I ug /kg 1.00 EPA $0308 EPA 90210 12111/14 12/11114 lk BL41127 Toluene ND I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12/11/14 1k BL41127 Ethylbenzene ND I uglkg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12111/14 Lk BL41127 ND 1 ua/kg ZOO ...... CPA 50306 EPA $0218 ...... .............................. 12I11/14 12I11/14 ---------------------------- Ik BL41127 ....... .................. 5affvate.. ........... 123 % 46-132 EPA 50308 EPA 80210 1211.1114 14111114 A &Q127 Sample 5: W-:L-S.2 Soil (1412181--04)§Wm—pTe'd',:1.2/09/14 08:36 Receivea:0710-11413­0 Anatyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch TPH C9 -C22 322 1 mg/kg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12/16j14 12116114 lk BLA4713 TPH C23 - C32 427 1 mg/kg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12/16/14 12/16114 lk BL41713 TPH C33 - C36 ND I nvkg IOD EPA 3546 EPA $0158 ». »..... 1416/14 ».,---------- 12116/14 .............................. lk BL41713 ...... ­­�j.j'j� ......... ......._... ......._..._.........,. .. EPA 3546 EPA 80158 i2116114 IW6114 Ik &41713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch Benzene . .......... ......... . . ........... -ND I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12111/14 12/11/14 lk 8L41127 Toluene ND 1 ug/kq 1.00 EPA 5030B EPA 60218 12/li/14 12/11/14 lk BL41127 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 INABPOSITIVE FF LAB SERVICE (213) 745-53 2 FAX (213) 745-6372 Certificate of Analysis Page 3 of 6 File *:73443 Solis Engineering Inc, Report Date: 12/19/14 4400 Yeager Way Submitted: 12/10/14 Bakersfield, CA 93313 PIS Report NO.: 1412181 Attn: Mr. Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 FAX:(661) 831-2111 Project: 15170 BHF / P.O. # 15170-POS 1% ..................... — - -------- Sample ID*4 WMI'-S2 Soil (14121ift-04) Sampled:12/09/1408**36 Remlved:1211,011413013 Ethylbenzen - e ND I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 12111114 12ji1 /14 lk BL41127 2meho$ ND ... * ---- I ug/kg • - ------- ----------------- 2.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 -5-'0'-3'0-8" ... * ------- 12111114 12/11JI4 lk 6141:127 a'a'a-Taftorowurpe 110'16 ---- * EP-A- E'P'A- 0*'0'Z"J'8' Sample 10: 9-x -S.2 Soil (1412181-05) Simoled.12109/14 08:38 Receiived:1.2710714 13:13 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prepfrest Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch TPH C9 -F22 140 1 mglkg 2.50 EPA 3S46 EPA 8015B 17116114 1.2.11,7114 lk BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 558 t mg/kg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12/16/14 12/17114 lk BL41713 TPH C33 - C36 NO I mg/k9_ 100 EPA 3546 EPA $0158 ............................. -.- 12116l14 ............ 12J17Y14 ---"lk--BL4.1713 . ... ... ...... ----- n-Tebwwne Z;;�;i�-' ....... 106% ------ 6SL-1 48 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12116114 1.,/17114- / k BL41713 Analyte Results Hag D.F. Units PQL Preffrest Method Prepared Analyzed By Patch Benzene NO I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 56306 EPA 80218 11111114 12111/14 lk BL41127 Toluene NO I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12111/14 12111/14 lk BL41127 Ethylberuene NO i ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA B021B 12111/14 I2/11/14 lk BL41127 NO .................... 2.00 EPA 5030B EPA 8021E ------------------ I ............. . 1ZI11/14 ..... I ............................................... 12111/14 Ik BL41127 ........... ........ --- ------ 107% 46-132 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12111174 1211V.14 Ik 81:41127 SOR (3.4.12181 06) tampled.-1210;a x14+ 9:10 !e Retjv Ana.lyte Results Flag D.F, UnItS PQL, Prep/' St Meat d Prepared Analyzed By Batch; TPH C9 - C22 14.0 1 mglkg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12116/14 12/16/14 lk BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 NO I mg/kg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 I2/16/14 12/16114 lk BL41713 TPH C33 - C36 NO I ...... IGO EPA 3545 EPA 8015B ".- --------- ........................ 12116/14 12116114 - .... - ......... k .................. PL41713 n-r�etrowsane .......... I .......... 75.7 %, 69-148 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 1&16114 121J6/14 1k OL41713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep[Fest Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch SenzeAe NO I ug/kg 1,60 EPA 60308 EPA 80218 12/11111 12/11/14 Ik BL41127 Toluene No I U09 1,00 EPA 50305 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12111/14 1k BL41127 Ethylbenzene NO I U91k9 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 60218 12/11/14 I2/11/14 lk BL41127 NO UON ------ �'Rq . --------- EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ......................................... Y.- Ik .. .. BL41127 ............ ...... -.11--l- . .... Surrogate. aqa-rhftwroto1wre . ....... ....... ij.*i*%"' - 46-132 EPA 50300 EPA 8021 a J21tJIJ4 1211VJ4 8441J27 Soil — -------- 13 U4-125-11,-,87) SarnpledY112f09 /14 09:0 Rec4hied:-12 13.4:14 Analyte Results Rag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch TPH C9 - C22 12.8 1 IM/kg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80.158 12]16/14 12/16/14 lk BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 NO I mokg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12116/14 12116/14 lk BL41713 TPH C33 - C36 ND !M4 ... 100 -A.....'.- EPA 3546 EPA 8015B ........... ........ - - lm� ��I- 121161.14 Ik 131 �t1713 ... ............................. . U to: n-7"etracwafke 76.3% 69-148 EPA 3546 EPA 180153 1&16114 IV16114 Ik &41713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prepfrest Method Prepared Analyzed BY Batch Benzene NO I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50306 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12/11114 lk BL41127 Toluene ND I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 12/11/14 12111114 lk BL41127 EthyPaenzene NO 1 ug /kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12/11/14 12/11/14 Ik EL41127 ND ....... 1 - 2.00 � q ----------- ........... ........ �0� EPA 5030R EPA 80218 ....... 12/11114 . ......... - 12/11/14 � ". —.Z ..................... lk BL41127 -, ......... Surrogate. #,&,a-r#flwr0tdVvX1 46-132 EPA S6308 EPA 80219 IVJI114 11/11/14 Ik &41127 gaMple ED: W-,S,'-§l goll Sampled:12109/14 09--14 i/,10-114 13:13 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL PrepfFe Method - Prepared Analyzed By Batch TPH 0 - C22 7.74 1 mg/kg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12116114 I2/16114 lk BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 No 1 rnglkg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12/16/14 I2116/14 k BL41713 TPHC33 - C36 NO molko 100 ........ EPA 3546 EPA 801513 ........................ 12/16/14 12/16114 ..................... lk BL41713 ......... A POSITIVE Mramm= 781 East Washington Blvd , Los Angeles, CA 9002'1 LAB SERVICE (213) 745 -5312 FAX (213) 745 -6372 Certificate of Analysis Page 4 of 6 File #:73443 Salts Engineering Inc. Report Date: 12/19/14 4400 Yeager Way Submitted: 12/10/14 Bakersfield, CA 93313 PLS Report No.; 1412181 Attn: Mr. Robert Becker Phone. (661) 831 -5100 FAX:(661) 831 -2111 Project: 15170 BHF / P.O. # 15170 -POS Satrap a ii'1.'�'V«1 «S'MS3 Sall (1.412it31 -€i'8) Sarnpl€.ri.12 /t#9J1.4 f�B!.1,4 Racelve:d.1.2/1'€� /141:3;13 Surrogate: n -7otta 92.4% 69 -148 EPA 3546 EPA 8015B 12116114 12116114 Ik 801713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch Benzene - -� ND i ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 8021E 12111/14 12111/14 Ik BL41127 Toluene NO 1 ug/kg 1.00 EPA 5030B EPA 80218 12111/14 12/11/14 lk BL41127 Ethyibenzene NO 1 ug/kg 1.00 EPA 5030E EPA 80218 12/11114 12/11114 Ik BL41127 XylenQS (total} NO - __._..l,..w.. ?kg:.__.,2 00 r EPA 5030E -A EPABD218 12/11/14 - ..12/11114 - -y - tk _ BL41127 y surnvate. a a a- TNfluorotoluene 111 96 46 -132 EPA 50.308 EPA 80216 121.11114 12111114 Ik 8L41127 Sampie ID: S- 1.5' -S3 Soif (141218]. -09) Sampled:12 /09/14 0§. —'!5 Wecelved.12 %10/14 13:13 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch TPH C9 - C22 120 1 mg/kg 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12/16/14 12/16/14 k BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 NO 1 mftg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12/16/14 12116/14 Ik BL41713 TPH 03 - C36 NO 1 - - -- - -- nr 100 - -- - - - EPA 3546 EPA 80158 _ ... - -- - 'EPA ~_ 12116/1:4' - - 1211..,/14 Ik BL41713 - 5urroyate. n- Te&arosane- N 77.6 96 - ...,... 69 148 EPA 3546 80258 12116114 1?/15/14 /k OL41713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/Test Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch Benzene NO , 1 ug /kg µ1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12/12/14 12/12/14 k BL41127 Toluene NO 1 ug /kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80210 12112/14 12/i2/14 lk BL41127 Ethylbenzene No 1 ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50305 EPA 80218 12112/14 12/12/14 Ik BL41127 Xylenes total NO 1 u�/kg 2.00 EPA 50305 EPA 8=111 12112/14 - 12/12/14 -' ....... - k BL41127 rxt r ^ a,�a- ..rffi...... lOZ gb _ 46 -132 EPA 50VB EPA 80218 12112%14 12/1 ? /14. !k- BL41127 Pfe 3 E -1' -S3 50111 (1412181-0) Sampie€ 21911.4 Q i R ivi::0,71D /1 3:Sac Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQI. Prep/Test Method Prepared At Cyz C By Batch -»µ ..- TPH C9 - C22 15.0 1 mWX9 2.50 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 12/16/14 1:2/16114 Ik BL41713 TPH C23 - C32 ND i mg/kg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 8015B 12/16/14 12/16/14 lk BL41713 TPH C33 -136 NO 1 mg/kg 100 EPA 3546 EPA 80158 _ __ - -- 12Ji6114 17/16114 lk BL41713 . SLrrayate. n -? tra m <^ 7B.i 8S ................................. 69- 148- EPA 3546 EPA 8015B 12176114 106114 A BL41713 Analyte Results Flag D.F. Units PQL Prep/I'ea Method Prepared Analyzed By Batch Benzene NO I ug/kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 8021 B 12/12/14 ;12112/1:! ik 81 Toluene ND 1 ug /kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 8021E 12!12/14 12/12/114 lk L41127 Ethyibenzene NO 1 ug /kg 1.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 12/12/14 12/12/14 Ik BL41127 XYlenes (calati NO 1 uglkq 2.00 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 52/12/14 ..1..2.1. 1 2./.1.4 Ik 8-41127 . ._._ ate; a a,g.:Ttrfiti4 tti Ct,� 110 46 9b -132 EPA 50308 EPA 80218 1.71V.11'4 12112114 /k &41127 All POSITIVE 7Nor* 81 Cast Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 SERVICE (2"13)745-5312 FAX(21j)745-6372 Certificate of Analysis Page 5 of 6 File #:73443 Soils Engineering Inc. Report Date: 12/19114 4400 Yeager Way Submitted: 12/10/14 Bakersfield, CA 93313 PLS Report No.: 1412181 Attn: Mr. Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831 -5100 FAX:(661) 831 -2111 Project: 15170 BHF / P.O. # 15170 -POS quality Control Data ....... ............................... . Spike Source O/OM RPD Analyte Result PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier Batch BL41713 - BPA 3546 Blank Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/14 TPH C9 - C22 NO 2.50 mglkfi TPH C23 - C32 ND 100 ntg /Kg ........ ..,. _ .,. TPH C33 - C36 NO 100 mg/k9 :... -q0' Wte: n-rerarasar 16.5 ug/k9 .u�k4�.�,.�..a- mg/kg _ 20.83 79,7 69-148 LCS Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/14 - . _ Diesel 582 5.00 mg/kg 554.7 105 63 -136 wµ Svfnlgate: n- Tetmcosane 23.2 mg /kg 20.83 111 69-146 LCS Dup Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/14 107 1100 ug/kg 100.0 107 76.117 Dlesel 483 5100 mg /kg 554.7 B7.1 63 -136 18.6 30 _-K.. _. Sumagate: n•Tetrar sar 18.7 u� mg /kg 20.83 89.7 69 -146 Matrix Spike Source: 1412181-08 Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/14 2.00 ......... - ..,.., ug /kg 3_ 00 0 .30.00 p�esel 95.5 1.50 mgjkg T 110.9 16.6 71.1 57 -145 „r Surrogate: n Te&acusane X7.1 Matrix Spike Source: 1412181 -01 Prepared & Analyzed: 12/ 11/14 mg /kg 20.83 82.1 69 -148 Matrix Spike Dup Source: 1412181 -08 Prepared & Analyzed: 12/16/14 Benzene 47.3 1.00 ug/kg Dlesel 110 2.50, M mg /kg 11019 16.6 84.5 57 -145 17.3-1 30 _...: 5tr�rr�at�: n- 7"etrarsarae 19.9 114 mg /kg 20.83 93.4 69-148 Batch Ml127 • EPA 50308 Blank Prepared &Analyzed: 12 /11/14 Benzene NO 1.00 ug /itg ........ ..,. _ .,. Tr�lstetie , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,««,<,<,,.•,,,,,.,,,,.,, �,. �... ,,.._.- ..�.,,,_,,- .,...w.,...,, NO 1,00 1'Ir� m _. kystrexeste. -, ND 1.00 �-.°- ...`2._06 _, H..,, ,- ug/k9 .u�k4�.�,.�..a- .- .a�.•,.�.<., >.��- .�.�......� ,:�...w.......,.�ND Xyle2es (total) - . _ __ Surrogate; a,aa- 77iRuototaluevre 32,3 ug/kg 30.00 108 46 -132 LCS Prepared & Analyzed: 12 /11/14 Benzene 107 1100 ug/kg 100.0 107 76.117 Toluene 104 1.00 ug /kg 100.0 104 74 -113 l tfit +lbC Zoe 110 1.D0 u� 100.0 110 75 -122 Xylenes (total) 2.00 ......... - ..,.., ug /kg 3_ 00 0 .30.00 104 68-121 SLrrogete� a a a -7 u c trzI_ u ..•..- ....._......,.. - _............ .. 30.2 u09 101 67 -130 Matrix Spike Source: 1412181 -01 Prepared & Analyzed: 12/ 11/14 Benzene 47.3 1.00 ug/kg 40.00 ND 118 51 -129 Toluene 45.5 1100 ug /kg 40.00 No 114 37 -124 Ethylbenzene 47.4 1.00 ug /kg ... _,•4D,OD ND 118 45.129 ?c enes (totao 135 2.00 ug /kg 12D.D ND 112 52-113 __. 33.2 ug/kg 30.00 11r 46 -132 Matrix Spike Dup Source: 1412181 -01 Prepared & Analyzed: 12/11114 Benzene 46.5 1.00 ".ug/kg 40.00 ND Mm 116 51 -129 1.72 30 Afl POSITIVE 40= 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 Ierr LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 Certificate of Analysis Page 6 of 6 File #:73443 Soils Engineering Inc. Report Date: 12/19/14 4400 Yeager Way Submitted: 12/10114 Bakersfield, CA 93313 PLS Report No.: 1412181 Attn: Mr. Robert Becker Phone: (661) 831-5100 FAX:(661) 831-2111 Project: 15170 BHF / P.O, # 15170-POS Quality Control Data -- - ---------- Spike Source %REC RPD Arnalyte Result PQL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier Batch BL41127 - EPA 50308 Toluene 45.1 1100 ug/kg 40.00 NO 113 37-129 0.868 30 Et IYOTzen!�-- .............. . . —,— 47.4 1.00 lig/kg — - 40.00 ND 116 45-129 0.002.11 30 YY CS (totat) 1.35 2.00., 120.0 ND 112 52 -113 0.0386 30 Grmx�in n„ 34, 8 4kg .3'11. 011 116 46132 Notes and _DAfin_Wqns NA Not Appl)cable ND Analyte NOT DETEMO at or above the reported llmlqs) NR Not Reported MDL Method Detection Urnit PQL Practical QuanOtadon Limit Environmental Laboratory AccredMon Program Certificate No. 1131, Mqblle Lab No. 2534, LACSD No. 10138 Authorized Slqnature(s) t so I z 0 ul Ci 0 co - Ol io cj so I z 0 ul Ci 0 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests ' x i NON•HAZARat7US y« eaylrttdat'Pfh;�siWf 2, Pap 1101 3,'EmaraoncyRosponsaPhonts 4.Vbsio rach;hgI�usri'�ar WASTE MANWEST «�« :..., � µ «µ « ��� /�zC�!'1 � � «� _«,...«... .«.w..� �..........,r._ .......... w «« t7ors�rre6ar's t earro and Aiaa7rr� tltkftess Gunoratols: b1to A Tess {it (996101 than mailing rl1��rrzssj Ish 1a 1� �r�'j1 tbUJ. Z. r-V r''+ -'Y' �'Vl l� it'c3 Y i1� cJQGvv'm Byu m16.0et , �4" pe Ga u cars -PeYi (A Ida Z c t—,,s-, €t s;ert�tots t~X: ) - - cMR .�. _ ._ .,., _ _ .._ « G< tt Xt s rtct 1 si r r i Nn�nn U.Sr EPA W Nudier ..<.<"«««...... � U.S. EPA 10 ar Y �rouspet rnr � £:0�1�"�Y frztinn 8. ba6afa°d Faf,40 :e l ddmss m »„ U.S. FPA IU (unbar , - rely taw ..� * t,+ ejr �Adc.� r +,�,r;`c�t, G A YY zj* f l- 10.CatlaincrR 1i.inlai �' f2.Urid' : Wa:,W Shipping Namo anE 04sa090n Na .. o .Quantity" „' MMA .... .„..«: _.„,.. „........,...."^..,..w..: ..:««:..^«,. w» ..,,W......«...,w.w- ...-- ..w.,. ..+..,..�..+...,. , ,,., ., ,.. r{ r OR �`a O - y�.n Yd -a uL S S d L Li't / f” V2x / 3 ww«nw•..mr. .ww....w�,..,..+: ^,w«««.,: M..i i ,} rYeSM a,!if4R`w t . � �L�y,� tqY � � t"6 s r 13, sperm Henfta lAstruciloftard M rretlr,fardsai'4A , ' ~ r i . GbNERATO A'S'(OFEERCFVS CERTMAliON: `t hafd)Y ctOdOc +lhal lira conirmis of Ihts oonsrQnmdnl aro fully and aectirately dosotyted above by Ikra t tnyt r aT fXl Warne, and atz classifirsd, packallad, _ mrroked;ltid Cai�c4ecrltotanicd, imd Cvtstrt fr k_ (t�ir r ram t in all raeis la propor a»tdile n for trr":t r1 ateorttdtti6 hs n�llicarbi�'ro U airn�la amadonal nntl tlriiit to ifvtrurintrd {1 talleiat,raa: ? rsr�th 6lay Y ie 11 « Y� n j .�. #n;eril,gt�lol;�trlttf,”" i~ x him to U.S; .. ! tto ltrsrrt U S, �r tt3a i �turt�wr4urAckwx�e cSDmenR vt Receiitt at h4tilcritrfs » _ . « ««»«.. « ««« «. ,. P��utiitt Ra Y,eet ��nalut y Ihr N Year :r ; i' tar {si+urlrr ?. t }fFp';csb�i`Y9tc� ittrrtC Sk�itahrre ( 17. D1„ cropancy 17a, fj, fit+ tst y Irr.Ci sis err a,X'ocv (tu�infity ❑ typo E nasuie � rartlKi na�c�lton I..I t utl Neoclian r� ..._..«_..... ill+, Akrr • :itt Fi-Ai Off Ganomhrr} j 7t w 17cr SK,�iahXra of r1latr�;sto FaaBity jor Goi�tntuti A+;wttb lkiy j aYtr�t `P F i ,{ 3 a <.n i. 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