HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.08.2017 WB Agenda Packet Special MtgCity of Bakersfield Water Board Special Meeting of February 8, 2017 Bellevue Weir Area Water Resources File Packet WATER BOARD Bob Smith, Chairman Jacquie Sullivan Ken Weir NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - WATER BOARD Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board will be held on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. in the Water Resources Building Conference Room, at 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 9, 2016 for approval Staff recommends approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of November 9, 2016, 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report Staff Recommendation: For Board Information B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for December 2016. Staff Recommendation: For Board Information 6. HEARINGS 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS 0 1000A0 B A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD Bob Smith, Chairman Jacquie Sullivan Ken Weir NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - WATER BOARD Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the City of Bakersfield Water Board will be held on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. in the Water Resources Building Conference Room, at 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 9, 2016 for approval Staff recommends approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of November 9, 2016, 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report Staff Recommendation: For Board Information B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for December 2016. Staff Recommendation: For Board Information 6. HEARINGS 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS Water Board Agenda February 8, 2017 Page 2 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Emergency Use of Canals: 1. Agreement between City and North Kern Water Storage District ( NKWSD) for discharge of Storm Water into NKWSD Canal System (not to exceed $2,500 per year; 4 year term). 2. Agreement between City and Arvin - Edison Water Storage District (AEWSD) for discharge of Storm Water into Arvin - Edison Intake Canal (not to exceed $2,500 per year; 1 year term). Staff Recommendation: Water Board review the Agreements and recommend them to be Department Head Agreements. B. Proposed 1.77% rate increase to O &M Agreement No. 92 -250 with California Water Service Co., increasing annual costs by an estimated $119,000. Staff Recommendation: Approval of proposed rate increase. 9. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT 10. MISCELLANEOUS A. Proposed 2017 Water Board Meeting Calendar Staff Recommendation: Approval of the 2017 Water Board Meeting Calendar. 11. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 12. CLOSED SESSION 13. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 14. ADJOURNMENT ART CHIANELLO, P.E, Water Resources Manager POSTED: February b, 2017 BAKE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 8, 2017 AGENDA SECTION: Minutes ITEM: 3. A. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT Bob Smith, Chairman Jacquie Sullivan, Member Ken Weir, Member Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager February 1, 2017 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD L� Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of November 9, 2016. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Minutes of the Regular Water Board Meeting of November 9, 2016. BACKGROUND: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1. CALL TO ORDER Member Smith called the meeting to order at 2:00 p,m, 2. ROLL CALL Present: Member Smith, Member Maxwell Absent: Chairman Hanson 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 14, 2016 for approval Motion by Maxwell to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 14, 2016. APPROVED, ALL AYES, MEMBER HANSON ABSENT 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a, Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, introduced Rudy Valles, General Manager for California Water Service Company Bakersfield Office; and Mike Mares, General Manager Hawaii Office, who will be replacing Mr. Valles, upon retirement in early 2017. b. Mike Mares, General Manager for Hawaii Water Service Company, stated he has worked for Cal Water Company since 1992. He has been in Hawaii for the past five years assisting with their special project. He is looking forward to moving to Bakersfield and working with the City of Bakersfield. C. Rudy Valles, General Manager, California Water Service Company, stated improvements were made at the Northwest Treatment Plant to make the plant more efficient, This means more water for the Cal Water system and for the City system. d, Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, recognized college students in the audience, attending the meeting for their political science class. L0 B A K E R S F M"ft"ftft-b I E L D MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1. CALL TO ORDER Member Smith called the meeting to order at 2:00 p,m, 2. ROLL CALL Present: Member Smith, Member Maxwell Absent: Chairman Hanson 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 14, 2016 for approval Motion by Maxwell to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 14, 2016. APPROVED, ALL AYES, MEMBER HANSON ABSENT 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS a, Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, introduced Rudy Valles, General Manager for California Water Service Company Bakersfield Office; and Mike Mares, General Manager Hawaii Office, who will be replacing Mr. Valles, upon retirement in early 2017. b. Mike Mares, General Manager for Hawaii Water Service Company, stated he has worked for Cal Water Company since 1992. He has been in Hawaii for the past five years assisting with their special project. He is looking forward to moving to Bakersfield and working with the City of Bakersfield. C. Rudy Valles, General Manager, California Water Service Company, stated improvements were made at the Northwest Treatment Plant to make the plant more efficient, This means more water for the Cal Water system and for the City system. d, Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, recognized college students in the audience, attending the meeting for their political science class. Bakersfield, California, November 9, 2016 - Page 2 5. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information John Ryan, Superintendent, stated that the water year is over, October 2015 through September 30, 2016. We are definitely still in a drought. Fortunately we can turn the page to the new water year. The natural flow is coming up; the regulated flow has also come up. Currently the inflow is 165 cubic feet per second; outflow is at 160 cubic feet per second; storage is at 89,489 acre feet. Looking at the early part of the new water year, we're still running about 50 percent of average. Storage is way below average. Our average will be 164,000 acre feet. B. Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for October 2016. Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, gave a water usage update for October 2016, The City of Bakersfield Domestic water customers decreased their usage by 12.6% from the 2013 levels. Conservation on our residential basis, gallons per capita daily, is about 18.7% reduction. Approximately 2,900 connections were added to our system over the last three years. The cumulative savings starting in June thru October this year is at 16.7 percent reduction from 2013 levels. As you are aware our target is 9% so we're meeting our target, We're encouraging residents to be mindful of water usage. We have to meet the 9% cumulative savings through January of next year. We encourage people to continue to save water. For Board Information 6. HEARINGS - None 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS - None 8. NEW BUSINESS - None 9. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT - None 10. MISCELLANEOUS - None 11. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS Member Maxwell expressed thanks. He stated these last two years have been a lot of fun. When Vice Mayor Hanson put him on the Board he kind of said that this was, of all the committees we have, one of the most powerful; and one that requires a lot of study. There is certain cohesiveness at all fields because we're working a subject that is absolutely essential to the life line of this community, not just in terms or our residents but in terms of the economy. Mr. Maxwell stated he hopes that during that time he displayed a sense of preparedness to talk about the issues. They are large and tremendously complicated. Anybody who comes on this board following him has got a lot to learn. There is a lot of nuances going on in water right now and if you Bakersfield, California, November 9, 2016 - Page 3 11. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS continued: don't get what that nuance is, I think that the city will suffer. I hope I've displayed that to you that I did come to these meetings prepared and understood the big picture as well as the little picture. Again, Art thank you, the staff its been great working with you. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager expressed appreciation to Water Board Member Terry Maxwell on behalf of the whole Water Resources Department, Mr, Chianello stated it's been a pleasure working with Member Maxwell. We have had a lot of issues to deal with over the last two years and part of it was the drought, but other new challenges such as new water legislation and rules from the state. During this time we appreciate your guidance and help. 12. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) (One matter) California Water Service Company and City of Bakersfield v. The Dow Chemical Company, et al San Bernardino County Superior Court Case No, CIV 470999 Recess to Closed Session at 2:15 p,m, Closed Session was adjourned at 3:01 p.m. 13. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, stated staff was given direction on Closed Session Item 12.A. 14. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Smith adjourned the meeting at 3:02 p.m. Bob Smith, Member City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, CMC Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board OF �GORPOR,r O "sf 444 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT `q`P WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 8, 2017 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: S. A. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Jacquie Sullivan, Member Ken Weir, Member APPROVED --T FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD X1 DATE: February 2, 2017 SUBJECT: Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report RECOMMENDATION: For Board Information BACKGROUND: Report by Heather Williams, Hydrographic Supervisor, on current Kern River flow and Isabella storage conditions. W a a� 0 W W Q J J MW Q N 0 LL 0 W Q J C) W 0 J LL J Q Z m W cc W W `W r a 3 n T O N tD T 0 N (SiSO144ueJud ui uOilen013) 333b u! 3E)VU01S n T 1 C. CD T Q T n T n T 1_ L Q Q T L ccM G T N LL n T c co Co T U N Cfl O Z T O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O T ON003S aid 1333 oieno W w O-- 0. O� LL O " O L O CL O LL O :- O U- O LL O i O i O O O LL O N O O co O N 00 O � O co 0-11, 0. O m O m O� O co O N 6 O' Oo O ON LO O m LO rn O co t!) °o O r- LO O m O O r CO Lo N Lo N � N N (� N N N N N N T^ T N LO N O n T 1 C. CD T Q T n T n T 1_ L Q Q T L ccM G T N LL n T c co Co T U N Cfl O Z T O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O T ON003S aid 1333 oieno W w o� I N 3 O U- rn d O i O O LL .• N 7 N Z ca rn n T 1 C. CD T Q T n T n T 1_ L Q Q T L ccM G T N LL n T c co Co T U N Cfl O Z T O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O T ON003S aid 1333 oieno Z O Q J U U Q Y U a O ''ZA V+ Z^^ V/ Q m W Z cc W Y x w Z� ® N Z w 2 U !TZ � LL (J w O O O O O O O O O m dam' 't M OM N N r O (sayoul);ua;u03 .aaleM O O tc) O Q Q L i cz Q7 cz N N U- m 0 cn C 0 7 cu V 7 (� ca � Y V Q. 3 0 N m E m v a) 0 i a) E N O Z 00 rn Q co o ----w � N O Q Q N ° O oN N ---- -------------------- ------- --- ---- - --- -- --- ---------------- ---- O r � 0. N L o O � N - --- - -- - ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- - --- - - -- ---- ----- --------- --- LO oQ N �! o or N ----------------------- co - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- -- ----- - - - - -- - -- - - -- � Q rp N ° 00 N (h r co - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- - -- ----------- CL 0 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------- T 0 N l0 T O N O O O O O O O O O m dam' 't M OM N N r O (sayoul);ua;u03 .aaleM O O tc) O Q Q L i cz Q7 cz N N U- m 0 cn C 0 7 cu V 7 (� ca � Y V Q. 3 0 N m E m v a) 0 i a) E N O Z � O�BAKE y�coxeos�rt �S'l'n ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT cRL`� WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 8, 2017 AGENDA SECTION: Reports ITEM: 5.B. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bob Smith, Chairman Jacquie Sullivan, Member Ken Weir, Member Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD January 31, 2017 APPROVED ac, Update on Water Usage in the City's Domestic Water Service Area for December 2016 RECOMMENDATION: For Board information BACKGROUND: Emergency drought regulations took effect in June 2016, which gave local water suppliers the ability to set their own conservation goals based on local supply conditions projected over the next three years. The City of Bakersfield and Cal Water both adopted a 9% conservation standard based on each of their local supply conditions at that time. Recently the State Water Board (Board) released a draft proposed regulation that extends the current Urban Water Conservation Regulation until October 2017, The Board is expected to approve the regulation extension on February 8, 2017. Prior to this extension, the emergency drought regulations were set to expire in February 2017. Table 1 below shows information that was reported to the State for the month of December 2016. Note that one (1) CCF is one hundred cubic feet, or 748 gallons. "R -GPCD" is the residential gallons per person per day water usage, Table 1 December December Increase/ 2013 2016 Decrease ( -) Total Water Produced 1,170,691 1,044,105 -10.8% (CCF) Population 137,177 147,136 9,959 Residential Use 76.5% 75.4% Percentage R -GPCD 157.5 129.2 -18.0% Total Residential 39,313 42,167 2,854 Connections O�BAKE scowor� �s U � c�L1F0 ty P ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT WATER BOARD At the end of December 2016, the City's cumulative savings is 16.8% as shown in Table 2 below, which is 7.8% higher than the City's conservation standard of 9 %. Table 2 2013 2013 2016 Water 2016 Monthly Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Month Use Water Use Savings Usage Usage Savings (CCF) (CCF) (CCF) (CCF) June 2,082,532 1,572,801 - 24.5% 2,082,532 1,572,801 -24.5% July 2,284,542 1,904,594 - 16.6% 4,367,074 3,477,395 -20.4% August 2,475,799 1,948,958 -21.3% 6,842,873 5,426,353 - 20.7% September 2,285,205 2,103,046 -8.0% 9,128,078 7,529,399 -17.5% October 1,902,817 1,662,163 -12.6% 11,030,895 9,191,562 -16.7% November 1,687,363 1313118 -22.2% 12718258 10504680 -17.4% December 1,170,691 1,044,105 -10.8% 13,888,949 11,548,785 -16.8% BA 40- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT cAL;° WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 8, 2017 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 8.A. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Jacquie Sullivan, Member Ken Weir, Member FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DATE: January 31, 2017 DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVED 6)& SUBJECT: Agreement between City and North Kern Water Storage District ( NKWSD) for discharge of Storm Water into NKWSD Canal System (not to exceed $2,500 per year; 4 year term). Agreement between City and Arvin - Edison Water Storage District ( AEWSD) for discharge of Storm Water into Arvin- Edison Intake Canal (not to exceed $2,500 per year; 1 year term). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Water Board review the Agreements and recommend them to be Department Head Agreements. BACKGROUND: NKWSD operates a system of canals in the northwest portion of the City. AEWSD operates the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal in the southern portion of the City. Generally, the City relies upon retention basins that percolate to dispose of storm drainage water. However, on occasion, high intensity storms can exceed the capacity of these retention basins, and cause localized flooding of areas draining to these retention basins. To alleviate and avoid flooding, the City has in the past informally requested, and NKWSD and AEWSD have agreed, to allow some storm drainage water to be pumped into their canal systems. These Agreements formalize these arrangements, authorizing the City to discharge storm drainage water into NKWSD's and AEWSD's canal systems, subject to the terms of the Agreements when flooding of an area is threatened, occurring, or imminent. The term of the NKWSD Agreement is four (4) years, and the City will pay NKWSD an annual sum of $2,500 for NKWSD's costs for handling and disposal of the storm drainage water discharged; however, these funds will only be paid if discharge of storm drainage water into the NKWSD canal system occurs during the calendar year. The term of the AEWSD Agreement is one (1) year; however, the Agreement also states that the City and AEWSD may mutually agree to extend the termination date of the Agreement. The City will pay AEWSD an annual sum of up to $2,500 for AEWSD's costs for handling and disposal of the storm drainage water discharged; however, these funds will only be paid if discharge of storm drainage water into the Arvin- Edison Intake Canal occurs during the calendar year. CI'T'Y OF BAKERSFIELD Agreement No. STORM DRAIN AGREEMENT (North Kern Canal System) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a chartered city in the State of California, County of Kern (herein called "City "), and NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California water storage district (herein called "North Kern"). RECITALS WHEREAS, North Kern is the owner and operator of the North Kern Canal System, designed and used for the purpose of transporting North Kern's water and any and all other lawful purposes; and WHEREAS, City generally relies upon retention basins and percolation to dispose of storm drainage water; and WHEREAS, during unusual high intensity storms in the Bakersfield drainage area, water may be required to be pumped from a retention basin into the North Kern Canal System in order to avoid flooding of the urban area within the drainage area; and WHEREAS, the sole purpose of this Agreement is to allow the City to divert storm water to the North Kern Canal System for the protection of life, health, and property; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is not subject to, and does not in any matter modify, the terms of Agreement No. 76 -89. NOW THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein and in consideration of the promises and the agreements of the respective parties herein contained, City and North Kern agree as follows: 1. Use of North Kern Canal System: 1.1 City acknowledges the limited capacity of the North Kern Canal System to accept, transport and dispose of the storm drainage water authorized to be discharged hereunder. Accordingly, the right of City to discharge such storm drainage water into the North Kern Canal System shall be limited to occurrences of unusually high intensity storms where flooding of the urban area is threatened, occurring or imminent. Discharge will be accomplished by portable pumping units. 1.2 During the term of this Agreement, City may discharge storm drainage water into the North Kern Canal System subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Due to the need to respond to potential flooding conditions quickly, the City shall notify the Storm Drainage Contact Person identified by North Kern per Section 8.3 of this Agreement, via email and /or telephone, prior to discharging storm drain water into the North Kern Canal System. Such notification shall include volume and location of discharge into the North Kern Canal System. 1.3 The City proposes to discharge storm drain water into the North Kern Canal System at the locations shown on the attached Exhibit "A ", and at a rate not to exceed 1,500 gallons per minute at each location. However, if threatened, occurring or imminent flooding conditions require water to be pumped into the North Kern Canal System at other locations, the parties agree to use their best efforts, in cooperation with one another, to accomplish such pumping. 1.4 The parties acknowledge that the capacity of the North Kern Canal System to transport storm drainage water is limited, and that the North Kern Canal System may not be able to handle all of the storm drainage water from the City's storm drain system. When it appears that the combination of North Kern's waters and storm drainage water will exceed the capacity of the North Kern Canal System, the parties agree to use their best efforts, in cooperation with one another, to reduce the rate of flow entering the North Kern Canal System. Where the best efforts of the parties fail to reduce the rate of flow entering the North Kern Canal System by a sufficient amount to accept storm drainage water, North Kern shall not be obligated to accept any storm drainage water that would put the North Kern Canal System above its safe capacity. 2. Maintenance of North Kern Canal System and Storm Drain Facilities: 2.1 North Kern shall be in sole and absolute control of the maintenance and operation of the North Kern Canal System, unless specifically otherwise provided in this Agreement. City shall be in control of the maintenance and operation of the City's storm drain system ( "Storm Drain Facilities ") unless specifically otherwise provided in this Agreement. 3. Compensation: 3.1 In any calendar year in which the City discharges storm drainage water into the North Kern Canal System, City shall pay an annual payment to North Kern, for North Kern's costs for handling and disposal of the storm drainage water, in the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00). North Kern shall prepare an invoice for said annual payment and shall submit said invoice to City by the first day of February following the calendar year in which City discharged storm drainage water into the North Kern Canal System. Said payment shall then be processed by the City within 30 days. 4. Ownership and Use of Storm Drainage Water: 4.1 For purposes of this Agreement, "storm drainage water" refers to all waters delivered into the North Kern Canal System from the City's Storm Drain System. 4.2 All storm drainage water delivered into the North Kern Canal System shall become the property of North Kern, and may be used or disposed of by North Kern in any lawful manner, as determined by North Kern. -2- 5. Water Quality and MonitorinjZ: 5.1 City has adopted a Storm Water Ordinance in compliance with the joint National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) Municipal Storm Water Permit Application. This ordinance is applicable to the storm water systems served by the City's Storm Drain Facilities that could discharge into the North Kern Canal System as a result of this Agreement. 5.2 The City's Storm Water Ordinance requires compliance with the strictest of any applicable Federal or State standards or regulations covering the discharge of storm water or surface water. 5.3 City has instituted a monitoring program to determine the concentration of selected constituents in the discharges measured at representative sites in the City, in conformance with the NPDES permit application. For any calendar year in which the City discharges storm drainage water into the North Kern Canal System, results of the monitoring program will be made available to North Kern upon request when they are submitted to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for their review. 5.4 In addition to the foregoing, and without limiting the same, City shall not discharge, and shall not permit others to discharge, into the Storm Drain Facilities or into the North Kern Canal System, any sewage, debris, industrial waste waters, and waters contaminated with oil, or other substances, which would render the storm drainage waters unfit for any and all lawful purposes for which North Kern's water and /or the North Kern Canal System may be used. 5.5 City shall comply with any and all present and future Federal, State and /or local discharge requirements imposed by any laws, rules or regulations. 6. Indemnity and Insurance: 6.1 City shall save, protect, defend and hold harmless North Kern of and from all (i) claims, suits, demands and liabilities whatever to any person or persons or corporations, by reason of bodily injuries, deaths, and by reason of damage to, or destruction of, any property resulting in whole or in part from the exercise of the right of City hereunder and the discharge of storm drainage water into and the disposition of the storm drainage water through the North Kern Canal System, and (ii) costs, penalties or other liabilities as a result from rules or actions of any regulatory agency resulting in whole or in part from the exercise of the right of City hereunder and the discharge of storm drainage water into, and the disposition of the storm drainage water through, the North Kern Canal System. 6.2 City shall, at its own expense, carry insurance to protect North Kern of and from any and all such claims and the indemnity agreement hereinabove set forth, by obtaining public liability insurance with liability limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 for the injury or death of any one person in any one accident, all such insurance to be carried with insurance companies satisfactory to North Kern. Regardless of the above, City may self - insure any or all of the insurance requirements hereof. 6.3 Except when self - insured, City shall, upon demand, procure and cause to be furnished to North Kern, a certificate or certificates from said insurance companies, stating that -3- said insurance is in full force and effect, that North Kern is named as an additional insured on said policy, that the premiums thereon have been paid, that the insurance companies will give North Kern at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice of any termination or cancellation of the same, and of any modification of the terms of such insurance. When self - insured, City shall provide North Kern written acknowledgement thereof. 7. Term and Termination: 7.1 Unless terminated in a manner hereinafter provided, this Agreement shall terminate on December 31, 2020. However, City and North Kern may mutually agree to extend the termination date of this Agreement. 7.2 North Kern may terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days' written notice to City, if City defaults in making the payments required herein, or if City otherwise defaults in its duties and obligations imposed pursuant to this Agreement and City fails to remedy said defaults within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice to do so. City may terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days' written notice to North Kern. 8. Miscellaneous: 8.1 This document represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement replaces any and all prior agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, whether written or oral, without limitation. 8.2 North Kern may assign all of its rights and obligations to any public body or private corporation succeeding to the ownership and operation of the North Kern Canal System, which assignee shall agree to perform the obligations of North Kern under this Agreement and, in the event of such assignment, North Kern shall be relieved of all further obligation hereunder. City may in like manner assign its rights and obligations in this Agreement to any duly organized public body or district of the State of California which is authorized to and agrees to pay and perform City's obligations hereunder, and thereafter City shall be relieved of all further obligations hereunder. 8.3 The parties to this Agreement shall appoint and designate a person on their respective staffs who shall be identified as the "Storm Drainage Contact Person ". This person shall be available to all other parties for notice of City's discharge of storm drainage waters, information and expression of concerns regarding maintenance, increasing storm drainage discharges and capacity, compliance with quality requirements, monitoring, and any other matter relating to this Agreement. A telephone number and email address will be provided for this person by the parties. The object of this provision is to provide a definite and easily instituted method of communication between all the parties to this Agreement with the assurance that the individual named as the Storm Drain Contact Person will have sufficient authority to and will respond by action to all requests, notices and concerns expressed to him or her by the other parties. 8.4 Any other notice or demand by any party to the others in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed to be fully given or made when written and deposited in a sealed envelope in the United States Mail, registered and postage prepaid and addressed as follows: sE To: City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield CA 93311 To: North Kern Water Storage District 33380 Cawelo Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Any party may change its address by giving the other parties written notice of its new address as herein provided. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] E610 In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney C Deputy City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Water Resources Department ARTHUR R. CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT Attachment: Exhibit "A" M CITY OF BAKERSFIELD KAREN GOH C Mayor COUNTERSIGNED: Finance Department NELSON SMITH Finance Director By: President By: Secretary In- - - rim STANr)AR RO Ey,hibft "A"' IAN RD LU 7T :KDAI:E.1 LAVI! [D� FvIEREE HAGf 1ARD rYr LW North Kern Canal System -- City Storm Drain Water Discharge Locations D------- IAN RD LU 7T :KDAI:E.1 LAVI! [D� FvIEREE HAGf 1ARD rYr LW North Kern Canal System -- City Storm Drain Water Discharge Locations CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Agreement No. DELIVERY OF STORM DRAIN WA'T'ER AGREEMENT (Arvin- Edison Intake Canal) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a chartered city in the State of California, County of Kern (herein called "City "), and ARVIN - EDISON WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California water storage district (herein called "Arvin- Edison "), collectively referred to as parties. RECITALS WHEREAS, Arvin - Edison is the owner and operator of the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, designed and used for the purpose of transporting Arvin - Edison's water including wheeling supplies for other third parties and any and all other lawful purposes; and WHEREAS, City generally relies upon retention basins and percolation thereof to dispose of storm drainage water; and WHEREAS, during unusual high intensity storms in the Bakersfield drainage area and in emergency situations, City would benefit from the ability to pump water from a retention basin into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal in order to avoid flooding of the urban area within the drainage area. NOW THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein and in consideration of the promises and the agreements of the respective parties herein contained, City and Arvin - Edison agree as follows: 1. Use of Arvin - Edison Intake Canal: 1.1 City acknowledges the limited capacity of the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal to accept, transport and dispose of the storm drainage water authorized to be discharged hereunder. Accordingly, Arvin - Edison shall at all times provide advance approval prior to any discharge occurrence. The right of City to discharge such storm drainage water into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal shall be limited to emergency occurrences only during unusually high intensity storms where flooding of the urban area is threatened, occurring or imminent. Discharge into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal will be accomplished by portable pumping units at the location as identified in Exhibit A. 1.2 During the term of this Agreement, City may discharge storm drainage water into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Due to the need to respond to potential flooding conditions quickly, the City shall notify the Storm Drainage Contact Person(s) identified by Arvin - Edison per Section 8.3 of this Agreement, via email and /or telephone, prior to discharging storm drain water into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal. Such notification shall include flow (cfs), volume (acre -feet) and location of discharge into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal. 1.3 The parties acknowledge that the capacity of the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal to transport storm drainage water is limited, and that the Arvin- Edison Intake Canal may not be able to handle any of the storm drainage water from the City's storm drain system. When it appears that the combination of Arvin - Edison's or other waters and storm drainage water will exceed the capacity of the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, the parties agree to use their best efforts, in cooperation with one another, to reduce the rate of storm drainage water flow entering the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, up to and including termination of said storm drainage water flows. As an alternative, and provided available Kern River channel capacity, the City may cooperate with Arvin - Edison to allow for scheduled Intake Canal flows to be diverted into the Kern River channel, on Arvin - Edison's behalf. 1.4 City and Arvin - Edison will investigate the potential use of storm drainage water retention basins for recharge purposes during summer months. 2. Maintenance of Arvin- Edison Intake Canal and Storm Drain Facilities: 2.1 Arvin - Edison shall be in sole and absolute control of the maintenance and operation of the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, unless specifically otherwise provided in this Agreement. 2.2 City shall be in sole and absolute control of the maintenance and operation of the City's storm drain system ( "Storm Drain Facilities ") unless specifically otherwise provided in this Agreement. 2.3 All costs incurred by Arvin - Edison on behalf of City shall be determined using mutually accepted accounting procedures. 3. Compensation: 3.1 In any calendar year in which the City discharges storm drainage water into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, City shall pay an annual payment for Arvin - Edison's costs for handling and disposal of the storm drainage water up to the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00). Said annual payment shall be calculated by Arvin - Edison and submitted to the City for review and approval by the first day of December of each calendar year in which City discharged storm drainage water into the Arvin- Edison Intake Canal for the prior 12 -month period. Said payment shall then be processed by the City no later than the last day of December of that same year. 4. Ownership and Use of Storm Drainage Water: 4.1 For purposes of this Agreement, "storm drainage water" refers to all waters delivered into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal from the City's Storm Drain System, 4.2 All storm drainage water delivered into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal shall become the property of Arvin - Edison, and may be used or disposed of by Arvin - Edison in any lawful manner, as determined by Arvin - Edison. 1WM 5. Water Oualitv and Monitorin 5.1 City has adopted a Storm Water Ordinance in compliance with the joint National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES) Municipal Storm Water Permit Application. This ordinance is applicable to the storm water systems served by the City's Storm Drain Facilities that could discharge into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal as a result of this Agreement. 5.2 The City's Storm Water Ordinance requires compliance with the strictest of any applicable Federal or State standards or regulations covering the discharge of storm water or surface water. 5.3 City has instituted a monitoring program (Exhibit B) to determine the concentration of selected constituents, including those constituents determined by Arvin - Edison, in the discharges measured at representative sites in the City, in conformance with the NPDES permit application. Representative sites for discharge into Arvin - Edison Intake Canal shall be mutually agreed upon. For any calendar year in which the City request discharges of storm drainage water into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, City shall provide results of the monitoring program to Arvin - Edison upon receiving water quality sample results for Arvin - Edison's review. 5.4 In addition to the foregoing, and without limiting the same, City shall not discharge, and shall not permit others to discharge, into the Storm Drain Facilities or into the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, any sewage, debris, industrial waste waters, and waters contaminated with oil, or other substances, which would render the storm drainage waters unfit for any and all lawful purposes for which Arvin - Edison's water and /or the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal may be used. In addition, City will minimize or eliminate the pumping of total suspended solids, oil and grease, and floating debris. 5.5 City shall comply with any and all present and future Federal, State and /or local discharge requirements imposed by any laws, rules or regulations. 5.6 In addition, City acknowledges that Arvin - Edison has entered into that certain First Amended and Restated Agreement Between Arvin - Edison Water Storage District and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for a Water Management Program, dated October 9, 2007 ( "MET Agreement "). Section 4.5 of the MET Agreement states in part as follows: "Based on available data, the parties have concluded in 1996 that Arvin - Edison could supply water at the California Aqueduct which meets 1995 Safe Drinking Water Act primary and secondary standards.... Arvin- Edison shall take no direct action that would knowingly cause the quality of recovered groundwater to not meet the 1995 Safe Drinking Water Act primary and secondary long -term standards. Should Arvin - Edison knowingly take direct action which causes the quality of water delivered into the California Aqueduct to not meet 1995 Safe Drinking Water Act primary and secondary standards, Arvin - Edison shall be responsible for taking additional steps, at Arvin - Edison's expense, to ensure that such water meets such standards...." Provided the above language contained within Arvin - Edison's MET Agreement, nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit or restrict Arvin - Edison's ability to reject or curtail delivery of storm water, to ensure that storm drainage water meets such standards and /or that storm drainage water does not negatively impact Arvin - Edison's MET Agreement. -3- 6. Indemnity and Insurance: 6.1 City shall save, protect, defend and hold harmless Arvin - Edison of and from (i) all claims, suits, demands and liabilities whatever to any person or persons or corporations or public agencies, by reason of bodily injuries, deaths, and by reason of damage to, or destruction of, any property resulting in whole or in part from the exercise of the right of City hereunder and the discharge of storm drainage water into and the disposition of the storm drainage water through the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal and (ii) costs, penalties or other liabilities as a result from rules or actions of any regulatory agency resulting in whole or in part from the exercise of the right of City hereunder and the discharge of storm drainage water into and the disposition of the storm drainage water through the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal system.. 6.2 City shall, at its own expense, carry insurance to protect Arvin- Edison of and from any and all such claims and the indemnity agreement hereinabove set forth, by obtaining public liability insurance with liability limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 for the injury or death of any one person in any one accident, all such insurance to be carried with insurance companies satisfactory to Arvin - Edison. Regardless of the above, City may self - insure any or all of the insurance requirements hereof. 6.3 Except when self - insured, City shall, procure and cause to be furnished to Arvin - Edison, a certificate or certificates from said insurance companies, stating that said insurance is in full force and effect, that Arvin - Edison is named as an additional insured on said policy, that the premiums thereon have been paid, that the insurance companies will give Arvin- Edison at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice of any termination or cancellation of the same, and of any modification of the terms of such insurance. When self - insured, City shall provide Arvin - Edison written acknowledgement thereof. 7. Term and Termination: 7.1 Unless terminated in a manner hereinafter provided, this Agreement shall terminate one year of the date of execution. However, City and Arvin - Edison may mutually agree to extend the termination date of this Agreement. 7.2 Arvin - Edison may terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days' written notice to City, 1) if Arvin - Edison deems storm drainage water negatively impacts its operations including but not limited to its water management programs, or 2) if City defaults in making the payments required herein, or 3) if City otherwise defaults in its duties and obligations imposed pursuant to this Agreement and City fails to remedy said defaults or concerns within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice to do so. City may terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days' written notice to Arvin - Edison. 8. Miscellaneous: 8.1 This document represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement replaces any and all prior agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, whether written or oral, without limitation. 8.2 Arvin- Edison may assign all of its rights and obligations to any public body or private corporation succeeding to the ownership and operation of the Arvin - Edison Intake Canal, -4- which assignee shall agree to perform the obligations of Arvin- Edison under this Agreement and, in the event of such assignment, Arvin - Edison shall be relieved of all further obligation hereunder. City may in like manner assign its rights and obligations in this Agreement to any duly organized public body or district of the State of California which is authorized to and agrees to pay and perform City's obligations hereunder, and thereafter City shall be relieved of all further obligations hereunder. The parties to this Agreement shall appoint and designate a person or persons on their respective staffs who shall be identified as the "Storm Drainage Contact Person(s)". This person(s) shall be available to all other parties for notice of City's discharge of storm drainage waters, information and expression of concerns regarding maintenance, increasing storm drainage discharges and capacity, compliance with quality requirements, monitoring, and any other matter relating to this Agreement. A telephone number and email address will be provided for this person(s) by the parties. The object of this provision is to provide a definite and easily instituted method of communication between all the parties to this Agreement with the assurance that the individual named as the Storm Drain Contact Person will have sufficient authority to and will respond by action to all requests, notices and concerns expressed to him or her by the other party. Primary: City Contact Person (Number) Secondary: City Contact Person (Number) Arvin - Edison Contact (Number) Arvin - Edison Contact (Number) 8.4 Any other notice or demand by any party to the others in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed to be fully given or made when written and deposited in a sealed envelope in the United States Mail, registered and postage prepaid and addressed as follows: To: City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield CA 93311 To: Arvin - Edison Water Storage District P.O. Box 175 Arvin, CA 93203 -0175 Any party may change its address by giving the other parties written notice of its new address as herein provided. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] -5- In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney in Deputy City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Water Resources Department ME ARTHUR R. CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager CITY OF BAKERSFIELD KAREN GOH : APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARVIN - EDISON WATER STORAGE DISTRICT an DAVID A. NIXON Deputy General Manager I' W Attachments: Exhibit "A ", Point of Discharge Map Exhibit "B ", City Monitoring Program Mayor COUNTERSIGNED: Finance Department NELSON SMITH Finance Director EDWIN CAMP President JOHN MOORE Secretary «� 4TH �T Z V Y! T"I"' f t V.., f i C p f"� v AreA« .,'A LN LL z RU IA: +'C Arvin - Edison Canal Point of Discharge to the Arvin - Edison Canals x i h I EP Collected storm water grab samples shall be analyzed for the constituents in Table 1. Table 1. Monitoring Constituents Constituent Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Total Hardness as CaCO3 Total Phosphorous Dissolved Phosphorous Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Total Ammonia (as Nitrogen) Total Arsenic Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Copper Total Lead Total Mercury Total Nickel _ Total Selenium Total Zinc Oil and Grease Specific Conductance pH Constituent Organochlorine Pesticides Organophosphate Pesticides Purgeable Aromatic Constituents Herbicides Total Coliform Fecal Coliform E. Coli and /or enterococcus Calcuim Magnesium Sodium BiCarbonate Nitrate (as NO3) Chloride Boron Turbidity (NTU) Aluminum Iron Manganese _ Vanadium Bromide Chromium VI Sulfate ' Monitoring of E. Coli and /or enterococcus shall begin following the update by the State Water Resources Control Board of its indicator bacteria water quality objectives, in accordance with any implementation schedule adopted with the update. If the update contains no implementation schedule, monitoring of E. Coli and /or enterococcus shall begin within 30 days of the final approval of the update. O�BAKE y�coWOe�re RS ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 0 9 WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: February 8, 2017 AGENDA SECTION: New Business ITEM: 8. B. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bob Smith, Chairman Jacquie Sullivan, Member Ken Weir, Member Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager February 1, 2017 /APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD C�Cr Proposed 1,77% rate increase to O &M Agreement No. 92 -250 with California Water Service Co., increasing annual costs by an estimated $119,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of proposed rate increase. BACKGROUND: On November 4, 1992, the City entered into Agreement No. 92 -250 with California Water Service Co. (CWS) whereby CWS would operate and maintain the City's water system in exchange for a set rate paid on each active City water connection. As allowed under terms of the agreement, CWS may request annual increases to this rate. The last increase CWS effectively received was in January 2014 where the rate increased from $12.14 to $12,38 (1,98 %) per active water meter. The following year starting in January 2015, no rate increase was agreed to which was modeled after 0% CPI. While no rate increase has been made since then, CWS and the City have been in discussions to negotiate a rate adjustment for January 2016. Based upon CPI and system growth during calendar year 2015, a rate increase adjusting the per -meter rate from $12.38 to $ 12.60 (1.77 %) was agreed to. CWS currently maintains approximately 45,500 active water meters. This rate adjustment would increase annual O &M costs paid to CWS by approximately $119,000. Staff recommends Water Board approve this rate increase. Payment would be made out of Water Resources Department's FY 2016 -17 Operating Budget. BAKE F o��coseox,rQ RSA .r ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IFO WATER BOARD cAL � MEETING DATE: February 8, 2017 AGENDA SECTION: Miscellaneous ITEM: 10. A. TO: Bob Smith, Chairman Ken Weir, Member Jacquie Sullivan, Member FROM: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager DATE: February 1, 2017 SUBJECT: Proposed 2017 Water Board Meeting Calendar RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD (� Staff recommends approval of the 2017 Water Board Meeting Calendar. BACKGROUND: The following are proposed dates for 2017 Water Board meetings: February 8 March 15 April 12 May 17 June 14 July 12 August 9 September 13 October 18 November 8 SCHEDULED MEETINGS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD JANUARY 2017 THROUGH DECEMBER 2017 PROPOSED CALENDAR Regular Meeting Begins @ 2:00 PM Water Resources Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 JANUARY S M T W TH IF S 1 2 3 4 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 231 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 APRIL S M M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 131 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 201 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY S M T W TH F S S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 281 29 30 31 OCTOBER MAY S M I T W TH I F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 121 15 16 17 18 19 20 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 30 311 30 1 1/23/17 =Holidays - City Hall Closed FEBRUARY MAY S M T W TH IF S S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 201 21 221 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 30 311 30 1 _ AUGUST MAY S M T W H TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 291 301 31 30 311 30 1 _ AUGUST S S S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 241 25 26 27 28 29 30 311 30 1 NOVEMBER S S M T W TH I F S 1 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 201 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 MARCH S S IM IT W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 JUNE S M T W TH F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 201 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 31 SEPTEMBER S M I T W TH F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 281 29 30 30 31 DECEMBER S M T W TH I F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 171 181 19 20 21 221 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31