HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2017AT OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER February 17, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information In observance of President’s Day, City offices will be closed on February 20th Notable Items  The most recent Department of Water Resources’ Kern River forecast (April through July) has been published at 258% of an average year. The forecast has continued to increase this month from February 1st (203%) and February 8th (245%). If this forecast comes to fruition, it will be the sixth wettest year since recordation began in 1893 and water will likely remain in the riverbed for most of the year. As a reminder, over the previous two years the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency have inspected and certified the levees adjacent to the Kern River.  The City’s Wastewater Division has received the final payment from Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E’s) California Solar Initiative Performance Based Incentive Program (CSI) for a one-megawatt photovoltaic (solar) system at Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 (WWTP3). The incentives received over a five-year period totaling $2,727,346 were based on 10.518 million kilowatt hours (kWh) produced by the system since September 2011 at $.26 per kWh. These incentives along with $3,040,700 from the Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s Economic Stimulus Grant funded 99.4% of the $5.8 million one-megawatt solar project at WWTP3. The solar system exemplifies the City's commitment to cleaner air for our community and State. The project continues to reduce electricity costs at WWTP3 by approximately $220,000 per year. In addition, the energy produced by the solar system at WWTP3 will reduce carbon emissions by 37,000 tons over a 25-year period. General Information February 17, 2017 Page 2  Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is inviting high school and college students throughout central and northern California to apply for a Better Together STEM Scholarship. The program awards a total of $100,000 in scholarships annually to local high school, community college, and non- traditional students pursuing higher education in the engineering, computer science, cyber security, and environmental sciences. Additional information can be found on the attached flyer.  More than a dozen of Mexico’s top travel agents and representatives from Aeromexico toured Bakersfield earlier this week as part of a familiarization tour. They learned about Bakersfield first-hand so they could personally describe their experiences to potential clients back home. The tour, part of a statewide initiative of Visit California Mexico, was coordinated locally with Visit Bakersfield staff who accompanied the group around Bakersfield. With Mayor Goh’s welcome over lunch and tour at Temblor Brewing, the group then visited California Living Museum, toured Murray Family Farms, and dined at Woolgrowers. After a night at the Padre Hotel, the group had breakfast in a private suite at Kern County Raceway Park before speeding around the racetrack in a convertible pace car.  Congratulations to Fire Chief Doug Greener for being inducted into the California State University, Bakersfield, 2017 Alumni Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame recognizes alumni who have made significant contributions in their chosen field of endeavor and/or community, and whose accomplishments have brought honor and distinction to the university.  The four elevator doors on the pedestrian overcrossing behind Rabobank Arena now sport colorful graphics promoting Bakersfield, similar to those in the 18th and Eye Parking Garage. The elevator doors behind the Arena highlight the Bakersfield Symphony, the Bakersfield Condors, Adventist Health General Information February 17, 2017 Page 3 Ice Center, and the Mill Creek covered bridge. Each door also contains “VisitBakersfield.com” in large letters. This brings to eleven the number of mini- billboards in downtown that promote Bakersfield.  Colorful banners are now flying around Rabobank Arena. These banners feature images of the Bakersfield Symphony, Bakersfield Condors, the Ice Center, and Visit Bakersfield. The Visit Bakersfield banners feature a red, white, and blue guitar with the words, “Ever Walked the Streets of Bakersfield?” Also, when the CIF Wrestling Championships are held in early March, “Welcome CIF” banners will be installed to greet the wrestlers and their families. Reports  Streets Division work schedule for the week of February 20th  Recreation and Parks Department January 2017 Report General Information February 17, 2017 Page 4 Event Notifications  Event calendar for the Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center  On February 18th (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.) the Bakersfield Police Department will be hosting “Coffee with a Cop” at McDonalds, located at The 2701 White Lane. Police Officers will be in attendance to answer questions and meet members of the community. Please see the attachment for additional information.  On February 25th (registration begins at 8:30 a.m.) the Bakersfield Police Activities League will be hosting the 7th Annual Pull for PAL Clay Shoot at the Kern County Gun Club. Additional information can be found on the attached flyer. AT:cg cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, Interim City Clerk Joseph Ferrucci Veterano de la Armada de EEUU Universidad de California, Davis, ciencias de la computación Priscilla NgUniversidad Estatal Politécnica de California, San Luis Obispo,ingeniería mecánica Carlos Alberto FaríasUniversidad de California, Berkeley,ingeniería nuclear En PG&E creemos en el poder que tiene la educación en el fortalecimiento de la comunidad. Para brindar a nuestra próxima generación de californianos más oportunidades de aprendizaje y éxito en su educación universitaria, PG&E está otorgando becas a estudiantes locales interesados en ser parte del futuro de energía limpia de California. Este año PG&E le otorga becas de $5.000, renovables hasta 4 años, a diversos estudiantes que aspiran a un título en el campo de STEM en las escuelas de California. Títulos específicos incluyen: • Ingeniería (eléctrica, mecánica, informática, industrial, ambiental) • Ciencias de la computación/Sistemas de información • Seguridad cibernética • Ciencias medioambientales Invitamos a que completen la solicitud aquellos alumnos en el último año de secundaria, estudiantes universitarios, veteranos y adultos que estén retomando sus estudios. Los estudiantes elegibles serán evaluados considerando su demostración de liderazgo comunitario, logros académicos, necesidad económica y que hayan manifestado interés en el área de energía. Inscríbase hasta el31 de marzo, 2017pge.com/educationprograms “P G & E ” s e r e f i e r e a P a c i f i c G a s a n d E l e c t r i c C o m p a n y , u n a s u b s i d i a r i a d e P G & E C o r p o r a t i o n . © 2 0 1 7 P a c i f i c G a s a n d E l e c t r i c C o m p a n y . T o d o s l o s d e r e c h o s r e s e r v a d o s . Programa de donaciones de PG&E “Mejor Juntos” (Better Together) Becas STEM Week of February 20_2017_Work Schedule Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION – WORK SCHEDULE Week of February 20, 2017 – February 24, 2017 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Maintenance Grind & Pave on Harris Rd between Wible Rd and Gosford Rd (weather permitting) Maintenance work on “H” St between 23rd St & 24th St (weather permitting) Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned sewer and storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer line found during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the City Concrete repairs to various bus stops throughout City limits Grading and pouring concrete sidewalks at Mesa Marin Concrete work in the four HUD areas for curb and gutter, sidewalk, and handicap ramps prior to street repairs; the four areas are (1) El Toro Dr Area (2) Oleander Ave Area (3) Castro Ln Area, (4) “P” St Area NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweepers are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month only when possible. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of February 20_2017_Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, February 20, 2017 No sweeping service due to Holiday. Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Between Panama Ln. & Woodmere Dr. – Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. – Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. – Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. – Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Oswell St. to Sterling Rd. – Redbank Rd. to 58 Fwy Stockdale Hwy. to Bell Terrace – New Stine Rd. to S. Montclair St. Wednesday, February 22, 2017 City areas between Snow Rd. & Rosedale Hwy. – Jewetta Ave., west to the City limit. Between Ming Ave. & So. Laurelglen Blvd. – Coffee Rd. & El Portal Dr./ Laurelglen Blvd. Thursday, February 23, 2017 Between Snow Rd. & Olive Dr. – Jewetta Ave., east to the canal boundary. Between Olive Dr. & Hageman Rd. – Jewetta Ave. & Calloway Dr. Between Niles St. & Sumner St. – Union Ave. & Beale Ave. Between Sumner St. & E. Truxtun Ave. – Beale Ave. & Brown St. Between Brundage Ln. & E. Belle Terrace St. – Union Ave. & Kincaid St. Between Camino Media & Kroll Wy. – Coffee Rd., west to the PG&E easement. Friday, February 24, 2017 Between Etchart Rd. & Pavilion Dr. – Calloway Dr., west to the canal boundary. Between Norris Rd. & Olive Dr. – Calloway Dr. & Coffee Rd. Between Olive Dr. & Noriega Rd. – Calloway Dr. & Verdugo Ln. City areas between Coffee Rd./Riverlakes ext. & Allen Rd. – Hageman Rd. & Rosedale Hwy. City areas between Pacheco Rd. & Harris Rd. – Stine Rd. & Wible Rd. We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date: February 14, 2017 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: January 2017 Monthly Report Total monthly attendance for all programs, reservations and volunteers combined for the month of January totaled 14,774 as compared to last year’s total of 13,328. ADMINISTRATION McMurtrey Waterslide Renovations Project – The slide was inspected by the State DOSH inspector on Monday, January 16, 2017. The results were unsuccessful due to weather delays and materials procurement which affected the proper completeness of the project. The project is currently expecting final sign off by the engineer of record in order to pursue a re-inspection by DOSH. Trans West Security – began park patrols and security for some recreation programs. Wall Repairs: In Progress: 1. 2200 block of Stine Rd 2. 3500 Block of McKee Rd. W/O Wible Rd. 3. 7100 block of Stockdale Hwy 4. North side of Olive Dr. W/O Jewetta 5. North side of White Ln. W/O New Stine Rd. 6. S/W corner of El Portal & N Laurelglen 7. South Side of Stockdale Hwy W/O Rio Bravo 8. 12400 block of Verdelho Ave 9. Fairfax Rd & Valley View Dr. 10. 7300 block of Granite Hills St. & Berkshire Rd. Department of Recreation and Parks January 2017 Monthly Report Page 2 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. 11. 1325 Q St. (McMurtrey Aquatic Center)- Fence 12. Akers Rd. & Serene Oak Place (The Woods) missing the letter “W”- wall signage repair. 13. Olive Dr. & Marciano (Olive Park) missing the letters “O”, “A”, and “K” – wall signage repair. 14. Verdugo & Barrichello (Bridgeton) missing the letters “B” & “R” – wall signage repair. 15. El Portal @ Calle Las Manzanos & Calle De Solano (Las Palmas) missing the letter “M” – wall signage repair. Damaged Planters: 1. Q St and 17th St – SE corner 2. Q St and 18th St – NE corner 3. Q St and 19th St – NW corner 4. Q St and 21st St – SW corner 5. Q St and 21st St – NW corner 6. Q St and 21st St – NE corner 7. N/E corner of 19th & Q Street Aquatic Maintenance:  Bakersfield Pool Plaster began to remove stains on new pool plaster floor for Jefferson Pool caused by high levels of manganese in water reacting with chlorine. Due to the contractor’s equipment inability to reach the deeper end of the pool, the project will be delayed until the end of the swimming season and will resume during the winter maintenance shut down.  The Jefferson Pool perimeter fencing modification is near completion. RECREATION Total Attendance: 14,774 Special Event Reservations: January 28: The Park at River Walk, Bakersfield Track Club Run – 400 Guests  Total Attendance: 1,680 Reservations/Special Events Silver Creek Community Center  Attendance: o Overall attendance was 212 as compared to last year of 340. The reduction in attendance was attributed to the cancellation of the Afterschool Program and Winter Camp as well as several programs that were canceled for the month. o There were four (4) rentals for the month of January. Department of Recreation and Parks January 2017 Monthly Report Page 3 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Saunders Recreational Facility  Attendance: o Overall attendance was 839 as compared to last year of 1100. o There were four (4) rentals for the month of January.  Hockey Program: 35 Registered Participants / Total Attendance: 66  Soccer Program: 12 Registered Teams / Total Attendance: 560 AQUATICS  Summary: o Total attendance for Aquatics was 5,764 compared to last year of 2,940 which is a 96.1% increase compared to 2,940 in 2016. Even though McMurtrey was closed for half the month, this huge increase was due to KHSD swim teams starting their season in January this year; normally KHSD started practice in February. o McMurtrey Aquatic Center re-opened on January 17th after being closed for two and half months for the renovation and construction of two new slides. The project was delayed due to the rainy weather in December and January. o Limited programs were offered at Silver Creek during McMurtrey’s closure.  McMurtrey Aquatic Center: o Monthly attendance at the McMurtrey Aquatic Center was 3,251 compared to last year’s 2860. This 13.7% increase was the result of the earlier KHSD swim season start. o With the difficult budget situation of the City and the need to reduce the Aquatic budget, Night Lap Swimming and Deep Water Interval classes were canceled from January through April at McMutrey. These programs will resume in May when the KHSD swim teams are finished.  100 Mile Club: o The 100 Mile Lap Swim Club is currently made up of 401 active members that swam 14,973.39 miles this month. The club has swum a combined total of 166,530 miles.  Kern High School Swimming: o Kern High School District conducted their Lifeguarding and CPR/First Aid/AED Training for their high school swim team coaches this month at Jefferson and Silver Creek Pools. All KHSD swim team coaches must be certified as Lifeguards in order to guard the pools during their team practices. o McMurtrey continues to be very crowded with 5 schools: Golden West, Liberty, South, West, and Bakersfield High Schools along with the KHSD divers. Silver Creek Pool has Stockdale and Ridgeview and Jefferson has Miramonte and Foothill. With the amount of students swimming, it has been a challenge to have enough space for all the students to swim. Department of Recreation and Parks January 2017 Monthly Report Page 4 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships.  Polar Bear Plunge: o With the delay in the construction of the two new slides, the 2017 Polar Bear Plunge was rescheduled from New Year’s Day to Saturday, January 21st. Unfortunately, this event had to be canceled as the slides were not completed in time for the State to approve their use. A grand opening event that will include a ribbon cutting is planned for the spring. o Donations: $96.00 ATHLETICS  Total Attendance: o Adult, Youth, Fitness and Adaptive Programs total attendance for the month of January was 861 as compared to last year’s total of 970.  Adaptive Programming: Adaptive Basketball o The Adaptive Basketball League began this month. The league contains seven teams, with games held weekly throughout the months of January and February. o Modeled after the Departments Adaptive Softball League, the program has proven to be a tremendous success! This is the program’s fifth year of operation.  Athletic Programming: Adult Softball o Registration for the Spring Softball League opened on January 2nd and closed on January 27th. o A total of 141 teams signed up to participate in the League.  Softball Tournaments o Staff developed the 2017 Mesa Marin tournament schedule for the remainder of the year. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center  Total Attendance: o Overall attendance for the month was 5,418 as opposed to last year’s total of 6,523. Attendance at the center was down 17% from last January due to the center closing at 5:00 pm rather than 8:00pm. o Professional Development Day – District 15 Professional Development Conference was held on January 27th. Sessions included CalPERS, Retirement and Marijuana in the workplace. Homeless and Safety in parks and 5 Tips to Improve Your Career Development. Many sessions were taught by City Attorney, Risk Manager and Human Resource Manager. The opening session was information about how to handle an Active Shooter by the Bakersfield Police Department. Approximately 200 participants attended from agencies throughout Kern County. o Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration – The program included public speakers and honoring the community members for their service and music. Approximately 350 people were in attendance. o Donations: $840 Department of Recreation and Parks January 2017 Monthly Report Page 5 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. PARKS Bakersfield Sports Village  Northside parking lot - completed the additional cable fencing installed by park staff to prevent further vandalism to the soccer fields.  Removed 18 large agave plants blocking the sports complex sign at the southwest corner of Ashe Road & Fair Play Way. Sixteen (16) Agaves were replanted in the open area at Northern end of same planter. Beach Park  Backboards (6) were replaced at the softball field. Beale Park  On 1/24/17 staff installed the replacement vaquero component at the playground. Bill Park Greens  On 1/3/17 an E.T. based schedule was created and activated for this site and is now running on the Maxicom Program. Centennial Plaza  Staff replaced vandalized decorative lights on four trees on 1/26/17. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park  Staff marked water main lines for Public Works Park Security Light Project on 1/31/17. Installation of Woodchips  Staff installed double cut woodchips in planters at the following locations:  18th Street Parking Garage on 1/4/17.  Ice Rink in planters around the building on 1/23/17 & 1/24/17.  Jastro Park in planters around the tennis courts and at S/E corner of park on 1/24/17-1/30/17.  McMurtrey Aquatic Center in the planters north of pool along the wrought iron fence on 1/3017. Mesa Marin  Staff removed all eight (8) batter’s boxes at the softball fields on January 20th in preparation of infields being refurbished in February. Morning Drive  PSC, Justin Stamper attended a plant establishment job-walk for SR-178 and Morning Drive interchange on 1/5/17 conducted by TRIP and maintenance contractor, Rock Bottom. Palisades  Installed new letters at Lake Arthur and Calloway entry. Riverlakes Drive  Installed new irrigation wires on the eastside of Riverlakes south of Olive. Department of Recreation and Parks January 2017 Monthly Report Page 6 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Storm Damage  Area 4 storm clean up totals for 1/23/17 and 1/24/17:  2 days, 42 staff members, 504 hours, 2 brush trucks full to Bena dumpsite. Wayside Park  Backboards (6) were replaced at the softball fields. Tree Maintenance o Tree staff responded to over 40 locations throughout the City due to storm damage. It took staff two weeks to clean up all of these locations. o Two concrete slabs have been poured for new memorial benches. One is located at River Oaks Park and one is located at Aera Park. o Tree staff assisted Area 4 and 5 this month with mass pruning projects. o Area 6 mass pruned on Allen Rd between Vermillion and Old Town. o Area 6 staff delivered and set up the Ticket trailer for the Condors Hockey outdoor event at Bakersfield College. o Area 6 staff assisted area 1 staff by installing woodchips on the center divider of Rosedale Highway between Clay Patrick Farr drive and Calloway. Trimming:  Trees Trimmed: 27 Clearance: 66 Removals: 26  Trees removed by contract: 129  Service Tickets: Received: 151 Completed: 113 UPCOMING/ONGOING EVENTS:  Lifeguard Academy – Interested in becoming a Lifeguard? Inquire at www.bakersfieldparks.us for details.  For additional activities and events offered through the Recreation and Parks Department, please visit the website at www.bakersfieldparks.us. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM (Excluding Event Days) CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-888-929-7849 GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Broadway In Bakersfield 661-852-7308 Week of February 6th UPCOMING EVENTS February 7 – Condors vs San Diego7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now February 11 – Condors vs San Jose6:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now February 16 – Blake Shelton 7:30 PM $77.50, $57.50, $27.50 On Sale Now February 17 – Condors vs San Diego7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now February 18 – WWE Live 7:30 PM $95, $65, $50, $35, $25, $15 On Sale Now February 20 – Harlem Globetrotters2:00 PM $90, $50, $40, $33, $25, $18 On Sale Now March 3 – CIF Wrestling Session One9:00 AM $21, $18, $15, $14, $13, $12, $11On Sale Now March 18 – Elton John $149.50, $79.50, $49.50 On Sale Now May 26 – Lady Antebellum 7:30 PM $62.50, $42.50 On Sale 2/10 September 30 – Tim McGraw/Faith Hill7:30 PM $129.50, $99.50, $69.50 On Sale Now March 4 – CIF Wrestling Session Two9:00 AM $23, $20, $17, $16, $15, $14, $12On Sale Now March 4 – CIF Wrestling Session Three7:00 PM $25, $22, $19, $18, $17, $16, $13On Sale Now February 10 – Super Love Jam 7:30 PM $69.50, $52.50, $42.50, $35.50, $30.50 On Sale Now February 11 – Espinoza Paz/Luis Coronel8:00 PM $135, $105, $85, $65, $50, $40 On Sale Now February 24 – Adrian Uribe 8:00 PM $95, $80, $70, $60, $50, $40 On Sale Now March 11 – Bakersfield Symphony7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now April 8 – Bakersfield Symphony 7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now May 13 – Bakersfield Symphony7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now May 18 – Cinderella 7:30 PM $65, $55, $35 On Sale Now July 22 - Pepe Aguilar 8:00 PM $199, $125, $95, $75, $60, $50 On Sale Now www.rabobankarena.com - www.bhnamphitheatre.com Saturday February 18, 2017 9am-11am 2701 White Lane Questions: Call Community Relations Specialist, Amy Porwoll 661-326-3388 JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS AND VALLEY ZONE POLICE OFFICERS FOR COFFEE AND CONVERSATION! No agenda or speeches, just a chance to ask questions, voice concerns, and get to know the officers in your neighborhood! Bakersfield Police Department