HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract 6865 Sump Construction LetterKrun & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION TESTING AND INSPECTIONS February 16, 2017 Stephen Hair Gateway Housing, LLC 5301 Office Park Drive, Suite 115 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Completion of Drainage Basin Mitigation Tract 6865 East Panama Lane & Sparks Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Hair: In accordance with your request, we have prepared this report confirming the completed drainage basin mitigation at Tract 6865, at the intersection of Panama Lane and Sparks Street, in Bakersfield, California. Krazan & Associates, Inc. previously completed a Soil Absorption Evaluation report (KA # 022-14205) dated February 2, 2015, for the basin. In our previous report, we recommended that the bottom of the basin be over -excavated to a depth of 29 feet below original grade, into the underlying sandy soils, and backfill to finish basin grade with clean sand (less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve). We concluded that implementation of the over -excavation and backfill with clean sand would be necessary in order for the basin to drain within 7 days or less as designed. The basin construction was performed during June of 2016, and Krazan & Associates, Inc., was on-site to observe the completed over -excavation. The excavation had been completed to 29 feet below original grade, completely exposing the underlying sandy soil across the entire basin bottom. Prior to import of the sand backfill soil, a sample of the Import fill was collected by Krazan & Associates, Inc. and tested in our laboratory to verify the amount of material passing the Number 200 sieve. Based on the results of a laboratory sieve analysis, the amount of material passing the Number 200 sieve was determined to be 3 percent, which is below the maximum allowed amount of 5 percent. Therefore, we concluded that this Import fill was suitable to use as backfill for the basin. The basin was subsequently backfilled to the design bottom elevation with the Import fill sand. Based on our field observations during the basin construction, it is our opinion that the recommendations to allow for adequate draina(-,e of the basin. as discussed in our _previous report of FebruarG 2, 2015. were adelivatel, imL)lemented. In addition to our previous recommendations for mitigation, we maintain that it is imperative that a program of periodic inspection and maintenance of the basin be implemented, or if already in-place, reviewed and revised as needed. 2205 Coy Avenue • Bakersfield, California 93307 • (661) 837-9200 • FAX (661) 837-9201 With Offices Serving The Western United States P:\026\16\128 Tract 6865 Phase 1-3 Building Pads Phase 1 Infrastructure\(2-16-17)_ Basin Mitigation .doc KA No. 026-16128 Page No. 2 We trust that this report provides the information required at this time. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (661) 837-9200. RKP/rp Respectfully submitted, KRAZAN & ASSOCIA Ryan K. Privett, P.E. U, Senior Engineer 'y RCE #59372 Krazan & Associates, Inc. With Offices Serving The Western United States NO.59372 2 EXP 9/30/2017 CIV11. �p CA�.�FO