HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/2017 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Commission Members: Kobie Budak Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Kiara Frink Viridiana Gallardo-King, Associate Attorney Elyse Honaker Lorryn Carter Katie Collins Alejandro Ruiz Elizabeth Reyes Luke Garcia SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE YOUTH COMMISSION of the City Council - City of Bakersfield March 6, 2017 4:00 p.m. City Hall South 1501 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. ADOPT FEBRUARY 6, 2017 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. NEW BUSINESS A. City Social Media Applications 4. COMMISSION COMMENTS 5. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Commission Members: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Kobie Budak Viridiana Gallardo-King, Associate Attorney Kiara Frink Elyse Honaker Lorryn Carter Katie Collins Alejandro Ruiz Elizabeth Reyes Luke Garcia SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE YOUTH COMMISSION Monday, February 6, 2017 4:00 p.m. City Hall South 1501 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 A G E N D A Summary Report 1. ROLL CALL Youth Commissioners: Kobie Budask Kiara Frink Elyse Honaker Lorryn Carter Katie Collins Alejandro Ruiz Elizabeth Reyes Luke Garcia City Staff: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Viridiana Gallardo-King, Associate City Attorney 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS There were no public statements 3. ADOPT JANUARY 9, 2017 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Approval minutes for January 9, 2017. For the Youth Council Committee Meeting. Commissioner Garcia has seconded the approval of the minutes for the minutes for January 9th. 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation and Discussion of Youth Employment Services by Kern County Employers’ Training Resource Mr. Gerry introduced guest speaker from Kern County Employers’ Training Resources also known as the Career Service Center. The organizations serve four different categories which are; adults, dislocated workers, farmworkers, and youth and performs these programs through the Bakersfield College. There main goal is to get people graduate high school or get their G.E.D. It is expected that in 2017 there is going to be a Youth Re- Engagement Center open where there will be a digital arts lab, 3D printing lab, IMac computer lab, Lego Robotics, and many more programs for the local youth. B. Annual Youth Conference Management Assistant, Caleb Blaschke, stated there are two different ways to have the Annual Youth Conference. First, to have staff research the different methods on how other youth commissions in the state have conferences or second, for the Youth Commission to appoint three to perform the research. The information could be presented in March. The Youth Commission formed an ad hoc committee to perform the research. 4. COMMISSION COMMENTS - Katie Collie would like for staff see if it is feasible to implement a program here in Bakersfield similar to Sacramento, where leftover food from schools is given to the homeless. - Chair Reyes requested that the City share its social media applications with the Youth Commission in order to explore additional outreach methods to disseminate information to the Youth of Bakersfield. 5. ADJOURNMENT This meeting adjourned at 4:54 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM February 27, 2017 TO: Bakersfield Youth Commission FROM: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant SUBJECT: City Social Media Applications Chair Reyes requested that the City share its social media applications in order to explore additional outreach methods to disseminate information to the youth of Bakersfield. BACKGROUND On February 6, 2017, Chair Reyes requested that staff provide the Youth Commission an overview of its current social media applications in order to consider additional outreach options for the Youth of Bakersfield. Below is a summary of the different applications the City has along with who manages them and their primary functions. Bakersfield Social Media Applications  City Facebook Site The City Facebook application is shared among multiple Departments including: Public Works, Community Development, Human Resources, City Clerk, Water, Finance and the City Manager’s Office. Staff within the City Manager’s Office manages this application.  Development Opportunities and Incentives, Weekly Traffic Reports, Holiday Refuse Pickup, City Project Updates, Community Meetings, Construction Notifications, Road Construction Projects, Press Releases, Ceremonies (Ground Breakings – Grand Openings), Recruitment Postings, City Holiday Closures, Boards/Commissions Recruitments, Elections, Water Conservation, Quarterly Sales Tax Reports, Service Rate Changes, Upcoming Events City Social Media Applications February 27, 2017 Page 2  Recreation and Parks: Facebook  Upcoming Events, Program Announcements, Facility Updates, Park/Playground Renovations, Openings & Maintenance Issues.  Police: Facebook, Twitter, Next Door  Press Releases, Upcoming Events, Safety Tips, Missing Persons, Officer or Investigation Commendations, Be On the Lookout’s, History of the Department, Property Room Items, Emergency Information  Fire: Facebook, Twitter  Emergency Incident Updates, Press release information, Non- Emergency Operational Updates, Fire Safety Information, Fire Training Information, Fire Prevention Information, Fire NPO Activities  Visit Bakersfield: Facebook  Community Events, Positive News Articles about Bakersfield, Tourism Information, Bakersfield Information and Statistics, Surveys  Bakersfield City Website The City Website allows users to create their own profiles and manage information that is of interest to them. Staffing and Costs Unlike many cities that have full time staff devoted to postings on social media sites, the City of Bakersfield does not. Instead, this is an additional duty for staff members to carry out along with their normal job functions. This makes it difficult for staff to manage and respond to multiple social media applications. As you are aware, for the last two years the City of Bakersfield has experienced declining sales tax revenues mostly as an ancillary impact in the oil and gas industry. Concurrently, the City has experienced rising operational costs as well. Due to declining revenues and increasing costs, the City has already undertaken numerous cuts that have impacted service levels. Additional staffing to oversee more social media applications would not be possible at this time. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends that the Youth Commission provide staff applications and content they feel would enable the City to more effectiveyly reach the Youth of Bakersfield. Staff will research these applications and present the information at the April Youth Commission.   Documents   Presented At   Bakersfield Youth   Commission  March 6, 2017  Meeting