HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/17 CC MINUTES2790 A ° BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES l� MEETING OF FEBRUARY 15, 2017 IFO Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Regular Meetings- 3:30 p.m. and 5:15 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 3:30 p.m• ACTION TAKEN 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Goh, Vice -Mayor Smith, Councilmembers Rivera, Gonzales, Weir (seated at 3:37 p.m.), Sullivan (seated at 3:34 p.m.), Parller Absent: None 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 3. WORKSHOPS None. 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to Government Code section 549569(d)(2),(e)(1) (two matters). Motion by Vice -Mayor Smith to adjoum to Closed APPROVED Session at 3:31 p.m. AB WEIR, SULLIVAN Motion by Councilmember Weir to adjourn from APPROVED Closed Session at 5:07 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 5:09 p.m. I 2 I Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 2 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION ACTION TAKEN a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential (1) STAFF WAS Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to GIVEN DIRECTION Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2).(e)(1) (2) NO REPORTABLE (two matters). ACTION 6. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Goh adjourned the Closed Session meeting at 5:10 P.M. REGULAR MEETING -5:15 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Goh, Vice -Mayor Smith, Councilmembers Rivera, Gonzales, Weir, Sullivan, Parlier Absent: None 2. INVOCATION by Pastor Tony Kim, Renaissance Bakersfield. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Emily Frank, 10th grade student at Bakersfield High School. 4. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation of a Proclamation by Mayor Goh to Krlsty Oropezo, Heidi Carter Escudero, and Bakersfield Fire Department Chief Doug Greener declaring February, 2017, Safely Surrendered Baby Awareness Month, Ms. Oropeza, Chair of the Safe Surrender Baby Coalition, accepted the Proclamation, made comments, and submitted written material. J Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 3 2 7 9z S. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ACTIONTAKEN a. Savanna Lee, on behalf of the World Mission Society Church of God of Bakersfield, spoke regarding their non - denominational International Christian church and Invited the Mayor and Councll To their clean -up of Baker Street on February 26TM. b. Cindy Parra, City appointed representative for the Golden Empire Transit District (G.E.T.) Board, provided an update on the Board; and advised a workshop will be held on February 21 n to discuss plans for the future of the Golden Empire Transit District. C. The following individuals expressed concern with the Police Department and requested Council consideration for the purchase of body cameras for all officers and the formation of a citizen's police oversight committee: Xavier Hines; Timothy Grismore; and Patrick Jackson, Councilmember Parlier advised that this matter has been referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. d. Douglas Howard spoke regarding possible encroachment and safety violations at 110 Augusta Street and submitted written material. e. The following Indlviduals spoke in opposition to Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs in the city: Sara Silvestro; Sheri Anthes, Broker Associate for Coldwell Banker and Realtor; Jeanne Radsick, a Realtor on behalf of Bakersfield Association of Realtors; and Gary Crabtree, representing the Real Estate Anti- fraud Coalition. Councilmember Gonzales referred this matter to the Budget and Finance Committee for review of the program. I 2793 S. Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 4 PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN The following individuals spoke In support of PACE loans in the City of Bakersfield: Dustin Reilich, Senior Director of Municipal Development for the HERO Financing Program by Renovate America (submitted written material); Brian McCarty, Kern County Account Manager for the HERO PACE program (submitted written material); Kent Greer, owner of Banner's Air Conditioning; Mark DeVrles; Scott Gurnett, co -owner of Divine Power USA: Tracy Tate, Regional Community Engagement Manager for HERO Property Advisors Team for Renovate America; Don Lanier, from Northwest Exteriors; and George Apostoloponlos, from YGRENE Works PACE Program. 6. WORKSHOPS a. Events at Bright House Networks Amphitheatre. City Clerk McCarthy announced e -mail correspondence was received from Dan Brito and Karie Wobbe, in opposition to the extended fencing area. City Manager Tandy made staff comments and provided a PowerPolnt presentation. Steve Eckerson, General Manager for Rabobank Arena, made additional comments. Motion by Vice -Mayor Smith to approve stales APPROVED recommendation and close the portion of the park depicted in the photograph three hours before the advertised start time of shows on event nights. 7. APPOINTMENTS None. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the January 25, 2017, Special and Regular City Councll Meetings and the January 31, 2017 Speclal City Council Meeting. Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 — Page 5 2 7 9 y B. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN Payments: b. Receive and file department payments from January 13, 20-r� to February 2, 2017, In the amount of $23,513,446.01, Self- Insurance payments from January 13, 2017 to February 2, 2017, In the amount of $520,643.66, totaling $24,034,089.67. Ordinances C. First reading of Ordinance amending Chapter FR 8.16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to Ice Cream Vendors. d. First reading of an ordinance amending FR Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 112.070 by adding Annexation No. 661 consisting of 1.81 acres located along the north side of Ming Avenue, east and west of Baldwin Road and Annexation No. 665 consisting of 22.06 acres located along the south side of Taft Highway, generally east of Compagnonl Street to Ward 7. e. Adoption of ordinance amending Bakersfield ORD 4887 Municipal Code Sections 1. 12,040 and 1. 12.070 by adding Annexation No. 651 consisting of 31.78 acres located along the south side of Seventh Standard Road, generally east of Allen Road to Ward 4 and Annexation No. 662 consisting of 4.96 acres located at the northwest corner of Castro Lane and Kingsley Lane to Ward 7. (FR 01/25/17) Adoption of ordinance amending the Official ORD 4888 Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from A (Agriculture) to C -2 (Regional Commercial) and R -3 (High Density Residential) on 13.5 acres located at the southwest corner of Hosking Avenue and South Union Avenue (ZC # 16 -0128; Porter & Associates, representing Floyd G. & Loretta M. Hinesley). (FR 01125117) 2 795 Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 6 a. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN 9• Adoption of ordinance amending the Official ORD 4889 Zoning Map in Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the zone district from C -1 (Neighborhood Commercial) and R -1 (One Family Dwelling) to P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) zone district on 17.78 acres located at the northeast corner of Old Farm Road and Noriega Road. (ZC 4 16 -0264; McIntosh & Associates, representing Kern Land Partners, LLC). (FRO 1125117) Resolutions: h. Dispense with normal bidding procedures for repairs of a segment of the Westside Parkway: Resolution dispensing with bidding RES021 -17 procedures due to emergency repairs required for a short section of the inside eastbound lane and Inside shoulder of the Westside Parkway, located between the Calloway Drive on -ramp and the Coffee Road off -ramp, and authorizing work to remedy the drainage repairs, not to exceed $240,000. 2. Transfer $240,000 of savings from the PG &E Tower Relocation on the Westside Parkway Project to fund sold emergency repairs within the Gas Tax Fund. Disposal of Real Property: Resolution declaring real property at RES 022 -17 3900 White Lane as surplus to the needs of the City and authorizing the Finance Director to negotiate its sale. 2. Agreement with Raeleen J. Boykin, AGR 17.024 Executrix of the Estate Guy H. Wilkins to purchase said property for $50,000. k Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 7 2 7 9G 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN J, Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 054 -15 to RES 054 -15(1) Include additional major parts and equipment to original resolution which determined that the purchase of four Vaughan Chopper Pumps required for the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 digester mixing system cannot be reasonably obtained through the usual bidding procedures and authorizing the finance director to dispense with bidding therefor, revised not to exceed amount of $315,000. Agreements: k. Mount Vernon Green Waste Facility Operations: 1. Approve Agreement with K & I Services AGR 17 -025 ($300,000) for hauling wood chips from the Mount Vernon Green Waste Facility, 2. Appropriate $300,000 Refuse Fund balance to the Refuse Fund Operating Budget for green waste hauling services. I. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No, 15-130 with A -C Electric Company ($208,176; revised AGR 15- 130(2) not to exceed $598,176) for electrical services for the conveyor system project at the Mount Vernon Green Waste Recycling Facility. M. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 14 -069 AGR 14- 069(2) with TVLin International ($1,586,163; revised not to exceed $5,076,163; funded with 88.53% Federal Funds and 11.47% Gas Tax Funds) for Engineering Design Services for the 24th Street Improvements Project. (TRIP) n. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 14 -078 AGR 14. 078(2) with RRM Design Group ($27,900; revised not to exceed $590,322.50 and extend term one year) for design services of the Bakersfield Sports Village Phase 3. o. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. 15 -036 AGR 15- 036(2) with San Joaquin Fence and Supply (extend term one year) for the continued supply of fencing. I 2 7 97 Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 8 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN p. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 15 -057 AGR 15- 057(1) with Stinson Stationers, Inc. ($375,000 and extend term one year) for the continued supply of office supplies. q. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No, 15 -185 AGR 15. 185(2) with Kern Sprinkler Landscaping Inc. (increase compensation $120,000) for the continued supply of on -call Irrigation and landscape services. Rosedale Highway Widening Project (TRIP): 1. Contract Change Order Nos. 98 and 99 AGR 15 -009 to Agreement No. 15 -009 with Teichert CCO 98, CCO 99 Construction ($115,805.64; revised not to exceed $19,095,734.75; Change Orders funded with Gas Tax Funds) for construction of said project. 2. Transfer $116,000.00 savings from the PG &E Tower Relocation on Westside Parkway Project to the Rosedale Highway Widening project to fund change orders. Property Acquisition Agreements - TRIP: Accept bid and approve contract with Interior AGR 17 -026 Demolition, Inc. ($194,000) for Demolition of Improvements at 100 Dunlap Street, 101 Dunlap Street, 104 Dunlap Street, 108 Dunlap Street, 136 Dunlap Street, 5091 Easton Drive, 4304 Joseph Drive, 3201 Mona Way, 109 Morrison Street and 4504 Woodlake Drive - Phase 17 for the Centennial Corridor Project. (TRIP) Bids: t. Reject bid for a Housing and Urban Development- Funded door project at the Martin Luther King Community Center, U. Accept bid and approve contract to AGR 17 -027 Pavement Recycling System, Incorporated (not to exceed $468,500) for an annual contract for cold planing services. Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 9 2 7 96 8. CONSENT CALENDAR continued ACTION TAKEN v. Accept bid from Jim Burke Ford, Bakersfield ($72,783.28) for two replacement two wheel drive pickups with service bodies for use by the Public Works Department, General Services Division. W. Accept proposal and award contract to Zim AGR 17 -028 Industries, Inc. dba Bakersfield Well and Pump Company (not to exceed $350,000) for on -call services for maintenance and repair of the City's agricultural and domestic water wells. Miscellaneous: X. Appropriate $15,000.00 Federal Grant Revenues (2016 Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) Reallocation funded through the Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program of the U.S. Department of Justice) to the General Fund Police Operating Budget, to purchase equipment and provide training to enhance sex offender registration and notification processes. Y. Distribution of $222,070 from the Board of State and Community Corrections to the municipalities, contract cities and special districts in Kern County in accordance with the terms agreed upon by the Chiefs of Police of each city and special district within Kern County and the Kern County Sheriff. Successor Agency Business: Z. Receive and file Successor Agency payments from January 13, 2017 to February 2, 2017 In the amount of $321,700.26. Motion by Vice -Mayor Smith to adopt Consent APPROVED Calendar items 8.a. through 8.z. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS None. I 2 7 99 Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page t0 10. HEARINGS ACTION TAKEN a. Resolution making findings and updating the RES 023 -17 Capital Improvement Plan for the existing Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. A finding that the project Is exempt from CEQA will also be considered. (continued from the 01/04/17 meeting) Community Development Director Kitchen made staff comments and provided a PowerPolnt presentation. Hearing item 10.0. opened at 6:23 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing item 10.a. opened at 6:24 p,m. Motion by Vice -Mayor Smith to adopt the Resolution. APPROVED b. Appeal by the "Neighbors for a Safe Valley RES 024 -17 Plaza" of the January 10, 2017 decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow alcohol sales /consumption In a movie theater In a C -2 (Regional Commercial Zone) district, located at 2000 Wible Road. Staff recommends adopting a resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 16 -0421, as recommended by Staff and subject to the listed conditions of approval in EXhlbltA of the attached resolution. Community Development Director Kitchen made staff comments and provided a PowerPoint presentation. Hearing item 10.b. opened at 6:35 p.m. Michael Ayoz representing Reading Cinemas Theater, and Ken GIIIICh, Senior Director of Food and Beverage for Reading Cinemas, spoke in opposition to the staff recommendation. Noel Pineo spoke in support of the staff recommendation. it & Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 — Page 11 10. HEARINGS continued ACTION TAKEN ITEM 10.b, CONTINUED Michael Ayaz and Terri Moore spoke In rebuttal opposition to the staff recommendation. No one spoke In rebuttal support of the staff recommendation. Hearing Item 10.1D. closed at 6:54 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Parlier to approve the staff WITHDRAWN recommendation and adopt the Resolution. Vice -Mayor Smith requested this matter be continued to a future meeting in order to clarify what the applicant's intentions for the project. Mayor Gan recessed the meeting at 7:37 p.m, and reconvened the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Councilmember Fortier withdrew his motion to approve the staff recommendation and adopt the Resolution. Motion by Councilmember Fortier upholding the APPROVED appeal denying the Conditional Use Permit without prejudice, thereby allowing the applicant to come back without waiting a year and reapply for a CUP, which will come directly to the City Council, bypassing the Board of Zoning Agency, and waiving the re- application fee. 11. REPORTS None. 12. DEFERRED BUSINESS None, 13. NEW BUSINESS None. 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Vice -Mayor Smith expressed his appreciation to staff for Consent Calendar item 8.n., regarding the principle soccer field at Bakersfield Sports Village, Councilmember Gonzales praised the Fire Department for their effort in putting out a fire on Espee Street. zao� Bakersfield, California, February 15, 2017 - Page 12 14. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS continued ACTION TARN Councilmember Gonzales stated three community meetings were recently held for residents at Westpark regarding the Centennial Corridor Project; and thanked staff for their assistance. Councilmember Gonzales Indicated he had the opportunity to ride -along with the Police Department's Impact Team and was Impressed with Their effort to address quality of life Issues around the city. IS. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Goh adjourned the meeting of 7:50 p.m. `�'ly-�( MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: 4 Alefrrk CITY CLERK and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfielc J