HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2017AT OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER April 7, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: General Information Notable Items  After a late night session this week, the State Legislature approved a new 10- year transportation package, which includes allocations of new revenues to cities for local road maintenance. Under the plan, the City is estimated to receive between $8 and $12 million annually for local road maintenance. In addition, CalTrans is projected to receive funding which may be applicable to the remaining TRIP projects. Staff is in the process of reviewing the details of the bill language, which include some reporting requirements. More information will be passed along as it is received.  Attached you will find the monthly Thomas Roads Improvement Program (TRIP) Status Report for the month of April. The report gives a summary of each TRIP project in construction, in design, and under review. Completion percentages and pictures of projects are also included.  California Water Service Company (Cal Water) recently filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for authority to establish its Authorized Cost of Capital for the period from January 1st, 2018 through December 31st, 2020. The filing (attached), which proposes to increase revenue by 1.49% or $1,142,800 in the Bakersfield district, is estimated to increase a typical customer bill by $0.65 in 2018. Due to the fact that this filing requires a full review process by the CPUC and is not related to a previously approved action, staff has requested Cal Water appear before the City Council and provide additional information and comment, consistent with the provisions included in Cal Water’s franchise agreement with the City. This presentation will be included on the agenda for the April 19th, 2017 City Council meeting.  In early March, the City initiated the formal process of soliciting potential bidders to purchase and relocate five homes located on the south side of 24th Street. These houses, located at 2330 Elm Street, 2331 Beech Street, 2330 B Street, 2318 B Street, and 2315 C Street, are within the future project area for the General Information April 7, 2017 Page 2 24th Street Widening Project. Unfortunately, no interested parties came forward to participate in the auction that was to be held April 4th. Moving forward, the City is working with the Caltrans District 6 Historian to identify elements within the houses that may be deemed to have historic value. These elements will be photographed and offered to architectural salvage and Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Simultaneously, staff will begin the formal process to solicit bids for the demolition of the structures and anticipate the bid award will appear on the May 24th Council agenda.  Earlier this week, staff released the invitation to bid for the “speakeasy” home located at 2312 24th Street. The goal of this process is for a private party to purchase and relocate the house to an adjacent City-owned empty lot on Bay Street. The existing location of the house is within the 24th Street Widening Project area. Interested parties can purchase a bid number by contacting the City’s Purchasing Division at (661) 326-3742. The deadline to purchase a bid number is April 26th at 5:00 p.m. The auction is scheduled to be held on April 27th at 10:00 a.m.  The Kern River Parkway between Manor Street and China Grade Loop is closed until further notice due to recent mudslides in the area. Please avoid this area until further notice. All other sections of the Kern River Parkway remain open for use. The City will provide notice when the section of the path is reopened. Council Referrals • Councilmember Parlier: o Mobile app reports by Ward Traffic Advisories  Reconstruction of Wilson Road from Wible Road to South H Street Next week, the City will begin reconstruction of Wilson Road from Wible Road to South H Street. During reconstruction, traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. Access to side streets and driveways may be temporarily closed while work is taking place. Detours and alternate access points will be provided that may result in traffic delays. All work on this project is scheduled to be complete by June, 2017. General Information April 7, 2017 Page 3  Reconstruction of Gosford Road from White Lane to Pacheco Road Next week, the City will begin reconstruction of Wilson Road from Wible Road to South H Street. During reconstruction, traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. Access to side streets and driveways may be temporarily closed while work is taking place. Detours and alternate access points will be provided that may result in traffic delays. All work on this project is scheduled to be complete by June, 2017.  Nighttime Lane and Ramp Closures Needed for Final Striping Southbound State Route 99 and Rosedale Highway Off-ramp Nighttime closures are scheduled for Tuesday, April 11th and Wednesday, April 12th, for the two outside lanes along southbound State Route 99, between Gilmore Avenue and Rosedale Highway and the Rosedale Highway off-ramp, to complete roadway striping. These closures are expected to be in place between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. The new auxiliary lane and the entire off-ramp are expected to be fully open to traffic by Tuesday. Crews will continue working in the area for a few more weeks to complete punch list items. Southbound State Route 99 motorists who want to access Rosedale Highway or 24th Street while this work is underway will need to continue southbound, exit at California Avenue and then return via northbound State Route 99 to the Rosedale Highway/24th Street exit.  Short traffic delays for paving on State Route 178 Paving and striping activities on State Route 178, between Canteria Drive and Alfred Harrell Highway, will be underway during the next two weeks (April 10th - 21st). Cone-separated lanes will allow for two-way traffic along the highway while operations are underway, but flagging personnel will also need to stop traffic intermittently between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, each week. Traffic will not be stopped for longer than 10 minutes. The signal at the new State Route 178/184 intersection is currently set to flashing red. The signal is expected to become fully operational in about two weeks. The old State Route 178/Kern Canyon Road intersection is temporarily closed while the contractor completes work in this area. This closure is expected to extend through mid-May. Motorists can still access the east side of the gas station/mini mart and the mini storage via the new State Route 184 alignment and Kern Canyon Road. General Information April 7, 2017 Page 4  Nighttime Lane and Ramp Closures on State Route 58 Nighttime closures are scheduled for the two outside lanes on eastbound State Route 58, between Union Avenue and Cottonwood Road, from Sunday, April 9th through Thursday, April 13th. The eastbound off-ramp to Union Avenue will all be closed during nighttime hours through this period. The closures are expected to be in place between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. and are needed for wall and barrier construction in this area.  Streets Division work schedule for the week of April 10th Event Notifications  Event calendar for the Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center AT:cb cc: Department Heads Christopher Gerry, Acting City Clerk   Page 1           TRIP projects are moving rapidly through the various stages of project development. This  report is to provide a periodic up‐to‐date snapshot of each project’s recent major  activities and progress. If you have questions, or need additional information, please  contact Janet Wheeler at the TRIP office, (661) 326‐3491. Regular project updates are  also available on the TRIP website at BakersfieldFreeways.us      MILESTONES     The Southbound State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off‐ramp Improvements is expected  to be fully opened by Tuesday, April 11. Crews will remain in the area for a few more weeks completing  punch list items. The project added an auxiliary lane for southbound State Route 99 from Gibson Street  to Rosedale Highway and widened the off‐ramp to accommodate two turning lanes in each direction at  Rosedale Highway.     The State Route 178 Widening Project is nearly complete. The final layer of asphalt is being placed along  State Route 178 and the intersection for the new State Route 184 alignment at State Route 178 opened  this past week. A ribbon cutting ceremony for the State Route 178 Widening Project is being planned for  early May.     The City plans to hold an auction on April 27th for the house located at 2312 24th Street, commonly  referred to as the “Speakeasy house”, and a new lot at 2405 Bay Street. The successful buyer will  relocate the house from its current location to the new lot fronting Bay Street. Eligible buyers must be a  State‐licensed contractor under Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code, and must  have all appropriate licenses, which may include California B or C‐21 licenses. Additional information can  be found on Planet Bids and on the TRIP website: www.bakersfieldfreeways.us    PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION    Beltway Operational Improvements  Contractor: Security Paving Company  60% complete; anticipated completion: early 2018      This project includes various improvements along State Route 58, from State Route 99 to Cottonwood Road,  and on State Route 99, from north of Ming Avenue to Wilson Road.       Work on the pump plant on northbound State Route 99 near Ming Avenue continues. The waterproof  membrane on the lower portion was completed in March and the lower wet well top deck has been placed.  Work on the upper level control room will be underway during the month of April.      Multiple retaining walls and sound walls are being constructed along State Route 58 on both sides of the  freeway. Walls and barrier rails are also under construction along the Chester Avenue, H Street, and Union  Avenue on‐ and off‐ramps. Crews are working both day and night shifts. Night work often requires freeway lane  and ramp closures. Motorists should anticipate the potential of nighttime lane closures from Sunday through  Thursday nights between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.   April 2017 TRIP Status Report  TRIP Status Report  April 2017      Page 2     Falsework for the new State Route 99 to eastbound State Route 58 Connector Bridge is nearly complete.  Crews will begin installing steel for the bridge stems and soffit in May. Work to widen the bridges at P Street,  Bakersfield Corral Overhead (railroad bridge), and Madison Street are also underway. Last month, the P Street  profile was temporarily lowered; abutments were completed at the railroad bridge; and abutments were placed  for the bridge widening at Madison Street.       In May, the contractor plans to begin placing falsework for the bridge widening at P Street; this will affect both  the eastbound and westbound directions. The bridge deck drain system and barrier rail are expected to be  completed at the railroad bridge in May.     State Route 178 Widening  Contractor: Granite Construction  85% complete; anticipated completion: May 2017       In March, the contractor completed the final lift of paving on State Route 178, between Canteria Drive and  Masterson Street and between Alfred Harrell Highway/Comanche Drive and Miramonte Drive. The final lift of  paving was also completed on State Route 184, between the new alignment and Chase Avenue. The contractor  plans to pave the section of State Route 178 between Masterson Street and Alfred Harrell Highway with  rubberized asphalt in April.       Barrier rail was installed alongside the Mesa Marin Sports Complex and the new median was completed on  State Route 178 between Valley Street and Alfred Harrell Highway/Comanche Drive and at Park Palisade Drive.      Signal poles and loop detectors were installed on State Route 178 at the new State Route 184 alignment and  the Masterson Street intersections. The new State Route 178/184 intersection opened on April 4th.       The old State Route 178/184 intersection is currently closed to allow the contractor to complete work in this  area. This closure is expected to extend through mid‐May. Motorists can access the east side of the gas  station/mini mart and the mini storage via the new State Route 184 alignment and Kern Canyon Road.        Southbound State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off‐ramp Improvements  Contractor: Security Paving Company  95% complete; anticipated completion: April 2017       In March, the contractor completed concrete paving, storm drain, stamped concrete in the shoulder at  Rosedale Highway and barrier rail work. In addition, the contractor completed the stamped concrete paving in  the shoulder at Rosedale Highway. The Southbound State Route 99 Auxiliary Lane/Rosedale Highway Off‐ramp  Improvements is expected to be fully opened by Tuesday, April 11. Crews will remain in the area for a few more  weeks completing punch list items.      PROJECTS IN DESIGN AND RIGHT‐OF‐WAY    24th Street Improvement Project   Designer: TYLin International  Design 65% complete; Right‐of‐Way 100% complete (full acquisitions)   Design on all phases of the project is underway   The project designer is working to complete the sound wall construction plans. Sound walls for properties  on the north side of 24th Street could begin in summer 2017   Right‐of‐way activities for partial acquisitions are progressing   Demolition work is underway on the north side of 24th Street. Five houses have been removed; eight houses  are scheduled for demolition in April.    There were no bidders for the auction scheduled on April 4th for the five houses available for relocation on  the south side of 24th Street. These properties will be advertised for demolition in April.  TRIP Status Report  April 2017      Page 3  The City plans to hold an auction the house located at 2312 24th Street on April 27th. The successful buyer  will relocate the house from its current location to the new lot fronting Bay Street. Information can be found  on Planet Bids and on the TRIP website: www.bakersfieldfreeways.us  Hageman Flyover  Designer: Caltrans   Design 95% complete; Right‐of‐Way 0% complete   Caltrans Structures group is finalizing the Draft Plans, Specifications, & Estimate (PS&E) for the 95%    Caltrans Design group is finalizing the Draft PS&E for the 95% roadway submittal for circulation in April. The  95% Constructability Review Meeting to be scheduled in early May.   The City is working with San Joaquin Valley Railroad on a Construction and Maintenance Agreement and the  California Public Utilities Commission permit application   Right‐of‐way appraisals and acquisition will not begin until design has progressed to 100 percent    Truxtun/Oak Intersection Operational Improvements   Designer: Dokken Engineering   Design 100% complete; Right‐of‐Way 65% complete    Categorical Exemption for NEPA clearance has been sent to Caltrans for review   Permits from the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and Army Corps of Engineers are pending    Centennial Corridor  Designer: Parsons  Design: 65% complete; Right‐of‐Way 98% complete for full acquisitions of single‐family properties   Final design, right‐of‐way acquisition, and demolition activities are underway    The 100% Belle Terrace PS&E is considered complete and no further reviews are required   95% roadway and structure design is being prepared for mainline State Route 58   Sewer, local streets, screen wall and sound wall packages are being prepared for an early construction phase    Community feedback from neighborhood meetings held earlier this year is being incorporated in advance  packaging.   Certification for environmental completion has been approved   Environment revalidations are ongoing and are being submitted as design nears completion   City Council awarded the contract for the Kern River Bridge Improvements Project to Security Paving  Company on March 29th    Right‐of‐Way    Full acquisitions required for the project: 194 single family residences, 9 multi‐family ownerships  and 19 commercial/industrial ownerships    Purchase agreements approved by City Council:  o 192 single family properties (99%)   o 9 multi‐family properties (100%)  o 17 commercial/industrial properties (89%)   204 structures have been approved for demolition; 190 structures have been demolished                   TRIP Status Report  April 2017      Page 4 PROJECT PHOTOS                                                                                                   Top left: Crews installed vehicle detector  loops at the new State Route 178/State  Route 184 intersection. The intersection is  now open to traffic.   Middle Left: Colored concrete was placed  for the new raised median on State Route  178 at Park Palisade Drive last month.  Middle Right: A concrete barrier was  constructed along State Route 178 adjacent  to the Mesa Marin Sports Complex. The  new homerun fence shown in photo was  placed in December.  Bottom: New signal poles were placed at  the State Route 178 and Masterson Street  intersection.  TRIP Status Report  April 2017      Page 5                                          Top left: The profile of P Street, underneath State  Route 58, was lowered and reconstructed in March.   Top right: Crews are setting falsework for the new  State Route 99 to eastbound State Route 58  Connector Bridge.  Middle left: Wall construction continues along State  Route 58, between State Route 99 and Cottonwood  Road. This wall is located near the new State Route 99  to eastbound State Route 58 Connector Bridge.  Bottom left: Concrete paving for the southbound  State Route 99 auxiliary lane and the Rosedale  Highway off‐ramp was completed in March.  Bottom right: Colored stamped concrete pavement  was place at the base of the off‐ramp at Rosedale  Highway.  BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Application of CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY (U-60-W) for Authority to Establish its Authorized Cost of Capital for the period from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020. A.17-04-___ Filed: April 3, 2017 APPLICATION PAUL G. TOWNSLEY 1720 North First Street San Jose, California 95112 Phone: (408) 367-8223 ptownsley@calwater.com Vice President, Regulatory Matters California Water Service Company NATALIE D. WALES 1720 North First Street San Jose, California 95112 Phone: (408) 367-8566 nwales@calwater.com Interim Director, Regulatory Matters California Water Service Company Dated: April 3, 2017 1 BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Application of CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY (U-60-W) for Authority to Establish its Authorized Cost of Capital for the period from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020. A.17-03-___ Filed: April 3, 2017 APPLICATION I. PURPOSE Pursuant to Rule 2.1 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (“Rules”), California Public Utilities Code (“PU Code”) Sections 454, et. seq., and Decision (“D.”) 07-05-062, California Water Service Company (“Cal Water” or “Applicant”) respectfully submits this Application for Authority to Establish its Authorized Cost of Capital for the period from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020 (“Application”). Cal Water is authorized and required to make this filing by D.07-05-062, which adopted the Commission’s Rate Case Plan (“RCP”) for Class A water utilities. 1 Specifically, this Application is filed in compliance with Ordering Paragraph 4, which 1 Under the RCP, Cal Water is required to file its cost of capital applications on a triennial basis starting in 2008. The Commission resolved Cal Water’s last cost of capital application, A.11-05-001, in D.12-07-009, and also modified the deadline for Cal Water’s subsequent cost of capital application from May 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014. D.12-07-009 at 21, Ordering Paragraph 3. 2 states: “All Class A Water Utilities shall comply with the filing schedule and all other general rate case (GRC) requirements as set forth in the RCP.”2 A. Cal Water’s Requested Cost of Capital Cal Water is requesting a rate of return on rate base of 8.31% for the period from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020. The proposed rate of return reflects a fair return on equity of 10.75%. Cal Water’s proposed capital structure is shown in Table 1, below: Table 1 Estimated Average Rate of Return for January 2018 to December 2020 Capital Structure Cost Weighted Cost Common Equity 53.40%10.75%5.74% Debt 46.60%5.51%2.57% 8.31% Cal Water’s current authorized rate of return is 7.94%. Under the proposal in this Application, Cal Water’s revenue requirement will increase by $9,182,000, or 1.41%. Table 2, below, shows the proposed increase in revenue requirement by ratemaking district. Exhibit B to this Application provides the impact of these increases on a typical residential bill in each district, as well as in the sub-areas in use prior to the consolidations approved in D.16-12-042. 2 Beginning in 2014, Cal Water and other Class A water utilities requested and received one-year extensions for filing their cost of capital applications until the filing due this year. 3 Table 2 Proposed Revenue Increases Dollars (in thousands) Percentage Bay Area Region Formerly Bayshore and Redwood Valley $868.7 1.02% Bakersfield $1,142.8 1.49% Bear Gulch $710.9 1.30% Chico $411.5 1.73% Dixon $86.9 2.54% Dominguez $568.4 0.79% East Los Angeles $582.5 1.65% Hermosa Redondo $320.0 1.07% Kern River Valley $146.4 2.18% Livermore $184.0 0.76% Los Altos $406.8 1.14% Los Angeles Region Formerly Antelope Valley and Palos Verdes $380.4 0.76% Marysville $81.1 2.05% Monterey Region Formerly King City and Salinas $756.6 2.01% Oroville $88.8 1.70% Selma $112.0 1.99% Stockton $1,761.8 3.60% Visalia $474.1 1.60% Willows $48.5 1.96% Westlake $164.0 0.89% TOTAL $9,296.2 1.43% B. Continuation of the Water Cost of Capital Mechanism (“WCCM”) The RCP directed companies to include in their 2008 cost of capital applications a proposal for adjusting the authorized cost of capital between cost of capital applications.3 In D.09-07-051, the Commission approved a settlement agreement among the parties in A.08-05-002 (including Cal Water and DRA) that proposed a Water Cost of Capital Mechanism (“WCCM”) to adjust the base year 2009 return on common equity to reflect any significant changes in interest rates that may occur in 2010 and 3 D.07-05-062, mimeo, at 15. 4 2011.4 The WCCM was based on the mechanism adopted for large investor-owned energy utilities to replace their annual cost of capital applications.5 The settlement stated: While this settlement does not bind the Commission in future proceedings, the Parties agree that a similar adjustment to the cost of capital should be made following the adoption of a base year cost of capital in subsequent cost of capital proceedings for CWS, California American, and Golden State. In those future cases, the Parties envision the Commission setting a base year cost of capital and adopting a similar adjustment mechanism that would be recalibrated to reflect the new cost of capital.6 In D.12-07-009, the Commission adopted a settlement continuing the WCCM. The adopted base year return on equity for 2012 (9.99%) was therefore subject to possible adjustment in 2013 and 2014 using the new benchmark period of October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011.7 The WCCM was triggered in 2012, lowering Cal Water’s rate of return from 8.24% to 7.94% due to a 56 basis point decrease in the return on equity to 9.43%.8 Consistent with past settlements, Cal Water proposes to retain the WCCM for years 2019 and 2020, using the base year 2018 that will be adopted in this proceeding, with a new benchmark period of October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. 4 D.09-07-051 at Ordering Paragraph 1. 5 D.12-07-009 at 12-13. 6 D.09-07-051, Attachment A (Settlement Agreement) at 3-4 (emphasis added). 7 D.12-07-009 at 13. 8 Cal Water Advice Letter 2088 (filed October 15, 2012). 5 II. BASIS FOR REQUEST Cal Water bases its request on the following testimony and analyses: •Direct Testimony of Dr. Michael J. Vilbert: Report on the Financial Requirements of the California Water Service Company (Exhibit E to this Application) •Direct Testimony of Thomas F. Smegal on behalf of California Water Service Company (Exhibit F to this Application) •Direct Testimony of Paul G. Townsley on behalf of California Water Service Company (Exhibit G to this Application) •Direct Testimony of Timothy Treloar on behalf of California Water Service Company (Exhibit H to this Application) For the reasons discussed in the above-identified testimony, Cal Water requests a 10.75% return on common equity, as recommended by Dr. Michael J. Vilbert, in order to ensure the financing necessary to maintain and develop Cal Water’s infrastructure for the safe and reliable delivery of water over the period covered by this Application. III. DESCRIPTION OF CAL WATER In compliance with Rule 2.1(a), Cal Water states that its exact legal name is California Water Service Company. Cal Water is a California corporation. In compliance with Rule 2.2, Cal Water states that a copy of its Restated Articles of Incorporation has been filed with the Public Utilities Commission in connection with Application 50350, and reference is hereby made thereto. There have been no subsequent changes in the Articles of Incorporation. Cal Water’s principal place of business is 1720 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95112. Cal Water has been granted a certificate of public convenience and necessity (“CPCN”) for service areas throughout the state of California. The maps for these 6 service areas are filed with the Commission. This Application relates to all areas served. Cal Water serves approximately 451,226 service connections, and has provided public utility water service since 1926. IV. CONTACT INFORMATION In compliance with Rule 2.1(b), correspondence and communication concerning the Application should be directed to: Paul G. Townsley Vice President of Regulatory Matters California Water Service Company 1720 North First Street San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: (408) 367-8200 Email: ptownsley@calwater.com V. CATEGORY, HEARING, ISSUES, AND SCHEDULE (IN COMPLIANCE WITH RULE 2.1(C)) A. Category: Cal Water proposes that this proceeding be categorized as ratesetting. B. Hearing: Cal Water anticipates that this Application will require evidentiary hearings. C. Issues: Cal Water proposes that the issue in this proceeding is the Commission’s adoption of a cost of capital for Cal Water for the proposed period, including a fair return on common equity. D. Schedule: Cal Water proposes the following schedule: 7 Proposed Procedural Schedule Monday, April 03, 2017 Application Filed Monday, April 17, 2017 Prehearing Conference Friday, June 16, 2017 ORA and Intervener Testimony Due Monday, July 17, 2017 Rebuttal Testimony Due Monday, August 07, 2017 Hearings Begin Wednesday, September 06, 2017 Opening Briefs Due Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Reply Briefs Due Friday, October 20, 2017 Proposed Decision Thursday, November 09, 2017 Comments on Proposed Decision Monday, November 20, 2017 Reply Comments on Proposed Decision Tuesday, December 05, 2017 Final Decision VI. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS In compliance with Rule 3.2(a)(1), Cal Water’s latest available unaudited balance sheets as of December 31, 2016 for the past two years, and Cal Water’s income statement as of December 31, 2016, are attached as Exhibit A to this Application. Cal Water is informed and believes, and therefore alleges, that the original cost of the property equipment owned by it and the depreciation reserves applicable to such property and equipment are as shown on the balance sheet as of December 31, 2016. For more detailed information with respect to Cal Water’s financial position, property, and equipment, reference is made to other reports and information previously filed with the Commission which is incorporated in Cal Water’s prepared testimony. VII. ACTION OF RATE PROPOSAL In compliance with Rule 3.2(a)(2), Cal Water states that it proposes to implement any revenue requirement change authorized by the Commission in this 8 proceeding across all its Class A service areas beginning January 1, 2018.9 Copies of these present rate tariffs are available at Cal Water’s headquarters, local offices, and its website, www.calwater.com. VIII. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF RULE 3.2(A) In compliance with Rule 3.2(a)(5) and (6), Cal Water is providing pro forma summaries of earnings in total and for each of its ratemaking areas as last adopted by the Commission and as proposed in this Application. These summaries of earnings are provided in Exhibit C. In compliance with Rule 3.2(a)(10), Cal Water states that the proposed increase reflects only increased costs to the corporation for the services or commodities furnished by it. IX. NOTICE Within 20 days after filing the Application with the Commission, in compliance with Rule 3.2(b), Cal Water will mail a notice to the following stating in general terms the proposed increases in revenue requirements and how Cal Water proposes to recover them: (1) the State, by mailing to the Attorney General and the Department of General Services; (2) each county served, by mailing to the County Counsel and County Clerk; (3) each city served by mailing to the City Attorney and City Clerk, and (4) any other persons who have requested such notification. Within 20 days following the filing of this Application, and in compliance with Rule 3.2(c), Cal Water will publish a notice describing the proposed increases in revenue 9 In this proceeding, Cal Water does not propose to modify rates in Grand Oaks, a Class D water company in California owned by Cal Water. 9 requirements, in general terms, in a newspaper of general circulation in each county served. Notice will also be posted in Cal Water’s local business offices. Within 45 days following the filing of this Application, and in compliance with Rule 3.2(d), notices will be included in customer bills or mailed postage prepaid to all of Cal Water’s service area customers who receive monthly bills. Customers billed bimonthly will receive such notices within 75 days following filing of the Application. X. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED The Exhibits to this Application are described in the table below. Consistent with Rule 1.7, the Application being filed with the Commission’s Docket Office only includes Exhibits A, B, and C, described below. The remaining exhibits (also identified with an asterisk*) are being served on the Chief Administrative Law Judge and the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (“ORA”), but will not be filed with the Docket Office. Exhibit A Cal Water’s Balance Sheets and Income Statement Exhibit B Proposed Revenue and Rate Increases Exhibit C Summaries of Earnings and Recorded Rate Base Exhibit D Proposed Customer Notice (Pending PAO Approval) Exhibit E* Direct Testimony of Michael J. Vilbert: Report on the Financial Requirements of the California Water Service Company (with supporting workpapers) Exhibit F* Direct Testimony of Thomas F. Smegal on behalf of California Water Service Company Exhibit G* Direct Testimony of Paul G. Townsley on behalf of California Water Service Company Exhibit H* Direct Testimony of Tim Treloar on behalf of California Water Service Company 10 Exhibit I* Compliance with Minimum Data Requirements (MDRs) XI. CONCLUSION For reasons discussed above, Cal Water therefore requests a rate of return on rate base of 8.31% for the period from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020, which reflects a fair return on equity of 10.75%. Respectfully submitted, By: /s/ NATALIE D. WALES__ PAUL G. TOWNSLEY 1720 North First Street San Jose, California 95112 Phone: (408) 367-8223 ptownsley@calwater.com Vice President, Regulatory Matters California Water Service Company NATALIE D. WALES 1720 North First Street San Jose, California 95112 Phone: (408) 367-8566 nwales@calwater.com Interim Director, Regulatory Attorney California Water Service Company Dated: April 3, 2017 VERIFICATION I, Paul G. Townsley, declare and say that I am an officer, Vice President of California Water Service Company, a California corporation, making the foregoing Application; that I make this verification on behalf of said corporation; that I have read the Application and know the contents thereof; that the same is true of my own knowledge except as to the matters that are therein stated on information or belief, and as to those matters that I believe to be true. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on April 3, 2017, at San Jose, California. /s/ PAUL G. TOWNSLEY Paul G. Townsley Exhibit B 2017 Cost of Capital Application of California Water Service Company Ratemaking Districts (in bold) Current Adopted Revenue Proposed Revenue 2018 Revenue $ Increase (Thousands) Revenue % Increase Ave. Monthly Use (Ccf.) Current Typical Bill Proposed Typical Bill 2018 Incremental Bill Increase % Change in Bill Bay Area Region $85,353.5 $86,222.2 $868.7 1.02%7 $59.16 $59.78 $0.61 1.04% Bayshore 7 $60.07 $60.70 $0.62 1.04% Coast Springs 2 $28.29 $28.58 $0.29 1.03% Lucerne 4 $40.51 $40.93 $0.42 1.04% Unified Area 5 $45.14 $45.61 $0.47 1.04% Bakersfield $76,671.8 $77,814.6 $1,142.8 1.49%15 $43.76 $44.41 $0.65 1.49% Bear Gulch $54,805.1 $55,516.0 $710.9 1.30%17 $137.38 $139.18 $1.79 1.31% Chico $23,725.6 $24,137.0 $411.5 1.73%14 $35.75 $36.37 $0.62 1.74% Dixon $3,427.0 $3,513.9 $86.9 2.54%10 $62.84 $64.43 $1.59 2.54% Dominguez $71,732.8 $72,301.2 $568.4 0.79%10 $48.74 $49.14 $0.39 0.81% East Los Angeles $35,310.4 $35,892.9 $582.5 1.65%12 $59.65 $60.63 $0.98 1.64% Hermosa Redondo $30,034.0 $30,354.0 $320.0 1.07%9 $48.30 $48.82 $0.52 1.07% Kern River Valley $6,717.6 $6,863.9 $146.4 2.18%5 $108.95 $111.32 $2.37 2.18% Livermore $24,363.3 $24,547.4 $184.0 0.76%11 $56.87 $57.29 $0.42 0.74% Los Altos $35,761.7 $36,168.5 $406.8 1.14%14 $79.73 $80.63 $0.91 1.14% Los Angeles Region $50,359.6 $50,740.1 $380.4 0.76%18 $100.66 $101.42 $0.76 0.76% Antelope Valley-Lancaster 17 $97.07 $97.81 $0.74 0.76% Antelope Valley-Leona Valley 10 $65.18 $65.68 $0.49 0.76% Antelope Valley-Fremont 6 $47.01 $47.37 $0.36 0.76% Palos Verdes 18 $101.90 $102.67 $0.77 0.76% Marysville $3,953.8 $4,034.9 $81.1 2.05%8 $42.79 $43.75 $0.97 2.26% Monterey Region $37,623.9 $38,380.5 $756.6 2.01%9 $47.32 $48.29 $0.96 2.03% King City 11 $50.91 $51.94 $1.04 2.03% Salinas 9 $47.01 $47.96 $0.96 2.03% Oroville $5,222.6 $5,311.4 $88.8 1.70%10 $52.22 $53.02 $0.80 1.54% Selma $5,631.4 $5,743.4 $112.0 1.99%15 $47.35 $48.30 $0.95 2.01% Stockton $48,888.2 $50,649.9 $1,761.8 3.60%10 $46.52 $48.21 $1.70 3.64% Visalia $29,554.7 $30,028.8 $474.1 1.60%15 $31.36 $31.86 $0.50 1.61% Willows $2,467.8 $2,516.3 $48.5 1.96%11 $67.77 $69.11 $1.34 1.97% Westlake $18,380.7 $18,544.7 $164.0 0.89%22 $122.83 $123.67 $0.84 0.68% TOTAL $649,985.5 $659,281.7 $9,296.2 1.43% OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM April 5, 2017 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Chris Huot, Assistant City Manager CH SUBJECT: Mobile App Reporting by Ward Council Referral No. 764 Councilmember Parlier requested staff determine if the developers of Bakersfield Mobile, the City’s smartphone application, can generate reports by Ward. During the March 8, 2017 City Council meeting, Councilmember Parlier requested that staff determine if the developers of Bakersfield Mobile, the City’s smartphone application, can generate reports by Ward. Since that time, staff has engaged with the app developer CitySourced and developed a report that provides monthly app usage by Ward. Attached is a sample report for March 2017 for Ward 7. The report summarizes how many reports were created, the type of reports submitted and additional data associated with staff response for reports generate for the month. Staff can provide these monthly reports to Councilmembers on request or at regular intervals, as preferred by each Councilmember. Attachment cc: Dave Hecht, Director of Technology Services Greg Pronovost, Assistant Director of Technology Services                                                                                            ! " !    # $               # %    Op e n / C l o s e d b y D a y %& '( )"   *( )"     ( )"    +( )"   '( )" ),-*' .   /   St a t i s t i c s          /   *'          .   ,          /   ,,    #       /     !  "*    #       /     !  ),     #   0   /   *  + !   %     /                $# 1'-  !   2  3  /            4 #  ! 0  # 1",' " !   2    /00           5 66  $   /00                /0     Re q u e s t s b y T y p e 3     7     # 5 66       $# 7    4 #  ! 0  #      /0     $      #)* ) * ) *, ) , * Re q u e s t s b y S t a t u s 3    7    # /   4 7      6    !  )* ) * ) *,),* Av e r a g e D a y s t o C l o s e p e r R e q u e s t T y p e 5 66       $#  4  #  ! 0   # 7     )  -' 8 )   -' Week of April 10_2017_Work Schedule Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION – WORK SCHEDULE Week of April 10, 2017 – April 14, 2017 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Maintenance Grind & Pave on Harris Rd between Wible Rd and Gosford Rd (weather permitting) Maintenance work on “H” St between 23rd St & 24th St (weather permitting) Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned sewer and storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer line found during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the City Concrete repairs to various bus stops throughout City limits Grading and pouring concrete sidewalks at Mesa Marin Concrete work in the four HUD areas for curb and gutter, sidewalk, and handicap ramps prior to street repairs; the four areas are (1) El Toro Dr Area (2) Oleander Ave Area (3) Castro Ln Area, (4) “P” St Area THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of April 10_2017_Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, April 10, 2017 Between So. “H” St. & Union Avenue – Pacheco Rd. & Hosking Rd. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Truxtun Ave. (ext.) – Coffee Rd & Partridge Ave. Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Between 99 Hwy. & So. “H” St. – Ming Ave. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Magdelena Ave., west of So. “H” St. Wednesday, April 12, 2017 City areas between Brundage Ln. & Ming Ave. – So. “H” St. & Union Ave. City areas between Wilson Rd. & Pacheco Rd. – So. “H” St. & Union Ave. Between Casa Loma Dr. & Planz Rd. – Madison Ave. & Cottonwood Dr. Between Planz Rd. & Brook St. – Madison Ave. & Hale St. Thursday, April 13, 2017 Between Carr St. & California Ave. – Mohawk St. & Stockdale Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Marella Wy. – California Ave. & Montclair St. Between La Mirada Dr. & Chester Ln. – Montclair St. & No. Stine Rd. Between California Ave. (ext.) & Stockdale Hwy. – No. Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. – New Stine Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between New Stine & Ashe Rd. – Taft Hwy. & Berkshire Rd. Friday, April 14, 2017 Between Ming Ave. & White Ln. – Buena Vista Rd & Old River Rd. Between Stine Rd. & 99 Hwy. – Belle Terrace & Adidas. Between Panama Ln. & Birkshire Rd. – Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweepers are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month only when possible. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM (Excluding Event Days) CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-888-929-7849 GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Broadway In Bakersfield 661-852-7308 Week of March 13th UPCOMING EVENTS March 14 – Condors vs San Jose 7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now March 18 – Elton John 8:00 PM $149.50, $79.50, $49.50 On Sale Now March 24 – Condors vs San Diego 7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now March 28 – Condors vs Manitoba 7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now March 31 – Condors vs Ontario 7:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now April 1 – Condors vs Ontario 6:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now April 15 – Condors vs San Jose 6:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12 On Sale Now May 6 – Freestyle Explosion 7:30 PM $69.50, $49.50, $39.50, $29.50 On Sale Now May 26 – Lady Antebellum 7:30 PM $62.50, $42.50 On Sale Now June 12 – Boston 8:00 PM $68.50, $48.50, $38.50, $28.50 On Sale 3/17 September 30 – Tim McGraw/Faith Hill 7:30 PM $129.50, $99.50, $69.50 On Sale Now April 2 – La Arrolldora Banda El Limon 7:00 PM $122, $82, $67, $52, $42, $32 On Sale Now April 8 – Bakersfield Symphony 7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now May 13 – Bakersfield Symphony 7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20 On Sale Now May 18 – Cinderella 7:30 PM $65, $55, $35 On Sale Now June 20 – Alice Cooper 8:00 PM $87.50, $67.50, $47.50, $27.50, $17.50 On Sale Now July 22 - Pepe Aguilar 8:00 PM $199, $125, $95, $75, $60, $50 On Sale Now June 24 – Adal Ramones 8:00 PM $85, $70, $60, $50, $40, $30 On Sale 3/16 www.rabobankarena.com - www.spectrumamphitheatre.com