HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/14/2017AAT OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER April 14, 2017 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT:GeneralInformation Notable Items Preliminary information fromthe League of California Cities estimatesthat Bakersfield will receive $2.6 millionfrom the recently enacted State transportation funding bill in Fiscal Year 2017/2018 and $6.9 millionin 2018/2019. The difference is due to the fact that collection of the new revenues does not begin until November of2017 and the collection is for the entire FY 2018/2019.The money will be used for specifically identified road projects. However, this information is preliminary.Legislativeandother rules and policies will need to be established before final numbers become available.Given the circumstances,it is likely that any appropriation of funds would become available midyear inFY 2017/2018. Attached is a copy of the Sales Tax Quarterly Summary Report by Industry, summarizing and comparing the top 10 industry categories in the 4th quarter results of 2016 to the 4th quarter results of 2015. The general categories ofused car dealers, heavy industrial equipment, service stations, grocery stores, family apparel stores and new car dealers display above average results.The City saw a small increase of 1.07%. As we mentioned previously, two of the biggest positives are no additional budget cuts arenecessary at this time and the slight increase will likely cover any unexpected special election costs for Ward 5. Please see the attachment for additional information. Public WorksDepartment staffis in the process of mailing Proposition 218 notices toall commercial sewer customers to make them aware of proposed sewer surcharge increasesas outlined in theWastewater Revenue Program Update, adopted by Council in June2014. Not all commercial customers will see an increase, assurcharges are based on each user’s water consumption. Customers can determine if they have a General Information April 14, 2017 Page 2 potential surcharge by using the City’s commercial sewer surcharge calculator at https://goo.gl/0TB1aP No sewer rate increasesareproposed for residential or commercial flat rate customers. Please see the attachment for additional information. Recreation and Parks is partnering with local organizations to sponsor the2017 Spring Time Egg Huntthis Saturday, April 15th at the Martin Luther King Jr. Park. Mayor Goh will assist with the count down as childrendash for the eggs.There will be food, prizes, games and giveaways. For more information, please see the attached flyer. Councilmember Referrals Councilmember Sullivan o Restripe Roadways Traffic Advisories Nighttime Lane and Ramp Closures on State Route 99 for Paving The outside southbound lane on State Route 99, between Ming Avenue and Wilson Road, will be closed Monday night, April 17, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. for paving. The southbound on-ramp from Ming Avenue will also be closed during this period. Sound wall and barrier construction continues along State Route 58, requiring intermittent nighttime closures of freeway lanes and ramps. Motorists driving through this area during nighttime hours should anticipate closures of the two outside eastbound lanes, between Union Avenue and Cottonwood Road, along with the eastbound Union Avenue off-ramp, Monday through Thursday nights from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. In addition, the eastbound H Street off-ramp is scheduled to be closed on Tuesday night, between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Reports Streets Division work schedule for the week of April 17th Recreation and Parks March Report EventNotifications Event calendar for the Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center AT:cbcc:Department Heads Christopher Gerry, Acting CityClerk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lan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director DATE: April 11, 2017 SUBJECT: Restripe Roadways Referral No. 765 General Services staff restripe the City roadways every 2 years as part of our Striping Maintenance Program. In addition, City streets are restriped after they are repaved, oiled or repaired by Streets Division. Striping maintenance for specific locations may occur from public requests pending evaluation. Councilmember Sullivan referred that City staff restripe roadways as needed. Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION –WORK SCHEDULE Week of April 17, 2017–April21, 2017 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Maintenance Grind & Pave on Harris Rd between Wible Rd and Gosford Rd Maintenance work on “H” St between 23rd St & 24th St Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned sewer and storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer linesfound during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the City Concrete repairs to various bus stops throughout City limits Gradingand pouring concrete sidewalksat Mesa Marin Concrete work in the four HUD areas for curb and gutter, sidewalk, and handicap ramps prior to street repairs; the four areas are (1) El Toro Dr Area (2) Oleander Ave Area (3) Castro Ln Area, (4) “P” St Area NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweepers are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month only when possible. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of April 17_2017_Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, April17, 2017 City areas between 99 Hwy. & Stine Rd. –Panama Ln. & Taft Hwy. Tuesday, April18, 2017 Between Panama Ln.& Woodmere Dr. –Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln.–Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. –Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. –Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Oswell St. to SterlingRd. –Redbank Rd. to 58Fwy. StockdaleHwy.to Bell Terrace –New StineRd.to S. MontclairSt. Wednesday, April19, 2017 Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Angela Wy., between ManleyCt. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. –Oswell St. & Leeta St. City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. –58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. –College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. –White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. –White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday,April20, 2017 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. –Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between El PortalDr./Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. –Ming Ave. & So. HalfMoonDr./Olympia Dr. Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. –Ming Ave. & So. HalfMoonDr./Edgemont Dr. Between Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) –White Ln. & So. HalfMoonDr./Olympia Dr. Friday, April21,2017 Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. –Allen Rd. & Old River Rd. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. –Ming Ave. & Ridge OakDr./Westwold Dr. Between Ridge OakDr./Westwold Dr. & White Ln. –Old River Rd., east to the PG&E easement. Between White Ln. & Asperata Dr. –Gosford Rd,, west to the PG&E easement. Between White Ln. & CedarwoodDr. –Stine Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) Week of April 17_2017_Work Schedule We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. B A K E R S F I E L D Department of Recreation and Parks Date:April 13, 2017 To:Alan Tandy, City Manager From:Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject:March 2017 Monthly Report Total monthly attendance for all programs, reservations and volunteers combined for the month of March totaled 59,906 as compared to last year’s total of 75,871. ADMINISTRATION Bakersfield Sports Village (phase 3) – The hardscape for the playground is near completion. Playground supports, footings, large picnic area and shelter is completed. The restroom building and irrigation is 95% complete. Mesa Marin – Sports Complex (phase 2) – Phase II was awarded to Klassen through City Council. Most of the main sidewalks were completed by City crews. Kern Sprinkler is scheduled to start the mainline in early April. McMurtrey Waterslide Renovations Project – The project was re-inspected by the State DOSH inspector on Monday, March 27, 2017. The results were successful and the new slides are now certified for public use. Slides will be dedicated on May 26th and open to the public on May 29th, Memorial Day weekend. Wall Repairs: Current Wall Repair List Summary: The City’s annual concrete contractor Cen-Cal Construction will be performing repairs on the following wall locations: In Progress: 1.N/W corner of White Ln & Mountain Vista 2.N/W corner of Ming Ave & Old River Rd. 3.6300 Block of Wilderness Dr. 4.8800 Block of Hughes Ln Department of Recreation and Parks March 2017 Monthly Report Page 2 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. 5.8100 Block of S. Laurelglen Blvd. 6.White Ln & Montebello (S/E corner)-wall signage 7.7300 block of Granite Hills St. & Berkshire Rd. 8.E Berkshire Rd & Espiritu Santo Dr. 9.7000 Block of S. Union Ave North of Kintbury Ave. 10.8800 block of Hughes Ln SO Mckee Rd. 11.Corner of Napoli and Olive Dr. (Briar Wood Development)- wall signage repair 12.Olive Dr. & Marciano (Olive Park) missing the letters “O”, “A”, and “K” – wall signage repair 13.Verdugo & Barrichello (Bridgeton) missing the letters “B” & “R” – wall signage repair 14.El Portal @ Calle Las Manzanos & Calle De Solano (Las Palmas) missing the letter “M” – wall signage repair Completed: 1.2200 block of Stine Rd 2.Brimhall Rd N @ South Port Way 3.3500 block of McKee Rd. W/O Wible Rd. 4.White Ln & Montebello 5.Akers Rd. & Serene Oak Place (The Woods) replaced the letter “W”. Damaged Planters: - In Progress 1.19th St. & Q St. – N/E corner 2.19th St. & Q St. – S/W corner – two planters 3.19th St. & Q St. – N/W corner 4.18th St. & Q St. – S/W corner 5.18th St. & Q St. – N/E corner 6.17th St. & Q St. – S/W corner 7.21st St. & Q St. – N/E corner 8.21st St. & Q St. – S/E corner 9.21st St. & Q St. – S/W corner Aquatic Maintenance: o Staff is considering modifying a section of fencing at MLK pool. o Repair work of serpent water feature has been repaired at Siemon Splash Pad. RECREATION Total Attendance: 59,906 Special Event Reservations: Special Event Reservations: March 4: Yokuts Park, Isaac’s Miles for Miracles Walk/Run – 500 Guests March 12: Yokuts Park, HEARTS Connection Walk/Run – 150 Guests o Total Attendance: 11,117 Reservations/Special Events Department of Recreation and Parks March 2017 Monthly Report Page 3 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. SILVER CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER o Overall attendance was 257 as compared to last year of 2,064. The reduction in attendance was attributed to the cancellation of the After School & Spring Break Day Camp programs; reduction in attendance of other programs. o There was one (1)rental for the month of March. SAUNDERS RECREATIONAL FACILITY o Overall attendance was 2,154 as compared to last year of 2,321. o There were eight (8) rentals for the month of March. o Hockey Program: 36 Registered Participants / Total Attendance: 144 o Soccer Program: 12 Registered Teams / Total Attendance: 560 AQUATICS Total attendance for aquatic programs was 13,316 for March which was a slight 1.9% increase from last year’s 13,065. This was due to the number of participants swimming on the KHSD swim teams at Silver Creek and Jefferson Pools and increase in participants in the early morning Lap Swim. McMurtrey Aquatic Center: Monthly attendance at the McMurtrey Aquatic Center was 7,581 compared to last year’s 7,652. This small .9% decrease was due to KHSD taking Golden Valley Swim Team from McMurtrey and moving them to Garces for their swim practice. 100 Mile Club: The 100 mile lap swim club is currently made up of 402 active members that swam 14,668 miles this month. The club has swum a combined total of 168,562 miles. Jefferson Pool: Foothill and Mira Monte High School’s Swim Teams attendance at Jefferson Pool for the month of March was 1,961compared to last year’s 1,787. This increase reflects the growth in the high school teams. Silver Creek Pool: Stockdale and Ridgeview High School’s Swim Teams attendance at Silver Creek Pool for March was 3,729 compared to last year’s 3,611 total. This increase is due to the number of swimmers on their teams. First 5 Kern Make A Splash Program: Three Make A Splash Water Safety Workshops were presented to parents of children 0 to 5 on March 8th at the Children’s Center at Bakersfield Adult School; March 13th at the Boys and Girls Club; and March 15th at South Chester Partnership. A total of 45 parents attended these workshops. Kaiser Permanente Operation Splash Grant: The Department received a two year 2017-2018 Operation Splash Grant for $53,550.00 from Kaiser Permanent. This grant will serve hundreds of low- income children and adults throughout Bakersfield. They will have the opportunity to learn to swim, practice their swimming skills during open swim or register for the Jr. Lifeguard class at either Jefferson or Dr. Martin Luther King Pools. This grant will also educate families on the health benefits gained by reducing their intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and encourage them to “Rethink their Drink” by drinking more water. Department of Recreation and Parks March 2017 Monthly Report Page 4 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. ATHLETICS Monthly attendance decreased by 9.8% as compared to the same time last year. Total attendance for March was 28,036; last March’s attendance was 31,070. Attendance decreased due to softball game rainouts in March, League of Dreams started later this year along with Adaptive Softball. Adaptive Programming/Adaptive Softball: o Adaptive Softball games started on Thursday, March 30th at Beach Park for this seven week spring league. o Seven teams from local adult day programs play each week in this modified softball league. League of Dreams-Adaptive T-ball o League of Dreams Baseball did not have to charge anyone to participate in t-ball for a fifth year in a row due to their fund raising efforts. A total of 270 athletes are participating this year. o 357 “Angel” Volunteers donated 714 hours this month for a total value of $6,854. Athletic Programming/Adult Softball: o The Spring Adult Softball League is made up of 141 teams - 90 Men’s, and 51 Coed o The League began their ten weeks of regular league play on February 22nd. o 72 Softball games are held each week. Softball Tournaments o Mesa Marin hosted the Bakersfield High School Girls Fast Pitch Softball Tournament on March 9th, 10th & 11th. Twenty teams participated in the tournament. o Mesa Marin hosted the Mira Monte High School Girls Fast Pitch Softball Tournament on March 17th & 18th. Eighteen teams participated in the tournament. o Mesa Marin Hosted a National Softball Association (NSA) Slow Pitch Softball Tournament on March 25th & 26th. Sixteen teams participated on March 25th and twenty-two teams participated on March 26th. Fifth Annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K Run/Walk o The City and CSUB joined forces again this year to hold our annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K Run/Walk. The run was held on Saturday, March 11th at The Park at River Walk. o 28 CSUB P.E.A.K. students and 2 high school students donated a total of 135 hours working at the St. Patrick’s Day Run for a total value of $1,296. Donations: $8,150.40 Department of Recreation and Parks March 2017 Monthly Report Page 5 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. COMMUNITY CENTER Overall attendance for the month was 5,026 as opposed to last year’s total of 6,442. Attendance at the center was down 22% from last Marchdue to the center’s Springtime Easter Egg hunt in April. Spring Camp The center is working on activities for the camp which is going to be held April 10th through April 17th as well as preparing for the Springtime Egg Hunt which will take place on April 15th. Read Across America The Bakersfield City School District teachers paid Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Center a visit by reading books to participants and providing treats to all. Approximately 30 children attended. Donations: $2,940.70 PARKS All Areas Craftworkers have begun this year’s annual testing of backflow preventer assemblies this month. Area 4 Tree contractor removed twenty (20) dead trees throughout Area 4 parks and streetscapes. Amtrak Station Area staff mowed turf and cleaned planters on 3/20/17. Baker Street Staff assisted BPD with removing homeless encampments on 3/8/17. Bakersfield Sports Complex Staff cleaned area for Live Camp Out weekend on 3/31/17. City Hall South Two new irrigation backflow preventer assemblies were installed by contractor, Kern Sprinkler on 3/18/17. Clay Patrick Farr Way & Abbott Staff replaced backflow device at both locations. Corvallis Park On 3/13/2017 all programming and data input was completed and this site was activated on watering with an E.T. based schedule. Deer Peak Park On 3/15/17 the 3002 transmitter was programed, actual flows recorded and the site data was checked and adjusted on the Maxi- Com system. This site is running on a step program with flow reading. Garden Park On 3/16/2017 all programming and data input was completed and this site was activated on full E.T. based scheduling. Department of Recreation and Parks March 2017 Monthly Report Page 6 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Jastro Park Tennis court #6 was converted into two new pickle ball courts. Installation of the new sports equipment was completed by the contractor, Courts & Greens on 3/22/17 to 3/24/17. Maxicom On 3/03/2017 the Maxi-Com Computer System Software was upgraded to the latest 6.4 version. The new version includes two new features which include: 1) Lock out feature (If an excessive flow is detected the system will locate the issue. When it finds a station with excessive flow it will “Lock” that station inactive. It will remain locked out until it is unlocked by the system operator. 2) Priority Function: This allows the operator to prioritize stations for irrigation runs at the beginning or end of the water cycle. Mesa Marin Staff assisted ball diamond crew with installing turface infield amendment on 3/7/17. Mill Creek Staff assisted the Water Department with removal of fallen trees inside the Mill Creek Canal north of 21st Street on 3/13/17 due to beaver activity. Pin Oak Park Staff removed and replaced roof in the restroom. Seven Oaks Raised Planters Staff cleaned area and planted ground cover and plants in the raised planters. Sister Cities Staff assisted BPD with removing homeless encampments on 3/21/17. Trimming Area 4 Trimming: o Old River Rd, West side, Campus Park Drive to Harris Rd. o Panama Ln, West of Gosford Rd, North wall. o Silver Creek, Spring Creek Loop, Wilderness Drive. o Stockdale & Ming Ave; Medians and South side shrubs. o State Farm Sports Village, entry planters. o Mountain Ridge, East wall, South of Panama Rd. o Old River Rd, East wall, North of Campus Park Dr. o New Stine, West wall, South of Panama Rd. shrubs. o Ashe Rd, East planter, South of Taft Hwy. o Ashe Rd, West wall, South of Stockdale Hwy. o McCutcheon Rd, West of Stine Rd to Mountain Gate. o Gosford Rd; East wall, North of Harris Rd. University A modem was repaired and installed at this site, then activated on the Maxi-Com system. Uplands/North Chester This site was activated on the Maxi-Com system. Department of Recreation and Parks March 2017 Monthly Report Page 7 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Westside Parkway Staff sprayed for weeds on the following days: o 3/11/17, 3/12/17, 3/25/17 & 3/26/17. Westwold Park All programming and data input was completed and this site was activated on full E.T. based scheduling. Tree Maintenance o Tree staff raised all trees for mower clearance at River Oaks Park. o Staff renovated the turf at Quailwood, River Oaks, and Bill Park Greens Parks. o Tree staff removed three (3) trees at the previous CHP memorial on Buck Owens Blvd. o Arbor Day was held on March 11th at Campus Park North and 25 trees were planted by approximately 30 volunteers. Councilmember Smith, the Tree Foundation of Kern and PG&E all assisted with the event. Trimming: o Trees Trimmed: 90 Clearance: 207 Removals: 7 o Service Tickets: Received: 194 Completed: 149 UPCOMING/ONGOING EVENTS: o Springtime Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 15th at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center. The hunt starts at 10:30 am sharp! o Lifeguard Academy – Interested in becoming a Lifeguard? Inquire at www.bakersfieldparks.us for details. o For additional activities and events offered through the Recreation and Parks Department, please visit the website at www.bakersfieldparks.us. BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM (Excluding Event Days) CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-888-929-7849 GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Broadway In Bakersfield 661-852-7308 Week of April 3rd UPCOMING EVENTS April 15 – Condors vs San Jose6:00 PM $35, $25, $20, $16, $12On Sale Now May 6 – Elton John8:00 PM $149.50, $79.50, $49.50On Sale Now May 13 – US vs Mexico Soccer7:05 PM $40, $30, $20, $15, $10On Sale Now May 26 – Lady Antebellum7:30 PM $62.50, $42.50On Sale Now June 12 – Boston8:00 PM $68.50, $48.50, $38.50, $28.50On Sale Now July 15 – Guns ‘n Hoses7:00 PM $98, $38, $33, $28, $23, $18On Sale Now September 30 – Tim McGraw/Faith Hill7:30 PM $129.50, $99.50, $69.50 On Sale Now May 6 – Freestyle Explosion7:30 PM $69.50, $49.50, $39.50, $29.50On Sale Now May 13 – Bakersfield Symphony7:30 PM $45, $35, $30, $20On Sale Now May 18 – Cinderella7:30 PM $65, $55, $35On Sale Now June 20 – Alice Cooper8:00 PM $87.50, $67.50, $47.50, $27.50, $17.50On Sale Now June 24 – Adal Ramones8:00 PM $85, $70, $60, $50, $40, $30On Sale Now June 25 – Ted Nugent8:00 PM $57.50, $47.50, $37.50, $27.50, $17.50On Sale Now July 22 - Pepe Aguilar8:00 PM $199, $125, $95, $75, $60, $50On Sale Now www.rabobankarena.com - www.spectrumamphitheatre.com May 13 – ABBA The Concert8:00 PM $45.50, $35.50, $25.50, $15.50On Sale Now June 3 – The Fab Four8:00 PM $37.50, $30.50, $21.50, $17.50On Sale Now June 22 – Brit Floyd8:00 PM $57.00, $37.00, $27.00, $17.00On Sale Now