HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract 7264 Drainage StudyDRAINAGE STUDY FOR Tract No. 7264 Project # 15036.00 January 2016 Prepared for: Landstone Companies, LLC 4927 Calloway Drive, Suite 101 Bakersfield, CA 93312 Contact: Matt Wade (661) 679-6780 Prepared By: David Fidelino Checked By: Sean E. Reed R.C.E. 64620 2001 Wheelan Court Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 834-4814 2016 March 2016 Prepared for: Tract No. 7264DRAINAGE STUDY 2 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................3 2.0 GUIDELINES ...............................................................................................................3 3.0 DESIGN APPROACH .................................................................................................3 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................4 ..................................................................................................................back of report Soil Map ....................................................................................................back of report Time of Concentration (Tc) Calculations ...................................................back of report Inlet Sizing Calculations ............................................................................back of report Hydraulic Calculations and Pipe Profiles...................................................back of report Drainage Exhibit .........................................................................sleeve in back of report Reference ..................................................................................................back of report Reference ..................................................................................................back of report Tract No. 7264 DRAINAGE STUDY Tract No. 7264 DRAINAGE STUDY 3 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose for this drainage study is as follows: 1. To provide a storm drainage system in accordance with the City of Bakersfield requirements and guidelines. 2. To provide an economical and reasonable design for storm drain conveyance and disposal facilities. 2.0 GUIDELINES The following design standards were used in the development of this study: 1. Initial times of concentration (roof to gutter) are 15 minutes for R-1 Development. 2. Soil Group C is primarily located throughout the site: 196—Milham sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes MLRA 17 3. The runoff coefficients used are: A. 0.34 - R-1, 10,0000 S.F. B. 0.95 - Pavement, drives, and roofs 3. Rainfall intensity curves used are those shown on Plate D-1 of the City of Bakersfield, Subdivision & Engineering Manual. 4. Sub-areas using multiple run-off coefficients are given a weighted average based on the area relative to each coefficient. 3.0 DESIGN APPROACH The contributing areas to the retention basin are all zoned residential and therefore were modeled as such so. The project area for these improvements is dictated by the flat terrain that is present. More specifically the improvements are designed to benefit all areas bounded to the east by Tract 6968, to the north by Etchart Road, to the south by Snow Road, and to the west by Quail Creek Road. The property was previously used for agricultural purposes and had two natural courses of drainage with an existing drainage ditch across the middle of the site from east to west. The southern portion of this site slopes southwesterly to an irrigation ditch running along Snow Road. The northern portion drains west towards an irrigation ditch parallel to Quail Creek Road. The proposed project will construct 101 residential lots ranging in size from 10,000 sq. ft. to 18,152 sq. ft. The proposed drainage will differ from the original drainage condition. Drainage Areas along Latera Court, Albion Court, Dromana Court, and Roverton Court will drain in a westerly direction towards the end of each cul-de-sac adjacent to Quail Creek Road. Catch basin #3 will collect the discharge produced by off-site areas along Etchart Road and Quail Creek Road. Most of the drainage on Ruthburg Way will mostly drain to catch basin #4 located at the east end of Casella Street. Drainage Areas 5 and 6 will discharge into two catch basins (CB #5 and #6) located at the T-intersection of Casella Street and Ruthburg Way. Catch basin #8 will collect the small discharge produced by Quail Creek Road between Casella Street and Kenwick Street. Two catch basins (CB #9 & CB #10) will be daisy chained at the intersection of Quail Creek Road and Kenwick Street which will collect the discharge produced by the lots on Kenwick Street. Catch basin #12 will collect the discharge produced by off-site areas along Snow Road and Quail Creek Road. Allenmeir Court will drain in a southerly direction towards catch basin #13 at the end of the cul-de-sac. The proposed basin will be located on the southeasterly corner of Tract No. 7264DRAINAGE STUDY 4 the tract in order to maximize the number of lots and to allow the possibility of an expansion when the property to the east is developed. The flows for the sizing of the pipes were estimated utilizing the City of Bakersfield Rational Method in accordance with the Subdivision Standards. Flows were computed for the 10-year event using the formula Q = CIA, where Q is the flow in cubic feet per second, C is the runoff coefficient, I is the intensity in inches per hour, and A is the catchment’s area in acres. The storm drain system and the curb capacities were calculated based the 10-year storm event. The proposed retention basin, on the southeast end of the project, will have a bottom elevation of 390.00 and handle all of the discharge from Tract 7264. The ultimate build out basin volume (provided and required) were not calculated. The required basin volume was calculated using the City of Bakersfield sump volume equation (V=0.15 x Ʃ (CxA)). The total contributing area equals 40.29 acres; this acreage is divided into the areas as noted below. The coefficient values are provided for each area, and the calculations for the required and provided volumes are shown below and on the Basin Exhibit. Description Area (acres) Coefficient C x A TRACT 7264 R-1, 10,000 SF 33.25 0.34 11.30 Landscape Area/Easement 0.40 0.15 0.06 Snow Road 1.75 0.95 1.66 Etchart Road 1.20 0.95 1.14 Quail Creek Road 3.40 0.95 3.23 TOTAL Ʃ(CXA) =17.39 TOTAL 40.00 VOLUME REQUIRED (AF) =2.61 The rational method for the 10-year event was performed using Autodesk Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension 2015. This program routes the flows and calculates the HGL for the system. The program has the ability to calculate the time of concentrations, but it also allows you to enter your own time. A spreadsheet similar to the curb capacity spreadsheet was used to determine the initial time of concentrations in a 10-year event. The flows from the 10-year event were calculated and routed. Starting HGL at the basin was estimated to be 4.75’ above the basin bottom. 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The flows from the 10-year event were calculated and routed. The beginning HGL was estimated to be 4.75’ above the basin bottom. All the pipes in this system were sized to be 18” RCP, 24” RCP, and 30” RCP. The HGL is not less than 0.5’ below the proposed grade at any manhole or inlet. The main objectives of this study were to design an economical storm drain system and meet the design standards set by the City of Bakersfield. The storm drain system will be able to handle a 10-year event. The Basin Exhibit, part of this study, shows the designed basin that allows for the expansion to the adjacent easterly tract. The basin will have a total water depth of 9.5’ with a minimum of 1’ of freeboard. The basin will only be sized for Tracts 7264 and be able to store 3.68 acre-feet of water with a required volume of 2.62 AF. The depth of the basin is 9.5’ deep with a 2. water surface elevation of 399.50. The basin will need to be expanded when Tract 6968 and the commercial zoned property to the east are developed. Tract No. 7264 DRAINAGE STUDY Tract No. 7264 DRAINAGE STUDY 6 Vicinity Map Tract No. 7264 1 NTS SOIL MAP 6RLO0DS².HUQ&RXQW\&DOLIRUQLD1RUWKZHVWHUQ3DUW 1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV &RQVHUYDWLRQ6HUYLFH :HE6RLO6XUYH\ 1DWLRQDO&RRSHUDWLYH6RLO6XUYH\  3DJHRI                                                                                                                     ƒ  1   ƒ        : ƒ  1   ƒ        : ƒ  1   ƒ        : ƒ  1   ƒ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²2FW  7KHRUWKRSKRWRRURWKHUEDVHPDSRQZKLFKWKHVRLOOLQHVZHUH FRPSLOHGDQGGLJLWL]HGSUREDEO\GLIIHUVIURPWKHEDFNJURXQG LPDJHU\GLVSOD\HGRQWKHVHPDSV$VDUHVXOWVRPHPLQRUVKLIWLQJ RIPDSXQLWERXQGDULHVPD\EHHYLGHQW 6RLO0DS².HUQ&RXQW\&DOLIRUQLD1RUWKZHVWHUQ3DUW 1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV &RQVHUYDWLRQ6HUYLFH :HE6RLO6XUYH\ 1DWLRQDO&RRSHUDWLYH6RLO6XUYH\  3DJHRI 0DS8QLW/HJHQG .HUQ&RXQW\&DOLIRUQLD1RUWKZHVWHUQ3DUW &$ 0DS8QLW6\PERO 0DS8QLW1DPH $FUHVLQ$2,3HUFHQWRI$2, .LPEHUOLQDILQHVDQG\ORDPWR SHUFHQWVORSHV0/5$  0LOKDPVDQG\ORDPWR SHUFHQWVORSHV0/5$  7RWDOVIRU$UHDRI,QWHUHVW  6RLO0DS².HUQ&RXQW\&DOLIRUQLD1RUWKZHVWHUQ3DUW 1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV &RQVHUYDWLRQ6HUYLFH :HE6RLO6XUYH\ 1DWLRQDO&RRSHUDWLYH6RLO6XUYH\  3DJHRI TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Tc) CALCULATIONS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RATIONAL METHOD (In accordance with City of Bakersfield Standards) TABLE OF RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS R-1, 6000 SF 0.42 JOB TITLE:Tract 7264 R-1, 6750 SF 0.4 DATE:Apr-16 R-1, 7500 SF 0.38 R-1, 10000 SF 0.34 Rational Values:R-1, 15000 SF 0.27 Event: 10 YEAR Values: 5, 10, 50 R-3, R-4, M-H 0.8 M.A.P.6 in./yr. Values: 6, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Commercial 0.9 Industrial 0.8 Curve Values Parks 0.15 a: 2.38 I=a+bTc (Tc<20min.) Grasslands, Type A Soil 0.15 b: -0.058 Grasslands, Type B Soil 0.25 P60: 0.550 I=K1*(6.02*Tc)^(0.17*LN(p60/K1)Grasslands, Type C Soil 0.35 K1: 40.00 (Tc>=20min.) Grasslands, Type D Soil 0.45 Pavement/Drives 0.95 Note:Backyards 0.05 Lawn-landscape 2% slope 0.10 Pavement/Drives & Parks Lawn-landscape 2-7% slope 0.15 Pavement/Drives & R-1, 10000 SF Lawn-landscape 7% slope 0.20 SUBAREA C I A rslt Tc L dH Sg Q Street V Trial Tc Roof to Tm Curb NAME Runoff Intensity Total Time Length Elev. Gutter Flow Type Vel. MIN. Gutter Travel Cap Coef. IN/HR Area Conc. Feet Diff. Slope CFS FPS Time Time In AC. MIN. Feet Ft/Ft MIN. MIN. AREA 1 0.34 1.24 4.02 19.70 474 1.18 0.25% 1.69 60 1.68 19.70 15 4.70 3.90 AREA 2 0.34 1.31 3.27 18.45 339 0.84 0.25% 1.45 60 1.64 18.45 15 3.45 3.68 AREA 3 0.83 1.34 2.71 17.93 1934 5.00 0.26% 3.02 60 1.80 17.93 0 17.93 4.49 AREA 4 0.34 1.24 4.57 19.59 521 1.47 0.28% 1.93 60 1.89 19.59 15 4.59 3.98 AREA 5 0.37 1.35 1.84 17.70 308 1.27 0.41% 0.91 60 1.90 17.70 15 2.70 3.01 AREA 6 0.37 1.35 1.84 17.70 308 1.27 0.41% 0.91 60 1.90 17.70 15 2.70 3.01 AREA 7 0.34 1.31 3.34 18.49 344 0.86 0.25% 1.48 60 1.64 18.49 15 3.49 3.71 AREA 8 0.95 1.80 0.44 10.00 261 0.52 0.20% 0.75 60 1.51 10.00 0 2.89 3.03 AREA 9 0.42 1.32 1.82 18.33 310 0.78 0.25% 1.01 60 1.55 18.33 15 3.33 3.27 AREA 10 0.37 1.31 1.63 18.42 310 0.78 0.25% 0.78 60 1.51 18.42 15 3.42 3.06 AREA 11 0.34 1.31 3.35 18.44 339 0.84 0.25% 1.49 60 1.64 18.44 15 3.44 3.71 AREA 12 0.95 1.75 3.12 10.81 1372 4.00 0.29% 5.20 60 2.11 10.81 0 10.81 5.21 AREA 13 0.34 1.00 8.05 26.23 1196 3.18 0.27% 2.74 60 1.78 26.23 15 11.23 4.37 Required Sump Capacity = 0.15 x C x A = 2.61 ac-ft C = 0.43 A= 40.00 Tc CALCULATIONS TRACT 7264 . Composite Runoff Coef. Hydrology_10_yr McIntosh Associates 2001 Wheelan Ct Bakersfield, CA 93309 10 yr Calc 0.83 0.37 0.37 0.42 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.42 0.42 INLET SIZING CALCULATIONS Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 1 - Drainage Study Area 1 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 1.64 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 1.64 Q Capt (cfs) = 1.64 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 4.59 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 4.49 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 2 - Drainage Study Area 2 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 1.39 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 1.39 Q Capt (cfs) = 1.39 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 4.32 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 3.37 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 3 - Drainage Study Area 3 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 2.70 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 2.70 Q Capt (cfs) = 2.70 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 5.61 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 8.75 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 4 - Drainage Study Area 4 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 1.87 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 1.87 Q Capt (cfs) = 1.87 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 4.83 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 5.48 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 5 - Drainage Study Area 5 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 0.87 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 0.87 Q Capt (cfs) = 0.87 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 3.70 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 1.70 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 6 - Drainage Study Area 6 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 0.87 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 0.87 Q Capt (cfs) = 0.87 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 3.70 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 1.70 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 7 - Drainage Study Area 7 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 1.42 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 1.42 Q Capt (cfs) = 1.42 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 4.35 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 3.51 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 8 - Drainage Study Area 8 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 0.48 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 0.48 Q Capt (cfs) = 0.48 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 3.14 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 1.15 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 9 - Drainage Study Area 9 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 0.96 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 0.96 Q Capt (cfs) = 0.96 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 3.81 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 1.82 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 10 - Drainage Study Area 10 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 0.69 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 0.69 Q Capt (cfs) = 0.69 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 3.45 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 1.46 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 11 - Drainage Study Area 11 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 1.42 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 1.42 Q Capt (cfs) = 1.42 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 4.35 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 3.51 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Thursday, Feb 25 2016 Catch Basin 12 - Drainage Study Area 12 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 5.00 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 4.82 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 4.82 Q Capt (cfs) = 4.82 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 6.68 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 4.86 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc.Wednesday, Feb 24 2016 Catch Basin 13 - Drainage Study Area 13 Curb Inlet Location = Sag Curb Length (ft) = 3.50 Throat Height (in) = 4.00 Grate Area (sqft) = -0- Grate Width (ft) = -0- Grate Length (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.083 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Local Depr (in) = 2.00 Gutter Width (ft) = 2.00 Gutter Slope (%) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- Calculations Compute by: Known Q Q (cfs) = 2.76 Highlighted Q Total (cfs) = 2.76 Q Capt (cfs) = 2.76 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Depth at Inlet (in) = 5.67 Efficiency (%) = 100 Gutter Spread (ft) = 8.98 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Bypass Depth (in) = -0- HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND PIPE PROFILES 10-YEAR STORM TR A C T 7 2 6 4 HY D R A U L I C C A L C U L A T I O N S ( I N P U T ) SU B A R E A R u n o f f In t e n s i t y Dr a i n a g e T c C a t c h D o w n s t r e a m P i p e NA M E C o e f f ( i n / h r ) A r e a ( m i n ) B a s i n L i n e I D D i a (c ) (a c ) No . (i n ) AR E A 1 0 . 3 4 1 . 2 0 4 . 0 2 1 9 . 7 0 1 P I P E ( 2 3 ) 1 8 AR E A 2 0 . 3 4 1 . 2 5 3 . 2 7 1 8 . 4 5 2 P I P E ( 1 3 ) 1 8 AR E A 3 0 . 8 3 1 . 2 0 2 . 7 1 1 7 . 9 3 3 P I P E ( 1 2 ) 1 8 AR E A 4 0 . 3 4 1 . 2 0 4 . 5 7 1 9 . 5 9 4 P I P E ( 1 5 ) 1 8 AR E A 5 0 . 3 7 1 . 2 9 1 . 8 4 1 7 . 7 0 5 P I P E ( 1 7 ) 1 8 AR E A 6 0 . 3 7 1 . 2 9 1 . 8 4 1 7 . 7 0 6 P I P E ( 1 6 ) 1 8 AR E A 7 0 . 3 4 1 . 2 5 3 . 3 4 1 8 . 4 9 7 P I P E ( 1 9 ) 1 8 AR E A 8 0 . 9 5 1 . 1 5 0 . 4 4 1 0 . 0 0 8 P I P E ( 1 8 ) 1 8 AR E A 9 0 . 4 2 1 . 2 4 1 . 8 2 1 8 . 3 3 9 P I P E ( 8 ) 1 8 AR E A 1 0 0 . 3 7 1 . 1 6 1 . 6 3 1 8 . 4 2 1 0 P I P E ( 7 ) 1 8 AR E A 1 1 0 . 3 4 1 . 2 5 3 . 3 5 1 8 . 4 4 1 1 P I P E ( 2 1 ) 1 8 AR E A 1 2 0 . 9 5 1 . 6 3 3 . 1 2 1 0 . 8 1 1 2 P I P E ( 2 0 ) 1 8 AR E A 1 3 0 . 3 4 1 . 0 1 8 . 0 5 2 6 . 2 3 1 3 P I P E ( 2 4 ) 1 8 TRACT 7264 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS (OUTPUT) Line ID Pipe Pipe Flow Avg. Capacity Invert HGL Velocity Velocity EGL Sf Invert Length Size Rate Velocity Flowing Full Down Down Down Head Down Down Down Up (ft)(in)(cfs)(ft/s)(cfs)(ft)(ft)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft) PIPE (1)79.09 30 13.37 4.15 79.87 390.50 394.75 2.72 0.12 394.87 0.106 393.50 PIPE (2)154.79 24 13.52 4.30 8.53 393.50 395.50 4.30 0.29 395.79 0.357 393.72 PIPE (3)179.33 24 11.56 3.68 7.92 393.72 396.34 3.68 0.21 396.55 0.261 393.94 PIPE (4)53.85 24 11.61 3.70 7.55 393.94 397.02 3.70 0.21 397.23 0.264 394.00 PIPE (5)689.35 24 9.92 3.16 7.85 394.00 397.38 3.16 0.15 397.53 0.192 394.83 PIPE (6)303.86 24 9.25 2.95 7.79 394.83 398.86 2.95 0.13 398.99 0.167 395.19 PIPE (7)44.05 18 1.65 1.67 20.39 397.19 399.50 0.94 0.01 399.51 0.025 398.85 PIPE (8)40.37 18 0.96 1.20 3.70 398.85 399.56 1.17 0.02 399.58 0.040 398.90 PIPE (9)362.70 24 8.43 2.68 7.88 395.19 399.50 2.68 0.11 399.61 0.139 395.63 PIPE (10)306.44 24 7.33 2.33 7.86 395.63 400.11 2.33 0.08 400.2 0.105 396.00 PIPE (11)331.02 18 4.74 2.68 3.65 396.00 400.52 2.68 0.11 400.63 0.204 396.40 PIPE (12)8.00 18 4.09 2.31 21.96 397.65 401.31 2.31 0.08 401.39 0.152 398.00 PIPE (13)38.60 18 1.39 0.78 8.45 398.00 401.33 0.78 0.01 401.34 0.017 398.25 PIPE (14)423.05 18 3.41 1.93 4.84 397.00 400.52 1.93 0.06 400.58 0.105 397.90 PIPE (15)67.75 18 1.87 1.06 4.03 397.90 401.02 1.06 0.02 401.04 0.032 398.00 PIPE (16)15.00 18 0.87 0.49 8.57 397.90 401.02 0.49 0.00 401.03 0.007 398.00 PIPE (17)25.00 18 0.87 0.49 6.64 397.90 401.02 0.49 0.00 401.03 0.007 398.00 PIPE (18)11.92 18 1.90 1.07 22.14 397.13 400.11 1.07 0.02 400.13 0.033 397.66 PIPE (19)33.57 18 1.42 0.80 3.63 397.66 400.12 0.80 0.01 400.13 0.018 397.70 PIPE (20)12.00 18 4.82 9.79 21.44 397.50 397.98 9.79 1.49 399.47 0.000 398.00 PIPE (21)47.70 18 1.42 1.09 16.45 396.83 398.86 0.81 0.01 398.87 0.018 398.00 PIPE (22)326.00 18 1.60 0.91 3.44 396.40 401.31 0.91 0.01 401.32 0.023 396.75 PIPE (23)46.39 18 1.64 0.93 13.35 396.75 401.40 0.93 0.01 401.41 0.025 397.50 PIPE (24)41.73 18 2.76 3.14 8.60 395.22 396.34 1.95 0.29 396.63 0.000 395.50 Line ID HGL Grnd/Rim Cover Velocity Velocity EGL Sf Sf Energy J-Loss Minor Up Elev. Up Up Up Head Up Up Up Avg. Loss Coeff Loss (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(%)(%)(ft)(ft) PIPE (1)394.73 403.89 7.89 5.57 0.48 395.21 0.451 0.279 0.220 0.75 z n/a PIPE (2)396.05 403.58 7.86 4.30 0.29 396.34 0.357 0.357 0.553 1 0.29 PIPE (3)396.81 403.37 7.43 3.68 0.21 397.02 0.261 0.261 0.469 1 0.21 PIPE (4)397.16 402.99 6.99 3.70 0.21 397.38 0.264 0.264 0.142 1 0.21 PIPE (5)398.70 404.87 8.04 3.16 0.15 398.86 0.192 0.192 1.325 1 0.15 PIPE (6)399.36 404.28 7.09 2.95 0.13 399.50 0.167 0.167 0.509 1 0.13 PIPE (7)399.47 403.39 3.04 2.40 0.09 399.56 0.194 0.109 0.048 1 0.09 PIPE (8)399.58 403.39 2.99 1.24 0.02 399.60 0.048 0.044 0.018 1 0.02 PIPE (9)400.00 404.20 6.57 2.68 0.11 400.11 0.139 0.139 0.503 1 0.11 PIPE (10)400.44 404.90 6.90 2.33 0.08 400.52 0.105 0.105 0.322 1 0.08 PIPE (11)401.19 404.02 6.12 2.68 0.11 401.31 0.204 0.204 0.674 1 0.11 PIPE (12)401.32 403.59 4.09 2.31 0.08 401.40 0.152 0.152 0.012 0.15 0.01 PIPE (13)401.34 402.25 2.50 0.78 0.01 401.35 0.017 0.017 0.007 1 0.01 PIPE (14)400.97 402.92 3.52 1.93 0.06 401.02 0.105 0.105 0.446 1 0.06 PIPE (15)401.05 402.57 3.07 1.06 0.02 401.06 0.032 0.032 0.022 1 0.02 PIPE (16)401.03 402.48 2.98 0.49 0.00 401.03 0.007 0.007 0.001 1 0 PIPE (17)401.03 402.48 2.98 0.49 0.00 401.03 0.007 0.007 0.002 1 0 PIPE (18)400.12 404.45 5.29 1.07 0.02 400.14 0.033 0.033 0.004 0.15 0 PIPE (19)400.13 402.20 3.00 0.80 0.01 400.14 0.018 0.018 0.006 1 0.01 PIPE (20)398.48 402.58 3.08 9.79 1.49 399.97 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 z n/a PIPE (21)398.85 402.51 3.01 1.38 0.03 398.88 0.049 0.034 0.016 1 0.03 PIPE (22)401.38 404.77 6.52 0.91 0.01 401.40 0.023 0.023 0.076 1 0.01 PIPE (23)401.41 402.53 3.53 0.93 0.01 401.42 0.024 0.025 0.011 1 0.01 PIPE (24)396.08 400.98 3.98 4.33 0.29 396.38 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 z n/a 0 PI P E ( 1 ) S U M P M H - 1 1 PI P E ( 2 ) M H - 1 1 MH-10 PI P E ( 3 ) M H - 1 0 MH-9 PI P E ( 4 ) M H - 9 M H - 1 2 PI P E ( 5 ) M H - 1 2 MH-8 PI P E ( 6 ) M H - 8 MH-7 PI P E ( 7 ) M H - 7 C B # 1 0 PI P E ( 8 ) C B # 1 0 C B # 9 PI P E ( 9 ) M H - 7 MH-6 PI P E ( 1 0 ) M H - 6 MH-5 PI P E ( 1 1 ) M H - 5 MH-2 PI P E ( 1 2 ) M H - 2 C B # 3 PI P E ( 1 3 ) C B # 2 C B # 3 PI P E ( 1 4 ) MH-4 M H - 5 PI P E ( 1 5 ) C B # 4 M H - 4 PI P E ( 1 6 ) C B # 6 M H - 4 PI P E ( 1 7 ) C B # 5 M H - 4 PI P E ( 1 8 ) C B # 8 M H - 6 PI P E ( 1 9 ) C B # 7 C B # 8 PI P E ( 2 0 ) M H - 1 2 C B # 1 2 PI P E ( 2 1 ) C B # 1 1 M H - 8 PI P E ( 2 2 ) MH-1 M H - 2 PI P E ( 2 3 ) C B # 1 M H - 1 PI P E ( 2 4 ) C B # 8 M H - 1 0 # 1 3 DRAINAGE EXHIBITS TRACT 7264 BASIN SIZING CALCULATIONS 1 400.5 399.5 390.0 9.5 feet Abtm =11,721 sq ft = 0.27 acres Amid =16,757 sq ft = 0.38 acres Atop =22,500 sq ft = 0.52 acres Provided Sump Capacity =160,311 Cu. FT 3.68 AC-FT TABLE OF RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS TR 7264 C x A = R-1, 6000 SF 0.42 R-1, 7500 SF 0.38 R-1, 10000 SF 0.34 33.67 11.45 R-1, 15000 SF 0.27 R-2 0.55 R-3, R-4, M-H 0.8 Commercial 0.9 Industrial 0.8 Parks 0.15 Grasslands, Type A Soil 0.15 Grasslands, Type B Soil 0.25 Grasslands, Type C Soil 0.35 Grasslands, Type D Soil 0.45 Pavement, drives & roofs 0.95 6.37 6.05 Backyards 0.05 Lawn-landscape 2% slope 0.17 Lawn-landscape 2-7% slope 0.22 Lawn-landscape 7% slope 0.35 0.44 n C x A =17.50 TR 7264 Total 40.04 =Acres 40.04 Required Sump Capacity = 0.15 x C x A = 0.15 X n C x A =2.62 AC-FT 1.06 AC-FT AC-FT Depth from Design Water Surface = * Off-site areas were omitted from this sizing calculation Freeboard (ft)= Water Surface Elev = Provided Sump Capacity Lowest Inlet Elev = Bottom Basin Elev = Composite Coefficient = Total Difference of Bottom Area of Sump Half Depth Area of Sump Area of Design Water Level Prismoidal Formula: Volume = 1/6 x(Abtm+4Amid+Atop) x D Volume = 1/6 x (0.27+1.54+0.52) x 9.5 = 1/6 x (2.32) x 9.5 Required Sump Capacity 4 2 SUMP DATA VOL. REQ'D: 2.62 AC.FT. VOL. PROV'D: 3.68 AC.FT. BTM. ELEV.: 390.00 DWS ELEV.: 399.50