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)S41M.14 I
KAPRONXT No, 022-0%9
JUNE 3, 2005
KA No. 022-05069
Page No. 6
After completion of the recommended site priepuation, the site should be suitable for Shallow footing
supports. The proposed structure footings way be designed utilizing an allowable bearing pressure of
2,000 pof for dead -plus -live loads. Footings should have a minimum embedment of 12 inches.
fimp#Mter lam n on aWKWWCAMstructiont
Based on our findings and historical records, it is not anticipated that groundwaterwill rise within the
zone of structural influence or affect the construction of foundations and pavements for the project.
Hdwevet; if earthwock is performed during or soon after periods of precipitation, the wbgmde soils may
become saturaterl, "pump," or not respond to deasificatiou techniques. Typical remedial measures
include- discing and aerating the soil during dry weather, mixing the soil with dr ya materials; removing
and replacing the soil with an approved fill mawrial; Or mixing the Soil with an approved time or, QMart
product: Our fim Should be consulted prim to implemerift remedial measures to observe the unstable
subgrado conditions and provide appropriate recoommendshous.
Site Ineamt—ton
General site clearing should include removal of vegetation; existing utilities; structures including
foundations, basement walls and floors-, trees and associated root systems, rubble, rubbish; and any
loose StWor saturated materials. Site Stripping Should extend to a minimum depth of 2 to 4 inches, or
until all organics in excess of 3 perma by volume are removed. Deeper strippirig my be required in
localized ova. These materials will not be suitable for use as Engineered Fill. Howeve4 stripped
topeoil may be stockpiled and reused in landscape at motor- rat area&
The site is predominately utilized for agricultural purposes and partially occupied by 4 Mobile home and
out buildings in the central portion of the site. Associated with these4evelopmem are buried structures
such as irrigation lines and septic system that "tend into the project site. Any buried structures
encountered during construction should be properly removed andler relocated and the resulting
excavation& backfilled with Engineered Fill. Disturbed eras caused by dentolition activities should be
removed and/or recompacted. Excavations, depressiom or soft sad pliant areas extending below
planned finish subgrade level should be cleaned to firm undisturbed soil, and backfilled with
Engineered fill, to goneral, any septic tanks, debris pita, cesspools, or similar structures Shoidd be
entirely removed. Concrieft Wings Amid be removed to an equivalent depth orf at least 3 feet below
proposed AmItin-a elevations or as recommended by the Soils %r r. If not utilized for the new
dcvclopmcrit, water wells should be abandoned in accordance with the county standards. Arty Other -
buried structures should be removed in accordance with the recommendations of the Soils fingincer.
TU resulting excavations should be backfilled with Enginecred fin.
Trees are located at the site. Tree removal should Include rom greater than lunch in diamew. The
resulting excavations should be backfilled with Engineered Fill.
A ditch tied a sump we located at the site. If the ditch and sump will be abandoned, all deleterious
materials should be removed from the ditch aid sump prior to backfilling, T'he resulting excavation
should be cleaned to firm native "ad and backfilled with Engineered Fill.
Krum Jr AUOCboetl be,
With Offices Saving TW Western United States
Jun 3, 2005 KA Project No. 022-0069
Mr. Dan Pike
S & S Homes of the Central Comit, br-
1350 East Grand Avenue
Artwo Grande, California 93420
1W Preliminary Geotech" tagmeering Investigation
Proposed Re"atial Development
Tentative Tirset 63"
Old River Read & Piumma Lime
Bakenfield, COWDrDii
Dear Mr. Pike -
in accordance with your request, we have completed, a Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering
investigation four the above -referenced Site. The results of our investigation are presented in die attached
If you have any questions, or if we may be of Rather "Amx*, plesse do not hesitate to, Contact our
office at (661) 837-92W
ly submitted,
- With omm Savtog The Western two atm
22os coy Ave me * B*auW CA 93301. (661) 83742M * Pax* (661) 837-9201,
KA No. 022-05069
Pap NM 7
Following Stripping, tree removal and demolition -activities, `!JW exposed subgrade within building pad,
exterior flauvork and pavement mess should be excavated/wArified to a depth of at least 12 Inches,
moigose-conditioned as necessary, and recOmpacted to a minimum of 90 porecat Of maximum density
based an ASTM Test Method DIS57. Limits of recompactiort should extend 5 feet beyond structural
The upper soils, during wet whiter months, become very moist due to the absorptive rima 1120ber'stirs Of
the soil. Earthwork operations performed during winter months may encounter very moist unstable
soils, which may require removal to grade a stable building foundation. project site winterization
corisisting of placement of aggregate base and protecting exposed soils during the construction phase
should be performed.
A representative of our firm should be present during all site clearing and grading operations to test and
observe earthwork construction. This testing sod observation is an integral pad Of Our service as
acceptance of earthwork construction is dependent upon compaction of the material and the stability of
the mat,, -M. The Soils Engineer may WJect any material 69 does not meet compaction and stability
raph-ements. Further recommendations of this report are predicined upon the assumption *9
earthwork construction will conform to recommendations set forth in this section and the Engineered
Fill section.
The proposed structures may be supported on a "low lbundstion System bearing on undisturbed
native soils or Engineered Fill. Spread and continuous footings can be designed for the following
maximum allowable soil bearing pressures:
Footings should have it minimum embedment depth of 12 inches measured from tough grade or exterior
grado, whkbover is lower. Footings should have a minimum with of 12 inches regardless ofload.
The total soil movement is not expected to exceed I inch. DiMmatial soil movement Should be less
than V2 inch. Most of the Settlement is expected to occur, dutrag construction as the loads am applied.
However, additional post -construction septlemeat may Dectir, if the foundation soils are flooded or
mmitjv4 of the suits to buried coomvw. Detaits, of the laboratory tea program and resuhs or the
laboratory 1h sts am summarized in Appendix A. This information, along with the field observations,
was used to mpare the firral boring top in Appendix A.
Som PRO]
Based on o w findings, the subsurface conditions encountered appear "ical of those found in die
geologic reg ion of the site. in general, the Surface soils consisted of approximately 6 to 12 inches of
vary loose s itty sand and sandy silt soils. These soils am disturbed, have low strength eh stirs,
and are high y compressible when satumted.
Below the very loose surface soils, approximately 3 to I I feet of to to medium dam silty sand, silty
sarWsandy'sik sandy silt, and sand were encountered. Field and laboratory bests Suggest that those
soils are mo krately strong and slightly compressible. Penetration ncsistari ee ranged from 7 to 34 blows
per foot 'Dry densities ranged from 97 to 115 prf Representative soil samples consolidated
iratey I to 2% percent under a 2 ksf toad what saturated. Representative soil samples had
angles of int "at friction of 30 to 13 degrees,
Below 4 to� 2 few layers of predominately sand, silty Sand, silty sand/saudy silt and sandy silt were
eacountereil. Them soils W similar strength characteristics as The upper soils and extended to the
termination 4" ofour borings.
For additional information about the soils encountered, please, refer to the lop of tog pits in Appendix
KKAIng vas were checked for the presence of groundvvitter during and immediate4y following the
drilling operitions. Free groundwater I was not encountered.
1 1
it should be recognized that water table elevations may fluctusta with time, being dependent upon
seasonal proipitation, irrigation, land me, and olimatio auditions, as well as other factors. Therefore,
water level observationsat the time of the field investigation may vary from those encountered during
the construct ion phase of the project. j ha evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this report.
Soil liquefaction is a state of soil particle smTension, caused by a complete loss of strength when the
effective stress drops to zero. LkpWkcdw normally occin in soils, such as stunk in which the
strength is 1
timely frictional. However, liquefaction has occurred in soils other don clean Sands.
Liquefaction usually occurs under vibratory conditions, such as those inthiced by seismic events. Due
to the depth to gmadwsber; the potential for soil liquefaction is very low. Therefore, no mitigation
measures arl necessary.
Resistance, to lateral footing displacement can be computed using so allowable friction factor of OA
acting betw cen the line of foundations and the supporting subgrade. Lateral resistance for footings can
alternativo e be developed using an allowable equivalent fluid passive pressure of 350 pounds per cubic
foot acting against am appropriate vertical footing faces. The frictional and passive resistance, of the
soil may be combined without reduction in determining the tow lateral tosistanoe. A 'A kwease in the
above value may be used for short duration, wind, or seismic loads.
Faffineered FRI
The Majority of the upper native soils within the project site an Identified as silty sand, Sandy silt, and
sand. These:soils will be suitable as Engineered Fill, provided they we cleansed of excessive organics
and debris";
The pre lar A materials Specified for Engineered Fill is suitable for most applications with the exception
of exposuto erosion. Project site winterization and protection of exposed soils during the
conshuctiot i phase shoidd be the sole responsibility of the C;ooftactoir, since he has complete control of
the project ite at that time.
Imported F ! I it material should be inately non -expansive granular material with a plasticity index
less than I0 and a UBC Expansion Index less than IS. Imported Fill should be free from rocks and
lumps grat , ter than 4 inches in diameter. All Imported Fill material Should be submitted for approval to
the Soils Er goer at least 49 hours prior to delivery to the site.
Fill soils sh goer Duld be placed in lifts approximately 6 inches thick, moisture -conditioned as necessary, and
compacted!, to achieve at least 90 percent maximum density as determined by ASTM Test Method
DI 557. AIJ Iftional lifts should not be placed ifthe previous lift did not meet the required dry density or
if soil cond tions we not Stable.
The shrinkon recompacted soil and fill placement are estimated at 12 to 20 percent A subsidence
of approxi t ly 0.2 W may be assumed for the upper native Soils. This estimate is based on
compaction of the upper soils to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM Test
Method DI 557. Over -compaction would result in additional shrinkage. These values we approximate
and should1be ro-evalusted during grading operations.
%A No. 022-OSW
page No. 5
a km—k &W —ey M
One of the most common phenomena during seismic, shaking accompanying any earthquake is the
induced settlement of loose unconsolidated snits. Based on site Subsurface condition% and the moderate
to high set of the region, any lose fill materials at the site could be vulnerable to this potential
hazard. However, this hazard can be mitigated by following the design and construction
recommendations of our owtadmical Engineering Investigation (over -excavation and rework of the
loose soils stiftir fill). Based on the moderate penetration resistance moisured, the native deposits
underlying the site do not appear to be Sutied to $iPiflOgOt seismic settlement
Based on the findings of our field and laboratory investigations, along with 'ous 9potech MW
experience in the project ares, the following is a summary of our evaluations, conclusions, and
Admittistrau" ggmmury
In brief, the subject site and soil conditions, with the exception of the loose surface soils and existing
development, appear to be conducive to the development of the project The sutflm soils are disturbed,
have low strength chwacteristic� and are highly compressible when saturated. Accordingly, it is
recommended that the surface soils be recompacted. This compaction effort should stabilize the surface
soils and locate any unsuitable or pliant areas not found during out field investigation.
The majority of the upper native soils within the project site are identified as silty sands, sandy silts, and
sarids. These soils will be Suitable as Engineered Fill, provided they are cleansed of excessive organics
and debris.
The site is prWornitaftly utilized for agricultural purposes and partially occupied by a mobile home and
out buildings in the central portion of the site. Associated with these developments we buried structures
Such as utility lines, irrigation lines, and septic systems. Any Surface or buried structures encountered
during congb-,ictiob should be property removed and the resulting excavations backfilled with
Engineered Fill, It is Suspected demolition activities will disturb the upper soils. Disturbed areas
caused by 4anoliti I on activittes should be removed andlbr moompacted.
Tis -ase "W at the site. Tree removal should include roots greater then I -inch in diameter. The
resulting excavations should be backfill with Engineered Fill.
A ditch and a sump are located at the Site. if the ditch and sump will be abandoned, all deleterious
materials should be removed from the ditch mid sump prior to backfilling. The resulting excavation
should be claimed to firm native ground and backfilied with Engineered Fill.
Sandy soil conditions were anoountered at the site. These cohesionless soils have a tendency to cave in
trench wrap excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench sidewalls may be required within these sandy
KxWW & Associates, Inc.
With Offim Saving Tac Western L%ftd Stalft
KA No. 022-05069
Pap No. 9
Wit= am tAuftmoift
The ground surfaces should slope away from building Pad and Pavement areas toward appropriate drop
inlets or other surface drainage devices. it is recotomeaded that adjacent exterior grades be sloped a
minimum of 2 percent for a minimum distance of 5 14% Away from structures- Subgrade soils in
pavement aress; shoum W slopw a m frinturn of I percent and drainage gradients maintained to carry all
Sin ft water to collo ion facilities and off-site. These grades should be maintained for the life of the
project. Roof drains should be installed with appropriate downspout extensions out -failing on sphiA
blocks so as to direct water a minimum of 5 feet away from the structures or be connected to the storm
drain Systan; for the development
Eft lamb, bdm
Utility trenches should be excavated according to accepted engineering practices following OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards by Contractor experienced in Stich work,
The responsibility for the safety of open tronches should be home by the Contractor. Traffic and
vibration adjacent to trench wells should be minimized; cyclic wetting and drying of excavation side
slopes should be avoided. Depending upon the location and depth of some utility trenches, groundwater
flow into open excavations could be experienced, especially during or shortly following periods of
Sandy soil conditions were encountered at the site. These cohesionless soils have atendency tocavt in
trench wail excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench sidewalls may be required within these sandy
and gravelly soils.
Utility trench backfill placed in or adjacent to buildings and exterior slabs should be compacted to at
least 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM Tea Method D1557. Utility trench backfill
placed in pavement areas should bocompacted to at least 90 paceat of maximum density based on
ASTM Test Method D1557. Pipe bedding should be in accordance with pipe manufacturer's
The Cattractor is responsible for removing all water -sensitive soils from the trench regardless of the
backfill location and compaction requirements. The Contractor should use appropriate equipment and
methods to avoid damage to the Utilities andVor structures during fill placement and compaction.
Flow Sid* Ed Loft EMMA
Concrete slab-onvade floor should be underlain by a water vapor retarder. The water vapor retarder
should be insWied in accordance with ASTM Specification E 1643-99- According to ASTM
Guidelines, the water vapor retarder should consist of a vapor retarder sheeting underlain by a minimum
of 3 inches of compacted, clean, gravel of 3/4inch maximum size. To aide in concrete curing an optional
2 to 4 inches of granular fill may be placed on top of the vapor retarder. The granular fill should consist
AWING 0 F ar"I" E COO" to"It 0 D"
L. ALSEPTO 1.0ki A.C.E. 67602
Dead Load Only
1,500 pst
Dea&Plwl,ive Load
2,000 psf
Total L04 iw,-I"pg wind or seismic loads 1
2,650 psf _J
Footings should have it minimum embedment depth of 12 inches measured from tough grade or exterior
grado, whkbover is lower. Footings should have a minimum with of 12 inches regardless ofload.
The total soil movement is not expected to exceed I inch. DiMmatial soil movement Should be less
than V2 inch. Most of the Settlement is expected to occur, dutrag construction as the loads am applied.
However, additional post -construction septlemeat may Dectir, if the foundation soils are flooded or
mmitjv4 of the suits to buried coomvw. Detaits, of the laboratory tea program and resuhs or the
laboratory 1h sts am summarized in Appendix A. This information, along with the field observations,
was used to mpare the firral boring top in Appendix A.
Som PRO]
Based on o w findings, the subsurface conditions encountered appear "ical of those found in die
geologic reg ion of the site. in general, the Surface soils consisted of approximately 6 to 12 inches of
vary loose s itty sand and sandy silt soils. These soils am disturbed, have low strength eh stirs,
and are high y compressible when satumted.
Below the very loose surface soils, approximately 3 to I I feet of to to medium dam silty sand, silty
sarWsandy'sik sandy silt, and sand were encountered. Field and laboratory bests Suggest that those
soils are mo krately strong and slightly compressible. Penetration ncsistari ee ranged from 7 to 34 blows
per foot 'Dry densities ranged from 97 to 115 prf Representative soil samples consolidated
iratey I to 2% percent under a 2 ksf toad what saturated. Representative soil samples had
angles of int "at friction of 30 to 13 degrees,
Below 4 to� 2 few layers of predominately sand, silty Sand, silty sand/saudy silt and sandy silt were
eacountereil. Them soils W similar strength characteristics as The upper soils and extended to the
termination 4" ofour borings.
For additional information about the soils encountered, please, refer to the lop of tog pits in Appendix
KKAIng vas were checked for the presence of groundvvitter during and immediate4y following the
drilling operitions. Free groundwater I was not encountered.
1 1
it should be recognized that water table elevations may fluctusta with time, being dependent upon
seasonal proipitation, irrigation, land me, and olimatio auditions, as well as other factors. Therefore,
water level observationsat the time of the field investigation may vary from those encountered during
the construct ion phase of the project. j ha evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this report.
Soil liquefaction is a state of soil particle smTension, caused by a complete loss of strength when the
effective stress drops to zero. LkpWkcdw normally occin in soils, such as stunk in which the
strength is 1
timely frictional. However, liquefaction has occurred in soils other don clean Sands.
Liquefaction usually occurs under vibratory conditions, such as those inthiced by seismic events. Due
to the depth to gmadwsber; the potential for soil liquefaction is very low. Therefore, no mitigation
measures arl necessary.
Resistance, to lateral footing displacement can be computed using so allowable friction factor of OA
acting betw cen the line of foundations and the supporting subgrade. Lateral resistance for footings can
alternativo e be developed using an allowable equivalent fluid passive pressure of 350 pounds per cubic
foot acting against am appropriate vertical footing faces. The frictional and passive resistance, of the
soil may be combined without reduction in determining the tow lateral tosistanoe. A 'A kwease in the
above value may be used for short duration, wind, or seismic loads.
Faffineered FRI
The Majority of the upper native soils within the project site an Identified as silty sand, Sandy silt, and
sand. These:soils will be suitable as Engineered Fill, provided they we cleansed of excessive organics
and debris";
The pre lar A materials Specified for Engineered Fill is suitable for most applications with the exception
of exposuto erosion. Project site winterization and protection of exposed soils during the
conshuctiot i phase shoidd be the sole responsibility of the C;ooftactoir, since he has complete control of
the project ite at that time.
Imported F ! I it material should be inately non -expansive granular material with a plasticity index
less than I0 and a UBC Expansion Index less than IS. Imported Fill should be free from rocks and
lumps grat , ter than 4 inches in diameter. All Imported Fill material Should be submitted for approval to
the Soils Er goer at least 49 hours prior to delivery to the site.
Fill soils sh goer Duld be placed in lifts approximately 6 inches thick, moisture -conditioned as necessary, and
compacted!, to achieve at least 90 percent maximum density as determined by ASTM Test Method
DI 557. AIJ Iftional lifts should not be placed ifthe previous lift did not meet the required dry density or
if soil cond tions we not Stable.
The shrinkon recompacted soil and fill placement are estimated at 12 to 20 percent A subsidence
of approxi t ly 0.2 W may be assumed for the upper native Soils. This estimate is based on
compaction of the upper soils to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM Test
Method DI 557. Over -compaction would result in additional shrinkage. These values we approximate
and should1be ro-evalusted during grading operations.
%A No. 022-OSW
page No. 5
a km—k &W —ey M
One of the most common phenomena during seismic, shaking accompanying any earthquake is the
induced settlement of loose unconsolidated snits. Based on site Subsurface condition% and the moderate
to high set of the region, any lose fill materials at the site could be vulnerable to this potential
hazard. However, this hazard can be mitigated by following the design and construction
recommendations of our owtadmical Engineering Investigation (over -excavation and rework of the
loose soils stiftir fill). Based on the moderate penetration resistance moisured, the native deposits
underlying the site do not appear to be Sutied to $iPiflOgOt seismic settlement
Based on the findings of our field and laboratory investigations, along with 'ous 9potech MW
experience in the project ares, the following is a summary of our evaluations, conclusions, and
Admittistrau" ggmmury
In brief, the subject site and soil conditions, with the exception of the loose surface soils and existing
development, appear to be conducive to the development of the project The sutflm soils are disturbed,
have low strength chwacteristic� and are highly compressible when saturated. Accordingly, it is
recommended that the surface soils be recompacted. This compaction effort should stabilize the surface
soils and locate any unsuitable or pliant areas not found during out field investigation.
The majority of the upper native soils within the project site are identified as silty sands, sandy silts, and
sarids. These soils will be Suitable as Engineered Fill, provided they are cleansed of excessive organics
and debris.
The site is prWornitaftly utilized for agricultural purposes and partially occupied by a mobile home and
out buildings in the central portion of the site. Associated with these developments we buried structures
Such as utility lines, irrigation lines, and septic systems. Any Surface or buried structures encountered
during congb-,ictiob should be property removed and the resulting excavations backfilled with
Engineered Fill, It is Suspected demolition activities will disturb the upper soils. Disturbed areas
caused by 4anoliti I on activittes should be removed andlbr moompacted.
Tis -ase "W at the site. Tree removal should include roots greater then I -inch in diameter. The
resulting excavations should be backfill with Engineered Fill.
A ditch and a sump are located at the Site. if the ditch and sump will be abandoned, all deleterious
materials should be removed from the ditch mid sump prior to backfilling. The resulting excavation
should be claimed to firm native ground and backfilied with Engineered Fill.
Sandy soil conditions were anoountered at the site. These cohesionless soils have a tendency to cave in
trench wrap excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench sidewalls may be required within these sandy
KxWW & Associates, Inc.
With Offim Saving Tac Western L%ftd Stalft
KA No. 022-05069
Pap No. 9
Wit= am tAuftmoift
The ground surfaces should slope away from building Pad and Pavement areas toward appropriate drop
inlets or other surface drainage devices. it is recotomeaded that adjacent exterior grades be sloped a
minimum of 2 percent for a minimum distance of 5 14% Away from structures- Subgrade soils in
pavement aress; shoum W slopw a m frinturn of I percent and drainage gradients maintained to carry all
Sin ft water to collo ion facilities and off-site. These grades should be maintained for the life of the
project. Roof drains should be installed with appropriate downspout extensions out -failing on sphiA
blocks so as to direct water a minimum of 5 feet away from the structures or be connected to the storm
drain Systan; for the development
Eft lamb, bdm
Utility trenches should be excavated according to accepted engineering practices following OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards by Contractor experienced in Stich work,
The responsibility for the safety of open tronches should be home by the Contractor. Traffic and
vibration adjacent to trench wells should be minimized; cyclic wetting and drying of excavation side
slopes should be avoided. Depending upon the location and depth of some utility trenches, groundwater
flow into open excavations could be experienced, especially during or shortly following periods of
Sandy soil conditions were encountered at the site. These cohesionless soils have atendency tocavt in
trench wail excavations. Shoring or sloping back trench sidewalls may be required within these sandy
and gravelly soils.
Utility trench backfill placed in or adjacent to buildings and exterior slabs should be compacted to at
least 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM Tea Method D1557. Utility trench backfill
placed in pavement areas should bocompacted to at least 90 paceat of maximum density based on
ASTM Test Method D1557. Pipe bedding should be in accordance with pipe manufacturer's
The Cattractor is responsible for removing all water -sensitive soils from the trench regardless of the
backfill location and compaction requirements. The Contractor should use appropriate equipment and
methods to avoid damage to the Utilities andVor structures during fill placement and compaction.
Flow Sid* Ed Loft EMMA
Concrete slab-onvade floor should be underlain by a water vapor retarder. The water vapor retarder
should be insWied in accordance with ASTM Specification E 1643-99- According to ASTM
Guidelines, the water vapor retarder should consist of a vapor retarder sheeting underlain by a minimum
of 3 inches of compacted, clean, gravel of 3/4inch maximum size. To aide in concrete curing an optional
2 to 4 inches of granular fill may be placed on top of the vapor retarder. The granular fill should consist
AWING 0 F ar"I" E COO" to"It 0 D"
L. ALSEPTO 1.0ki A.C.E. 67602
OC <
CC Ix cc
2 50 OR
0 13 0
:�i M
to S20) to
ON 2
o 04
V X ,
CAt N'% '
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CSlnpacteeiMxtecial&C- c€
February 27, 2015 KAPmjcctND.M2-05069
The excavation will need to be Cleaned of any vegetation (including tumbleweeds),
Compaction specifleations are to the only criteria for acceptance of the site grailing or grail'other such
� a
or al, prior to placement of fall tvmo " " g "l
should be
'vi " However, the tion. test is the ally rexxl sing
Ms. McCabe
Ss. S H
pay removed. After removal of all vegetation, tires, deleterious materials,
� materials �
the performance o the Grating Contractor. IU numerical test its tion the compaction test cannot
998 Bustonl Street, Suite C
fig excavation bottom is complete, the bottom of lite excavation should be
do of any
be to � the engineering performance of the acted material. Tl °e* rr% the �t of
GrcrverBch, CA 93433
loose soiik scarified to a depth of 12 inches, m to at %t t tintum
. contest,
compacted to als will also be dependent a the stabaility of that material. The Soils angincer has the
and rovompacted to not % than 95 percent of the maximum duty based on AST
M Test Method
option of rejecting any compacted material regards of the degree of cation i