HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-WASTE INSP 5/12/2017HAZARDOUS WASTE UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION Facility Name. J> i I / tqe --ra p. Site Address: 12-161 ttdiD4 OwnarIOWatcr: Tvnrof oII outin& 0 Re- inspeotionfFoAow -up 0 Combined Routine Ins tion d it 0 CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED By (Kaye I Title): Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of mords, and de r .- !'.,,.,n;a;Nt V = r'1»c2 T TT nr Minnr Vinlation BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services F 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 IN Phone: 661- 326 -3979 . Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Time In: �r` Time Out: Phon&AIZL,!' 7 EPA 1D0_ q u is 1 cam. tie+ 17 Co nplainr ll Foewied 0 Offic r of wmpliaricc with hazardous waste handling C V HAZARDOUS WASTE RE i1 Md[ENT NIA Violation # COAUdENTS Recordkee in documentation Generator has an EPA ID number fHSC 25143,131 3010002 Hazardous waste determination made far all wastes 0 AMI his 0 Generator Knowledge tCCR 66262.40] 3030005 Con tiagency tan infozmatiQn po3tod new phone CCR 6626234(d)(2)) 3010022 yacjfty Personnel demonstrate trainin awarcnN [CCR 662§2.34(4)(2)1 3020001 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest mvi is com lem [CCR 662.2,23K9 3010008 Blue w (e) of manffmt mailed to DTSC CCR. 66262,23(a)(4)] 3010011 Bits Qf Ladin recel is available ICCR 66262,400)] 3010010 LDRs available and complete CCR 66268.7(a)) 3030006 Qoaitc recycling reported using UPCF SC 25143.10 3030001 Contanner /tank management Containers are in good condidon CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030013 Containers are closed except when addin rarnovin CCR61262.34 d 2 3030017 Satellite containers at or near point of generation CCR 65262.34 e 1 A Empty containers era era CCR 66262.34 3030007 Containers inspected weekl y CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030019 Tanks inspected daily CCR 66262.34 d 2 40CFR 265,2011 1 3030027 One container or waste strr.aan at satellite area CCR 6626234(d)(2)1 3030022 Exclude recyclable materials stored is acwrdance with local ordinancelhazatdous materials codos HSC 25143.10 3010016 Accumukog n Time Limits Waste is accumulated net more than 8011$ 2 0 30010 Empty containers mane cd within ant car , CCR 66262.34(d)] 3030010 1 Tru Versal waste accumulated 1c8s tl,az� qne ear CCR 66273.15(a)] 3030011 Used oil filters pffsitc within 180 1 year -1 tan CCR 66266.130(c)(4)1 3030004 Pb-acid batteries offshc within 180 (1 . �-, 1 ton ) [CCR66266.81 a 3 3030002 LabaUng/Maridttg Containers are properly labeled. [66262.34(1)] 3030007 Excluded recyclable materials marked erl 1350 25143.9(a)] 3050005 Universal waste container propofly labeled . CCR 66273,341 30300DS Uscd oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" [CCR 662.66.130] 3030004 Date written on s ent lead -acid be CCR 66266.81 a ( (B )j 3030003 "Used Oil" marked on all used oil r. 6.IIks/containers CCR 66279.21 3030007 Tank marked with "ham waste" , contents, start date 6W;.34 fl 3030007 Truatmen Transport and DisposWOther Have perrnitlaurhorimtion to do trcaMent JHSC 25136.21 3040003 Waste sent with authorized transport em eligible) C'CR. 66263.41 3054001 Waste disposed of to authorized oint/ art MSG 25189.5(a )j 3050002 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes WC 25212 a Fire Protection (66262,34(d)(2)] 1 3030032 Print and sign in Hairs boat for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agr emertt with f'uxdings only receipt of report. INVECTOR POST E,4SPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Correct the violation(s) noted above by _ -- • Within 5 days of cormc4ag all of the violatiar,s, sign and return a copy of this p ge to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Sorvices, 2101 H St, Bakorsfw1d, CA 93301 d � H 'ON White - $ueincss Copy Yellow- Stat on Copy Signature (that all violations have been cornxwd as noted) 1DatC — FD2t71 (RCV9114) Pink, Prevention services CWd [ 0 ' 6 < < 0 � H A'A