HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZ-WASTE INSPsHAZARDOUS WASTE SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661-326-3979 • Fax: 661-852-2171 Facility Name: ) Date: Site Address I LeN n Tilns;Fa311 J Tima Ort Owner/0'rarr: I••, ♦.�.. Phone: '�t .'.. �. EPAIDN_ Tons, of bursefan - Routine - Re-inspectioNFollow-up N Combined Routine Inal rim n Joint hlspoetion - Complaint - F«used 11 Other _ CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): Invextion may involve obtaining phmogmphs, review and copying ofr«ords, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requiremems. C V HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT MA CERS Violation# COMMENTS Recordkce I d«umenmdoo a Generator has an EPA In number 1150 25143.13 3010002 V 11amrdous waste determination made for all wages IlAnal is IlConemtor Knowledge I(('R 66262.40 3030005 Contingency plan infOnramen posted near hone CCR 66262.34(d)(2)]3010022 Facilityormonel demonstrate tminin awareness CCR 66262.34(d 2 3020001 Manifests/Cmueidatd Manifest noun semnlete CC'R 6626223(a) 3010008 Blue rn s ofmanifest mailed to DTSC CCR 6626223(x)(4) 3010011 Bills ofla' reeeits available CCR(s12624 a 3010010 LDRs available and cam tete CCR 66268.0. 3030006 Gnshe onwlino tersorted using UPC'F JHSC 25143.10 3030001 Contai«r/tankmaaa teen Containers «e in good condition CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030013 Containers are closed exce,owhen add n CCR66262.34d 2 3030017 Satellite ormatters at or near point of membra ICCR 66262.34.1 A ' Empty containers are em CCR 66262.3 3030007 Containers mjsxed eek!X fCCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030019 Tanks imanessed dail CCR 66262.34 dx2 , 10CFR 265201 L 3030027 One container nor wogs stream at satellite area CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030022 k Exclude recyclable materials good in accordance with local mdma..e/hasardous mgeials envies fHSC 25143.10 3010016 Ace NOb Time LlmRs Waste is see ..latd nm more Nan 180/ 70 CCR 66262.34(d 3030010 t Em t containersmane d within moyant ICCR 6626234 d 3030010 Universal waste a«umulated less then nne CCR 662T3.15 a 3030011 Used oil filtersoH'site within 180 1 ear<I t m ICCR 66266.130 c 4 3030004 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 1 . < 1 ton CC'R66266.8I(a)3 3030002 I,*wImT/Marking V Containers are prapedy labeled I66262.34(Ql 3030007 Excluded me lebie materials marked properly 1ISC 25143.9 n 3050005 Universal waste container proorly labeled CCR 6627334 3030008 Used oil filters marked "drained used.il filters" ICCR 66266J30I 30300M Date written on spent lead -acid batteries I C(It 66266.81(n)(6)(B) 1 3030003 'Used Oil" m«ked on all used oil mvka/mma .v,, CCR 60179 21th) 3030607 Trak marked Isith "hex waste*, e.rmnta stmt doe 1662623407 303OW7 TraatmeuL Trane art and Dis .mI/Other have etmit/amhmmono ledc ues mens IIS(' 25]36 ° 30400113 Wes+. sent with auMarized ban ad en. eligible) CC@ 66263 41 3050001 Waste ch need nfto amhoriud oinV 16('2518).Aa 3050002 Failed to Rmixrly handle a lianee wastes DSC2212(al FirePromotion 16626234WI2 303111132 Print end sign in this boa for receipt of ills report. Signature does not imph agreement with findings only receipt of report. INSPECTOR f POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • Comet the violation(s) noted above by Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) • Within 5 days ofcormcting all ofthe vitiations, sign and mum a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Smites 2101 H St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date i➢2r71 laeva20181 White - Business Copy Ycllaw—Station C'apy PiNe- Prevention Services Copy HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DE'PART'MENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services B� ERsFi n 2101HStreet SMALL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS Bakersfield,, CA 93301 WASTE GENERATOR INSPECTION A rmfr Phone: 661 -326 -3979 • Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Facility Name: y> a r/ Date: ,'' Site Address: / x ✓ °x r, <74. sus Time In: Time Out: Owner /Operator: 'l Afj j K. EPA ID # tf „` ? ^ k5 }, <�.� ��,�. ” � . Phone: ��� � �»� - �^ =� � ;( Tyne of Inspection 0 Routine 0 Re- inspection/Follow -up 0 "Combined Routine Inspection 0 Joint Inspection 0 Complaint 0 Focused 0 Other 0 CONSENT TO.INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name / Title): I Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. C — Com faint: V = Class 111 or Minor Violation C V HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENT N/A CERS, Violation # COMMENTS . RecordMe in documentation Generator has an EPA ID number [HSC 25143.131 3010002 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes 0 Analysis 0 Generator Knowledge [CCR 66262.401 3030005 Contingency lan information posted near phone [CCR 66262.34(d)(2)) . 3010022 " Facilitypersonnel demonstrate training/awareness [CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3020001 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete [CCR 66262.23(a)] 3010008 Blue copy(s) of manifest"mailed to DTSC [CCR 66262.23(a)(4)] 3010011 Bills of Lading/receipts available [CCR 66262.40(a)] 3010010" { LDRs available and complete [CCR 66268.7(a)] 3030006 I Onsite rec clin reported using UPCF [HSC 25143.10] 3030001 Container /tank management Containers are in goodcondition CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030013 Containers are closed except when adding/removing [CCR66262.34(d)(2)] 3030017 [ Satellite containers at or near oint:of generatiom [CCR 66262.34(e)(1 )(A)] Empty containers are em t [CCR 66262.34(l)] 3030007 Containers inspected weekly [CCR 66262.34(d)(2)] 3030019 Tanks inspected daily CCR 66262.34 d 2 , 40CFR 265.201 3030027 One container per waste stream at satellite area CCR 66262.34 d 2 3030022 ] Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with`local ordinance/hazardous materials codes [HSC 25143.10] 3010016 �3 Accumulation Timer Limits Waste is accumulated not more. than 90/180/270 CCR 66262.34(d)] 3030010 Empty containers.managed within one year CCR 66262.34(d)] 3030010 Universal waste accumulated' less than one year [CCR 66273.15(a)] 3030011 Used oil filters offsite within 180. (1 year <1 ton) [CCR 66266.130(c)(4)] 3030004 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 (1 yr. < I ton) [CCR66266.81(a)(3)] 3030002 Labeling/Marldng a. Containers are properly labeled [66262.34(f)] 3030007 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly [HSC 25143.9(a)] 3050005 Universal waste container properly labeled (CCR 66273.341 3030008 " -' -Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" [CCR 66266.1301 3030004 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries' [CCR 66266.81(a)(6)(B)] 3030003 ," "Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers' [CCR 66279.21 3030007 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date',", 66262.34 f)] 3030007 Treatment Transport and Disposal/Other Have permit/authorization to do treatment [HSC 25136.21 3040003 Waste sent with authorized `transport, (gen. eligible), [CCR 66263.411 3050001 Waste disposed of to authorized point/ party [HSC '25189.5(a )] 3050002 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes [HSC ;25212 a ' Fire Protection [66262.34(d)(2)] 3030032 Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report.' Signature does not imply agreement with findings only receipt of report. J. INSPECTOR. POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: • v" lation "s note Correct the io O d above by Signature:(that all violations have been corrected as noted) • Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101'H St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date FD2171 (Rev 9/14) White Business Copy Yellow— Station Copy Pink- Prevention: Services Copy j . ........_ ...................... .... AdOD saoinxas uouuanard =mod (b U6 ^,ZI) ILIZCH aieQ (pa;ou se paloaxxoo uaaq snug suotielolA Ile IMP) aini-euBiS Ado uopBiS — nnoIJaA AdoD ssautsng - OljgM rt. s fir. 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