HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2-604 Record DrawingLIST OF DRAWINGS EE T 1 TI TL E SHEE T EET 2 DETAILS & SECTIONS EET 3 DETAILS & SECTIONS EET 4 SEWER- PLAN & PROFILE BENCHMARK C ISELED "X" C TY HALL VENT E EV= 432.5 BASIS OF BEARING C N TERL I NE OF H S TREE T N 36 *34'10 "E CITY STANDARDS SW -2, SW -3, SW -6, SW -8 STATE STANDARDS CITY OO F BA : ERSFIELD CAL TRANS STANDARD SPECIFICA TIONS, MA Y 2006 EDITION L - " - ff �- � � v � �1 32ND STREET & H STREET jf i, 34TH I' ifl L . r 178- ------_ i s UXTI NI E LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 4 Job No.: EOK210 File Path: K:\LDD—ENGINEERING\2009-2010\EOK210 — Sewer Rehab 32nd & H St\dwg File Name: BASE.dwg SACRAMENTO • \SAN FRANCISCO ss •FRESNO CITY OO F BA ; ERSFIELD ANGELES SAN DIEGO STATE OF CALIFORNIA No TE: THE CON7RACr0�7 SHALL POSSESS THE FOLLOWING VALID LICENSES: LASS A No TE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE USA LOCATOR SERVICE 7-800-642-2444, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCA VA TION. NO TE: THESE IMPROVE EN TS WERE CONDUCTED UNDER EMERGENCY PROJECT PROCEDURES W PROJECT LENGTH re QRpFESS/ON q F� 'D AN w C m C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-11 ��9TF C 1 V o- OF CA\ 440 FEET 'D Q ARRf?aVfFn BY, w RAUL M. ROJAS, R.C.E. 39800, EXPIRES 12-31-11 DATE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY:m M ll ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE V W ~ CIVIL ENGINEER IV — DESIGN ENGINEERING DATE W TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DATE SEWER REPAIR 32ND STREET AND H STREET OF 4 SHEETS o 2 3 CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS -------------------- EA SEMEN T--------:--:::---------:-----::::::::----------------------------- EXIST. CURB & CUTTER - RIGH T- OF- WAY - - - - - - ---- -- ------ EXIS T A. C. FL 0WLINE ----------------------------- -- --------------- CENTERLINE �/� ./� �/� EXIST EDGE OF PA VEMEN T RAILROAD TRACKS GUARD RAIL CHAIN LINK FENCE IMPRO VEMEN TS X UTILITY SYMBOLS EXIST WA TER LINE -- s EXIST SEWER LINE W — EXIST GAS LINE SD — EXIST STORM DRAIN -- — G EXIST AERIAL E EXIS T UNDERGROUND OH LINES POWER LINE EXIS T UNDERGROUND T EXIS T UNDERGROUND Tv TV CABLES PHONE LINE, EXIST OIL LINE FO EXIST FIBER OPTIC LINE o M.H. F.H. MANHOLE FIRE .H YDRAN T P.P. -W W.M. POWER POLE ID WATER METER ® EXISTING MONUMENT N W.V.WATER VALVE 0 G.M. FU TURE MONUMEN T ® GA S ME TER S.L. 3 G.V. S TREE T LIGHT GAS VALVE S TREE T LIGHT W/MAST ARM i� BENCHMARK C.O. CLEAN OU T L - " - ff �- � � v � �1 32ND STREET & H STREET jf i, 34TH I' ifl L . r 178- ------_ i s UXTI NI E LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 4 Job No.: EOK210 File Path: K:\LDD—ENGINEERING\2009-2010\EOK210 — Sewer Rehab 32nd & H St\dwg File Name: BASE.dwg SACRAMENTO • \SAN FRANCISCO ss •FRESNO CITY OO F BA ; ERSFIELD ANGELES SAN DIEGO STATE OF CALIFORNIA No TE: THE CON7RACr0�7 SHALL POSSESS THE FOLLOWING VALID LICENSES: LASS A No TE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE USA LOCATOR SERVICE 7-800-642-2444, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCA VA TION. NO TE: THESE IMPROVE EN TS WERE CONDUCTED UNDER EMERGENCY PROJECT PROCEDURES W PROJECT LENGTH re QRpFESS/ON q F� 'D AN w C m C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-11 ��9TF C 1 V o- OF CA\ 440 FEET 'D Q ARRf?aVfFn BY, w RAUL M. ROJAS, R.C.E. 39800, EXPIRES 12-31-11 DATE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY:m M ll ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE V W ~ CIVIL ENGINEER IV — DESIGN ENGINEERING DATE W TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DATE SEWER REPAIR 32ND STREET AND H STREET OF 4 SHEETS o 2 3 0 N it 0) w U) Q M 3 c N to 0 0 L N 3 a� I O N O w / O 0 N I O O N 0 Z w w z z w I D 0 (• 1. CAST PIPE CASING PIPE AND JOINTS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING THE LOAD OF RAILROAD ROADBED, TRACK A VD TRAFFIC; ALSO SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED SO AS TO PREVENT LEAKAGE OF ANY MA TIER FROM T E CASING OR CONDUIT THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH UNDER TRACK AND RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY. THE CAS N G SHALL BE INS TALLED SO AS TO PRE VEN T THE FORMA TION OF A WA TER WA Y UNDER THE RAILROA . CASING FHALL BE INSTALLED WITH EVEN BEARING THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH AND SHALL SLOPE TO ONE END. CA ING SHALL BE FABRICA TED FROM STEL L. WALL THICKNESS OF THE CASING SHALL BE J/8" THICK FCR A 18" CASING PIPE. THE INSI E DIAMETER OF THE CASING SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 2 INCHES GREATER THAN THE LARGEST OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF CARRIER PIPE, JOINTS OR COUPLINGS. 2. SEAL THE END5 OF THE CASING SHALL BE SUI TABL Y SEALED TO OUTSIDE OF CARRIER PIPE AGAINST THE IN TRUSIC V OF FOREIGN MA TERIAL WHICH MIGHT PREVENT READY REMOVAL OF THE CARRIER PIPE. J. DEP Tf I OF CASING TOP OF ASING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 4.5 FEET BELOW BASE OF RAILROAD RAIL. ON OTHER PORTIONS OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY WHERE CASING IS NOT DIRECTLY BENEATH ANY TRACK THE DEPTH OM THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND AND FROM BOTTOM OF DITCHES TO TOP OF CASING, SHALL NOT BE ESS THAN J FEET 4. LENG OF CASING CASING HALL EXTEND AT LEAST JO FEET OR 2(D) + 20 FEET, (WHERE "D" EQUALS DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CASING BELOW RAILROAD SUBGRADE), WHICHEVER IS GREATER, EACH SIDE FROM (MEA SUR D A T RIGHT ANGLES TO) CENTERLINE OF OUTSIDE TRACK. THE CASING IS TO EXTEND BEYOND THE LIMIT OF THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY AS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN THE SPECIFIED LENGTH. 5. JACKI G PI TS JACKING PITS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 30 FEET FROM THE CENTERLINE OF TRACK. 6. LOCA ION PIPEL INEf SHALL, WHERE PRACTICABLE, BE LOCA TED TO CROSS TRACKS A T APPR OXIMA TEL Y RIGHT ANGLES FHERETO AND SAID CROSSING SHALL NOT BE CLOSER THAN 50 FEET TO ANY PORTION OF ANY RAILROAS BRIDGE, BUILDING, OR OTHER IMPORTANT STRUCTURE. PIPELINE AND CASING PIPE SHALL BE A T LEAS 16 FEET (VER TICALL Y) FROM AERIAL ELECTRIC WIRES AND SHALL BE SUI TA BL Y INSULA TED FROM UA DERGROUND CONDUITS CARRYING ELECTRIC WIRES ON RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY. 7. RIGHT OF WAY NO RUB SH, EXCESS MATERIALS, TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT ARE TO BE PLACED IN THE RAILROA 'S RIGHT OF WAY C Class 'A " Portland Cement Concrete. Color / and finish to match Sowcut j adjacent pavement. Existing a ° ' a Portland Cement .. ° 'd° ° g : Concrete 4 (75mm) .'° ° ° o • 3.0" Ashpoitic Paint Binder Select Material (if required) Bockfill PATCH IN CONCRETE SURFACE achpoltic Point Binder ___� Existing Ashpalt Concrete Pavement Asphalt Concrete v v v 12" (03m) to 901 relative compaction. 0 0 0 Typical each side Bockfill material within the pipe O NOTES.•Gloss lir I! Aggregate Bose 1. All workmanship and materials shall conform and J. O 0 0 to the requirements set forth in the Standard *+ For public utilities , construction Specifications, Stole of California, Deportment requirements as per the Public III=III=III=III=1 I I -III-_ of Transportation, approved current edition. Utilities Commission General Orders I I -I I -I I -III -III -I I -III 2. Sawcuts shall be mode parallel or at right 1.5 (0.45m) wider both sides angles to the centerline of the street. Bockfill PATCH IN J. Depth of select moteriol, if required, shall be ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE determined in the field by the engineer. 4. Patches less than 2.0'(06m) from existing patches, 0.4'(0.1m) Ashpaltedges of poyment, or gutter shall be extended Concrete Surfocin9 Asphaltic Point Binder to include the intermediate isolated strip of existing pavement. sting road xed surfacing 5. Minimum patch width shall be 20'(0.6m) of its smallest dimension, unless otherwise allowed by O O O O the city engineer. Select Material (if required) 6. Reference standards ST -13 and ST -14 for O O O O O compaction requirements I I -I I -I I -III -I I -III -I 7. For patch in asphalt concrete unless otherwise I-1 I I=I I -I I I -I I allowed by the city engineer -I -I A. local streets minimum 0.4'(0.1m) asphalt Bockfill concrete over 0.5' (0.15m) Class d aggregate base B. Arterial and collector streets minimum 0.7' (0.2m) asphalt concrete over 1.0' (0.3m) Class 1l aggregate base. PA TCH iN ROAD MIXED SURFACE FILENAME: ST-12REV STANDARD DATE 99 DRAWN6CU PAVEMENT PATCHESSCALE CHECKED M. SHAW N. T. S. APPROVED SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST -12 CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SEAL - STD. DI I:� ID LU I,7 ✓IL/. L/ L_ III/L JYY _--U NO TES: 1. ALL HORIZONTAL DISTANCES TO BE MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM CENTERLINE OF TRACK. RAILROAD CROSSING DETAIL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS NOT TO SCALE OVERALL SITE PLAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT File Name.- BASE Job No.: EOK210 Date: Mar. 22, 10 Ora wn: TMA Engineer: TMA Checked By NOT TO SCALE QRpFESS/pN9 DEAN R l F O � m REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-11 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1507 TRUX TUN AVENUE qTF �IV�� BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF CAS_ REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION SCALE: 1 " = 20' i IT, �'"''-lil Bockfill compacted to 957. relative compaction in roadway areas from 10' (0.9m) beyond back of curb, excluding all but the outer 1.0'(0.3m) of the medion areas, and in alleys, within the existing, accepted roadway improvements. Backfill compacted to 90% relative ILti compaction in all other areas. a 11 i Backfill in pipe zone compacted ` to 901 relative compaction. JCU Bockfill material within the pipe TAMPING zone to conform to notes 1, 2 , and J. ++ a, *+ For public utilities , construction - requirements as per the Public 6.0" (0.15m) wider I both sides Utilities Commission General Orders or more 1.5 (0.45m) wider both sides 6.0" (0.15m) Bedding Mofteriol /or - Flexible Pipe os per ASTM D 7321 NO TES: 1. Backfill for Rigid Pipe. Backfill material within the pipe zone shall be free of deleterious material and shall hove a Sand Equivalent of not less than 20 and shall conform to the following grading: Sieve Size Percentage passing 3/4' (20mm) 100 No. 4 35-100 No. 30 20-100 This bockfill material shall be placed in not to exceed one foot (1.0' loose)(0.3m) layers, simultaneously on each side of the pipe in such a manner as not to damage or disturb the pipe on its alignment and grade. Each layer shall be thoroughly comp- acted by mechanical tomping. Bockfill moteriol shall be properly compacted to springline prior to proceeding. 2. Backfill for flexible pipe. Pipe and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the current ASTM specification D-2321. Only Class I and 11 embedment materials within the pipe zone will be considered suitable. Within the pipe zone, water flooding and jetting shall not be used for backfill compaction for flexible pipe. The bedding and hounching shall be hand placed to the Spring line of the pipe and properly compacted. For sewer mains, Class I bedding is required for bedding and hounching. Core shall be token not to dislocate the pipe. The remaining backfill in the pipe zone shall be hand placed and compacted in lifts not to exceed 6.0" (0.15m) thickness. Bockfill material shall be properly compacted to springline prior to proceeding. 3. Bockfill material above the pipe zone shall be free of deleterious material and lumps or stones exceeding 4.0" (75mm) in greatest dimension and shall be placed in not to exceed one foot (1.0' loose) (0.3m) layers and each layer shall be thoroughly compacted by mechanical tomping. 371 / / 471 / / finish Crode + Depth varies depending on the street's Traffic Index (T.1.). See Table B" below f +Street Zone TABLE B" I� TRAFFIC INDEX DEPTH 3.0 - 5.0 1.2' (0.3m) 5.5 - 6.5 1.5' (0.45m) 7.0 -80 2.0' (0.6m) 8.5 OR MORE 2.5' (0.75m) Backfill compacted to 90% II� relative compaction i Upper limit of pipe zone shall be LO' (03m) above top of pipe bell or the outside diameter of plain end pipe. - Hounching Pipe or conduit 4. Testing of backfill materials shall be in accordance with the tests listed in Section 6-3.01 of the Standard Specifications, (or ASTM 01557, Method C') for trench width greater than 1.0' (0.3m). if trench width is less than 1.0' (0.3m), backfill with 2 sock slurry. 5. Compaction tests will be required and shall be the respons- ibility of the Developer / Subdivider / Contractor. The number and location of the tests shall be determined by the City . Engineer. The tests shall be in accordance with the tests listed in Section 6-301 of the Standard Specifications, (or ASTM D1557, Method 'C"). 6. Each layer of backfill material shall meet the compaction, sond equivalent and gradation requirements before the next layer is placed. 7. For pavement patches within paved areas, see standard drawing ST -12 in this design manual. ABLE "A" The tdlowinq shot/ qpply q/yfor trench widths: PIPE W/ JCU IN GREATEST /MENSION TAMPING aASS I BEDDING OR SLURRY L0yo. 3m) or Iess 1.0'(0-1m) wider both sides 4.0" (75mm) wider both sides I.QJla to 3m) up 27 0'UU 00 1,0'(0.3m) wider both sides 6.0" (0.15m) wider I both sides Z.0*(O.bm) or more 1.5 (0.45m) wider both sides 1.0'(0.3m) wider both sides APPROVED SEWER REPAIR 32ND STREET AND H STREET FILENAME: ST-13REV - 0� - 14", 1) V 11 SHEE T NO. 2 OF 4 1 2 3 STANDARDDRAWN TRENCH BACKFILL AND COMPACTIONM. REQUIREMENTS DATE 6/2799 JCU CHECKED SHAH SCALE N.T.S. SHEET N0. ST -13 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEER - 0� - 14", 1) V 11 SHEE T NO. 2 OF 4 1 2 3 Q z ry w O N Y O Li O O N I rn O O N 11-1 Z_ w W z 0 z w I' 0 J \A removed between walls and Inlet the broken edges shall be plastered smooth with PLAN AT SURFACE cement mortar.PLAN AT BOTTOM P.C.C. slab not to be poured until R=0.5" paving is in place. Slob and lid (l2mmJ to be 0.125" to 0.25" (Jmm to 6mm) below new finished poving. (h,J i eFmin. (a2m) 0 NO TES: h� 2.1 Mortar, t All work shat/ conform to the applicable sections of the Dry Packed specifications entitled Standard Specifications, Stot of 20• Sam California, Department of Transportation ; approved current edition. i i 2. All unlined monhole joints shall be filled with Ken seol or approved block mostic equal. Inside of mol holes i must be mortared and neatly raked or wiped on in de i of pipe. 40 Dia (t1 ") Shelf slope is I.0"�Iri►t • 4 i �•e i . :iGhirnJ." Special Aggregate SECTION (Calcareous) 3 Pre cost reinforced manhole sections sholl be co structed in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C-478, current edition. 4. All sewer manholes, for sewer lines larger than 1 " (0.46m) in diameter, shall be lined with "T --Lock" or opprov d equal. 5. Concrete pod shall be cured with a white pigmen ed curing compound as per section 90-7.01B of the s ondard specifications 6. See standard drawing SW -6 for frome, cover, on drop manhole details 7 All channels shall be smooth finished with steel I rowel. Shelf shall be broom finished for slip resistance. STANDARD MANHOLE TYPE "A" APPROVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SW-2REV 6/2/99 a JC E M. SHAW N.. NO. U-2 Pavement a A covele c*W 60-(1215M) Mit Standard Manhole Cover and collar per city standard SW -6 40• 2m) _ Mortar S901 andard Tee Construct Inside Drop Space at equal Distances '-PS1 40• ' '•, ter Seat (rubber gasket) Min. 2 stainless steel straps at max. J.0' (1.2m) spacing attached to manhole Shaft with stainless hardware 77 .VA tondard 90 Elbow �s• r . �(Xtn) Class 'A" Concrete INSIDE DROP - Pavement Standard Manhole Cover and Collor per Std. SW -6 Mortar Seal - Standard Tee Woter Seol (rubber gasket) he W` NO TES: 1. All work shall conform to the applicable sections of the specifications entitled Standard Specifications, State of Colifornio, Department of Transportation, adopted current edition. 2. Drop manholes will only be allowed with the opprovol of the City Engineer. J. All manholes shall conform to Sec. 3.2.3 of the manual text. 4. Drop manhole is only allowed if drop dish is JO" (0.76m) or greater. • Maximum slope allowed inside manhole STANDARD Ila 90' al Gloss 'A" Concrete MANHOLE TYPE "A" INSIDE AND Standard 90° Elbow OUTSIDE DROP APPROVED OUTSIDE DROP CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS _ DEPARTMENT SW-3REV 6/2/99 JC.. NO. V-3 2625" (d 67m) 2.25" (4 64m) h •• .� 1..i75" (J See Detail i SECTION A -A Outlet +.5• (t __ I 1 tmJ yt Where incoming and outgoing .' sewers in a manhole vary in 1.0" (25mm) pattern I(15MM) letters, 0.125" (Jmm) 1.5" (40mm) self high See note 11. size, extend lower halves of draining blind pick hole 2.0" (50mm) pattern 1.0" (25 m) Did. ° sewers 8.0" (0.2m) beyond 1e ii B inside of wall and shape o M. SHAW ----- PIPE CASING ...' i transition channel between Shelf 0• APPROVED SHEET NO. - - -------- -L .._._. ends of lower halves of pipes. -•---•- . - --_ (t1mJ AN •�' i '.:• :'" i Shelf SW_ 8 CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS _ DEPARTMENT Clvss ° 9•` .' :;.:..,.: :. ; s .f. " Where incoming and outgoing CdriirPfe ; : sewers in a manhole are of 1.0" (25mm) pattern 1.0" (25mm) pattern t the same diameter, the top ° 0.625 (15mm) i ottem letters, 0.125" (Jmm) letters, 0.125" (5mm) half of pipe shall only be removed between walls and Inlet the broken edges shall be plastered smooth with PLAN AT SURFACE cement mortar.PLAN AT BOTTOM P.C.C. slab not to be poured until R=0.5" paving is in place. Slob and lid (l2mmJ to be 0.125" to 0.25" (Jmm to 6mm) below new finished poving. (h,J i eFmin. (a2m) 0 NO TES: h� 2.1 Mortar, t All work shat/ conform to the applicable sections of the Dry Packed specifications entitled Standard Specifications, Stot of 20• Sam California, Department of Transportation ; approved current edition. i i 2. All unlined monhole joints shall be filled with Ken seol or approved block mostic equal. Inside of mol holes i must be mortared and neatly raked or wiped on in de i of pipe. 40 Dia (t1 ") Shelf slope is I.0"�Iri►t • 4 i �•e i . :iGhirnJ." Special Aggregate SECTION (Calcareous) 3 Pre cost reinforced manhole sections sholl be co structed in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C-478, current edition. 4. All sewer manholes, for sewer lines larger than 1 " (0.46m) in diameter, shall be lined with "T --Lock" or opprov d equal. 5. Concrete pod shall be cured with a white pigmen ed curing compound as per section 90-7.01B of the s ondard specifications 6. See standard drawing SW -6 for frome, cover, on drop manhole details 7 All channels shall be smooth finished with steel I rowel. Shelf shall be broom finished for slip resistance. STANDARD MANHOLE TYPE "A" APPROVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SW-2REV 6/2/99 a JC E M. SHAW N.. NO. U-2 Pavement a A covele c*W 60-(1215M) Mit Standard Manhole Cover and collar per city standard SW -6 40• 2m) _ Mortar S901 andard Tee Construct Inside Drop Space at equal Distances '-PS1 40• ' '•, ter Seat (rubber gasket) Min. 2 stainless steel straps at max. J.0' (1.2m) spacing attached to manhole Shaft with stainless hardware 77 .VA tondard 90 Elbow �s• r . �(Xtn) Class 'A" Concrete INSIDE DROP - Pavement Standard Manhole Cover and Collor per Std. SW -6 Mortar Seal - Standard Tee Woter Seol (rubber gasket) he W` NO TES: 1. All work shall conform to the applicable sections of the specifications entitled Standard Specifications, State of Colifornio, Department of Transportation, adopted current edition. 2. Drop manholes will only be allowed with the opprovol of the City Engineer. J. All manholes shall conform to Sec. 3.2.3 of the manual text. 4. Drop manhole is only allowed if drop dish is JO" (0.76m) or greater. • Maximum slope allowed inside manhole STANDARD Ila 90' al Gloss 'A" Concrete MANHOLE TYPE "A" INSIDE AND Standard 90° Elbow OUTSIDE DROP APPROVED OUTSIDE DROP CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS _ DEPARTMENT SW-3REV 6/2/99 JC.. NO. V-3 2625" (d 67m) 2.25" (4 64m) h •• .� 1..i75" (J See Detail i SECTION A -A Rq ■ SCALE: 1 " = 20' Redwood Skids TION A -A CA SING QRpFESS/pN pEAN q REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER C 46803 y� Exp. 6-30-11 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN A VENUE qTF CI BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF- REVISIONS FREVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 1 / / SJ4'-t7F-/ 2 / / Steel Casing Pipe, see opproved plans for size and thickness High density polyethylene plastic pipe insulator with skids to clear pipe bells (Copico Model P or equivalent) or redwood skids stropped with stainless steel. Steel Casing Diameter is Pipe Bell O.D. Pipe Joint Sewer Line / Redwood Skids • Storm Droin Line Pipeline ! la0•Yox ! 2.5' ?.5• /a0•/A i 0Iffl) i (a 1 lam►) ! (.tImJ -� SECTION DETAIL PIPE BORING NO TES: 1. Casing shall be installed by the bore, jack, and/or tunnel method. 2. Installotion shall be as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. J. A# cosing sections shall be joined by continuous process 4. Fill void between carrier pipe and casing with sand slurry. If sand is used, compact by use of air blowing sond equipment or as directed by the City Engineer. 5. Redwood skids shatl be construction grade Casing End Seal. Strop to pipe and casing with stainless steel clamps. Grout 6. Redwood skids shall be veed to fit contour of pipe. 7. Redwood skids shat/ be stropped to the pipe with 1.0" (25mm) pattern I(15MM) letters, 0.125" (Jmm) 1.5" (40mm) self high See note 11. DATE 6/z/99 DRAWN draining blind pick hole 2.0" (50mm) pattern 1.0" (25 m) Did. center h letters, 0.125' (Jmm) 1e A high A B B M. SHAW ----- PIPE CASING SEWER APPROVED SHEET NO. AN Notch lid to SW_ 8 CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS _ DEPARTMENT find pick hole See note 11. 1.0" (25mm) pattern 1.0" (25mm) pattern 0.625 (15mm) i ottem letters, 0.125" (Jmm) letters, 0.125" (5mm) letters, 0.125" ( m) high MANHOLE high. Location for country of origin high CLEANOUT NO TES: 1. All fromes and covers shall be tested for accuracy 1132* (jJ of fit and shall be marked in sets prior to delivery. �� Mocl fred 2. The seats of fromes and bearing faces of the covers Surf ces shall be machined for a smooth non -rocking fit between 10.5" (0.27m) the two castings. Taper Cover J. Costings shall be thoroughly cleaned and dipped twice in aquick -drying, jet -block asphaltic compound to Frame provide a protective coating. 4. All frames and covers shall be gray cast iron, free DETAIL A from warps, crocks, holes, swells and cold -shot, and sholl have a workmanlike finish. Highway loading should be NS 20-44. 9 The 2.50mm (0" )pattern letters on the manhole covers shall hove one of the following designations.- DRAIN or SE 5. Costing shall conform to the provisions of the specifications for groy-iron castings, serial designation ASTM-• A-48 10. Assembly shall be designed for highway loading of HS 2 7-44. (latest revision), Class No. JOB. 1/. 2.0" x 1.0" (50mm x 25mm) diamond mat 0125" (5m ) deep. 6. The name of the manufacturing company shall be FILENAME SW-6REV on the underside of the cover. STANDARD DA DR 6/2/99 7• Manhole frome shall weigh not less than 120 lbs (54kg) nor more than 250 lbs 113k The cover ( FRAMES AND A NN CHI KED JCU M. Shall weigh not less than 120 lbs (54kg) nor more 4k COVERS FOR sc E SHAW than 200 lbs 91k 9). MANHOLES & CLEANOUTS N.T.S. APPROVED SH T NO. 8. Manhole covers shall have o self draining blind pick CITY OF BAKERSFIELD W-6 hole unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. CALIFORNIA CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Rq ■ SCALE: 1 " = 20' Redwood Skids TION A -A CA SING QRpFESS/pN pEAN q REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER C 46803 y� Exp. 6-30-11 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN A VENUE qTF CI BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF- REVISIONS FREVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 1 / / SJ4'-t7F-/ 2 / / Steel Casing Pipe, see opproved plans for size and thickness High density polyethylene plastic pipe insulator with skids to clear pipe bells (Copico Model P or equivalent) or redwood skids stropped with stainless steel. Steel Casing Diameter is Pipe Bell O.D. Pipe Joint Sewer Line / Redwood Skids • Storm Droin Line Pipeline ! la0•Yox ! 2.5' ?.5• /a0•/A i 0Iffl) i (a 1 lam►) ! (.tImJ -� SECTION DETAIL PIPE BORING NO TES: 1. Casing shall be installed by the bore, jack, and/or tunnel method. 2. Installotion shall be as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. J. A# cosing sections shall be joined by continuous process 4. Fill void between carrier pipe and casing with sand slurry. If sand is used, compact by use of air blowing sond equipment or as directed by the City Engineer. 5. Redwood skids shatl be construction grade Casing End Seal. Strop to pipe and casing with stainless steel clamps. Grout 6. Redwood skids shall be veed to fit contour of pipe. 7. Redwood skids shat/ be stropped to the pipe with stropping or approved wire bonds. FILENAME: SW-8REV STANDARD DATE 6/z/99 DRAWN JCU CHECKED SEWER LINE IN M. SHAW PIPE CASING SCALE N. T. S. APPROVED SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA SW_ 8 CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS _ DEPARTMENT CITY OF BA KERSFIEL D CAFile Name: BASE Dra wn: TMA/ 1 • lj �% LIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: EOK210 En ineer: TMA g SEWER REHABILITATION sHEE r NO. Date: Mar. 19, 10 Checked By 32ND STREET AND H STREET 3 OF 4 0 2 I 3 w U) Q 404 F_ _ 402 N pEAN R 9l F ° 400 wQ� G' REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER m C 46803 rn L N * Exp, 6-30-11 20' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD �P 1 398 O N Y O CA 93301 CVm_ Li 1-11 3 396 0 N No. O O DA TE N 394 z w w z z 392 0 i EX. LIF 6XWM V 0 � ®MEN 24 " STEEL CASING TO EXTEND 5 FEET PAST THE UPRR RW. 3 V_0�" STEEL CASING 3 Q� 113`-l**Y' -" ykFFL "SIOLI7. p0� 12 13 #y 14 f P�Q�� �o��AE;� z� �D;�n Ex 15 - r P 11 C/Tyj' OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA _mm ®- ■%►1 File Name: BASE Drawn: TMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: EOK210 Engineer: TMA Date: Mar. 22, 10 Checked By.• 0 MIN (COVER 1t•°o 0 z K, SEWER REHABILITATION 32ND STREET AND H STREET 406 404 402 400 398 396 SHEET NO. 4 OF 4 0 1 2 3 ORpFESS/0N pEAN R 9l F wQ� G' REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER m C 46803 rn * Exp, 6-30-11 20' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD �P 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE 9TF OCA�F �F BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 CVm_ REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION LDING CONS TRuc TION NOTES: Q CONSTRUCT SSMH PER C.O.B. STD. SW -2 l Q CONSTRUCT SSMH PER C.O.B. STD. SW -3 EX. 66"" SS g CONSTRUCT 8 "SS ® ABANDON EXISTING 6" SEWER LINE PER SPECIFICATIONS Q 2THICK STEEL CASING GENERAL NOTES: 10 PROFILE ROTATED FOR SCHEMATIC PURPOSES ONLY COORDINATE ABANDONMENT OF 6" SEWER LINE WITH CITY FIELD REPRESENTA TI VE. NOTIFY 48 HRS IN ADVANCE OF WORK IN ORDER TO ACCESS MANHOLE IN THE TOWER HOTEL PROPERTY. 6XWM V 0 � ®MEN 24 " STEEL CASING TO EXTEND 5 FEET PAST THE UPRR RW. 3 V_0�" STEEL CASING 3 Q� 113`-l**Y' -" ykFFL "SIOLI7. p0� 12 13 #y 14 f P�Q�� �o��AE;� z� �D;�n Ex 15 - r P 11 C/Tyj' OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA _mm ®- ■%►1 File Name: BASE Drawn: TMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: EOK210 Engineer: TMA Date: Mar. 22, 10 Checked By.• 0 MIN (COVER 1t•°o 0 z K, SEWER REHABILITATION 32ND STREET AND H STREET 406 404 402 400 398 396 SHEET NO. 4 OF 4 0 1 2 3