HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3-249 Record Drawing) t i; r: LIST OF DRAWINGS 7i f/e Shee / '- 2 P/art and Pi-o{i•% 3 Catch Basin - 0etd1'1 Sheet €. { T. f ' • x E". ' M1t, � l r t u , K, f K T J .... - -- PRE -TRENCH i `II "0 T! Before open -.cutting for the storm dram , contact: } 1. Pacific Gas 4r Electric 'Co. Les Schaefer (805) 327-4581 U.S.A. Locator Service (800) 643-444 2. Pacific Telephone Co: Roy Mushrush (80S)'397-8885 U.S.A. Locator Service (800) 642-2444 3. Kern County Water Agency Fernando Cisneros .(805) 393-6200 4. -Contractor shall coordir:ate ..ith'_all service or. utilit;% companies D.ior-,to trenching,; for location. removal or relocation of existing facilities as required to construct new stares dram system. t A 1'L Nti FIIR i: COVS11 RU r THE AUBURN STREET ORY - 1 4DR r � � � zit �; � • f � AIN I� 1 _j 11-j E------- � --� -- —-- -- --- ' —AVE=NUE--- — UIV/VERS/TY— - �---- -- — — �"� 1 � z �A a f' y . r I /4�,7� --- �as fo i a � � , s • v1 � . �' '- ,. 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Q..tr, •f i • L ; 'r I - - ap v r -i�r N/NSDAL E AVENUE ffl♦ z i . at r�Aw h` fo 2 I "ir'� N : fy fY �•afI- .► �llef t3 of 6 d i Ls d f �! � �� i �� _� �.. ice• _� �_ �_ _� � �.-.^ .._J-a�.B�Z. � — _ _ —_ _—. _ � � � �. ^.._�.. �.�. ��.---•...�,- _....� .�� ♦'-ALTERNATES A& E + PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP N TO SCALE ~ ti . i a • If v � r , f T. f ' • J 11 F N ...,. �. _:.. ...'� ._ . �., ..._ _..,..a,. • - . ash APPROVED BY THE CITY CI -UNCI mi G J 1c.T ,m) P)� A PPR:,) _ Ml ENDE D t � ' E iS43 F E R Nei �?; A6 { THE AUBURN STREET N2_ I ;vOF 3 STOR M D RJA I N 0ME[T9 i � • • x � l t , N ...,. �. _:.. ...'� ._ . �., ..._ _..,..a,. • - . ash APPROVED BY THE CITY CI -UNCI mi G J 1c.T ,m) P)� A PPR:,) _ Ml ENDE D t � ' E iS43 F E R Nei �?; A6 { THE AUBURN STREET N2_ I ;vOF 3 STOR M D RJA I N 0ME[T9 i � • • Z u=i0.Q0.F' j °0 N F- 0 d z L fGENO 0 : EX.sf �y. Cafes Bas. 6. I < a n W C � Lr SCD � 1 r�1 akCr 1 I � 9 kph I ce ��i� wU-1 W oX� ODQ I Pia 3�� � � 3C, t I II I I i p MH----fMH I ----S----2 --- — —3 S+rt– — -- Hq --- -- --- - - - - - ---- t -- - - -- - - - - - -- -� - -- --- ----- - i - + t —-- --- --- M r I B . II If I i i_ - --- s------------`--_------_WMH---- ---- 8---- -- G_- _ J - Q J r 'Remove exp -s t i7y Catch Basin W, anol reconstr&c1 Per defy%/ �i on U)j l� 0i 11-\\ C j _ - - loACPor RCP Sfub 'nci 8 _ W.MH -- --- �° -- •-/e/ Cab/e oo Pair)0 5�Vzi�. AL E�P11/A7Y ,8 \ '/dce 3', 3lo' AC/" or IfCF x 57`'ubout (P/uy end) a.5 ,oert f; \��f Alferno fe B PRE -TRENCHING NOTE i Before ooen-cutting for the storm dr in, contact: 1. Pacific Gas $ Electric Co. Les Schaefer (805) -3- U.S.A. Locator Service (800) 642- 444 2. Pacific Telephone Co. Roy Mushrush (805) 39'-8885 U.S.A. Locator Service (800) 642- 444 3. Kern County Water Agency Fernando Cisneros (805) 393-62)0 4. Contractor shall coordinate with Lil service or utility companies prio to trenching; for location, removal r relocation of existing facilities as required to construct new storm d ain system'. 4 /1' /ccaAe //2 5 ' cf io' r AUBURNSTREET SCALES. HORIZONTAL: I°= 40' VERTICAL: I"= 5777 ._� — Irl■�������� l� � � � � ■ 1=Ifil•l�T���1 r ii■��■ 111 ���L�� � ���� �. 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See note *8 A w_ ,i a - A A B r i �� D r 6f + T T__ Ak 14 T }w., r _t7 1111JA i�. „ of 6 NOTE: Pipes are not shown in Section A -A R See steed' plate this Sheet Typical frame / 8 cover. StC TION A —A.� � A*- 5tructure Wcl/ NOT,93 PL - -A 4rb 411 eoncrele to be Class A Concrete. No Scale 2. All reinforcing to be No. 4 bars 12 0 C Clear of Inside PiPe kVG f 0 M f I Mrip unless otherwise onted cm,& n 0 ^ ; I 'Areinforcing1 I U W1 . around pipe. J. All exposed metal ports shall be go/von/zed offer fabrication. -over except Frome and C 4. Support bolts shall be ins:folled whet length of openl . nall _R=P wall /hic�nessexceeds 7�-O` and sholl be spaced at not more than 5'-J O. C. and not less than 13 - 0 0 C. PIPE ENTRANCE DETAIL 5. When structure is located within curb return, the Curb Armor shall be fobricoted In chord sections No 5co le cif equal length Alhambra Foundly Curb Armor not to exceed *4 feet with one support bolt of each ongle' point. When "';" "L" 5 feet the angle may be fabricated -5_911 or equal, stroight with one support bolt centered in the opening, 4 R -i Ste!/ P/Ofe 6 WA L L THICKNESS rr 6' except when H> 8 feet 7'z 8" L > 8feet Tz 8" (Front 8 bac* walls only) W> 8 feet T= ffy(Side WGIIS only Curb 7.. Location of FRAME AND COVER to be determined by Flow/in! the Engineer. # 4 Totol 4 ti 8. All reinforcement for surfaces in contact with the ground b ti Adl,,usfng nuts to be tightene4f • and secured inplace whin sholl be protected with not less than 2" of concrete. • 0* is in p,oper position Prolecl,on 3c-* 9 Protection Bars required only when Ig x 17"Support to/* with hex n�'$ curb height is greater P than. 6 A ► *PI-Ofecliol- bor sholl be R. / Imbedded 5'eoch end j If be 1,,-2 c7eL^or:21g17ee c/ R/ 5 /ettail shown o,,2 City DETAIL "A No to be ootvred, 177o,-?o11*1hi C allel a . APPROVED BY THE Ik anh e re- S1:71e44.1S1k re101CjCe1-n,-1;11 is r• CITY COUNCIL DATZ 9-23-80 'ry. S(IrXgees Of 67// -X,0OS,-e1 CO.-2,freAf -,-2 a 7'c /7 117 color .,917ol -se-on'l-71aDRAWN — iacel-) -7' col-;cre/e - z."• �" 19THE AUBURN,, STREET G. L. R,; CITY CLERK CHECKED APPROVAL RECOMMENDED B. j. I STORM DRAIN' SCA E$ D- 7 f EL PL A rE DETAIL I AS -NOTED No Scale 'A DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NO 3BALI FOR ISI IA � QI. _ -� CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERI'NG DEPARTMENT SHPTS. -dVI _4 A