HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2-616 Record DrawingLISTE� OFDRAWINGS (F 9) SHEET 1 TITLE SHEET SHEET 2 SEWER PLANS MC CUTCHEN ROAD SHEET 3 SEWER PLANS GOSFORD RD. STA. 10+50 TO 17150 SHEET 4 SEWER PLANS GOSFORD RD. STA. 17+50 TO 33150 SEWER REHABILIT--A-TION SHEET 5 SEWER PLANS GOSFORD RD. STA. 33+50 TO 48+50 SHEET 6 SEWER PLANS GOAFORD RD. STA 48+50 TO 62+40 SHEET 7 STANDARD DETAILS GOSFORD ROAD 1� -HUNK SEWER BENCHMARK_ TOP OF CONCRETE MONUMENT IN LAMP HOLE INTERSECTION OF McCUTCHEN ROAD & GOSFORD ROAD ELEV = 347.95, CITY DATUM CITY STANDARDS SW -2, SW -6, ST= 12, & ST -13 STATE STANDARDS NOT APPLICABLE CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS ---,-----EASEMENT -- -- RIGHT–OF– WA Y CENTERLINE RAILROAD TRACKS X CHAIN LINK FENCE EXIST. CURB & GUTTER ----------------------------- EXIST. A.C. FLOWLINE -- --------- k --------&I EXIST. EDGE OF PAVEMENT GUARD RAIL IMPROVEMENTS G.V. STREET LIGHT W/MAST ARM D4 GAS VALVE 0C.o. CLEAN OUT BENCHMARK jw UTILITY S YMB OL S EXIST WA TER LINE s EXIST SEWER LINE — W EXIST GAS LINE SD EXIST STORM DRAIN — G 0 12t EXIST AERIAL - E EXIST UNDERGROUND — off Z LINES POWER LINE EXIST UNDERGROUND H T EXIST UNDERGROUND — TV TV CABLES PHONE LINE EXIST OIL LINE FO EXIST FIBER OPTIC LINE —OIL M.H. F.H. a MANHOLE FIRE HYDRANT P.P. »s W.M. - POWER POLE WA TER METER W.V. EXISTING MONUMENT M WATER VALVE 0 FUTURE MONUMENT ®M GAS METER G.V. STREET LIGHT W/MAST ARM D4 GAS VALVE 0C.o. CLEAN OUT BENCHMARK jw LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE a M Job No.: E71<103 File Path: K:\LDD—ENGINEERING\2008-2009\E7KlO3 — Sewer Rehabilitation Gosford Rd\dwg File Name: 13ASE_SEWER—PLAN—E7K103.dwg S TA T.E OF CALIFORNIA NOTE.- THE CON TRA C TOR MUST POSSESS THE FOLL 0 WING VALID LICENSE: CLASS A .1 NO 7E.- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE USA LOCATOR SERVICE 1-800-642-2444, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCA VA TION. PROJECT LENGTH 1.10 MILES QRpE E SS /ON9 pEAN Rq� F�G� C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-15 cm V 1 OF CAO RECORD bFAWIP45 A&-mrv2 L. Acne jeg-- NOv''I_M 8 ER. ! If 4 CITY RECORD No. ARRI?OVED BY. NICOLAS FIDLER, R.C.E. 61069, EXPIRES 12-31-14 ACTING PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY: POSITION CURRENTLY VACANT ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR fe CIVIL ENGINEER IV -,DESIGN/ENGINEERING AFFIC ENGINEERING SEWER REHABILITATION GOSFORD ROAD TRUNK SEWER, PHASE 2 Y/2-3/! Z310 DATE DATE DATE DATE NO 1 OF 7 SHEETS I I1 I 0 1 2 3 l' t F"t L.....,.,, -A �\ : F s..............M. 3.,,.�I I I 0 12t 0 - PROJECT LOCATION Z Z McCUMHE14 W H AVF ...�� ij a rAPT HWY »s LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE a M Job No.: E71<103 File Path: K:\LDD—ENGINEERING\2008-2009\E7KlO3 — Sewer Rehabilitation Gosford Rd\dwg File Name: 13ASE_SEWER—PLAN—E7K103.dwg S TA T.E OF CALIFORNIA NOTE.- THE CON TRA C TOR MUST POSSESS THE FOLL 0 WING VALID LICENSE: CLASS A .1 NO 7E.- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE USA LOCATOR SERVICE 1-800-642-2444, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCA VA TION. PROJECT LENGTH 1.10 MILES QRpE E SS /ON9 pEAN Rq� F�G� C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-15 cm V 1 OF CAO RECORD bFAWIP45 A&-mrv2 L. Acne jeg-- NOv''I_M 8 ER. ! If 4 CITY RECORD No. ARRI?OVED BY. NICOLAS FIDLER, R.C.E. 61069, EXPIRES 12-31-14 ACTING PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY: POSITION CURRENTLY VACANT ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR fe CIVIL ENGINEER IV -,DESIGN/ENGINEERING AFFIC ENGINEERING SEWER REHABILITATION GOSFORD ROAD TRUNK SEWER, PHASE 2 Y/2-3/! Z310 DATE DATE DATE DATE NO 1 OF 7 SHEETS I I1 I 0 1 2 3 l' MATCH LINE—STA 10+1 SEE SHEET 3 EXISTING BOX CULVERT W� STA 10+00 McCUTCHEN RD = STA 10+00 GOSFORD RD 214 STREET --� CON)_' TkUcmD Nt* CbnI c.�,P_iE Lusk 4 F*O CNES ffir� 0 I U O .1 FUTURE RIW EXIS77NG 60'0 RCP S Wf IVE EXIS77NG 12+00 13 00 14T EVS77NO 4210 RCP SERER UNE S0 ------------ -------- - ---- -----------m-r RIV \\—M7M CURB do GUM? Exusri4o 42" iZCP <r- T Z Wiru T -LOCK bile � ��� MCCUTCHEN ROAD STREET EXISTING _0 - 0� il� CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ^SII II Www' WWW i_1k� �2 ^ ^ Q Q fU COt1STPZLXTED NEW 11IDSA S KE U n! �n w � rN EXIsnNG 6010 RCP SEWER UNE W W t o 5,mi► Cl PP. Q EXISTING 3610 DUCnLE RON FORCED SEWER MAIN Ls PLAN 11 AR77AENT Job No.: EE7K103 ate: 4/14/14 QROFESS /C)N ��O o BEAN REGISTERED Cl V E GINEER w Q C 46803 (Pm * Exp.6-30-15 Cl TY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN A VENUE qTF civil BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF CAi-�F REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 2 / / CONSTRUCTION NOTES Q INSTALL CURED -IN-PLACE PIPE LINER PER 171E SPEDAL PROVISIONS, SE -070W 7-1.21. aAPPLY PR07EC11VF UMNG SYSTEM PER NE GENERAL NOTES SPECIAL PROW -9016, SECTION 7-1.23. AT ALL MANHOLES NEW do EXISTING Ffl CONSTRUCT NEW MANHOLE, PER THE 7EQAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 7-1.20. 1. ALL UTIUTY LOCA nONS SHOWN ARE APPRONMA Tf ONL Y, SEE MANHOLE DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 7. ® RECONSTRUCT EXISTING MANHOLE PER THE SPEaAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 7-1.15. _ SEE SID. DWG SW -2 6V STVEET 7. 50 THE CONTRACTOR, ALONG WITH THE ENGWER , SHALL REVIEW THE CONDITION OFF THE EXISTING 42" RCP AFTER i aEANING AND CCTV VIDEO INSP£CTIUN. IF CLW7RACTOR O AND ENG/NEEER AGREE THAT A SEGMF/VT OF TME MING 42" RCP NEEDS TO BE REPLACED, THEN NE CEW7RACTOR SHALL P M SUCH WORK-7HROUGH A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER(CCOOO) THE CCO Na BE PAID FOR ON A TIME AND MATERIALS BASIS PER SECTION 7-1.19 OF TTS SSPEC/AL 1= PRO W-70/VS SEWER PLAN Drawn: DP SEWER REHABILITATION Engineer: BM Checked By. AO GOSPORD ROAD TRUNK SEWER PHASE 2 �'o 'C)- �/ CITY RECORD No. SHEET NO. 2. OF 7 0 1 2 T GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL UTIUTY LOCA nONS SHOWN ARE APPRONMA Tf ONL Y, z _ RESENT 171E BEST INFOIRMATION 9JPRM BY i ©0 O ,� Ex l s" t' I f4G *?.'VCP vWAS /G- L 1WED OUS U11UTY COMPANIES RNAL I�PONS&UTY FOR LOCATING UTTUTTES IN THE FIELD IS 7W CONTRACTOFR'S. 04 1= W I r►4 i6.5nttM C 1 pts. 2 SHOW AREAP 00 � Y, o 2 I _ --_-r E PROVIDED ASABEST A7S ��Qrl OF VFRIRCATTON & ACCURACY IS THE CON IRA CTOR'S. Z 44� ` LO V) Z 3. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING � + 0 I 0 A TEMPORARY SEWER BYPASS SYSTEM PER THE X W W W WW + U SPECIAL PROW.90NS, SECnON 7-1.22 Q �'O : iEz U-) I z 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSIDER PUBLIC CONVENIENCE `_ 0 AND SAFETY WHEN SELECANG LOCA nON FOR PLACEMENT OF < W BYPASS PUMP. NO PUMP SHALL BE N7MW 10 FEET OF A P' m PEDESTRIAN PATH OF TRAVEL. 5. BYPASS PIPES CROSSING ARTFRIALS, LOCAL STREETS AND PRIVATF DRIVEWAYS SMALL BE PLACED IN A SHALLOW TRENCH, COVERED WI171 A STEEL TRAFFIC PLATE BORDERED WITH TEMPORARY A. C. PA WNG WHICH MUST COMR Y WITH SEC 770N 7-1.22, SJBSE'CnON "INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL- ANY OEWA 17ON FROM THIS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE CITY EMG/NEER. SEWER PLAN Drawn: DP SEWER REHABILITATION Engineer: BM Checked By. AO GOSPORD ROAD TRUNK SEWER PHASE 2 �'o 'C)- �/ CITY RECORD No. SHEET NO. 2. OF 7 0 1 2 951 0 N a Q rev r -rd WT\ aur ro -5 , 0 Q N F— F— W I� W Z `W JV) U Q W 4 0 0 J Q n Vj n j �j �c O oi�il 11 ai vi� of oil oiQ L 2� om hk�om om om o� om 0o NWWW o0 00 Om A N N Q) 1 R5 EYJS77NO 4210 RCP UNE y- STREET f —14100 = - � 00 = = 164OG RIW / GONCIZ 'l' i NCL�tS GOSFORD ROAD RRIGA11ON CANAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SCA NORIZ 1 "=40' PLAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT File Name: Base_Sewet Job No.: E7K103 Date: 4/14/14 Drown: DP Engineer: BM Checked By h �n ��n u N LQ Q -1 o WW Q +_ d- 3 I M.7 < W t!) 1 T I li W W Pp. � J -- -- Q- = O U ~ �QW UJ mv) SEWER PLAN REGISTERED CKJ_/l L (ENGINEER QROFESS/0Nq pEAN R9� X41 w Q Cc) rn C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-15 * CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CIVIL 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE 'QTF BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 CALIF REVISIONS No. DA TE I DESCRIPTION 171 // 271 / / 471 / / CONSTRUCT/ON NOTES 1a INSTALL CURED -IN-PLACE PIPE UNER PER THE S°ECAL FROWSOKS S EC710N 7-1.21. APPL Y PRO TEC 77VE UNING SYSTEM FDR THE SPEaAL PROMVS, SE'CRON 7-1.23. AT ALL MANHOLES NEW & E0STI O. �3 CONSTRUCT NEW MANHOLE, PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, SEC77ON 7-1.20. SEE MANHOLE DETAIL 1 ON SYEET 7. ® RECONSTRUCT EXIS77NG MANHOLE PER THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, SEC77ON 7-1.15. SEE STD. DNG SW -2 ON SHEET 7. F5 7HE CONTRACTOR, ALONG WITH THE ENGINEER , SHALL REVIEW THE COIVD177ON OF THE EAIS771VG 42" RCP AFTER CLEANING AND CCTV 0E0 INSPEC7701V. IF CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEEER AGREE THAT A SEG WIVT OF THE EYJS77NG 42" RCP NEEDS TO BE REPLACED, THEN THE CONIRACTOR ,MALL PFRFQRM SUCH WORK THROUGH A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CCO). THE CCO WILL BE PAID FAR ON A TIME AND MATERIALS BASS PER SECTION 7-1.19 OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL U77UTY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATF ONLY, AND REPRESENT THE BEST INFORMA770TH SUPPLIED BY THE VARIOUS U77UTY COMPANIES. FINAL RE9VNV8IUTY FOR LOCA LING U77U77ES IN THE RELD IS WE CON IRA CTOR'S. 2 SURVEY POINT ELEVA TIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMA7F ONL Y, & ARE PROVIDED AS BEST POSSIBLE. FINAL RESPON.981UTY OF VERInCA 11ON & ACCURACY IS THE CON 7R4CTOR'S 3 THE COVIRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A 7EMPORARY SEWER BYPASS SYSTEM PER THE SPECIAL PROWSrON-; SECTION 7-1.22 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSDER PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAfETY WHEN SELEC77NG LOCA77ON FOR PLA09fi NT OF BYPASS PUMP. NO PUMP MALL BE IN7H/N 10 FEET OF A PEDESTRIAN PATH OF 7RAVEL. 5. BYPASS PIPES CROSSING AR7DWALS, LOCAL STREETS AND PRI VAIF DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PLA CED IN A 90ALLOW 7ROVCH, COVERED WITH A STEEL 7RAFF/C PLATE BORDERED NITH 7EMPORARY A.C. PAVING WHICH MUST CORY NTH SECTION 7-1.22, SIBSFC77ON "INS TAL.LA77ON AND REMOVAL' ANY DEWA77ON FROM THIS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER SEWER REHABILITATION COSFORD ROAD TRUNK SEWER PHASE 2 CITY RECORD No. C SHEET N0. 3OF7 1 2 3 A ai W W WWW I El I 1,--RIW EXISTING + L0 I— I z—EXISTTNG 42"0 RCP SEWER UNE ig PLAN I H "-- SCALE HO'IZ ) 40' cx Is-nntG 2'' RC 1' WIrA CI pP la malt FKvjK Gbs-Feko 11 �m m �m q Q TZgUAEO WITH 16.5�Ak m o " o CG PP, GAS p-0" RJ: 14A A o z 2 GOSFORD ROAD 2 4 7 7 Ui J" W OF } 0�--C� IU- STREET Q CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA n PLAN i i I Q Q J m m n O 2z AT ALL MANHOLES NEW & EXIS71NG. E-3 W W � I 1,--RIW EXISTING + L0 I— I z—EXISTTNG 42"0 RCP SEWER UNE ig PLAN I H "-- SCALE HO'IZ ) 40' cx Is-nntG 2'' RC 1' WIrA CI pP la malt FKvjK Gbs-Feko 11 �m m �m q Q TZgUAEO WITH 16.5�Ak m o " o CG PP, GAS p-0" RJ: 14A A o z 2 GOSFORD ROAD 2 4 7 7 Ui J" W OF } 0�--C� IU- STREET Q CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA n PLAN i i I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: _ E7Kl03 Date: 4/14/14 Drawn: DP Engineer: BM Checked By.• NEXT MH. STA 69+54 RIM ELEV.=356.34 INV. ELEV.=340.96 RIW -_ --------------- ---------------------------- s _ moo_ _ 65-00 SEWER PLAN QROFESS/ON pEAN REGIST RED C lL EN 1NEER � C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-15 Cl TY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE '9TF CIVtt o�� BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 CA1-�F REV/S/ONS No. DA TE DESCRIPTION 1 / / 47{ / / CONSTRUCT/ON NOTES 10 I Z SPECIAL PROMSTANS, SECAAN 7-1.21. APPLY PROTECTIVE UN/NG SYSTEM PER THE SP£07AL PROMS/OYVS, SECTION 7-1.23. AT ALL MANHOLES NEW & EXIS71NG. E-3 CONSTRUCT NEW MANHOLE, J SEE MANHOLE DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 7. ® RECONSTRUCT EXIS77NO MANHOLE PER THE SPECIAL PROW9016, SECTION 7-1.15. SEE STD. DWG SW -2 AN 91EET 7. Q THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE BigVEFR , SMALL REM£W THE CO07701V OF THE EVS71MG 42" RCP AFTER CLEANING AND CCTV MDEO /NSWECDW. IF COI:TRACTAR AND ENGINEER AGREE THAT A SEGIV&T OF THE EVS771VG t Q SMALL P�WORM SUCH *VRK THROUGH A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CCO). THE CCO WELL BE PAID FOR ON A TTM£ AND v� Lu WWWLijLq W PROW 016 N 2 Cd (d WW Q I t z' r7 I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: _ E7Kl03 Date: 4/14/14 Drawn: DP Engineer: BM Checked By.• NEXT MH. STA 69+54 RIM ELEV.=356.34 INV. ELEV.=340.96 RIW -_ --------------- ---------------------------- s _ moo_ _ 65-00 SEWER PLAN QROFESS/ON pEAN REGIST RED C lL EN 1NEER � C 46803 * Exp. 6-30-15 Cl TY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE '9TF CIVtt o�� BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 CA1-�F REV/S/ONS No. DA TE DESCRIPTION 1 / / 47{ / / CONSTRUCT/ON NOTES 10 INSTALL CURED -IN-PLACE PIPE UIV& PER THE SPECIAL PROMSTANS, SECAAN 7-1.21. APPLY PROTECTIVE UN/NG SYSTEM PER THE SP£07AL PROMS/OYVS, SECTION 7-1.23. AT ALL MANHOLES NEW & EXIS71NG. E-3 CONSTRUCT NEW MANHOLE, PER THE SPECIAL PROMSIONS, SEC170N 7-1.20. SEE MANHOLE DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 7. ® RECONSTRUCT EXIS77NO MANHOLE PER THE SPECIAL PROW9016, SECTION 7-1.15. SEE STD. DWG SW -2 AN 91EET 7. Q THE CONTRACTOR ALONG WITH THE BigVEFR , SMALL REM£W THE CO07701V OF THE EVS71MG 42" RCP AFTER CLEANING AND CCTV MDEO /NSWECDW. IF COI:TRACTAR AND ENGINEER AGREE THAT A SEGIV&T OF THE EVS771VG 42" RCP NEEDS TO BE REPLACED, THEN THE CWIRAC70R SMALL P�WORM SUCH *VRK THROUGH A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CCO). THE CCO WELL BE PAID FOR ON A TTM£ AND MA TERIALS BASS PER SECTION 7-1.19 OF THE SPECIAL PROW 016 GENERAL NOTES 1 ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROIOMATF ONLY, ANO REPRESENT THE BEST XFORMA770M R# R 0 8Y THE VARIOUS U71UTY COMP,NtfIES RIVAL RE9DaVS1fflJTY FAR LOCA77NG UIIUTTES IN THE FIELD IS THE CONIX4CTMR 2. SURVEY POINT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROMATF ONLY, & ARE PROMDED AS BEST POSSIBLE: fNAL REST'ONSB/UTY OF VERIFICATION & ACCURACY /S THE CONTRACTOR'S J INE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROMDING A TEMPORARY SEWER BYPASS SYSTEM PER THE SPECIAL PROMSyON-S SECnAN 7-1.22. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSDE]R PUBLIC CONMVIETVCE AND SAFETY WHEN SELECTING LOCA WN FOR PLACEMENT OF BYPASS PUMP. NO PUMP MALL BE WITHIN 10 FEET OF A PEDESTRIAN PATH OF TRAVEL. 5 BYPASS PIPES CR05SING ARTERIALS, LOCAL SME£1S AND PRIVATE- DRIVEWAYS SMALL BE PLACED IN A MALLOW TRENCH, COVERED WITH A S1F£L TRAMC PLATE 800EREO WITH TEMPORARY A. C. PA MNG WHICH MUST COMM Y NN SEC770 V 7-1.22, SUMCTTON "INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL". ANY DEMA77ON FROM THIS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. SEWER REHABILITATION GOSFORD ROAD TRUNK SEWER PHASE 2 CITY RECORD No. I SHEET NO. I 6of7 i I 1 2 3 MANHOLE CONC. PAD AT PAVED AREAS 48" CONE 0 60'x48" Z TRANSITION RING -, Z W ti 0 Z 0 W Z O N o O z ti m 0 W � 24" DIA. 48" DIA. �,-- 60" RISER SHAFTS -----ADJUST MANHOLE FRAME & COVER TO GRADE AS REQUIRED SEE C.O.B. STANDARD DETAIL SW -2 FOR MANHOLE FRAME & COVER APPLY AIR -PLACED CONCRETE & POLYURETHANE PROTECTIVE LINING SYSTEM ON INSIDE FACE MANHOLE TO BE LINED WITH T -LOCK OR APPROVED EQUAL < .4 ^ n x MANHOLE TO BE LINED WITH T -LOCK OR APPROVED EQUAL 6" 60" DIA. ' ► I- 11„I� 1 6„ 8.33' SHE F SLOPE 4 BACKFILLED SEWER TRENCH A T UNPA VED SHOULDER SEE ST -IJ W W 4 O FINISH GROUND GRADE o W GRADING PLANE 0 5'O" VARIABLE z ' L --f -4.5' (1.4m) Maxi T -- NEW AGGREGATE BASE size, extend lower halves of APPLY AIR -PLACED CONCRETE O ;I I NEW AC PAVING transition channel between F & POL YURETHA NE PRO TEC TI VE SLOPE Typed each $ide iWhere 4 LINING SYSTEM ON INSIDE FACE sewers in a manhole are of See note 11. the some diameter, the top - \ �. OF MANHOLE CHANNEL high country of origin NOTES' 5. Costing shall conform to the provisions of the specifications i. All frames and coLfs shall be tested for accuracy of fit and shall be marked in sets prior to delivery. The seats of frames and bearing faces of the covers (latest revision), Class No. 30B. i1. 2.0' x 1.0' (50mm x 25mm) diamond mat 0.125' (5mm) deep. FILENAME: SW-6REV CONTRACTOR TO SCORE EXISTING J. Depth of select material, !f required, shall be PA TCH IN ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE determined in the field by the engineer. i ! / A Patches less than 20' (0.6m) from akffig patches, 0.4' (0.1m) Ashpalt MAIN LINE SEWER A T SPRING LINE 4 ' ( to hidude the intermedate isolated stfp of exfsfing pavement BEFORE POURING BASE. REMOVAL 5 Mkinum pd M widfh shdl be 20' (0.6m) at its dsnenslan, by EXIST. 42 DIA. O O O O OF UPPER PART OF EXISTING SEWER Select Material (if required) 0 0 0 0 0 6 Reference standards ST -13 and ST -14 fix SHALL BE DONE AFTER CONCRETE BASE compdctian rewhIments. RCP EWER HAS CURED FOR A MINIMUM OF 48 HRS III -I I i -I I II ISI I II I I i-III=1 stoats mminum asphalt concrete over 05' (0.15m) Clams H aggregate B. Aderid a7' ?m) CIPP LINED (PROPOSED MANHOLES and collector sheets minimum asphdt concrete over 10' (O,Jm) lass ff aggregate bass 4. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR ,1 TO LINING OPERATION 4 � PLACE TEMPORARY z PCC BLOCKS FOR PIPE SUPPORT DURING EXCA VA TION FOR MANHOLE 7.0' BASE & PCC PLACEMENT MANHOLE DETAIL 7NOT TO SCALE BACKFILLED SEWER TRENCH A T UNPA VED SHOULDER SEE ST -IJ W W 4 O FINISH GROUND GRADE o W GRADING PLANE 0 5'O" VARIABLE z i 4.0' (12rho-M&r;:�*'i --f -4.5' (1.4m) Maxi T -- NEW AGGREGATE BASE size, extend lower halves of draining blind pick O ;I inside of wall and shape NEW AC PAVING transition channel between F ends of lower halves of pipes. SLOPE Typed each $ide r' 1:11=311=11�IL�11= �IL�I�U��=111 • E! I1Nuibill =11�11�11= BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 959 RELA T/ VE COMPACTION PAVEMENT PATCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT ALL MANHOLES (NEW & EXISTING) TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT "REMOVE AND REPLACE" PIPE AREAS CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CAL/FORMA R=0.5" (12mm) 2.0Min. (50mm) 0 0 -1 i- i 4.0' (12rho-M&r;:�*'i --f -4.5' (1.4m) Maxi T -- I size, extend lower halves of draining blind pick sewers 8.0' (0.2m) beyond ;I inside of wall and shape Asphalt Concrete transition channel between le ends of lower halves of pipes. 11 Typed each $ide iWhere incoming and outgoing NOTES. sewers in a manhole are of See note 11. the some diameter, the top - IN letters 0.125" (3mm) high. Location for high country of origin NOTES' 5. Costing shall conform to the provisions of the specifications i. All frames and coLfs shall be tested for accuracy of fit and shall be marked in sets prior to delivery. The seats of frames and bearing faces of the covers (latest revision), Class No. 30B. i1. 2.0' x 1.0' (50mm x 25mm) diamond mat 0.125' (5mm) deep. FILENAME: SW-6REV r � R=0.5" (12mm) 2.0Min. (50mm) 0 0 -1 Where incoming and outgoing - �m sewers in a manhole vary in I size, extend lower halves of draining blind pick sewers 8.0' (0.2m) beyond ;I inside of wall and shape Asphalt Concrete transition channel between A ends of lower halves of pipes. 11 Typed each $ide iWhere incoming and outgoing NOTES. sewers in a manhole are of See note 11. the some diameter, the top - J half of pipe shall only be removed between walls and the broken edges shall be plastered smooth with cement mortar. PLAN A T SURFACE P.C.C. slab not to be poured until paving is in place. Slab and lid to be 0.125' to 0.25' (3mm to 6mm) below new finished paving. 8.0' Min. (a2m) NO TES, `2.1 Mortar, "` `�" 1 A!1 ark h 1I form f th l' b! the Dry Packed PLAIN AT BOTTOM/ Special -/ Aggregate (Calcareous) slope is 4.0 Min. `+ �' ' •• � :ConcFete 4.69' (1.43m) SECO/N 26.25' (0.67m) r 25.25' (0.64m) 1.5' (4amm) 1375' (35mm) See Detail A' 2.0' (0.6m) Clear Grp&rg 325" (0.8Jm) SECT ON A A 10" (25mm) pattem �m tetters, 0.125' (3mm) 15' (40mm) self .`...4 slope is 4.0 Min. `+ �' ' •• � :ConcFete 4.69' (1.43m) SECO/N 26.25' (0.67m) r 25.25' (0.64m) 1.5' (4amm) 1375' (35mm) See Detail A' 2.0' (0.6m) Clear Grp&rg 325" (0.8Jm) SECT ON A A w s a con o e app tco a sections of spedficabons entitled 'Standard Spedfioatims, State of Cdifomia, Department of Transportation , approved current edition. 2. All unlined manhole joints shall be Sled with Kent seal or approved black mastic equal. inside of manholes must be mortared and neatly raked or wiped on inside of pips J. Pre cast reinforced manhole sections sholl be constructed in accordance with the provisions of ASTM 0-478, current edition. 4. All sewer manholes, for sewer lines larger than 18' (0.46m) in ftneter, shall be lined with 'T -Lock' or approved equal. 5. Concrete pad shall be cured with a white pigmented curing compound as per section 90-7.018 of the standard specifications 6. See standard drawing S#L6 for frame, cover, and drop mothde details 7. All channels shall be smooth finished with steel trowel. SW shoo# be broom finished for stip resistance SW-2REVI 10' (D.3n 105' (0.27m) 0.75' (20mm) r�- 0.625' (I5mm) (gym) 10' 0.25m) 0.5' (13w) pew• Op>;yting 17' (0.43m) SECJION B ;� 0.5' (15mm) note 11. 1.0' (25mm) Dia. center hole (15mm) pattem 0.125" (3mm) high AEAINOUT 1/32' (lmm) -►) I .. Machined Surfaces shall be machined for a smooth non -rocking fit between 10" (25mm) pattem Ashpalfic Paint Binder tetters, 0.125' (3mm) 15' (40mm) self high draining blind pick 20" (50mm) pattern hale letters, 0.125' (3mm) Asphalt Concrete high t A A 0 0 0 0 0 Typed each $ide SEWER O O O NOTES. Notch lid to find pick hole See note 11. 1.0' (25mm) pattern 10" (25mm) pattern letters, 0.125' (5mm) letters 0.125" (3mm) high. Location for high country of origin NOTES' 5. Costing shall conform to the provisions of the specifications i. All frames and coLfs shall be tested for accuracy of fit and shall be marked in sets prior to delivery. The seats of frames and bearing faces of the covers w s a con o e app tco a sections of spedficabons entitled 'Standard Spedfioatims, State of Cdifomia, Department of Transportation , approved current edition. 2. All unlined manhole joints shall be Sled with Kent seal or approved black mastic equal. inside of manholes must be mortared and neatly raked or wiped on inside of pips J. Pre cast reinforced manhole sections sholl be constructed in accordance with the provisions of ASTM 0-478, current edition. 4. All sewer manholes, for sewer lines larger than 18' (0.46m) in ftneter, shall be lined with 'T -Lock' or approved equal. 5. Concrete pad shall be cured with a white pigmented curing compound as per section 90-7.018 of the standard specifications 6. See standard drawing S#L6 for frame, cover, and drop mothde details 7. All channels shall be smooth finished with steel trowel. SW shoo# be broom finished for stip resistance SW-2REVI 10' (D.3n 105' (0.27m) 0.75' (20mm) r�- 0.625' (I5mm) (gym) 10' 0.25m) 0.5' (13w) pew• Op>;yting 17' (0.43m) SECJION B ;� 0.5' (15mm) note 11. 1.0' (25mm) Dia. center hole (15mm) pattem 0.125" (3mm) high AEAINOUT 1/32' (lmm) -►) I .. Machined Surfaces shall be machined for a smooth non -rocking fit between 10.5' (0.27m) -� Ashpalfic Paint Binder WVIH the two castings. Taper ar le. Cover 3. Castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and dipped twice Concrete Pavement Asphalt Concrete 0 O O O in a quick -drying, tet -black asphaltic compound to Frame 0 0 0 0 0 Typed each $ide provide a protective coat/ng. O O O NOTES. Class Il Aggregate Base 4. All frames and covers shall be gray cost iron, free DET" from warps, cracks, holes, swells and cold -shot, and 0 O O O O shall have a workmanlflie finish. Highway loading should 9. The 2.0' (50mm) pattem letters on the manhole cows be HS 20-44. shall have one of the following designationsDRAIN or SEWER 5. Costing shall conform to the provisions of the specifications 10. Assembly shall be designed for highway loading of HS 20-44. for gray -iron castings, serial designation ASTM: A-48 (latest revision), Class No. 30B. i1. 2.0' x 1.0' (50mm x 25mm) diamond mat 0.125' (5mm) deep. FILENAME: SW-6REV 6. The name of the manufacturing company shall be on the underside of the cover. 7. Manhole frame shall weigh not less than 120 its. (54g) nor more than 250 lbs (113kg). The cover shall weigh not less than 120 lbs (50g) nor more than 200 lbs (91kg). APPROVED 8. Manhole covers shall have o self draining blind pick hole unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. IL CITY ENGINE File Name.BASESEWER) Job No.: E7K103 Date: 4/14/14 Class A' Portland Cement Concrete. Color and finish tomatch Sowcut adjacent pavement Existing A a ° : e Portland Cement Concrete ° Q' Select Material (if required) BOOM/ PA TCH IN CONCRETE SURFACE Ashpoltic Paint Binder Sowcut Ashpalfic Paint Binder WVIH IN GWA 7E S7 Ol GM �- Existing Ashpolt ar le. 1.07"milder") Smm r/der awn Ayff toboth o Concrete Pavement Asphalt Concrete 0 O O O 12' (0-b) 0 0 0 0 0 Typed each $ide O O O NOTES. Class Il Aggregate Base 1 NI workmanship and materials shelf conform 0 O O O O to the reW#wr 71s set forth in the 'Standard �s, State of Chlhmiq, Department -i _ -..'l of Trosportatfon, cpamwd current ealtfion. r= -1 1-1 2 Sawcuts shell be made pard1d or at right III -III it fill I 1 11angles to the centerline of the street J. Depth of select material, !f required, shall be PA TCH IN ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE determined in the field by the engineer. A Patches less than 20' (0.6m) from akffig patches, 0.4' (0.1m) Ashpalt edges of pa}ment or gutter shall be extended Concrete Surfacing Asphaltic Paint Binder to hidude the intermedate isolated stfp of exfsfing pavement Existing road mixed surfacing 5 Mkinum pd M widfh shdl be 20' (0.6m) at its dsnenslan, by O O O O smdlwt unless otherwise alowed the dty WOW. Select Material (if required) 0 0 0 0 0 6 Reference standards ST -13 and ST -14 fix compdctian rewhIments. 7. For pa M asphdt concrete unless otherwise d1med by city engbeer. A. load 0.4' (Olin) III -I I i -I I II ISI I II I I i-III=1 stoats mminum asphalt concrete over 05' (0.15m) Clams H aggregate B. Aderid a7' ?m) and collector sheets minimum asphdt concrete over 10' (O,Jm) lass ff aggregate bass PATCH /N ROAD MIXED SURFACE FILENAME: ST-12REV Pbwr/laof Backfil compacted to 95% relative compaction in roadway areas from 3.0' (0.9m) beyond bock of curb, excluding all but the outer 10' (0.3rn) of the median areas, and in ofle^ wifhi the existrhg, accepted roadway improvements BockhTl compacted to 909 relative compaction in oll other areas I Badkfdl in pipe zone compacted to 90%relative compaction. Backfl7l material within the pipe m zone to conform to notes 1, 2 and J. 40111 X For public utilities, construction requirements as per the Public _ Utiftfies Commission General Orders 6.0" (0.15m)) Beddnng Maid for 2321 per NO TES.- Z� 1. Backfill for Rigid Pipe. Backfill material within the pipe zone shall be free of deleterious material and sholl have a Sand Equivalent of not less than 20 and shall conform to the following grading.• Sieve Size Percentage passing 3/4' (20mm) 100 No. 4 35-100 No. 30 20-100 this backfill material shall be placed in not to exceed one foot (10loose)(0.3m) layers, shnultmeoudy on each side of the pipe in such a manner as not to damage or disturb the pipe on its dl wmt and grade. Each layer shall be thoroughly comp- acted by mechanical tamping. Backfill material shall be properly compacted to springline prior to proceeding. 2. Backfill for flexible pipe. Pipe and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the current ASTM specification D-2321 Only pass / and 11 embedment materials within the pipe zone will be considered suitable- Within the pipe zone, water flooding andOffing shall not be used for backfill compaction for flexible pipe. The bedding and hounching shall be hand placed to the Spring line of the pipe and properly compacted. For sewer mains, pass l bedding is required for bedding and baunching. Care shall be taken not to dislocate the pipe. The remaining backfill in the pipe zone shall be hand placed and compacted in lifts not to exceed 6.0' (0.15m) thickness Backfill material shall be property compacted to springline prior to proceeding fim RV* s Depth varies depending on the street's Traffic Index (TI). See Table "B' below sZone t TABLE 'B' TRAFFIC INDEX DEPTH .3.0-5.0 1.2' (0.3m) 5.5-6.5 15' (0.45m) 7.0 - 8.0 2.0' (0.6m 8.5 OR MORE 2.5' (075m) Backfill compacted to 90% relative compaction Upper limit of pipe zone shall be 1.0' (0.3m) above top of pipe bell or the outside diameter of plain end pipe Hounching 'Pipe or conduit 4. Testing of backfill materials shall be in accordance with the tests listed in Section 6-3.01 of the Standard Specifications, (or ASTM 01557, Method 'C) for trench width greater than 1.0' (0.3m). if trench width is less than 10 (0.3m), backfill with 2 sack slurry. 5. Compaction tests will be required and shall be the respons- ibility of the Developer / Subdivider / Contractor. The number and location of the tests shall be determined by the City Engineer. Die tests shall be in accordance with the tests listed in Section 6-3.01 of the Standard Specifications, (or ASTM D1557, Method 'C'). 6. Each layer of backfill material shall meet the compaction, sand equivalent and gradation requirements before the next layer is placed. 7. For pavement patches within paved areas, see standard drawing ST -12 in this design manual. TABLE "A" ]ha fGlt/Oiwila &W for trwoh irAM& PIPE WVIH IN GWA 7E S7 Ol GM CUSS I SEDA Tom' MG OR SLIMY ar le. 1.07"milder") Smm r/der awn Ayff toboth o 1.0'(tt5m) milder 6.0'Q1bo a milder 2.0'(aft) or mama f.5 Q45m f.0' 0.3" wider FILENAME: ST -13R EV J. Backfill materia/ above the pipe zone shall be free DATE 672799 of deleterious material and lumps or stones exceeding STANDARD DRAwN 4.0' (75mm) in greatest dimension and shall be .icu placed in not to exceed one foot (1.0' loose) (0.3m) TRENCH BACKFILL CHECKED E M. SHAWla1� and each layer shall be thorou9olycornPacted AND COMPACTION sDU by mechanical tamping. RFOUIRFMFNTS N.T.S. Drawn: DP Engineer: BM Checked By.• QRpE ESS I O/V� - L! ID ID AN REGIS RED GINEER C 46803 N * Exp. 6-30-15 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN A VENUE '9TF CIVIL ��� CA��F BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 471 J� STANDARD DETAILS SEWER REHABILITATION QOSFORD ROAD TRUNK SEWER PHASE 2 TY RECORD No. C SHEET NO. 70F7 1 2 3