HomeMy WebLinkAbout2301 tank closure1 October 17, 2016 Mr. Najdawi Bashaar 17537 Legend Oaks Lane Bakersfield, California 93314 CLOSURE TANK REPORT a 2301 PANAMA LANE, BA'. (BFDPSD rr4 GLOBAL 1 Dear Mr. Bashaar: ement Services >R THE BASHAAR CHEVRON (ERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 577 AND PERMIT TO ABANDON 1610000553) 1 NO. T06029000665) Complete Fueling Solutions (CFS) was contracted by Mr. Najdawi Bashaar to perform removal of the three existing lined single - walled steel underground torage tanks (USTs), four two -sided multiple product, dispensers (MPDs) on two islands, and associated roduct and vapor recovery pipelines at the site, and subsequent replacement with two 10,000 - gallon split chambered double - walled fiberglass USTs, four two -sided MPDs with containment pans, and do ble- walled product and vapor recovery pipelines. TEIR Cora was subcontracted by CFS to conduct soil sampling, laboratory analysis, and preparation of this Tank Closure Report. The fueling facilities OPE rated under Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Division (BFDPSD) Permit to Operate 015-021-000577 and the tank removal and soil sampling activities were performed on September 27, 201E. under BFDPSD Permit to Abandon 1610000553 (see Attachment 1 for PTA 1610000553). Based up collected from beneath the former USTs, MPDs, excess of 150 feet below grade (fbg), and the comer that the BFDPSD categorize of the site as a Ic n the laboratory analytical results of the soil samples nd product pipelines, the depth to groundwater in �rcial use of the property, TEIR Cory recommends risk site and issue a No Further Action (NFA) determination as to the performance of additional assessment or mitigation activities. SITE DESMIPTION The site is located at 2301 Panama Lane, Baker field, Kern County, California (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). The site is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Panama Lane and Colony Street. Freeway 99 is located immediately to the west of the site. The site is located in a commercial area flanking Panama Lane with the ne, site (see Figure 2 - Site Vicinity Aerial. The site 515- 060 -04 (see Figure 3 - Assessor's Parcel Map). sea level (MSL), and the topography is relatively flat ancient Kern Lake bed. The site is located within the Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. 34i o FruitvaCe Avenue, Suite (661) 631-$347 ao Contractor ficense zVIVIV. rest residential properties 500 feet to the east of the is identified as Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) The site is at an elevation of 365 feet above mean vith a slight slope to the south - southwest toward the northeast quarter of Section 25, Township 30 South, Bakers�ieCc, CaCfornxa 93308 V (661) 631 -8007 ,nnber 92x738 -!1'Z .net Mr. Najdawi Bashaarl Bashaar Chevron October 17, 2016 - Page 2 The site was developed as a service station in 1969 (see Figure 4 — Plot Plan). In 1995 the single - walled product pipelines from the three single - walled steel USTs to the four MPDs was replaced with double- walled fiberglass product pipelines. In 1997 the three single - walled, steel USTs were lined. The central and southwestern 10,000 gallon USTs were used to stored 87 and 91 octane gasoline and the northeastern 4,000 - gallon UST was used to store 89 octane gasoline and subsequently converted to store diesel fuel. In 1998 a 500 - gallon, single - walled steel waste oil UST was removed from the rear of the station building. Laboratory analysis of soil sample collected from beneath the former product piping in 1995 and the waste oil UST in 1998 did not detect the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons (see Attachment 2 for a Summary of Previous Work) The property owner is Mr. Najdawi Bashaar, 1753 . Legend Oaks Lane, Bakersfield, California, 93314, (661) 832 -4551. The general contractor contact is Mr. Aaron Koop, Complete Fueling Solutions, 12601 Jasmine Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 933 2, (661) 706 -8688. The environmental consultant is Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, TEIR Cory, 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A, Bakersfield, California, 93308, (661) 631 -8347. The regulatory agency contact is Mr. Shane Gardner, Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services, 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 401, Bakersfield, California 93301, (661) 326 -3979. BACKGROUND GEOLOGY The site is located at an elevation of 365 feet ab ve MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the south - southwest, toward the ancient Kern Lake bed. The project area is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley geomorphic province is a northwest - southeast trending valley that is also approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The site is located in the south central area of the San Joaquin Valley where the Sierra Nevada, Great Valley, and Coastal Range physiographic provinces meet the southern end of the Sierra Nevada Province is compbsed of a massive block of igneous and metamorphic rock of Mesozoic age and older. This Sierran block, 40 to 100 miles wide and 400 miles long, slopes five to seven degrees beneath the San Joaquin Valley. he Coastal Range province on the west consists of tectonically deformed and fractured marine and non - marine sedimentary rocks of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary age, which dip eastward beneath the Sand Joaquin Valley. The Great Valley province is a broad asymmetrical synclinal trough, hich is known as the Sacramento Valley in the north and the San Joaquin Valley in the south. Mr. Najdawi Bashaarl Bashaar Chevron October 17, 2016 - Page 3 Beneath the southern San Joaquin Valley floor, the Sierran plutonic and metamorphic rock block is overlain by consolidated marine rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. These rocks are overlain by continental marine and non - marine sedimentary rocs of Tertiary age, which are comprised of continental deposits of consolidated to semi- consolidated, foss liferous sandstone, siltstone, and shale which thicken toward the south and west. Unconsolidated continental deposits consisting of Pliocene to Holocene river and lake gravel, sand, silt, and clay sediments, in turn, overlie the Tertiary rocks. Surface features of the floor of the San Joaquin Valley consist of dissected uplands, alluvial fans, overflow areas, and lake bottoms. Dissected uplands lie between the mountains and the nearly flat Valley floor and are manifest in low -lying hills through which perennial and intermittent streams flow. These features consist of reworked older alluvium. The alluvial faris are the sites of active stream deposition of sands and silts derived from the Sierra Nevada and the dis ected uplands. The overflow lands and lake bottoms lie in the central part of the Valley where silt and clay accumulate in quiet lake and marsh environments. Surface soils are classified by the Soils Conservation Services as Kimberlina - Urban Land - Cajon Complex and are characterized as 35 percent Kimberlina fine, sandy loam , 30 percent Urban land with impervious surfaces and altered fills; and 20 percent Cajon loamy sand. HYDROGEOLOGY The site lies within the Kern County Basin of the an Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area within the Tulare Lake Hydrologic Region (Basin), which is not an adjudicated basin but is managed under a Basin Plan. Bounding the subbasin are the Kern County ine and the Tule Groundwater subbasin to the north, Sierra Nevada foothills and Tehachapi Mountains to the east, San Emigdio Mountains to the south, and Coast ranges to the west. The groundwater basin is comprised of deposits of clay, silt, sand, and gravel and consists of four water bearing formations: Olce e and Santa Margarita Formations, Tulare and Kern River Formations, Older Alluvium /Stream and to race Deposits, and Younger Alluvium /Flood Basin Deposits. The subbasin has a surface area of 3,040 square miles, and receives average precipitation of 5 to 13 inches annually. The site lies within the Kern County Basin of the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area (Basin). The site is located within Kern County Improvement District No. 4. Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from he Sierra Nevada to the east, and are transported by five major rivers, the southernmost being the Kern River. The subject site is located approximately five miles south of the Kern River. The site is not locat d within a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100 or 500 year flood zone. The Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) publisr groundwater quality for groundwater basins within aquifer is estimated to be in excess of 150 fbg south- southwest toward the ancient Kern Lake bed. es annual maps showing the depth to water, and Kern County. The depth to the regional unconfined at the site, and the groundwater gradient is to the Perched groundwater at depths as shallow as 20 feet is known to be present flanking the current course of the There are several municipal water supply wells locatE considered to be potable and suitable for beneficial use. Mr. Najdawi Bashaarl Bashaar Chevron October 17, 2016 - Page 4 Kern River, but is not known to extend to the site. d within a mile. of the site. The groundwater is The Central Valley of California is underlain by a broad, thick hydrogeologic unit, which consists of soil and rock with varying porosity and permeability. Physical dimensions are approximately 50 miles wide at the widest point in the Valley, 400 miles long, and as much as 2,000 feet deep. Recharge to regional aquifers consists of infiltration of seasonal precipitation and percolation of surface. waters. The Valley aquifer of greatest storage, highest quality, and greatest acce sibility for domestic and agricultural use consists of P the alluvial and lacustrine continental deposits extending to the depths of 1,500 to 2,000 feet beneath the San Joaquin Valley floor. Lithologic and hydraulic properties of these sediments are largely the product of the sediment source and the depositional environment. These sediments range in size from clays to boulders and include all mixtures between the extrenies. Those of the west side of the Valley are derived largely from the Coastal Ranges, which tend to consist of shales and fine sandstones with limited permeability. The east sediments are derived main) from granitic materials of the Sierra Nevada which are generally coarser and much more permeable. Sediments encountered during the previous investigations at other fueling facilities in the vicinity of the site consisted of alluvial deposits comprised of highly permeable fine -to- coarse grained sands int rbedded with layers of lower permeability silty and clayey overbank and lake bottom deposits. TANK CLOSURE SOIL SAMPLING CFS was contracted to remove the three existing lined single - walled steel USTs, four multiple product dispensers (MPDs), and associated product and vapor recovery pipelines at the site, and subsequent replacement with two 10,000- gallon split chambered double- walled fiberglass UST, four two -sided MPDs with containment pans, and double - walled product Ind vapor recovery pipelines (see Attachment 3 of a Photographic Log). Prior to tank removal, the USTs were inerted by Sessions and a 55 gallon drum of waste was transported by Coles Environmental under hazardous waste manifest to DeMenno /Kerdoon's facility in Compton, California for disposal (see Attachment 4 for the Hazardous Waste Manifest). An LEL meter was utilized to verify that the hydrocarbon vapor concentrations were less than 5 percent of the LEL and oxygen metering was conducted to verify that the level of oxygen within the USTs was less than 10 percent. With the approval of the BFDPSD, the USTs were removed, placed on flat bed trucks, and transported by Sessions to Sierra Recycling's facility in Bakersfield, California for destruction (see Attachment 5 for the Tank Disposal Documentation). Because the excavated overburden did not indicate the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons, t ese soils were subsequently reused to backfill the base of the tank cavity. Subsequently, the two 10, 00- gallon split chambered double- walled fiberglass USTs were installed, along with the four two -sid d gasoline MPDs, and associated double - walled fiberglass product and vapor recovery piping. Mr. Najdawi Bashaarl Bashaar Chevron October 17, 2016 - Page 5 SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS On September 26, 2016, the three USTs, four MPDs and associated product and vapor recovery pipelines were removed. '1 ETR Corp was contracted to provide a California Professional Geologist to collect soil samples at the direction of Mr. Shane Gardner with the BFDPSD from beneath the three USTs, four MPDs, and the piping runs from the USTs to the MPDs. Soil samples NWD -2 and NWD -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the western MPD on the northern island; soil samples NED -2 and NED -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the eastern MPD on the northern island; soil samples SWD -2 and SWD -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath th western MPD on the southern island; soil samples SED -2 and SED -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the eastern MPD on the southern island; soil samples NEPE -2 and NEPE -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the piping elbow to the east of the northeastern MPD; and soil samples SEPT -2 an SEPT -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the piping tee to the east of the southeastern MPD. Soil samples TK -1 NW -2 and TK -1 NW -6; TK -1 SE -2 and TK -SE -6; TK -2NW -2 and TK- 2NW -6; and TK -2SE -2 and TK -2SE -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the inverts at the northwestern and southeastern ends of the southwestern and central 10,000 - gallon gasoline USTs, respectively; and soil samples TK -3C -2 and TK -3C -6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the invert at the center of the northeastern 4,000 - gallon diesel UST (see Figure 4 for the sample locations). All sampling equipment was washed with a non -phos hate cleanser, pre - rinsed with tap water, and finally rinsed with deionized water prior to sampling. The soil samples collected from beneath the three USTs were collected from the excavator bucket, and the oil samples collected from beneath the MPDs and pipelines were collected using a hand auger and spoon sampler connected to a slide hammer. The soil samples were stored in 2 -inch- diameter stainless st el tubes, sealed with Teflon TM liners and end caps, labeled, placed in an ice chest at a temperature of less than 40C, and transported to a California State - certified laboratory for analysis. Sample identification and chain -of- custody procedures were followed for the samples to ensure sample integrity a d to document sample possession from the time of collection to the ultimate destination. The sample lab Is identified the job number, sampler, date and time of collection, and a sample number unique to each sample. The soil samples were analyzed at Moore Twi' ing Associates, Inc. (MTA) for total petroleum hydrocarbons ( TPH ) as gasoline and TPH as dZel using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015M; benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), diisopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), ethylene dibromide (ED B), 1,2- dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA), naphthalene, and ethanol using EPA Method 8260C; and total lead us ng EPA Method 6010B. TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, BTEX MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, EDB, 1,2 -DCA, ethanol, and naphthalene were not detected above the reporting level (RL) in any of the 22 samples collected beneath the former USTs, MPDs, and product piping at the site. However there were J flag values, which are estimated concentrations below the RL but detected above thel method detection limit (MDL), for TPH as diesel in Mr. Najdawi Bashaarl Bashaar Chevron October 17, 2016 - Page 6 three of the 22 samples, reaching a maximum concentration of 9.9 mg /kg in the soil sample (TK -1 NW -6), which was collected from six feet beneath the invert at the northwestern end of the southwestern UST. Total lead was detected in all 22 samples, ranging rom 2.3 to 13 mg /kg, which is consistent with the concentration of lead in the near surface soils in the E akersfield area and less than the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) for total lead (see Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Re ults and Attachment 6 for the Laboratory Report). Based upon the laboratory analytical results of soil samples collected from beneath the former USTs, MPDs, and product pipelines, the depth to groundwa er in excess of 150 fbg, and the commercial use of the property, T EIR Cory recommends that the B DPSD categorize of the site as a low risk site and issue a NFA determination as to the performance of a ditional assessment or mitigation activities. This report has been prepared for the exclusive us of Mr. Najdawi Bashaar as it pertains to the soil sampling conducted during the removal and replacement of the fueling facilities at the Bashaar Chevron located at 2301 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, Californ a. The services performed by 17EIR Cory were conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of its profession currently practicing under similar conditio s in the State of California. No other warranty is expressed or implied. ` 7EIR Corp trusts that you Will find this Tank Closure Report to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional infor nation, please contact Mr. Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg, at (661) 631 -8347 or at e -mail address mmagar ee@veir.net. Respectfully submitted, D G60lp G. cc: Mr. Shane Gardner, BFDPSD Mr. Aaron Koop, CFS Mark R. Magargee, PG, CHg No. 4892 Consulting Hydrogeologist Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map CA�������r° Figure 2 - Site Vicinity Aerial Figure 3 - Assessor's Parcel Map Figure 4 - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 - BFDPSD Permit to Abandon 1610000553 Attachment 2 - Summary of Previc us Work Attachment 3 - Photographic Log Attachment 4 - Hazardous Waste anifest Attachment 5 - Tank Disposal Do umentation Attachment 6 - Laboratory Report cc: Mr. Shane Gardner, BFDPSD Mr. Aaron Koop, CFS mo t a AN s S- 1? lu 3i , vA f %i ^ ko- 515-06 PTT. OF NE1/4 SEC. 2.5 T.30S. h, 7E, z Im r O (2) 211 SITE LOCATION 4M 9S --AWN LL16END SU-30, KLY Elf- vis(UMER RPi;Z,Ea 11 ILI 3,s, 'rUNT.., RW 46YI AM -44 - - - - - - - - - - - A M GDEaWA - 44 05 ,5.19-06 ASSESSORS NAP Ml .51,5706.. 00UNTY OF KERN ::�„ 3l 5 3 t_ �: ,� �� � Sig., r „4 u�"+1�i�tT ^�� s, e �'�'$.� ' '5�,�"+s 4 � "� �l g�� �4,�"L� � 6e' <<±. � §�%: Mawr „�°u"RSm�„ti���v`^'��'i�, '-�. "' . r a ., �t ���� , Q'2G16 Gaogie 0 JU U) W ui W a: -i U) ui Jm UJ Z < Z LILI CL < Z j < = a. 0 � U) C) LL C) Z o ui D (1) U) LL LLI 1*1+ � H < H <<<<< LL< < <11 << < < z 0 , L6 CO 6 r-� cl N Lo C� ce) C', CV 0 .N CO -,;r 4 r, co C6 C64 LO r t- CMI) N IT co m N IT q rl- 0 LLJ tm _3 �D to I I w b) 0) -0) -0 -0) G Z cli C14 N N N C�, C:> N N 0 0 N 04 0 ooc)oonco N N N C14 C) cli 0 C14 N o 0 N 0 J00 C, CD C) 0 0 c) CD c� cc o 0 C) n 0 0 0 C) CD 0 0 _j < C, 0C)00000000 C, q R q q q 0 0 . . q C, 000 C� a . 0000 0 . q q 00C)o q q q M-�h E v v zzzzV V ly. y. ly. 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E C: 'Fn - aoo)- ME a CD (n a- m E- c:9 E E a) E E S::) E F- U) 5 (D C: W 8 C, 2 Ti -w 2 U)s -6 2 -(-a 0 0 c c ui -a — �3 cr V a cn Q) 0 cu V).:= U) �E :) a -j M -U) E VO 50 '0:5 (D (OU ii: ?::s CD _ JZ 3: w (D a) C.) 0 zo Z .2- V) U) 2- co r- t: 0 =, :3 0 -r- r- LL 4) C13 U, 0 2' 0 u . C, z 0) 0 U) 0 0 z U) Co LL w 3� 1 . J. .... ...... 1 0 - a t� C) 0 L) IY- LLI II ATTACHMENT 1. BFDPSD PERMIT TO ABANDON 1610000553 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK ,Permit #_.�..��....��..����_..? Page 1 of 5 BAKER.SFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ORMATION Prevention Services tie 2101 H Street r Bakersfield, CA- 93301 FACILITY NAME Bashaars Chevron Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 e Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Page 1 of 5 I r THIS APPLICATION WILL BECO E A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED FD2088 (Rev 3/2016) SITE IN ORMATION SITE Bashaars Chevron ADDRESS 2301 Panama Lane zIP CODE 93307 FACILITY NAME Bashaars Chevron CROSS STREET TANKOWNER/OPERATOR Bashaar Najdawi PHONE # 661 -703 -9676 APN # MAILING ADDRESS 2301 Panama Lane CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93307 CONTRACTOk INFORMATION COMPANY Complete Fueling Solutions PHONE # 661 -706 -8688 LICENSE # 916128 ADDRESS 12601 Jasmine Ave CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93312 INSURANCE CARRIER ACE American Insurance Co WORKMENS COMP # C48529318 PRELIMINARY ASSE SMENT INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE # LICENSE # ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP # TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY t Same as Contractor �� 't- - 'IONE # _ ( 6I � �'3 -- ` 5-oz LICENSE # , ADDRESS '-S f -/c i 74;z- INSURANCE CARRIER .^-. r .S �x•.uS P�,� - c CITY oleeoS 5l 2F ZIP CODE CI `3i WORKMENS COMP # � WASTE TRANSPORTER ID # F11CILITY ID # NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE TANK TRANSPORLTER INFORMATION COMPANY r PHONE # / LICENSE kY3 -- `� 5-0/ # ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE TANK DESTINATION c � ���` �,�� • TANK INFORMATION TANK # AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED DATES STORED CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED 1 12,000 Gal Unl -.87 2 8,000 Split _ _ Unl - 91 3 4,000 Split DSL FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPLICATION DATE % FACILITY # # OF TANKS 3 FEE $ r� f%� THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH LOCAL, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED TRUE AND CORRECT.. THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS APPROVED BY APPLICANT NAME (PRjINT) K'--c kPPCTCANT SIGNATURE E I r THIS APPLICATION WILL BECO E A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED FD2088 (Rev 3/2016) ATTACHMENT 2. SUMMARY OF PIREVIOUS WORK 13 MY of BA KERSKE, FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HA 1715 CHESTER AVE. R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINMOR MAS 3V� 979 William . ewatt Stewarts Chevron Station 2301 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE., Dispenser Replacement at 2301 Panama Dear Mr,, Stewart: This is to inform you that this department Report dated October 13, 1995 associated with I Based upon the information provided, t response actions have been completed, that accel that, at this time, no further investigation, remedl� -above stated address.- E 9 FIRE DEPA R TMENT iRDOUSMATERIALSDIVISIOMS WERSFIELD, CA * 99301 "In Bakersfield, Ca. R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805)326-3951 s reviewed the result of the Dispenser Removal dispenser replacement. 's department has determined that appropriate able remediation practices were implemented, and or removal action or monitoring is required at the Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intend or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed. from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Co e if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this m HHW/dfm cc: R. Huey J. Castillo, RWQCB Sincerely, , please contact me at (805) 326-3979. Howard H Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician WEGENER �uw CONSTRUCTION OCT. 13, 1.995 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION ATTN: MARK-TURK 1715 CHESTER AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 RE: DISPENSER AND LINE MODIFICATION STEWARTS CHEVRON 2301 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. INSPECTOR TURK: D ��i�u v� • OCT 18 1995 FIND ENCOLSED FOR YOUR RECORD THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS. IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED PLEASE CONTACT ME. 1. PLOT PLAN. 2. CHAIN OF CUSTODY. 3. ZALCO LABS ANALYTICAL REPORT. 4. PRECESION LINE TEST. S I ER LY AilDOUG GENER 1710 CALLOWAY R4.KERSFIELD. CALIFORMA93312 (805) 589-5570 FAX(S05) 589 -1161 LIC, NO. 413913 -7 ALCCA�ABOR -ORIES, I Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 12 OF Bakersfield, California 93306 FAX [805) 395-3069 Wegener Construction Laboratory No: 45404 1710 Calloway Drive Date Received: 9-19-95 Bakersfield, CA 93312 Date Reported-, 10-11-95 Attention-, Doug Wegener Sample: Soil Sample Description: 45404-1 Northwest Dispenser at 2 Feet- Sampled at 0735 hours 45404-2 Northwest Dispenser at 6 Feet: Sampled at 0704 hours Sampled on 9-19-95 Date Analyzed: 9-27-95 Method: EPA 8020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 10 as Gasoline < 10 < 10 Date Analyzed.- 9-27-95 Method: DOHS tuft Manual JE/I b Jim Etherton Lab Operations Manager ..Its sepolt is (vinished *1o; ;he -Zxd,,jSfve vse ot out Cuslonle., and oppl;es onko to �he sompies tested. Zalco ts not sesponsible lot tepoo oltetwion Or ce-och m�w, -1 -2 mg/ kg m g MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons 0.005 Benzene < 0.005 < 0,005 Toluene < 0.005 < 0.005 Ethyl Benzene < 0.005 < 0.005 Xylenes < 0.005 < 0.005 Date Analyzed: 9-27-95 Method: EPA 8020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 10 as Gasoline < 10 < 10 Date Analyzed.- 9-27-95 Method: DOHS tuft Manual JE/I b Jim Etherton Lab Operations Manager ..Its sepolt is (vinished *1o; ;he -Zxd,,jSfve vse ot out Cuslonle., and oppl;es onko to �he sompies tested. Zalco ts not sesponsible lot tepoo oltetwion Or ce-och m�w, ZALCCO_ABOP�ATORIES, lr*,. w. Analytical & Consultin(g Services 4309 Armour Avenue (8051395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (8051 395 -3089 Wegener Construction Laboratory No: 45404 1710 Calloway Drive Date Received: 9-19-95 Bakersfield, CA 93312 Date Reported: 10-11-95 Attention: Doug Wegener Sample: Soil Sample Description: 45404-3 Northeast Dispenser at 2 Feet; Sampled at 0745 hours 45404-4 Northeast Dispenser at 6 Feet; Sampled at 0749 hours Sampled on 9-19-95� -3 Volatile Aromatic Hyd-ocarbons Benzene < 0.00 Toluene < 0.00 Ethyl Benzene < 0.00 Xylenes < 0.00 Date Analyzed: 9-27-95 Method: EPA 8020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 Date Analyzed: 9-2795 Method: DOHS Luft Manual JE/1 b -4 mgZkg < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 10 MRL 0.005 10 .1 OVII C-..ssto��.w wlid cppj�es 4,:�;,Oy t ) me somples tested. Z JcO is not lescons'We tc! 'e= 1, 1 0 ,hi's ;'?coa is Me e4ci.$itle �J$O 0. iager L ZALCCO-ABOR ORIES, If,*. r. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue (805) 395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (805) 395-3069 Wegener Construction Laboratory No: 45404 1710 Calloway Drive Date Received: 9-19-95 Bakersfield, CA 93312 Date Reported: 10-11-95 Attention: Doug Wegener Sample: Soil Sample Description: 45404-5 Southeast Dispenser at 2 Feet; Sampled at 0828 hours 45404-6 Southeast Dispenser at 6 Feet; Sampled at 0831 hours Sampled on 9-19-95 -6 MRL Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons m gAa mq /k Z 0.005 Benzene < 0.005 < 0,005 Toluene < 0.0(5 < 0.005 Ethyl Benzene. < 0.0(5 < 0.005 Xylenes < 0.0(5 < 0.005 Date Analyzed: 9-28-95 Method: EPA 8020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 10 as Gasoline < 10 < 10 Date Analyzed: 9-28-95 Method: DOHS Luft Manual JE/lb m Ether ton Lab Operations Manager Of OW C'VSfO(rV'C1)d OPPileS 0111Y to 14e Sam 4a oles tested. 1CO is not jesporlstb)o io, It= 0 ZALCCO_ABOI�ATORIES, 11\W. Analytical & Consultirig Service. 4309 Armour avenue (8051395-0539 Bakersfield, California 93308 FAX (805) 395 -3083 Wegener Construction 1710 Calloway Drive Bakersfield, CA 93312: Attention: Doug Wegener Sample: Soil Laboratory No: 45404 Date Received: 9 -19 -95 Date Reported: 10 -11 -95 Sample Description: 45404 -7 Southwest Dispenser at 2 Feet; Sampled at 0834 hours 45404 -8 Southwes Dispenser at 6 Feet; Sampled at 0839 hours Sampled on 9 -19- 5 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 0.(05 Toluene < 0. 05 Ethyl Benzene < 0. 05 xylenes < o. O6 Date Analyzed: 10-8-95 Method: EPA 8020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 Date Analyzed: 10-8-95 Method: DOHS Luft Manual JE /l b -8 mg/kq MRL 0.005 < 0.005 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 10 -6 -95 10 <10 10 -6 -95 ,, Jim Etherton Lab Operations Manager This tpocit is fuongshed foi she exd,sive use sat ovi Customer 0.nd C;.`plies Only I!* me Zolco is nor (esponsibie ir::e,lvt p(Ie ;aiion Ot delGCn3 +. eM. ZALCO$LA-130 A--A 0 RIES; INW. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Wegener Construction 1710 Calloway Drive Bakersfield, CA 93312 (805) 395-0539 FAX (6051395-3069 Laboratory No: 45404 Date Received: 9-19•95 Date Reported: 10-11-95 Attention: Doug Wegener Sample: Soil Sample Description: 45404-9 Tee Intersection at 2 Feet; Sampled at 080856 48 hours 45404-10 Tee Intersection at 6 Feet; Sampled at hours Sampled on 9-19-95 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons < 0. 005 Benzene 0.15 Toluene 2.3 Ethyl Benzene 0.34 Xylenes 1.9 9-29-9 Date Analyzed: 0.005 Method: EPA 8020 10-9-95 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 51 as Gasoline 9-29-9! Date Analyzed: Method: DOHS Luft Manual JE/l b 'Pus fer00 Is fur tjIshed f0t tile fxc;u5,ve use ci ow Cvstome( wd opphes -10 MRL mg/ MRL 0.1 < 0. 005 0.005 0.1 < 0.005 0.005 0.1 < 0.005 0.005 0.1 < 0.005 0.005 10-9-95 10 '10 10 10-9-95 Jim Etherton L b Op Lab Operations Manager V to the- somoics tested. ZOIC0 is not fesPonsible lot tq)0;1 ohe'Oft0t' 01 deic';hrr--en- ZALCCO-A-BORATORIES, IPW, Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Wegener Construction 1710 Calloway Drive Bakersfield, CA 93312 [8051395-0539 FAX (8051395-3069 Laboratory No: 45404 Date Received: 9-19-95 Date -Reported: 10-11-95 Attention: Doug Wegener Sample: Soil Sample Description: 45404-11 90 Degree Pipe Turn at 2 Feet; Sampled at 0906 hours 45404-12 90 Degree Pipe Turn at 6 Feet; Sampled at 0916 hours Sampled on 9-19-95 -11 Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene < 0.00 Toluene < 0.00 Ethyl Benzene < 0.00 Xylenes < 0.00 Date Analyzed.- 10-7-95 Method: EPA 8020 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline < 10 Date Analyzed: 10-7-95 Method: OOHS Luft Manual JE11b -12 mgZk-q < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 10 MRL 0.005 10 Ji herton on L operr ations Manager 'h?s ?I, lot-, is iu't"Shea e'd' 'so 0: oal CUSIOM'-f Ond oppItes only I -L "5$'e '_ �o nhe samples lested. "O"CO is A01 sespof stbje iot tL­_or, ::; eta1san o; cletuchtnent. • O O 41 rd 14 0 00 ul 2.14 4-4 r4.0 r4 41 Lr) ID rTJ rd rd P, ial 04 0) Q) 0 0 0 0 4C) 4.) 4J 4-) V 4J to cn (24 E-4 O O 41 rd 14 0 00 >1 In, (U W >1 m ul 2.14 4-4 r4.0 r4 41 0 rTJ rd rd P, ial 04 0) Q) 0 0 0 4.) 4J 4-) V 4J >1 In, (U W >1 m ul 2.14 r4.0 r4 41 rTJ rd rd P, ial 04 0 0 0 4J 90 41 r04 S4 0 u 4 C— rd 0 W z u U) C4 I 44. 0 4rj r-4 rd 0 d) z V r4 >1 In, (U W >1 m 00 >1 2.14 r4.0 r4 rTJ rd rd P, ial 04 0 0 0 >1 In, (U W >1 m cv o xv rru cc 000 X -so o tc.l,. 4.2 3.4. �W ci ZT ED ti w CE e - co 0 cv. co ao M co C) J4 0. ca q , � —m li r 6 cs aCD CD MCLN + Imn z Q aR X EL 40 T ,a I I E o ID 0 ot z t ,....:.:...:»...�;,- �:.�.�.•......:rxa . � .x.,^: e r._ r; ..s..:..,:.,..�.ar..•^e:_..,,.: �.x::� . F •x-.:..�.^..,_...., �._..,,,., :x.- ;., ^., ..... x -r.. -. --.: - .. _ ,. - ... .., ` ..•r_�ar..«:c- cxc�::::.^cxmc:a_.... .... . ..._.. _ r r. . _........- .- .< ... < _ .. ... ._ _ � .. ,..,. .. ^... - ..._ ,. I ^!., ... - ...,.- as`R:r -(�iS .x::•y..: sN.4..J:W....� ..... . ...�n <. ...t .�...: .,. ._... _. v .• - .w \`t� - `I��i J kz ^'_-.,' r.•^..`_^_T_,�"r.-- . "_.`._._ ^.. ^. ..._ _ .._. - F ...rte ^^ . ..l .... .. _ ... Y...:r':" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (605) 326-3941 FAX (WS) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 *H* Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (605) 326-3951 FAX (605) 32"576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1716 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-397► FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Mr. Dave Stewart Stewart's Chevron 2301 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 CLOSURE OF 1 UP STORAGE TANK LO( PERMIT #BR-0238. Dear Mr. Stewart: This is to inform for the preliminary ass located at the above scat, Based upon labo the assessment perform Accordingly, no unaut] closure. If you have any c, at (805) 326-3979. HHW/d1m cc: Y.Pan, RWQCB P. Goalwin, AGI January 4, 1999 IERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TED AT 2301 PANAMA LANE'." , ►u that ' this department has reviewed the results meet associated with the closure of the tank address. )ry data submitted, this office is satisfied with and requires no further action at this time. ized release reporting is necessary for this ions regarding this matter, please contact me Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services SITE INFORMATION SITE STP.WAg,T "S r..HgyRQN ADDRESS FACILITY NAME Same TANK OWNER/OPERATOR Dave Stewart MAILING ADDRESS 2301_ Panama T "ant- nama T.aneZIP CODES 3 3 0 "7 APN STREETP a n m PHONE NO. CITYBak Prsf e d ZI CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANYAquuaGeosciences,Inc, P14ONENO$36 -8100 LICENSE NO655F{37 A, i3az ADDRESS 6851 McDivitt Dr. Ste D CITYRakersfi el d ._. -Ili CARRIER State C:omiaensatjo n WORKM.ENS COMP NO.1 j_ Ar,2 PR£L.IMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANYAquaGQoaceinces, Tne_ PHONENO.836-81'00 LICENSENO. DHggl920 ADDRESS 6851 McDivitt Dr. Ste D. CITYBakersfipl d ZIPq 3J '3 INSURANCE CARRIER State a Compensa ion WORKMENS CONfp Nd.1 123962 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ull Cong-e--rVat-l—on Service ADDRESS Mar kg' Ave. WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY Same ADDRESS Same FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMMER CAD 9 8 0 6 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION C'OMPANN' qua eosciences, Inc. PHON ADDRESS 6851 McDivitt Dr. Ste. D. TANK DESTINATION Golden State Metals CHEMICAL YANK NO. AGE VOLUME STORED 1 35+ 500Ga1. Waste Oil Fun Ofliciall Lh4 _,_,PHONENO 209/764 -6243 or 485 -5495 CITYFresno, Ca. . zip. 93722 180673842 State ID# 437023 CITY ,. Same ZIP -.Same 836 -8100 LICENSE No655667 A, HAZ CITyBakersfield, CA ZIP93313 DATES CHEMICAL STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED 1960 -1993 None 1-. i' E N .T FE` . ....... . APPLICATIC?1Y . . i�ATE`': � ': �• :.: . '� - � �' : i�%'T'?�.. L .. , 'l1 II'. Al "PUCANT I IAS RECF[W -I). UNDF?RS'17AKIDS, AND WILL COMPLY WTII I TFM A'ITACIfF:D CONDI'llONS OF 1 "I I!S I'!• WIT AND ANY I.00AL AND FI:DFRA1, Rw , 10N, . 'rills I-()IZM IIAS BEEN COy1.I'I,I "I'I':I) (NDI;,R PEi�.Ai.° of PERJURY. AND TO TIM. US'C 0'1.%y KNOINI.I:I�cI : rRIM: ANI ) C't)IZ1Zl:C Dki 0, rT IZ11a 154,,f c.w IAJ AI'I I3Y: AI'I'I.ICANJ' Nd1Mti (PRW') THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROS"ED 1.1CAMI' SIGNATURE.' COLONY T EET td1 z F. 0 d 0 m 0 cn uj z _ z o h t CL LL fn C. CL LU cn w w { �} F- .,d a> m OHM � � z UJ 0 x p"'�. ui �s 0 40Z mm z s- % Jx A ze 3JVd 530N3I0S03Jvnov 0088988 z.t ;�Jt abst / 'J61Vt Sent by: ICES 805.861 -9774 . 4. STORE LEGEND �BVAr CA�MTE CTX WAW� CANOPY & ISALNOS 0 A.C. 07/22197 8 :14AM Job 251 .-'% i t �� °Y 'i 1 1 ! �i \ (j t lw'0A 1 ,1 � � i. i a i �,r+,•nn R j i 1 74 0 RECTIFIER �r a tai W CE Corrosion Electical Services 1*a CATf OW PR0TEC:nCW SYSTEM LAYOUT V 2ZI PANA,i K WYE Go �e� ie a �Y4 . Go �e� ie pit ( '_nncyI ,- -anI _ ray i t 9 4,;,, � t ,�, x j \ r ^ �� ' � i�` ,fir, /�. '� -' �,, `ti `�"' t ;. i •, y`. • ( �t,.��4 ' � . �; jw y� w � ..��� wti �.! � f'` ` � � � �1 \ "� : � i t c�^i'•.`�? .2 +'.�, ti .nr',� '� {, \�`'r r a`4 ` C�*tt,ct (,.�% -.� �`�•.'�'` -:, �� l �```�'� _�wC z xl Ja! '`'a �1 rw. _ rr 1� y, ��1 +. � ` C ; �, �f� ` �.✓°.� r a`� ` -`\ a _�' � f.,*� .. j� `' 1. "'� '"" i"' � I p -q`—` �"� 1 t� � _ - i .-- ` `� '`. "' �y'E. ,. � t'!., F ;s�-5` `c,� f+ti 1. �J h=`�� � �w�'a. ^ Al t r i > 1: . '• ,. .:, _.�,. .r Z x" r7 x�g 9,2, { 5 {t g -0 4.MAR,s^'Aa'i / N R r } c r>•7 _ ... -. .� t'4.�r�_ t w., . -.», rte_ PHOTOGRAPHS OF SITE WORK If V'. ' I PROJECT: Bashaar Chevron 2301 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California Photograph showing the collection of the soil samples from beneath the former USTs using the excavator (view looking southeast). Page 5 of 5 Photograph • • the soil sampling location beneath the former dispensers F and product using a hand auger (view looking north). rte, I r vo P E G i i- Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST C— A'n ^"nA nhAp &in 7AqA-nnqQ Please pant or type• tf-orfC uesQma 'of u55 on daw t 11--Paw 3. Generator ID Number 2. Paged I of 3. Emergency Response Phone Man fast Trashing Number UN HAZARDOUS IFOR M CAC00218796371 14. J� -565-0626 015861581 JJK WASTE MANIFEST 5. Generators Name and WHing Address GgriwaWs Site Address Titdiffere-rit than mat ing addmss) CoT3�*t- -- Elto-iawa Lr& 23DI parlama Ln 2301 Pax-iziva Li7�� rsak-ersfie!ld? CA 9330-7 CA 93307 Generatofs Phore: _qRn't 6, Transporter I Company Nan U.S. EPA ID Number Erwi-xoz-7EmexAt-!i1 J-Z "' 0 6 e- 4.6 2 I 'WIff, 0 0 7. Transpotter2Company.Name U.S. EPA ID Number 8.Basignated F 614 amp and Site Address U.S. EPA ID Number k cric-tw4o 2@00 -Alawieda 'S-L-Veet Compt�Dn, CA 9,6222 Facoity's Phone: CAT 013 3`1 5 2 9a. 9b, U.S. DOT Description (ind"Ing Froper Shipping Name, Hazard Class. 10 Number, 10. caltainws 11, Total 12. Unfit 11 Viaste Codes NO. TM and Packing Group CA any)) Quantity wuw. UJI 3. 4. V12 e% t� '14. Speciiii H sm.dFi—V Instrucgons; �aid Add-ft, all -I n--Fa;Tt-'-0n !) E-10128 rlm!;olinm/Di�nsni USE OSHA APPROVED SAF=.,- PRECAU—fitq-14 15. GENERATORSlOfFERORS CERTIFICATION- I hereby declare that the MAIOnts of this corisi nrr exit are fdIly acid accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are cfas5iW. packaged. marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in properwildition for transport a= rdlmg to 4pplicable international and national goverinmeiital requfations. ff expor[shipIMM and I am the HMalry Exporter, I ortify that the writerits: of this consignment Mriform to the terms of the affa&4d EPA AckrioWedgmerit of Conwril. I certify that Ole, waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 26217(a) (if I am a targe quanfifylqenefalor) or (b) ifl am a - Sma�.Ixutiyu- is true. GWf I esfOfferor, BrintedlTyped Name "00 1A'5PJb oirift Day Year U'S"Portofenlcyleylt — 0 import to U.S. E] Export fr, Transporter skjmture (for exports onlyY Date leaving U'S.: U.1 17- Transporter Aeknov&dgmeqt of Receipt of WW!als Tr-ains-p ome, r 1 Printedfryped Name signature Month Day Year CL Trans poftr 2 KmL,&Typed Nade signature Dq Year Discrepamy 18a. Discreparicy Indication Space El Quantity FIType nRes�Aua t,t Partial Rejection Manifest Reference Numw.� 18b. Alternate Facility (of Generator) U.S. EPA 10 Number f:aasis phone: U 19. Hazardous mste Report Management .Method Codes (i.e., codes for bazafdous wasle, �eatrrert, d, sat, and racycringsysterris) lu i. 4. ------ Print ctliyped me ignaittre Motttft Gay year EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev. 3-05) Previous editioris are obsolete. Dasjammm FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED) co i- Cd 0 LU ci 0) x _j ji kid 00 LU 0 :2 z co — J1 IND .0 =P 2, LU E —0 w LU 0. z ci M. 0 C) CL: -0 to ra oc S t - 54:% B;ff �u S&S z 10 CL — kf ig- CM is= 5. 9 1p:-,i 15 R �c 0 2 la,F i LU 0 M (0 T9 ii: W z W1 z 6 V .5 JU 7ia ca -q < "CIO o LO _g OM a 12 -6 m . V� aE k ,N,a N E m E cr. 0 •LJ .i� i� t�'3 fu > z Z z RP MM ar It m 9 . —7:� C co 4; 5, E i�2 LU 10 atz 0 =J= is 0- c ds W ri cl 11 5 E. 21. 0 0 0 0, 0 13 2: ATTACI- IMENT 5. TANK DISPOSAL I)OCUMENTATION 1" 7, ..... . . . . . . Oceano, CA (661) 833-9501 -Y License 84 Facility Name & Address: Bashaar Chevron 2301 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307 Tank Removal Contractor: Sessions P.O. Boi 308 '308 Ocean, CA 93475-0) (661) 833-9501 Fax (805) 202-8475 License 844326A/RAZ SESSTANK@AOL.COM Data of ReMoVd:--9&�-/—/—V-/' Tank Decontamination Contractor:, Sessions P.O. Box 308 Oceano, CA 93475-0308 -(661) 833-9501 Fax (805) 2028475 License 844326ATHAZ SESSTANK@,AOL.COM ' D Tank Size: 11 ; Gal. Pro( 2; TaDl,- Size: 10, QC—)QGaI. Prm 3. Tank Size: _gf 0100 Gal. Pro( 4. Tank Size: . Gal. Pro( s. Tank Size: Gal. Pro( 1 6. Tank Size: Gal. Pro( Signature: Tit] TI I certify and penalty of law & tank(p) listed above I ce;' dWl-* that standards and requirements, and that the tank rinsate has bi disposal facility, Name & Address: Phone #: Date Tanks Received Signature? 3008 475-0308 (805) 202-8475 26A/HAZ LOL.COAT, MY No-of Tank(s) L.E.L.: 0 r—lo - % L.E.L-: L.E.L.: % L.E.L.: % L.E.L.: % Date: to been decontaminated in accordance with industry i properly managed and transported to a permitted r4m, No. of Tank(s): A Title: .SCAI, � i ` -D Received From: SESSIONS #CA270311 9521 W FRETC LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Other ID 1: Deliv Date/Time: Carrier: Driver: Vehicle Plate: Account Rep: Item Name #1 HM STEEL UNP Ticket Motes- Note: TANK SIZE; 1 ea 1.0, 000 LBS SESSIONS TRUCK 0 STEVE. ROSS 7R46557 Sonia Lozano Packaging IkED LOO" WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE Legend- "S" = Scale lSceled.V THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was W919 certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by ( Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measu (7-639) Scale Ticket Receiving Ticket Receiving Ticket #: 154049 Started At: 9/27/2016 9:22:05AM Weigh Master IN: Sarah Lake Scale: Truck Scale Finished At, 9/2712016 9:47:22AM Weigh Master OUT: Sonia Lozano Gross ps) Tare (lbs) Adj (lbs) Net (lbs) 33,420.0 S 2.3,940.0 S U.UU y$440V-U 33,420.0 23,940.0 9,480:O Receiving Totals Gross 33,420.0 Lbs Tare 23,940.0 Lbs Net 9,480.0 Lbs !ght ,M" =Manually Entered Weight "A"= Automatic Tare Weight ;d, measured, or counted by a weighrnaster, whose signature is on this apter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California ment Standards of the California Department of Foods and Agriculture. Ticket Completed at :912712 ©16 9:47.22AM Page I 0f 1 powered by wAv.21stCenturyProgrqrnm1n9 Received Fronv. SESSIONS #CA270311 9521 VII FRETC LN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 {ether ID 1: EVAN BARLEY TRUCKING Deliv Date /Time: Driver: EVAN BARLEY Vehicle Plate: 1 C85HA Account Rep: Sonia Lozano Item Name #1 HM STEEL UNPREPARED Ticket Notes: Na-te TA IK SIZE 1 ea - 10,000 LBS 1 ea - 4,000 LBS Packaging 1 LOOSE WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE Legend- "S "- ScalelScaled14 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weig certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by ( Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measu (7 -839) Scale Ticket Receiving Ticket Receiving Ticket #: 154044 Started At: 9127/2016 8.44:10AM Weigh Master IN: Sonia Lozano Scale: Truck Scale Finished At: 9/27/2016 9:25:57AM Weigh Master OUT: Sonia Lozano Truck/Cntr No.: 4CJ3551 Gross (lbs! Tare (lbs) Adj ps) Net pbs) —.1 11111"I'm n AAA A 43,320.0 S 30,400.08 U.uu I G,zj GV.Li 43,320.0 30,400.0 ! 2,92u.0 Receiving Totals Gross 43,320.0 S Lbs Tare 30,400.0 S Lbs Net 12,920.0 Lbs ght "M" =manually Entered Weight "A"= Automatic Tare Weight d, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this apter 7 (commending with Section 12700) of Division S of the California ment Standards of the Califomia Department of Foods and Agriculture. Ticket Completed at :912712016 9:25:57AM Page 1 of 1 potivered by vv.+ rw.21stCenturyProgramming ATTAC MENT 6. LABORATORY REPORT rag , I fft��A califibmia ELAP Certificate #1371 October 14,2O10 MorkMogargee Veir Corp 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund %527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA93721 (559)%@0-7O21 Phone (559) 268-0740 Fax Work Order #: C128007 Enclosed are the analytical results for samples recdived by our laboratory onOQ/28/18. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned labgratory work order number C128007. All -All analyses have been performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance- program - results are intended to be considered in their entirely, Moore Twining Associates, Inc. (MTA) is not responsible for use of les's than complete reports. Results' apply 6'nl'y' to samples �n`alyzed. If you have any questions, please feel free to con Si Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Julio Morales Client Services Supervisor us at the number listed above. r, °ac California EL O Certificate #1371 Veir Corp 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Bakersfield CA, 93308 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Proje6�: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund Project Numbe : Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Project Manager: Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Report fox' the Following Samples Sample ID L boratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received ' NWD -2 -01 Soil 09/27/16 08:00 09/28/16 09:00 ICI128007 NWD -6 1128007 -02 Soil 09/27/16 08:05 09/28/16 09:00 NED -2 CI28007 -03 Soil 09/27/16 08:15 09/28/16 09:00 NED -6 -04 Soil 09/27/16 08:20 09/28/16 09:00 ICII28007 SWD -2 CI28007 -05 Soil 09/27/16 08:30 09/28/16 09:00 SWD -6 C1-28007 -06 Soil 09/27/16 08:35 09/28/16 09:00 SED -2 CI28007 -07 Soil 09/27/16 08:45 09/28/16 09:00 SED -6 CI28007 -08 Soil 09/27/16 08:50 09/28/16 09:00 NEPE -2 Ci28007 -09 Soil 09/27/16 09:00 09/28/16 09:00 NEPE -6 c128007 -10 Soil 09/27/16 09:05 09/28/16 09:00 SEPT -2 �I28007 -11 Soil 09/27/16 09:15 09/28/16 09:00 SEPT -6 0128007 -12 Soil 09/27/16 09:30 09/28/16 09:00 TK -INW -2, CII 128007 -13 Soil 09/27/16 09:45 09/28/16 09:00 TK -INW 6 CI28007 -14 Soil 09/27/16 09:50 09/28/16 09:00 TK -1SE -2 t C128007 -15 Soil 09/27/16 10:00 09/28/16 09:00 TK -1SE -6 CI28007 -16 Soil 09/27/16 10:05 09/28/16 09:00 TK -2NW -2 026007 -17 Soil 09/27/16 10:15 09/28/16 09:00 TK -2NW 6 CI28007 -18 Soil 09/27/16 10:20 09/28/16 09:00 TK -2SE -2 CII I28007 -19 Soil 09/27/16 10:30 09/28/16 09:00 TK -2SE -6 C�I2 8007 -20 Soil 09/27/16 10:35 09/28/16 09:00 TK -3C -2 CI28007 -21 Soil 09/27/16 10:45 09/28/16 09:00 TK -3C -6 U128007 -22 Soil 09/27/16 10:50 09/28/16 09:00 Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of ody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire-, �Page 2of23 ! R TWINING California ELAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number: Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager: Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 .analytical Report fo Ir Work Order C128007 Analyte Qual• Result Reporting MDI Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method T :..•.;F �f NWD -2 I Sampled: 09/27/16 08:00 CI28007 -01 (Soil) Lead 5.2 2.0 0.16 mg /kg 1 U6I2716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg/kg 1 U612902 09/29/16 09/29/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 75.8% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09129116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.0002 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/802113 Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/802113 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg/kg I U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.001 mg/kg I U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/80218 Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/802113 Sznrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 115 % 70 -130 U00312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 113 % -70 -130 U6J0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03116 10/03/16 EPA 8260B tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA)• -• ND 0.020 0.0021 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260E Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND' 0.0010 0.0005 nig /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16' =' • 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.000 5 mg/kg I U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.000 8 mg /kg . 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.000.4 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260E 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.000-3 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260E Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluoronzethane 100% 70 -130 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.1% 70 -130 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 92.7% 70 -130 U00311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B NWD -6 I Sampled: 09/27/16 08:05 C128007 -02 (Soil) Lead 6.3 2.0 0.16 mg /kg 1 U612716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 601013 Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg/kg 1 U612902 09/29/16 09/29/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 72.9% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09129116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/8021B Toluene ND •0.0050 0.0001 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.001 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/802113 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 116% 70 -130 U00312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 113 % 70 -130 U6J0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260E tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.000 5 mg /kg 1 U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (D1PE) ND 0.0010 0.000.5 mg/kg I U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.000 2 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg /kg i U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260E 1,2- Dichloroethane(1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.000f 4 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Ie results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry =Page 3 Of 23 California FLAP Certificate #1371 Veir Corp 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Bakersfield CA, 93308 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Project Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund Project Nuunbe : Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Project Manageu: Mark.Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Report fdr Work Order CI28007 Analyte Q ual. Result Reporting Limit MDL � Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method ' NWD -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 08:05 CI28007 -02 (Soil) Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 105% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Tohrene -d8 91.9% 70 -130 U00311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 91.4% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B NED -2 Sampled: 09/27/16 08:15 CI28007 -03 (Soil) Lead 6.6 2.0 0.16 l mg /kg 1 U6I2716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg/kg 1 U612902 09/29/16 09/29/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 73.7% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09129116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg /kg I U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.000 ' mg/kg 1 W0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.000 6 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 -- 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/802113 Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.00 2 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B /802113 Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10103116 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4= Bromoflzrorobenzene (FID) 115 % 70 -130 U00312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Brornofluorobenzene (PID) 113 % 70 -130 W0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol.. ND 0.050 0.01 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021I 1 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.00035 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert -Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U00311 10/03/16 10103116 EPA 8260B Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0,00013 mg/kg 1 U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.000 9 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibron7ofluoromethane 103% 70 -130 W0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 93.5% 70 -130 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 92.4% 70 -130 U00311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B NED -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 08:20 CI28007 -04 (Soil) Lead 2.7 2.0 0.1 mg /kg 1 U612716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 601013 Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg /kg 1 U612902 09/29/16 09/29/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 78.5% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09129116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg /kg 1 U670312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.000 6 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 W0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA8015B /8021B Surrogate: 4- Br-omofluor•obenzene (FID) 116 % 70 -130 U00312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluor•obenzene (PID) 114 % 70 -130 W0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 1 mg /kg 1 U60311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.00 1 mg/kg 1 U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.00035 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. 71r e results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of curstody document. This analytical report nnrst be reproduced in its entire Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry Page 4 of 23 TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project. Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number Analytical Services -Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Report foi Work Order CI28007 yt Reporting MDI Anal a Qual. Result Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method ICED -6 I Sampled: 09/27/16 08:20 CI28007 -04 (Soil) Di- isopropyl ether (DIPS) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.0002 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.0008 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 1ng /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluorom ethane 104% 70 -130 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 92.0% 70 -130 U6J03ll 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 92.3% 70430 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B SWD -2 Sampled: 09/27/16 08:30 CI28007 -05 (Soil) Lead 5.2 2.0 J 0.1( mg /kg i U6I2716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg/kg 1 U6I2902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 80.7% 11.8 -130 U642902 09129116 09/30 %l6 EPA 8015E Benzene ND 0.0050 0.000 2 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.000 1 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10103116 10/03/16 EPA 801513/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.000 6 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16• EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.027 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10103116 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 116% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 114% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01-!1 ma, /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0011 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.0001155 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (D1PE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03!16 10/03/16 EPA 82603 Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 82603 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg i U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg/kg I U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 96.0% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260E Surrogate: Tohrene -d8 94.8% 70 -130 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 92.5% 70 -130 WWII 10103116 10103116 EPA 82603 SWD -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 08:35 CI28007 -06 (Soil) Lead 3.0 2.0 0.1 mg /kg 1 U6I2716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg /kg 1 U02902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 74.5% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00052 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10103116 EPA 8015B/8021B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. the results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of clrstody document. This analytical report must be reprodarced in its entire, Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry Page 5 of 23 7 TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project. Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 F1uitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number Analytical Services -Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Report for Work Order 0128007 I Limit Analyte Qual. Result Reporting MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method SWD -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 08:35 CI28007 -06 (Soil) Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 116% 70 -130 4.0 mg/kg 1 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 114% 70 -130 Ethanol ND 0.050 0.011 ing /kg i tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021 mg /kg 1 Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.0003 5 mg /kg 1 Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 ing /kg 1 Ethyl tert -Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 Tert-Ainyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg/kg 1 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg 1 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND „ 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 Surrogate: Dibronzofluoromethhne ' 99.4% 70 -130 0.0003! 5 mg /kg 1 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 95.1% 70 -130 0.0001! 5 rng /kg 1 Surrogate: 4- Bromof7uorobenzene 91.8% 70 -130 0.0001! 2 mg /kg 1 Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00011 8 mg/kg 1 Lead 3.2 2.0 0.1 mg /kg 1 Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg/kg 1 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 74.7% 11.8 -130 Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg /kg i Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00031 mg /kg 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg /kg 1 Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.001 mg /kg 1 Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg /kg 1 Surrogate: 4- Bron2ofluorobenzene (FID) 117% 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene (PID) 116% 70 -130 Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg /kg 1 tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021 mg /kg i Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.0003! 5 mg /kg 1 Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.0001! 5 rng /kg 1 Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.0001! 2 mg /kg 1 Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00011 8 mg/kg 1 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg /kg 1 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.0009 mg/kg 1 Surrogate: Dibronuofluoromethane 101% 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 92.9% 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene 91.0% 70 -130 CF.iI_K Lead 2.3 Diesel ND Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry 2.0 0.16 mg/kg 1 10 4.0 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B U00312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10103116 EPA 8260B U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 9260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260E U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10 /03/16 EPA 8260E U6J0311 10103116 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Sampled: 09/27/16 08:45 CI28007 -07 (SQ U6I2716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 6010B U612902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B U612902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/8021B U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/80218 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/802113 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B U6J0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B U6J0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260E U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B U00311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Sampled: 09/27/16 08:50 CI28007 -08 (Sc U612716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 6010B U6I2902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015E results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of ody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiret Page 6 of 23 TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fnutvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number!: Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager: Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Deport fir Work Order CI28007 Analyte I Qual. Result Reporting Limit MD Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method SED -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 08:50 CI28007 -08 (Soil) Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 84.2% 11.8 -130 U6I2902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00(32 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00(51 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00 36 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.00 2 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.0 7 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4- Brornofluorobenzene (FID) 117 % 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 115 % 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.011 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.00!21 mg/kg, 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.0035 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10103116 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ' `.ND 0 .'0010 0.00(12 mg /kg 1 U6J031 T 10/03/16 10/03/16 • EPA 8260B Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00(18 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B ' 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00(14 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10103116 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.0013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00 29 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluorornethane 101 % 70 -130 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.2% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 92.6% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B NEPE -2 Sampled: 09/27/16 09:00 CI28007 -09 (Soil) Lead 5.3 2.0 0.1� mg /kg 1 U6I2716 09/29/16 10/02/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.a mg /kg 1 U612902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 78.2% 11.8 -130 U6I2902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.000 6 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.00 2 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/80218 Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03116 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 117% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 80IJBI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 114 % 70 -130 U6J0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.011 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10103/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.00035 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 98.8% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Ize results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of ustody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry I Page 7 of 23 TWINING California ELAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fnutvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number Analytical Services -Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Deport fob Work Order C128007 Anal Y to INEPE Qual. Result Reporting Limit MDI� Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method -2 Sampled: 09/27/16 09:00 CI28007 -09 (Soil) Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.3% 70 -130 U6J0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 93.2% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B NEPE -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 09:05 CI28007 -10 (Soil) Lead 4.2 2.0 0.16 mg /kg 1 U6I2716 09/29/16 10/03/16 EPA 601013 Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg /kg I U6I2902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 76.3% 11.8 -130 U6I2902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.000 32 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 1 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg/kg I U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg /kg I U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 • EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 116% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bro7nofluoYobenzene'(PID)' 114 %`' 70 -130 UV0312 '10103116 10103116 EPA-9015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.002! 1 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND . 0.0010 0.000$5 mg /kg 1. , ... U00311 1Q/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0,00015 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.000 1.8 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg /kg 1 U00311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.000 29 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10 /03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibronrofluoromethane 99.3% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 82603 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 92.2% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene 93.0% 70 -130 UV0311 10103116 10103116 EPA 8260B Sampled: 09/27/16 09:15 CI28007 -11 (Soil) SEPT -2 Lead 4.6 2.0 0.16 mg /kg 1 U612716 09/29/16 10/03/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg /kg 1 U6I2902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 83.1% 11.8 -130 U6I2902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.000 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/802 I B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.000L51 -2 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B /802113 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.000$6 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA8015B /8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0,0012 mg /kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA801513/802113 Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene (FID) 119% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015318021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 116% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.00 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E L1 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.000135 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg/kg 1 U00311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. the results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of zrstody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire t Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry � Page 8 of 23 TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number: Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager: Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Report f r Work Order C128007 Analyte Qual. Result Reporting MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method SEPT-2 Sampled: 09/27/16 09:15 CI28007 -11 (Soil) Tert -Ainyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.000 9 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluroronzethane 100% 70 -130 UV0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.9% 70 -130 UU0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromof7uorobenzene 91.7% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 82603 SEPT-6 Sampled: 09/27/16 09:30 CI28007 -12 (Soil) Lead 3.7 2.0 0.1 � mg /kg 1 U6I2716 09/29/16 10/03/16 EPA 601013 Diesel ND 10 4.0 - mg /kg 1 ' U612902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 79.9% " 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.000 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 • •� 10/03/16 /8021 EPA 8015B B Toluene . ND "' 0.0050 0.00051 -2 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA,8015B /8021B Ethylbenzene "' ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16' 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03116 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 U00312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA8015B /8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) .105% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 103% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.001 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10104116 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.00035 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10104116 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.000 4 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.0003 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10104/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibronzofluoromethane 99.4% 70 -130 UV0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.2% 70 -130 UV0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromof7uorobenzene 92.1% 70 -130 UG0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 82603 TK- IlNW -2 I Sampled: 09/27/16 09:45 CI28007 -13 (Soil) Lead 3.8 2.0 0.1( mg/kg 1 U612716 09/29/16 10/03/16 EPA 6010B Diesel J 7.9 10 4.0 mg /kg 1 U612902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 88.8% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/802113 Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.000' 6 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/802113 Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg/kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02' mg /kg 1 U6J0312 10/03/16 10/03/16 EPA 801513/802113 Surrogate: 4- Bron7oflzrorobenzene (FID) 114% 70 -130 UV0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bron2oflurorobenzene (PID) 112% 70 -130 UU0312 10103116 10103116 EPA 8015BI8021B T�e Moore Twining Associates, Inc. results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of Julian Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry C rstody docunnent. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Page 9 of 23 ORE TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project! Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fniitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Analytical Report for Work Order CI28007 Anal to Y Qual. Result Reporting MD{ Units Dilution T Batch Prepared Analyzed Method TK -INW -2 Sampled: 09/27/16 09:45 CI28007 -13 (Soil) Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10104116 EPA 8260E Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.00035 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10104116 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibronzofhroromethane 99.4% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.9 % 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- BromofZtroroUenzene 93.1% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B TK -INW -6 .t,,... Sampled: 09/27/16 09:50 CI28007-14 (Soil) Lead 4.5 2.0 0.16 ing/kg 1 U612716 09/29/16 10/03/16 EPA 6010E Diesel J 9.9 10 4.0 mg /kg 1 U6I2902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 81.8% 11.8 -130 U612902 ' 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg /kg- 1 U6J0409 10/04/16 10/04/16 /8021 EPA 8015B B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg /kg 1 U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00-)I 0 6 mg /kg 1 U6J0409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg /kg 1 U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 801513/802113 Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.02117 mg/kg 1 U6J0409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene (FID) 116 % 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bronzofluorobenzene (PID) 112 % 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10104116 EPA 8260B tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.00 1 mg/kg 1 U00311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.000$5 mg/kg 1 WWII 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPS) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.000 4 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10104116 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.000 9 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibronzofluroromethane 95.6% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.6% 70 -130 W0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bronzofluorobenzene 92.5% 70 -130 WWII 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B TK -1SE -2 Sampled: 09/27/16 10:00 CI28007 -15 (Soil) Lead 7.1 2.0 0.1( mg/kg 1 U612809 10106116 10/08/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg/kg 1 U6I2902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 78.1% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg /kg 1 U6J0409 10/04/16 10104116 EPA 8015B/8021B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. he results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of oustody document. This analytical report nzust be reproduced in its entire Jliliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry Page 10 of 23 • TWINING California ELAP Certificate #1371 Veir Corp 3410 Fi uitvale Avenue, Suite A Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund Project Number: Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Project Manager: Mark Magargee Analytical Report for Work Order CI28007 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Reported: 10/14/2016 Analyte Qual. Result tt T ul Ling MDJ Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method TK -1SE -2 1, Sampled: 09/27/16 10:00 CI28007 -15 (Soil) Toluene ND 0.0050 0.0001 mg/kg 1 U6JO409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.0006 mg/kg 1 U6JO409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg /kg 1 U6JO409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.027 mg/kg 1 U6JO409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4- Bron¢ofluorobenzene (FID) 116% 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene (PID) 114% 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.002 mg /kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.000 5 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (D1PE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg /kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg 1. U6JO311 10/04/16 .10/04/16 EPA 8260B " 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.0002119 mg /kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibronsofluoronzethane 99.2% 70 -130 UV0311 , 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 97.4% 70 -130 U00311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 90.6% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260, TK -1SE -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 10:05 CI28007 -16 (Soil) Lead 13 2.0 0.16 mg /kg 1 U612809 10106116 10/08/16 EPA 601OB Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg /kg 1 U612902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 66.0% 11.8 -130 U612902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.0W 2 mg/kg 1 U00409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg/kg 1 U6JO409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.000 6 mg /kg 1 U6JO409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.001 mg/kg 1 U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 0.027 mg/kg 1 U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobernene (FID) 119 % 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 118 % 70 -130 UV0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.01 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.002 1 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.000 5 mg/kg 1 U00311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Di- isopropyl ether (DIPS) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg/kg 1 U00311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260E Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260D 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.000 3 mg/kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.000 9 mg /kg 1 U6JO311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 102% 70 -130 U6JO311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 965% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 91.9% 70 -130 U6JO311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of qdy document. This analytical report nzust be reproduced in its entire �® Page 11 of 23 TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 Veir Corp 3410 Fnutvale Avenue, Suite A Bakersfield CA, 93308 Analyte TK -2NW -2 Lead Diesel Surrogate: o- Terphenyl Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, total Gasoline (C6 -C10) Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) Ethanol tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) Ethyl tert -Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) Naphthalene Surrogate: Dibr-onrofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene -d8 Surrogate: 4- Bromof luorobenzene TK -2NW -6 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund Project Number: Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Project Manage : Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 ,Analytical Report for Work Order CI28007 ual• Result MDpL Q Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Limit Sam-pled: 09/27/16 10:15 C128007 -17 4.2 2.0 0.1 1 mg /kg 1 ND 10 4.0 10/04/16 mg /kg 1 78.0% 11.8 -130 10 4. mg/kg i ND 0.0050 0.00 32 mg /kg 1 ND 0.0050 0.00051 0.00,32 mg /kg 1 ND 0.0050 0.00036 0.00051 mg /kg 1 ND 0.010 0.0012 0.0006 mg /kg 1 ND 1.0 0.0 7 mg /kg i 113% 70 -130 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 112% 70 -130 70 -130 EPA 8015B 09130116 ND 0.050 0.011 10/04/16 mg /kg 1 ND • 0.020 0.0021 0.011 mg /kg 1 ND 0.0010 °0.00(35 0.0021 mg/kg i ND 0.0010 0.00(15 0.00035 mg/kg 1 ND 0.0010 0.00012 0.00015 me,/kg 1 ND 0.0010 0.00(18 0.00012 mg/kg i ND 0.0010 0.00(14 0.00018 mg /kg 1 ND 0.0010 0.00 13 mg /kg 1 ND 0.0010 0.0029 0.00013 mg/kg 1 103% 70 -130 94.3% 70 -130 91.5% 70 -130 Lead 4.1 2.0 0.16 mg /kg 1 EPA 8015B 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B 10/04/16 EPA 80158/80218 Diesel J 7.6 10 4. mg/kg i Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 70.3% 11.8 -130 10104116 EPA 8015RI8021B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00,32 mg /kg 1 Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg /kg 1 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.0006 mg /kg 1 Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg /kg 1 Gasoline (C6 -C 10) ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 115% 70 -130 EPA 8015B 09130116 Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene (PID) 115% 70 -130 10/04/16 EPA 801513/8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.011 mg/kg i tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021 mg/kg 1 Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.00035 mg/kg 1 Di- isopropyl ether (D1PE) ND 0.0010 0.00015 mg /kg 1 Ethyl test -Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 0.00018 mg/kg 1 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.00014 mg/kg 1 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U612809 10/06/16 U6I2902 09/29/16 U612902 09129116 U6J0409 10104116 U6J0409 10/04/16 U00409 10/04/16 U00409 10104116 U00409 10/04/16 U6J0409 10104116 U6J0409 10104116 U6J0311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10104116 U00311 10104116 U00311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 U00311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10104116 U00311 10104116 UV0311 10104116 Sampled: 09/27/1 U612809 10/06/16 U612902 09/29/16 U612902 09129116 U00409 10/04/16 U00409 10/04/16 U6J0409 10/04/16 U6J0409 10/04/16 U00409 10/04/16 U6J0409 10104116 U6J0409 10104116 U00311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 S U6J0311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 U00311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/08/16 EPA 6010B 09/30/16 EPA 8015B 09130116 EPA 8015B 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B 10/04/16 EPA 80158/80218 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/80218 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B 10/04/16 EPA 80158/80213 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B 10104116 EPA 8015RI8021B 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 10104116 EPA 8260E 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 10104116 EPA 8260B 10104116 EPA 8260B 10104116 EPA 8260B 10:20 Cl2.8007 -18 (Sc 10/08/16 EPA 6010B 09/30/16 EPA 8015B 09130116 EPA 8015B 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B 10/04/16 EPA 801513/8021B 10/04/16 EPA 80158/80218 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 10104116 EPA 8260B 10104116 EPA 8260B 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 10/04/16 EPA 8260B 10104116 EPA 8260B 10/04/16 EPA 8260E 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. �he results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of ustody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry I Page 12 of 23 TWINING ivJ.� v.wiv w..,�� � ­& f, - 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 A. 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 (559) 268 -7021 Phone Surrogate: Dibromofluor^ornethane 99.3% 70 -130 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 96.5% 70 -130 51 mg/kg 1 (559) 268 -0740 Fax California FLAP Certificate #1371 70 -130 mg /kg 1 TK- 2SF, -6 0.010 0.0012 mg/kg 1 ND 1.0 Veir Corp mg/kg 1 118% Project Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 10/04/16 117% 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A 10/04/16 Project Number Analytical Seivices -Excluding State Fund 0.050 Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 ND Project Manager Mark Magargee 1 mg /kg 1 ND 0.0010 10/14/2016 mg/kg 1 Analytical Deport for Work Order CI28007 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Analyte Q ual. Result Reporting Limit MDi � Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method TIC- 2NW -6 10/04/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/04/16 Sampled: 09/27/16 10:20 CI28007 -18 (Soil) Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Dibr"omofluorornethane 104% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 94.2% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 91.6% 70 -130 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B T1K -2SE -2 Sampled: 09/27/16 10:30 CI28007 -19 (Soil) Lead 3.8 2.0 0.1 mg/kg 1 U6I2809 10106116 10/08/16 EPA 6010B Diesel ND 10 4.0 mg /kg I U612902 09/29/16 09/30/16 EPA 8015B Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 70.5% 11.8 -130 U6I2902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B Benzene ND 0.0050 0.00052 mg/kg 1 U6J0409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Toluene ND 0.0050 0.00051 mg /kg 1 .. U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg/kg 1 U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B . Xylenes, total ND 0.010 0.0012 mg/kg i U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B Gasoline (C6 -C 10) ND 1.0 0.027' mg /kg 1 U00409 10/04/16 '' '10/04/16 EPA 80158/8021B Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 116% 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI80213 Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene (PID) 113% 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B Ethanol ND 0.050 0.011 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 0.0021 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 0.0005 mg /kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND 0.0010 0.000 5 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Ethyl tert -Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND - 0.0010 - -- - 0.000 1 12 mg /kg I ,. 1 U00311 • r T�1 10/04/16 1Alnnnc 10/04/16 I AMA /IL EPA 8260B Unn "I'A'D Teri -Arnyl lvleinyl maer littiviz) ivJ.� v.wiv w..,�� � ­& f, - 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 0.0004 mg /kg i 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 Naphthalene ND 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 Surrogate: Dibromofluor^ornethane 99.3% 70 -130 EPA 8260B Surrogate: Toluene -d8 96.5% 70 -130 51 mg/kg 1 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 91.8% 70 -130 mg /kg 1 TK- 2SF, -6 0.010 0.0012 mg/kg 1 Lead Diesel Surrogate: o- Terphenyl Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, total Gasoline (C6 -C 10) Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) Ethanol tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) 4.2 2.0 0.1 mg /kg 1 ND 10 4.0 mg /kg 1 70.9% 11.8 -130 10/04/16 EPA 8260B ND 0.0050 0.00032 mg/kg 1 U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B ND 0.0050 0.000! 51 mg/kg 1 ND 0.0050 0.00036 mg /kg 1 ND 0.010 0.0012 mg/kg 1 ND 1.0 0.02 mg/kg 1 118% 70 -130 10/04/16 10/04/16 117% 70 -130 10/04/16 10/04/16 ND 0.050 0.01!1 mg/kg 1 ND 0.020 0.002 1 mg /kg 1 ND 0.0010 0.00035 mg/kg 1 U00311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10 /04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260B UV0311 10104116 10104116 EPA 8260E Sampled: 09/27/16 10:35 CI28007 -20 (Sc U612809 10/06/16 10/08/16 EPA 6010B U6I2902 09/29/16 09130116 EPA 8015B U612902 09129116 09130116 EPA 8015B U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B U00409 10104116 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/8021B U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8015B/802IB U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B U6J0311 10/04/16 10104116 EPA 8260E U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B U6J0311 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 8260B Moore Twining Associates, Inc. p apply p y f The results in this report a 1 to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain o c rstody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry Page 13 of 23 R. TWINING California FLAP Certificate #11371 Veir Corp 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Bakersfield CA, 93308 Projec : Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund Project Numbe : Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Project Manage : Mark Magargee 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Reported. 10/14/2016 Analytical Report 117r Work Order CI28007 Analyte Qual. Result Reporting MDL Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method TK -3C -6 Sampled: 09/27/16 10:50 C128007 -22 (Soil) Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 117% Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 115% Ethanol ND tert -Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND Methyl tert -Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND Di- isopropyl ether (DIPE) ND Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 1, 2,Dibromoethane (EDB) ND Naphthalene ND Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 1,02% Surrogate: Toluene -d8 95.5% Surrogate: 4 Bromofluorobenzene 92.9% 1.0 0.02 mg /kg 1 U00409 10/04/16 10/04/16 EPA 801513/802113 70 -130 U6J0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B 70 -130 UV0409 10104116 10104116 EPA 8015BI8021B 0.050 0.011 mg /kg 1 U6J0507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 0.020 0.0021 mg /kg 1 U6J0507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 0.0010 0.00035 mg/kg 1 U6J0507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 0.0010 0.00015 mg/kg 1 U6J0507 10/05/16 10105116 EPA 8260E 0.0010 0.00012 mg /kg 1 U00507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 0.0010 0.00018 mg /kg 1 U6J0507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 0.0010 0.00014 mg /kg 1 U6J0507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 0.0010 0.00013 mg /kg 1 U6J0507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 0.0010 0.00029 mg /kg 1 U00507 10/05/16 10/05/16 EPA 8260B 70 -130 U6J0507 10105116 10105116' EPA 8260B 70 -130 UV0507 10105116 10105116" EPA 8260B 70 -130 U6J0507 10105116 10105116 EPA 8260B Notes an J Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estima Quantified. u.-/L micrograms per liter (parts per billion concentration units) mg/I, milligrams per liter (parts per million concentration units) mg/kg milligrams per kilogram (parts per million concentration units) ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit RPD Relative Percent Difference Analysis of pH, filtration, and residual chlorine is to take place immediately aft If the test was performed in the laboratory, the hold time was exceeded. Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry A Definitions ted concentration (CLP J- Flag). Same as DNQ - Detected, but Not -r sampling in the field. results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of )dy document. This analytical report nnust be reproduced in its entire ti Page 15 of 23 4r ORE TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Veir Corp Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number: Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Metals - 'Totals Quality Control Analyte Notes Result Reporting its Spike Source %REC %REC RPD RPD Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch 0612716 - EPA 60108 Blank (U612716-BLKI) Lead LCS (U612716 -BSI) Lead LCS Dup (U6I2716 -BSD1) Lead Matrix Spike (U612716-MSI) Lead Matrix Spike (U6I2716 -MS2) Lead Matrix Spike Dup (U612716-MSD1) Lead Matrix Spike Dup (U612716-MSD2) Lead Batch 0612809 - EPA 6010B Blank (U6I2809 -BLK1) ND 2.0 mar 19.9 2.0 mg/J 20.0 2.0 mg/] Source: CI22033 -01 23.1 2.0 mg/1 Source: CI28007 -14 22.8 2.0 mil Source: C122033 -01 23.5 2.0 me Source: CI28007 -14 24.8 2.0 m� �k Prepared: 09 /29/16 Analyzed: 10/02/16 Prepared: 09/29/16 Analyzed: 10/02/16 20.0 99.7 70 -130 Prepared: 09/29/16 Analyzed: 10/02/16 20 20.0 99.9 70 -130 0.263 20 pared: 09/29/16 Analyzed: 10/02/16 20.2 4.78 90.7 70 -130 20 pared: 09/29/16 Analyzed: 10/03/16 20.0 4.47 91.6 70 -130 20 pared: 09/29/16 Analyzed: 10/02/16 20.1 4.78 93.0 70 -130 1.67 20 pared: 09/29/16 Analyzed: 10/03/16 20.1 4.47 101 70 -130 8.26 20 Prepared: 10106116 Analyzed: 10/07/16 Leaa ND LCS (U6I2809 -BSI) Prepared: 10106116 Analyzed: 10 /08/16 Lead 19.7 2.0 mfg 20.0 98.5 70 -130 20 LCS Dup (U6I2809 -BSDI) Prepared: 10106116 Analyzed: 10/08/16 Lead 19.7 2.0 mg/kg 20:0 98.3 70 -130 0.196 20 Matrix Spike (tJ6I2809 -MS1) Source: CI28007 -15 Prepared: 10106116 Analyzed: 10/08/16 Lead 24.1 2.0 mg/kg 20.1 7.09 84.5 70 -130 20 Matrix Spike (U6I2809 -MS2) Source: CJ03037 -12 Prepared: 10106116 Analyzed: 10/08/16 Lead 20.6 2.0 mg/kg 19.9 2.34 92.2 70 -130 20 Matrix Spike Dup (U612809-MSD1) Source: CI28007 -15 Prepared: 10106116 Analyzed: 10/08/16 Lead 25.7 2.0 mg/kg 20.0 7.09 93.1 70 -130 6.35 20 Matrix Spike Dup (U612809-MSD2) Source: CJ03037 -12 Prepared: 10/06/16 Analyzed: 10/08/16 Lead 21.4 2.0 mg /kg 20.2 2.34 94.4 70 -130 3.53 20 in this to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of Moore Twining Associates, Inc. the results report apply custody docznnent. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entiret Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry Page 16 of 23 - / l %f- TWINING 2527 Fresno Street CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax California FLAP Certificate #1371 Veir Corp Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Numbe I: Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager: Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Semi- Volatile Organics - Quality Control Analyte Notes Result Reporting Units Spike Source %REC %REC RPD RPD Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch U612902 - EPA 80158 Blank (U6I2902- BLK1)• Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.61 ni�lkg 2.00 80.5 11.8 -130 Diesel ND 10 " Blank (U612902-BLK2) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.61 nrg/kg 2.00 80.3 11.8 -130 Diesel ND 10 " LCS (U612902-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.89 nrg /kg 2.00 94.6 11.8 -130 Diesel 25.9 10 25.0 104 48 -131 20 LCS (U6I2902 -BS2) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.67 nrg /kg 2.00' 83.4 11.8 -130 Diesel 27.0 10 25.0 108 48 -131 •.20 LCS Dup (U612902-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.86 in /kg 2.00 93.2 11.8 -130 Diesel 24.3 10 25.0 97.1 48 -131 6.46 20 LCS Dup (U612902-BSD2) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.87 rng /kg 2.00 93.7 11.8 -130 Diesel 24.3 10 25.0 97.4 48 -131 10.4 20 Matrix Spike (LT6I2902 -MSI) Source: CI28007 -01 Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.84 nrg /kg 2.00 92.2 11.8 -130 Diesel 22.7 10 25.0 ND 91.0 48 -131 20 Matrix Spike (U6I2902 -MS2) Source: CI28007 -02 Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.99 nrg /kg 2.00 99.3 11.8 -130 Diesel 23.1 10 25.0 ND 92.3 48 -131 20 Matrix Spike Dup (U612902-MSDI) Source: CI28007 -01 Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.97 mg /kg 2.00 98.6 11.8 -130 Diesel 23.1 10 25.0 ND 92.4 48 -131 1.52 20 Matrix Spike Dup (Ua2902 -MSD2) Source: CI28007 -02 Prepared & Analyzed: 09/29/16 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 1.72 rng /kg 2.00 86.0 11.8 -130 Diesel 15.7 10 25.0 ND 62.9 48 -131 37.8 20 The in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of Moore Twining Associates, Inc. results custody document. This analytical report marst be reproduced in its entire Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry Page 17 of 23 i TWINING 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 ' ? (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax California FLAP Certificate #1371 Veir Corp Project: Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Nurnbe : Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Volatile Organic - (,duality Control Analyte Notes Result Reporting is Spike Source %REC %REC RPD RPD Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch U6J0311 - EPA 82608 Blank (U6J0311 -BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/16 Surrogate: Dibrornofluoromethane 0.0246 zg /kg 0.0250 98.6 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0232 0.0250 92.6 70 -130 Surrogate :4- Bronuofluorobenzene 0.0234 0.0250 93.7 70 -130 Ethanol ND 0.050 tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) ND 0.020 " Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.0010 " Di- isopropyl ether (DiPE) ND 0.0010 " Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) ND 0.0010 " Tert -Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) ND 0.0010 " 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) ND 0.0010 " 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.0010 " Naphthalene e ND 0.0010 " LCS (U6J0311 -BS 1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/16 Surrogate: Dibromoflzroronzethone 0.0236 nzo /kg 0.0250 94.4 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0230 0.0250 91.9 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Brornofluorobenzene 0.0240 0.0250 96.0 70 -130 LCS Dup (U6J0311 -BSDI) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/16 Surrogate: Dibromofluoronuethane 0.0235 nzg /kg 0.0250 94.1 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0234 0.0250 93.7 70 -130 Surrogate :4- Bronuofluorobenzene 0.0243 0.0250 97.2 70 -130 Batch U6J0312 - EPA 80158/8021 B Blank (U6J0312 -BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/16 Surrogate: 4- Bronuofluorobenzene (FID) 0.0729 in /kg 0.0625 117 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bronuofluorobenzene (PID) 0.0715 0.0625 114 70 -130 Benzene ND 0.0050 " Toluene ND 0.0050 " Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 " Xylenes, total ND 0.010 " Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 LCS (U6J0312 -BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/16 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 0.0686 77 1a /kg 0.0625 110 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bron:ofluorobenzene (PID) 0.0757 0.0625 121 70 -130 Benzene 0.0504 0.0050 0.0500 101 70 -130 20 Toluene 0.0513 0.0050 0.0500 103 70 -130 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0511 0.0050 0.0500 102 70 -130 20 Xylenes, total 0.161 0.010 " 70 -130 20 Gasoline (C6 -C10) 2.14 1.0 2.50 85.6 70 -130 20 LCS Dup (U6J0312 -BSDI) Prepared &Analyzed: 10/03/16 Moore Twining Associates, Inc. e results in this report apply to the scnnples analyzed in accordance with the chain of ustody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry Page 18 of 23 TWINING 2527 Fresno Street ..� Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax California FLAP Certificate #1371 Veir Corp Project Bashaar Chevron - Excluding State Fund 3410 Fruitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee 10/14/2016 Volatile Organics - Quality Control Analyte Notes Result Reporting Units Spike Source %REC %REC RPD RPD Limit Level Result Limits Limit Batch U6J0312 - EPA 8015B/8021 B LCS Dap (U6J0312 -BSDI) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/03/16 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 0.0712 mg /kg 0.0625 114 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bron7ofluorobenzene (PID) 0.0761 0.0625 122 70 -130 Benzene 0.0499 0.0050 0.0500 99.8 70 -130 1.01 20 Toluene 0.0505 0.0050 0.0500 101 70 -130 1.50 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0504 0.0050 0.0500 101 70 -130 1.34 20 Xylenes, total 0.159 0.010 70 -130 1.27 20 Gasoline (C6 -C10) 2.06 1.0 2.50 82.5 70 -130 3.67 20 Batch U6J0409 - EPA 80156/8021 B Blank (U6J0409 -BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10 /04/16 Surrogate: 4- Bromofhrorobenzene (FID) 0.0746 mg /kg 0.0625 119 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 0.0732 0.0625 117 70 -130 Benzene ND 0.0050 Toluene ND 0.0050 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 Xylenes, total ND 0.010 Gasoline (C6 -C10) ND 1.0 LCS (U6J0409 -BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/04/16 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 0.0661 m /kg 0.0625 106 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 0.0752 0.0625 120 70 -130 Benzene 0.0487 0.0050 0.0500 97.3 70 -130 20 Toluene 0.0498 0.0050 0.0500 99.6 70 -130 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0497 0.0050 0.0500 99.4 70 -130 20 Xylenes, total 0.156 0.010 70 -130 20 Gasoline (C6 -C10) 2.68 1.0 2.50 107 70 -130 20 LCS Da P (U 6J0409 -BSDI ) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/04/16 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (FID) 0.0683 n1a kg 0.0625 109 70 -130 Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene (PID) 0.0751 0.0625 120 70 -130 Benzene 0.0493 0.0050 0.0500 98.6 70 -130 1.35 20 Toluene 0.0507 0.0050 0.0500 101 70 -130 1.68 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0505 0.0050 0.0500 101 70 -130 1.68 20 Xylenes, total 0.158 0.010 70 -130 1.79 20 Gasoline (C6 -C10) 2.60 1.0 2.50 104 70 -130 2.94 20 Batch U6J0507 - EPA 82608 Blank (U6J0507 -BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/05/16 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0267 nigkg 0.0250 107 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0234 0.0250 93.4 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bronaofluorobenzene 0.0226 0.0250 90.4 70 -130 Ethanol ND 0.050 Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Te results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of Juliane Adams, Director of Analytical Chemistry custody doczrmerat. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Page 19 of 23 ORE TWINING California FLAP Certificate #1371 Veir Corp Project Bashaar Chevron -Excluding State Fund 3410 Fi uitvale Avenue, Suite A Project Number Analytical Services - Excluding State Fund Bakersfield CA, 93308 Project Manager Mark Magargee Batch U6J0507 - EPA 82608 Blank (U6J0507 -BLKI) tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Di- isopropyl ether (DIPS) Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) 1,2- Dichloroethane (1,2 -DCA) 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) Naphthalene LCS (U6J0507 -BS1) Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene -d8 Surrogate: 4- Bromof luoro benzene LCS Dup (U6J0507 -BSD1) Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: Toluene -d8 Surrogate: 4 -Brom of luorobenzene 2527 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 268 -7021 Phone (559) 268 -0740 Fax Reported: 10/14/2016 Volatile Organics - Quality Control Notes Result Reporting Units Spike Source %REC %REC RPD RPD Limit Level Result Limits Limit Moore Twining Associates, Inc. Ailiane Adams, Director of .Analytical Chemistry ND 0.020 m€r ND 0.0010 ND 0.0010 ND 0.0010 ND 0.0010 ND 0.0010 ND 0.0010 ND 0.0010 & Analyzed: 10/05/16 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/05/16 0.0257 ,J /kg 0.0250 103 70 -130 0.0231 0.0250 92.5 70 -130 0.0235 0.0250 93.9 70 -130 Prepared & Analyzed: 10/05/16 0.0228 nrg /kg 0.0250 91.0 70 -130 0.0234 0.0250 93.7 70 -130 0.0229 0.0250 91.7 70 -130 results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of ody doctmrent. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entire Page 20 of 23 TVVFAX: (559) 268-0740 jj�ING CHAIN OF CUSTODY/ANALYSIS REQUEST IVISION WORK ORDE-tA.' -.2 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY D PAGE cl. CALIFORNIA ELAP CERTIFICATION 1371 REPORT TO: INVOOC TO: REPORT COWTO: REPORTING: TENTIOM WRITE-ON (STATE FORM) 41 r E3 GE <1 DF 0 SPREADSHEET ADDRESS: WP ADDRESS'. El County D"S: tal Health Agency' PH 0 OTHER: CX sis REQUESTED ME SOLID- ' PRIVATE WELL 0 REPEAT 11 OTHER 0 REPLACEMENT OL - OIL SF - SURFACE ST STORM WATE RI TURN AP - STANDARD _ L 0 SAMPLE(S). DAMAGED - DATE 71 E TYPE op fo AV Ll CX sis REQUESTED ME �. ORE 1 T L11 1f�G (NAO N UF CUSV0D /A-vUAAd 5dS REQUEST 2527 �'�SN(I S'�`J�E11T 4 �USNO, c,& 93721 o PlIONE (559) 268 -7021. � FAX: (559) 268 -07��0 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY DIVISION WOW � RDER CERTIFICATION ## 1371 ®{ CALIFORNIA ELAI' ����� ;• _ _ _. REPORT TO: INV'ORCE TO: ❑ REPORT COPY ,TO: REPORTING: ATTENTION: ATTENTION: STANDARD FORMAT ❑ WRITE -ON (STAVE FORM) NAME: NA � � � ❑ OEOTRACKER /COEL`T (6UIFT) .0 Q1 ADDRESS: �IPDF ❑ SPREADSHEET io v P O� P%i0 °' ❑ OTHER: PROJECT INFORMA� WAPLE INFORMAY10M AMPLE TYP 9: 'I®N SAMPLED 13Y (PRINT ' a SOLID: BS — OR SOLID ZR,- r d G REo - E AMIC ,I, .. 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