HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/2017 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Commission Members: Christopher Gerry, Assistant to the City Manager Vacant (Mayor) Viridiana Gallardo-King, Associate Attorney Luke Garcia (Ward 1) Julie Drimakis, Assistant City Clerk Marisa Edmonston (Ward 2) Elyse Honaker (Ward 3) Lorryn Carter (Ward 4) Katie Collins (Ward 5) Alejandro Ruiz (Ward 6) Vacant (Ward 7) Regular Meeting YOUTH COMMISSION of the City Council - City of Bakersfield June 5, 2017 4:00 p.m. City Hall South 1501 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. ADOPT May 1, 2017 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Elect Chair of the Youth Commission B. Alternates Automatically Replacing Youth Commissioners that Resign C. Annual Youth Conference D. Youth Center at the Beale Library – Name Ideas 4. COMMISSION COMMENTS 5. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Commission Members: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Marisa Edmonston Viridiana Gallardo-King, Associate Attorney Kobie Budak Christopher Gerry, Assistant to the City Manager Elyse Honaker Lorryn Carter Katie Collins Alejandro Ruiz Elizabeth Reyes Luke Garcia Regular Meeting YOUTH COMMISSION of the City Council - City of Bakersfield May 1, 2017 4:00 p.m. City Hall South 1501 Truxtun Avenue, First Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 A G E N D A The meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Youth Commissioners: Marisa Rose Edmonston Elyse Honaker Elizabeth Reyes Katie Collins Lorryn Carter Annika Paterno (Alternative) City Staff: Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Viridiana Gallardo-King, Associate City Attorney Christopher Gerry, Assistant to the City Manager 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS There were no public statements. 3. ADOPT APRIL 3, 2017 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The Commission adopted the May 1, 2017 report. Motioned passed 6-0. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Annual Youth Conference Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant, provided the Commission an overview of different ideas for the Youth Conference. The Commission discussed this matter in detail. Commissioner Carter moved to hold the Youth Conference on August 22, 2017. Commissioner Collins seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-0. Also, Commissioner Carter moved to hold the Youth Conference at City Hall. Commissioner Edmonston seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-0. B. Update on Leftover Food/Homeless Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant, provided an update to the Commission regarding a previous referral to have schools provide leftover food to organizations that serve homeless people. He mentioned that schools have a very little amount of leftover food available. Furthermore, if food is leftover, schools already work with organizations that take their food. 5. COMMISSION COMMENTS There were no Commissioner comments. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m. Yo u t h C e n t e r Ju n e 5 , 2 0 1 7 Ch r i s t o p h e r G e r r y Yo u t h C e n t e r  Op e r a t e d b y t h e C o u n t y o f K e r n  Em p l o y e r s ’ T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e  Lo c a t e d a t t h e B e a l e L i b r a r y  Yo u t h a g e s 1 6 t o 2 1  Ac t i v i t i e s  Yo u t h E m p l o y m e n t O p p o r t u n i t i e s  Sk i l l s T r a i n i n g  Re c r e a t i o n a l O p p o r t u n i t i e s Na m i n g C o n t e s t  Em p l o y m e n t & A c h i e v e m e n t S u c c e s s f o r Yo u t h ( E A S Y C e n t e r )  Em p l o y m e n t P a r t n e r s h i p I n n o v a t i o n Ce n t e r ( E P I C e n t e r )  Tr a i n i n g R e - e n g a g e m e n t & I n n o v a t i o n Ne t w o r k ( T R A I N )  Ot h e r s u g g e s t i o n s a r e w e l c o m e !