HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 29, 2002 Pre-Meeting PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MINUTES OF MONDAY, JULY 29, 2002 - 12:15 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioners Blockley, Ellison, Gay, McGinnis, Sprague, Tragish Commissioner Tkac Advisory Members: Ginny Gennaro, Stanley Grady, Marian Shaw, Phil Burns Staff: Jim Movius, Marc Gauthier, Pam Townsend '/. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items: 4.1a Approval of minutes from Planning Commission meetings of June 17 and 20, 2002. 4.1 b Approval of General Plan Consistency Finding (Government Code 65402) for the acquisition of property located at the northeast corner of 21st Street and "R" Street. (Exempt from CEQA) ~/Vard 2) There were no Commission comments. Items will be voted on Thursday night. 4.2 Public Hearing Items 4.2a Approval of Extension of Time for Tract 5829 (Quad Knopf, Inc.) located on the south side of Snow Road between Old Farm Road and Jewetta Avenue. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) 4.2b Approval of Extension of Time for Tract 5831 (Quad Knopf, Inc.) located on South Kratzmeyer Road between Allen Road and Old Farm Road. (Negative Declaration on file) (Ward 4) Minutes, PC, July 29, 2002 Page 2 4.2c Approval of Extension of Time for Tract 5993 (Porter Robertson Engineering) located on the southwest corner of Calloway Drive and Snow Road. (Negative Declaration on file) Staff reports given. Commissioner Tragish asked what the grounds are to deny an extension to which staff responded that there is not any. These items will be voted on Thursday. PUBLIC HEARING - Public Scopin.q Meetin.q to discuss the content of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Panama / Hi.qhwa¥ 99 Commercial shoppin.q center. The project consists of a .qeneral plan amendment and zone chanqe to allow a 352,000 square foot shoppin.q center on 37.52 acres located on the east side of Hiqhwa¥ 99 and north of Panama. (Panama 99 Properties, LLC). (Ward 7) Staff stated that the EIR will be discussed. Commissioner Sprague requested staff provide the Commission prior to Thursday's meeting a check list of the conditions imposed on previous shopping centers such as The Grand Canal and Promenade I and II. Staff responded they could provide the check list. Commissioner Tragish inquired if the EIR will include the Kit Fox issue to which staff responded it will be included in the EIR. Commissioner Tragish also inquired if the EIR will provide for mitigation of shielding the neighbors, to which staff responded that the EIR addresses the City's thresholds and requirements and limitations. Commissioner Blockley inquired if impacts of operation times are included in the EIR to which staff responded that night time operations will be addressed in the EIR. Commissioner Blockley inquired what the long term proposal is for the project after three to five years and if this impact could be included in the EIR to which staff responded that it should be addressed at Thursday's meeting because there will be an economic analysis as it relates to the physical environment. Commissioner McGinnis inquired if the EIR considers existing space in the same perimeter target area. There were no more Commissioner comments. This item was moved to Thursday, August 1,2002 meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Tentative Tract Maps 6.1) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6110 (SmithTech USA, Inc.) Staff Report given recommending approval with conditions, and request that it be put on the Consent Calendar. There were no Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 6.2) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6117 (SmithTech USA, Inc.) Staff Report given recommending approval with conditions, and request that it be put on the Consent Calendar. There were no Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 6.3) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6118 (SmithTech USA, Inc.) Minutes, PC, July 29, 2002 Page 3 Staff said the applicant is requesting a continuance to the August 15, 2002 meeting. Applicant is working with Public Works and Planning to resolve some conditions, and the applicant is going to be out of town. There were no Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 6.4) Vestinq Tentative Tract Map 6129 (Porter-Robertson) Commissioner Tragish recused himself from this item. Staff report given recommending approval. A Consent request is being made. Staff recommends approval because urbanization to north of the tract is imminent and agree that it will be residential in the near future. Commissioner McGinnis inquired why there is a proposed 8' wall as opposed to a 6' wall to which staff responded that an 8' wall is standard when it is next to agriculture. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Tentative Tract Map/Zone Chanqes 7.la&b) Zone Chanqe No. 02-0529/Tentative Tract 6116 (Cornerstone Engineering) Staff report given. Request to be placed on Consent calendar. Staff is recommending approval subject to the conditions. Commissioner Gay inquired of the high pressure gas line if they went beyond the 250, and if so, it might be pulled off consent and discussed. Commissioner Blockley requested clarification of the history and effect of the R-2 zoning as it was his understanding that this R-2 was a condition of removing it from another parcel in the vicinity. Staff responded that the current location is out of a previous approval. Commissioner Blockley expressed that he is just trying to stay consistent with the General Plan. Commissioner Tragish inquired if there is agriculture zoned property across the street to which staff responded in the affirmative. He inquired if the setback has been designed into the tentative tract to which staff responded that it is not enforced on this subdivision because there is a 110' road right-of-way between this property and the A zone. Staff indicated they will check on the ordinance for Thursday's meeting. Commissioner Tragish inquired if ordinance requires notice to the residents of the high pressure gas line to which staff responded that it is Fire Department condition. Commissioner Tragish inquired if the Commission require that notice be given beyond the 250 foot to which staff responded that the Commission would have to have some basis for suggesting that this map is different than the previous maps and needs a greater separation. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.2) Zone Chanqe No. P02-0541 (Stonecreek Partners, Inc.) Staff report given recommending approval subject to the conditions. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 7.3) Revised PCD Zone Chanqe No. P02-0540 Minutes, PC, July 29, 2002 Page 4 Staff report given recommending approval. Commissioner Sprague inquired if the zoning would allow for a conversion to a strip club to which staff responded that it is a PCD and the use has to be an industrial zone. Because it is adjacent to homes it will not be an issue. Commissioner Sprague inquired if notice was provided to within 300 feet of the changes and what ABC requires for notice. Staff responded that they have no control of the ABC but will find out the distance requirements are. Commissioner Tragish inquired if there was any communication made by any residents, to which staff responded that no communication has been received by staff concerning this project. Commissioner Blockley inquired how the project will connect with the existing fences on the property boundaries, to which staff responded that there is a condition that the applicant can enter into an agreement with the property owner to put in a different wall. There is a retaining wall of a 6' fence. Commissioner Gay inquired what good the valet parking will do if there are no parking spots. Staff responded that they did not give the Applicant any credit for valet parking and were trying to take only those portions of the structure that would be used by outside residents and giving them a break on the ratio for the cocktail lounge. Instead of using 1 per 50, the calculated 1 per every 75 sq. ft. Applicant has indicated that there is usually a 10% vacancy and the cars can be stacked in those spaces. However, staff did not give them credit for that. Any parking problem is going to be their own problem. Commissioner Sprague inquired if there is a private gate on the entrance to which staff responded that they would have to look into this. Commissioner Sprague indicated that they would need to know the type of entrance. Commissioner Sprague inquired about the accel and decel lanes to which staff responded that the access is right in, right out and does not recall if a right turn lane was required of the applicant. Staff indicated that there would be a break in the median for a left in for those traveling north on Wible. Commissioner Sprague expressed concern with a stack lane and left turn lane into, and left turn out of the property if there is a private gate on the property so there are traffic and safety issues. Staff responded that they will check into this issue. Commissioner Tragish inquired about the size of the parking spaces on the property to which staff responded that compact sizes are no longer allowed, and the minimum size is 9X18. Commissioner Tragish inquired if there would be enough space for the discussed landscaping to shorten up the sidewalk with the decel lane to which Staff responded that there is not sufficient room for a right turn lane on Wible into the project without moving the canal. Commissioner Tragish inquired what the noticing requirements would be if the applicant is required to provide more parking spaces to which staff responded that it would just be a condition of approval and no re-noticing would be required. Commissioner Sprague inquired if it would be uneconomical for them to cover a greater portion of the canal to allow for an access lane into the property. Staff responded that to their knowledge there is no gate and that the City has requirements for a right turn lane, Minutes, PC, July 29, 2002 Page 5 and the particular use of this property would be off-peak, and would not fall under the criteria that would require a right turn lane. Staff responded that the particular canal company that is involved would have an "all or nothing" attitude, and thus the applicant would probably feel that it was uneconomical. The trip generation study did not fall under the criteria requiring a right turn deceleration lane. Staff indicated that the fence is held back quite a distance from the entrance and staff feels the line of sight is sufficient. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 1. Approval of Master Wall and Landscape Concept Plan P02-0534 Staff report given. Greg Cronk, Director of Operations for City of Bakersfield Recreation and Park's Office explained the progress. There were no Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. 1. AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF TITLE 16, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND TITLE 17, ZONING ORDINANCE CONCERNING REGULATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF MULTIPLE FAMILY HOUSING PROJECTS SUCH AS APARTMENTS, DUPLEXES, TRIPLEXES AND FOURPLEXES IN THE R-2, R-3 AND R-4 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONE DISTRICTS. Staff reported given. Staff indicated that Majesty Palms and River Lakes Ranch raised some issues to the four plex projects and Councilman Couch requested an ordinance proposing changes to these projects. Staff recommended that the Commission only take testimony at Thursday's meeting so the matter can be continued to the August 15th meeting. Commissioner Sprague inquired how this proposed amendment to the ordinance would impact the existing four plex lots that do not have the room for the proposed amenities. Staff responded that if it is in a vesting map then it is grandfathered in, and that if it is something that was done prior to vesting maps then the Commission would have to decide how to apply the ordinance. Sometimes the lots are grandfathered in and sometimes it is acknowledged that through design it can still be achieved. Commissioner Gay inquired if the City can mandate the number of cars that have to be parked in garages to which staff responded that kind of issue is usually mandated through CC&R's. Commissioner Gay inquired if the tandem would be enough to meet code and this should be kept in mind. He further expressed that he likes the off-street landscape guest parking and that the amenities feature can be problematic in the future when the property is sold to out-of-town investors and there is no on-site monitoring. Commissioner Blockley favors the proposed amendments. He inquired if there will be exceptions to the requirements if certain criteria are met. He further inquired about his concern of not having enough land for the open space if larger developments are built. Staff responded that exceptions have been provided by setting the standard so that as long as the project meets the standards, then it goes through the regular review process. If there is an alternative it is sent to the Planning Department. Staff further noted that this particular ordinance does not address anything over a four plex. There were no other Commission comments. Item was continued until Thursday night. Minutes, PC, July 29, 2002 Page 6 10. COMMUNICATIONS Staff requested clarification of Mr. Gay's intent on the Majesty Palms project regarding the language to condition the flag lots on the approval as the motion did not include allowing the flag lots to be approved by the fire department. Mr. Gay stated that it was his intent and Commissioner Sprague's intent to include fire department approval on the flag lots. Commissioner Sprague inquired if the pedestrian access issue was concluded so there will be a walk through with poles to which Staff responded that the design was not nailed down, however access will be allowed. Staff indicated that it can be further discussed at the site plan review. Staff indicated that Consent Calendar items will be 6.1,6.2, 6.4, 7.1a and 7.1b and 7.2. 11. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Tragish inquired of recusal and Ms. Gennero indicated that Commissioners do not need to leave the room although there is pending legislation which is anticipated to pass requiring Commissioners to leave after recusal. The City suggests that to avoid the appearance of impropriety that the Commissioner leave the room after recusal. Commissioner Tragish requested that Commissioner Tkac receive the packet before Thursday's meeting. Commissioner Tragish inquired if staff could fax copies of the Agenda before Thursday's night meeting so he can better prepare, to which staff responded that they can e-mail the Agenda as soon as it is ready. 2. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING POSSIBLE CANCELLATION OF THE NEXT PRE- 13. MEETING. This will be decided on Thursday night. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1:53 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary 09/19/2002 STANLEY GRADY, Secretary Planning Director