HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3051ORDINANCE NO. 3051 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING TITLE 19 TO THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I Title 19 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as: follows: CHAPTERS: 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19 07 19 08 19 09 19 10 19 11 19 12 AUTHORITY DEFINITIONS GENERAL PROVISIONS VEHICLES AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS - GROUND AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS - FLIGHT FUEL FIRE PROTECTION HANGERS AND TIE-DOWNS MAINTENANCE FINANCE CHAPTER 19.01 AUTHORITY Section: 19.01.010 AUTHORITY This ordinance is enacted to protect the health, safety, and peace, and to promote the welfare and convenience of all persons, using the Airport, or persons affected by activities related to the Airport by providing for the orderly conduct of activities on, or related to, the Airport. The Airport Operations Manager, as authorized by the City is fully empowered to enforce all rules and regulations of this ordinance. Furthermore, the Airport Operations Manager shall have the authority to promulgate policies and procedures to implement this ordinance and to insure safe and efficient operation of the Airport. Section: 19.02.010 CHAPTER 19.02 DEFINITIONS are defined and certain provisions shall be construed as set forth DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this title, certain words and phrases in this -hapter, unless it is apparent from the context that another meaning is intended. A. "AIR CARRIER" means any person who undertakes directly, by lease, or other arrangement, to engage in air- transportation of persons or things, under authority or certification B. "AIRPORT" means each Airport and all Airport pro- perty, owned, operated and controlled by the City of Bakersfield, including all improvements, facilities and appurtenances~, the airspace above such land and the designated approaches California, as well as thereto. C. "AIRPORT OPERATIONS MANAGER" means a person duly appointed by the City Manager to manage City owned Airports and or any duly authorized representative. D. "AIR TRAFFIC" means aircraft in operation anywhere in the air space and on those areas of the Airports normally used for the movement of aircraft. E. "AIRCRAFT PARKING AREA" means those areas desig- nated for parking of aircraft. F. "AUTO ROTATION" means a rotorcraft flight condition in which the lifting rotor is driven entirely by action of the air when the rotorcraft (helicopter) is in motion. G. "AEROBATIC" means maneuvers intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt change in its attitude, an abnormal attitude, or an abnormal acceleration, or deceleration. H. "AIRCRAFT OPERATING AREA" (AOA) means that surface of the airport normally reserved for the use of aircraft for ground transportation, ie., runways, taxiways, infields, clear zone areas, over run areas, tie-downs and hangar areas. I. "BASED AIRCRAFT" means any aircraft which utilizes the Airport as a base of operations and is assigned a permanent park- ing space, tie-down or hangar space on the Airport or adjoining pro- perty, for the period of at least one month, by virtue of a lease agreement. -2- J. "CITY" means the City of Bakersfield, California. K. "CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS" (CFR) means CFR Aeronautics and Space, Parts 1-199. L. "COMMERICAL ACTIVITY" means the use of the Airport for any revenue producing activities, expressed or otherwise and regardless of type of compensation. M. "COMMERCIAL VEEICLE" means any vehicle used or maintained for ground transportation of persons or property for hire., compensation or profit. N. "DRIVEWAY" means any street or roadway either improved or unimproved within the boundaries of the Airport set aside or designated for use by Traffic. O. "FEDERAL" means the United States of America. P. "FIXED BASED OPERATOR" (FBO) means any person who rents, leases, or owns facilities located at the Airport, who by vir-- tue of the specific type of aviation related activity requires the occupancy of site with contiguous aircraft apron and direct access to the AOA and is engaged in such a business for the purpose of commer- cial activity. Q. "LOCAL" means the City of Bakersfield the County of Kern, California. R. "MAINTENANCE" means inspection, overhaul, repair preservation and the replacement of parts, including preventative maintenance as defined and outlined in the CFR part. S. "NIGE?" means the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight as pub- lished in the American Air Almanac, converted to local time. T. "PERSONN means an individual, or group of indivi- duals, firms, partnership, corporation, company, association, joint- stock association, or governmental entity, and includes a trustee, receiver, assignee, or similar representative of any of them. U. "PARKING AREA" means any of the Airport property set aside for the parking of vehicles. -3- V. "STATE" means the State of California. W. "TRAFFIC" means pedestrians and vehicles, either individually or together, using any driveway. X. "TRAFFIC PATTERN" means the flow of traffic pre- scribed for aircraft landing or take-off at the Airport. Y. "TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT" means all aircraft not perma- nently based at the Airport (as opposed to based aircraft). Z. "WORD CONSTRUCTION" the following word construction shall apply throughout this ordinance: 1. Words importing the singular shall include the plural. 2. Words lar. 3. Words AA. sidered infractions. misdemeanors. importing the plural shall include the singu- importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender. "PENALTIES" all regulations marked (I) shall be con- All regulations marked (M) shall be considered "PENALTIES" 1. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or regulations, chapter with refusing to comply with the rules, and permits authorized under this the exception of sections marked (I) is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any person who violates the provisions of sections marked (I) of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by: -4- A fine not exceeding ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) for a first violation; A fine not exceeding TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) for a second violation within one year; A fine not exceeding FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) for each additional violation within one year. SECTIONS: 19.03.010 19.03.020 19 03.030 19 03.040 19 03.050 19 03.060 19 03.070 19 03.080 19 03.090 19 03.100 19 03.110 19 03.120 19 03.130 1903.140 1903.150 19.03.160 19.03.170 19.03.180 19.03.190 CHAPTER 19.03 GENERAL PROVISIONS HOURS OF OPERATION GENERAL COMPLIANCE USE OF PROPERTY ACCESS RESTRICITONS DISTRIBUTING, POSTING OR DISPLAYING PRINTED FUND SOLICITING PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY SANITATION DISORDERLY CONDUCT DRIVEWAYS CHILDREN ANIMALS FIREARMS DAMAGED PROPERTY ACCIDENT REPORTS SAFEGUARDING PUBLIC LIABILITY COMMERCIAL ACITIVITY INSURANCE 19.03.010 HOURS OF OPERATION: The Airport shall be open for public use at all hours of the day and night, subject to any restrictions imposed by the Airport Operations Manager due to special conditions, such as weather; special events; or similar causes. when- ever possible, such restriction shall be posted or notice to airmen (NOTAM) shall be issued to Flight Service Station (FSS). 19.03.020 GENERAL COMPLIANCE: All local, state and fed- eral laws and regulations shall be complied with at all times. 19.03.030 USE OF PROPERTY: Entry upon or use of the Airport by any person is conditioned upon compliance with Airport rules and regulations, and entry upon or into the Airport by any -5- person shall be deemed to constitute an agreement by such person to comply with said rules and regulations. 19.03.040 ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: The City reserves the right to deny use of the Airport to any person or persons for cause. Furthermore, no person shall enter any restricted area which is posted or closed to the public except persons duly authorized by the City or its representatives, or by law enforcement and/or Crash/Fire/Rescue personnel. (I) 19.03.050 DISTRIBUTING, POSTING OR DISPLAYING PRINTED MATERIAL: No person shall distribute, post or display any commercial or non-commercial signs, circulars, handbills or advertisements with- out consent of the City of Bakersfield. (I) 19.03.060 FUND SOLICITING: No person shall solicit funds for any purpose at or on the Airport without consent of the City of Bakersfield. A permit for solicitation shall be obtained at City Hall for each day (24 hour period) of solicitation. (I) 19.03.070 PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY: No person shall: A. Destroy, injure, deface or disturb in any way, any building, sign equipment, marker or other structure, tree, shrub, flower, lawn or seeded areas on the Airport. (I) B. Conduct activities that are injurious, detrimental or damaging to Airport property or to activities and businesses of the Airport. (M) 3. Abandon any personal property on the Airport. (I) 19.03.080 SANITATION: All garbage, papers and refuse or other waste materials shall be placed in receptacles provided for that express purpose. All areas in and about aircraft hangers and tie-down spaces shall be free from accumulations of litter and other refuse including parts and equipment. (I) 19.03.080 DISORDERLY CONDUCT: 1. No person shall commit any disorderly, obscene, indecent or unlawful act or commit any nui- sance on the Airport. -6- 2. No person shall drink any intoxicating liquors upon an~' portion of the Airport open to the public, except in a restaurant or other place properly designated and licensed for on-sale liquor dispensing, or in an area protected by the right to privacy. 3. No person shall become intoxicated or use habit forming and/or illicit drugs on any portion of the Airport nor shall any per- son under the influence enter upon or loiter on or about the Airport property. (M) 19.03.100 DRIVEWAYS: No person shall travel on any por- tion of the Airport except on the driveways provided for the particu- lar class of traffic, nor shall the driveways be occupied in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct their proper use without approval from the City. (I) 19.03.110 CHILDREN: Children under the age of sixteen must be supervised by an adult. (I) 19.03.120 ANIMALS: Animals are permitted on the Airport only if properly restrained with a leash or any other manner as to be under control. All animal refuse shall be immediately properly dis- posed of by the owner of the animal. (I) 19.03.130 FIREA~4S: No person, except peace officers on official duty, or members of the armed forces of the United States on official duty shall carry any loaded firearms or explosives without prior permission from the City. No person shall hunt, conduct target practice or discharge firearms on Airport property. (M) 19.03.140 DAMAGED PROPERTY: Any and all Airport prop- erty destroyed, injured or damaged by accident or otherwise, shall be paid for by the person responsible for such destruction, injury or damage. Persons responsible for damaging or destroying Airport prop- erty shall report such damage to the Airport Operations Manager within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence, or as soon as is practical. (M) 19.03.150 ACCIDENT REPORTS: Witnesses to and partici- pants in accidents occurring on the Airport shall make a full report -7- to the Airport Operations Manager as soon as possible after the acci- dent or as soon as is practical. (I) 19.03.160 SAFEGUARDING PUBLIC: The City shall have authority and shall perform all duties necessary to safeguard the pub- lic and the Airport. 19.03.170 LIABILITY: The City, its agents or employees operating the Airport assumes no responsibility for damage to propert~ stored thereon or property thereon of persons using the Airport faci- lities, by reason of fire, theft, vandalism, windstorm, flood, earth- quake and/or collision, or other natural causes. Nor does it assume any liability by reason of injury or death to persons while at the Airport or while using Airport facilities. 19.03.180 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY: No person shall use the Airport in any manner whatsoever for any commercial profit, gainful, or revenue producing purpose, regardless of the form of compensation, without a valid agreement or lease with the City. Commercial Activity include, but are not limited to flight instruction or mechanical work. Non-profit organizations, such as flying clubs, shall be considered commercial activity. (I) 19.03.190 INSURANCE: All persons doing business or otherwise engaged in commercial activity or services, or operating or basing aircraft at the Airport shall carry public liability and prop- erty damage insurance covering services rendered, vehicles or air- craft used, and equipment used at the Airport. limits are set by resolution and are posted at Manager's office. (I) Required insurance the Airport Operations Sections: 19.04.010 19.04.020 19.04.030 19.04.040 19.04.050 19.04.060 19.04.070 CHAPTER 19.04 VEHICLES GENERAL AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AREA (AOA) SPEED LIMITS AIRCRAFT SUPPORT VEHICLES PARKING COMMERICAL VEHICLES REPAIR OF VEHICLES -8- 19.04.010 GENERAL: Motor vehicles shall obey all posted signs and operate in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Code of the State of California and City of Bakersfield. 19.04.020 AIRCRAFT OPERATING AREA (AOA): No motor vehi- cle or other vehicle shall be operated on the aircraft operating area, except by persons authorized by the Airport Operations Manager. No motor vehicle or other vehicle except one having clearance from the Airport Operations Manager shall be operated on or across runways or taxiways. Operators of such authorized vehicles shall be alert at all times and shall operate on runways and taxiways only as necessary in connection with work performed. of-way to aircraft. (I) 19.04.030 SPEED LIMITS: All vehicles shall yield their right- All vehicles, except authorized vehicles and those responding to an emergency or performing friction testing, shall travel at speeds not exceeding 15 mph. (I) 19.04.040 AIRCRAFT SUPPORT VEHICLES: All aircraft sup- port vehicles shall be equipped with brakes, including but not limited to loading ramps, baggage trucks and other such vehicles. Brakes shall be set when the vehicle is parked and not in use. Fuel trucks shall have chocks set in front and rear of tires when not in motion. (I) 19.04.050 PARKING: Vehicles shall be parked in parking areas only in the manner and at locations indicated by posted traffic signs and markings. Vehicles shall not be parked so as to obstruct aircraft movement. Vehicles not in compliance shall be towed away at owner's expense. (I) 19.04.060 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES: No person shall operate any vehicle for hire on or from the Airport without an appropriate permit from the City and shall comply with such conditions as may be pre- scribed by the City. (I) 19.04.070 REPAIR OF VEHICLES: No person shall clean or make repairs to motor vehicles anywhere on the Airport except those minor -9- repairs necessary to remove such vehicles from the Airport. Airport support vehicles are excluded, but shall be removed as soon as possible so not to obstruct air traffic. (I) Sections: 19.05.010 19.05.020 19.05.030 19.05.040 19.05.050 19.05.060 19.05.070 19.05.080 19.05.010 CHAPTER 19.05 AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT USAGE GENERAL NOISE ABATEMENT PRACTICE LANDINGS AND TOUCH-AND-GO CLEARANCE REFUSAL AND/OR DELAY ADVISORIES EXPLOSIVES AND HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSPORTATION EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS aeronautics and Space shall Airport. (I) AIRCRAFT USAGE: Only aircraft, as defined in CF~ be permitted to take-off and land at the 19.05.020 GENERAL: No person shall operate any aircraft, land aircraft upon, fly aircraft from or conduct any aircraft opera- tion on or from the Airport other than in conformity with the Federal, State, local rules and regulations and this ordinance. (M) 19.05.030 NOISE ABATEMENT: All aircraft operations shall employ prudent and responsible noise abatement procedures to limit environmental pollution to the surrounding communities without jeop- ardizing safety. (I) 19.05.040 PRACTICE LANDINGS AND TOUCH-AND-GO: The Airport Operations Manager may regulate practice landings and touch-and-go's whenever traffic volume is such that regulation is necessary for the safe and orderly operation of the Airport. (M) 19.05.050 CLEARANCE REFUSAL AND/OR DELAY ADVISORIES: The Airport Operations Manager may issue clearance refusal and delay advi- sories to any person operating an aircraft if it is deemed to be in the interest of safety. Any person issued a clearance refusal or delay advisory must abide by all conditions and instructions set forth therein. (I) -10- 19.05.060 EXPLOSIVES AND HAZARDOUS WASTE TRANSPORTATION: No person shall operate an aircraft transporting explosives or hazardous waste, including but not limited to radioactive materials without proper permits and without prior consent from the City of Bakersfield. (M) 19.05.080 ACCIDENTS: Any and every person involved in, or witnessing an aircraft accident on the Airport shall report promptly the details of such accident to the Airport Operations Manager, to the FAA/FSS and to Local Law Enforcement Personnel, as required by law. In addition, the pilot or aircraft owner shall report fully to the Department of Transportation of the State of California, Aeronautics Division, the details on any accident in which there is injury or death, or in which damage to the property of others exceeds $400. The pilot and/or owner of an aircraft which is damaged or wrecked in an accident, shall be responsible for the prompt remow~l of said aircraft as directed by the Airport Operations Manager. Where the pilot or owner is unable to arrange for removal of such disabled or wrecked aircraft, the Airport Operations Manager shall have autho~- ity to move, or arrange to remove the aircraft when released (if applicable) by the FAA or the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). All expenses resulting from removal of a damaged or wrecked aircraft shall be payable by the pilot and/or the aircraft owner, his estate, executor or legal representative thereof. No liability shall be incurred by the City, the Airport Operations Manager or authorized representatives for damage aggravated by, or resulting from such removal. (M) Sections: CHAPTER 19.06 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS-GROUND 19.06.010 19.06.020 19.06.030 19.06.040 19.06.050 19.06.060 TAKE-OFF PROCEDURES LANDING RUNWAY CROSSING AIRCRAFT TAXI OPERATIONS BLAST CAUTION PASSENGER EMPLANEMENT -11- 19.06.070 19.06.080 19.06.090 ENGINE OPERATION UNATTENDED AIRCRAFT PARKING PARKING AIRCRAFT 19.06.010 TAKE-OFF PROCEDURES: Take-off procedures shall commence at the start of the runways, unless otherwise approved by the Airport Operations Manager. No take-off shall commence unless runway is free and clear. (I) 19.06.020 LANDING: All aircraft shall upon landing and roll-out, clear the runways as expeditiously and safely as is possible. Taxiways shall be cleared in the same manner. (I) 19.06.030 RUNWAY CROSSING: No aircraft shall cross the runway at any location without ascertaining that such a crossing will not interfere or cause interference or cause a collision with any person or object. (I) 19.06.040 AIRCRAFT TAXI OPERATIONS: Aircraft shall be taxied at a safe and reasonable speed and in no case shall the speed be in excess of 15 mph. Taxi operations of aircraft in and out of hangars is strictly prohibited. (I) 19.06.050 BLAST CAUTION: Aircraft engines shall not be operated in such a manner or position as to cause damage to hangars, buildings or other facilities, property or persons due to blast action except in areas so designated or where such operations will not cause harm or damage. (I) PASSENGER EMPLANEMENT: Aircraft engines shall any manner while passengers are emplaned or 19.06.060 not be operated in deplaned. (M) 19.06.070 ENGINE OPERATION: No aircraft shall be left unattended while the engine or engines are still in operation. (M) 19.06.080 UNATTENDED AIRCRAFT PARKING: No aircraft shall be left unattended unless properly secured to the ground by ropes or other appropriate means, or in a hangar, with hangar doors securely closed. All aircraft stored in tie-down areas, hangars or in transient tie-down areas shall be maintained in a safe orderly manner. -12- To insure the ability to move aircraft in cases of emergency all air- craft tires and landing gear shall be maintained in a fully inflated. and operable condition. (I) 19.06.090 PARKING AIRCRAFT: No person shall park or store any aircraft in any area not designated for such purpose without prior written consent of the Airport Operations Manager. (I) Sections: CHAPTER 19.07 19.07.010 19.07.020 19.07.030 19.07.040 19.07.050 19.07.060 19.07.070 19.07.080 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS-FLIGHT FLIGHT ACTIVITY, GENERAL TRAFFIC PATTERN ENTRY TRAFFIC PATTERN FORMATION FLYING AEROBATIC MANEUVERS LOW FLYING ROTOCRAFT OPERATIONS TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT 19.07.010 FLIGRT ACTIVITY, GENERAL: No aeronautical activity shall be conducted at the Airport, or within the Airport traffic area, except in compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations~: State of California Law and Regulations and this ordinance. (M) 19.07.020 TRAFFIC PATTERN: Except where the Airport Operations Manager has delegated authority for air traffic control to FAA Air Traffic Control (ATC) personnel, every aircraft before landing and after take-off shall be flown in accordance with the traffic pat- tern illustrated on the diagram attached hereto as exhibit "A", and made part of this ordinance. (I) 19.07.030 ENTRY TRAFFIC PATTERN: Aircraft entering the traffic pattern shall enter at an approximate 45° angle to the down- wind leg after ascertaining that entry into the traffic pattern does not interfere with the operation of other aircraft already in the traffic pattern. (I) 19.07.040 FORMATION FLYING: but not limited to take-offs, landings, Formation flying, including low, slow and fast passes are prohibited without written permission from the Airport Operations Manager. (I) -13- 19.07.050 AEROBATIC MANEUVERS: Aerobatic maneuvers are prohibited in the Airport traffic area without written permission from the Airport Operations Manager. (I) 19.07.060 LOW FLYING: Low flying, including but not limited to low, slow and fast passes are prohibited within the Airport traffic area without written permission from the Airport Operations Manager. Exceptions include operations relevant to take-off or land- ing configuration, and bona fide emergencies. (I) 19.07.070 ROTORCRAFT OPERATIONS: 1. Rotorcraft opera- tions shall at all times be conducted in compliance with the Federal, State, and local laws, regulations and this ordinance. (I) 2. Except for bona fide emergencies, auto rotation anywhere in the air traffic area shall be strictly prohibited. (I) 3. All rotorcraft shall land and take-off from designated areas only. Where no such designation exists, operators of rotorcraft shall use extreme caution in operating rotorcraft so as to not cause damage to hangars buildings or other facilities, property, or persons due to propeller ground effect conditions. (I) 19.07.080 TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT: 1. Transient aircraft operators shall familiarize themselves with the local traffic pattern and otherwise conform to all the rules and regulations as set forth by Federal, State and local laws and this ordinance. (I) 2. Transient aircraft shall park only in the designated areas marked "Transient Aircraft Only". (I) 3. Parking fees, as established by the City, and posted at the transient parking area, shall be paid prior to departure. (I) CHAPTER 19.08 FUEL 19.08.010 19.08.020 19.08.030 19.08.040 19.08.050 19.08.060 19.08.010 defueled except by AUTHORIZATION FUELING PROHIBITION FUEL SPILLS GROUNDING FUEL LOADNG AND INVENTORY RECONCILIATION FUELING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AUTHORIZATION: No aircraft shall be fueled or a fuel dispensary authorized by the City. (I) -14- 19.08.020 FUELING PROHIBITION: A. fueled or defueled while aircraft (I) No aircraft shall be the aircraft engine is running or while such is in an enclosed area, including but not limited to hangars. B. No person shall activate any switch or device which may cause static sparks including but not limited to radios and master switches, when fueling operations are in effect within 50 feet of the fueling area. (I) C. Emplanement and deplanement of passengers during operations is strictly prohibited. (I) D. Smoking of any sort, or open flames feet of the fueling area are strictly prohibited. 19.08.030 FUEL SPILLS: Any fuel spills gallons shall be reported to the Airport Operations Manager. spills shall be cleaned up immediately, following guidelines forth by the EPA and DEC. (I) 19.08.040 GROUNDING: The aircraft shall be grounded at all times during fueling or defueling operations and any and all equipment used in fueling operations shall be properly grounded to prevent static ignition. (I) 19.08.050 FUEL LOADING AND INVENTORY RECONCILIATION: Prior to fuel transfer to storage tanks, the fuel dealer and dispen- sary shall conduct tests as to fuel type and signs of contamination. Furthermore, in accordance with environmental law, the fuel dispensary or authorized agent shall conduct daily inventory reconciliation in order to assess fuel loss. A reconciliation log shall be maintained daily and logs shall be forwarded to the Airport Operations Manager at the end of each month. Any fuel loss due to apparent leakage or for any other reason shall be reported to the Airport Manager. (I) 19.08.060 FUELING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE: All fueling equipment including but not limited to pumps and hoses shall be main- tained in a safe and sound, non-leaking condition. (I) fueling operations within 50 (I) in excess of 10 All fuel as set -15- Sections: 19.09.010 19.09.020 19.09.030 19.09.040 19.09.050 19.09.010 CHAPTER 19.09 FIRE PROTECTIN FIRE CODES OPEN FLAME/SMOKING STORAGE DISPOSAL PROPER CARE FIRE CODES: All fire codes of the City of Bakersfield shall be strictly adhered to at all times. (M) 19.09.020 OPEN FLAME/SMOKING: No person shall conduct any open flame operations or smoke in any hanger, enclosed area, or other place where fuel, aircraft, tools or equipment are stored or maintained, which would cause a fire (I) 19.09.030 STORAGE: No person shall store or keep any flammable materials, in areas other than approved receptacles or cabi- nets as set forth by the laws and regulations of the City Fire Codes. (M) 19.09.040 DISPOSAL: No person shall dispose of any haz- ardous materials in any manner other than as designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Environmental Conservation, the laws and regulations of the State of California, the City of Bakersfield and/or otherwise designated by the Airport Operations Manager and this ordinance. (M) 19.09.050 PROPER CARE: All areas including but not lim- ited to floors, ramps and aprons shall be kept free of any oil, grease, fuel waste and chemicals. (I) CHAPTER 19.10 HANGERS AND TIE-DOWNS 19.10.010 LEASES 19.10.020 LOCKS 19.10.010 LEASES: All leases for hangars and tie-downs shall be written and all provisions therein shall be complied with at all times. (M) 19.10.020 LOCKS: All lessees occupying hangars shall use a lock provided by the City and at no time shall such locks be -16- changed without consent from the Airport Operations Manager. (I) Replacement of locks due to loss or destruction from negligence shall be at the tenant's expense. (I) CHAPTER 19.11 MAINTENANCE 19.11.010 19.11.020 19.11.030 19.11.040 GENERAL COMPLIANCE COMMERICAL ACTIVITY FIRE CODES OPEN AREA 19.11.010 GENERAL COMPLIANCE: All aircraft maintenance shall be conducted in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Aeronautics and Space. 19.11.020 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY: Maintenance for the pur- pose of compensation in any form shall be prohibited without permis- sion from the City of Bakersfield. (I) 19.11.030 City Fire Codes is 19.11.040 FIRE CODES: Maintenance in violation of the strictly prohibited. (M) OPEN AREA: Maintenance performed in open areas such as aircraft tie-down spaces shall be conducted so as to not cause a hazard or injury to persons or property. Tools, parts, or materials shall not obstruct taxiways or otherwise interfere with Air- port operations. Tools and parts shall not be left unattended in open areas at any time. CHAPTER 19.12 19.12.010 19.12.020 19.12.010 FINANCE BILLING PRORATION BILLING: All charges due and payable to the Airport by tenants thereon become due and payable on the first of the month and become delinquent on the last day of said month. An addi- tional ten percent (10%) administrative service charge and interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month shall be added to any charge which is delinquent. Should the City resort to legal action to col- lect amounts due, the City shall be entitled to collect all reasonabl.~ costs and attorney's fees. -17- 19.12.020 PRORATION: The following schedule of prorated fees shall be applied in all finance matters pertaining to hangar and tie-down rents: Occupancy commencing the 1st through the 7th of the month equals 100%; 8th thru the 15th day equals 75%; 16th thru 22nd of the month equals 50%, and after the 23rd of the month equals 25%. SECTION 2 This ordinance shall be posted in accoudance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield thereof held on the 18th day of June , 198--6, vote: at a regular meeting by the following CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of th~ Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 18th day of June , 1986 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ~TY A~DRNEY of the City of Bakersfield bz 5:AIRPORT1 -18- Afft at t! of os tng ( r tnam:es STATE OF CALIFORNIA t ss. County of Kern CAROL WILLIAMS, Being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on June 26 , 19 86 , she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on June 18 , 19 86 , which ordinance was numbered 3051 New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING TITLE 19 TO THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of ..............J.~B.~ .....................,1.9..~.~ ................ · ~ ~'~ ROBERTA FAY GAFFC',[:,D li