HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/1976 MINUTES CCBakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 8:00 P.M., August 9, 1976. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hart followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Captain Bolinger of the Salvation Army. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Hart. Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Absent: Councilman Medders Minutes of the regular meeting of July 26, 1976 were approved as presented. Mrs. Correspondence. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, communication from Betty H. Miller, 431 "E" Street, Taft, California, dated 19th Street, was received and referred to staff for appropriate action. Communication from the State Department of Transportation regarding 1976 Planning Program was read into the record as follows: July 28, 1976 Bakersfield City Council 1501Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Gentlemen: We would like to have your comments on our Department's six-year planning program, essentially a plan for statewide highway expenditures for the period from July 1977 through June 1983. This program was presented to the California Highway Commission on July 15. The Commission is scheduled to discuss the program at its August meeting and take final action in September. The attached news release contains a summary of the program. From this you can see that over one-half of the funds are devoted to maintaining, rehabilitating, and operating the State highway system. Only 21% of the program goes toward construction of new facilities. The news release also contains a statewide July 26, 1976, regarding problems with property located at 2002 - Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 2 192 listing of major new construction projects. Attached "Exhibit F" describes the capital out- lay portion of the program. If you would like a more detailed description of the program categories, please let us know. There is no new highway construction scheduled for Kern County during the six-year period. The program does include, however, funds for landscaping a portion of the new Route 58 Freeway in Bakersfield and the construction of a new roadside rest on Interstate 5 near Lebec. We would like your comments to be available to the Commission when it meets in August. To meet this schedule we need to receive them by August 6. We recognize that this is short notice; so if you cannot respond by that date, please do so when you can, keeping in mind the Commission's September action date. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Mr. Irwin Rosa (phone 488-4014) or Mr. Bob Binger (phone 488-4090). Yours very truly, R. H. RAMEY, District Director of Transportation By: Irvin Rosa Deputy District Director Project Development Councilman Bleecker requested that the Mayor obtain the additional information that was referred to in the letter from the State Department of Transportation. Upon a motion by Councilman Bleecker, communication from Gina Abonnel, Tamora Taylor & Jack Smith, Bakersfield High School students, requesting views and proposals for removing pornographic establishments located in the Greater Bakersfield area, was received and referred to the City Attorney for appropriate action. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, communication from the City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and Power, extending the public review and comment period for the San Joaquin Nuclear Project 90 days from July 30, 1976 until October 31, 1976, was received and ordered placed on file. 294 Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 3 Council Statements. Councilman Rogers stated that on Ju~y 2, 1976, Legis- lative Report No. 6-76 regarding HR 10210 "Unemployment Compensation Act Amendments" was presented to the Council and the Council went on record vigorously opposing this bill. The House of Representa- tives has since passed the bill which could cost the City of Bakersfield an additional $400,000.00 annually by requiring the City to pay into the unemployment compensation fund. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, the Mayor was requested to prepare the necessary comJ~unications expressing the Council's opposition to HR 10210 to each member of the Senate Committee hearing the bill and Senators Cranston and Tunney. Councilman Bleecker stated that word has been received from the State Department of Transportation that funds will not be available, for at least six years, to construct a freeway along 24th Street and as it is being more heavily traveled all the time the City is going to have to provide the residents of this area access to that street. Upon a motion by Councilman Bleecker, Minute Order directing the Traffic Authority to investigate and make a recom- mendation to provide access for crossing 24th Street to the residents living on the north and south sides between "F" Street and Oak Street, was unanimously approved. Reports. Councilman Barton, Chairman of the Business Development and Parking Committee, read Report No. 5-76 regarding Approval of Downtown Improvement District Budget for 1976-77, as follows: On August 4, 1976, the Council Business Development and Parking Committee met to consider the Downtown Improvement District's proposed budget for 1976-77. The proposed budget of $52,829 is up $4,~61 over actual 1974-75 expenses. The major increases include a salary adjustment for the executive director and added expenses for Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 4 195 insurance, payroll taxes and cleaning. The committee had some questions about what is included in the Promotion Account and has asked the District for further clarification of that item. The proposed budget incorporates the same criteria or formula used during the previous year with the Downtown Business Association sharing a flat 15 percent in most budget account items. The Business Development and Parking Committee recom~nends that the City Council approve the 1976-77 Downtown Improvement District Budget as submitted, with the understanding that the committee reserves the option to review the Promotion Account if it feels that additional detail warrants such review. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Report No. 5-76 of the Business Development and Parking Committee, was accepted and the 1976-77 Downtown Improvement District Budget, as submitted, with the understanding that the Committee reserves the option to review the Promotion Account if it feels that additional detail warrants such review, was approved. Councilman Rogers, Chairman of the Water and City Growth Committee, read Report No. 10-76 regarding Kern River Water Rights Acquisition, as follows: The contract of sale with Tenneco West, Inc. for the acquisition of the Kern River Water Rights was validated by the Superior Court, Kern County, on Friday, July 30, 1976. On August 9, 1976, this committee met to review the various funding sources for that acquisition. The Water Facilities Corporation was formed by this Council some months ago to sell bonds in an amount sufficient to cover the acquisition. Another financing alternative is for the city to issue bonds, either water revenue or general obligation. A revenue bond issue would require a Yes vote of 50% and a general obligation bond would require a 66 2/3% Yes vote. General obligation bonds would produce substantial savings to the City and still allow revenues from the sale of water to pay the obligation. The Water Facilities Corporation, at its regular meeting of August 5, endorsed a general obligation bond as the most effective means to minimize the cost of this acquisition. It is the recommendation of this committee that this Council call an election for the Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 5 purpose of submitting to the voters a general obligation bond. It is further recommended that a citizens committee be appointed to over- see a successful election and thereby preserving a long term water supply for the City. In order to implement this recommendation, the following steps are necessary: 1. Receive this report. 2. Approve a Resolution determining public interest and necessity. o First reading of an Ordinance calling for a General Obligation Bond Election on November 2, 1976. Approve a Resolution requesting consolida- tion with the Statewide General Election. Approve a Resolution to have the County Clerk provide specific services. 6. Adopt a Minute Order to form a Citizens Advisory Committee. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, Report No. 10-76 of the Water and City Growth Committee regarding Kern River Water Rights Acquisition, was accepted. Adoption of Resolution No. 52-76 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, determining that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition of a certain Municipal Improvement and making findings relating thereto. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, Resolution No. 52-76 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, deter- mining that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition of a certain Municipal Improvement and making findings relating thereto, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 6 197 First reading o~ an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Bakers- field, California, ordering, calling, providing for and giving Notice of a Special Election to be held in said City on November 2, 1976, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City a proposition to incur bonded indebtedness by said City ~or acquisition of a certain Municipal Improvement and consolida- ting said Election with the State- wide General Election to be held on said date. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, ordering, calling, providing for and giving Notice of a Special Election to be held in said City on November 2, 1976, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City a proposition to incur bonded indebtedness by said City for the acquisition of a certain Municipal Improvement and consolidating said Election with the Statewide General Election to be held on said date. Adoption of Resolution No. 53-76 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern to consolidate the General Obligation Bond Election of said City to be held on November 2, 1976, with the Statewide General Election to be held on the same date. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, Resolution No. 53-76 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern to consolidate the General Obligation Bond Election of said City to be held on November 2, 1976, with the Statewide General Election to be held on the same date, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes None Absent: Councilman Medders 198 Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 7 Adoption of Resolution No. 54-76 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern to permit the County Clerk of said County to render specified services to the City relating to the conduct of a General Obligation Bond Election to be held in said City on November 2, 1976. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, Resolution No. 54-76 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern to permit the County Clerk of said County to render specified services to the City relating to the conduct of a General Obliga- tion Bond Election to be held in said City on November 2, 1976, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Adoption of Minute Order to form a Citizens Advisory Committee to oversee a successful General Obli- gation Bond Election to be held on November 2, 1976. Upon a motion by Councilman Rogers, Minute Order to form a Citizens Advisory Committee to oversee a successful General Obligation Bond Election to be held on November 2, 1976, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Councilman Rogers suggested that each Councilman submit names for the Citizens Advisory Committee to the Water and City Growth Committee as soon as possible. Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 8 199 Consent Calendar. The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Allowance of Claims Nos. 5328 and 399 to 510, inclusive, in the amount of $492,064.77. (b) Claim for Personal Injuries from Jacqueline McAlister, P.O. Box 203, New Cuyamao (Refer to City Attorney) (c) Claim for Damages from Larry Kundert, 2931 - 22nd Street. (Refer to City Attorney) (d) Claim for Damages from Burt G. E. Smith, 5236 Snow Drive, San Jose. (Refer to City Attorney) (e) Claim for Damages from the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co., insurance carrier for Stanford Eschner. 6501Kane Way. (Refer to City Attorney) (f) Claim for Damages from John D. Bowlin, 319 Monterey Street. (Refer to City Attorney) (g) Easement from Tenneco Realty Development Corporation providing an additional 55 feet for public road purposes on south half of a portion of Ming Avenue from Ashe Road to westerly boundary of Tract 3505. (h) "Right of Entry" from County of Kern, State of California, allowing the City of Bakersfield to enter and construct a drainpipe through a portion of Beach Park as part of the Northwest Bakers- field Drainage Project. (i) DELETED (J) Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Work on project known as construction of Restroom Building and Impact Area improvements at the Police Pistol Range - Contract No. 76-11 with Hughes Construction. (k) Map of Tract No. 3680-F and Improvement Agreement for construction of improve- ments therein, located east of New Stine Road and south of Wilson Road. (l) Request from United Surveying and Engineering for annexation of property located on South Union Avenue between Pacheco Road and Fairview Road and containing approximately 11.42 acres of land. (Refer to Planning Commission for study and recommendation) Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 9 Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j), (k), (1) and deletion of Item (i), of the Consent Calendar, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Action on Bids. Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Upon a motion by Councilman Bleecker, low bid of Cali- fornia Electronic Police Equipment Company for 59 9mm Pistols and Ammunition Clips for the Police Department, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Bleecker, low bid of Cycles Unlimited for 15 Police Special Motorcycles, was accepted and the other bid rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Strong, Assignment of Annual Contract for Batteries to A-1 Battery Company, was approved. New Business. Authorization granted to increase Imprest Cash Fund for Fire Depart- ment. Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, authorization was granted to the Finance Director to increase the Imprest Cash Fund for the Fire Department from $200.00 to $300.00. Adoption of Resolution No. 55-76 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field ascertaining and determining the prevailing rate of wages to be paid certain crafts and types of workmen employed on public work in the City of Bakersfield. Councilman Sceales questioned the need for the City to establish wages for contractors. After discussion, upon a motion by Councilman Strong, Resolution No. 55-76 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield ascertaining and determining the prevailing rate of wages to be Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 201 paid certain crafts and types of workmen employed on public work in the City of Bakersfield, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Strong, Barton Councilman Sceales Councilman Medders Adoption of Resolution No. 56-76 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field fixing a time and place for hearing protests by persons owning real property within territory desig- nated as "White Lane No. 9," proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakers- field. Upon a motion by Councilman Strong, Resolution No. 56-76 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield setting September 20, 1976 in the Council Chambers of City Hall as the time and place for hearing protests by persons owning real property within terri- tory designated as "White Lane No. 9," proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes Noes Absent: approved changes Bond Act monies. that Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton None Councilman Medders Adoption of Resolution No. 57-76 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field approving the Application for 1974 State Grant Moneys for improve- ments at Lowell, Jastro, Castle, Jefferson and University Parks. During the June budget deliberations, the City Council in Park Projects to be financed from State Park Specifically, these changes were as follows: 1.Modifications to the design of Kroll Way Park resulting in a savings of $56,500. 2. The decision not to expand the present size of Akers Park amount to $30,000. On July 21, 1976, the Planning Commission recommended these funds totaling $86,500.00 be allocated for improvements 2O2 Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page at the following parks: Lowell Park ($15,000), University (N.E. Park) ($43,000), Jastro Park ($9,000), Castle Park ($6,000), and Jefferson Park ($13,500). This Resolution will notify the State Department of Parks and Recreation of the City's intent to modify its application for State Park Bond monies in this regard. Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Resolution No. 57-76 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield approving the Application for 1974 State Grant moneys for improvements at Lowell, Jastro, Castle, Jefferson and University Parks, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Adoption of Resolution No. 58-76 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field amending its Application for Funds under the State Beach, Park, Recreational and Historical Facilities Bond Act of 1974. This Resolution relates specifically to changes in funding for the Kroll Way and Akers Park Projects. Adoption of the Resolution is necessary in order that the City can modify its application for State Park Bond monies. Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Resolution No. 58-76 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending its Application for Funds under the State Beach, Park, Recreational and Historical Facilities Bond Act of 1974, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Extension of Time for Mead House Wrecking Company, Acceptance of Work and Notice of Completion for demoli- tion and removal of Former City Police Building Structure and related improvements. Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 12 2O3 receive the contract amount of $50.00 per remaining seven days. The project was completed by Mead House Wrecking Company on August 6, 1976. The contractor exceeded the number of working days allowed by the contract by 12 calendar days and has requested an extension of the contract "because of the holiday weekend and equipment problems." Because this request does not meet the criteria set forth in the third paragraph of Section 8 of the instructions and conditions of this contract, it is the recom- mendation of the Public Works Department that this request for an extension of time not be granted. However, it is recommended that an additional five days be granted to cover the time lag from the time the contract was signed to the time the contractor should and that liquidated damages in the specified day be charged to the contractor for the Mr. Theodore Hopper, representing Mead House Wrecking Company, answered questions of the Council and indicated that Mr. Mead would arrive at the Council Meeting in a few minutes. Councilman Bleecker requested that this item be deferred until the end of the Council Meeting when Mr. Mead will be present to answer questions of the Council. Deferral of Cooperative Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and State of California for funding of road improvements on existing Route 58. The State proposes to relinquish to the City that portion of existing Route 58 within the City Limits after the new Freeway is complete. As a condition for relinquishment, the State is required to bring the street to a state of good repair. They proposed to place 0.020 foot of A.C. over the entire roadway. In the opinion of the Public Works Department, portions of the road should be reconstructed to reduce the height of the crown and adding additional surfacing will only increase the problem. The State indicated they would transfer the estimated funds for surfacing to the City and we could fund the road improvements as we recommended, 20- Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 13 since they are only required to bring the roadway to a State o£ good repair. This agreement provides the City with $166,000.00 to fund road improvements on existing Route 58 as deemed necessary, with a stipulation that the funds be spent prior to September 30, 1978. The Public Works Department's recommendation is to accept their proposal. Councilman Sceales questioned whether or not the City is required to accept this highway. Deputy Director of Public Works Hawley stated that he believes that the relinquishment to the City, of this highway upon completion of the new Freeway 58, was part of the original agree- ment between the City and State. After discussion, upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Cooperative Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and State of California for funding of road improvements on existing Route 58, was held over until the Council Meeting of August 23, 1976 for a report from the staff. Adoption of Resolution No. 59-76 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field removing an Assessment of property from the Report of the Building Director for Demolition of Dangerous Buildings. The property located at 1500 Gorrill Street was sold prior to fixing an assessment for demolition of dangerous buildings. Assessment at this time would place the burden of payment upon a non-responsible owner. Community Development Director Foster reported that the property located at 106 Northrup Street (Fred Hayne's property) has been removed from the assessment roles on July 12, 1976 for the same reason. Upon a motion by Councilman Strong, Resolution No. 59-76 of the Council of the City o£ Bakersfield removing an Assessment of property from the Report of the Building Director for Demolition Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 14 205 of Dangerous Buildings, vote Ayes was adopted by the following roll call Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Adoption of Resolution No. 60-76 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field fixing Annual Fee for License to conduct Bingo Games. Upon a motion by Councilman Bleecker, Resolution No. 60-76 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield fixing Annual Fee for License to conduct Bingo Games, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders Hearings. This is the time set for public hearing before the Council for hearing protests by persons owning real property within territory designated as "Stine No. 4," proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield. This hearing has been duly advertised, the property the property owners have been notified as required by posted and law. pation. Mayor Hart declared the hearing open for public parfici- Mr. annexation but had a question as to whether a 25 land he owns adjacent to the proposed annexation or County. Community Development Director Foster stated that Mr. Stevenson's property is in the City. David Stevenson stated he was not objecting to the foot strip of is in the City Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 15 portion action. No protests or objections being received, the public of the hearing was closed for Council deliberation and Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Resolution No. 61-76 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield declaring that a majority protest has not been made to the annexation of "Stine No. 4," proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, was adopted by the following roll call vote Ayes Councilmen Bleecker Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes None Absent: Councilman Medders Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Ordinance No. 2286 New Series approving annexation of a parcel of uninhabited terri- tory to the City of Bakersfield, California designated as "Stine No. 4," and providing for the taxation o£ said territory to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders This is the time set for public hearing before the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the initiated action by the Planning Commission to Zone Upon Annexation to a C-O-D (Commercial and Professional Office - Architectural Design), or more restrictive, zone; and to a C-1-D (Limited Commercial - Architectural Design), or more restrictive, zone, Kern located northerly of east corner of Stine Road that certain property in a shopping center located and Ming Avenue, known as Annexation. and the County of on the north- "Stine No. 4" (Negative Declaration filed July 9, 1976) This hearing has been duly advertised, the property posted the property owners have been notified as required by law. Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 207 The two owners of this property requested commercial zoning upon annexation. The Planning Commission approved C-1-D zoning for the southerly portion of this triangular-shaped parcel and C-O-D zoning for the northerly portion. The Planning Commission found these proposed zones would be in conformity with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and recommended the zoning upon annexa- tion as advertised. Mayor Hart declared the hearing open for public partici- pation. No protests or objections being received, the public portion of the hearing was closed for Council deliberation and action. Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Ordinance No. 2287 New Series amending Section 17.12.020 of Chapter 17.12 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilmen Bleecker, Medders This is the time set for public hearing on application by Jim and Pete Harrington to amend the zoning boundaries from an MH (Mobilehome) Zone to a P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development), or more restrictive, Zone, affecting that certain property in the City of Bakersfield commonly known as 4601 Harris Road. (Negative Declaration posted June 25, 1976) This hearing has been duly advertised, the property posted and the property owners have been notified as required by law. Subject property, consisting of 37 acres, is developed with a clubhouse and some street improvements. These improvements were made under the formerly proposed mobilehome park. This pro- posed P.U.D. will consist of a recreational center. The proposed P.U.D. Element of 269 residential lots, green belts, and zoning would conform to the Land Use the General Plan which depicts this area as low-density Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 17 residential, rather than the existing MH zoning. The Planning Commission recommended approval o£ the P.U.D. and found that it would be consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Mayor Hart declared the hearing open for public partici- pation. No protests or objections being received, the public portion of the hearing was closed for Council deliberation and action. Upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, Ordinance No. 2288 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.12.020 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of that certain land commonly known as 4601 Harris Road and making findings in connection with P.U.D. Zone, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Sceales, Strong, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Medders New Business. (Continued) Extension of Time granted Mead House Wrecking Company, Acceptance of Work, Notice of Completion for demolition and removal of Former City Police Building Structure and related improvements, Finance Director authorized to make payment in amount of contract less 10%, less liquidated damages in the amount of $50.00 per day for 7 days. Mr. Daryl Mead, questions of the Council of time on the contract. Mead House Wrecking Company, answered regarding the request for a 12 day extension After discussion, upon a motion by Councilman Sceales, the work was accepted and the Mayor was authorized to execute the Notice of Completion for project known as demolition and removal of Former City Police Building Structure and related improvements; 5 day extension of time was granted to the contractor, Mead House Bakersfield, California, August 9, 1976 - Page 18 209 Wrecking Company; payment in the amount damages in the amount roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Noes: Absent: and the Finance Director was authorized to make of the contract less 10%, less liquidated of $50.00 per day for 7 days, by the following Bleecker, Christensen, Rogers, Barton None Councilman Medders Recess. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Sceales, Strong, recessed the regular meeting at 16, 1976 at 12:00 Noon. the Council 9:20 P.M., until Monday, August MAYOR th~ersfield, Calif. ATTEST: CITY/CLERK and E~¥~Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of B2kersfield, California ma