HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.9-165IF, :3 -0 0 cn _0 0 0 c 0 0 1-11 U) LL_ r*) C) (N 0 4-1 D 0 V) c 0 c a Q_ X Li -I- 0 c 0 :E 0 CN CL I--,' 0 V) Ld 0 ry u =LIST I OF DRA WINCS SHEE T 1 T1 TL E SHEE T SHEET 2 NO TES SHEET J DETAILS SHEET 4 DETAILS SHEET 5 GRADING PLAN SHEET 6 GRADING PLAN SHEET 7 GRADING PLAN SHEET 8 POIN TS TABLE SHEE T 9 POIN TS TABLE SHEE T 10 POINTS TABLE BIENCHEMARK 43' SOU THERL Y OF THE NOR THE RL Y LINE OF SECTION 20, 0.43 MILES EASTERL Y OF THE N W CORNER OF SEC TION 20. ELEVA PON = 598.433 BA SIS OF BEA RINC THE N. LINE OF SEC TION 20 T. 29 S.. R. 29 E. MDM&B N. 89 °28'51)$ W. AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP NO. 10182 IN BOOK 47, PG. 120. EL E VA TIONS A RE BA SED ON SUR VE Y DA TA PROVIDED BY THE CITY SURVEY DEPARTMENT WHICH WAS OBTAINED IN SPRING OF 2014. STREET LIGHT WIMAST ARM lij� BENCHMARK C.O. CLEAN OUT MUNINNI A U TO SCOPE AP AP 1 12 it L-OCATION I MAP ­ NO T TO SCALE ESTIMATED QUANTITIES TEM ES TIMA TED UNIT OF QUANTITY MEASURE EXPORT 4*649 C Y A. C. 838 TON A GG. BASE 1,622 TON Job No.: P4C132 PRE—EMPTION DEVICE File Path: SAPR0JECTS\2013-2014\P4C132 - Mesa Marin Phase 11\01—Parking Lot Expansion South\02—CADD Files File Name: 02—Parking Lot—Grading.dwg PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING PARKING FACILITY, LOCATED ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF BEDFORD GREEN DRIVE, WILL BE EXPANDED TO THE SOUTH. A DOG PARK FACILITY IS IDENTIFIED. SWPPP J 5F15CJ699959 0 � 1 322 390" TZsh w-4 EASEMENT EXIST CURB & GUTTER RIGH T— OF— WA Y EXIS T. A. C. FL 0 WL INE CEN TERL INE EXIST EDGE OF PA VEMEN T RAILROAD TRACKS GUARD RAIL CHAIN LINK FENCE IMPRO VEMEN TS X UTILITY SYMBOLS w EXIST WA TER LINE EXIS T SEWER LINE S G EXIS T GA S L INE EXIST STORM DRAIN SD - OH EXIS T A ERIA L EXIS T UNDERGROUND E LINES POWER LINE TV EXIS T UNDERGROUND EXIS T UNDERGROUND T TV CABLES PHONE LINE 0 EXIST OIL LINE EXIST FIBER OPTIC LINE FO 101 MANHOLE F.H. o(DII FIRE HYDRA N T P.P. W.M. POWER POLE D WATER METER W.V. EXISTING MONUMEN T M WA TER VAL VE ❑ FU TURE MONUMEN T G.M. GA S ME TER s. L. G. v. STREET LIGHT N GAS VA VE STREET LIGHT WIMAST ARM lij� BENCHMARK C.O. CLEAN OUT MUNINNI A U TO SCOPE AP AP 1 12 it L-OCATION I MAP ­ NO T TO SCALE ESTIMATED QUANTITIES TEM ES TIMA TED UNIT OF QUANTITY MEASURE EXPORT 4*649 C Y A. C. 838 TON A GG. BASE 1,622 TON Job No.: P4C132 PRE—EMPTION DEVICE File Path: SAPR0JECTS\2013-2014\P4C132 - Mesa Marin Phase 11\01—Parking Lot Expansion South\02—CADD Files File Name: 02—Parking Lot—Grading.dwg PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE EXISTING PARKING FACILITY, LOCATED ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF BEDFORD GREEN DRIVE, WILL BE EXPANDED TO THE SOUTH. A DOG PARK FACILITY IS IDENTIFIED. SWPPP J 5F15CJ699959 0 � 1 322 390" TZsh w-4 390" TZsh w-4 ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THIS PLAN, THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, LATEST EDITION AND STANDARDS PERTAINING THERETO. THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE MADE A PART HEREIN. ALL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CITY RIGHT—OF—WAY OR CITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR TA TION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, LATEST ADDITION, ALL REFERENCES TO SECTION 90 OF THE CAL TRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL REFER TO THE CAL TRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS DATED MAY 2006. THESE STANDARDS, DRAWINGS AND DETAILS SHALL BE CONSIDERED A PART OF THESE PLANS AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY FOR HIS USE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS BEFORE START OF CONSTRUCTION. AN OPEN STREET PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR ANY WORK TO BE PERFORMED IN THE EXI S TING, A CCEP TED S TREE T RIGHT- OF- WA Y. UNLESS SECURED BY A SUBDI VISION A GREEMEN T, SECURI TY BA SED ON A N A PPRO VED ENGINEER'S ES TIMA TE FOR THE WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY AND INSURANCE, AS REQUIRED, SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A PERMI T. PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY PHASE OF CONS TRUC TION WITHIN THE STREET RIGH T- OF- WA Y, THE CON TRAC TOR SHALL GIVE THE CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 48 HOURS NOTICE. THE CON TRAC TOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING DIMENSIONS, DATA AND MEASUREMENTS AT THE BUILDING SITE PRIOR TO CNS TRUC TION. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN BY THESE DRAWINGS, EXISTING UTILITY AND UNDERGROUND LINES HAVE BEEN SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ACCORDING TO AVAILABLE RECORDS. THE ENGINEER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR POSSIBLE ERRORS OR OMISSIONS THE CON TRAC TOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF THE L OCA TION AND DEPTH OF ALL U TILI TIES Q-) PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF ANY WORK. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (U.S.A.: 1-800--227--2600) �~ SHAL L BE CON TA C TED A T L EAS T TWO WORKING DA YS PRIOR TO AN Y CONS TRUC TION OR EXCA VA TION. 0 N AN Y EXIS TING IMPRO YEMEN IS OR U TILI TIES THA T ARE REMO VED, DAMA GED OR UNDERCU T B Y CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPL A CED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY. Z5 ALL GRADING AND UTILITY WORK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD L? STANDARDS AND THE CAL TRANS SPECIFI CA TIONS, LATEST EDITION. IF A PROBLEM OR CONFLICT SHOULD ARISE DURING THE COURSE OF THE PROJECT, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER OR GRADING CDN TRAC TOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIA TEL Y C-) PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK. THE CON TRAC TOR SHALL FURNISH ALL LABOR, MA TERIAL S, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPERVISION J Q NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL PRODUCT. °' ALL WORK WHICH IS DEFECTIVE /N ITS CONS TRUC TION OR DEFICIENT IN ANY OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE REMEDIED, OR REMOVED AND REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER, AND NO COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED FOR SUCH CORRECTION. 0 THE CON TRAC TOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONS TRUC TION OF THIS PROJECT INCLUDING SAFETY OF -° ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, IDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER/ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. GRADING NOTESI Q:) N ALL GRADING AND SITE PREPARATION SHALL CONFORM TO THESE PLANS AND THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PREPARED BY KRAZAN AND ASSOCIATES, KA PROJECT NO. 022--07192 DATED MARCH 10, 2008. THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE MADE A PART HEREIN. THE GEOTECHNICAL (SOILS) ENGINEER AND CITY ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 2 DAYS v BEFORE THE START OF ANY WORK AND PRIOR TO PLACING ANY FILL MATERIAL. I N THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT A DUST NUISANCE FROM ORIGINATING FROM THE SITE OF WORK AS o A RESULT OF HIS OPERATIONS DURING THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS CON TRA C is PREVEN TA TI VE MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN BY THE CON TRAC TOR TO MI TIGA TE THE IMPACT OF DUST AND PM 10 o EMISSIONS ACCORDING TO THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT REGULATION V111 (8). IN ADDITION TO ANY DUST CONTROL PLAN, THESE MEASURES SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: A. PRE— A C TI VI T Y.° ° 1 A. PRE- WA TER SITE SUFFICIENT TO LIMIT VDE TO 207 OPACITY. o B. PHASE WORK TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF DISTURBED SURFACE AREA AT ANY ONE TIME. C B. DURING ACTIVE OPERATIONS: o A. APPLY WATER OR OTHER APPROVED SUBSTANCE SUFFICIENT TO LIMIT VDE TO 20% OPA Cl TY B. L IMI T ACTIVITY TO PERIODS OR L 0 W OR NO WIND, OR CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN WIND BARRIERS SUFFICIENT TO LIMIT VDE TO 20% OPACITY. C. APPLY WATER OR OTHER APPROVED SUBSTANCE TO UNPAVED HAUL/ACCESS ROADS AND UNPAVED VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC AREAS SUFFICIENT TO LIMIT VDE TO 207 Q) 0 OPACITY AND MEET THE CONDITIONS OF A STABILIZED UNPAVED ROAD SURFACE -- C. TEMPORARY STABILIZA TION DURING PERIODS OF INA CTI VI TY - A. RESTRICT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE AREA. B. APPLY WATER OR OTHER APPROVED SUBSTANCE SUFFICIENT TO COMPLY WITH THE CL CONDITIONS OF A STABILIZED SURFACE, IF ANY AREA HAVING 0.5 ACRES OR MORE OF DISTURBED SURFACE AREA REMAINS UNUSED FOR SEVEN OR MORE DAYS, THE AREA ° MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS FOR A STABILIZED SURFACE AREA AS DEFINED IN RULE 8011. ° D. CARR YOU T AND TRACKOU T ON PUBLIC ROADS: A. ALL VISIBLE CARRYOUT AND TRACKOUT WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE SITE SHALL BE REMO VED A T THE END OF EA CII WORKDA Y TRA CKOU T BE POND 50 FEE T OR THE SI TE SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIA TEL Y° cv B. CLEANUP SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY MANUAL SWEEPING OR APPROVED EQUIPMENT AND METHOD AS SPECIFIED BY THE SJVUAPCD. Com., C. THE USE OF BLOWER DE VI CES OR DRY ROTARY BRUSHES OR BROOMS, FOR REMOVAL q, OF CARR YOU T AND TRACKOU T ON PUBLIC ROADS IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. D. ANY PERMITS REQUIRED FOR MUD AND DIRT CLEANUP SHALL BE OBTAINED BY THE 0 CON TRAC TOR. IF DURING GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION, ANY PLUGGED, ABANDONED OR UNRECORDED WELLS A RE UNC VERED OR DA MA GED, THE DEPA R TMEN T OF CONSER VA TION/ DI VISION OF OIL GA S A ND © GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES SHALL BE CONTACTED TO INSPECT AND APPROVE ANY REMEDIA TION. N DURING GRADING, REASONABLE SEARCHING SHOULD BE PERFORMED FOR CONCEALED �} SUBSURFACE OBSTRUCTIONS. ALL ABANDONED SUBSURFACE OBSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE Q) REMOVED. IF THE TERMINUS OF ANY ABANDONED PIPING IS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS, THE Q) PIPING SHOULD BE REMO VED WI THIN THE PROJEC T AND PROPERL Y CAPPED A T THE PROJEC T 4 BOUNDARY. CONTINUED TOPIRIGHT �. ��► af0�M -A J .�► tEl wl THE SITE SHALL BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED OF ALL VEGETATION, INCLUDING ROOTS, LOOSE FILL, TRASH AND OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIALS ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS REPORT ANY HOLE OR VOIDS LEFT AFTER THE REMOVAL OF TREES, ROOTS, SEPTIC TANKS, ABANDONED FOUNDATIONS, PIPELINES OR THE LIKE, SHALL BE FILLED AS REQUIRED BY THE SOILS FLOODING, JETTING, OR SIMILAR CONSOLIDATION METHODS OF COMPACTION SHALL NOT BE PERMI T TED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GRADE THE PAVING AREAS WITHIN 0. 1 FOOT OF SUBGRADE. IF SUCH AREAS SHOULD BE FOUND TO BE MORE THAN 0 1 FOOT FROM THE DESIGN SUBGRADE ELEVATION AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETURN AND CORRECT THE GRADING AT NO COST TO THE OWNER, ENGINEERED FIBE PLACED IN THIN LAYERS LESS THAN 6 INCHES IN LL MATERIALS SHOULD UNCOMPACTED THICKNESS AND COMPACTED AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (OR A MOISTURE CONTENT COMMENSURATE COMPACTING i ND SOIL STABILITY). EXPORT MA TERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF A T AN APPROVED SITE TNA T IS COORDINA TED WITH THE INSPECTOR. IT IS THE RESPONSI BIL I T Y OF THE DE VEL OPER AND THE CON TRAC TDR TO (A) FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH THE FOREGOING RECOMMENDATIONS, (B) NOTIFY THE ENGINEER WHEN SITE PREPARATION BEGINS AND BEFORE THE PLACEMENT OF FILLS, AND (C) INFORM THE ENGINEER OF ITEMS ENCOUNTERED DURING EARTHWORK OPERATIONS WHICH MIGHT EFFECT FOUNDA TION STABIL I TY SO THA T THE I TEMS MA Y BE TREA TED UNDER THE ENGINEER'S DIRECTION. (THESE ITEMS MIGHT INCLUDE BURIED TRASH OR VEGETATION, PIPELINES, ABANDONED WELLS, OLD FILLS, ETC.) PUBLIC i,:/ateFeb• Dra wn: JA Engineer: LS Checked By: GENERAL STREET L1 GH TING NOTES: 1. POLE: MATCH EXISTING POLES IN NORTH LOT (LSI LIGHTING 5SQBO–SO7G-27.5–S/180-BLK, PER ORIGINAL PLAN– VERIFY) LUMINAIRE AEL A 7`32 80 BLED E10 480 ML R5 BK (DISTRIBUTION PER LIGHTING PLAN). HOLE COVER TO HAVE TWO 1/4-20 STAINLESS STEEL TAMPERPROOF HEX REJECT SCREWS. INSTALL NOT DIPPED GALVANIZED NUTS AND LEVELING WASHERS ON TDP AND BOTTOM OF FLANGE BASE. INSTALL GROUT UNDER BASE AFTER LEVELING. FOUR ANCHOR BOLTS PROVIDED BY POLE MANUFACTURER. POLE BASE REINFORCEMENT – THREE #3 TIES IN UPPER 5" AROUND ANCHOR BOLTS, FOUR #4 VER TI CL E BARS AND #3 TIES AT 12" ON CENTER. 2. PULL BOX: BOX-- OLDCASTLE B1017 OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH GAL VANIZED STEEL SKID RESTS TAN T BOL T DOWN LOCKING LID WI TH LID GASKET MARKED "ELECTRICAL" L OCA TE PULL–BOX WITHIN 3' OF POLE BASE WITH CONTINUOUS CONCRETE APRON – 200' MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN PULL BOXES. INSTALL 8" MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK UNDER BOX FOR DRAINAGE. INSTALL 2" MORTAR BED ON GRAVEL TO SEAL BOTTOM OF BOX. INSTALL 3/4" PVC DRAIN PIPE TO ALLEVIATE STANDING WATER IN PULL BOX. 2" X 8' COPPER CLAD GROUND RODS ARE REQUIRED IN BOXES FEEDING POLES ONL Y ---NOT IN INTERMEDIA TE PULL BOXES, 3° CONDUITS: CONDUITS TO BE GRAY PVC SCHEDULE 40— 1-112 " MINIMUM, LARGER CONDUITS TO BE USED WHERE NEEDED. INSTALL CONDUI TS SO THA T THEY ARE NEA TL Y ARRANGED IN CEN TER PDR TION OF BOX, ENTERING BOX PLUMB. INSTALL END BELLS ON ALL CONDUITS. SEAL CONDUITS WITH DUCT SEAL, COMPLETELY SEALING AROUND CONDUCTORS AND AT LEAST 1 " THICK. USE 18" RADIUS MINIMUM SWEEPS ON ALL BENDS–EXCEPTION STANDARD SWEEPS ARE OK ON SHORT RUNS BETWEEN PULL BOX AND POLE. RUNS SHALL HAVE NO MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 270 DEGREES OF BENDS BETWEEN PULLING POINTS. MINIMUM CONDUIT DEPTH SHALL BE 24" BEL 0 W GRADE 4. WIRING: MINIMUM CONDUCTOR SIZE IS #10 THW STRANDED COPPER, AL TERNA TE WIRE SIZES MUST BE USED IF VOL TA GE DROP EXCEEDS 27o—CHECK AND RECHECK CAL CULA TIONS. SUPPLY VOL TA GE BE 480V TO MATCH NORTH LOT. SPLICES IN PULL BOXES SHALL BE MADE WITH STANDARD TIN PLATED UNISULA TED COMPRESSION SPLICES OR COPPER COMPRESSION PARALLEL SPLICE, INSULA TE SPLICES WITH HEAVY WALL ADHESIVE BASED HEAT SHRINK TUBING (,3M 0400, 0800, 1100 OR APPROVED EQUAL), INSTALL 1.5" OF HEAT SHRINK PAST EA CH END OF SPLICE, WHEN PARALLEL SPLICES ARE MADE—INSTALL 3" OF HEAT SHRINK PAST EACH END OF SPLICE AND CRIMP THE SPLICE WITH NEEDLE NOSE PLIERS UNTIL THE ADHESIVE HAS COOLED CREATING A WATER TIGHT SEAL AROUND EACH INDIVIDUAL CONDUCTOR. USE PROPER TOOLS TO MAKE CRIMPS PER MANUFA C TURES INS TRUC TIONS. GROUND WIRE FROM POLE BASE TO GROUND ROD SHALL BE #8 MINIMUM. THE CIRCUIT SHALL BE FUSED IN THE PULL BOX ADJACENT TO THE POLE. FUSE HOLDERS SHALL BE FERRAZ SHA WMU T FEX-11-11 600V 30A. INSTALL 3M 0400 NEAT SHRINK (OR APPROVED EQUAL) OVER TERMINA TIONS WITH A T LEAST 1 " OF HEA T SHRINK TUBING PAST CONNECTION OVER COND U C TOR INSULATION. FUSES SHALL BE 6A RATED – BUSSMAN K TK6 --NO EXCEPTIONS 5. INS TAL LA TION: ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED C I 0 EL EC TRI CA L CON TRAC TOR UNDER JOURNEYMAN L E VEL SUPERVISION OR TAR BED TO SEAL BOX :! TTOM 78" MIN. RADIUS FOR CONDUITS / EXTENDING TO PULL BOXES OR PG&E #2 BOX PULL BOX DETAIL 6 "x 12 DEEP" CONCRETE APRON AROUND BOX & POLE BASE CHRIS TY B1017 BOX (SEE NO TES) J14" PVC DRAIN TO GRA VEL O Q\�,pF E S S i N Gy woe REGISTERED Cl VIL ENGINEERry C 80507 Exp. 3-31-15 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUX TUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF C��-�F� RHVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 2T SEE PARKING LIGHT LEGEND ON SHEETS 5-8 FOR LIGHT SPECIFI CA TION S TA I NL ESS S TEEL TAMPERPROOF SCREW HEX–REJECTION PIN STYLE 3--#3 TIES IN UPPER 5 " AROUND ANCHOR BOLTS — 1/2 " x 8' COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD SEE "PULL BOX" DETAIL --- PARKING L O T SURFACE REINFORCED CONC FOOTING W14 #4 VERT. BARS AND #3 HORIZ: TIES @ 12 " O. C. MAX- PARKING AX PARKING LOT LIGH TING v 1 12 _ 6 "__] 7.9-165 EXPANSIONMESA MARIN SPORTS COMPLEX: PARKING LOT OF :D GREEN GENERAL NOTES/ PARKING LOT LIGHTIN DETAIL �5 30" SHEET N0. 20F10 1 2 3 200 N At 9. 0" 6.0v 24n fte. 24" L ft 4 L 4. r Ap. 06 9 Cis so tl 6.0 ow *I** MW of 4 V. fto 06 fdow cag Am" ..4 �4 4 . . I 'd 4 1 j1d role" A - too 16.3* r rypr 08 4.0w R 05* 24" - V• !v TYPE "M20, WE NOW is 47 - 4. fir ils •100 R 60" Or 80P $0 Awe I •10 49 4.00 4' s 44 4 A .4 4 1 All workmanship and materials shall conform to 4. the applicable sections of the specifications entitled 'State of California, Deportment of Lo WE= Transportation, Standard Specifications", hereafter 12* !T V:,4 - . aon known as "Standard Specifications" current• approved edition. 24rm"M Lr) ' C14 I - 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Deportment must :a* 4' ow accompany o/I work within the City right-of-way. J Subgrode f V TMEr or Type 'curb sholl be constructed Q) true to grade and cross section and compacted CN NOTES. 8 Expansion )bint fillet moteriol sholl consist of preformed strips of to 907. of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-1557 to a depth of 6.0"below top of I durable, resilient compound in conform to the requirements of �z subgrode, SIN ARM 14 O 1. A# workmanship and materials sholl conform to the the Standard *e6ficotions 4. Concrete for median curb sholl. conform to the NO TES. opolicable sections of the specificotions entitled 'State of requirements of the Standard Specifications for 10. 1. A# workmanship and materials shall conform to 9. Sec Colifornio, Department of Transportation, Standard tions of existing curb and gutter being removed for minor concrete (min. 505 lb/cu yd). Concrete When sections of new Type V"curb ore poured odjocen t to Q) Specificotions', hereafter known as 'Standard Soecilications' replacement sholl be sowcut at the limits of removalas directed sholl contain no additives unless prior approval is existing pavement, the existing pavement sholl be sowcut a the applicable sections of the specifications entitled current opproved edition by the City Engineer, The section being removed shall be a obtained from the City Engineer, maximum of 6.0 from the face of curb or as directed. State of Colifornio, Department of Transportation, minimum of 50'in length and sowcuts shall a/* with existing joint 5. Timber forms sholl be surfaced on the side Pavement patch sholl conform to the requirements of City Standard Specirxotibns, hereafter known as 'Standard 2 A current Street Permit issued by the City of Bakersfield or score Me. Replacement shall conlorm in dimension end location placed next to the concrete and sholl not be less Standard ST -12. Specifications; current opproved edition. ty Public Works Department must accompany all work within the to the adjacent existing improvements unless otherwise directed than 1.5"thick after being surfaced. Forms and 11. Type IM-l"ond 'M-2"(tock on) median curbs are only 2. A current Street Permit issued by the City of City right-of-way. subgrode shall be wetted immediately prior to allowed with permission of the City Engineer, 80kersAteldPublic Works Deportment must accompany 10 Sections being replaced may be pouted against existing placement of concrete. 12. Construction of extruded curbs sholl be controlled both all work within the City right-of-way. 6. Concrete surfaces sholl be troweled smooth horizontally and vertically with string line. J. Subgrade for oll types of curb and gutter sholl be pavement, if in good condition and with prior opprovol of Me City 3 Sub rade for drive opproach sholl be constructed constructed true to grade and cross section and compacted Engineer. Otherwise, the existing powment sholl be sowcut a and then given a light broom finish. Immediately 13. Two 14 longitudinal rebor sholl be placed within the nose true to grade and cross section and compacted to minimum of 20'1 otter finishing, all exposed surfaces sholl receive 0 sections of median islands. The bars sholl run continuous to 90% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTU rom Me edge of concrete or as directed uniform application of white pigmented curing through the nose and be embedded a minimum of 2.0'into the 95Z of maximum dry density as determined by D-1557 to a depth of 6.0'below top of sub rade, Pavement patch sholl conform to the requirements of City Standard compound conforming to the requirements of the adjacent curb. Nose sections with radii of 1.0'or less sholl be ASTM D-1557 to a depth of Iffbelow top of ST -12 Standard Specifications. solid concrete. sub ode and I.O'to each side of opproach. 4. Concrete for curb and gutter shall conform to the I Z Expansion joints sholl be constructed at 60' 14. Drill and set in epoxy 8.0"long f4 rebor at 4.0'intervals. A 4. Concrete for drive approach shall conform to requirements of the Standard Specifications for minor concrete 1. Type 19'curb and gutter is required on all types of streets maximum intervals. Weakened plane joints, 2.0- continuous longitudinal /4 rebor shall be tied to each vertical the requirements of the Standard Specirications (min. 505 lb/cu A) Concrete sholl contain no additives unless another type is expressly permitted by the City Engineer. deep, sholl be placed at 10'moximum intervols. bar. Epoxy sholl meet the requirements of Section 95 of the for minor concrete (min 505 lb/cu yd) Concrete unless prior opprovol is obtained from the City Engineer. Expansion joints may be eliminated for extruded Standard Specifications. sholl contain no additives unless prior approval 12 Type 'A'curb and gutter is permitted only where opproved or curb. 15. A 9.0"wide continuous, uniform layer of epoxy adhesive shall is obtoined from the City Engineer. 5 Timber forms sholl be surfaced on the side placed next to required by Me City Engineer. 8. Expansion joint filler material sholl consist of be applied to the existing pavement immediately prior to 5 Timber forms shall be surfaced on the side the concrete and sholl not be less Man 1,5 thick after being preformed strips of durable, resilient compound concrete placement. Epoxy adhesive shall meet the placed next to the concrete and shell not be surfaced, Forms and subgrode sholl be wetted immediately 13. Type Vcurb and gutter may be permitted by the City Engineer that conform to the requirements of the Standard requirements of Section 95 of the Standard Specifications. less than 1.50thick after being surfaced only in Mobile Home Parks end R -S -2.5A (Residential Suburban 2 Specifications. prior to placement of concrete. 9. Sections of existing median curb being removed Forms and subgrode sholl be wetted immediately (ID 6. Concrete surfaces sholl be troweled smooth and then given Acre Min, Lot Size) Zones. for replacement shall be sowcut at the limits of prior to placement of concrete. -4-rUvmg: V-Vtv removal as directed by the City Engineer. The $I-Mv 6. Concrete surfaces sholl be troweled smooth a light broom finish,Immediotely otter Anishing, all exposed 041t aw section being removed sholl be a minimum of 5.0 i and then given a light broom finish. Immediately surfaces shall receive a uniform application of white ®finishing, 0"11111 in length and sawcuts sholl align with existing after off exposed surfaces shall receive pigmented curing compound conforming to the requirements STANDARD - joint or score line. Replacement sholl conform in STANDARD a uniform opplication of white pigmented curing (z)) of the Standard Speciricotions CURB & GUTTER dimens!on and location to the adjacent existing MEDIAN CURBS compound conforming to the requirements of the .Q TYPES . . . . . LM improvements unless otherwise directed. TYPE "M" Standard Speeffications, 7 Expansion joints shall be constructed at each side of ro" sm 7 ExMsion joints shall be constructed at ends structures, at ends of curb returns and at 60'maximum "A","1319, & Is "C" saw 0I& Gamanswomma= "M-17 & PtM-2$0 of curb returns. Weakened plane pints, 2.0 'deep, Q_ intervals. Weakened plane joints, 2 O'deep, sholl be placed at arm" - sm 01a shall be placed where apron meets the cross gutter 10'maximum intervols and at both ends and center of drive CITY OF BAKE FIELD ST- 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST -2 and at 10'maximum intervots in the cross gutter or opproach depressions Expansion pints may be eliminated for CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA as directed by the City Engineer. Q) extruded curb and gutter. oft 0�000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ......... W.M.4" =MWX&W=W=== I 'I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT l_ Romps and Driveway shall be constructed full width to the Right-of-Wey line or 10' whichever is less. (Se Section A -A and notes) IWO ft* *42' Mox 25' Min. A C) Depth varies depending on the L9's streets Troffic Index (TI). See SE ''d curb & grut ter Q) Upon opprovol of the City Engineer, E I Ir sm A&I Toble 18P below Backfill compacted to 95Z reletive maximum driveway dimension may be 1�� 0( civmav of the compaction in roadway areas from #Street increased to 50 for M-1 and M-2 B TA 3.0'be)ond back of curb, excluding Zone jot uses where high volume of semilruck EVOWN TRAFFIC INDEX DEPTH 44 a// but the outer 1. 0' of the and trailer warrants, 50-5.0 1.2' tla median areas, and in olleys, within 4- the existi7q, accepted roadway 5.5- 6.5 t,5' 4. -4 (3 improvements, 70-8.0 20' Z5 L See righ 1 28' Max. with 8' curb Ramp 4' Min For 8 C40 85 OR MORE 25' 7Z,77015 Backrill compacted to 9OX relative for dims. J2'Mox with 6' curb Min For 6' Curb compaction in all other areas. Backfill compacted to 90%, V_ A relative compaction Backfill in pipe zone compacted Qor to 9OZ relative compaction. Upper limit of pipe zone sholl be 1.0' above >< t0' AN I 'Min, Backfill material within the pipe U top of pipe bell or the outside diameter 43 zone to conform to notes 1, 2 of plain end pipe. ## and 3 C) 6. 0' Min. For public utilities , construction If Mr- wl. 41wl. 4 welded wire febric To hove a clearance of 2.0* requirements as per the Public- 7 7/7 09 77 , g,% i from bottom of Vconcrete. Utilities Commission General Orders . 2 - R Reber Full width of approach of AVM NOTES: 6 0" I, All work shown sholl conform to the applicable sections 8 meteriel for 7 Use of Type 08' drive opprooch is only allowed by F1021pbe as per 4. Testing of backfill materiels sholl be in accordance with the of Me specifications tilled 'Stando Qneciicoll­ em n 13211 a E N* am V1W 4XV A -J eva"ro ELM M sm-M&&A 8. Expansion joint Aller material sholl consist of preformed strips of durable, resilient compound that conform to the requirements of the Standard Specirications. 9 Sections of existing drive approach being removed /or replacement sholl be sowcut at the limits of removal as directed by the City Engineer. The section being removed shall be a minimum of 5.0'in length and sawcuts sholl align with existing pint or score line. Replacement sholl conlarm in dimension and location to the adjacent existing improvements unless offierwise directed 10. Sections being replaced moy be poured against existing pavement, if in good condition and with prior opprovel of the City Engineer. Otherwise, the existing pavement sholl be sowcut a minimum of 2.0' from the edge of concrete or as directed by the City Engineer. Pavement patch shall conform to the requirements of City Stondord ST -12. It 5x (6) - 14 rebor, evenly spaced, continuous the entire length of drive opproach, including opron. Q The minimum *pe on all drive opproach cross gutters sholl be 0.69 unless otherwise opproved by the City Engineer. 1J. For mojor retail commercial centers, the 12'wide cross gutter may be eliminated with Me provision of other drainage facilities and with the opprovol of the City Engineer. STANDARD COMMERCIAL DRIVE APPROACH TYPE "A" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA Oft ON"= I PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR B OgOF ESS I ?IV, 51 NGly REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER C 80507 State of California, Deportment of hronwtatihn' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD permission of Me City Engineer. D, r L tests listed in Section 6-J.01 at the State Stondord 6pecincotions, (or ASPM D1557, Method `C*) for trench width greater than 1.0', NOTES: Q) opproved current edition STANDARD 45M 8 Permit for driveway construction shell accompany NOTES: If trench width is less then 0' , backfill with 2 sock slurry. I, Pavement sholl be Type J asphalt concrete (A.C) meeting 2. Mere drivewoy is to be constructed for a portion of sidewalk width (Section A -A), sidewalk sholl be removed $am * wm* W I*w ftw* SW actual Works 9. A minimum of 22' of full height curb sholl separate I. Backfill for Rigid Pipe. 5. Compaction tests will be required and shell be the respons- the requirements at Section 39 of the "State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications" I, A# concrete sholl be class "A" end shall be within 25" (65mm) to 5.5 on each side of driveway for romp construction. Subgrade preparation shell be constructed true to grade and cross _T dtivewq)s, except as no on firdffic Stondetd T-20, or as opproved by the City Engineer. Backfill material within the pipe zone sholl be free of deleterious material and sholl have a Sond Equivalent of not ibility of the Developer / Subdivider / Contractor. The number and location of the tests sholl. be determined by ffie City opproved current edition, unless otherwise required by the City Engineer of Transportation, Stondord Specirications' hereafter known as section, with compaction of 95% to a depth of 6.0' or needs replacing' Surfaces of all exposed concrete shell match slope,is-as POW ) less than 20 and sholl conform to the following grading. Engineer. The tests sholl be in accordance with the tests .,00 SW Aw P Cl- I Woll thickness.- T=6.0* (0,15m) except when H>8* (2.4m), T=80' (0.2m) .4 ' Rounded, R=pipe 10 No drivewey construction is pennitted in the street or Sieve ve Size Percentage passing listed in Section 6-301 of the Stole Standard Specifications, `C-). 2 Aggregate base sholl be Class # ogregate base by 2.0 (501mm) minimum in thickness if poured against noturol ground I Concrete for drivevoys shall be Class 2*, and sholl be within 25* and 4.5' slump, in alley returns. 3140 100 No. 4 35-100 (or ASTM D1557, Method conforming to Section 26 of the State Standard Specifications 16 art 6.0" thick and with light broom finish. or less Wolls exceeding these limits sholl be reinforced with No 4 bars at 1,5' (0,45m) OC, both ways All reinforcing shall be No. 4 bars 1.5- It No portion of the driveway or romp is to be on od*eal No. JO 20-100 6. Each laver of backfill moteriol sholl meet the compaction, J Structural sections for o// streets shell be designed C! ATY OF BAKERSO%FIELD, CALIFORNIA 4. Expansion joints sholl be installed as shown.property shall receive a uniform opplicotion of white pigmented curing compound frontage without prior opproval of the City Engineer. This backfill material shall be placed in not to exceed one foot (1.0 loose) lq)ers, simultaneously on each side of the send equivalent and gradation requirements before the next lo)tor is using traffic indexes in accordance with the provisions of 6. Support bolts sholl be installed when length of opening exceeds 50' (1.5m) 5. A# existing concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk 12. A# driveway locations ore subject to opprowl by Me City Engineer. pipe in such a monner as not to damage or disturb the pipe on placed Section 5.11.2 of the Subdivision and Engineering Design Manuel. Vy spoil be sow cut at a right angle to the flow line, 7 when curb opening exceeds 5.5" (0. 14m), a ploin round steel protection bar 1,0* (2.%m) in dia.shell be installed. Bar shell be imbedded 5,0* (1-5in) and DA Grates sholl be Type 24 as per Plan D77-8 its alignment and grade. Each layer shall be thoroughly comp- 7 For pavement patches within paved areas, see standard 6 Expansion joint or 2.0" deep weakened Alone joint sholl be placed between gutter depressions and standard curb ond gutter, GnA9 STANDARD aft" 6 Total driveway SECTION A -A 13. Concrete sholl contain no additives unless prior opproval acted by mechanical tomping. Backfill moteriol shall be compacted to to drawing ST -12 in this design manual. 4. Soil test doto used in the design calculation sholl be angular cut on the pipe shall be mode as directed by the City Engher. maximum allowable width shall not GUTTER DEPRESSIONS MIL SIMI is obtained ham the City Engineer. properly soringfine prior proceeding RD I US, furnished by a soil testing laboratory report to be signed 4 Vtow of 4 exceed 60Z of commerciol property frontoge, Drive- way dimension as darned on plan shall be the basis Gva�6 14. Concrete shell be cured with a white pigmented curing 2. Backfill for flexible pipe. V TA OL E "A and sealed by a licensed engineer CALIFORNIA of such determination. compound complying to Section 90-7.018 of the Standard Spedfcotioni Pipe and fittings shall be instolled in accordance with the y AV IMM* odthr 5. Minimum A.C.thickness is to be 02' Type 3 current ASTM specification D-221. Only Class / and # MOTH - Minimum Aggregate Bose is to be 04' embedment materials within the pipe zone will be considered Uq suitable Within the pipe zone, water flooding and jetting sholl INGREA ITS r aASS rI SEUM A~ 6 A safety factor of 0.2 sholl be applied in pavement not be used for backfill compaction for t4exible pipe. The DAWEA" OR SE&MY calculations bedding and hounching shall be hand placed to the Spring line 1.0" wftr 4'.0 widlor of the pipe and properly compacted For sewer mains, Class 1 1.00 or Im akft 10• bedding is required for bedding and hounching. Core sholf be -bom- Lov ao* Q) taken not to dislocate the pipe. The remaining backfill in the b* war viow LOO up to 2.0 &MON pipe zone shall be hand placed and compacted in lifts not to t. aN exceed 6.0' thickness. Backfill materiel sholl be properly WNW WA*r 2.0" or mov bwh sidn boo Skft compacted to soringline prior to proceeding. OgOF ESS I ?IV, 51 NGly REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER C 80507 Exp. 3-31-15 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Deism. am 101111110 D, r L 20* 50mm STEEL PLA rE DE 1AAL Aw" *soy ok #W& 4. 0" -100MIn STANDARD 45M Ir �*W) atW& /gyp CPaR6FmILE fib e&ftga V2 swdm SW Xod AW X1 CPA $am * wm* W I*w ftw* SW jgw SW NO TES.• log /-_ I, A# concrete sholl be class "A" end shall be within 25" (65mm) to 5.5 X _T (0.14m) slump. qtr I,#&) Mk (0130 ) 2 Slob to be poured monolithic with sidewalk where sidewolk is required of Transportation, Stondord Specirications' hereafter known as tow wax or needs replacing' Surfaces of all exposed concrete shell match slope,is-as POW ) 6W Anisk color, end scoring of adjacent concrete. .,00 SW Aw P ST -13 I Woll thickness.- T=6.0* (0,15m) except when H>8* (2.4m), T=80' (0.2m) .4 ' Rounded, R=pipe or 08'(2.4m), T=8.0 (0,2m). Catch basin wells shall be increased - wall thickness ir by 2.0 (501mm) minimum in thickness if poured against noturol ground of the Standard Spedfications for minor concrete (min. 505 lblcu yd). in lieu of outside face forms. 4ff 4. Wall reinforcing not required when H=8.0' (24m) or less and L=70' (21m) 16 art aft 011111001 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I a or less Wolls exceeding these limits sholl be reinforced with No 4 bars at 1,5' (0,45m) OC, both ways All reinforcing shall be No. 4 bars 1.5- 4. Concrete surfaces shell be trawled smooth, edged and then given Oft I In r t PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I I (40mm) clear of inside face unless otherwise shown a light broom finish: Immediately offer AWW% all exposed surfaces C! ATY OF BAKERSO%FIELD, CALIFORNIA as shown, shall receive a uniform opplicotion of white pigmented curing compound -A 5. All exposed metol parts shall be galvanized after lubrication. is- &I E'ST OF 'E'FOR' "EEIN 6. Support bolts sholl be installed when length of opening exceeds 50' (1.5m) sap* a and sholl be spaced between 30' (0. 9m) to 5.0' (1.5m) 0. C ~ so DRAW- lettering to be 10- (75mm) in height and raised r 1A OWS(W 7 when curb opening exceeds 5.5" (0. 14m), a ploin round steel protection bar 1,0* (2.%m) in dia.shell be installed. Bar shell be imbedded 5,0* (1-5in) and DA Grates sholl be Type 24 as per Plan D77-8 I* owe at each end 6 Expansion joint or 2.0" deep weakened Alone joint sholl be placed between gutter depressions and standard curb ond gutter, GnA9 STANDARD aft" SECTION A -A 8. Pipe sholl be as spedried or as directed by the City Engineer. The of durable, resilient compound that conform to the requirements Comm angular cut on the pipe shall be mode as directed by the City Engher. 4 tl GUTTER DEPRESSIONS MIL SIMI 9. A# work shell conform to the opplicable sections at the specificotions 4, RD I US, entitled 'Standard Specifications, State of Colifornio, Deportment of 4 Vtow of 4 Transportation: approved current edition. 4 4��Ir 034 10 ftb#44: OgOF ESS I ?IV, 51 NGly REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER C 80507 Exp. 3-31-15 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF CA,1_ \1 REVISIONS No. DATE DESCRIPTION STANDARD 45M 1,? 09QQ atW& /gyp CPaR6FmILE fib e&ftga V2 STANDARD JCU 4 AkV STANDARD Ab" W ad Ab Cob fur Cob C" -40CATCH BASIN i hirilT 4 (A). Ak TYPE '$As$ F__ - ----- I f ...... . .... WINFORCING AROUND PPE i I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OCALIFORNIA DPLAN PLAN PUBLIC WRKS EPARTMENT ---------- - -• EM A & A -I Catch aaWn Qode Wit ad Id- 1 C2= ago& aa A A C" 20' too ".0 A A V PLAN PLAN II y 0ge GO & = bkt in Q:W& UN I,,WSJ an NINE two(R, r WSW #~ 126100 IV Of Cob Lr r am k -oom- SOAeowdVff =404)f Al S066 & Am 1 4 23. M So) or "W. & cow dN* PLAN A compaction of 9M,1, sholl be obtained lot a minimum it Ab*rdy of 6.0* below the Grading Plane. Depth 7 ." shall be in SW AM km *W aw conformance with the following table.- 9 2 2 5.0 (1.5m) max. co vef Trollic Index So T z (extension rings required) J.0 - 50 1.1' ........ 55-6.5 t5, . '4 70-80 20' - ------------ 85 or more 2.5' 9. For Asphalt Posing Notes, see Standard Speciol Provisions azr Abz located in the Subdddision Design Manuel zr (a W *a 10 14 r4sk".. S175KV J Backfill moteriol above the pipe zone shell be free COMBINATION deleterious lumps 40 4 silobw IV rim A ONh* IV 1AW A .4-1 SSW to of material end or stones exceeding COMMERCIAL DRIVE am= im 4.0' in greatest dimension and sholl be placed in not STANDARD 45M 1,? 09QQ atW& /gyp CPaR6FmILE fib e&ftga SECrION 8-49 STANDARD JCU CPA 4 Sor for 1AV ew STRUCTURAL PAVEMENT -A (111" CM) JUNCTION BOX am MW AsIt (die) 0" 1 wZCOMBINATION SIDEWALK Iml qtr I,#&) Mk (0130 ) 10 14 r4sk".. S175KV J Backfill moteriol above the pipe zone shell be free COMBINATION deleterious lumps r4xuw-. ST -12M r%9NrAW_1 $1_1V4V MWOMM.Nam MUNWAMM 12/13 silobw IV rim A ONh* IV 1AW A .4-1 PROFILE of material end or stones exceeding COMMERCIAL DRIVE am= im 4.0' in greatest dimension and sholl be placed in not STANDARD 45M 1,? 09QQ atW& /gyp CPaR6FmILE fib e&ftga SECrION 8-49 STANDARD JCU NOTES: Sor for 1AV ew STRUCTURAL PAVEMENT SECTION A -A JUNCTION BOX am t All workmanship and matedols sholl conform to the applicable wZCOMBINATION SIDEWALK Iml sections of the speciricotions entitled 'State of Colifornia, Dept SECTION NO TES: of Transportation, Stondord Specirications' hereafter known as tow wax 'Standard Specifications; current opproved edition 6W 1. All work sholl conform to Me opplicable sections of Me standard spedricotions entitled *Standard Speefficotions, 2 D =gutter depression, it shell be 20' for Type A and A-1 guression,e. ST -13 State of Colifornio, Deportment of Itonsoartation, catch basins and 30' for off other inlet types, unless otherwise shown. opproved current edition 3 Concrete for gutter depressions sholl conform to the requirements ir CALIFORNIA of the Standard Spedfications for minor concrete (min. 505 lblcu yd). 2 A# concrete sholl be class W unless otherwise Concrete sholl contain no additives unless prior opproval is obtained opproved by the City Engineer, from the City Engineer. aft 011111001 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I a 4. Concrete surfaces shell be trawled smooth, edged and then given Oft I In r t PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I I J All reinforcing steel sholl be at 15 round bars and bent a light broom finish: Immediately offer AWW% all exposed surfaces C! ATY OF BAKERSO%FIELD, CALIFORNIA as shown, shall receive a uniform opplicotion of white pigmented curing compound -A 4 RIN""'OR" MESA MA conforming to the requirements of the Standard Specifications, &I E'ST OF 'E'FOR' "EEIN 4. Manhole costing shell be to specifications of SW -6. 5 00, CO, and COL inlets may only be used with opprovol of the Monhole cover sholl hove cost thereon in raised letters City Engineer, GDO, CO, and COL inlets shall be constructed in DRAW- lettering to be 10- (75mm) in height and raised in conformance to the Standard Specifications See Plans D72 0125" (5mm). and DA Grates sholl be Type 24 as per Plan D77-8 D -IMV 5. Pipe sholl be specified as directed by the City Engineer. 6 Expansion joint or 2.0" deep weakened Alone joint sholl be placed between gutter depressions and standard curb ond gutter, GnA9 STANDARD aft" Exponsion joint Aller moteriol shall consist of preformed strips of durable, resilient compound that conform to the requirements Comm of the Standard Specifications GUTTER DEPRESSIONS MIL SIMI RD I US, tor; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD D-17 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Cy r4sk".. S175KV J Backfill moteriol above the pipe zone shell be free COMBINATION deleterious lumps r4xuw-. ST -12M r%9NrAW_1 $1_1V4V MWOMM.Nam MUNWAMM 12/13 '(1r0-1 A* tiff am) at of material end or stones exceeding COMMERCIAL DRIVE am= im 4.0' in greatest dimension and sholl be placed in not STANDARD 45M STANDARD STANDARD JCU COMM to exceed one foot (1.0' loose) layers and each lo)w APPROACH 11101. SUN] shall be thoroughly compacted by mechanical tamping. TYPE 911301 TRENCH BACKFILL M AND COMPACTION ..S.L am STRUCTURAL PAVEMENT SECTION A -A JUNCTION BOX am 7.9-16 5 wZCOMBINATION SIDEWALK Iml REQUIREMENTS u-, 1"MAS, saw a& SECTION tern. "I 0111h oaf CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST -5 MONWAMMM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST -12 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ST -13 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD D-16 CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA Oft COW PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT =oltwomi PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT aft 011111001 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I a Oft I In r t PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I I CITY RECORD No. C! ATY OF BAKERSO%FIELD, CALIFORNIA F-ftIOUBLIC WORKS D`EPARTMENT File Name. 02-Porkink Lot -Grading Dra wn: A F .11 Job No.- 04C132 Engineer: LS 4 RIN""'OR" MESA MA *1j k-:1 T COM"PLE"PARKIN' OT EXPANSION 0 t-0 %" A : L &I E'ST OF 'E'FOR' "EEIN DETAIL -A 0 Date: Feb. 6, 15 Checked By I r Eel SHEE T NO. 3 OF 10 1 1 2 3 WE 0 N L6 >1 cr C CD 0 1 0) 0 CN 0 Q) UI 0 4� :3 0 U� C 0 0 C 0 0- X L -1i 4-a 0 C n T_ o I--,' 0 a 0 V) Q) W. a, 1GENERAL NO TES: 2" a wde &AW O/V (0 M1 wed ftop=/ Sw 001 hm Aw Sw I NG/y 0,40 7. POLE: MATCH EXISTING POLES IN NORTH LOT (LS/ LIGHTING A -1-P 5SQBO-SO7G-27.5-S/180-BLK, PER ORIGINAL PLAN -VERIFY) P* CID z B2 80 BLED EIO 480 ML R5 BK (DISTRIBUTION PER 1141 - - LUMINAIRE AEL AT REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER •114=1 I 1=1 I IE"IF, r�=IIFI -=I, Irl PEI Clear opening to Gate to open a C 80507 N-..- !6 •line up with buffer minimum of 120* LIGHTING PLAN). HOLE COVER TO HAVE TWO 114-20 STAINLESS STEEL Exp, 3-31-15 I E TAMPERPROOF HEX REJECT SCREWS. INSTALL HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED NUTS AND LEVELING WASHERS ON TOP AND BOTTOM OF FLANGE BASE. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD /X I 1=,7� Ll 1=_ II ;III Li 1 -27 it. 5 Mft SEE ST V bol d%* sitm sw zoo At TRASH AND GREASE INSTALL GROUT UNDER BASE AFTER LEVELING. FOUR ANCHOR BOLT 1501 TRUX TUN A VENUE OFF- C�,_\� PLATE tPLAN) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 t- Cone bolt & hole in paving PROVIDED BY POLE MANUFACTURER. POLE BASE REINFORCEMENT SAZ aA TE 6ERQUI V A& ENCLOSURE DETAILS to hold gate in closed and 0-C open position. THREE #3 TIES IN UPPER 5" AROUND ANCHOR BOL IS, FOUR #4 0 0( 0( 0 0 0 0 0 Hole to be 1.5 diameter of REVISIONS 8� cone bolt. VER TI CL E BARS A ND #3 TIES, A T 72 " ON CEN TER. n . ................ 0 0 0( 0 0 0 0 0 No, DA TE DESCRIP TION L --------------------- 2. PULL BOX: BOX- OLDCASTLE B1017 OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH A Sd"* 40 - 15* _J J square metal tube GALVANIZED STEEL SKID RESISTANT BOLT DOWN LOCKING LID WITH LID PIC set in concrete (not attached) *Cl* MAN? Mft (J" min. size) "EL EC TRI CAL GA SKE T MARKED sw "W bw —BOX WITHIN J' OF POLE BASE WITH CONTINUOUS rot - 01- my LOCA TE PULL 200' MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN PULL BOXES. It"k CONCRETE APRON 101 P* 2 INSTALL 8 MINIMUM THICKNESS OF J14" CRUSHED ROCK UNDER BOX lwft so FOR DRAINAGE. INSTALL 2" MORTAR BED ON GRAVEL TO SEAL BOTTOM ro shw ught ELAN. 25 05" or 0625" x 80' OF BOX. INSTALL 314" PVC DRAIN PIPE TO ALLEVIATE STANDING Grounding Rod (at street light pull box only) WATER IN PULL BOX. X 8' COPPER CLAD GROUND RODS ARE REQUIRED IN BOXES FEEDING POLES ONL Y --NO T IN IN TERMEDIA TE PULL TYPICAL SrREET LIGHT & BOXES. E= L,QCA TIQU JK LftS ca mWors ow wcwe bw 1VW J. CONDUITS: CONDUITS TO BE GRAY PVC SCHEDULE 40- 1-112 W VrW *I top of A# am ra in square metal tube MINIMUM��, LARGER CONDUITS TO BE USED WHERE NEEDED. INSTALL a* Ift alopmf h -ft 4W set in concrete (not attached) CONDUI SO THA T THEY ARE NEA TL Y ARRANGED IN CEN TER POR TION ..................................... ...... ftW (of sJAW Apt p* &v aWyj WU -2 (3' min. size) OF BOX, ENTERING BOX PLUMB. INSTALL END BELLS ON ALL CONDUITS. sw wit toss" SEAL CONDUITS WI'TH DUCT'SEALI COMPLETELY SEALING AROUND WOW Z_ CONDUCTORS AND AT LEAST 1 11 THICK. USE 18" RADIUS MINIMUM A# fik sm SWEEPS ON ALL BENDS—EXCEPRON ' STANDARD SWEEPS ARE OK ON slamw SHORT RUNS BETWEEN PULL BOX AND POLE. RUNS SHALL HAVE NO sow 04/3 h*1 of go MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 270 DEGREES OF BENDS BETWEEN PULLING' 1J SEE PARKING LIGHT POINTS. MINIMUM CONDUIT DEPTH SHALL BE 24" BELOW GRADE A Off SOW LEGEND ON SHEETS 5-8 CQ WE Qf C(604 we FOR LIGHT SPECIFICATIONS . ....... ....... ... ........... awl 00,61 SAX MAW 4. WIRING: MINIMUM CONDUCTOR SIZE IS #10 THW STRANDED CM04 amp COPPER, A L TERNA TE WIRE SIZES MUST BE USED IF VOL TA GE DROP STREET LIGHT & NO TES: EXCEEDS 2%—CHECK AND RECHECK CALCULATIONS. SUPPLY VOLTAGE PULL BOX LOCATION 1. Locate street light pull box in sidewalk within LN_JKR_ 29: WL BE 480V TO MATCH NORTH LOT SPLICES IN PULL BOXES SHALL BE AT D.RI WA.12 5.0' of street light standard MADE WITH STANDARD TIN PLATED UNI SULA TED COMPRESSION SPLICES ST-2wv 2 Remove cover before placing concrete for sidewalk RbIRK: ST- 25KV rqvaw. sy-n OR COPPER COMPRESSION PARALLEL SPLICE, INSULA TE SPLICES WITH "M GAM or collar Keep inside of box free of overspill. - "% 11/1 VY LL A H A .1 0800, STANDARD 0"Wim J Pull box shall be size J 112 and shall be located STANDARD CEO• STANDARD ON= en 7100 OR APPROVED EQUAL), INSTALL 1.5" OF HEAT SHRINK PAST STREET LIGHT *am within 5.0` of the street light and installed STREET LIGHT GATE DETAILS CWX= BASE PLATE DETAILS I& flush with the sidewalk. Gravel (0. 75 " max) 1. w, swo EACH END OF SPLICE, WAC PULL BOX FOR REFUSE OL.;ir shall be placed under the pull box for DETAILS CONTAINER LOCATION DETAILS 'I"em WHEN PARALLEL SPLICES ARE MADE—INSTALL J" OF HEAT SHRINK monom gal a& drainage. Pull box cover shall be marked to Val ft %a CITY OF BAKERSFIELD identify it as street lighting. Pull box shall be CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAST EACH END OF SPLICE AND CRIMP THE SPLICE WITH NEEDLE CALIFORNIA ST- 24 pre -cost concrete. CALIFORNIA ST -25 CALIFORNIA ST- 28 NOSE PLIERS UNTIL THE ADHESIVE HAS COOLED CREATING A WATER M TIGHT SEAL AROUND EACH INDIVIDUAL CONDUCTOR. USE PROPER a" 00111M XPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT on DO= PUBLIC WORKS DEP?�RTMENT 1_ CM81110M PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT mum TOOLS TO MAKE CRIMPS PER MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS. GROUND 60" Jk IV NOTES: WIRE FROM POLE BASE TO GROUND ROD SHALL BE #8 MINIMUM. THE V t A# work shall conform to the sections of the standard CIRCUIT SHALL BE FUSED IN THE PULL BOX ADJACENT TO THE POLE. STAINLESS STEEL specifications entitled 'Standard Specifications, State of FUSE HOLDERS SHALL BE FERRAZ SHA WMUT FEX-11-11 600V 30A. TAMPERPROOF SCREW California, Deportment of Transportation' approved current I DRA INA GE INSTALL 3M 0400 HEAT SHRINK (OR APPROVED EQUAL) OVER HEX—REJECTION PIN STYLE edition and ffie following general notes: CHANNEL 6e TERM/NA TIONS W1 TH A T LEA S T 1 " OF HEA T SHRINK' TUBING PA S T &AV bow as mo*w 2. Subgrade preparation shall be constructed true to grade STD S1W AREA 3—#,3 TIES IN UPPER 5 by sw owe and cross section, with compaction of 9011* to a depth of PARKING LOT FINISH SURFACE CONNECTION OVER CONDUCTOR INSULATION. FUSES SHALL BE 6A AROUND ANCHOR BOLTS 2 6. 0' RATED - BUSSMAN KTK6-NO EXCEPTIONS 3 Concrete holt be Class J and have a slump between TRUNCA TED 5. INS TA TION: ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED 2.5" and 5.5" The surface shall be DOME AREA - 04 112 x 8' COPPER Anished to grade and cross section with a float, troweled PA VING SECTION CIO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR UNDER JOURNEYMAN LEVEL SUPERVISION CLAD GROUND ROD A0W curb wilh Paved smooth, and finished with a broom. 115" MAS canws Surface HINGE POIN T -pi 4. Concrete shall be cured with a white gmented curing compound complying to Section 90-7018 of the standard specifications. N" CLEARANCE FOR PARKING LOT SEE "PULL BOX" ♦SURFACE DETAIL U TIL TIES (IRRIGA TION, ------Grease- Barrel Enclosure 5, Concrete shall contain no additives unless prior written Optional unless required approval is obtained from the City Engineer. N EL EC TRI CAL, WA TER, 6"X12 DEEP" CONCRETE 30" PARKING LO by City fngineer. 6 /f any place, premises or use of property accumulates APRON AROUND BOX & Sol, of, generates sufficient refuse to require more than four E TC) CONSTRUCT 2 THICK MORTAR BED POLE BASE SURFACE standard containers, the City Engineer may require SIDEWALK AND TO SEAL BOX BOTTOM occupant to provide and install a detachable bin -box of S TORM DRA IN S YS TEM CURB PER COB sufficient copocity to hold accumulated refuse. PLAN 7 Detachable bin refuse containers shall be placed on a SDR 35 PIPE STANDARDS 314 "CRUSHED ROCK CHRISTY B1017 BOX concrete refuse container pad at grade level. UNDER BOX 8 1$ THICK (SEE NOTES) Skv mfe Na 4 8, The City Engineer may require on enclosed structure REINFORCED CONC so" C" around detachable bin refuse containers if they determine 314 P VC DRAIN &"W an unenclosed bin to be unsightly. 78 MIN. RADIUS FOR CONDUITS FOO TING W1 4 #4 VER T lo'— i POW swim w ....... Noun, EXTENDING TO PULL BOXES OR TO GRA VEL BARS AND #3 HORIZ 9. The bin enclosure may be constructed of concrete -1i - per PG&E #2 BOX -------- block, per detail on this standard, chain-link fence SECTION ALONG DRAINAGE TIES @ 12 O. C. MAX standard D-12 or other material Material and design shall 71 am J PIC be subtest to the City Engineer approval. TYPICAL TRENCH SECTION CHANNEL (CASE B) P ULL 13OX DETI-11L TYPICAL SEC77ON WTH 10, Refuse container pods shall be constructed of 4' CHAI.N_UNK &&ffl thick concrete with on intergrat concrete bumper ..N.L curb on three sides at least 80" in height and 6.0" DRAINAGE in width. Me minimum pod size to inside face of COVIwe Rod co 2 CHANNEL DRAINAGE cot P bw$ (Iffika) bumper curbs shall be 8 0' x 6. 0' ffie pods CHANNEL and the 10' wide area in front of them sholl slope 8"s 00 awde &W away from the rear bumper curb at between one -sixteenth 2.5 TYPE 'B "A. C. x',/ "y AN or cows W?h owl 06257 and one -eight (0 125") inch per foot. (0 WALKWA Y -4- It Mere there is an alley abutting the premises, refuse 6.5 CL A GG BA SE•C -6" 1W conta.*,iers sholl be placed adjacent to the alley. HINGE POIN T L_2' - PARKING /4 bw 01 Ir dc 12. See detail ST -28 for gate details. ......... ....... POW Sr*0 IF— AREA 7 12" COMPACTED SOIL TO 41_ HINGE POIN T PARKING LOT 95Z REL COMPACTION PTC rwo- CONS TRUC T TRUNCA TED LIGHT DETAIL Pon MINW: ST-2Mv SIDEWALK AND DOME A REA- TYPICAL SECRON WTH CURB PER COB STANDARD ETE' 1C MINIMUM *gem STANDARDS REFUSE WAC AL ACCESS RAM CONTAINER PAD ILM AREA EA 7.9-165 C1W OF BAKERSFIELD Pula SECTION ALONG DRAINAGE WALKWAY TRANSITION ALONG CALIFORNIA ST -27 TYPICAL PARKING LOT PAVING SECTION Oft 0000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CHANNEL CASE A) DRAINAGE CHANNEL (CASE C) [71TY RECORD No. .A. -J LA T... -. T4',- 106 File Name: 02—Parkin L o t— GrG Drawn: 1A F MARIN SPORTS COMPLEX PARKING LOT EXPANSION: SHEET NO. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD., CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: P4C14J Engineer- JAF DETAILS 4 OF 10 Date: Feb. 5, 15 Checked By 0 1 2 m, N c L I if 1b, 1I i . g � r I 11 €A g �1 ( ` � ( 11€ I �, G � ( � # `,* g , I �I III I I€ - I 11 I I i g �- I I IIl I =1 € y I 11€ # € £ # € € I II I 1 IIS/\C I 3k I II'$ g L 1 /S/ Ifig g g � / I I1€ � � / I I1' i �- "�� ,4� I II ll "� a� € I 1� I 111 # '� � w-�, 11I € 1 , I 1 I I � 11'1 1 I 11 g�°1,. 111 111 I 111 r�`� � N(YCq+YLSS\`�t't?>i'v�`A�Y. SiS�.:. Y%N,C\rt4»KX•h�. <N: Q I I 111 I I I1 • c �" III ° ;,<,,, , �.. III �� ., 1 II �G �J III ^y�� I 3 \, I N �� 11 I �� I %\ � I I I V� I 1 1� 1 i €� I � 11 I 11 I 111 �G , I 1€�0 l •X SD. gIAND SS I Icy I a i; 1 €� g ' INES (k,RIFY� I g 1 I 111 1 11 I I II l g 1 11 I 111 § I 11 I 1 11 I g I I !I 111 � N j1I , I 1 11 I 28 WIDE LIS AREA 11 II l I II L% #v I, III 111 1 II I III 11 11 II I 111 1, I I 111 j1 III € I I II 1 III ,�G I b I # III c� 111 g I � � I I II 1 � I I1 i I I 11 I Z)I 11 iI 9 1 III 1 II � f �,� III Z1 1 # € I I II r `T 1 II ,'t � € • P �I 11 €- I III Q) I� I I 11 I .I II 1 € 11 I �I I1 I 1 1I I III I1 111 ! II jIII Iii I ,�% I I 11 1 111 �� 11A II€ III I IIb le I 11I I I ��� �¢� II III 111 €f I f III 11 I€ 1 I� ° 11 I I I € I III 111 ro� ,, i I I I III € I I I 1 ' I 11 1 I I # I III I I I I I? I i I II 111 28 W/DEL/SAREAI��€� I 11I IIID' iI t g I I 11 1 I Illb� � 11 111 111 I I I1 01 I11g I I II I I II , € �,� II III 111 I !I III 1IiI g,� I 1 11 I 111 ,G I 1 11 €1 II 111 1� 0I " 1 I 1 11 I 111 r r " `C, i Ig � � 4 �," � g %� �� REMOVE EX S TREE T LIGHT° REMOVE a" �° S TREE T L IGH T FOUNDA TION TO A DEP TH OF 12" BEL OW FINISH ROAD �-�- ,�� , �� SURFACE (0�0- ,/ . J --,.--. _.___._�.�. i �4 € " A� € €f _-.......-._ _ �I e--m��Q. - - g � € 4 f € ,% 4f �3 le �_ 0,/ \ � 0 � ",// -/YO PARKING AREA FOR g - � WASE E T �S EXP ING LOT TM 6�• �� REMOVE EX STREET LIGHT REMOVE g - 3> -€ € � �1 �� �G �5 AJ\ I. w� p �� �. € o �G d P� " �' � � �,�� g \ e _ 1�� bo # - ���������� �,�, � ___ STREET L1GHT FOUNDA TION TOA. �,, , , � �� REMOVE EX CURB DEPTH OF 12" BELOW FINISH ROAD € � .M � , �� � ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE SURFACE ��,- REMO VE 1 `a..� OF EX PARKING L O T ' " - E ST a � ,F �° "I� �, �� �r" .1 ,� G ALL ,(e 1 '� 4 f I ; � g0• 0 0 (} (g € �. p. �4 �� °� E� RAISED CONC CUA b b� \ RE VE EXISTING CONJ TE RB b� �/ I wMw�.w,.wmww+..� ,w+ vw+u�nw.•nw.w�, vai� `np� v` .,ww.w.w.w.,., m+:a.w.mam' b'+xvuaCwrAx ens..m+w+»s-e,rm,ncrnenw� „'� p , ':N I . LEL: , Parking 1; . " € '' \.. .- _ Area L1 h t .ana', . . , r . 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I g= € LED PARKING � I I AREA L I GH T � _ a a i I AND POLE �t R # I g ; € I t fa Nk € € € € € g g € ; I ;s # # I I" .. € g § I@ I s k g € g gI 3 ; , # g € € # % 1064 g € I z b m`Y d a g § 4 �g 1 i# I € a % 0 � � € § 1 3 f j0111 &�1 X110254 k 15B �lI€Ii€g� g ; € g € g � i g I € ; # I ; g # # € g g» s i f I I I g € I g € f I I €s I; I g€ g g € # l €z I I @ € # g # g I € # W k I g g I I€€; I I I z ?€ g I i i g€ I€ I I# " a 0� g i l g s g g g I9 € € I I # g # i ; # # I € tt �d I I I g g €€ g I I I� I I€ g I€ €� € g li € g g # g # g € € I t f P g i g € # g I I € f a I I I € I 111 I g # I I " g � g; 3 3 1 I I I € g € g € I; k I€ #€ I; a € € € € # g 1-10658 ; I I ¢ I € ; 0 I I g �� Ik gt 110255 13B g ,e e j, 19 e e e # € I w g g € ®I g # g € g g g X10g5 g§ l€ g j 1 €1043 I € g € g # I I I I � �06,,57� � t� I g g g ��'% # € € € I I € g g 8„ `• 1 I g I ; g I ; I d 11 g € 4 I € € I I ; I g ; 1� \ g g g € p g g # I € #„ % 3 € € g € € I g I € # % € € g g I I # I $ g *8 *e 4€ 1023 € I € ; g 8 g € 4 I € ; I I g € € g €E 1 I I g g I I € € I I„ 05 g I#€€ I I I € I g # I g I g € €, I a € � g l € ' ss ,<f g ? 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BE - LOW AC & S/W 4" 2 100 LF ' 7A 2" 1 191 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW AC PA VING 2 1 2" s 1 191 LF 8A 1 1/2" 1 193 LF CAP BOTH ENDS. BELOW A C PA MING 9A 1 1 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS BELOW S/W 2" 1 10 LF 10A 1 1/2" 1 10 LF - CAP ENDS. BEL OW S/W 11A 2" 1 16 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW SIDEWALK 4" 1 16 LF 12A 4" 1 12 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEa_OW SIDEWALK 13A 2', 4" 6 ;12" 1 L 1 EA 96 LF EA 96 LF EA CAP ALL ENDS BELOW AC/SW YM SIZE QTY L ENG TH COMMENTS 1. 1 1/2" 1 250 LF BELOW PA VING EX MH TIE --IN 1 AND S W / 18" RCP PIPE 2 TYPE "A " GRADE SAG CAP ALL ENDS. 2B 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PA VING & SW 18" RCP OU T TYPE "A " GRADE SAG CAP ALL ENDS. 3B 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PA VING & SW 18 " RCP OU T 4 TYPE "A" GRADE SAG CAP ALL ENDS. 4B 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PA VING & SW 5B 2" 1 45 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW PA VING & SW 6B 2" 1 100 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW PA VING & SW 7B 2" - 1 191 LF CAP ALL ENDS. 8B 2" 1 193 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW PA VING 9B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS° 10B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL 0 W S/W 11B 2" 1 15 LF CAP ALL ENDS BEL OW S/w 12B 2" 1 12 LF CAP ALL ENDS BEL 0 W S/W 13B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS BEL 0 W S/W 1qg 2" 1 UNKNOW BELOW S/W VERIFY L OCA TION SCALE.° i "=20' PARKING LIGHT LEGEND SYM DESCRIPTION LIGHTS TYPE LED F/X7URE S YM CA TCH BA SIN GUT TER DEPRESSION COB S TD S COMMEN TS N/A N/A D-16 EX MH TIE --IN 1 MODIFIED 18" RCP PIPE 2 TYPE "A " GRADE SAG D -14/D -17 18 " RCP IN 18" RCP OU T TYPE "A " GRADE SAG D --14/D-17 18" RCP IN 3 18 " RCP OU T 4 TYPE "A" GRADE SAG D -14/D-17 18" RCP OUT SCALE.° i "=20' PARKING LIGHT LEGEND SYM DESCRIPTION LIGHTS TYPE LED F/X7URE 7 A7B2 SERIES 284W TYPE 3 2a LED F/XTURE 2 ATBZ SERIES 284W TYPE 5 2b LED F/X7URE 1 A7B2 SERIES 284W TYPE 5 LANDSCAPE ____ MEDIAN ISLAND 0 4 X4' MEDIAN ISLAND 7.9-165 , � r SHEET N0. 5 OF 70 2 3 m N c C) 6) V (� v *� O i no. (N 0 t a) Q) Q) NN Q O U) O S; Q l.v .s-: � � ro Q �� C) Cl .�_: 0 Q) z (IN n C) 0 N O N LQ 0 cl ff N 2331016.76 E 6296114.21 S ECR N 2330920.76 E 6296113.21 r MA TCH LINE SEE SHEET 5 (� v __ -_ �� - ­�, 1, I . _1,�_______,­____ I 7--- "A . ________,_. -_ __. 11 - . I I � I - .... I,, I I., I ---.-.,---- ----------------- III I �� . 1. 11 �11 -_ . I I 11 ,, I - . . , �l I . I , : I'. �, I I I . ) ,. I . .. . I , . �. . I 11 .,,�. 1� � I .. I I ,�-' , , I - , . I . . " . I " . . I . I 1 -7" , , , -�,: , � �l " .. I . . I - I . ­.­$. - , ­., 1�, . I .1 - / - �, . . � . 1� :,..- - �, 1.9 1, � - 1, ".1.% 102,58 $ III a $ 3 r yA 3 Y w` p ., ,.. . . .. F r, � $ e 1� I , "I . N � F d g g g �.� -10583 ` r .... ¢'' ;®586 . • , . 10 71.. •... : . � $ $ B # G � x , '� $ . c 60D' . .. 10604: ' i :� ` . � , , ' . � € I 11 1 , ..: � , �.� 10620 .. 1 D5'74 I ` $ � I # M �' 106 f `.. 8 �' . . • � w k 1. ,. /.0626 10623 N° A # Ilb 106.19 ;0,58 , v^ 10592 �� �<x k E SS MH 4 . 16581' ': ' , . 7 . 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' ,. ,34 ' . ' 101.'571. # •' ., 101.48 •, ' �' �# s € PARKING ROADWAY SEC TION: , .' ' ^ g. . € # 8 # I � �. ' ' 2.5 A. C. OVER 6.5" CL Il AGG. ' ' ,. , ' ` ^ 1., ' °' w -_ � �.� � . € BASE O VER 12 " COMPA C TED 1 � ° ` 1 � °w , "%%' g f � € SOIL TO 95% REL COMP. `, .. �,.�� . . '. • I .. • • ' • �, 1 €% � It # .. € .. , .. 11 1069$ . 1054.2 ' . 7 0^16f3 ' s g � r,. , . , ' :106:x " 1D70 .' �° . # ; . ' ... „ � 0697` " 10336. 1'071.4: , � � � € I r, 1015 ip707 10710 10'709-1 I,. } € : �' € Ozl a � 10694 ' a, �. � "1'0713 „- - 1 I I ,J� �. , 11770 . , .: :� r�..' ' I $ ya :10712` ' ' 1069' :� �° +1 � � . , . . 1 Q .... , • 106,_• : .. �� L : � : : ' r�°. . , .. , .�� x � � `.. , . ' 10335' .$k 1Q167. �• `$ .' .� M.�..rrI 11�,�1. ,0704 �� : 10541' 10169 � .'$�.. ,;e . ' . ' . V/� , . � . 1, . �' , . .L. ��� . . � 10540 I ,\ MA TCH LINE SEE SHEE In 7 . ,., "'File Name: •, , , PUBLIC` ­­­7�­ , , _ �1­ -_ ­­ -1 � "I ! 1� ;Date: Feb. 9, 15 liChecked By I ii LL ,� � I $ � $ $ �� € a a ,„ .,, � t 3 I F $ F $ 6 g § t F i $ �11 a r t �.� � $ k 8 le a F $ . 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Z I =, <# QA) N 3 � _�„« � 2 112 " 1 100 LF CAP ALL ENDS. 8E-- LOW AC & S/W 4" 2 100 LF IF N 7A f9 2 1 191 LF ��� 2 1/2" 1 p702: , • 1:016Q7 10342 �.�- � € € f � .• �e, •1.0691- ��� 10158 � . `10156. �- �: � € € � ` 10703 a.w ' = --- .1 15 , :.. �1�1 � , 4• 10147 ` % • If A 10704 ' € i ,: / 107Ui`` 14692. ' / ,°'. ' ,. ,34 ' . ' 101.'571. # •' ., 101.48 •, ' �' �# s € PARKING ROADWAY SEC TION: , .' ' ^ g. . € # 8 # I � �. ' ' 2.5 A. C. OVER 6.5" CL Il AGG. ' ' ,. , ' ` ^ 1., ' °' w -_ � �.� � . € BASE O VER 12 " COMPA C TED 1 � ° ` 1 � °w , "%%' g f � € SOIL TO 95% REL COMP. `, .. �,.�� . . '. • I .. • • ' • �, 1 €% � It # .. € .. , .. 11 1069$ . 1054.2 ' . 7 0^16f3 ' s g � r,. , . , ' :106:x " 1D70 .' �° . # ; . ' ... „ � 0697` " 10336. 1'071.4: , � � � € I r, 1015 ip707 10710 10'709-1 I,. } € : �' € Ozl a � 10694 ' a, �. � "1'0713 „- - 1 I I ,J� �. , 11770 . , .: :� r�..' 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" - w..w.. e � 29/ $ � I- .� �� r, " €�' # # I I ' € 8 $ 2 b # # 5 € € € € z # # € @ "tt ; � I €11 I ��, 3 # ' # � b9 9 (� 9 € g a # I # 9 # a € � R € # # a E ,I € € a € In € € # i € � i # # € 111 & € € € i i # # # € � a p 5 # I a € � � # B € � € # 5 € ? j r'e € ; 9 v r € 1 x u er "I# � £ € # r1 € # II d.� € i �# i � �� ! € € � �� 11 9 11 E � ? € $!,."��l .� # € b ll� # € 79 € 41 � "rte I I # ## € g 91 9 i s i € 78# � i $ #z a # € { #x € � i € €I t f @ db # € d f �� € € € €s € € f #p # € � $ } \ � pp� # € . 5 Y �. 5 Y G N m le f /_",� z QR()F E SS / ONq/ ` � o \Q 5 N Gy G� F2 IT F� Z `+' C c 8Q5o7 ' t W I REGIS TER ED CIVIL ENGINEER u �' Exp. 3-31-15 CITY OF BA KER SFI EL D9 - C I V L �\� 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE �F OF \F BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 CAit REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION CAP ALL ENDS, �T_l BELOW AC AND S/W I / 1 1 x 1.01 / / CAP ALL ENDS. BE - LOW AC AND S/W SYM SIZE QTY LENGTH (EA) COMMEN TS 1A 1 1/2" 1 315 LF CAP ALL ENDS, �T_l BELOW AC AND S/W 2A 1 1 1 1 F CAP ALL ENDS. BE - LOW AC AND S/W 2 1/2" 1 315 LF UA 2" 1 315 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BE - LOW AC AND S/W 2 1/2" 1 315 LF 4A 2 1/2" 2 315 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL 0 W AC & S/W QA) 4 " 3 45 LF EA CAP ALL ENDS. BE- LOW AC & S/W G 2 112 " 1 100 LF CAP ALL ENDS. 8E-- LOW AC & S/W 4" 2 100 LF IF N 7A f9 2 1 191 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW AC PAVING 2 1/2" 1 191 LF a 1 1/2"1 BELOW PAVING & SW 193 LF CAP BO TH ENDS. BELOW A IN L O C PAVING G a 9f 1 1 2 1 10 F L A CAP ALL ENDS. S BELo W s W 2 JJ 1 10 L F UA 9f 1 1 2 / 1 1 F O L CAP E NDS. BELOW S W 11A 9J 2 1 1 6LF CAP ALL N L L E DS. BELOW SIDEWALK J9 4 1 16 LF A 4" 1 12 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW SIDEWALK Q2AA$ 2' 4 " 6" 12" 1 EA 1 EA 96 LF EA 96 LF EA CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW AC/SW � I I I I 11 ­­­ ''I ­ I " � Fmlg,-Cj*jf:if#fAYW*l�W,Iollli�Co- ,0 a 07 � . _14 " J, ra/ ,a im YM SIZE QTY LENGTH COMMENTS al 1 1/2"1 ATB2 SERIES 250 LF BELOW PA VING 284W TYPE 5 2b LED FIXTURE AND S/W AT82 SERIES CAP ALL EDS. a 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PAVING & SW CAP ALL ENDS. QB) 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PAVING & SW CAP ALL ENDS. QB) 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PAVING & SW QB) 1 2" 1 45 LF CAP ALL ENDS BELOW PAVING & SW Q)B 2" 1 1 100 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW PAVING & SW a 2'$ 1 191 LF CAP ALL ENDS. a 2f9 1 193 LF CAP ALL ENDS. 8EL OW PA VING 9B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS. 10B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL EDS. BEL 0 W S/W 11B 2$$ 1 16 LF CAP ALL ENDS BEL 0 W S/W 12B 2 $$ 1 12 LF CAP ALL ENDS, BEL 0 W S/W 13B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL 0 W S/W 14B 2 " 1 UNKNOWN BEL O W S/W VERIFY L OCA TION SCALE: l ) =20' PARK/NGL/GHT LEGEND SYM I DESCRIPTION I LIGHTS I TYPE LANDSCAPE �i � MEDIAN ISLAND 4'x4' MEDIAN 0 ISLAND 7.9-165 , � ..... jr, I i Of "7'A � � �� � � ��� � fI ­_ I --11- ­_ -- I __ I - , - _______' - llll ����������������������������������������������������������������� - - � I - ---'-- -1 I -_ I I I , -, -_ � , I I s MESA MARIN SPORTS COMPLEX: i ROUGH GRADING PLANS ____ ------ ______ __ - - KEY MAP SH EE T N0. 6OF10 0 1 2 3 LED F/XTURE 7 ATB2 SERIES 284W TYPE 3 2a LED FIXTURE 2 ATB2 SERIES 284W TYPE 5 2b LED FIXTURE 1 AT82 SERIES 284W TYPE 5 LANDSCAPE �i � MEDIAN ISLAND 4'x4' MEDIAN 0 ISLAND 7.9-165 , � ..... jr, I i Of "7'A � � �� � � ��� � fI ­_ I --11- ­_ -- I __ I - , - _______' - llll ����������������������������������������������������������������� - - � I - ---'-- -1 I -_ I I I , -, -_ � , I I s MESA MARIN SPORTS COMPLEX: i ROUGH GRADING PLANS ____ ------ ______ __ - - KEY MAP SH EE T N0. 6OF10 0 1 2 3 S, ff 102, QROFESSIoy ���oQ51NGyC�F REGIS TERED Cl VIL ENGINEER z c 80507 SIZE Exp, 3-31--15 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .q Ct v �\_ 7501 TRUX TUN AVENUE OF A�`F�� B KERSF�IELD, CA 93301 C REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION 2A � f 1 115 L F CAP ALL ENDS. BE -- LOW AC AND S/W 2 1/2" SYM SIZE QTY LENGTH (EA) COMMEN TS 1A 1 1/2" 1 315 LF CAP ALL ENDS, BE - BELOW AC AND SSW 2A 1 1 " 1 115 L F CAP ALL ENDS. BE -- LOW AC AND S/W 2 1/2" 1 315 LF QA) 2" 1 315 LF CAP ALL ENDS BE -- LOW AC AND S/W 2 1/2" 1 315 LF QA) 2 1/2" 2 315 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL 0 W AC & S/W 5A QA) 4" 3 45 LF EA CAP ALL ENDS. BE- AC & S/W QA) 2 1 2" 1 100 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BE - LOW AC & SSW 4" 2 100 LF QA) 2" 1 191 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW AC PAVING 2 1/2" 1 191 LF D 1 112 1 193 LF CAP BOTH ENDS. BELOW AC PAVING QA) 1 1 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS BELOW S/W 2" 1 10 LF 10A 1 1/2" 1 10 LF CAP ENDS. BEL 0 W SSW 11A 2" 1 16 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW SIDEWALK 4" 1 16 LF 12A 4" 1 12 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW SIDEWALK 13A 2'; 4 " 6';12" 1 EA 1 EA 96 LF EA 96 LF EA CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW AC/SW YM SIZE QTY L ENG TH COMMENTS 1B 1 1/2" 1 250 LF BELOW PAVING Ar82 SERIES 11 284W TYPE 5 AND SSW 1 ATB2 SERIES CAP ALL ENDS 29 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PAVING & SW CAP ALL ENDS, 3B 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PAVING & SW CAP ALL ENDS. 2" 1 315 LF BELOW PAVING & SW Q), 2" 1 45 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW PAVING & SW Q), 2" 1 100 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BELOW PAVING & SW 7B 2" 1 191 LF CAP ALL ENDS. Q), 2". 1 193 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL O W PA VING 9� 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS. 10B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL OW SSW 11 B 2" 1 16 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL OW SSW 12B 2" 1 12 LF CAP ALL ENDS BEL O W SSW 13B 2" 1 10 LF CAP ALL ENDS. BEL OW SSW 14� 2" 1 UNKNOwh BELOW SSW VERIFY L OCA TION t SCALE: 7 "=20' PARKING LIGHT LEGEND SYM DESCRIPTION LIGHTS TYPE a LED FIXTURE 1 A782 SERIES 284W TYPE 3 Za LED FIXTURE 2 Ar82 SERIES 11 284W TYPE 5 2b LED FIXTURE 9 1 ATB2 SERIES 284W TYPE 5 LANDSCAPE MEDIAN ISLAND 4'x4' MEDIAN ISLAND 7.9-165 Ar S Ln C11-110017 >_110140 0 LL_ < 0 n 0') 3: _0 6) 4� 0 1 n CN 01 < (N 1 o 4-0 o C .0 V) C a.. 0 o co 0 C_ n (D 5 r1r) CL C) CN 1 r0 0 CN C/) bi D 0 n Point 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10013 10014 10015 10016 10018 10019 10020 10021 10022 10023 10024 10025 10026 10027 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 10033 10034 10035 10036 10037 10038 10039 70040 10041 10042 10043 10044 10045 10046 10047 10048 10049 10050 10051 10052 10053 10054 10055 10056 10057 10058 10059 10060 10061 Point Table Row Description dog pork Point Table Northing 2330760.2610 Edsting 6296232.7358 Elevation Point 686.000 10123 Poin t Toble Row Description D-GND Poin t Toble Northing 2330917.0832 Edsting 6296254. J086 Elevation 686,900 687.290 687980 687.200 687.700 686.270 686.770 -1 687.100 687.350 686.810 686,600 687.210 687900 687.120 689.040 687.610 687.710 685.810 685,800 685.920 685.900 686.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.'000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 684.560 684.200 681.810 681.180 682.290 691.380 691.560 p�ESS I. QR 0�q S I NGN REGISTERED Cl VIL ENGINEER C 80507 Exp. 3-31-15 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUX TUN A VENUEC/V1\_ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OF cp,� REVISIONS No. DA TE DESCRIP TION f i I Point Table Point Row Description Northing Fasting Elevation 10246 DEP-FL 2331198.1404 6296362.7170 686.940 NOTE REGARDING POINT DESCRIPTIONS: 10247 RP 23J1 1934412 6296J25.680,3 a000 ALL POINTS INCLUDED ON THESE PLANS - ARE DESIGN POINTS. THE DESIGNATION 10248 RP 2331229.0478 6296299.9858 0.000 "D- " PREFIXING THE DESCRIPTION /S USED 10249 D-BSW 23,3122,3.6949 6296439.6115 689.160 FOR "DESIGN". SOME POINTS DO NOT 10250 D-BSW 23,31196.0,368 6296440.6925 688.100 INCLUDE THE "D- BUT ARE ALSO DESIGN POIN TS. 10251 D-BSW 23J1 160. J188 6296440.3721 687.370 10252 D -HP 233122J. 24 71 6296441.3445 688.550 10253 D -HP 2,331195.8376 6296443.6899 688.500 POINT TABLE LEGEND 10254 D -HP 2,331280.958J 6296477.4557 683780 AC -DESIGN A SPHA L T DESIGN - ACD DESIGN A SPHAL T 1 10255 D -HP 23312JO. 9562 6296477.0072 683.550 AP ANGLE POIN T 10256 D -HP 2JJ1 180.9540 6296476.5587 68J. JJO BCR 13EGIN CURB RE TURN BSW BACK OF SIDEWALK 10257 D --HP 2331 1JO. 9518 6296476.1101 683.100 BSW- wc BACK OF SIDE WA L K RAMP 10258 D-HP2JJ1080.9496 6296475.6616 682.880 CANAL AP CANAL ANGLE POINT D DESIGN 10259 D -AC 2331153.2296 6296434.2815 686.750 D -AC DESIGN A SPHA L T 10260 RP 2331230.8191 62962,36.0027 o.000 D -AC -AP DESIGN ASPHALT ANGLE POINT D -AC BC DESIGNA SPHA L T BEGIN CURVE 10261 RP 2331229.7929 6296238.9926 0-000 D -AC GB DESIGN ASPHALT GRADE BREAK 10262 RP 2,3JI230.0756 6296296.9965 0.000 D-AC_EC DESIGN A SPHA L T END CURVE D -AP DESIGN ANGLE POINT 10263 D -AP 23JO 719.2110 6296408.5190 684.400 D - BC DESIGN BEGIN CURVE 10264 D --AP 2330719.2110 6296340.0890 685.400 D-BSW DESIGN BACK OF SIDEWALK --- D-- CANAL HP DE/GN CANAL HINGE POINT 10265 D -AP 2330 719.2110 6296283.4604 685.390 D -CTR ROAD DESIGN CENTER OF ROAD 10266 D -AP 2330690.4069 6296241,9498 687.400 D -EC DESIGN END CURVE D -FL DESIGN FLOWLINE 10267 D -AP 2330648.1461 6296201.6865 687.560 D-GND DESIGN GROUND 10268 D -PLAN TER 2330738.4942 6296313.5189 684.850 D -HP DESIGN HINGE POIN T D -INLET DEP FL INLET DEPRESSED FLOW 10269 D -PLANTER 2330734.5030 6296309.5205 684.900 D -NG DESIGN NATURAL GROUND -- 10270 D -PLANTER 2330730.5046 6296309.5205 684.830 D -PLANTER DESIGN PLANTER DSW DESIGN SIDEWALK 10271 D -PLAN TER 2330730.5046 6296317.5173 684.830 D -SW DESIGN SIDEWALK D - SW 10272 D -PLANTER 23307J4,5030 6296317.517J 684.9oo DW AP DESIGN SIDEWALK ANGLE POINT S D- TC TOP OF CURB 10273 D -PLANTER 2330738.5014 6296376.5189 684.750 D- TOE DESIGN TOE 10274 D -PLANTER 2330730.5046 6296380.5173 684.680 D- TC EX DESIGN TOP OF CURB EXISTING D- TC BC TOP OF CURB BEGIN CURVE 10275 D -PLANTER 2330730.5046 6296372.5205 684.680 D- TC EC TOP OF CURB END CURVE TOC 10276 D -PLANTER 2330734.5030 6296372.5205 684.7.5o D DESIGN TOP OF CURB D- TRASH BIN DESIGN TRASH BIN 10277 D -PLANTER 2330734.5030 6296380.5173 684.750 DEP-FL DEPRESSED FL 0 K INE 10278 D -PLAN TER 2330824.5670 6296435.5027 0.000 FL CG BCR FLOWUNE CURBIGUTTER 10279 D -PLANTER 2330832.5638 6296435.5027 0.000 FNC CHLK CHAIN LINK FENCE RP RADIAL POINT 10280 D -PLANTER 2JJ1 111. 3708 6296417.9069 686.810 RAD PT RADIAL POINT RP RADIAL POIN T 10281 D -AC 2331111.2273 6296433.9049 686.550 S W TOP OF SIDEWALK 10282 D -AC 2331109.3888 6296415.8890 685.700 TC TOP OF CURB TSW TOP OF SIDEWALK 10283 D -PLANTER 2JJ1 109.3709 6296417.8893 0.000 XWALK CROSSWALK 10284 D -PLANTER 2331107,3710 6296417.8710 0.000 10285 PLNTR AP 2331151.37,37 6296418.2027 0.000 10286 PLN TR AP 23,31149. J7J8 6296418.1848 0.000 10287 D -AC 2331147.2298 6296434.2291 686.720 10288 RP 2331193.1315 6296360.5556 0.000 10289 RP 2331230.5346 6296267 9887 0.000 10290 RP 2,331191.3721 6296418.5513 1 0, 022.-J DESIGN POINTS NOTES 1. POINTS NO TING A .00 ELEVA TION ARE FOR HORIZONTAL L OCA TION ONLY. 2. POIN TS IDEN TIFIED W1 TH A "A. C. DESCRIPTION ARE TO FOR APPROXIMA TE L OCA TION ON THE FINISH A. C. SURFA CE. 7.9-165 Cl T Y RECORD No. COMPLEX: PARKING LOT EXPANSION EAST OF BEDFORD GREEN SHEET NO. ROUGH GRADING POINTS 8 OF 10 0 1 2 3 Row Description Northing Edsting Ele vo tion Point Row Description Northing Edsting Elevation Point I Elevation D-BSW 2330774.2734 6296436.9094 684.710 10062 D -CTR ROAD D- TRASH BIN 2J,30969.5726 2330764.1373 6296205.1480 6296429.9599 687270 10185 684.400 10186 D -AC 2JJ12JO. 0084 6296129.9829 689.490 10063 689.900 10064 689,320 68J. 800 10065 10066 685.390 10067 689.820 688.990 10068 dog park op 2330932.4218 6296143.8205 687.780 10124 D5W D-BSW D -AC D- TC D -AC D- TC D- TC D- TC D- TC D- TC DRAINAGE HP DRA INA GE HP DRA INA GE HP D--BSW D-BSW D -SW D -SW D -SW AP D -SW BC 2330953.7509 2,331008.27J9 2331019.8769 2331020.1808 2331037 JJJJ 23,310,36.8JJ,3 2330956.7699 2330963.6636 233098J. 7333 2330975.3557 2330953.7897 2331008.0963 2331035,5868 2331380.2590 2331020.2453 2330932.5763 2330603.1603 2330635.0051 23JO629. J704 6296438.5139 6296439.008,3 6296415.9284 6296416.3255 6296417 1523 6296417,1487 6296394,2178 6296400.2750 6296390.1619 629637J. 7500 6296442.3241 6296442.9540 6296443.6948 6296123.1281 6296119.7464 6296130.8217 6296115.8286 6296116.5542 6296116.2881 D -AC 2331148.4607 6296129.2762 AP 2JJ0925. J233 629614J. 2524 687.500 10125 D -NG 23JO681,9396 6296296.7899 685.200 10187 D -AC 233I319.4717 62961JO. 7900 AP 2JJ0760.6528 6296141.4280 686.600 10126 D-BSW 2,3JO 725. OOJO 629628J. 7700 685.570 10188 D -AC 2JJ0764.1965 6296407 7585 Dog Park AP 2330694.9042 6296141,1856 687250 70127 D -AC 2330902.4429 6296399.6527 685.780 10189 D- TC 2330759.8988 6296248.4952 D- Toe 2337002.0004 62964 74.95,35 682.650 10190 Dog Park AP 2330655.3342 6296140.8306 687000 10128 D -AC 2331319.4616 6296130.5491 D-BSW 23,30898.7597 62964J8.0264 685.380 10191 Dog Pork AP 2330662.0699 6296190.7470 10129 687.500 10130 687.700 10131 390f 684. 10132 687.620 10133 687.500 1 10134 687.220 687.660 10135 10136 687.750 689.000 10137 - 10138 690.360 101,39 687.250 688.040 10141 682.76,3 10142 682.780 10143 683 440 10144 684,510 10145 687.110 - 10146 686.7601 1 - 0 - 1 - 47 687590 10148 688.230 -- 10149 688.330 10150 686.900 10151 687400 10152 687360 10153 686.980 10154 686.980 10155 685.400 10156 686.360 10157 686.360 10158 688.580 10159 686.610 - 10160 687.220 10161 688.050 10162 687.460 - 10163 687.660 10164 687460 10165 684.590 10166 686,900 10167 687.400 - 10168 688.250 10169 688.750 10170 688.210 10171 688.710 10172 688.920 - 10173 687.620 10174 687410 10175 685.538 686.040 10176 10177 686.160 10178 686.040 10179 691.000 10181 691,220 10182 691.340 L10 18 3 687390 10184 101� 688.090 WORKS D -AC 2331229.5084 6296129.9802 D-BSW 2330904.7982 6296438.0978 685.880 10192 road-cl 2330968.0678 6296264.6854 D -AC 2331147.9986 6296129.2710 690.400 10069 TSW 2330904.7982 6296432.0799 685.880 10193 oc 2330760.5749 6296268.6176 D -AC G3 2331134.7572 6296147.1542 689.900 10070 D- TOC 2330946.9906 6296269.0327 687.300 10194 BSW 2330932.5568 629626J. 4555 D -AC 2331031.4346 6296128.2035 688.080 10071 D -AC 2330904.6244 629626J. 9952 686.070 10195 sw 2330938.5378 6296258.4546 D -AC 2331004.9847 6296264.6059 686.110- 10072 D- TOC 2330905.1244 629626J. 9952 686.570 10196 D- TC 23,30950.2842 6296143.0621 D --INLET DEP FL 2331004,2053 6296351.6226 ' 684.830 10073 D -AC 2330912.4003 62962970076 685,780 10197 BSW-AP 2330938.5738 6296143.2738 D --INLET LID 2JJ1 196.128J 6296362.7204 687.630 10074 D- TOC 2330911.9003 62962970076 686.280 10198 DOG PARK 2330831.6201 6296742.7919 D -AC 2331029.1413 6296359.2197 685.500 10075 D- TOC 2330904.9035 6296294.0088 686.160 10199 D -AC 2331256.5203 6296130.2029 D -AC GB 2JJ 1132.1006 6296434.0807 686.910 10076 D- TOC 2330904.9035 6296325.9960 686.150 10200 D - fl 2,331,379.9538 6296IJ1.0819 D -AC 2331036.7841 62964JJ. 1729 687000 10077 D -AC 2330912.4003 6296322.9972 685.700 10201 AC Design CL 23,30968.1642 6296347 5919 D -AC 2331005.2967 6296426.1858 687.200 10078 D- TOC 2330911.9003 6296322.9972 686.200 10202 D -AC 2330964.0430 6296400.9229 686.850 10079 AC GB 2331133.8852 6296251.1274 D-AC_EC 2330889.4310 6296364.5927 685.348 10203 D -AC 2330954.8140 6296423.9474 687500 10080 Match Pt 2330639.5180 62964,35.7006 D-AC_EC 2330880.4251 6296353.2489 685.081 10204 D- TC 2331007 3288 6296425.9845 687.700 10081 Channel AP 2330659.1467 62964J8. J463 D -AC BC 2330877 4251 6296356.2489 685.009 10205 SW -BC 2330634.9622 6296121.1419 BSW 23JI036.8065 62964,37 7561 687.120 10082 Channel HP 2330690.7980 - __ 6296438.8352 D -AC BC 2330882.1509 6296380.4155 685.194 10206 SW -BC 2330629.2694 6296121.0884 BSW 2JJ1 131. J849 6296438.6788 6875,30 10083 Canal HP 2330774.2845 6296439.9428 D -AC BC 23JO876.5629 6296388.1810 685.065 10207 RAD PT 2,330764� 9564 6296122. J629 Canal AP 2331130.7740 6296440.6980 687.0,30 10084 BSW 2330921.1198 6296119.2418 D -AC -EC 2330874.5081 6296388.9952 685.0133 10208 RAD PT 2330742.0995 6296215,4114 TC 2330905.1244 6296248.4952 - 686.540 10085 BSW 2330832.2235 6296118.4067 D---AC--BC 2330871.4251 6296,388.9952 684.940 10209 RAD PT 2330710.0030 6296261.9341 D -AC GB 2JJ0926.5057 6296269.5192 686.040 10086 TC DESIGN 2330950.4602 6296265.5541 D -AC -EC 2330868.4251 6296385.9952 684.844 10210 RAD PT 2330729.0043 6296245.6875 Inlet CB Dep 2330779.4535 6296360.0175 682.460 10087 SW 2JJ0938.5558 6296200.8682 D --AC AP 2330868.4251 6296371.2419 684.910 10211 RAD PT 2330734.7190 6296242.2882 SW 2330932.5450 6296201.0329 Dog Pork 2J30831.7533 6296233.8994 10088 687500 10089 685.750 686.250 100-9-0 10091 687.250 10092 686.940 10093 686.540 10094 687600 DD95 686.930 10096 687.230 10097 686.070 10098 687.550 1100QQ 687580 10100 686.300 10101 687750 10102 686.800 10103 686.040 686.040 10105 687.500 10106 685.660 10107 685.650 10108 685.260 qo 10109 684.290 0 10110 684.600 10111 684.900 10112 684.890 10113 686.720 10114 687.270 10115 686.960 10116 687.090 10117 686.720 10118 687.160 10119 687.050 - 10120 688.500 10121 686.720 10122 L D CA D -AC -AP 2330877 4251 6296371.2419 685.046 10212 RAD PT 23JO749.8499 6296267.5241 D -FL 2330951.0333 6296204.5179 D -ac 2JJ0832.4757 6296248.9952 D -EC 2JJ0880.4251 6296J5,3.7489 685.580 10213 RAD PT 2330740,0030 6296421.6014 D- TC 2330950.46,3J 6296204.4858 D- TC 23JO832.5061 6296248.4375 D- TOC EC 2330888.9768 6296364.3837 685.850 10214 9 RAD PT 2330751.0398 6296413.5052 D-BSW ____ 2,3,30945.7406 -- 6296258.4546 Dog Park -Fence 2330700.6351 6296227.3502 D- TOC BC 2330881.6967 6296380.2065 685.690 10215 RAD PT 2,330784.4515 6296358,0076 DOG PARK SW 23,30748.9516 62962376024 xwolk 2330940.4326 6296269.5615 D- TOC BC 2330876.2205 62963878167 685.570 10216 RAD PT 2330785,4511 6296355.0088 DOG PARK BSW 2330738.9516 62962376024 TSW 23309076228 6296266.4952 D- TOC EC 2330B74.5081 6296388.4952 685.510 10217 RAD PT 2330784.4515 6296383.9972 D- TC 2330734.0030 6296273.0149 AC DESIGN 2JJ09JO. 7000 6296379.9908 D- TOC BC 2330871.4251 6296388.4952 685.440 10218 RAD PT 2330785.4511 6296386.9960 . SW 2330741.8336 6296254.6190 A C DESIGN 2330965.3311 6296J73.0837 D- TOC EX 2330868.9251 6296385.9952 685.340 10219 RAD PT 2330755.5751 6296268.6613 D- SW 2330732.5226 6296249.2414 AC DESIGN 2330950.2542 6296,343.1031 D- TOC AP 2330868.9251 6296371.7422 685,310 10220 RAD PT 2330909,7989 6296407 6225 D- TC 2331030.8888 6296128.2031 AC DESIGN 2330985.2406 6296347.5961 D- TOC AP 2330877.9251 6296371.7418 685.550 10221 RAD PT 2330906.5867 629641 1. 9316 D- TC 2331004.4867 6296264.4989 AC DESIGN 2330950.5187 6296312.2080 D- TOC BC 2330877 9251 6296356.2489 685.510 10222 RAD PT 2330907 4023 6296322.9972 D- TC 23JO98 7 5 714 629614J. 5193 AC DESIGN 23309374003 6296j29.7020 D- TOC 2J30926.5081 6296269.0192 686.540 10223 RAD PT 2330906.4027 6296325.9960 D -SW --- 2330998.5415 6296258-3695 AC DESIGN 23JO915.5 794 6296370.7268 D- TOC 2330779.9535 6296360.9940 683.130 10224 RAD PT 2330907.4023 6296297.0076 D-BSW 2330999.5723 6296143.4503 AC DESIGN 23309374415 6296307.7024 D -AC 2330787.4503 6296386.9960 682.830 10225 RAD PT 2330906.4027 6296294.0088 D-BSW 2331005.6416 6296135.7519 AC DESIGN 2330946.9903 6296269.5327 D -AC 2330779.4535 6296383.9972 682.860 10226 RAD PT 2330940.4415 6296307 7080 D- TC 2330986.4873 6296264.3554 AC DESIGN 2330904.6244 6296248.9952 D -AC 2,330784.4515 6296388,9952 682.840 10227 RAD PT 2330946,4326 6296308.7080 TC 2330760.0576 6296268.8849 AC DESIGN -10104 23309076224 6296266.9952 D -CANAL HP 2330896.4936 6296441.5640 684.330 10228 RAD PT 2,330912.4003 6296329.7020 FL 2330986.5294 6296203.9329 DOG PARK 2330920.0397 6296234.2367 A -AC AP 2330828.7944 6296431.3982 6 5. �O00 10229 - RAD PT 2330882.1634 6296361.2489 TC 23309870293 6296203.9374 AC -D 2330904.4035 6296294.0088 D -AC AP 2330834.7986 6296431.4520 685.000 10230 RAD PT 2330990,2404 62963476452 D -AC 2331005,8256 6296170.9756 AC -D 2330904,4035 6296325.9960 D -AC AP 2330824.8369 6296431.3627 685.000 10231 RAD PT 2330999.1852 6296353.8333 D- TC 2331005.3257 6296170.9711 AC -D 23JO899.7986 6296432.0351 D -AC 2330725.0030 6296261.9341 686.000 10232 RAD PT 2330999.6775 6296298.9498 D -AC 2331005. J999 6296218.4415 AC -D 2330774.0807 6296430.8948 D- TOC 2330734.0030 6296410.5052 685.100 10233 RAD PT 2330990.6779 6296298.8721 D- TC 2331004.8994 6296218.4877 FL -D 2330734.5030 6296410.0052 D -AC 2330734.5174 6296340.5189 684.900 10234 RAD PT 2330999.9869 6296264.4586 D-BSW 2330998.9016 6296218.2157 AC -D 2330734.5030 6296273.5183 D- TOC 2330734.0030 6296340.6528 685.400 10235 RAD PT 2330990.9871 6296264.3958 BSW_ WC 2331056.6704 6296437,7640 AC -D 23,30760.4032 6296248.9952 D-BSW 2330725.0030 6296410.4122 684.580 10236 RAD PT 2331034.8326 6296417.2438 TC 23311 J2.1584 6296434.5887 AC -D 2,3JO987.0714 6296143.5118 D-BSW 2330725.2110 6296340.1842 685.580 102,37 RAD PT 2331017.0702 6296143,7839 D -AC 2331105. J711 6296417 8531 FL CG BCR 2JJ0969.5789 6296143,2974 D -SW 2330696.7157 6296232.9539 687.460 10238 RAD PT 2,330921.0758 6296143.0292 D- TC 2331105.2270 6296433.8538 FL CG ECR 2330985.9873 6296264.3510 D-BSW 2330694.1538 6296237 2099 687.580 10239 875 0 D- TOE 2331403.4997 6296478.5548 D-BSW 2JJ1097.7671 6296438.2887 FL CG BCR 2330950.9929 6296265.5354 D -SWI 2330656.9824 6296194.7619 87.62 10240 8 7 . 62 D -HP 2,331348.6628 62964 78.06JO D -CANAL HP 2,3,31100.4127 6296443.9231 FL BCR 23JO985.5578 6296312.2351 D-BSW 2330652.8497 6296197.9359 687.740 10241 6 7 . 740 81 D -HP 23,3079,3.5208 6296473.08,35 D -AC 2331341.9612 6296435.7289 FNC CHLK 2JJ0969.5789 6296JI2.2452 D -SW '23309J2.5608 62962J6.2,300 _ _ _ 688.000 10242 D- TOE 2JJ0692.9171 6296472.2708 D- TSW 2331349,1537 6296436.1157 D- TC 23JO950.2687 6296313.8158 D -SW 2330938.5449 6296235.7437 687.900 10243 d D- TOE 2330896.2968 6296474.0053 D-BSW 233I350.7447 6296442.0802 Plan ter cen ter 2330969.5789 6296387 0430 D -SW 23309,38.5647 6296172.3790 - 687.950 10244 D- TOE 2331340.9380 6296442.6091 D -GB 2,331132.8765 6296373.0034 AC -D ClmmwY A' 2330951.0758 ` BAKERIZ'Sk 629614J. 0689 FIE D -SW DEPARTMENT 2330932.5702 ] 6296172.3782 File Name 02-Porkin2 Job No.: P4C1,32 Date: Datte: Feb. J, 688.050 10245 Ej Lot- Gradin2 Drawn: Engineer: 15 Checked D -HP JAF LS By. 233132 7 J200 MESA 6296425.6444 MARIN SPORTS D -AC IFORNIA 233I2271721 6296222.1751 PUBLIC IF, W F- n a 0 0 C- 0 U) C- 0 V) C 0 0- x Li -4---' 0 1 0 OR m MAIN" 't 0 Row Description Northing Fasting � 9 4.9970 Devotion 10537 D- TC W, 91 A M R P-MMY, AM 6296JB6.6642 683.330 10538 D- TC 2331256.5340 62964J4.4054 683.360 10539 D- TC 2,3J I 199.06J5 62964,34.4171 683.340 10540 D-- TC 2J,31226. J i0.9 II 6296418.8474 685.500 10541 D --AC 2331222,970J 6296J57.6680 684.730 10542 D -AC 2JJ 1188.8452 i 6296418.560JM 684.730 , III VIII 2JJ1224.III 6463mi 6296264.9795m 688.080 10544 D- TC 2,3,3 1228. 6296J8I Ii9.977i II 4 686.800 10545 D-- TC NOW 6296326.0269 686.280 10546 D- TC W. M. USO 6296206.37,39.� •! - TC 2JJ1286.368I 2 IIIA 629641 1 II 10548 D- TC 23,31286 3862 62964177.41II II 88• 688.250 10549 D --AC Ago"- 6296419. J828 +VIII IMI 10550 D- TC 2JJlJ42,4112 6296418.76II 80 111 IIiI I "I I 1 i F 2JJ1232.5762 7II 6296440. JJO( 140 10429 PLNTR APJ24. lC f2 7 62964 2.4894 688.40 0 III 2J31JJ8.7726 62964J4.1824 2JJ1JJ0. 2414 6296425-9659 M- ro &P-42 6296J78.9242 ..is 2JJ0985. 5J74.9258 �l�i�i�t�li 2331004.677,3 6296,370.9985 II II 2J31004.4108 6296,374.9258 686,50 2,3JI229.7809 6296,328.9965 III III �L6 2JJ1200.1108 I 6296J62.6782 will 2,331227.7696 •r o; 2331224.6021 9.6918 23J1228.80JO 6296J25.9742 IIII IIF 2J,31228.0004 6296,360.9755 23,31229.0292 I 62,ill! 6174.9106 2,3JI224.,3710 6296418.8295 IiIIi II 2,3,309978418 6296,358. 5 2JJ0997.8602 6296129.015 690.400 2,330965.2108 6296146.528J II iII 23JI 146. J06J 6296146.7809 2330787.7,377 6296146.65,34 1690.400 ) IIwr IL N 2J31028.8003 "M =15fo WORIMA 2331006.2052 6296,351.6406 2,3,310 28.6497 6296146.2946 2J,31030.7829 6296176.2048 23310 8 5962 6296145.7965 EVASIDAMMY.Mi 6296176.2094 -7f CB LIP INLET 2JJ0777.4706 - - 6296359,9192 Iii ri♦ I II 23,3ISI 11 1036.4471 II 6296207.2958 23I II II 31282.4134 6296415.4018 r` 16296191.622J 2331 OJO. 0852 62962JZ 0650 , II 2J3 0 784.4515 bZ,9b -J22.9972 r•« III2JJ1038.5214 II 11 III III I 233lJ27.276 6296,325.9960 - 5 2JJ0784.4515 629629 2'. 00 76 Fr l� W 6296204. 0088 N�� �I 23JOB74.5081 6296J85, 9952 II 1 I II 23JO871.4251 6296J85.9952 I 23JO921.4J26 6296JJ7.5781 2,3JO93O..2271 6296324.2986 629626J. 9952 •'•0804 2JJ1 6296362.9522 CB2 Pipe N In v 2,3,31003.64 72 6296,351.5,327 1 !! II III 2JJ1 105.5841 6296,35J. 1900 •CB2 Pipe Invs 2331000.2598 6296190.328IM 9 1 688.662 23,30783.4212 IN 6296360.07J4 2JJ1256. J716 6296146.2296 iii it 2JJ1 199.6349 62962037661 MAIN" 't 0 Row Description Northing Fasting � 9 4.9970 Devotion 10537 D- TC 2,331229.3600� 6296145.9789 683.330 10538 D- TC 2331256.5340 - --------- 62962J5,622 683.360 10539 D- TC 2,3J I 199.06J5 6296145.3030 683.340 10540 D-- TC 2330824, 8652 6296129.6733 685.500 10541 D --AC 2331222,970J 6296129.484 7 684.730 10542 D -AC 2JJ 1188.8452 6296145.6410 684.730 , III VIII 2JJ1224.III 6463mi 6296177.94JIII, 7, 688.080 10544 D- TC 23,31225.04,39 629617IA 75255 686.800 10545 D-- TC W 6296326.0269 686.280 10546 D- TC W. M. USO 6296206.37,39.� •! - TC =414-020021MR;� 62962676JJ6 II � IiI III 687 30 10548 D- TC C 6296267.45E 93 688.250 10549 D --AC 2,331147III .0670 1 629II M 64J4.7148 +VIII IMI 10550 D- TC 2JJ1=1954 VIII III 6296434.7684 1 111 IIiI I "I I 1 i F 2JJ1232.5762 6296416.1849 140 10429 D -AC 2JJ1224.4J57 6296264.8697 688.40 0 III III 62964J4.1824 23,31226.,3856 6296417.9221 M- ro &P-42 6296JI2.0595.w ..is 2JJ0985. 6296347.6403 2331004.677,3 6296298.9946 II II 2J31004.4108 6296434.8213 686,50 2,3,31194.25II 74 6296349. JI 88 III III �L6 2,33100III 4.1979 � 6296,35J. 9940 will 2,Ii, ,31003.9567 6296349.,3854 2331224.6021 6296239.1929 2330975.7921 62963732825 IIII IIF 2330984.2894 6296206.7999 w_.•«3183676 I 62,ill! 6174.9106 23JO986.0029 N. 6296318.2876 IiIIi II 2,3,309978418 6296,358. 5 2JJ0997.8602 2.4J86 629625III 2,330965.2108 3Z 6296 �5178 II iII 23,30956.,3860 6296195.6801 2330787.7,377 62962939755 1 ) IIwr IL N III 23JO787.5749 6296325.9792 23,30779.,3544 6296J 17.7196 2JJ0779.,3544 629632J. 1289 2,3 ,30787.49,35 6296354.9698 23,30785.5402 6296J74.4176 23,31038.9370 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6296173.210J S P11 RAMO II i 6296202. J 132 Iii ri♦ I II 23,3ISI 11 1036.4471 II 6296207.2958 23I II II 31282.4134 52-95791.4872 r` 16296191.622J 2331 OJO. 0852 62962JZ 0650 , II IF 2JJ103IIA .,36J7 629618`III75203 r•« III2JJ1038.5214 II 11 III III I 233lJ27.276 620IIN 5.2II II 62iI 9Ii 706 - 5 2,3J1029.8669 6296263.2352 Fr 2J,31OJ8.0896 6296266.1814 N�� �I 2331037.7622 629I 6295.1847 II 1 I II III ,31029.4901 2J 6296298.42?505 I 2,3,31037.5526 ll 62963272639 2,3,31029.2853 6296324.2986 Will Elffixforamlrir P1 PTAM Im 17 62963-5684 NII 23,31327.2,386 -J, 629631,3-4821 1 !! II III 2JJ1 105.5841 6296190.3801 23,31151.5680 6296190.328IM 9 1 688.662 2331199. 4075 6296238,7322 23J1 194.3284 6296233.5745 2JJ1 199.6349 62962037661 MAIN" 't 0 "A'Job No.: P4C1,32 amir "m Row Description Northing Fasting � 9 4.9970 Devotion 10537 D- TC 2331199.9382 62961778260 683.330 10538 D- TC 2330779.6950 - --------- 62962J5,622 683.360 10539 D- TC 2,3J I 199.06J5 6296264.7702 683.340 10540 D-- TC 2330824, 8652 6296358.0091 9 685.500 10541 D --AC 2331222,970J 5296360. -5�64�m 684.730 10542 D -AC 2,3,31222.7066 6296386.9253 684.730 10543 D- TC 23312JO. 7754 6296390.0,912 688.080 10544 D- TC 2,3,31227.9J76 6296J55.9514 - 686.800 10545 D-- TC 2JJ1223.6287 6296326.0269 686.280 10546 D- TC i PIWARAIM: -- -------- 6296,329. OJ531 m - TC 2JJ1228.5805 6296JJ1. 0999 ,i rir 10548 D- TC 2,3,312,32.465J 6296299.8923T 688.250 10549 D --AC 2331229.1278 6296294.8819 • 10550 D- TC 2JJ1=1954 6296297.0147 687.700 1 i F 2JJ1232.5762 6296tri .03,31 68 7.8J2 10429 D -AC 2JJ1224.4J57 6296264.8697 688.40 0 2331228-3829 6296418.8736 23,31226.,3856 III 6296416.7896 M- ro &P-42 6296416.7611 2JJ1222.2710 5296418.8165 23,31228 .28 6296434.8720 2331222.19 6296434.8213 2,3,31194.25II 74 6296435.3506 , sr i�r� 629643 5-3698 690.406 2JJ12J2.8759 62962J5.8636 2331224.6021 6296239.1929 2JJ 1224.2423 - --------- 6296204.1904 2JJ12J2.5162 6296206.7999 2JJ12,32.7III II 742 I 62,ill! 6174.9106 2,3J1286.5012 62961873964 689.225 2,3J728 -9.24W'1 6296252.,3III NI I III 76J 2331281.0216 2.4J86 629625III 23J 1228. 0001 I 62,96248.,3923 II iII 2JJ1286.408 6296195.6801 2,3J1286.0880 6296JO9.5765• 1 23,31290.0922 IIII 629I III 6313.5J92 2331286.4990 6296J 17.7196 2JJ1281.9968 6296313,6263 MAMMA 6296J74.7642 23II 31282.7714 6296J74.4176 2JJIO494,47 6296370.,3970 2331284.9016 6296378.7154 Iii ri♦ I II 2JJ1290.5885 6296191.6019 23I II II 31282.4134 52-95791.4872 r` 16296191.622J 03 7. 9507 62962J4. J288 2,3J 1 OJO. 5616 629618`III75203 I II 11 III III I 233lJ27.276 III jIi - 5 2JJ1037.6082 6296195.6816 2331036.3546 6296248.7673 N�� �I �11 ! .11 6296252.9775 ii IIi 1111 � .III 11111111 - - - - - - - - - - 2J,31029.4725 6296257.1027 I 2JJ1036.8462 6296252.8499 23,3103 7. 0306 6296JO9.2952 Will Elffixforamlrir 23JI029.9702 17 62963-5684 NII 23,31327.2,386 -J, 629631,3-4821 1 II III 2JJ1 105.5841 6296186,I NSI III 2668 WARMIUMMOMM 6296194.4431 1 688.662 2331155.0572 62962472051 23,31158,9986 5295251,2663 ORM W 6296255.5041 "A'Job No.: P4C1,32 amir "m ENRON- CITY OF BAKERSFIEL. D 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 • o �,?,,CjF E S S S t NG/ -y C 80507 Exp. 3-31-15 C/vi F off` Dfi CA I No. I DA TE I DESCRIP TION I HIN M -A Poin t Table Point # 10536 Row Description Northing Fasting � 9 4.9970 Devotion 10537 D- TC 2330787.7521 6296386.9465 683.330 10538 D- TC 2330779.6950 6296383.9327 683.360 10539 D- TC 2330784.4338 6296388,6372 683.340 10540 D-- TC 2330824, 8652 6296194.0546 685.500 10541 D --AC 2331110.6507 6296186.0232 684.730 10542 D -AC 2331114,2242 6296251.0,392 684.730 10543 D- TC 2330937.7589 4 4 688.080 10544 D- TC 2J,31106.0246 6296250.965J 686.800 10545 D-- TC 23309D2.6983 6296254.8086 686.280 10546 D- TC 2330 9.9 6296190.0426 - TC 2JJ09451 6296,312.0,376 687.7105JO 10548 D- TC 2,3,312,32.465J 6296307.6655 688.250 10549 D --AC 2,331232,0 781 62962 526 687.200 10550 D- TC 2,3J1224.656 1 6296204.0402 687.700 1 D --AC 23JI2,32.4897 6296235.8756 8 7. L9 Oj 2,3,31225.0720 62962',38.8879 688.40 0 2,3,31224.826 7 6296264. ��21 23312J2.2586 6296268.0876 2JJ 1199,586 7 6296177.7587 2,331192.0661 6296174.6019 6296203.7,396 2JJ1 199.0098 62962,38.7699 2,3,31194.25II 74 ,3 62962,33.929SII 62962J5.6000 II r. I III 8.662I III 2 A 'ir 2J312,31.8774 6296297.0860• 2,331229.080rl 1 2J,31224.2914 6296299.9797• 2J,31224.0069 E FASIPA 91MMMA FM 2J,31228.7482 62963,30,7194 23J 12JO. 73 71 62963579950 23J 1228. 0001 6296356.2009 23,37230.5502 6296390,0517 1 2JJ1223.1296 6296,386.8564 2331286.4990 6296188.0494 2,3,312,90.1024 6296191.5718 2J31286.4162 6296195.1771 23II 31282.7714 2JJIO494,47 6296173. J758 2331038.2008 6296205.2978 Iii ri♦ I II LII 2331 OJI I O. 8606 6296202.1644 6296206.9135 •2J31 03 7. 9507 62962J4. J288 2,3J 1 OJO. 5616 62962J7.0706 2JJ1037.6082 2331036.3546 629638i I 8.2609 N�� �I �11 ! .11 6296385.0024 ii IIi 1111 � .III 11111111 - - - - - - - - - - 2J,31029.4725 11 6296J59. 180 I 2JJ1036.8462 6296J55.6763 23,3103 7. 0306 6296,327.0879 Will Elffixforamlrir 23JI029.9702 8.0913 - ------- -------- 23310371,3440 F 6296295.1403 .. ......... .. ....... 1 II III 2JJ1 105.5841 2,331105.2651 7- 6296418.0341 233115II 3.0692 5296418.0814• ---------- ------ 2,5,30785.4417 6296,35J. 1909 ENRON- CITY OF BAKERSFIEL. D 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 • o �,?,,CjF E S S S t NG/ -y C 80507 Exp. 3-31-15 C/vi F off` Dfi CA I No. I DA TE I DESCRIP TION I HIN M -A Poin t Table Point # 10536 Raw Description D- TC Northing 2JJ078.1 04 Fasting � 9 4.9970 Elevation 683250 10537 D- TC 2330787.7521 6296386.9465 683.330 10538 D- TC 2330779.6950 6296383.9327 683.360 10539 D- TC 2330784.4338 6296388,6372 683.340 10540 D-- TC 2330824, 8652 6296431.790D 685.500 10541 D --AC 2330828.6329 6296415.3892 684.730 10542 D -AC 2330835.2887 6296415.5041 684.730 10543 D- TC 2330937.7589 6296329.6568 688.080 10544 D- TC 2330915.8914 6296370.8466 686.800 10545 D-- TC 23309D2.6983 6296399.8570 686.280 10546 D- TC 2330 9.9 - TC 2JJ09451 447 J.08J7 687.7105JO 10548 D- TC 2JJ09JZ 7801 6296307.6655 688.250 10549 D --AC 23311 6296 .920J 687.200 10550 D- TC 2331198.3633 6296299,9203 687.700 1 D --AC 233 1198.6736 6296325.534 8 7. L9 Oj POINT TABLE LEGEND A C -DESIGN ASPHALT DESIGN AC -D DESIGN A SPHAL T AP ANGLE POIN T BCR BEGIN CURB RETURN BSW BACK OF SIDEWALK BS W- WC BACK OF SIDEWALK RAMP CANAL AP CANAL ANGLE POINT D DESIGN D -AC DESIGN A SPHAL T D--AC--AP DESIGN ASPHAL T ANGLE POINT D -AC BC DESI GNA SPHA L T BEGIN CURVE D -AC GB DESIGN ASPHALT GRADE BREAK D -AC -EC DESIGN A SPHA L TEND CURVE D -AP DESIGN ANGLE POIN D -BC DESIGN BEGIN CURVE D-BSW DESIGN BACK OF SIDEWALK D -CANAL HP DEIGN CANAL HINGE POINT D -CTR ROAD DESIGN CENTER OF ROAD D -EC DESIGN END CURVE D -FL DESIGN FLOWUNE D -HP DESIGN HINGE POINT D -INLET DEP FL INLET DEPRESSED FLOW NG DESIGN NA TURAL GROUND D -PLANTER DESIGN PLANTER DSW DESIGN SIDEWALK D --SW DESIGN SIDEWALK D -SW AP DESIGN SIDEWALK ANGLE POINT D- TC TOP OF CURB D- TOE DESIGN TOE D- TC EX DESIGN TOP OF CURB EXISTING D- TC BC TOP OF CURB BEGIN CUR VE D- TC EC TOP OF CURB END CUR VE D- TOC DESIGN TOP OF CURB D - TRASH BIN DESIGN TRASH BIN DEP - FL DEPRESSED FL 0 WL INE FL CG BCR FLOWUNE CURB IGUT TER FNC CHLK CHAIN LINK FENCE RP RADIAL POINT RAD P T RADIAL POIN T RP RADIAL POIN T SW TOP OF SIDEWALK TC TOP OF CURB TSW TOP OF SIDEWALK WALK CROSSWALK NOTE REGARDING POINT DESCRIPTIONS: ALL POINTS INCLUDED ON THESE PLANS ARE DESIGN POINTS. THE DESIGNATION "D-" PREFIXING THE DESCRIPTION IS USED FOR "DESIGN" SOME POIN TS DO NO T INCLUDE THE "D-" BUT ARE ALSO DESIGN POIN TS. DESIGN POINTS NOTES 1. POINTS NOTING A 1"0.00" ELEVATION ARE FOR HORIZONTAL LOCATION ONLY 19 1f DESCRIPTION ARE TO FOR APPROXIMATE LOCATION ON THE FINISH A.C. SURFACE. Dro wn: JA F f MESA MARIN SPORTS COMPLEX: PARKING LOT EXPANSION EAST OF BEDFORD GREE, Engineer. LS ROUGH GRADING POINTS Checked BX SHEET NO. 9 OF 10 1 2 3 I GN Northing 7 ion F Row Description l� Northing Ele tion 0000 6296372.9101 6296347 781 2,3J 1758.8 76 7 2331109.0799 62,96369. JJ,37 23JO994.5271 6296359.0584P Exp. 3 6296J12. J196 2J,31110.2599 6296247 2330,990.,9077 6296344.1667m Cl TY OF BAKERSFIELD 6296316. J4 73 2,3J 1113. 7020 6296250.8933 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE OF 2JJ0996.90 60 AKERSFIELD, CA 93301 296254.4956 62963 REVISIONS 2,3,311 6.6200 6296250.7746 688.260 2330997.2506 6296,317 1717 Q DA TE DESCRIP TION 2331064.5671 6296308.0314 687.54 6296312. J264 MIMI 6296311.5122 . ..... 2330908.4875 6296319.8577m- 2,331789.7724 629635 7.884 1 2JJ1064.4798 6296315.1947 6296380.6 2J,31189.6552 6296388.96,3 gm 2JJ1067.6559 6296372.4732 6296386,718 233106,3.9577 6296376.0,550 2331190.1642 IFOMOT#01':110 ma 2JJ0779.9535 1 62963115700.0076 2331190.4530 6296297.0467 2331064.0960 6296368.9114 2,3,31190.9087 6296297.02721 6296247.8574 23JO784.0255 6296J21.2,31 6296328.7097 6296251.2J2J 0 2330868.4179 6296306.0040M 2331190. J643 6296357.7596 - SWUM` 6296254.9312 2330872.4163 0312 m 2,331190.0921 6296389.0789 2331158.6704 6296251.4181 L6 2,330864.4195 6296310.0024 2,331069. 0249 Q) 2JJ0787. 1J91 6296294.0858 2330836.4451 684.86 7 2,3,31105.3757 6296 6.0555 08,32.4467 6296JO6.018 2331104.4585 6296372.6886 < 2JJ0779. 6296J23.0749 L2 2331068.3492 2330779.8345 6296297.06 23JO8,32.4467 6296J 6296Jll.85920[ 687.267 CL 2JJ0751.0145 6296409 .8602 2,3JOB32.4251 62963670112 2JJ0757.7,950 62.96410.22,35 2J,308,36.4JO7 6296J71.002 2JJ1 109.4202 6296J15.9781 2JJ0994.J160 2JJ0994.22JO 6296269.4068 POINT TABLE LEGEND 2,3,30828.4 i 1,911 62962,54.6705 687 662 23JO998.3762 C -DESIGN ASPHALT DESIGN AP ANGLE POIN T 2JJ1065,7320 5296185.2324 2JJ0994.2592 6296265.1911 BCR BEGIN CURB RE TURN 2,530868.4179 6296JI3,3225P BSW BACK OF SIDEWALK 6296J10. OJ12 7; 6296189.564 6296435.6592 CANAL AP CANAL ANGLE POINT 2,330832.446 D DESIGN 23,31061.4027 2JJ 1288.4285 6296442,2854 23,30BJ5.7,380 6296,310.01682 2331061.0229 6296250.4,346 Q) 2283 629644 D -AC -AP DESIGN ASPHALT ANGLE POINT .25 2330832.4467 6296313.3081 2,3JI069.J777 6296250.662 0 4917 6296419.4925 6296311.512J 2J,31286.3869 23JO835.7164 6296371,0096 do D -AP DESIGN ANGLE POINT CN 2,3,31064.4481 6296JI5.5411 2J,31282.2826 62964 19,31 2330832.4251 6296J67.71 2331064.5972 6296307.4090 0832.4251 6296374. 009- D -CANAL HP DEIGN CANAL HINGE POINT 0 6296J72.6130 2 531228.1475 6296418 8416 6296371.0096�11 684.260 1 A DESIGN CENTER OF ROAD 2,3310639058 41 2J31226.4097 6296417.1029 D -EC DESIGN END CURVE 2330831.7182 DESIGN FL 0 WL INE 6296368.4844 GND DESIGN GROUND 629641129.26�7 6296368.7620- 2,3J1222.5811 6296418.8416 D -HP DESIGN HINGE POIN T 2JJ0868.1,309 6296310.1577j D -INLET DEP FL INLET DEPRESSED FLOW 0 i 6296377.1929M- 23JI225.51070;: 6296425.0544 831.8447 629678 4 400 2,331228.3746 D -PLANTER DESIGN PLANTER 23JO919.3449 6296373.88517 DSW DESIGN SIDEWALK 2JJ1222.2,350 4,35.1988 23307874501 6296J71. 00 2 A W DESIGN SIDEWALK 6296193. J712 n D -SW AP DESIGN SIDEWALK ANGLE POINT 23JO 78 7 06J4 D TC TOP OF CURB 6296189.7943m 23JI221.6,366 62964,39.5,974 2JJ0738.6600 629641 GN TO 2,331065.6798 6296185.9785. 2J,31195.4274 6296418.5989 D TC EX DESIGN TOP OF CURB EXIS TING 6296427��767 D- TC BC TOP OF CURB BEGIN CUR VE 23JI069.1265 6296189.5995 2331195.0654 6296418.6161 2331035.6017 6296180.4217 m, 2JJ1065.7372 6296193105 6296418. 4559 687.700 D- TOC DESIGN TOP OF CURB C 2331062.0608 6296189.48-4-5- 0 6296418.5170 DEP-FL DEPRESSED FL 0 WL INE 23JI065.2008 629624 7 02 74 FL CG BCR FLOWUNE CURBIGUTTER (D ALL POINTS INCLUDED ON THESE PLANS FNC CHLK CHAIN LINK FENCE 2J.31228.2J,30 6296261.1723 2,331037.0592 62963721852 ARE DESIGN POINTS. THE DESIGNA TION 62962 4.17791 2JJ 1228.2 763 6296241.0119 "D - PREFIXING THE DESCRIPTION IS USED RAD PT RADIAL POIN T 2JJ10,36.8065 6296438.11931 RP RADIAL POINT 2331061,5417 6296250.4310 23JI227.1436 FOR "DESIGN" SOME POIN TS DO NO T SW TOP OF SIDEWALK 2,331,322,6472 INCLUDE THE "D-" BUT ARE ALSO DESIGN 23,31109.5748 2J31226.9280 629636J.24 J 6296436.2851 TC POIN TS. TSW TOP OF CURB TOP OF SIDE WA L K 23,31147.3204 62964178946 XWALK CROSSWALK 6296315.477228 2J,3114 75 719 2331034.4544 6296127 7728 DESIGN POINTS NOTES 2,331105.9478 687690 IWA-xlll*TOA 6296420.2 992 1. POINTS NOTING A "0.00" ELEVATION ARE 0 6296J73.0163m 2JJ1 108.0281 6296419.6276 FOR HORIZONTAL LOCATION ONLY Cn DESCRIPTION ARE TO FOR APPROXIMA TE 7.9-165 0 L OCA TION ON THE FINISH A. C. SURFACE. In rC/ TY RECORD No. CIA"YO J116- BAKERI:436kFIELD, CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Job No.: P4C132 Enqineer'.- LS MESA MARIN SPORTS COMPLEX: PARKING LOT EXPANSION EAST OF BEDFORD GREEN SHEE T NO. _,LD'ale: Feb. J, 15 Checked BY: ROUGH GRADING POINTS 10 OF 10