HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.4-141I mob, said: •STATISTICAL INFORMATION, PARCEL NO. 2 AND 3 d R/W line 20.15 toet, to the -beginning of a,,,t,angent SCA -LE 1 200 curve. concave northwesterly With a radius of 5°679.65 , e'tv PROPOSED USE thence southerly along said right of way and'. tangent -durVe'', 4- 0 CURVE DATA A = 000 2 1' 06" R =5679.65' A= 18019,3 1" R= 1145 00' L = 366.21' A = 110 34'09" R 5679.65' L 4.or, A = 710 4 2'5 6C R = 1145.00' L = •' 7.19' 1. A 37035'05" R 5679-65' L 3626.51' Parcel No* 2 - To remain undeveloped at presen through a central angle of 0 21 00 and an arc, length_. -3 P -D FP -S' Parcel No. 3 Refer to Precise Development Plan M of 34.85 feet to the true point of beginning,.': Then<ce,_ 158-1. approved A-26,85. This plan depicts the S 890 '251, 3211 W, 54.38 feet to the beginning of ""-a 00 D -i- 21 approved Precise Development Plan for Parcel 11 tangent curve concave soul-1-leasterly witl'i,al ra'.dius'of, of Parcel Map feet; thence southwe'terly along" "the arc of`, 1� 7585. Upon recordation of 1145.0 s 'j Tentative Parcel Map -7932 the approved P.D. Plan tangent curve through 'a central angle of 180 19 31 C shall be in Parcel 3 and subsequent development distah-ce I of 366. 21 feet,-, thence S 000 34' 2E -279.66 feet t© a point� 611 PARCELI of P..M.,7932.. No further leve lopment.is feet.; thence N 890'231 03" E, PARCEL 2 sterly R/W line of the Sunset Railroad, said,pQintll�_ PARCEL M�P 79L2 PARCEL MAP 7932 contemplated in Parcel 3° at this time the w'e also being on a tangent curve concave northwesterly 'with C.L>L-%Jl EP -T a- radius of 5679.65 feet; thence 'northerly along the dr` c' of said tangent curve through ,a,central angle of 110 391 04" a distance of 1154.9.5 feet the point of C\j beginning. Said Parcelcon, No. 1 tains 9.48 net', acre's more or less. 0 0 0 Parcel 2, Parcel Map. 7932 Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section'�13' b,einq on/,, the centerline of county road 2035 (South LakeRoad,) T. R.25E.,M.D.M. in theu County of Kern, State,,,o'f. /' Calif orni a,-,' thence S 890 25' 32" W, a distance 0f 148.66 feet along the North line of-s-ai�d Section 13"' 8''o being the centerline of South Lake Road to,, -a point'' on- e the westerly right of way line of the Sunset Railroad,; 785.00 2?9.66® S 000 021 28" E along.... said ' row line' 20.15, feet W89;0 23' 03" E 1064.66 to the beginning of atangent curve concave northwesterly.-,, /Z with a radius of 5679.615 feet,--thence'southerly along,s4id,' right of way and the arc of said tangent curve througf-I a central angle of 110 001 10" a distance of, 1189.80 feet. Thence S.890 23f 03" E 279.66 feet to the true point of beginning. Thence S 890 239 03" TV7 785.0,0 fee' t to end of ® a tangent curve concave sou-Eheasterly with a radius of 1145.00 feet; thence northwesterly along the arc of d tangent curve through a central -angle, of -71Q 42' 58-1 a j distance of 1433.18 feet; thence S 000 3.41 28",E d d 0tv 1087.19 feet to the point ofbe'ginning. Said Parcel - 0 5cmvk Uus M*114 No. 2 contains 14.36 net acres more or less. vla; C> 0q. Ct Parcel 3 Parcel Ma 7932 W C i4 PA CEL JCommencing at the Northeast corner of Section I b6i, J ng R 3 on the centerline of county road 2035 (South Lake Road)-,_, PARCEL MAP 7932 T. 325 R.25E. _j M.D.M. in the County of Kern', State of, California; thence S 890 251, 32 W, a distan,ce of X 148.66 feet along the, North line of said Section, 13 also1 -------- being the centerline, of South Lake Road to a point on the 0. V westerly right of way 11, e of the Sunset Railroad;`�' thence y E S 000 021 n 28--1 E along said row line 20.15 feet. to 0i dl beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly, with - 0 3 a radius of 5679.65 feet; thence southerly along,,.5aid. right of way and the.arc of said tangent curve'' thro'ugh.a central 'angle of 110 00' 10" a distance of il8q,��80:'-fe:etl 0 to. - the true point of beginning; h'-south-- c` I I I I 1'1'1 I N= 40)*C44e thence continuing� south- westerly along said tangent curve through a, 0 -T = e46. 10)z _j central angle, of - 2 L_ = tcna). cob 9 io 00 .370 351- 05" and an, arc length of 3626.61 feetto th%,:� end of (001 0 said tangent- curve; thence S480 32f 47"T'"", 1506.90,feet 't to a point on the South se-ction, 1.`ne of said Section 13;, - thence N 890'-591 23-1 t, 75.51 feet along the Sou,r, 't section, line to a'point on the easterly right of way s ari id, South Lake Road; thence N-48 47,, E, 2043.36 fe, et to IV the end of a tangent curve concave northwesterly with tee'F, 114 C09_, -zoeC. radius of 1255.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said: tangent curve through' a central angle of 490, 09', 44!1 REFER TO PRECISE DEVELOPMENT PLAN M-3 P -D FP -5 158-1 I (FXIRTING MAGNA CORP z FACILITY) CL X 0 < _j a Z Lel 0 0 CID _T S E E R1GHT FOR CONTIMATION and an arc length of 1026 - .84 feet to the beginnIngof the tangent curve; thence,N 0.00 361 571, W, 1759.13'fe,.'et along said easterly right of Way of 'South Lake Road 'to the end of a tangent curve concave southeasterly- with a radius of 1255.00 feet,- thence' N: 890'231 03" Z 1064.E feet to the true -point of beparcelSaid No 3 SET contains .3,). 61 net acres more or less. SUNRAILROAD R/W Parcel Map #7932 PO 158-2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: v CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Conditions which must be complied with 'pr -or to recordation of the Parcel Map: ` 1 This Plan is approved for land division PM 7932 and the 'development of 1) In accordance with Section 66465 of the Subdivision Map Act a title guarantee Parcel 1 of PM 7932® dated within 30 days of recordation of the Parcel Map shall *be submitted to the . Advisory Agency. (2) The conditions of approval for PM 7932 are hereby incorporated by refer- ence and shall be set forth in full on the face of the final PO Plan. ? (_) in accordance with- Sections 66464, 66492, and 66493 of the Subdivision' Map Acta, a • ' Tax Collectors Certificate, Assessors Tax Estimate, and security� f necessary) (` y : a O Development shall be in substantial conformity with the approved plan, shall be submitted to the Kern County Public Works Department prior to recorda- P and thea roved 1 an shall be revi Sed to incl ude the `fol lowi n coni i - PP P 9 tion o the final map. tions of approval (3) The Parcel -Map must be accompanied by a separate owners' certificate, signed and (4) All necessary building permits must be obtained® acknowledged by all persons having any right, ,title, or interest in and to the property being divided. A request for the waiver of the signatures of parties w O The method of water supply and sewage disposal shall be as required and.a owning rights-of-way, easements, or interests which cannot ri pen into fee must approved by the Kern County Health Department. also accompany the final map i_n accordance with Section 66445(f) of the Subdi vi - .(6) Fire flows and fire protection facilities shall be .as required and sion Map Act® approved by the Kern_ County Fire Department (4) In accordance with Section 66436(c)(1)of the 'SubdivisionMap Act, any public (7) The following improvements shall comply with requirements of the Kern entity or public utility owning 'rights-of-way, easements, or other interests which cannot ripen into fee must be advised by cerci fi�ed mail of the division of a County Public Works Department and shall be accomplished at no cost to the property. The Advisory Agency will require a letter from these parties the County and by encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Di rec- stati ng that the development wi l 1 not unreasonably interfere with the free and tor. complete exercise of the right-of-way or easement within the boundaries of this a. Al l of .subject property within 55 feet of the centerline of South development. Lake Road shall be dedicated to the County of Kern for major highway alignment (5) In' accordance with Section 5853.1.6 of the Kern County Parcel Map Ordinance, show purposes® all existing easements of record- on ' the map. ® Developer shall construct a private road approach, under permit from the Public Works Department, at eae int of access to South Lake (6) All parcels shall contain no less than the minimum area required by the adopted Road® site zoning and shall comply with lot size and density requirements of the Kern County General Plan. c® Remove and relocate obstructions from road right-of-way in accordance -with Section 5885®6 of the Subdivision Ordinance® (7) All road dedications and improvements shall -be in accordance with the adopted Y Precise Development Pian M-3 PD ,FPS '1.58-2. (8) . All vehicle parking and maneuvering areas shall be surfaced with a min- in-imam imumof two inches of A.C. paving or material ora higher quality,® (8) All easements shall be kept open, clear, and free from buildings and structures of any kind pursuant to Section 58'59.1(c) of the Kern County Parcel Map () Parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the submitted plan. All Ordinance. vehicle parking spacers shall be 9 feet by 20 feet or larger in size and shall be designated by white painted stripes. (9) Street names approved as shown on tentative map. , fa (10) Thea applicant cant shall provide' the Count Health Department 'wi with all neces- PP P y P (10) The method of water supply and sewage di s sal shall be as required red and approved PP y 9 � q 3 sary data needed to determine status of 50 percent NaOH and storage by the Kern County Health Department. transportation and disposal of rinse water® (1) Fire flows and fire protection facilities shall be requi red , and approved by the (11) If underground tanks are to be used for storage of diesel or waste Kern County Fire Department. products, a permit will be required from the County Health Department prior to operation, (1) No drainage waters to flow into County roads unless authorized by the Kern County Department of .Planning and Development Services. A plan for the disposal of (12) The applicant shall demonstrate to the Health Department's satisfaction drainage waters originating on the site and from adjacent road rights-of-way (if the ability of the site to accommodate septic tank disposal waste. required), shall be approved by the Department of Planning and Development Services® Easements and or Grant Deeds shall be given to the® County of Kern for (I3) Thea applicant shall obtain an required Air Pollution Control District PP y q drainage purposes or access thereto as necessary. g permits or shall submit verification from the Air Pollution Control District that permits shall not be required. (13) The notes regarding floodplain zoning and development appearing on PM 7585 shall be ascribed on PM 7932. (1 4) All encroachment permit conditions required of Zone Change 1, Map 158, shall be completed prior to operation at, the project site. (1) The twenty- (20-) day appeal period pursuant to Section 5855(a) of the County (15) Prior to installation, all signs shall be approved by the ..Director of Parcel Map Ordinance shall be strictly adhered to. Planning 'and Devel opmeht Services with regard to height, size, illumina- ilumina- t.ion, and location® tion, (16) Applicant shat 1 . compl y with the mitigation measures listed i n the site "Ecological Assessment" prepared for Zone Change 1, Map 158. (17) In -accordance with the "Archaeological -Investigation" (prepared for ZC 1, Map 158), if during the construction phase any archaeological resources are unearthed, work should cease in that immediate vicinity and a quali- fied archaeologist consulted to evaluate and access the unearthed materi- als,,whereupon further recommendations may be forthcoming. (1 8) Applicant shall install a train derai ler on the proposed railroad spur. (19) , The construction of a railroad spur to serve the site shall comply with all requirements of the Southern Pacific or Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, whichever has jurisdiction. (20) Should a conflict occur between the •statistical data shown on the plan { and the conditions of approval, the conditions of approval shall prevail. (21) If -the development approved by this Precise Development Plan has not co enced . within t years of the date of approval, this plan shall become null, and void SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS P X9.4-141 , a a 'd (Ti SEE DEUIL K,,� FOR TRAVSI -10 ACCESS ROAD N ► At I LEGEND NON HAZARDOUS SALVAGE MATERIAL TANK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TANK RINSE WATER TANK CLEANING TANK 0 SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION TANK X 95.3 EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION FG 98.5,, ---"FINISH GRADE ELEVATION CURVE DATA ®= 20 26'00" D=8°25'44" !N= 230 28'11 D=15°00`00" =15000,00" # R = 680.38" R=382.25' rel ®=8010,00% D=lOoodO-d- ®=23° 28' D =15®00'00" R=573.14 R = 382.25' L=25010'11" D=15°00'00" A=17044'11" D=15000'00" R=3$2.25 =3 R=382.25' ®-29®12' 11 D=15°00'00" ®=21002'11" D=15°00' " R=382.25 R= 382.25' I LEGEND NON HAZARDOUS SALVAGE MATERIAL TANK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TANK RINSE WATER TANK CLEANING TANK 0 SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION TANK X 95.3 EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION FG 98.5,, ---"FINISH GRADE ELEVATION 0% oso GRA 41 )lp P11- th c 9,9 60 / �� ' Oo /� � � FjN SCF e� (3A. 00 X45 . e / 2 Mq of 4 (9 YC4� 910Y C04 4G9 49V 0 A, ! / � / � �'� 4Y 001,1111,1111 �G i / ao 4tio/ Q Q/ 4 C '04 o FC o "'�® CA, c C 44 GENERAL DI NATURAL SHEET FLOW ON SITE 8 4 4 77 W, 77 77/7 7/7 VARIES 2 MIN. V" DITCH SECTION C -C NO SCALE SECTION B -B NO SCALE 5' SHOULDER OAD (P 0.5% GRADE 4 N PRINTED ON DIETE`RICH-POST CLEA;RPRINT 1000H wow S;UMP BORRQW- AREA ,n 4 PRINTED ON DIETE`RICH-POST CLEA;RPRINT 1000H wow S;UMP BORRQW- AREA 411 ILI r -Op. <:VNT1NUATk>N --------- OFF 14 E�T 77 = 7, V L=j V rt jj ---------- tt W1 LAM P"A�77<��7 4"IrL-1 LLIN04 F -s -co L1 41" 00 0 0 LP �Y VV -A r,>e�e_ + irv, NAT ALUM rPAMe 7, L4�j> 10 wt W/ gg a ii wovi 8, 4" L -ONr T Its- �A A) A T x If �z POLL- u - --------- I WT 4717 LIN L=.X FANI:�Z't:, LlFid il OIL _r NJ NAT + �L�IT I L L I rs 4- Z-7 IS + eR TE ­ 4 4'�UM _t7g!IM NA -f- Z-7 N MtEN 100 X I'Zo r-, v 5 z p A lz> 9�>610�z_ ' CVT W1 N4 -r /.�,_Lum TF4M To ir •.i"". t '. �� w :'n r w;• -r .,,.aK, ; �. �'- €_ �' { �, CODES AND STANDARDS I. Whetwver an ASTM designation is herein referred to, it shall mean ihe particular edition of the publication of the American Society for Testing Material s. Whenever *Federal Specifications" is referred to, it shall mean the latest edition, including all amendments. published by the United States Government Printing Office, in effect on the date of the Advertisement to bid. Reference is made in the specifications to the above documents, and such references shall have the same force as if these documents had been re- peated word for word herein. The work to be,performed and the materials and equipment furnished under ,these Contract Documents shall be in strict conformity in every respect with the latest editions of the following governing codes, rules or reg- vlations, or standards as most recently amended: STATE OF CALIFORNIA State Fire Marshtl 501fornia Administrative Code Title 19, Public Safety, State Fire Marshal Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems (Non -Residential), National Fire Protection Association NFPA No. 90a, Latest edition. Department of Industr I ial Relations California inistrative Code Title 8, Industrial Relations Division,of Industrial Safety Construction, Trench' Lamp Scaffold and Parallel Safety Orders Electrical Safety Orders General Industry Safety Orders Painting Safety Orders Uniform Building Code-, 1979 Edition Ettling in these plans OF specifications is to be construed to permit work not conforming to these codes. TEMPORAA Y FACILITIES 1. Access Road and Parking All construction activity, all trucks, cars and personnel shall have access to the site only as indicated on the drawings. All construction parking .Shall be within the area indicated on the plan. C ontractor will not be required A buil d an access road of any kind. Con- struction vehicli-s-will drive in the location indicated. 2. Protective Measures Contractor shall provide all additional barricades, lanterns, lights, guard- rails, signs, and any other protective measures required by State or local law or authorities. Upon completion, all such facilities shall be removed from the site. 3. �Enstruction Office The Contractor shall provide and maintain during progress of this work, a field office building, approximately 8 x 12 feet in size, equipped with one window and one door, complete with proper locks and large built-in desk flattop along one side for stand-up inspection of plans; minimum 84" long, 36m deep, 36" high. ,The contractor may use a trailer or portable prefabricated building meeting the above,criteria, subject to the Engineer's approval. 4. Telephone Service The Contractor shall provide and pay for telephone service to construction office. 5. Toilets The Contractor shall provide and maintain sanitary chemical type temporary toilets in quantity as required and of types approved by the governing authorities. Temporary toilets shall be enclosed and weatherproof and main- tained in a sanitary condition at all times, and supplied with adequate amounts of tissue paper. Toilets shall be removed from the premises when and as directed. 6. Electricity, Light and Power and Gas The Contractor will furnish and pay for all electricity and gas required for testing and construction purposes at the nearest present point of electrical and/or gas distribution. The contractor shall provide and pay for all connections, piping. wiring and lamps. The illumination level shall be adequate to allow workmen to properly perform their work. Per- manent lighting of all interior rooms must be on prior to second coat of paint. Absolutely no second coats of paint shall be completed under temporary lighting. 7. Healt Whenever temporary heat, in the judgment of the Engineer is required, the General Contractor shall provide the temporary heat at his own expense. 8. Water The Contractor will furnish all water required for construction and testing purposes at the point indicated on the drawings. 9. Shoring All temporary shoring required for installation of new work shall be in- cluded in this contract. Contractor shall assume all responsibility for this work and make good and damage caused by improper supports or failure of shoring. When permanent supports are completed, all shoring shall be removed by the Contractor.' 10. Construction Debris Dumpsters shall be provided for on site for the collection of construction debris during the time of,construction. CLEAIN NG a ap U GENERAL AQUIRPIENTS: Each Contractor shalli a. Proceed with due caution to protect the work of others. b. During progress of the work. remove and legally dispose of all ' excess material. debris.etc.. resulting from his work. c. Clean all finger marks. smudges, smears, spatters. drip pings, etc., from his work and the work of others caused by workmen in his employ. d. Upon completion of his work and prior to quitting the project he shall meet with the authorized representative of the Owner and General Contractor, inspecting the work performed and making such corrections as may be found necessary. Note: This shall not be construed as the Final Inspection. a. Supplementary cleaning shall be performed as may be re- quired due to work performed pursuant to items as listed on Finallrispection (Punch List). Note: Cleaning of various items shall be done in accor- dance with recommended procedures for respective material and damage by improper cleaning shall be rectified by the Contractor at his expense. %"3A H"' P D A W I "'O"t SAMPLES AND U SHOP DRAWINGS* The following,requirements apply to all shop drawings re- quired,. a. Contractor shall submit, without causing delay in the work and within thirty (110) days of Contract award, sufficient quantities to permit Architect to retain -distribution to owner, Engineer three (3) copies for and file, and such additional copies as he and his subcontractor or supplier may require. Numerous or serious corrections will be returned with notations. Contractor shall resubmit required number of sets with corrections made.. b. Any corrections or changes indicated on shop drawings shall not be considered as an extra work order. c. Btafore,submitting shop drawings. check drawings of sub- contractor for accuracy. See that work continuous with and,having bearing on work indicated on shop drawings in accurately, distinctly illustrated and that the indicated work complies; with,contract requirements. d. Cross reforenc* all details with detail and shoot number on contract drawings. Do not execute work required by shop drawings until approval is given. f. Shop drawing approval will be general. It shall not re- lieve Contractor of responsibility for accuracy of such shop drawings, nor for proper fitting. construction or worko furnishing of materials or work roquired by contract and not indicated on shop drawings. Shop drawings ap- proval shall not be considered as approving departures from contract requirements. 'If the shop drawings show variations from the contract requirements because of standard shop practice or other reasons, the Contractor shall make specific mention of such variations in his letter of transmittal in order that (if acceptable) suitable action may be taken for proper adjustment of the contract; otherwise the Contractor will not be relieved of the responsibility for executing the work in accor- dance with the Contract, even though the shop drawings have been approved. g. One set of stamped approved shop drawings shall be kept on the job in good condition at all times. SAMPLES: The following requirements apply to all samples required. a. Submit without causing delay in the work, samples specified, required or directed by the Architect. Submit names of Proposed manufacturer's of materials as early as possible, to afford proper color and pattern selections. c. Transactions with manufacturers or subcontractors shall be through Contractor. d. Unless otherwise specified, submit samples in triplicate to the Architect and of adequate size showing quality, type, color range, finish, and texture. e. Label 1_ach sample with material name, quality, contrac- tor's name# date, project nameo and other pertinent data. f. Where the specifications require manufacturer's printed installation directions, submit triplicate copies of such directions with samples submitted for approval. g. Do not order materials until receipt of written approval. Furnish materials equal in every respect to approved samples. R (0 J E ( ;%T C L ko J% E %,A 0 imb ` 1 UT 1. Contractor's Affidavit After the completion of the work contemplated by this contract, the Contractor shall file with the Owner his affidavit, sworn to before a Notary Public, stating that all workmen and persons employed all firms supplying the materials and all subsontractors upon the project have been paid in full, and that there are no bills outstanding against the project for either labor or material, except certain items, if any, to_ be set forth in such affidavit covering disputed claims, or other items in connection with the Notices to Withhold have been filed under the pro- visions of the Statutes of the State of California. The filing of such affidavit by the Contractor shall be a prerequisite to the making, by the Owner, of the final payment on the contract. 2. Guarantee After completion of the work prior and as addition to the filing of the Notice Of Completion, the general contractor shall deliver to the Architect all required guaranteeson the Guaranty -Warranty form, completely filled out and signed both by the Subcontractor and the General Contractor. All guarantees shall be on form mentioned above regardless of whether it is specifically mentioned in the particular section. 3. 'Punch List Upon notification of substantial completion by the contractor, the Engineer or his representative shall prepare a punch list indicating all items coming to the attention of the Engineer after final inspection which do not satisfactorily comply with the contract documents. Ten copies of the punch list will be presented to the contractor for correction and completion prior and as a condition to the signing of the Notice of Completion. No punch list shall be considered complete or final, or does it in any way waive or void and provisions of the contract documents. 4. As -Built Drawings As -Built drawings will be required indicating any changes from the Contract drawings for as -built conditions for the following: A. Change's in Architectural Floor Plans. 8. Changes in Mechanical: Piping & Valving Equipment Location Controls C. Changes in Electrical: Raceways.and Conductors Service Fixtures or Equipment Location or Type Finished Grades - building. parking lot, walks and drives. As -Built drawings shall be in accordance .Submittal Cuts, Specifications & Maintenance Manuals: Shall be as specified under the various sections such as 15, MecEanical 16, Electrical. A S P I--I A L T I ko .. ;&04'1ff'VQ'GCRETE r -AV MA A. Work included: Asphaltic concrete paving required for this work is indicated on the drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limit- ed to: I. Final preparation of subgrade; 2. Weed killer under pavement; 3. Mineral aggregate base course; 4. Asphalt surfacing materials 5. Placing asphaltic concrete.' 6. Flood test, 8.. Related work described elsewhere: Earth;7ork: QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications of workmpn: Provide at least one person who shall be thoroughly trained and experienced in the skills required, who shall be completely familiar with'the design and application of work describ- ed for this Section, and who shall be present at all times during pro- gress of the work of this Section and shall direct all work performed under this Section. For actual finishing of asphaltic concrete surfaces, and operation of the required equipment. use only personnel who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the skills required. S. Codes and standards: In addition to complying with all pertinent codes and Fe-guTaff-ons, comply with the referenced portions of "Standard Specifications", dated January 1976 of the State of Californfa, Depart- ment of Public Works, Division of Highways. PRODUCT HANOLItIG A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this 3-ection before, during and after installation and to protect the work and materials of all other trades. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and repTa-caments necessary to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. FINAL PREPARATION OF_LUBGRADES A. After preparation of subgrade as specified in Secticn 02200 of these Specifications. thoroughly scarify and sprinkle the entire area to be paved, and then compact by rolling to a smooth, hard. even surface Of 90% compaction to receive the mineral aggregate base. Finish to the required grades, with due allowance for the thickness of base course and finishes surfacing to be placed thereon. jWLPMENT A. Compacting equipment shall be self-propelled tandem rollers having a minimum weight of ten tons, except that hand-held vibrator compac- tors may be used in areas not accessible to rollers when specially approved by the Architect. B., Coating Equimwnt: All equipment for line painting. soil sterilizing, and seal coating -shall be specifically designed for that purpose and shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Architect. C. Paving e quipment shall be spreading, self-propelled asphalt paving machines capable- of maintaining line,,grade, and the minimum surface thickness specified, except that spreader boxes may be used in areas where specifically approved by the Architect. PLACMT OF BASE COURSE A. Preparation: After subgrade has been completed as described in Art-i­cTe--3--T above, and'has been approved, apply the specified ster- ilizer over the entire area to be paved. applying in strict accordance with the wanufacturer's recomendations. B. L1_a_C1?mend: Aftercomplation of sterilizing operations, place the Spec ie base material over all areas to be paved. Wetand compact the base material, using only the amount of water ntedod to secure Optimum moisture contentand compaction of 95%. Achieve the thick- ness of bar ,e shown on the drawings. Bring the compacted base finish to a uniformly smoothand hard surface conforming to the lines,grades, elevations, and cross sections shown on the drawings. PLACEMENT OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE A. Receij2t of materials: Do not accept material unless it is covered with tarpaulins unti un oaded,, and unless it has a temperature of at least 280 degrees F, unless approved by Architect. Do nOtplace asphaltic concrete when theatmospheric temperature is below 50 degrees F. nor during fog , rain, or other unsuitable condi- tions. B. Spreadinq: Spread material in a manner which requires the least hank-TFng7 Where thickness of finished pavement will be 2-1/2" or leSS, Spread in or* layer. C. Rolling: After the material has been spread to the proper depth, r0IT-Wil-th the specified equipment until the surface is hard, smooth, unyielding, and true to the thickness and elevations shown on the drawings, Roll the surface in at least two directions until no roller marks are visible. Finished surfaces shall be free from birdbaths, and shall show no variation from the designed elevations greater than 1/8" when checked wi tha W -Oft straight edge. APPLICATION -OF SEAL COAT A. Mixing: Place the entire contents of each drum of the specified seal- er in a,plaster mixer or pug mill mixer, and mix thoroughly. Where, less than 50 gallons of sealer wi 11 be used, mixing may be performed in mortar box. During mixing, dilute sealer with water to produce a uniformly flow- ing consis tency in no case diluting with more thanone part ofwater to four parts of sealer. LROTECTION A. Protect from traffic during all operations, and until sealer is thoroughly setand cured and does not pick up under foot or wheel ed traffic. FINISH LOLERANCES A. Finish all surfaces to the following tolera�nces: 1. Base course: Plus 0. 00' to minus 0.101 from I ine 2. Asphaltic concrete and grade shown on the drawings. Surfaci ng P-lus orminus 0. 05'atany point from line and grade shown on the drawings. jOIL, STERILI ZER A. Materi a]: Pacific Coast Borax Company's "Ployborchlorate", U.S. lo-r-aT"rM-0nobar Chlorate". Chevron "Ortho C-811, or Casron. B. Acc �8�14��Ieal �ternate: A commercial solution of sodium' chlorate and soluble borax, if the content of the treatment includes one pound of sodium chlorate per 100 square feet of area to be paved. C. �11JE��e 8�ase: Material shall be untreated rock base conforming to the provisions of Section 26 of the Division of Highway Specifications for Class 11-3/4" max imum si ze aggregate base material except the mat- erial may be spread by use of a motor grader. D. : Asphalt Concrete shall consist of Type 8 mineral aggrega teconforming toSection 39 of the Division of High- way Specifications. For 1/2" max imum, medium grading mixed with a bitumen content of 5%of'B% by weight of 85/ 100 penetration pavi ng asphal t. E. Mixing asphaltic-conrrate materials: All asphaltic concrete shall be not plantmixed. and shall W -furnished from a commercial asphal t hot mix plant. The aggregates shall have a temperature between 275 degrees F and 325 degrees Fwhen placed in the mixer. The liquid asphal t shall be heat- ed to a temperature between 275 degrees F and 350 degrees F. and shall be added during mixing. Mix the combined aggregates and liquid asphalt in a Pug mill mixer with a capaci ty of not less than 3000 pounds per batch. Continue the mixing for at least 45 seconds after all ingredients have been placed i n the mixture and until the liquid aspha It is di stributed uniformly throughout the mixture. The mix ture shall have a temperature between 290 degrees Fand 320 degrees F when it leaves the plant. SEALER A. Provide "Laycold Walk Top" sealer as manufactured by Chevron Asphalt Company, or an equal approved by the Architect. _jXECUTION INSPECTION A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be installed. Correct conditions detrimental to proper and timely Completion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. fts %-Z R E IN F 0" R ("o I arsi'G% %0`.y`T E E L tiATERIAIgS: a. Reinfo cement Steels Shall be new deformed, intermediate grade steel, conforming to ASTM A-615 grade, 40, b. Defo ations ASTM A-305, QxCept 1/4" bars. c. Welded Steel Wire FAbrici Shall conform to ASTR A-185. d. Tie Wires Annealed copper -bearing stoolvire, at least 16 gauge. a. All reinforcing shall be new, clean free from oil, dirt, 10020 mill scale, excessive rust, mortar, or other coat- in4s that would destroy or reduce the bond. PL&CING R&tNFORCEMENTi a. Cleaningi Before use, reinforcement shall be cleaned so as to be free of mortar, Oi 1. dirt, 10080 mill scale and loose rust orother coatings that would destroyor reduce the bond. b. Bendinc: The bending and placing Of all reinforcement shall conform to the "Manual of Standard Practice"of the American Concrete Institute. Bends shall be made around a pin having a diameter of not less than four t imes the bar diameter for stirrups and ties, six times the bar diameter for the other bars except for bars larger than 1"which shall be eight times the bar diameter. Bars shall be bent cold. C. Placing: Reinforcing shall be accurately placed i ac- cordance with thedrawings and shall be securely tied in position with at least No. 16 gage annealed wireat all bar intersections. Metal chairs and bolsters sha 11 be used to hold "ll steel above the form bottoms at the proper di�itance. Metal spacers shall be used to secure the proper spacing of the steel. Precast concrete blocks shall be used to support reinforcing stee-1 off the ground footings and off the soffit of concrtate exposed to weather. The clear distance between parallel bars shall not be less than 1-1/2 times the bar diameter. but in no case less than 1-1/2', nor less than 1-1/3.times the maximum size Of course aggregate. d. Splicing. Splices shall be made with a lap of at least 30 bar aiameters (40 diameters inMasonry) unless noted otherwise. The bars shall be placed in contact and wired together in such a manner astomaintaina clearance of not lessithan the minimum clear distance to the other bars and to the surface of the concrete. In general, stagger spl�ces At Least 41-011. Splice wire mesh with a lap at least the dimension of the mesh * 211. a. Tolerances: Reinforcement shall be placed in speciffic Positions within the following tolerances: (1 ) Depth: 1/4"formembers 2411or less in depth. (2) Depth: 1/2" for member greater than 2411 or less in depth. (3) Length: + 1-. f. masonry Dowela.- The Masonry Contractor shall supervise and be responsible for the proper installation of rein- forcing dowels into the concrete work by the re"nforcing steel contractor. Bars shall be wired in placelprior to casting of concrete. UAZ'3%'T-IN-PLAC;"E UUNUKETE a. 11LAnds of cement or source of aggregates shall not be chanced during course of work without prior written approval Of Architect. b. Cement: Standard brand, domestic Portland cembnt Com- f;rmi;g to ASTM C-150 Type 11. Total alkali content not to exceed six -tenths (6/10) of one,percent. C. Aggregates: Conforming to ASTM C-33. except as modified herein, and U.B.C. 26-2-76. Coarse Aqqreqates: From Pits specifically approved b,-_ Archi tect, and shall conform to table 26-2A. (2) Ll_ne Agoregates: Washed natural sand having, hard. strong, durable particles and shall conform to table 26-2A. (3) C--radation: Maximum size used in any particular lo - cat ll not exceed 3/4 of the minimum clear space between reinforcing bars or betweeg reinforc- ing bars and forms. d. &O_M.iXture (1) StructurAl Concrete except mass footings "POzzolith-- "NormAl- Master Builders. e. !jater. Potable. f. CurinS Com2ound: Shall conform to ASIN C-109. The compound shaLl not be of wax base,and ihall not Imp.4ir in an . y way the aPPlicat ion of floor coverinqs. g. Li<;Luid Sealer Hardner: West Chemical Products, Inc. Fil- por" dr�-an approved water clear, non-Kellowing sealer hardner guaranteed for three years by the m4nu- facturer.. Two coat application. h. Rock Salt: Standard brand in coarse grade chips, similar to that Packaged for use by general public in ice cream freezers. ExEansion Joint E�kller. (1) Premolded Strips: Cray. synthetic sponge rubber, equal to "Cementone", Thomas Concrete Accessories. (2) Joint Sea,fers; Products Research Corporation, "No. 250,#. �ZONCRETE a. Compressive 'Stil''111211,11Cith harruirements: Provide mix designed for minLanum 28 -day compressive s-trengths as noted'on the structural drawings. b. Maximum -Slwp: In conformance with ASTM C-143, and as follows: concrete cast on metal deck ......... 3-- max. Precast wall panels ................. 4" max. all otherconcrete .................. S., max. C. Transit -Mixed Concrete: Use Transit mixed concrete through - Out conforming to ASTM C-94. except as otherwise specif ied for materials and tests. d. Proeortions: The Contractor shall propose to the Architect, Laboratory Designed Mixes based on the following Proportions. The mix design(s),shall be approved prior to use. The Con- tractor Shall pay the costs Of concrete mix designs includ- ing the costs of aggregate gradation. Qoncrete Maximum Min. 94 lb. Max. gallons Strength Size, Aggregate Sacks of water per Cement per 94 lb. sack 0 yard of Conc. of cement. 2500 P.s.r. 1.1 5.50 7.3 1 1/2" 5.25 7.3 GROUT AND DRYPACK: a. Grout shall be composed of one (1) volume of Portland cement and three (3) vol'umes of fine aggregate and 6nly eno�gh water to make the mixture flow under its own weight. b. 9-Ey2ack shall be composel as for grout except that only enoug,h water shall be added to set the Mixture (no free water and no slump). DrypacK shall be tamped into place. C. 00 not use grout or drypacK that has been mixed longer than thirty (30)minutes. d. Non::Shrink grout: Master Builder -s "Embeco,si, INSERTS1 ANCHORSA ETC.-; Conform toACI 318.63 for embedded conduits and piping.. ex- cept as modified by drawings. Contractor shall caref , tally check with all other trades before completing forms and Placing concrete, to diatermine thatd 11 embedded items are in place. Contractor shall set all miscellaneous anchors, bolts. ties, dowels, plates. etc., necessary to complete work as detailed, except asinodified herein before. See that all embedded tiems are clean and free from any coating which would reduce their bond. a. Genera I Const ruct ionRequirements: Forms sha 11 be con- structed of wood built true to line and grade, mortar tight. and sufficiently rigid to pre -vent excessive de- flection between supports. The arrangement and con- struction shall be subject tothe approval of the Engineer, but responsibility for adequacy of the so as to properly receive and engage other construction and a llanchorages, sleeves, inserts, bolts, conduit. or other devices shall be installed prior' to the placing of concrete. b. Forms for Ex2osed Concrete: All exposed Concrete shall be formed with 5/8" (minimum) Douglas Fir -plyform" placed with the grain of the outer plys inthe direction of the span. The supporting studs or jOists shall be spaced not morethan twelve inches (12**) center tocenter. The surfaces of the forms shall be smooth and free from irregularities. Wall form panels shall be placed with their long dimension horizontal and so &s to form con- tinuous borizontal joints. All exposed sharp corners 10 shall be formed with 3/4" chamfers or fillets. c. Form Ties: Form ties ur bolts shall be used to fasten the forms. They shall oe of sufficient strength and number to prevent spreading of the forms. They shall be of such type that they can be entirely removed or cut back. one inch (111) or more from the finished concrete surface. wire ties will not be permitted. d. LForm roat ing - Formsshall be coated with a non -staining form oil applied shortly before the concrete is placed, but prior to placing the reinforcement.' e. Cleanin2i: All dirt, chips, sawdust, nails and other foreign matter shall be completel y removed from the forms before concrete is placed. Forms previously used shall be thouroughly cleaned of all dirt, mortar and other foreign matter before being reused. f. Removal: rhe forms :�,hdll not be removed until the concrete has sufficiently hardened to permit their removal with safety, but in no case in less time than as follows: Columns, Walls, Vertical Forms.� ...... 24 hours Sla bs ................................. 7 days Joists, Beams and Girders ............. 14 days All removal shall be accomplished in such a manner as to prevent wnjury to the concrete. PLACING CONCRETE: .4. 01P.Anir F 0 rm. L9 0 f Before placing of any condrete, all Cortits Shall be L urOus4hly Cleaned, wdshed out with water. and made tight. b. Timie of Placing; Concrete shall not be placed until reinforcement and forms have been inspected and approved by ArchiteCt. c. Concrete shall be delivered to the point of placing so as not to fall vertically more than 4 feet, and shall be deposited so that the * surface is kept horizontal and level, a minimum amoun t being allowed to flow from one portion to another. Deposit concrete in forms as nearly as possible in its final location. Under no circumstances allow concrete to be deposited -which has partially hardened. d. Vibrate con�:rete internallX 4not thru form), supplement with hand rodding. Provide one vibrator per 30 cubic yards of concrete being placed; keep stand-by unit at job, ready for use. e. Cold weather otguirements: Concrete shall not be placed .L on frozen ground, nor'shaTI it be mixed or placed while the atmospheric temperature is below 350 F., unless means are employed to heat the aggregates and water so the concrete shall have a minimum temperature of 500 F. The concrete shall then be protected from freezing or frost for a period of five (5) days after placing by a means acceptable to the Architect. Calcium Chloride Shall not be added 't,o the mix. f. n&g: MATERIALS AN D WORKM S+1 I P RQUI RE_"T§,. and c6lumns', ha I I at two ( 2) hours before horizontal New, tock- O standard sizes s Pecified or detailed; fabricated in sholp� producing highgr A. �IorS'iand kawerl shall beflush type. tnettioA.,rs Are Poured thereon to perinit the c ' lmetii, work. Form and, fabricatie euired Conditions. Straps, bolts, InclUde�ciipA B. 'Surfaces,, t,he vtertical meMbvrm. LO L�Ako its initiil Sett screws'and ot fg to fo SeCure�*vork. Con- rm work 't Scribinq: Prbi for'scribing of 411 exposed abutt - Va. and Ttems. (2 a be om n, latest edition Of ArSC, Sp'eciticat applicable pro . ingCode joint and the concrete h".,:i hardened, the e face laitence 4nd clean coarse gg means of wire'brubhitig 'BU.rLT-rN ANCHORAGE: CO, P, tuft, A011%, M OSITIO 171N, and wa. shing with a pressure strecim of water. Thks sh two (2) hours but notmore than four (4) hours After hors,' inserts* and Other miscellaneous o on fastenin 'f MI!_ER �A (Not tO be,construed as 4 Complete, the concr lced. vide steel plates, ch ncrete Orms. Pro - Anne list) other trades., Exam in ectriCal A. 8-ui I t -up �Q�Abb�-i t-io ry Roof th'mr%41!4 ctiurer�as b. FoEm9d drawings or number, type. and ch, items. abl:6 roof - a 20 year ondl- 4PPliciible for the surface jt-�i$ - urfaces� to be applied:. Completed s' stem Shall y me- t 0 th6 i.equiro After FABRtCATr 9C, Of U for "Firet otardant. Roof- COverit4,4­ f ll be removedfrom the concrete surfaces. All e XteriOr form bolts shall be A., Qeneral. The Contractor shal a C MPos"itio removed to a depth of'. At least one.inch (1") below the kmen ski�led in these branches of the 5h4-11 be a jiltipl,e Cou, gi rsO base ftAship' 'ar to S im i 1, J'ohhs�-Manville, "Asbest' o o left�by removal of form ties shall ile Flashl�nq*,,, Or an &P-Prov6d dqiuial, flashing, -Listed' by n f Mortar shall consist Material, fabrication Ithe,,manufactur4.,e,a,s,acdeptabl'o- foe" ski� fla -ng endorsomen't. Of one (1) part by vOlujita (2) n . and erecti shall 6e on to Speciftc-ItIon For t .%Isr C. R iS id. Instla,t,jon Board, a ind F i` ......... Out dOwh` to sound material and filled with 'mortar. the Dpsiqn, Fib r ica jot) md Crort ion of Structural Steel Asphalt im . ed board, acceotabiti to:,the- r0ofin l, matroAf actu'et. _g rol joints bu shall S Lled S stiown on Llie teninct., All material. g rabrLCated.shall D. Provide W' Ro.of,Ar 1 QC'Cu,r plans or at a m o x eet '(60-0-) on center. 00 cltian, Sc I rust and straightened by methods Zhe,re at, eacli roof,, drak'n, tw6--(7T addtiotul 900 ca, P she 'to. that will no e al; deformations resulting from e o concrete or Concrete. surf ac" be h Patched as'�rh . ention- fabrication.processes shaLl be corrected by similar. inkage E. P�i tch Pocke t Coat and sacked. of teels . Shall be filled w,ith pitch unl4 ss otherwise approved in area rout, wood float. let wr it i ing by the ro _,__ina. Sh% D* Cas Cutt all be done by achine whe C&N&RA�h.' S,2�UIm, QTS, QUR ­­ING re_entra oble radius of,1/21nch ped,notch free'to a minimum A. -bi'lity a kept moi.3t for the first seven (7) days after CONNECTr It `ii the:" tract Docu men ts to Plce thai�l the concrete has been placed. htn*,ss of,the entire roof b , ot or dry weather s o k. Bo 1-tv Con under the�coofing,contractor,and ma tie, 'il, r b ,-bid the roofing con p g y 1. Holes ur-' s al he propoSes to Lt ag,re 4�s e,to the cqn-' e o for bolts shall be one-sixent� han ditions AS -set forth in A 11 the ContraCt Document$'." 'They t ma f the bolt. -Holes may be� punched if the at all'co'ndit,ions as set,f.o' docutnen rth. in Said. (2) 'Cotton ma�ts, g Cuuly thickness Of -1hematerial is met-er,plu's one-eighth ,j re compiLte t'd ltteet�th*ir ts, Spec i reqts, f the period, irements (3) Kraft paper or pla sealed. or tap f the inch If the thickness of the terial is greater than rn. tkj,' - 0 event the Contract once daily. Paper shall er Plus one�eigh" nc Docume nts do not completely or correctiY covor thei ments, �the roofing., (4) "Curing Compound-. The Contractor shall insure that curing Compound ts Shall be used in all bolted,connections Provide for s ame in his bid., Under no, used will not l s circumstances extra an be allowed for faikure to ese C. Forms sha kl As is necessary and if,theyre LA rNT ING requirements,. -as io I removed before the seven (7) day Curing o A. General: uctural s Roof 'areas fing ve-nts or.prCtivisi he o ions of members to n traction to insuro smoOth,,�blister or grout be Do not pa' o i and Vrinkle free s be,cAll4d to ArChitiect*�s attention a minimum of t rior to bidding. Protection 2f Cement Finj,§hes. B. Failure to do te any sut!h requirements be Provided by e o e Etx00_sedSurfaes: C LPl d ur Surfacesthat will: rema in e etion of -the this Cont increase in bid price. o r a building shal o , SPC) C. Wurksnn.-�Iti2 f n #54. ontractor sba 11, Oe approved by the, Roofing, Em reak to Architectural o C. Surfaj����, Provide en e ir respective trades and work. Al e- o ditional' a one -coat shop applied rst-class workmanlike -manner and o This cleaning). Subject. to approval of Arch'itect. of damage o D. 'Field Painting: After erection. all Parts where D. daterial Paint. has been r6lbb-ed or burned off and all bolts, t S in original unbroken p&cXages CLEAN UPt ri ie Painte bea tions clearly stat o n F I'N I SIH CARPENTRY & E. Peqk Pre2�4ration R . l ITEMS ks shalL be filled. shall remove from the GENERAL R 'E kUllEMENTS nd secur' e in place. pt broom clean, and - premises all sur- uipment and debris which Are the re- manship: Employ only skilled e.to the roofing materi u;7er. workmen experienced in their respective trade o LESTING AND INSPECION: workman I i ke manner and subject to approval of Architect or his F eration representative. : Scaffolding o tal men and Othr tradesmen Shall 4 �U,12.in shall Comply with the Rules and Regulations of us et and perie job. ct reinforcing are inspected by the Engineer. omm the State of California. b. 2XIinder Testst a securely anchor in �.ldce with at least three (3) expansion shields per 37 uc commencement Three( y 0. of any roofing with ample, time given for inspection e r frac Millwork ind Hardware: 'All doors, windows a to of de o a as may be require shall be dated, der operate fieely but o n hinge bound uer. give um in the s conditio ope func- tioning'. H. Application of rnnfirp-Q-1 cants, nd flashin en noted Shall be in accorda"nce with ma�ufTc'tl urer's, instructions. Se Finish hardware fitted to wood or metal prior to Painting and removed o ith ASTM finish hardware to be r flashing Of all openings All through and item' y 700 F. 'and. with all necessary Scri bing. No hammer tracks will 'be- allowed. All trim appli CUARANTEF, Mai limi tation (where pieced) shall be mitered. All exterior angles shall �be -mitered and interior k ntain o u angl to be Coped. All n set for under this section ight con- si putty. ion of the Project. A Dez� Lgn 7 ou y �8 Day ' o ith a mi on be guaranteed fo one a Test a os -Test 4'-O"Shall have anchors 4'-O"� O/C maximum. An- studs or solid backing. BUILDING INSULATION o y E. Backing: Provide adequate backing -m-etaT-partitions, s accessories, etc., c r rued s a Complete list w A. le ba a ntractors attention is'Called to the requirement -of -17-ns�ulati"OWContractor on One side7---1n­s-7uTT-�iion shall have a mini'mum "R" va I u.e for (4) the to fill metal nings. Do no t l ened concrete he Project Inspect B. Sound Board: R-igid glass fiber boa rd 1/2�' thick shall be made as per ASTM C-42. if HANGING DOORS: cubic 16ot density. rength to be ed defective o l Doors shall be hung free C. Sound Insullation--Batts: Incombustibl,e'glass fhickn�ess as costs nce at bOttom of 3/8" except o e noted. all be trimmed to clear carpeti nstalla tion. Side and top clearance shall A A I C nme umb. STRUCTURAL STEEL METAL M 0. Fasteners Nn-cor s d by insvIlation -Wa- -nu f a C t u r e r GENER EMENTS: After hanging, remove hardware (except prime coated items and butts) Until completion of E. All Denetrations Qf exterior skin ' , co.ntuit, Etntif� 1 , 11 duc Ili *� Painti then'reset, fit and adjust all the hardware. c., shall be tight with expansion 11, 1 1 1 1 foam, fill 1 1, ication of Conditions: with a final layer ach Side.of wall. MATERIALS: (Not to be construed as a Complete list). INSTALI.ATION: e r to commenc o �P�v a I�s Brandsof ma terials mentioned herein The, bvilding shel on: B. Shop Drawi In accordance wi-th the General are used as a standard and requests for subs -i I ings throughout . Architect shall submit s Conditions. all items in r i o A. Finish lumber f elds, andmethod of anchorage to ad- oo o dwood. to be Clear C'AUL: EALANT u coordinate' shop AII,Heart. p assemblies. MATERIALS. (Not to beconstrued as a complete list). Note: General' Contractor to effect a firm understanding with all suppliers, fabricators.andSub-Contractors 5COPE: A. regarding extent of work Hor tb bidding. P rials. labor. equipme' nt and services A. S .L111 Sba,pg4-and Plates. ASTM 4.36 M I rm the caulking and sealant work re - quired, to m4ke a watertiqht, weathertight B. Stegi Tu�' ASTM A501 L L WORK and sound re L-Ardant Lit::.talltion 'cis indicated on 'the drawing$ and MA]IRIALS: (All finish Kiln Dried) (Not to be constru ied livrein. C. Threadgd Bolts and Nuts; steel. AS7M.A301- l d in accordance with the latest U. Examine, dr4wings and specifications work. edition and amendments of the Manual of Millwork. Woodwork Institute of California "WIC" OAK aterial ing, Electr L§.: (Not to be construed as a C�omplete list,). Zd ended by electrode manufacturer for A. Al l be WIC "Custm"grade asset forth in Section 25 of the Manual of Millwork, or approved equal by Architect. A. Joint backing Clos ne y or polyurethane equal to "PRC -89 Pr6formed joint fillerl- h.ELDING. the Manual of Millwork or as recommended by sealant man4facturer. oow using B. Caulking, C 6-1. twO-pdrt­p0lysulf' ide c -arc method. Use coated welding rod's not 1. Exposed surfaces s e base o de or slili,- ommended by manufacturer for use with as s cone type sealant, possessing adhesion 41ongation'and ro- Parentmetal. e m t,s Approval. Sealants shall' be man-' ufactured by DAP, Grace. Pecora, Dov.`Chemical. or nd islcl: welds tO-smooth fl o 1-� All laminated plasti r hall be of type's for use 'required. 13. Perm!atiently j Oining su ad rf ace. .d Wows: gz-owyceaL No treatment cequ,ired other than preparat as manufactured by Formica, Micart ua in CENAR­AL, RUgIREENTS; orswith suede finish as selected. (Allow for C. Ja§e,P1a!?,S aLld Sea,r,i,,ng Plates. Shall be set in precise A. Cening: Apply,sea cl"n-. dry surface free"f rom 'grease, oil, o asti wax or other,'fbreign matter tian-ing to dest r6y� or impair shall be maintained bevele adhesion. Clean and prime in aiz a instruction'., beds have been placed. d s shall be W.I. thick "Tdpss'hal Joint � Bac�k-inq; Install Sealant. manufacturerl�s recom-1 o h 1 air unless otherwise i ndicated. I be 91 ued up with strips not exceeding 2-1/2" in width with Typ Pe,11 adhesive. mended backihg of slig.hti,y larger diaA'et:r than, Joint; 'for 'wide hall be' sanded to a smooth fini,sh with exposed wi, eds 1/41, jOiAts. up to, 1/4- eeds 1/21 for in e sh with�clea' d jonts, exce o width. UZZ19N s r ow e e tiple colors). C., Apply sealant's stridtA y in aci.cord4nce� se position as indicated. onthe D. Hardware Ites: (.Finish -u' wi ith manulfat-ureri*t instruct ions. drawings. a n rackets "T Tompi bracing shall be employed whrever necessary to accomOdate loads End Mount -426 2 all to which the structure may be subjected. Rear Mount - #83 & #183, Knape It Vogt Such bracing shall' remain in place as long as may be required for safety. P nze,finish- -6 3" all drawers/cabin Locks:. Where Specified key per owners requirements, Drawer Slides APO-,RQVE0 'By W 2 Each,drawr f335 Grant Ll 9'.4-141 'R PRODUCTS A* Mater t: The colors, indicated on 'the 4rawtr4s and the, Materials SHEET METAL All hardware shall be adjusted properly and checked and all hinges, B. Hanggr Wires: 00 not start work until work of other trades, CERAM1C TILE Tit hert-i 6 a ee a Product, of the, Dunn EdwAr4s�C , any and,are 'used locks,'Iatches, bolts,, holders closers aftother items shall In omp, operate MCterials: 9 Paintings is substantially completed. 'as, Isted under MATERIALS- (Not to*be con properly. (Not to be construed as a complete list) and as a guide. If � one of' the alternati madufacturtm- I" 00461114AS diagram approved. SPECIAt -ts' or' art eq0valan tra tor� Shall submi t strued as a colm4lete list). 1. From steel beams, joists or other steel construction,' hangers shall,be LROV I SIM� proposed, the: Con c A. Storefront and aluminum entrance door details shown are fr I om wrapped around, inserted through, or clipped o' two (2) -Cd a bolted to steel struc- pies of Mitterial list ind�mahtifacturers materiail­data to -:the Pd 5heet: Con and _Eations Clean subatrates of dust, dirtt�Pikint, It -shall bethe res 'al, establish required s-Tzes and types. Minor modifica- wax, equired A. Galvaniz After hardware is checked, keys shall be tagged, identified, and de catalog r form to the 5tandard SI!t0ficitions tural supports, so as to develop the full Strength of the hangers. ponsibility of this Contrat-t6e to, txtablish r Architect for approv, gr*&*Ot Oil# Plaoter dropping@, and othor,r,4r, locatfoo-of all Metal grounds., etc. affecti aieft I I ng his work prior to instal - r livered to the Owner. All errors in cutting and fitting and a I I damage tions in non-essential details to accommodate use of standard flush- Wire hangers shall, be twisted three times around itself. matter. Fill- cracks or do o 16 3 2 4 d u 4 e to adjoining work shall be Corrected, repaired and finihsed as directed. gla Pr'*asiOfto with material as I!E24HIr To heets, r I I nc Coated (941vanized) unless otierwl'se Indicated on the drawings. zed sections of same sizes and profiles of other Storefront and lation' of same�. Failure,to do so Method of a 11CW60 ill be MAy require- special� S,i.X*S, cutting of PIP left to tht descretion,,.6f, the-, Coittract,00 -ent, recommended by carpet manufacturer for the apeci,,r C�, neral, additional expense to,hims terial manufitturee recommends a Spec Pe Where hardware for fire doors must be shipped to the door manufacturer entrance manufacturers, such as Arcadia, U.S. Alumi num or equival 2. From concrete, wire hangers shall be saddle the tilt. avid/6r in ge p t whe t finishi," ma tied around the rei-nforc- Job cOnditiOns.''Prior t elf tnipeet exis- if ic ty drin, free, rw all �str 'ki, Ing steel (excl uding wi re mesh) or in the absence of reinforcing steel 0 laying carpot, t00% cofter'sto. ting conditions to the 'satisfaction of the Archi ne In all cases finished appearance shallbe uoi f' at for installation, the hardware installation shall conform to the ap- are acceptable subject to approval of Architect. Provide for expan- for adequate dr*noss using tonts'and testing p tect and Ow r. S. Solder: for galvanized ntetal shall be, 40-60 or 60-50 Conforming to Plicable requirements of NFPA 80 except that hardware application on Sion and contraction. ropodute X -ST -14-5'32. Solder COntaining 'antimony shall' not be used. saddle tie to 3/8" diameter steel dowels 12" long, (or approved shield$). I Oolida s,L, sags, runs, lap per carpet monufacturerfs direction. 'y Pss' brushmarks,lotc. Chalnges 0, color, shall labeled Fire doors that also serve as exit doors shAll conform to the (lot to be Construed as a compl be neat, and straight. applicable requirements of NtPA 101. ete A is t1) C. Metal Primeir: $hall be Copatible with finish owteril applied by wall angle at columns, wal Is and,other obstructions with main 3. Attach Paintinij trc t I. Storefront Members: Provide complete as detailed and riquired. P e runners orcross runners locked to these perimeter members. Hangers All tile to comply'.with U.S. Department of Commerce a'nd 4-ational' Bureau including glasssetting bars , transom bars, trim, mu ]lions , door and grid members shall be capable of supporting light fixtures etc., of. Standards S.P.R'. R61-61 and Federal specifications SS-T-joeb, and to' frames, and reglets. Provide necessary setting without sag. This Contractor to provide such additio Ao All carpet shal be laid in the gain be, graded '�StarvdaLr­dll Non -hardening black plastic ce"Ient Coupatible with roofing ova accessories, in- nal hangars as direct Mii.tjri 41 S.'L '(Not to be construed.as a Complete I i'st)- "D FRAM ES% cluding screws; fittings and anchors. necessary. specif ical aspTiaTt. METAL D 0" OR S AN 1Y ahown otherwise. ion unlos 6 Shall. be the product of AMe'ritone, Dutch Bpi, 'Pioneer,' Dunn E*ardt, PRODUCTS oned'heroin are used as a standard 4. All hangers for c�cur at doorway's and ent bmitted to the u ject to appr a ina. Elastic non-hrdening type as specified under specification and of th that the and requests for substitutions will be.considered when su -;r 04 v lent, S'b ovA of the kkhitect. r e Sac ti on %aulking*. secti ;nde i5nited to su m wi nd load wi th maximum the main pe Architect, in accordance s set forth in the General d s Conditions. 3aterials: Plot to be construed as a complete list). eflection of 1/175 g late or 'a' Colors Shall be as indilcated on the dr ings. rolled steel i-nternal stiffeners wherever necessary to meet deflec- urrig W'doors and" parallel Grav Formed rotary galvjnized iron type complete with A. Hollow metal doors C. Seams occ inous coat- e e r, A. Ceramic Tile: T' ashin9 ail -bird screen r size, Sutlait shop leveled ste-eT7 -Sonderized. ing to electriCal um C. . Schedule of Finishes, Rtfer.to the draotnqS and. te, f6lJowing material, 741- f -f S -hi 41' ovide thential dunpers. ' Flo and Coats, schedule and I n the- even t a Surfce i s 'not -ted t I Con- or Interpace, Olean,14osaic or approved equ' he g at C irection $hall, al', unql az'pd n a,clarification from the-Architeotpribi, to bidding. 1 h wetal. C. 0 e a rection, natural ClAy type, mosaic. All�for multiple colors- in sam.e tes, coldrnlled, stretcher No ex tras ' ' w ' ill be allowed for allure, to obt ' ain clarif constructed of twomain building. correct assumption on the, part of the Contractor. terlocking "Z" bars or Sections: m A 11ow, for� mu I tj p I e InItallat-ion uge, spaced 6" maximum apart. Re- o. im, doors and mix,fn',eai6h room. n Size 9/160 oblong.. 4 first-class workmanlike manner'� s-traiqht, ns A* G Edge tquare. Ma A. Work sha I I be erec ted u inforce top, bottom and both edges according to manufacturer's Rolled Sections: 5005 aluminum alloy. D. Fin.1 sh - Unglazed. true, free from warp or buckles, and shall be accurately fonned to 1. Provide information to other trades as required to assu endod procedure for. installation b Color - ect details, curved surfaces shall be true to curvature, all line' trance doors, and ex y t h"o y ed -by Architect.' PRIMER INTERMEDIATE strdiglit and true. gle and aris6s stwl�p nd all intersecti ae ll be s Grou t Colors ons nedtly S.URFACES c s esulting from work ma all be incombustable mineral wool of not D. Hardware:, Provide concealed hardware reinforcements in doors and E. 1LUOut: ee ufactur'wrls Interpace "fanciscan, Tru-Joiht" 2. Walls and Base Concrete Vinyl -Acrylic None Viny -Acrylic All conc��dled less than 3 lb./cu-.ft. density or an approved cellalar struc- Tr-a-ii�s-,minimum 3/16" thick aluminum, factory applied. Cut, rein- recomisen4ationg *hall be the responsibility of equal . _joints shall be flat lock sems and seated full of Solder. ture. Plaster W-201 i way result in, force, drill and tap aluminum work for application of -finish hard- erline of ceiling,areas and work,towards perimeters. e nt W-201 C. All stwet metil ware from templates furnished by others. Install finish hardware e e ^r. Si ze 6" x 6" (Flat) 411 nce7orexpansion anti contraction without undue stresses. om 8. Hollow Metal Frames shall be of same manufacturer as doors. to hardware manufacturer's instructions and installat ticular attention *hall be paid to the asoura, Edge c tur*r recommendations ror se&ming,&nd application 0 Finish D All sheet metal work on the exterior shall be watertight and weather- y : Furnish manufact a Color (3) tile color scheme per room as selected by tight. JUR-Sshall be flush butt joints reinforced on the back. by code. neoprene gl-azing channels for installation under Section 03800 e support and fi ni sh. 2. fabrication: Us tcher-leveled furniture stock Color black. *a 'or seam cement &boll be removed jLgno*di&t*1y,4,. Archi tect. Concrete Vinyl -Atryl ic Yinyl-AcryliI; Block Smooth (W-�06) W-201 W-201 E.' All work- shall conform to SMAC4A Manual of Accepted Practice. G. Scribing- and Cutting: 2, Cut evenly long Wall$, Cu evenly around Grout d non -staining wate (Flat) or Medium curately fabricate w F. Caulking: Provide caulking as indicated or required to make work of nto trim,strips. Fit closely and Shapes: Vertical Linternal corners.,extemal corners 'and base in place with all necessary fasteners to support and (W-304) secure the metal work and to ihsu d flush. tion watertight and properly finis 1. Scribe acoustic tile to wall s wi th panels to re carpot,joins shall havFintegral , radius cove and tile areas shal I terminate with between frames and adjoining construction 4 - All caulking shall con- together in -doorways. integral, radius, bullnose. These inadjacent field: tile. AIT trim rm black. Inspection: shapes factured integral a G. Sheet metal prime coat shall be approved by the Painting 3. Anchors: Types suitable for wall construction 3 per jamb and Contractor for complete and proper primer. Neatly cutin for electrical fixtures, etc.. so that finish and fixture ll be **Iv&go edge Wood Vinyl Ext. Acrylic Ext, Acryl ic trimmed. e GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: W-708 W-901 (or) H. Soldering: a m bad or, or Ext. Alkyd Ext. Alkyd g s tic tile butts A. Examination of surfaces over which, work is to be performed, and notify oil 60 Series, 60 Series with heavy well -heat GYPSUM WALUL30"ARD metal plaster casings, or wall intersections. The butts 'shall be neat, e Architect use. Heat Seams thoroughly.and completely.fill with solder. Make orcement: Obtain templates from hardware supplier, and se o that all lines -of hich would prevent -obtaining a,perfect job 42-9 ex ing and smooth. coord5ate ha�d e dh a or the utmost value of the, material, prior to commencing work. ux with a Soda Solut A. Work Included edges. Plastic trim notacceptable. B. Coordination: H. Noi. tions: 5. Fill strips '*hall be not loss than go in v14th, guards back of cut Principle items of not limited to: leas e Wood Oil None oil l not e ins'talled in areas rec (Opaque Stain) I� Series (or Conform to section "Caulkino". mutes. l to be removed from boxes o e s a omleted'. Acrylic Acrylic . I all all gypsum wallboard including draft stops before application and spread in a o m c a W- 703 W-703 A0414G: and accessory tri s e conditions. to permit laying pattern with a t a rniniZm- o? c t Wes. Lay floor tile from center line outward, e s .2 t tall ton U I oil, etc., and given one furnished and shall set on and be secured to the floor slab or sole I AjjLmen t: make (1) Eoat of approved metal primer prior to painting. plate. finish and/or indicated fire rating. s. At doorways, extend floor tile to terminate at point centered n door or center of jambs where door omitted unless wood None None 17 Stres COP I NG: nqs g 1. Grid members and tile joints shall be straight and finished surface y ne (Semi - 3. Apply texture materials by spray application on all gypsum wall- commence. a D. Laying ceramic mosaic floor tile: board unless noted otherwise. e Transparent) A. Provide mitered corners, and sect g J. �Cess: nissnufactured by koberto Consolidated W-0* O/C. -s- !a-uli dil-joints. See plans for material. %Mra I Requi rements s I Gener&l,: Set straight edges to establish lines, reset at suitable ficate from manufacturer that rough,"T" grid system, install marker tabs to locato a t . Spread rate, must ho tile sheets'the same as Galvanized 1st Oil N A. Inspectio Sam. Ext. Acryli en joints between -ti les on sheets, aft Metal Undercoat y gypsum wallboard/tackboard and arrange for ep 100 suare feet per gallon. bed using wood blocks of such size to ensure solid bedding free 42-36 42-23 Ext'. Alkyo, rm ation of sheet metal items to be built into roofing correcting defective workmanship or materials. Ascertain that other minate cut. tile to the grea- cce'with directions of roofing sub -contractor. Set be equipped with rubber bumpers at top and ncealed by gypsum wallboard has been.inspected and mer: 60 Series sheet metal installed no or adjoining roofing in a continuous be approved before starting work. A R E T 1/16" opacing�. terextent Possible. Fractional changes in diensi 43-3 d of Ing uniformity of jn e permitted. !.Ihere required, roofer's black bituminous cement. Provide two (2) year wri PRODUCTS eet metal watertightened work. cut tile with suitable cutting tool and rub rough edges smooth. ems cleanly cut and carefy t Red'Oxide. Oil settini. bed; use wood blocks of size to ensure Ext. Acrylic Materials: (Not to be construed as a comple ng in accordance with the General and SuIpploo, a e a Is Primer W- 901 dampers in rated openings with louvers). Only after all. Meta A. GG sum Wallboard: Gold Bond, Kaiser Gypsum, United State Gypsum ork in (Unprimed) 43-4 42-23 Ext. Alkyd or eQ t ting floor t or equiva ent subject to approval of Archi A* e e ly moisten aper sh a (Gloss) WOOD DOORS EXECUTION u vaTen e e as e Ca E. Grou n 1-0-r-cglor and pattern select a 60 Series PRODUCTS General' ae standard. l e free grout,hy creeding, brush grou il Joints. For acc*vt Remove excess grout-. Allow 48 hours to elapse before permitting' or- rom minimum 12o x 120. Me teri a I s (Not to be c'onstrued as a complete list) nce with approved manufacturer's Accessories: Shall include manufacturer's metal corner beads edge e Ferrous s ce e e di nary foot traff trim, drywa*ll screws, joint tape, compound and adhesive. e Oil Ex t. Ac' ryl ic A. Solid Core Flush Doors, Custom Grade wood doorsT.M.COBB or equal, e rpeting installed tallation of Wal am 1A1JFT1tNMC1 ae as Tile: - Meta I s Undercoat W-901 r (Shop -Primed) 42-23 Ext. Alkyd B. Fire Rated Doors. Custom Grade wood doors.T.M.COBB or equal, 2 yr. C. Nails: Ring shank type. e e (3) e 1. S fore w ac s n care of carpet, setting. 60'Series m and Corner nm 0. Metal Tri Beads: Electro-ga ce e powmittsd to walls and building construction. Erect in proper sequence with work 71anger as manufact p C. Face veneers for all doors shall be Oak to receive stain. rm to manufacturer's instruc- turer, with corner e corners and %" shaped trim LM.N.ANTS e ld condition$ 2. Groutini: Ma Grout joints full with plastic mix immediately after suitable area of proved factory finished stationary types to indicated sizes. 0. Louvers: Ap members where abutting work of other trades. A. sa e excess type frames. Joints welded ide tifte-dand left with owner, mortar and wipe from tile face.' Toughen intersti-ces or deoressions and t tape, as manufactered or approved e o -in mortar b r a Fy manufacturer of gypsum wallboard. LF --L I V �Z R T e e e s to harden. , Make joints,between walt and plumb- PRIMER INTERMEDIATE, FINISHES e g thas. 100� in fixtures with white caulking. penings n e e Job sit pound o an Finish F. C l each roll E. 0 1 m -T to P rer. eta7 Famed. in accordance wi,th door manufacturers standard subject a recomme e A. Doors, frames and s e ho- ue contraction is li Plaster Pigmented None Vi,n I-AcryliC G. Vinyl Covered Tackboard a Ty -to occur. Concrete 'Sealer 'y W-401 b -- (Oil) EXECUTION and defects with mineral filler, sand smooth and reprime. n height'. Shall be �" thick, pac amagep dirt, ata'ists, that the e (Flat) r 5/8" gyp. bd. G. Cutting and Patching: This C ng tape smooth. DOI I very: per mfg. requirements. Vi nyl shall be manufacturerapproved for e ee o Contractors. tackboard. Color to be selected from standard colors. Allow for Once A. tj&tr a e o e GSAND GLAZING mul tiple colors, provide natural aluminum J/mold at doors/wi &1: Carpet shall be guaranteed against ra' e l installation is completed. The Pi Acrylic Enamel Acrylic Enamel gmented a ul ty left to the dis- H Cleaning: Upon completion. thoroughly clean tile floors and tile walls Sealer W-9111 (or) W-901 (or) period an set fort (Oil 28- 1 Alkyd Enamel Al kyd Enantel e 5 Series 5 Series site undamaged. termination of verticle lines. Architect shall be determiner of ractor for.the .12- months ae e s e e I . Protection tile surfaces from d p FINISH HARDWARE otherwise e e s the const moe cracked, broken, am o with clean, llati Clein n ith new. Upon complet e SCOPE VOQP- ICO.00 Fl!p_ OFeNp Year unconditional guarante ship cover_ plain aper adequately held in place, n Bo None Vinyl -Acrylic (Flat) (med.) W-304 W-401 in ee t -ng Cement smears, etc., shall.bo (or) 'The requirements of Section I apply to work of this Section. The work of this B. Pol g A. Work shall be perfrme with the American Standard e to detective removed immedi _ysu I f ide Tpecifications for the Application and F a p tallat o the Building of all prepared espec latest edition and the wallboard manufacturer's recommendations. e ll carpeting Wallboard PAINTING items of Finish, ardware and'related items to complete the building in accor- knife applicatio S PRODUCr architectural e ware responsi,bility of the Contraitor to list his qualities and furnish items ass, . B. Attach all wallboard by drywall nail method. A. Work Included. e Undercoat key) ic Enamel . W-305 42-31 li$ted'or not. GRADING MO LABELING: A. AOWAk o 11 -be staggered. 20noral: This sp*cific&tio finishing of all wood, lilaster, masonry, concrete, metal, con- Alkyd Enamel sFa e RESILIENT FL000-RINU A. WorkAncluded acc es duits, stucco, pi faces throughout the inter- 5 Series ers of gyp m ed but are not limited to: 0. E te - rnal corn ard shall recei ve speci fi ed metal trim. quality consturction will be accepted provided all s and manufacturer's name and brand de _LROOUCTS labels intact Edges al-utting dissimilar mat ststs of, but is not limited to the following: a m All terminate in casin y Materials: (Not to be construed as a complete list). Gyp- Board er to place to provide e e a A. Interiorand exteriorsurfacesand I tems of block wood Pigmented None Vinyl-krylic IWORKMANSHIP: wallboard bead and adjacent material. open area, Cem. Asbestos Sealer B. Related Work Specified �ections: gypboa W-401 B. ��si �a�eulr�went�� A., Shall be 3/32" thro Armstrong or a (Flat) (Water) 'an �Se c� I If ica�t U U VA Ions A . All glazing equal. pprovea rm ith the standards g ---4- S. Items projecting through or mounted on the roof, i.e., W-101' f Hardware. of the "Glazing Manual" of the Flat Jobbers Association. CARPET attice. vents, plumbing vents, conduit, 11 CARPVT/PAD A. Finish bm B. Rubber ease 'Coved top -set and straight carpet types, 4" high unless O-tX;rwTsi-TndIc4ted, color as selected by Architect. dimensionally stable. (Semi -Gloss) Pigmented P mencing. M 1/8" thick. C. Wood,and metal doors, including top, bottom and side edges; Acrylic Enamel ' cable, all locks sh grilles,. wood trim, jambs and inte'riLor ca' Sealer 0 W-901 (or) binet work. (Water) AlkYd Enamel Alkyd Enamel si C. Accuratel cut and A AV% AM%, C. Ad mers and Fillers: Of type and Compositi mme each 1/8" thickne Am E ;;i Ong by the rftanu'Factu­r-e-r­6T the material which is to be installed. D. uit, ducts, etc. W-101 6 Series 5 Series PRODUCTS 1M%%.A-UU%%05%T1kC%AL TILE W %0% R " 'r No As se astenings tes, using manufacturer's stan- dard g azing--f-ittings, chairs, angles, or bar- Archit I act D. Reducer ge-butting (n6t lapping) type. e construed as a complete list). (allow' for four to inished items, i.e., toilet compart- Wood Primer This Section.: Principal items of work include butare colors) color's' equired for proper painting. Acryl,ic,Enaml' not limited lity, size, quantity and finish shall Painted O W-901 (or) g g � to flooring manufacturer's reco l work, metal extinguisher cabinets, sheet 42-31 Alkyd Enamel be supplied with t corners neatly dnd--ff9-h-t-Fy fitted. I mmended instal.la'tion metal, gravel stops. roof flashings, metal grilles, metal e. Hhere I p i rol ProceduFe-sand requirements herein. 5 Series hardware is of stainless steel , screws and fastenings shal I also be of F. At fi pla' ducts and ifi Tazing Compound. Putty shall be neatly and cleanly run elect xed glass in wood or steel stops. back Putty both sides or glass .562 A. General: 00 not start flooring and stair work until work of other trades, plish a permanent installation. where required by Code. T -c Wood All wood screws shall be full threaded. to straight lines, 6. P11e yarn welght: 57-uri ng pai Varnish Varnish V-108 Sries V-199 tion and materials at minimum temperature of 70 degrees F for at least various other tr roughly familiarize him- V-199 a inishing trim for work of this Section. N/A 48 hours prior to, during, and for 10 days'after installation. Maintain 2 r provisions regarding their painting; he, nd Standi,ng 50 oz. Rubberized adequate ventilation Sealer y General Bnu i remen ts Felt V- 106 paration: Clean substrates of dust. dirt, paint, wax, grease, ail, or prime c ated or specified o PROTECTION, 66 s, and other foreig as part- of this section, i.e., bumper posts,,air condition-' C with material as recommended by fI ooring manufacturer for the sp for I naccuraci es 9.' Backing conditions. Prior to laying flooring, test for adequate dryness using Wood om 1st Stain Lacquer om ve the finished floor. A. Protect glass against damage. Replace cracked, broken or imperfect C Acs t The following characteristic,% will be B. Related Work Specified in Other Sections re per flooring manufacturer's directions. Lacquer e a Cabinets L e work. report in writing to the Architect those Q-12 LQ -104 LQ -104 Sandi n L g and strike is -sixty (60) inches (nominal) above the finished C. Colors and Pattes nd Pattern sha 11 be orderedi n,suffi c . ient I. Items specified to be factory finished Sealer floor. (Sami-Gloss) quantity-l'n-i'tMaTT-yto insure manufacture in a single lot or run. Each LQ -101 B. Thoroughly clean and polish glass surfaces upon completion of work 1. Durabilityrof the carpet to resist abrasion, mo number stamped thereon. 3. Door ulls shall be located so that th C. Materials bm D. Examinati actor shall exami e er which r he A A arance Roten-tions carpot the coverin a pI I ed, and 'if for any f Rfi t Si-s ­t C 9 are to P cei,ve pa inte Is inishes unless otherwise indicated�on the drawings: Ga o owl Am o re ALU& AINUM D' 0 01' R S A N's ""A F 8 E suspension system I impossibleLor anything is' detrimental to -obtaining a perfect job with metal Acryl it Enamel, a work. e or Mai.nt*nancei , it thall'be re- m (Semi -Gloss) L 4244 Alkyd 'Enamel to resi-4 The aby ported to the 'Architect before proceeding with the work. approved by Architect. Alk d'Enamel t st o y Principle items of work incl suc 5 Series 5 Series . e and ptated finished, 5. Comb I na E Fill in2: Fill all cracks, markings. saw cuts. etc., with a "filler recom- guarantee of di�wnsional stability. is flush with the bottom of the door. 1 - Extruded aluminum storefront members, including assemblies and D. Adhesive and mended by floor covering man metals (not zinc or c ing).- 9,040 cement ended by tidns. um Maintenance Materials: e turers. Ferrous Metal Epoxy Polyester 'Undercoa key t b 3- Finish hardware, except prime-coated'i tems lic Enamel nt flooring shall be square with axis of ro Un -primed 42 located on the push metal and misc. flashings. of each' ' h ea reduc (Semi-Gtoss) 42-44 Alkyd, Enamel er strips at doorways, exposed edges, and similar locations 4'. Acoustica Alkyd Enamel gripper edge and ing as recommended by 40terial' is not installed. where other 5'series bottom of -the door. . carpet manufacturer, Cut flooring and stairs mechanically to pro- Rated S duce square true edges. Regulato ry Requi rements* All 'material must c th air, pollution _ystems: Closely trim to pipes, jambs. and like work. Ex- omply wi tend flooring into cabinets without bottoms. s f e control regulations;, environmen e ing hertin is in- factur*r. carpet asnuee tended otherwi,se.,' (Flat) Epoxy Polyester at Vinyl -Acrylic m G. Base Installation; Securely cement to backing in long lengths, Minimum Underco 180 16ng fi`!Ti S I ng I t COM - 4 -31 W-401 Top Hinge: om PRODUCTS Certi ontinously contacting, Wall and floor S les: Prepare 8"- x 10-1/2 Samples in quaduplicate foeeachcolor 42-44 joints tight. Tndicated on th ss finish specified for material to t at head to Miter cove lip of bast at inside Corners, wrap around out-* side corners with mum from corner. Providipre whichAt is to be applied. Submit'samples foe apprva'i formed Ferrous -Metal Touch�-up 5. Shop drawings., Materials: (Not to corners at Outside comers - t i'th the General Condi tions. Undercoat Acryl it'. E-namel c roj.*ct *hall Shop -Primed,' Bottom Hinge: she W�-'901 (Semi -Gloss) B. Related Work Specified in Other Sections e e ec C H. sed edges of floor covering to terminate wi th' floor to center line of hinge. p Product HaodliN Alkyd Enamel Man h reducer -strips. A. Grid astems: carpeting he prope ll meetop exceed 5 See its, Center H i ng*: Midway between top and bottom hinges. A. Deliver materia riginal sealed con all labels and ot a' the e o e 1. ProLection: This Contractor shall cover all his work as necessary to pro- a r d e e eements specified in th atact few damage until completion and Lacceptance, of the building., Replace - Ment in -designated area, Packaging and Marketing: Items of hardware shall be installed follow- letter shall al,so contain coo ment of damaged, flooring and final erformed after all o pec ing structions. Except as indicated or speci 1 Uo brawings ted n mplete .' Af er cleaning, and wh B. T-akeevery precaution to avoid danger of f ire. ReW Design: d t ve oily rags, ew hardware,to wood surfaces s , shall' be locked an o d access �Ste,�aod empty cans from site every night to saw. pn be tho ro u -g' hTy--cTe-ane C. M drawings, and HS low aTi ntins - Do 'no tinting of fi i sh coa faces. Ilse specified herein with a maximum deflection of the span d fre 'of all dirt and other soiling and left in a-condi­ with full -threaded n sems Shall support the ceilings shown on the CleaninLand Wax ompletion of the work, all flooring.andbave shall toggle bolts where requ-ired.for fastening to hollow -core construction. details for internal stiffeners, placement, installation, and glazing n tslat job site, unless othe ed by Architect. Use through -bolts w methods. o ap acturer',& rev ommossdat ions and tion satisfactory to owner. Adhesive shall be removed in a maiioer�recommended satisfactory installation. Afte rotect hardware from -APP-ROVEP EIY: La -in Acous by wnufacturer. The use of sole'nts, and wet mopping and washing', will 'not be SCAL permitted. paint, stains, blemishes'and other damage -until acceptance of the work. e V d�u -141 9 4 24 X 36 RINTED ON,NO­1OOoH CLEARPRINTO D. Vertical ion MAETAL BUILDING exoan3 screedg, grounds ate as in- a ARplication of Plaster: Unls s d ration as the metal pariels. They Shalt be, with Acoustic Tile Contractor and other trades and locate D. dicated on Me a-ra or in ica y Plaster by, od. inish coats Panel Length: All wall panels shalf be Abrasions Causeic! by handling, afteir painting, manufactured witKa 2 ounce woen fibisr� or at intersectio fis kss ; continuous from sill to. roof line and SM Mof &M ID be expected. Primer shall to furnished giass, -cloth reinforcement in addition to in all acoustical tile ceilings. All fixtures must be t minimum thickness at any point 1/16" 'and- not to conceal 4: STRUCTURAL FR panels "I be continuous from save to 10 louch-u _p I these areas by the contractor Widorn, sWW mat or cut glass fibeft for kept 1-1/2" clear of all acoustic tile and any combustible permanently and effectively grounded by means of e installation. on.joints, etc. SCOPE 'AMING ridge except where -lengths become prohib. Performing fieW touc�up or field painting as structural stwigth. They Shall' mestr exceed specified, all fluorescent ballasts in office approved ground clamps, accordance with Title 24 s ith sufficient material and These specifications cover the materials 4.1 ifive for handling purposes. All end taips specified in the contract documents. applicable foquifwnshts of ASTM D 3841-80 'and areas shall be classified as the "A" level in the G.E. bal- ting and Patching: s s s and the fabrication, of metal buddings 4� 1. 1 shall be at least 6" on roof And 4 on walls.' 7.2 Type 1, ICSO Research Report No. or or main- "C" r wo proper completio ment to completely embed the reinforcement and solidly fill designed and easily erected to be, weather AN framing members shall be shop fabricated square cut All ondwiell Panels for buildings with 4:12 roof slope shalt be bevel PAINTED STEEL�PANELS 1412. Mater�W have a rating. Acceptable manufact- boxes, etc. ; where it 'is not possible to obtain and at completion f cs tight. for field bolted assembly. The surfaces of the cut. 7.2.1 weight shall not be less than 8 urer's are Universa r equal . Fluorescent mming circuits, shall be Mark III Energy the boxes with a #6 AWG THWN pla Brown coat to,be rodded -shy of screed surface to insure bolted connections Shall be smooth and free Base metal shall be 28 or 24 gauge galvanized ouric"Per soam toot. Flammability rate of material shall be no al - gauge, wire with P. Temperature: nish cost without concealment of screed. BUILDING NOMENCLATURE from burrs or distor' tions.. S". greater than 2'irVmin when losted under I 1 I - 1.� 11 ', 11 11 1 ­ ng circuit. All fluorescent lamps shall No exterior plaster to be applied -outdoor laster withou't marking or arring adjacent 1.3.1 Endwall Edge Cuts. AN ondwall panels for 7.Z2 ASTM D l white color "Watt Mizer" except on dimmed F40 ev-aTTrng temperature at building ite is surfaces. Roof Slope 4.1.2 All shop connections shall be in, accordance buildings with 1: 12 or less roof slope shall be I Prime Coat: The be" metal shall be pre. -M. Coefficient of heal: transmission (1,14*�.) circuits use standard lamps, and all filament lamps shall be G.E., MOA, 120 volts inside frosted, unless otherwise spec- e 1., FxteriorC6ment Plaster: (a) 1 ff of rise for each 12" of horizontal with the American Welding, SoCiety-Code for treated and then, primed with an epoxy type shall be no.greater than,0.8 STU/Hr/sq.ft. OF ified. Ballasts for HID fixtures shall be high power factor E. mounting Height ng. P t plaster to run Budding C;onstruction. Certification of welder 6: MISC ELLANEOUS MATERIAL SPEC Primer for superior adhesion and superior Available insulated skylights shall have a, reg Unless otherwise specified 71sewhere or shown on the be kept m`­oT-s-t7o`r at least 48 hours after application. Moistening of each coat shall begin a. Scratch Coat: Apply to (b) 4N of rise for each 120 horizontal run qu alification will be furnished when required 6.1 resistancetDcoffosion. light transmitting foam sandwiched between 10 Before submitting a proposal, each bidder shall determine that p h oss atch. Wet at least n " for and spoicified. 7.2.3 a standard weight exterior panel and a 4 erform satisfacto "P" oats. _(c) 1 of rise each 24n of horizontal 4.1.3 Exterior Coat: Afterpriming, the exterior side ounce nominal weight interior par. n tion of the rated ballasts. There shall be no nuisance tripping o: its N run (d) in of rise for each 48" of horizontal All framing memberswhere necessary shall Structu ral Botts: All boft used in firarne splices shall be given a'finish coat with a white Skylight panels shall be Oquivalent'to ng a,proposal, each e s s Protect Portland lowed in,order that proper run carry an easily visible identifying mark. and in connections of secondary raming to Polyester paint or a color silicone-po"SW panels as manufactured by Lasoo bidder -shall be deemed to have made such determination and to center line. evaporation durin c primary framing Shall be ASTM A307 or Pont baked in excess ot,5WOF to a oonvolied Industries. or equal. I based his proposal on all existing conditions and limitations F Identification of ets Special Outl s e 1.3.2 4.2 ASTM A325 as required by design. dry film thickness of 0.7 to 0.8 mils, 9: ERECTION AND INSTALLATION app All Uompu r, Radio, Sound, Screw control , TV, etc. , outlets shal I protect plaster against such heatand wind. with good pressure. Budding "Width" is measured from outside PRIMARY FRAMING 6.1.2 Excellent Weatherability and resistance to coating deterioration The erection of Me, metal building and the K. Photo be properly identitied with bakelite nameplates 1/2 x 2". All Contractor to make ing on holidays, Double upimmediatelyand rodsurfae*830 as not to exceed& variance ofl/411 in a 5 foot to outside of sidewall girts. 4.2.1 Rigid Frarne: AN rigid frames shall be welded. Fasteners for Roof Panels: All panels shall be shall be evident when subject to the following tests: instaillation of,accessories shag be Performed Control he Architect before ve the cover plate. Nameplate to be brown Saturdays, and Sundays. d iciently, 1.3.3 built-up "I" sections. The columns and the attached to'the secondary framing Members by means of Humidity Resistance: Immediately after in accordance with, Buildings 1. Paragon or equal, adjustable type. withngraved white letters. H. Protection: Cover adjacent surfaces, Including water float to Wet Building "Eave Height" is a nominal di- rafters may be either uniform depth or Seff.4riffing screws removal from, cabinet, no more than 1 0% of Company's erection drawings by a qualified concre s to walk equired to pre s reeds. at least 3 times before applying finish. mension measured from the bottom of the tapered. sh" be carbon steel No. 12-14 x exposed area shall contain more than "few onlictor using proper tools Andequip mient. N. Underfloor Duct System G. Earthsuake Proofins of Light Fixture s: s laster bus plate on the column,10 the intersection Hex head, #8 bli tors", according to ASTM D-714, after In addition. erection W actices shall conform 1. See Drawings. 1 . Fixtures weighi in of the roof and siclowall shoots. 4.2.2. Endwall Frames: washer cadmium or zinc 9/1,s" O.D. 1,000 hours when tested according to ASTM to Section 5, MSMA "Code Of Standard r 1.3.4 All endwall roof beams and "C" plated, assembled with D-2247. Practices, " There shall be -no field modifi- 0. Dinmrs ho I der. ng more than 50 pounds ndep-' I o ateri&13: Deliver manu- fa co Budding "Longth" is measured from out- endwall columns shall be cold -formed sections, mill-rollect sections, or built-up aluminum and boncledEPOM washer. The" fasteners shall be, "Teks" as I Salt, Spray Aesistance: Immediately after COWIS 10primary structural members except utlet box. sample, mixed and a instructiotis less then 1/8" Side 109utside of ondwalt girts. swwm depending an design requirements. licensed by Illinois Tool Works, Inc. or removal from cabinet, no more than 20% of as authorized and specified 1. Shall, be Lutron "Nova" series, brown color with brown plate. Pro- cement, nlaster a 'weather- not thik cs m equal. exposed area shall contain blisters larger vide RFI noise filter. fied. 4. Pendant type fixtures shall be desig with materials stacked d. Metal lath, lath o Note: Where "Say Spacing" shall be 20!, �5' or 30' be- 4.2.3 Plates, Stiffenors, etc.,: All baseplates, splice F49teners for the Slanding Seam 11 Pod Pahel� than #8 according to ASTM 0-714 after 750 h0urS ~168119d according to ASTM B-1 17. y direction a minimum of 45 degrees from the als shall be stored within'the building, it is not practical to coverand c Mien harm centerlines (except at end bays) otherwise specified.Acir buildings stiffeners, sh plates, cap plates, and: all be Clips: All Standing Seam 11,Clips shall be, Dry Head: Resistance: There shall be no 1. Dry type (1) class H, V10 c max. temperature rise (2) two FCAN f floor and be unpacked as operation the areas to receive portlandoemant with Architemral or Long Span wall panels. factory welded into place on the structural attached tothe�purlins; by mean of- (a) Alternate No. 1:, Self -tapping screws change in eplor, cracking, checking, or loss Ivertical COORDINATION PRODUC'TS 1.3.6 members- shall be carbon steel'No. 12 x M4 Type of adhesion after, 1 68 hours in an aireirculating A. �tating and Air Conditin Materials s ing points, such as expansion joint s "Say Spacing" shall be 20',�24', or 28' 4.2.4 Bolt Holes, etc.: Allbaso plate splice plates "AB" Hex -head, cadmium or zinc oven at 1080F t 5OF when cooled tor room temperature. The 600F specular gloss shall A. Conduit System anical Contractor shall furnish equipment such as motors, starters, thermostats, diagrams, o s between frame centeAries (except at end bays) for buildings with Shadow Panels. �s and flanges shall be Shop fabricated to include aluminum'and bonded EPOM washer. not hoe changed more than 50%. wiring etc. However, the Elec- trical Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing and instal- c -br-a-n-a-conforming to the t6S tS s bolt connection holes Webs Shall 06 shop 'brace These tasteners'shall be Fabco "Top Abrasion .Resi3tance: The Taber Wear 1. A concealed -Metallic Conduit System shall be installed for all ling of all fused d Proposed by the A.S.T.M. C-150 Typ change in finish 1.4 fabricated to include rod holes and Seal" as ma nufactured by the Town- Factor Shalt be 1 00.0 or less when tested for interior wiring including controls ng and air,conditioning t uch moot i DRAWINGS AND CERTIFICATION flange brace holes. send Company or equal. .250 cycles on the Taber CS -10 Calib rase uous between outlets, etc., and.with the minimum number of bonds. I S. H-ydrated L da (b) Alternate 'No. 2: Setf-drilling screws Wheell, 500 gram load. 2. el factory -wrapped with PVC Ing to the- 'Standard Specification for Hydrated Lima for Drawings: 4.3 shall be, carbon steel No. 12-14 x 1 Hard neft: The paint film shall ham a tape urnished by Heating Contractor. (see mech- u es", A.S.T.M. Designation: C-207 (Use SECONDARY FRAMING Hex washer head, cadmium or *zinc minimum paint hardness of HB -H using for only in quanti ties hereinafter 3pec if iod) "I furnish complete ortiction drawings 4.3.1 lated, assembled with a 9/40 O.O. Turquoise "Ea drawing pencils. Each d controls and equipment. 4. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish fused disconnect switches erior Cement Plaster (Stucco). U.S.G. Oriental for the proper identification and assembly Puriins and Girts: Purl ins and airts shall be aluminum and bonded EPOM washei r. Gloss: The gloss reading shall'be 30 to length of conduit shall bear the label of the for motors and uni-ts Exterior §tu;;o,' c of all building components. These drawings cold-tormed, -Z" sections wTth stiffened These fasteners shall 3 be ' 'Tek " as 36 units on a 60 degree Gardner gloss National Board of Fire Under All conduit subjected to m will Show anchor bolt settings, transverse flanges. They shall be pre -punched at, the mew for pleasing appearance and balanced rough :usage while on the job before mendations. Color as indicated on the drawings. cross-sections, sklivwall, endwall and roof factory to. provide for field bolting to the rigid 6.1.5, reffectivity. installation and not acceptable to the Architect ma framing, flashing and sheeting, and acces- frames. They shall be simple. or continuous Fasteners for Wall Panels: All Long Span Painted Pariel Wartanty available only upon shall be removed from the premises upon notice. horsepower motors where such protection is not included a's a part D. Send: sory installation details. Spain as required by design. and Architectural Panels Shall be attached to request and at extra cost. II4. concrete of another contract. from injurious amounts the secondary framing, members by means *Mcal psnob are guaiariteed for 1 0 years. slabs on the ground, or underground, or exposed to the weather, shall be made liquid and 6. All control wire s of mica, organic ma and entirely free from 1.4.2 4.3.2 of* Horizontal panels we guaranteed for 5 I gas- 7. This Contractor s Certifications: Standard drawings and de- Eave Struts: Eave Struts shall be unequal -C " Se"rdling screws shall yea rs� d ctive joint compound before even though E. Water: Pit for drinking. sign analysis shall bear the seal of a fteings cold -formed sections. be. carbon steel cadmium plated with screwing into couplings and all wrench abrasions mechanical and control equipment is substituted reg istered professional engineer upon re- 4.3.3 I color molded in nylon head with sealing mpound. All which is of different manufacturer from specified P. Wire: Woven wire netting, soft annealed galvan- -73 -gauge qu". OmV analysis shall be on file and Base Angle: A base member will be supplied flange, No. 12-14 x 1 1/40. The fasteners 7.2.4 be S. �All nK)tor outle ized wire, I furnished by which the base of the wall covering may shall be Fabco s6lWriltitig, "Coior-fixx Interior Finish: The interior finish have a buried to a depth of not less than 24" below lity services shall comply with G. Pa2er Backiniz: 2: STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN be attached to the perimeter of the slab. This as manufactured by the, Townsend shall white or parchment, top coat over, epoxy n of same with Equipment Contractor. 2.1- member shall be,secured to.the concrete Company or equal. prim, or or an epoxy base coat, white or runs 9. sion of the Controls Contractor. GENERAL slab with ram -sets, expansion bolt3, or equivalent anchors as, shown on the drawings- 6.1.6 parchment, with a clear polyester top coat. (4*). c H. Metal Lath: Copper bearing diamond mesh metal -n-o=tess than 3.4 2.1.1 Fasteners for Wall Panel Sidelaps: All Long Span and Architectural Panel sidelaps shall 8: ACCESSORIES common trench with other utility lines shall be (12OV) within 25 ft. of all roof mounted A.C. units. pounds per square yard after expanding and painting. All structural mill sections or welded up 4.4 be stitched, by means of- plate sections shall be designed in ac- BRACING 8.1 Note : Where vertical supporting members and horizontal wood �mbera exceed spacing of 16" O/c 3/8" rib lath 3.4 pound cordance with AISC's latest "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of 4.4.1 Diagonal Bracing- -Diagonal bracing in the Blind Fasteners: All blind fasteners shall be "A" WINDOWS S. 1.� I ws o g Structural Steel for Buildings." roof and sidewalls shall be used tDrilmove diameter, high-strength aluminum pop Standard Windows shall be horizontal slide locations, the sweeps shall be struck from the r shall b a ies: Metal 2.1.2 longitudinal loads (wind, crane, etc.) from rivels Type ADH as manufactured by the units finished, 'with a. bronze paint T -Off x same ormin%con o all electrical equipment whether grounds, Stops. expansion All cold -formed steel structural members ft structure, This bracing will be furnished United Shoo Machinery Corp. or equal. T-On.in Architectural and Long Span Walls-, includ ing conduit, disconnects, breakers, �oints, etc. shall be as manufactured by "Pry", "Milcor", shall be designed in accordance with AJSI's to length and equipped with bevel washers 6.2 4'-O" T-00 in Shadow Panet Walls. They Iwiring, circuit etc., valant West "Specification for the Design of Cold- and nuts at each end. It may consist of rods SEALANTS shall 'be furnished complete with 7/1,6" formed Steel Structural Members. threaded each end or galvanized cable with hermetically sealed double glass, hardware, 1-6-3 suitable threaded end anchors. 6.2.1 and half screen. Windows shall'be self- butted. All conduit shall be kept corked and dry du O 2.2 4.4.2 Closure Strips: The corrugations Of the roof flashing to wall panels. They penn h 1. I. Staples: 1" - 14 gauge galvanized for applic- DESIGN LOADS Flange Braces: The compression flange of and wall panels shall be filled with solid or Shall conform. to ANSI A 1 34.1 and shall be Should dirt oi moisture collect in any conduit, shall not be made at a time which will tring wiring. I 2.2.1 closed-coll, preformed rubber, neoprene or ce"ified by Architectural Aluminum Manu- shall to the inconvenience the Owner. Before making an final The following criteria W tive loads and all primary framing shall be braced laterally polyethylene closures along the save, ridge tacturers Association for high performance conne ting buildings or doing any interrupt 2. Purring Nails: 1-112" - 13 gauge galvanized Self -furring nails fo wind loads shall be folkANed in the design with angles connecting to the webs of purlins and rake when required for weather tightness., commercial construction HS -82 -HP 7. Condu,its endi other work that will the service, the of standard buikling components: or girts so that the flange compress". stress 6.2.2 8.1.2 the schedule the work at owner's convenience even if 3. Coiling Lath Nails: 1-112'! long, 11 gauge LOAD UVE WM is within allowable limits for any combination Metal Closures: The corrugations of the Narrow Light Windows shalt be wall units r movement of the motors when they are equipped with slide it is necessary to make such connections after blued steel wire with a 3/8" head fo 0ES10- LOAD LOAD APPUCATION CODE of loadings. Standing Seam 11 Roof Panel shall be filled x 7'-113/4" having dark bronze aluminum rails, The the conduit re' 2. Option: 1 X 3/4 X 16 gauge lathing 14ATION (Poo (Poo MistarecownwWrKe"k0d 4.4.3 with a formed metal closure at the building frames 13/4" x 411 and 1 " solar bronze an- t erminals on the motor and the conduit shall be "A" =12 is of unoom ewkbM Co& eave. The closure shall be formed from 20 healed insulated glass. The glazing stop 2.2.2 Special Bracing: When diagonal bracing is gauge aluminum coaled material to ft shape shall snap on using stainless steel spring prop s. The building components VW be designed not permitted in the - sidewaii a ngic trame of the panel rib. clips. 'there shall be no exposed screws on w taken not to disrupt existing facilities. If any facilities are disrupted, this Contractor shall to meet the most severe conditions pro- portal or fixed bass columns must be the Glazing Bead. Theglass shall be set boxes, or outlet boxes shall be secured in place replace or repair them at his expense and to the duced by the following load combinations: used. Wind bracing in this roof and/or waits 6.2.3 against the fin using Butyl Tape and sealed satisfaction of the Architect. 1.0 TION EXECU neW not be furnished where it can be shown Sealer: Long Span Panel roof side laps and on interior and exterior with GE Silicone to (a) Building dead load plus roof liv�e load dug Me diaphragm strength of ft roof andicr end laps shall be sealed with a mastic Sealer insure awater-tight seal and to enable truck with bushinq on end of conduit. g 3.1 Workman3hie (or snow) wall covering is adequate tP resist the applied 3/40 diameter for.roof slopes 1: 12 or greater, shipment without danger of glass slippage. are run exposed, the same shall be (b) Building dead load plus wind load wind forces. and 1/2" x '/*" tape for roof slopes 1/2:12 or installed straight ana true with reference to the Uniform T - BufTdl-ng Code, 1970 Edition and the Lathing and (c) Building dead load plus wind load S: ROOF AND WALL COVERING less. The material shall be a butyl base 8.2 dimensions, or locations of any of the equipment Kalitering Reference Specifications, latest edition as pre- plus one-half roof snow load elastic compound with a minimum solid PERSONNEL DOORS ve from those shown on the plans, the same shall be ornia Lathing and Plastering Contractors (d)Building dead load plus roof snow 5.1 content of 99%, Schnee -Morehead #5225 or 8.2.1 grou the c but ssoc load plus one -'half wind load GENERAL equal. The -Sealer shall have good adhesion Standard personnel doors shall be 31-00 x Owner. to metal and be non -staining, non -corrosive, 7'-O' x 13/4" manufactured from 20 gauge unde o 3.2 jjjhi�n wall panels shall be either Long non -shrinking, non -oxidizing, non-toxic, and galvanized steel. They shall meet Federal "No outlets for electric equipment shown on plans as 2.2.3 Span Panel, Architectural Panel non-volatilo. The service temperature shall Specification RR -0-575a ( and Con -t- with a 3/8" -Bolt* fixture stud. These boxes final, but the Arciiitect reserves the right to A. Metal Lathin&Horizontal Surfaces Roof live and snow loads shall be applied or Shaouw, Panel -as specified. bo� tram - 40OF to + 3000F. 'The material "wMial Standards CS -242-62 and PS4-66. shall be so set that when in place the fixture 1. Install metal accesss on ft honZonteIroof prolection. Wind loade 5.1.2 shall meet or surpass the requirements of They shallbe Sleeicraft SLT- - 20-4, or equal. and' true alignment. shall be assumed to act horizontally and Roof pan els shall'be Long Span Specification Mil -C-18969', Type 11, Class B, Doors shall have square edges for non- galvanized iron pull wire continuous from outlet shall be applied as pressure and suction in Panel or Standing Seam 11 Panel -T�C and Federal Specification 7 -1796A and handed installation. accordance with MBMA "Recommended as specified. AAMA 804. 1. Doors shall e Rush and have vertical uit will be permitted for connecting 1. s Design Practices Manual." 5.1.3 6.2.4 mechanical interkic" seams on both hingo Long Span roof and wall panels as Sealer- 3tanding Seam Roof and lock edges. shall be flexible liquid -tight metal conduit or ts at Inter- specified shall be 26 gauge G90 galvanized Panel side laps shall have factory applied Doom shall be provided with lop and bottom tubing with The Contractor shall furnish all labor necessary s 2.2.4 Steel. 26 or 24 gauge aluminum coated St". mastic, Chernseco Sealum SM -M or equal. inverted 14 gauge galvanized Steel channels wate ons. the connections for the tests. After the tests p s heets between supports. Where local jurisdiction dictates, designs 26 gauge prepainted G90 galvanized steel,' ft composition shall be 90% solids by weight. spot welded within the. door n in shav 4. based on other han above listed loads, or 26 gauge G90 galvanized SO* Pre -coated Service temperature range shall be - 200 F Doors shall be reinforced, stiffened, and ance with other of this all etc., to their than I" combinations of loads, or method of load with the DwbI-UVW system-. to + 200*,F sound deadened with imp regnated kraft Iaccord Spec ss u application may be obtained upon special 5.1.4 honey comb core completely fiRing ft inside m request. Architectural wall panels as speci- 6.2.5 faces of the door and laminated to the inside e work fail in any of t 5. Rib Metal Lath shall be lapped at s 3: BASIC MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS fled shall be 26 gauge pre -painted G90 Sealer All Standing Seam Roof faces Of the panels. shall be povided where required to compensate for nestling outside s galvanized SteeI. or 26 gauge embossed panel end laps, ridges and � eave closures Doors shall be reinforced for applicable ther and cont 3.1 G90 galvanized steel pre�coated with the shall be sealed with3/4" X 3/1 6 mastic, hardw". inch portion of the work replaced be again tested by o Ne tting PRIMARY FRAMING STEEL 0oubt-LamD System. Schnee -Morehead #5225 or equal. The 8.2.2 1. String Wires: On unsheathed walls apply 3.1. Steel for hot -rolled structural sections shall 5.1.5 material shag. be, non-slaining, non -corrosive, non -shrinking, non -oxidizing, Ion -toxic, and Door frames shall be 16 gauge galvanized in the the Architect, his horizontal strin taut conform to the requirements of ASTM Shadow'Pariets shag be er"bossed non-volatile. Composition shall be 99% S", prepainted white withS -V4 -Jamb depth. In g h presence of Engineer or Panels and circuits shall be ed and nailmd to every third stud with specification A -M. 24 gauge G90 galvanized Steel, pre -coated minimum solid with A butyl base meeting They Shall be Steelcraft OW -16 Series or shall be as shown on the drawings; however, the tested for and shorts with mains with the Doubl-Laml& System. performance of Mil�C-18969, Type 11, Class equal. Door cessary to suit conditions on the job or rearrangement of disconnected from the feeder, branches connected, S" for all built-up sections shall be Atlantic 5.1.6 8 and Federal Specification TT4,-1796A and iambs shall be constructed for non- hand installation. itted from the soc f lapping horizontal Joints 3, vertical joints 6". Nail Steel Covan 50, Republic Steel P-50 or Seam 11 Root Panels as Standing AAMA 804.1. Service temperature shall be Door harries shall be provided with weather- shall be tested at the panel with the equipment ng nails 12" o/e ver- equivalent, comparable to or exceeding specified shall be 24 gauge pre -painted G90 -400FtD+3000F. stripping for hsecl flashing.and door openwisgs, 2. The Contractor sh neral building the requirements of ASTM A572 Grade 50 galvanized S", 24 gauge aluminum coated 6.2.6. Door frames shall be provided with 1 1/2 plans with relat meet the requirements of the National Electrical for plates and bars and ASTM A607 Grade s", or 24 gauge G90 �galvanized steel Caulk: All gutierand downspout joints, rake per of 41/2 N x 4n weld on hirKjos and reversible Iout others and that when fixtures or other equipment Code. 50 for sheet and strip. Minimum Yield stress -coated with the Doubl-Lam,6 system. pre flashing laps, ridge flashing laps, doors, sthke Plate. are installed they will be symmetrically located inspection of the Architect and other interested athorities shall be conducted. 1,his Contractor pplywoven wire ne irection; stret shall be 50,000 psi - windows, and louvers shall be sealed with 8.2.3 h h Ing with 1-1/4self-furring nails, spaced at Vo/c ver- 3.1.3 5.2 PANEL DESCRIPTION. white or burnished slats pigmented acrylic Standard locksets shall be YWO CE -8722 expens any material or equipment that develops lesm than 16"o/c horizontally. Where Steel for all endwaJI "C" sections shall be 5.2.1 based caulk, Schnee -Morehead #5522 Or Morbw'or equal. defects or is determined not to be in conformance drietting down ove Republic Steel P-55 or equivalent, com- Long Span Panel shall'have equal. It shall meet or exceed,the require- of one year af ter the work is accepted by the parable to or exceeding the requirements major ribs 13/1,s" high Spaced 12" on center. ments of: AAMA Specification 802.3 Type 1, ANSI -A-134.1, ANSI -A-134.2. and ANSI -A- 8.2.4 Door threshold shall be aluminum, supplied on each branch circuit and the circuit tags show Owner. of ASTM AW7 Grade 55. Minimum Yield In the flat area betwe en the major ribs are 134.3. with flat head sciews and expansion shields stress -shall be 55,000 psi. two smaller ribs. Each panel shall provide for attachment to masonry floor. it will be connected. Circuits indicated with the I supports. 36" net coverage in width. All side laps shall 6.3 same hges shall be included in the Contractor's 3.: be at least one fult major rib. GUTTER, FLASHING AND DOWNSPOUTS GRAVITY RIDGE VENTILATORS I SECONDARY FRAMING STEEL 8.5.1 2. strip of the netting diagonally (12" x 24n). 3.2.i 5.2.2 flill.l Grwity ridge ventilators shall be manufactured Steel used to form purtins, girts, 9" struts "C" Architectural Panel shall have a, Gutters and Flashing: All standard exterior gutters are embossed 24 gauge galvanized from galvanized steel -and inted . white. pal 3. All wiring shall be done in identified LATH ANDO"I PLASO"TEF-ml in proper location and true alignment. and sections shall be Republic Steel P-55 or 9 m co to sistin of ribs 13/1s" deep. steel with Doubl-Lams finish in white or The ventilator,body shall be 24 gauge and �s ft irt, ihall quivalent, parable or ex- Major corrugations shall be spaced 12" on 'Standard flashing sk match the roof slope. Chain 4. wo wire s 3.3 Plastering cooding the requirements of ASTM A607 min center. Panel des' produces a decorative burnished slats. rake 1 S operated damper will be furnished when contractors that might cause injury to the said wire has been completed. care shall be used to nts A. Grade 55. M�inirnurn yield shall be 55,000 smooth �shadow-line with semi -concealed embossed 26'gaugw galvanized saW with Ooubkanys finish in whdo or burnW;Ined slale. specifmd. vemilators shall be equipped wtth pull wires to insure that no damage occ�rs to the A. ster faMeners. Architectural panels shall provide In no am shall flashing, be lea 1han N standard bWdscmens and riveted and caps. dered.soapst Safeguards, such as signs, ligh talled and maintained at danger points to 3.3 a 36" not coverage in,width. All side laps gauge s" Ventilators. shall be 1.0' long and ham a 911 ;.be used for pullinq in wires. guard against possible accident. Adjoining construction shall k ROOF AND WALL PANEL MATERIAL shall be at least one full major corrugation. throat. They shall be as manufactured by o swi,tches, base plugs, etc., the be protected against damage and stai 3.3. i 5.2.3 6.&2 Dwmipouts: ll downspouts shall be M AGN, Penin, orequal. e looped around the binding screws or o Note: Where mixed cement specified use equal parts of Type Panel material as speoified shall be 26 Shadow Wall Panel shall have a gauge galvanized s", with color coordi- 8.6 be" fitted with connecting lugs. At the ceiling outlets, this Contractor shall leave not B. ious gauge galvanized S", coating designation -configuration W wide- and 3 de* pwitha nated, Doubl-L AmO finish,, rectangular in LOUVERS 64 of free ends on each wire for connections to s G-90 conforming to the requirements of Con W rib 6 wide and 14/2 " deep. The panel ASTM A446 Grade E. Minimum yield stigas designproduciseacomrowelyhidclontealm LAN" shallbe manufactured from 24 gauge ll be permitted ex specified or show shall be 80,000 psi. panel. Not coverage of each panel'is 1 6 . 7: PAINTING galvwned Steel painted white, and shall be s cement (I sack) to self-traminq and,self-flashing. They shall be heads or openings. Panel material as specified shall be 24 5.2.4 STRUCTURAL PAINTING equipped with adjustable dampers unless fastened to the outlet box. where the outlet box Standing,'Searn,ll Roof Panel otherwise Specified. NorninaJ size she# be covers are back of the finished walls the witch C, Provide nds as indicated and at all a. Sand Finish: Prepared stucco mix with I gauge aluminum coaled Steel, Aluminized shall have a configuration consisting of 2" All ncoated structural s", and light gauge 41-01 x T -W. or receptacle shall be built out from the same ats s pint "Anti -hydro co.. Colors 1�pe 11 as monufac;tu" byArmco lisel NO (3 including Seam) by 43A" wide fib, 1111011101 bers shall be cleaned of all foreign with va,shers so that it is rigidly held in place The floating of a Corporation, or Galvalume as. manufacturd by Bethlehem Steel, Corporation or equal, sWW on, 24` conters, Panels shall be Joined at the sidolaps,with an interlocking matter and lobse scalle,and given a, one md rown coat of American'Buildiings' b Oxide 8.7 SKYLIGHTS rec be permitted. Note: with a mini mum yield Stress of 50,000 psi. seern standing I above the maW rib. Each mer. Primer shall ied by the use Of pn be appl -,I Stucco or,plaster shall Section "Caulking" to make watertight and light- panel shall provide 241, not coveirage in airliess hand guns or electrostatic automatic kylights shaill be translucent fiberglass Iproof. width. System. Primer moetsr exceeds the per- reinforCiiid pill'telemade iniho same configu- Conti APPRO formance requirements of Federal Speci- -0, AW . . .... NigY SE IIRAWIWqi�N II24 X 36 PRINTED 0 N NO. 1000H CLEARORINT 1.6-0, ELECTRI WORK U Insulation: All hot water piping $11all be insulated with standard Atr handling equipment shall be guaranteed by the Manufacturer to, additional cost. ecessary-to -&XECUTION HATERIAoS A. k0matic Electric Cont rol Eauipment: It thick sectional pipe covering with integral fire retardent jacket, per Title 24. operate Without Objectionable noise. The Contractor shall, at,his give the indicated volumes. Furnish , to the'Archi tect,-5'copies of lquch - up Metal work: Touch-up scraiches and mars in shop�coat. of all items receiving.paint, is th e intent of the Drawings and Speci ications that -a -IT utomatic electric control equipment and n s required to produce a condi- c cal''air with appropriate primer. A. All materials, Applia,aces, and tqvpeent a furn,ished materials pertaining thereto shall be furnished and installed under Trap Primers shall be E & S Primer valve or Sloan as indicated on satisfac tory to the,Archi'tect. Suc quantities and thie running amps of all mot Removal,and Storage of Hardware: All finish hardware to be removed by� the dwtner srhall b* 'now n -the be'* t, of" the Plumbing and Air Conditioning Sections of the Specifications. Automatic electric controls include drawings or schedule. prior to painting. their respective ki ' nds, free from, all s bear such items as thermostats, sole - noid and other electrically operated valves, transformers and start- GENERAL _KLUIREMENTS Drawings. PAINTING Protectioa: Floors, equipment and fixtures to be kept clean and pro- tected. UiL. Label, and of the, make, baind or qua'ity, 0 Poc f iod ing switches. Materials, installation methods and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the Electrical Section A. Pipin Installation - General: Pi I pe lines shall be constructed of The dumping of paints, stains, or washes in plumbing fixtures will not be allowed. or as accepted by the Architoc�t as he'rein pov 'i dad 'Phis shall also apply to, a-11 cations. of the Specifi- full length secO Ions of pipe as specified. Mo sho rt sections shall ever , this Cdntract c vatin bel ja foundations footings parts- of , th�e �wo or . not, whether I I his" 'partiular paragraph is:- roforr�ed, t, b A. be used except where length of runs requ ire,l ess than one full length ' sistance for propeeidentification pment, 'Repai nt- of shall be ma,' Right of Rejection: No exteripio or interior finishing shall be done 1. Conduit, wiring, conductors, outlets, disconnect -switches, of pipe. Shortsections, where permi tted, shall be fabricated from dimensions taken at the site. nishes shall be done by this Contractor. duit'shall under conditions which would jeopardize appearance of work in any way. Architect etc., will be furnished and installed under the Electrical Section of be done with care, and any openings shall be s s tight. not be run.in exc avat,lons for plumbing or �unless shall have the right to reject all work which is unsatis- factory and to replace the Specifications. Spri ng ing or forcing pipi ng into place will not be permi tted. Piping ' such work at contractors expense. DUMIORK shall be installed in such A manner as to prevent any undue strain on om g in- rc� inishedAr Unf eas: within the interior of the building'where painting B. Electric Power -Driven EQuIpment: It is the intent of the Drawings and Specification 7that-aIT-motors and Power -driven the equipment. structions forea hall Also start, 'Content, around nq the proper 'moisture ducts and tamped With of' walls and c"i ilings is excluded, Contractor shall include the prim- ing,, equipment con- nected with the work of these Sections shall he furnished under the Joints shall be smooth and unobstructed inside, and cut pipe ends shall h ystems and provide personal operating and Main- a pneumatic tamper. Sand fill may be 'inches, unddr-coating, and enameling of doors, trim, and items of black iron, i.e., Mechanical Sections of the Specifications. The installation of motors be thoroughly reamed to remove all burrs. Each length of pipe and etor who wi I l be� determined by the termina'ted-six (6*) m ts' 'and :any' pipe, bracket#, hanger rods, etc. and power -driven equipment is included under the Plumbing and Air each fi tting shall be carefully inspected and all obstructions removed additional fill required may be made accompanyiag diAwing ci's being 'furnished by Other Conditioning Sections of the Specifications. prior to fabrication. m r the operation of the equipment and Sys-tems. as -provided under subparag Equipment provided with a factory gloss finish need not be painted. be coordinated wit des ff E NIER'AL, ME This does not pertain to ceiling.,and wall registers. (GiAvanizing shall not be I . The Electrical Drawings and Specifications indicate and specify Screwed joints shall be made tight with tongs and wrenches. Any leaky considered as factory finish). conduit. conductors, outlets, etc., discon nect switches, starters connection shall be remade with new materials. The use of thread c*- AV*& HNN& a 0 E SHK FLOM E L E T OL I 'to ;4A L WW . 'shall keep the premises fr Redectgd Materials:, , Remove from the site immediately and making of final connections. ment or caulking to make joints tight is absolutely prohibited. o his waste �material or rubbi upon notifi- cation from the-Vrchitect. C. Starters: Starters for mechanical equi- pment as noted on the Control Air chambers as specified shall be installed in a vertical p sition at ol completi�.on of the work, �he shall remove All' his Thinning: Paint materials thinned only as directed by manufacturer's I Magrams. shall be furnished under Plumbinn and Air Conditioning Sec- tions for installation under the Electrical the end of each run of water piping serving a fixture or group of fix - tures. OR INAbC _ES1 ULATIQNS_AND CODES rubbish,,tools, scaffolding and surplus -materials from printed instructions.. At complep*on of work all paint work which does not show Section. Starters includ- ed with packaged equipment or as otherwise noted on the Control Dia - u sts shall be installed as indicated or required A and about the buildings, leaving the I premises in & uniform color and textW* will be deemed to have been incor- rectly thinned and Contractor grams shall be furnished under Plumbing and Air Conditioning Sections Water connections to all equipment shall be full size of the connection the scope of the regulations in clean condition. 'of will be required to apply additional Coats until uniform results are obtained., and shall be complete with suitable overload protection, up to the fixture stop or shut-off. Exposed fixture stops, piping'and/ the Codes or under the B. 611 exterior surfaces Jun',ior or equal. T E.M., ar or tubing, supplies, waste piping and traps in finished rooms shall be ' Administrative ly cleaned of all , plaster and' other including ' the exterior colors and Shades of Colors of all coats of paint, enamel, stain or 0. Responsibility for the proper operation of automatic electric controls heavily chrome plated. Code, Titles 19 thku 25. l under c urrept onduit, condui . fittings , conduit hangers,�insula h varnish as directed by the contracting officer. Each coat of paint of slightly different shade, as directed. Allowance and equipment and of electric power -driven equipment furnished under these Sections of the Specifications is included in the Plumbing and Piping installed outside of building below grade shall have a minimum state and local regulations, if any, (latest editiory *and supplement's.) C. All surfaces to be painted shall be caref'ully wiped or shall be Made for multi -coloring, so that certain work such as ceiling beams, dadoes. Air Conditioning Sections of the Specifications. of 24 .. cover to finished grade. C. State Board of,health. d; cracks and corners scra'' clean, grease and oil spots removed wood trim or wells may be finished in more than one color. The color may vary from each wall of each room in addition to dadoes, columns 17.0 ACCESS OPENINGS Close ni pples shall not be used. D. CL -OSHA Regulations. E. Nothing in so that, surfaces may r-eceive paint without further preparation. and ceiling colors. A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide sufficient Rough -in shall proceed as rapidly as the general construction will per - these Specifications, on the plans, D. -All fixtures and. plated materials.shall be thoroughly Cleaning In addition to requirements of the General Conditions: and' convenient access openings, panels, etc., in the building construc- tion mit and shall be complete and tested before any lathincl, plastering or th 9 of any of the above regulations pd lished. of zinc chromat and a coaj of primer- stale't and where required for the maintenance or the adjustment of dampers, installation other work is started. Work shall be fitted to the available space pertaining t 0 work which he is installing under this DAMAGE BY LEAKS A. Rubbish, waste, or surplus material removed from time to time, and valves, and/or removal of all equipment, or other items and shall be accurately roughed in. all adjacent surfaces and items cleaned of paint material before of the various systems and equipment. Each piece of equipment and run PERMITS FEES The Contractor shall be responsible it has time to dry. 18.0 EXAMINATION OF DRAWINGS A.40 SITE of piping shall be anchored to struc- tural supports to resist a lateral force of 50% of the equipment and/ -AND Par t 0 f the , premises caused by breaks in conduit or 8. The use of thinners and solvents on hardware or other finishes A. or pi ping operating weight. This also applies to vi bration i solators if Pay for and obtain all permits, inspection fees, etc., as specification for a of (1) done with care so as to avoid possible damages or removal of Before submitting his bid. the Contractor shall carefully examine both used, required for the Completion of all work included. in this period one year from, date of acceptance of the project' protective coatings or finishes. the Structural and Architectural Drawings for this work, along with Specifications for same in addition to Drawings B. Sewer, Soil Waste and Vent Piping: All vent Pipes passing through Any inspection Certificates required shall be GENERAL RE'u" ME(;`H xWAVI ORK the and Specifiactions governing the work in this trade. He shall also visit the site -of the proposed construction and familiarize roof shall-titend at least seven inches (7") above the roof line and shall be fl ashed and cou.nterflashed with four (4) pound lead peened in T CO hinds, Steel l. himself with all the site con- top of vent. junction bdxe:� ditions. No subsequent allowances will be make to the Contractor be- 6. All horizontal ductwork will be strongly supported with EXAMINAT AWINGS AND -S ITE 1.0 GENERAL CO'IDIT104S cause of his negligence in complying with the above, or his alleged inability to understand the requirements. Install cleanouts i nall drainage lines , whereshown and/or requi red bmitting his bid, the Contractor e recast .'Concrete Products or equal. All boxes shall have. lids by code, and in addition at each change in direction and at intervals shall careful-ly the and these utilities to avoid any damage thereto, and the be held responsible for The requirements Of Section I Are herein made A part of this Section. The It. 0 SERVICES not to exceed one hundred (100) feetin horizontal runs unless other - wi following are minimum requirements and shall govern except as exceeded by D. se shown on drawings. All cleanouts must be extended as specified. Specifications for same in addition to the drawings -and, a. The general location and arrangement of piping, requirements of other Contract Documents or Building Laws, Codes and/or Or- dinances having jurisdiction at the job A. The location of the existing water, sewer, gas and electric services shown on the Drawings is approximate Lines must have a uniform continuous fall to the point of connection H and. apparatus, , etc, , are showri n the drawi,nqs or herein and al n site. and shall be checked by this Contractor for exact location. with existing sewer and in general, this should he one-quarter (1/4) ions. No shall be made in acc Information on the drawings 2.0 PERMITS A!40 FEES inch per foot, unless otherwise shown on the drawings. All sewer actor because of his negligence in relative to existing 20.0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS mains and branches shall be set to grade by instrument. complying with the above or Minor de to to actual A. This Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits anti inspections necessary for the work described in these Specifications and Drawings. A . In accordance with generally accepted construction practices, the Vent pipe below grade shall be cast iron soil pipe. All horizontal e made Owner. without additional cost to Certificates of Inspection required by local authorities shall be Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for conditions vent lines shall pitch up to the vent stack at a,minimum of 1/4" per CONOUCTOF ThE WORK C. delivered to the Architect. Application for these services shall be of the job site, including safety of all persons and property during foot. Vent piping shall be graded for proper ventilation and to allow excavations, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect for ins made in writing by this Contractor in the name of the Owner and writ- performance of the work. This requirement will apply continuously piping to free itself quickly of condensation or water. Vents shall p entendent at all times to super Failure to do so will make the Contractor liable for ten records of the application forwarded to the Architect. and not be limited to -normal working hours. be ganged wherever possi ble. work. m A m s 3.0 C I ONTRACTOR'S RESPONSMLITY B. It is understood that the responsibility for proper attention to the SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS CONTRAC,roR,S RESPO VS18 ILiTy discovery of such utilit' ies not shown on the plans. These I in concrete block construction where Bowers above stipulations is included under this work. In case of any doubt Under no circum p I The Contracto r shall be responsible for the safety and good utilities' shall be removed or relocated as directed by the Architect. An equitable ad)ustment in A. This Contractor shall be dully responsible for the good condition of as to what is intended or what must be provided in matters of public A. Tests: Perform all tests to the entire satisfaction of the Architect involved. all materials and equipment until final acceptance by the Owner. This safety, request such interpretations or clarifications from the and constituted authorities. Tests shall be made in their presence at suitable barriers, D. The Contractor shall use special pr Contractor shall assume full responsibility for safety, loss or injury General Contractor. a time suitable for them and shall prove all lines to be tight and free from leaks. rotective devices, rning lights and wa red for the protection of the ions are ade in th to persons or property resulting from neglect by carelessness of his employees. C. The duty of the Architect to conduct construction review of the Con - members. public and about the buildings. he shall be fully since tney may te igh vL�aae ducts. All such ducts where larger diameter not ed on drawinQs And flange suonort for tractor's performance is not intended to include review of the adequacy Furnish necessary labor and equipment for testing and proving tight all ny loss or in]ury to persons or prop'trty shall be exposed by careful hand excavation so s not 4.0 SHOP DRAWINGS AMD RECORD DRAWINGS of the Contractor's safety measures, in, on, or near the construction parts of the work. Cos ts ofmaking such tests and replacing and/or m s neglect or the carelessness and neglect e to damage the d ucts or ause injury to pe sonnel and site. repairing any damage resulting therefrom shall be borne by the Contrac- shall be me r ked with warning signs, b A. Submit in accordance with requirements of General and �upol ".ntary 21.0 RULES OF LOCAL UTILITY COMPANIES tor. SUBM.ITTALS l. 4TANDARD PRACTICE Conditions. Systems shall be tested in accordance with the following schedule and 5.0 SUPERVISION A. Comply with all rules of the utility companies or districts. Before show no loss in pressure or visible leaks after a minimum duration of distri bution equ catalog All work not shown in Complete details shall be installed 1. par c submitting bid, check with each utility company supplying services four (4) hours at the test pressure indicated. n (7) in conformance with the best standard practice for A. This Contractor shall do all cutting and patchinq as required by the to this installation. Determine from them all costs and requirements for the services and include all such costs in the bid. This includes emed to aepted tme trade. the Architect for proper installation of the work in this Contract. All patching shall be services. meters, vaults, valves, sewers and all connecting fees. System Tested Test Pressure Psig. Test With of same materials, workmanship and quality and shall 1. All construction without prior approval of the Ardhitect INTENT match the adjoining work. PLUMBINV7 Soil, Waste, Drain. Fill with water to top Water transve n may be reflected hall be removed from 6.0 EXCAVATION ANO'BACKFILLMG t vi'ngs. Vent and Storm Drain of highest vent, allow ce ai r tight joints. the structure and replacet, with approved equipment or 2. The panelboard' i to stand two (2) hours A. All excavation for work to be done under these Specifications shall MATERIALS, FIXTURES AND 'IT _ELI PRE. or longer, as directed. GRILLES AND DIFFUSERS be done by this Contractor. All underground lines outside building shall be 24 inches A. Soil, !Jaste and Vent Piping Inside Buildin[ and Under Concrete: Stan- Hot and Cold Water 100 lbs. Water minimum cover. areas subjet to public view hall be�prime coat dardweig_hf� coated cast iron soil � pipe with bell and spigot fittings f B. Backfillinq, of.trenches, etc., shall be in six inch layers of damp- for finish coat by painter. In storage rooms, with neoprene compression joints or hubless fittings with neoprene and stainless Gas Piping 1-1/2 times the working Air. Soap cated on red capacities. All ened, tamped earth. Each layer shall be tamped separately to the equipment rooms, etc., finish shall" be standard gaskets steel shield and clamps. All cast iron pipe shall bear pressure with minimum and 4ater e CATALOG DA ERA S densi ty of the adjacent compacted material. f rtone. Provide cat.Ch only n all panels. the cast iron label of the Cast Iron Institute. Sewer of 100 lbs. all Joints , the Archi-�e'ct C. Puddling will be permitted for backfill six feet or more outside'Of 3. Seven copi' struction, drawi�ngg for the pane,lboards e l ets shall be, piping not under the building and not under concrete may be vitreous clay tile as shown on drawings. B. Connections and Accessories forEquipment Furnished by Others: Ascer- d distribution accessories required to affect these d with a complete set of catalog data which describes the buildings but not under paved areas or at locations of the elec- submitt approval, before tain quantity and details of same, then rough -in, supply and install condition nstalled by the Contractor. Grilles, registers, or ceil- e this Contract. The catalog shall be bound trical conduit. Density shall be as specified above. their constructi ed. Vent Piping and Drain Piping Above Floors: Sizes 3" and larger shall accessories and make connections as required to equipment furnished ing diffusers caug objectionable in a set and H. Terminal,Ca I binets: be standard weight cast iron, belf and -spigot, pipe and fittings with by others. LOCATIONS 0. Electrical conduit shall not be run in excavations orovided for the 1. ts� shall be flush or surfa,C4� lead and oakum joints. Vent piping.and drain piping 2-112" and smaller plumbing and heating piping. and located 6" or more above the building floor shall be standard C. Equipment Data: Complete data covering physical dimensions and rough - materials, apparatus and E. Sewer weight galvanized steel pipe with cast iron semi-recess,�d drainage fittings. in information shall be supplied to other trades working in connection and the location thereon indicated may be approximate Section of this and water shall each have a separate trench where possible. with the work of this part. specification shall be new and free from Where a common trench is used, the water pipe shall rest on a solid shelf at one side of trench with 12 inch minimum from top of sewer C. Water Piping shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe with galvanized PLY!�ING FIXTURES INSTALLATION equipment# it runs and the like as. elop with�ih a period of one (1) year from date of pipe to bottom of water pipe. walTeabTe iron banded fittings, or type M copper w/copper footings. Ductwork: acceptance of the work, due to m h screws. to the face All exposed piping appurtenant to fixtures shall be chrome plated brass A. 14ithin thirty (30) days after the Contract has been signed, the Con - rkmanship, the trouble shall be 7.0 CLOSING 13 UNINSPECTED WORK fittings. Protect underground pipe per 1.2 T. tractor shall submit six (6) portfolios to the Architect for approval far as -corrected and material and equipment replaced by A. If any Work is covered or enclosed before approval has been given. D. Gas Piping: Pipe shall be Schedule 40 black steel pipe with black mal- with full description and cuts of the fixtures to be used. 140 fixtures shall be installed until portfolios have been approved. potisible. this Contractor shall uncover this work at his own expense. leable, banded.150 pound fittings or tube turn, or equal, welding fit - Corning Fiberglas, or equal, duct insulation, 2" thick. nt SERVICES I. Receptacles and Plates: 1. 3 tings. Protect underground pipe per 4.0 T. B. Plumbing fixture trim and exposed supplies and wastes shall be brass passageways, clearance around all app equipment and under pipe lines for unrestricted 8.0 HA4GERS AND SUPPORTS E. Esc tcheons: Chrome plated brass with set with polished chrome finish unless otherwise specified. Individual loose key or screwdriver passage atid for easy servicing of all a g A This Contractor -shall provide all foundations, hangers and supports screws. stops shall be provided for all supplies. and unless otherwise approved by the Architect, shall be mounted under the e Checked by this required for proper installation of equi'pment and materials under F . Flashing: 4 pound lead. fixtures. All wastes shall be separately trapped. Exposed supplies this this Division of the Contract. and traps to wall shall be furnished with escutcheons as specified. Contractor's work and the work of other LIST -OF mruiALs s (-U4-0*)- satin finish,. G. Fixture Stops: American Standard or Kohler. Sheet metal ductswi e r a ved, by the Within thirty A30) calendar days after the award of the 9.0 CLEAMM UP C. Wall -hung fixtures shall be securely attached to a 3/8" thick x 6" 1. 'Fur es,brown, H. Unions: Right and left couplings for fuel gas except that ground joint wide steel plate which shall extend to atleast one (1) stud beyond 4 tures and A. Perform in accordance with the requirements of the General and Sup- unions may be used at fixture connections. Unions for steel water the first and last fixture mounting point. Plate shall be drilled and oth vices as indicated on the giving, in the case' of each item of material to be plementary Conditions. All exterior surfaces of equipment and pip- lines shall be galvanized, 150 lb. malleable iron ground joint. tapped at time of installation of fixture. Fixture hanger or arm shall drawings. , In the event these drawings do not used, the name ot the article. All substitutes must be ing, etc., shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, cement, etc. be supported free of finished wall by means of jam nuts. For wood sutriciently indicate the locations for All s'uch All surfaces requiring painting shall have all rust, grease. and 1. Cleanouts: As shown on Drawings and shall be,Zurn, Josam, Smith, 14ade construction, studs shall be notch ed and steel plate set flush with fixtures, appara approved by the Architect as stipu e oilspots thoroughly removed. All fixtures and plated trim shall be or equal. as follows: the surface. Plates shall be securely bolted to each stud crossed by shall obtain the exact from the r thoroughly cleaned and polished. Wall ZN1440-1 with stainless steel cover; Finished Floor - ZN1405-1; two (2) 112" steel baits on 4" centers with 1/8" minimum 1-112" back - up plates. For steel construction plates shall be securely welded ACCESS OPE NINGS 10.0 CONTINUITY OF SERVICES Grade ZN1450. to each stud crossed by acontinuous vertical fi llet weld of same size V A. This Contractor�-shall furnish and install any temporary se I rvices J. Yard Boxes: As shown on Drawings but not smaller than Christy #816, as stud thickness. Fixtures with back, specified with supporting arms, shall in addi tion to the above specified plates have fixture hanqers e Contractor -to provide required. 121, x 2 4". securely attached to 2" x 8" wood backing. r shall, as work progresses, V the 11.,0 PRELIMINARY OPERATION K. Air Chambers shall be not less than 18" long and of the same material 0. Floor- type water closets shall be set on Smith slotted cast iron floor for the installation where for the of , and/or and sizes as pipes in which they are installed, install at each fix- flanges with Smith #569 impregnated gas gasket and shall be held in removal of all and A. This Contractor shall operate any portion of systems and equipment ture or at end of header serving battery fixtures. place wi th 5/16"solid brass bolts. Putty will not be permitted for equipment. at the request of the Owner. This operation shall be under the L. Water Valves: Steel Piping. thisjoint. supervision of the Contractor. Preliminary operation shall not be width of ducts or casings exceed 18 -inches, sheet f-etal screws considered as acceptance of any work under this Contract nor shall E. Pi pi ng supporting flush valves or hose bibbs shall be securely strapped the Contractor shall obtain exact rough -in dimensions from the r ile with the Architect two (2) it affect the guarantee period for equipment so operated. Gate 2* Gate 2S" Globe Check 2V to the building structure at each valve to preventdisplacement through manufacturer of such equipment and he Shall erials, job in unbroken padXages and a6prOved' by the Job Less Over All S Less manual pressure applied to the valve. manner. equipment, appliances and rentals thereof within two 12.0 SITE CONDITIONS m 2. All branch,circuit wi all betype "Tw" Crane 438 461 7 37 F. Pipe size for fixture connec tions shall conform to tha t shown in the ncreased in outsi ION A. Before submitting a bid, this Contractor shall examine the job site Jenkins 370 326 106A 92A fixture schedule on the Drawings. and familiarize himself with all site conditions. "lo allowances shall Walworth 4 719-F 95 406 services shall be type THW, be made to this Contractor for failure to comply with this require- Kennedy 427 058 89 440 G. Equipment Connections: Water and drain connections shall be provided 3. Number 12 AWG.g,Auyo w -ire shall be the smallest ment. port ion of the systems or equipment herein specitied- be operated prior to the final completion and by the manufacturer, distributor or whole s for each piece of equipment requiring same as indicated on the Drawings. A. Complete systems of automatic c and acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall consent. Such operation Furnish "T" handle wrench for underground valves. Gas Connections shall be provided for all gas-fired heating equipment 13.0 SPECIFICATIO.NS AND DRAWINGS irection of the sted by the Architect. indicated on Drawings. M. Gas Valves: Square head brass cocks with check, Crane #254, or equal. b, stranded'. 5, ctor of a1l� light" A. It is intended that Specifications and Drawinqs shall'be correlated with one another. Anything represented on account therefor Furnish ea h valve with operating wrench, "T" handle wrench for under - ground lines. ' AW R "ON'ITIONI" on one but not the other of the Contract. Such preliminary operation, or payment therefor, shall not be m pment provided by the Contractor U shall be considered as presented on both Specifications and Drawings. 3. Isolators: Semco Isolators at each pipe hanger. F.W. Maloney Company . .0 i deal ftWing NUts , "Scotchlock", or 14.0 GUARANTEE before jilvanized pipe insulator at each ferrous to non-ferrous pipe connection. FOUNDAT104S KID SUPPORTS A. All -materials and equipment installed under this Contract shall be 0. Hose Bibbs: As shown on Drawings. A. Except for the work included in other trades, this Contractor shall TES'TS guaranteed free from mechanical, electrical and workmanship defects P. Pipe Hangers and Supports: Grinnel Company #149 ring type.�with 3/8" provide all foundati ons, supports and hangers and other items as re - quired to install the for a period of one year from date of final acceptance. This Contrac- tor hanger rods, Unistrut and "V" support. Spacing of hangers and supports equi Pment as specified or as shown on Drawinns. mechanical Contractor sha 11 furnish mounting templates to e tight all work, furnishing all shall be responsible for all damage on the premises caused by leaks ELECTRICAL shall not exceed 6'-0" for 1/2" pipe, 8'-0" for 3/4" 1" pipe and 10'-0' as required. other trades g of breaks in pipe and fixtures installed under this Contract. for pipe I -1/4" and larger, and same shall be provided at each piping All fans, air conditioning units and resulting from tests. L OCATIONS WORX offset. Semco pipe isolators shall be provided around pipe at hanger compressors shall have vibration isolators of thi type indicated in onable noise and vibration. I clamps. all supports and/or bases and shall not have any stays, guys or supports which will short circuit the A. The work as laid out is to some extent diagrammatic and the location thereon indicated may be Q. Sleeves: Standard weight pipe or 24 gauge galvanized iron. Greater vibration dampeners. All equipment shall be supported, braced and cross-bracedi nsuch a manner "J, approximate only. The Contractor, therefore, shall install all equipment, apparatus, sys wn On the in di ter by I" than the pipe. Sleeves for copper pipe shall be as to preventswayand/or lateral move - ment. he even destribut pipe runs and the like as follows: drawings or by this of the Orangeburg Pipe. Any insulation or pipe protection on either side ing and the proper functioning of controls and equipment. ef l ll equipment SPeCifications. of the wall shall be carried through the slee4- STAGING ETC. y ted by this Contractor prior to 1. Adhere to the location indicated a's far as possible. R. Access Boxes: Karp, Zurn. Smith, or equal, 10" x 10" prime coat and A. Provide all staging, scaffolds, patforms, ladders final inspection by the Architect, or 2. Ma i ' ntain ample headroom in all rooms and passageways, clearance m s detaiL Allen k k. or similar facili- ties required to properly carry on the work. n weather conditions around all apparatus and,equipment and under pipelines for unre- stricted passage and for� easy servicing S. Fixtures and Equipment: As shown on Drawings. Fixtures on nrawinos GUARANTEES of all apparatus, equip- ment devices, and the li#e. ' which are necessary n, order to I mace complete working systems, are specified American Standard for convenience only. Kohler fixtures of the installation of the system, the Contractor for thi's work shall rk exceptinq only those portion* that are *p,*c:Jfic&11y Mentioned, of same quality, appearance and comparable catalog number as shown on comptrison chart in the plumbing manual, "The Trade Book", will be In addition to the requirements of Section the following requirements SuPP ly qua I i f i ed workmen,. equi pment. i ns truments and the , I i ke. to 3. fn the event there is interference between this Contractor's work And heir*in or plainly marked- on 'the �accompanying drawings 'being, accepted as equal without request for substitution except fixtures shall apply: adjus t and place in satisfactory opea the work of other trades, the Contractor may move or offset the work of any of the trades if specifically approved by the s d rContrac tors. of one (1) manufacturer shall be used throughout. Hater heater shall A. The operation of all parts Of the system shall be noiseless to the tioning. Tests of h m e Arch i tec: t. be as indicated on drawings and equipped with a combination tem.Dera- extent thatno objectionable sound of operation will be heard in the weather condi tions and tests Of Cooling equ.fpMent under cooling Weather conditions. comply with respective utility company requirements, C. El his work with the' ture-pressure relief valve having a capacity not less than the input occupied portions of the building. :4. Virify the exact 1 Cations of all fixtures and other apparatus or a ctibrs and capacity of the heater. install thermal element in top six inches (6") of tank. devices as indicat on the Drawings. In the event these Drawings falling. B. All apparatus or equipment shall operate in strict accordance with F . Ventilating, and,Air ConditioninT Systems e all ventil'atinq and air do not indicate the exact -locations for all such fixtures, appar- T. Underground Pi -ee Protection: All underground black and galvanized detailed Specifications covering each item, and shall be of Sufficient atus or devices, the Contractor shall obtain the exact locations conditioning SySta" to conform to. air Wumes indicated on drawings. All tests ad- in steel Pipe $hall be protected with "X -Tru -Coat" brand extruded plastic capacity to maintain a.11 conditions as set forth in the Specifications from the Architect. justments apparatus and ducts for securing proper volumes and face or shall be machine Wrapped with Jolins-Manville "Printed Trantex" us- and/or as Shown on 'the Drawings. r for each grille. register, ceiling outlet, $hall ing a single wrap 20 mil thick wjth 1/2" overlap o6 straight pipe and C. The sizes of twn 121 wrane. nf in mil tano nn fittinnq ;knd fiald inintq all apparatus, piping , ductWork, etc., are minimum and :7 APP ROVED BY pulleys, no Are I nt C 0 actor, t , -inclusivo,. 24 X 36 PRINTED ON NO. 100014 CLE"PAtNT 'A' D. Atr handling equipment shall be guaranteed by the Manufacturer to, additional cost. ecessary-to in HATERIAoS operate Without Objectionable noise. The Contractor shall, at,his give the indicated volumes. Furnish , to the'Archi tect,-5'copies of six inch (6") layers of dampened earth, each layer n s required to produce a condi- c cal''air tamped n a manner 'approved by the Architecit, to the d0n S it A. All materials, Applia,aces, and tqvpeent a furn,ished satisfac tory to the,Archi'tect. Suc quantities and thie running amps of all mot y of . the surroun Any ding undisturbeid earth. by� the dwtner srhall b* 'now n -the be'* t, of" surp resulting from shall be istributed, 'directed their respective ki ' nds, free from, all s bear Drawings. PAINTING over the site as by t he Architect. ANUddling will be 'where UiL. Label, and of the, make, baind or qua'ity, 0 Poc f iod _FLASHI1G not bermtted co!2duits occur. or as accepted by the Architoc�t as he'rein pov 'i dad 'Phis shall also apply to, a-11 ever , this Cdntract c vatin bel ja foundations footings parts- of , th�e �wo or . not, whether I I his" 'partiular paragraph is:- roforr�ed, t, b A. Wherever any part of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning sistance for propeeidentification pment, 'Repai nt- of shall be ma,' number system has to pierc nishes shall be done by this Contractor. duit'shall be done with care, and any openings shall be s s tight. not be run.in exc avat,lons for plumbing or �unless B. A1 apparatus, con4du it systems# etc.. shall, be insta'l 'led �'and iriteronne ' ected so as to �form Complete systems as herein specified and/or DUMIORK om g in- rc� shown a aCCOOPanying, draw' the 098 This,-Contiactor -shall, furnish structions forea hall Also start, 'Content, around nq the proper 'moisture ducts and tamped With And install work nec.it t�O make 'COmplote 46e 1k i a ssary gmmatic and indi,cate- S o h ystems and provide personal operating and Main- a pneumatic tamper. Sand fill may be 'inches, systems 0 xcepting, onl' Y thO ' se, port ions It h4k t ae I I etor who wi I l be� determined by the termina'ted-six (6*) m ts' 'and :any' Specif ic&11Y fit ione4- h erein or� plainly Marked on' piping and ducts shall be governed by the Architectural and Structural additional fill required may be made accompanyiag diAwing ci's being 'furnished by Other drawings. This Contractor shall la h a ma m r the operation of the equipment and Sys-tems. as -provided under subparag o. be coordinated wit des ff E NIER'AL, ME C. RacewayS for the installati rs, anchors, and, the work of other Contractors AV*& HNN& a 0 E SHK FLOM E L E T OL I 'to ;4A L WW . 'shall keep the premises fr Non-metallic appro d6ry,uit shall bie 09C 9ched-u-le 40; only ' for' undergroond 14ork o his waste �material or rubbi r un�s Aporov ed Are Carlon or Metal ir Conditioning IlLiAannod Vetilation- completi�.on of the work, �he shall remove All' his equal. 1 1 1 . I A'0'd 'Steel -Conduit shall be I ...... ...... 1. Ducts, plenum OR INAbC _ES1 ULATIQNS_AND CODES rubbish,,tools, scaffolding and surplus -materials from National lect' ric Products, Trianglo Conduit, an' d Cablr co' u sts shall be installed as indicated or required A and about the buildings, leaving the I premises in & Wa, r equaY. p e the scope of the regulations in clean condition. 'of be National Electric PiOducts Corp., "X111- Duct the Codes or under the B. 611 exterior surfaces Jun',ior or equal. T E.M., ar ' Administrative ly cleaned of all , plaster and' other including ' the exterior type. 31" to 5411 24 22 Code, Titles 19 thku 25. l under c urrept onduit, condui . fittings , conduit hangers,�insula h D. Pull Boxes: Pu ll Boxes shall meet a1'1 dodo requixew4nts as to size. 20 state and local regulations, if any, (latest editiory *and supplement's.) C. All surfaces to be painted shall be caref'ully wiped or for conduits termi,nating , thereir� and to thick n, joints, stiffeners, etc., shall conform to C. State Board of,health. d; cracks and corners scra'' clean, grease and oil spots removed Fabrica ted -sheet steel 'pull boxes s1,1- all be installed' the requirements of the Uniform Mechanica.1 Code. D. CL -OSHA Regulations. E. Nothing in so that, surfaces may r-eceive paint without further preparation. only in dry, prte ations and, shall oe furn.Lshei 'with knoc kouts be used for equal' these Specifications, on the plans, D. -All fixtures and. plated materials.shall be thoroughly and removable - Box shall be,-finishred with one coat size rectangular ducts where structural conditions permit. Round ducts shall &e sheet metal th 9 of any of the above regulations pd lished. of zinc chromat and a coaj of primer- stale't and pertaining t 0 work which he is installing under this DAMAGE BY LEAKS where expostid to public, view d to match the surrounding surface,. hall of not PERMITS FEES The Contractor shall be responsible 2. Weatherproof sheet steelpu,ll box fabricted of code gauge, more than one f e e where possible. -AND Par t 0 f the , premises caused by breaks in conduit or galvanized' sheet steel 0 irliish Pay for and obtain all permits, inspection fees, etc., as specification for a of (1) An be furnish ed d made complete'ly n required for the Completion of all work included. in this period one year from, date of acceptance of the project' 3. times the duct width or shall have turni Any inspection Certificates required shall be d rers for m' boxes aria Circle Aw, Crouse T CO hinds, Steel l. junction bdxe:� 6. All horizontal ductwork will be strongly supported with EXAMINAT AWINGS AND -S ITE and telephone boxes shall be Christy C OnCr6te Products, For n i ter than five foot spacing. bmitting his bid, the Contractor e recast .'Concrete Products or equal. All boxes shall have. lids ctions: "Ventglass- connections shall be us' ed to shall careful-ly the and these utilities to avoid any damage thereto, and the be held responsible for Power", *tlecterical s`gq&.l*, etc. D. ��ers, Specifications for same in addition to the drawings -and, a. The general location and arrangement of piping, E. Time H and. apparatus, , etc, , are showri n the drawi,nqs or herein and al n Flush mounted, with Astro' Dial 6 6 hour I Balancing dampers where indicated or required P ions. No shall be made in acc Information on the drawings sp Tork or equal. be constructed o actor because of his negligence in relative to existing complying with the above or Minor de to to actual All outlets boxes shall be standard o s. -Access, doors or panels shall be provided in buil ding e made Owner. without additional cost to piece galva outlet box National, construct required for damper adjustment. CONOUCTOF ThE WORK C. proved equal.. E. Fire Dampers: Shall ith Part #I, Section excavations, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect for ins shall be standard 'galvanized',,� Nati hall be State Fire Marshal Approved. Suitable p entendent at all times to super Failure to do so will make the Contractor liable for p equal. -smaller Refer to Drawings for detail work. m A m s all be th Aepth except of fire dampers and CONTRAC,roR,S RESPO VS18 ILiTy discovery of such utilit' ies not shown on the plans. These I in concrete block construction where Bowers F. Under no circum p I The Contracto r shall be responsible for the safety and good utilities' shall be removed or relocated as directed by the Architect. An equitable ad)ustment in 4, F1'oor- �all have f'ully b r involved. 'Otlets,o aoju�stable ca qual with flush flip top ports secured to wood struc- ture with lag screw suitable barriers, D. The Contractor shall use special pr duplex service fittings, Hubble # S-3 92-5 or , equal S rotective devices, rning lights and wa red for the protection of the ions are ade in th for 120V power and Hubble 2625 with 1* stand pipe except members. public and about the buildings. he shall be fully since tney may te igh vL�aae ducts. All such ducts where larger diameter not ed on drawinQs And flange suonort for ny loss or in]ury to persons or prop'trty shall be exposed by careful hand excavation so s not teleohone's nals. fll visible finish to -be brass. Provide carpet flange ar beams, etc., even if Drawings do not indicate same m s neglect or the carelessness and neglect e to damage the d ucts or ause injury to pe sonnel and to coordinate with this Trade. shall be me r ked with warning signs, b 5. p nafter SUBM.ITTALS l. 4TANDARD PRACTICE sP-cified.or as shown on drawings. i n the opera tion. En- bo g a m distri bution equ catalog All work not shown in Complete details shall be installed 1. par c b n (7) in conformance with the best standard practice for ih set up by the Underwriters' emed to aepted tme trade. the Inc.,, and as by I um a G.E., or 'o 1. All construction without prior approval of the Ardhitect INTENT and , eacti, shall contain the number and ' t pe of y transve n may be reflected hall be removed from t vi'ngs. ce ai r tight joints. the structure and replacet, with approved equipment or 2. The panelboard' i i er cost to the Owner. Anything l doors, "Uni-Flat* f ront typewritten I GRILLES AND DIFFUSERS RECORD DRAWINGS . ngs,- or indicated in the specifications, directlories. All finish in offices, corridors or but required for complete operating systems areas subjet to public view hall be�prime coat included as part of This shall includ for finish coat by painter. In storage rooms, cated on red capacities. All equipment rooms, etc., finish shall" be standard e CATALOG DA ERA S f rtone. Provide cat.Ch only n all panels. , the Archi-�e'ct f 3. Seven copi' struction, drawi�ngg for the pane,lboards e l ets shall be, d distribution accessories required to affect these d with a complete set of catalog data which describes o covered by notes on the dr- Work covered by notes. submitt approval, before condition nstalled by the Contractor. Grilles, registers, or ceil- e this Contract. The catalog shall be bound d and insta lled whether it is specif ically their constructi ed. ing diffusers caug objectionable in a set and H. Terminal,Ca I binets: LOCATIONS GUARANTEE 1. ts� shall be flush or surfa,C4� ted with hinged doors and catch. materials, apparatus and to be- prime coat or hammertone finish. I e cts, mixed air plenums, and the location thereon indicated may be approximate Section of this Provide 3/4" 'plywood backing inside m specification shall be new and free from Provide proper number of terminAls in equipment# it runs and the like as. elop with�ih a period of one (1) year from date of cabin i B. Ductwork: acceptance of the work, due to m h screws. to the face rkmanship, the trouble shall be Of each terminal cabinet: which will 1. Metal supply and return ducts concealed in attics except where an far as -corrected and material and equipment replaced by id acoustic lining is to be used shall be 3/4 pound.density Owens- potisible. Corning Fiberglas, or equal, duct insulation, 2" thick. nt SERVICES I. Receptacles and Plates: 1. 3 passageways, clearance around all app equipment and under pipe lines for unrestricted wire. brown type duplex receptacles at a 11, n in place with 16 gauge soft passage atid for easy servicing of all a g receptacle, outlets as indicated, on drawings, annealed galvanized wire e Checked by this a ade Leviton, Bryint, Sierra -or spaced not more than 1 this approved equal,. 2. All rece and fittings. Contractor's work and the work of other LIST -OF mruiALs s (-U4-0*)- satin finish,. Sheet metal ductswi e r a ved, by the Within thirty A30) calendar days after the award of the J. Local Switchosand Plate's: Duct Linin sha suppl A 1. 'Fur es,brown, al en55 f 15 -feet from the point ofconnecti nn to the a ir Con- 4 tures and quiet type 12,U/277V AC Only contr6ili ng wall and oth vices as indicated on the giving, in the case' of each item of material to be on' i!he drawings'. All drawings. , In the event these drawings do not used, the name ot the article. All substitutes must be Switc sutriciently indicate the locations for All s'uch Bryant, Sierra or approved eq Ual a6d have ampere fixtures, appara approved by the Architect as stipu e o n shall obtain the exact from the r 2. le plates. ACCESS OPE NINGS 3. tches are in proximity they shall be the Owens-Corninq PPG "Superfine", Johns -Manville "Micro -Bar" or CSB "Ul V ganged' in same box and they, will be tra-Li ner". e Contractor -to provide 4. o with minimum coverage of 50% of the metal surface, with the r shall, as work progresses, V the coated side facing air stream. Longitudinal joint sh for the installation where for the of , and/or with all joints tightly butted and heavily sized removal of all and i n- ontrac�' sha,l-1 be of a inuity of the equipment. urer -as approved by' the National em. 14here d f'. Fire Underwriters and be of the size as i e width of ducts or casings exceed 18 -inches, sheet f-etal screws ered mechanical fasteners in addition to adhesive the Contractor shall obtain exact rough -in dimensions from the r ile with the Architect two (2) Underwriters' label and Shall be brought to the centers. Insulat manufacturer of such equipment and he Shall erials, job in unbroken padXages and a6prOved' by the Job rm manner. equipment, appliances and rentals thereof within two talled m 2. All branch,circuit wi all betype "Tw" ncreased in outsi ION ested by the Architect. cop otherwise noted. All sulpfeeders and main el services shall be type THW, Should the Owner require through the Architect that any s of acceptance of purchase orders for ma 3. Number 12 AWG.g,Auyo w -ire shall be the smallest TEMS port ion of the systems or equipment herein specitied- be operated prior to the final completion and by the manufacturer, distributor or whole s gauge wire used, except for signal circuits which, A. Complete systems of automatic c and acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall consent. Such operation (6) weeks from the date' of Notice to Proceed with the shell, be as shown on plans or as specitied under other sections tens of air conditioning, heating and ventilating. irection of the sted by the Architect. o ons . 4 AlA wire #6 AWG gauge, or larger,shall r shall be deemed b, stranded'. 5, ctor of a1l� light" on account therefor sufficient cause for the Architect to e Siz s o the drawings, will be furnished of the Contract. Such preliminary operation, or payment therefor, shall not be m pment provided by the Contractor 6. ri al,wire le construed as an acceptance or his subcontractors toward the comple . .0 i deal ftWing NUts , "Scotchlock", or manufacturer or his representative. before nectors.' 7. Splices' in 8 payme wires gauge.and larger shall be mae 'Scot'ch,,,'1Bu*rndy TES'TS with crimp on to.lde�rless,:donnector, CUTTI u tors to switches or e tight all work, furnishing all ELECTRICAL be, Made' ' with one piece lugs for all. vi,rt's, for conductors as shown on- plans. g This Contractor shall do all cutting and patching of the r 8. nch circuit shall be marked with tht resulting from tests. Approved by the Architect nd/or Engineer. All patching WORX circuit number a A ' onable noise and vibration. outlet the pan -41. E.- Z Cod e , Markers, (' a FOUNDAT f the work inc'ludes labor and materials necessary for the complete wiring . upports and sys wn On the Lighting Fixturl.l.- he even destribut etc. , as- required to install the equipment -as drawings or by this of the 1. This co bmit-for approval 4ovep ing and the proper functioning of controls and equipment. ef l ll equipment SPeCifications. (7-). portfolios with full 'desaviption And 'Cuts Of y ted by this Contractor prior to braced and cross -braced in such manner as to a. The Contractor l work e proposes t.0 use,. I 2. This, COntractor shall -turnish':and final inspection by the Architect, or m s detaiL al I lighting, -fixtures and lamps as indi th x-Cated oil -.' 0 n weather conditions AND BACXF1LLING s are mentioned in t ons O on the drawings, but -Electri-cal Drawin a and in aCCOtdAndi' �with 'those which are necessary n, order to I mace complete working systems, specif,�catiohs. of the installation of the system, the Contractor for thi's work shall rk exceptinq only those portion* that are *p,*c:Jfic&11y Mentioned, 3. bl-ei f or the, 'shall be hold responsi, SuPP ly qua I i f i ed workmen,. equi pment. i ns truments and the , I i ke. to shall be done by this Contractor. underground lines heir*in or plainly marked- on 'the �accompanying drawings 'being, op f -ail , f ixture , oult1ots with adjus t and place in satisfactory opea m s d rContrac tors. f pr roper -doigpi as Shown_ tioning. Tests of h m e cover of 24", except depth of utility S ervice4 shall 4. Ai1 surf',,4te and. stem sus'peh:sion fixt -Shall bo weather condi tions and tests Of Cooling equ.fpMent under cooling Weather conditions. comply with respective utility company requirements, C. El his work with the' Securely Anchored' to 'th*' ou.tlet boxos,,-" ad a ctibrs and Stucture to pro ent any 00*4 i blit chti;c f even to afford' bearing f of the falling. F . Ventilating, and,Air ConditioninT Systems e all ventil'atinq and air barrel of the pipe. Any part of the trench excavated below grade shall, be corrected with thoro-ughly h rect location' for the '"equipment served, including,'all mechanical, and signal equpment conditioning SySta" to conform to. air Wumes indicated on drawings. All tests ad- in cOmP&CtOd materil Approved by the e is soft,and, connect same. Electrical Conriactor must provide of the* justments apparatus and ducts for securing proper volumes and face the -the power correct voltage and -phase to each r for each grille. register, ceiling outlet, $hall opinion of Architect, can he isquipment. be made by the Contractor. Where required or directed by the Arc'hi- b provided with larger or smaller at rth4r depth Shall be'excavated' and r*f illed to pipe foundation grade as required 'by�'th* st r enience of t:he APP ROVED BY pulleys, no Are I nt C 0 actor, t , -inclusivo,. E,, VI 0 -77; 9.4-141 DRAW NU T 7 0 .xfr r mopm,i g , S 4' MIN. , ,MUST AISVI II "r GISE GYM !Y.OWasAC"1� .Vc' i'sc� 5 G'i4 P. E/7'T",$)w Q- C -x^ LAS. Too of ^awq - • lot - o -o M Fltd�•iF i 4EG2L/JJOOV tom! /vt7 C2Jl i CTz ` fx► IN GE3 `E71i�G 1r7Yi"uS '#ANV `-a'>< AL4:O f A,,A4N 6 -+tom "1•A . 84�/£a� /5 +OV�GIfaC� I YKXs LJ/LL FiO'F,ay�JT -� _ .. - u � ,E-)ItiJC'7��Ci4f'X-JM�IT t.;1� C G"hr�y�• l•.fAC,J�1•rH�S - ,. lJ5F:f w5 M aST NC*7- Ee .� T t�4S TtwA7"" :lit. .45 4 N F t�C�LL1M : SaL.'�D fes/ % l+ C>3 CTrNfiilx 7%•U4N , v ._ 7h'6l1� CZ•/N p• s• -o MIM-✓NE1`1 G iVGr c.JCLc / fL / T 141.45 r51OW O= 4,0Z GOADASWr _ i 7D CSE 14' <.l1C�, LJNOb 7V A?3C V1CME A 9' JA A; P! . , w..«.« a-,� AVER Arm .A S' G�A�C A.-.0. [19VLQ AgEa4 WAliii, 5 I JL ISI 1V1�'X SigrGL� ' C.A�I re 7L�EaL� �.IJT� 1In1 A4 �3' IJJCaE APF.r4 - - .. °. : 4--a- «MI :.... (0SAc74.+ /5 f4%�c//i &O 7D AS Ar . « »•. A . r...m ... M 1.E.76 -'ST 10 LL/`,�. 7 StCpe- AqFAS = -7XA-- 4.I Mew 0 MMI LC i'�E ti ^j/ L ,` tAL. > FrCJT 7th rw*C7TM.,.© r4!f'T /N C?1P�'�j•/G�i'W 8 ' MAX t'• f��1Alf''S hdIT E- : �" / N7�7 . _ f+.neewoewir f'.r•nry 4,p. Tr, t-. S4AL4 At3E AA3.&A ."'CCWsN - 3'-O• Tr♦ T r.wr te,.aae I •' 5 6 -O• - m. MMS �wM -�yMw PARKING ft . � 1 JJL,,,(WA EN7PAkCVS AF P'1('{U 7b J I77P/£ti i,11 X1 .ST LST GSE S'T.4NJOAJY0 5:N -LvD Amir :q,% LXA6C ' 96X,5 A6 jj nn 70 L°f_ \,75legE- 7D FiQCS ALGA APDfYOK�4,l),,v U P!� 1.lAj'S q CZ-Yl.,7,VNS ✓-C2 7;4AN .x.E /ViAJN C ^ ill/ JS F� 1F' C ' �► • s- LPvE._ FCa°` LFE p� J G4�! � 1J F# xr�S A 5GOV 5t-04✓/A,4� /75 G 00,77 kJ rs ,,I <:ZwpFr AT Ci: 14ES 2 3 FYh/ILi :>i$ t,//T? d I/v7f �'✓./i417L�' LAL- AT ALL NC j- G` BV7?54 )L- -slex�r� z1 �maTlc�v . . xz��s/�c.� .�. /� � ac�r�zo►�Iwc.. Er�c'7�4N:�. 4 MA:)s 7t!�) FiCC?o.• 0- A > EZZ LA T 7 0 .xfr r mopm,i g , S sOEM DIRECT-IONAL SIGNSO n., c ur R . c�ec x .a.� ra rer t cx a � ac c 7� r.r f , Mme. �. r r / Y : A w n v� 1-.0YM fav � �y y�-y+ ��� �t^� .f Di SIT C� 1=a�G7 / _ST.�1MQ. br A 37POD " t.%Jl�` J'-3:AOS 5-^P -` � lvwwl'vUAA A4j...�[e�•,1AjN.E - e � � � Cr A A4NA _ /5 1 n Aye 1L L A �dD /. 41% Mei tE ,i4ti/ /" F�G7%1 f .tom =' L AAZ N- S .PE PE- KUIPEO Ar 70' A' JO e0r=AA G#= c71t 4,arAC�n4wl -V-, Air -9-45� v/syard r /,�,t,qA1AMO ->AJ�-:: r -o anx .xMT 8 0 ��MAMP r, e a� 5&ZW C AS 74P Cy� � � s n,.aa � � � � ; � , � w17k Cxz7h9vNcy L 4AD O= sco Cot l �IlL sllf'E � L•X acC a lr r:�� 4 ,r•./rnu 71 1-1,Y MAX LC' k £ /1iW lig LJJL ( ' AR4tAq �T •4,1S4£k3 . "AD C/RXA(_ Ci PV9 1/` T1 r C X 47L L.41 tf . 5 ,WILL 1e /PSD 7D ge 6000 ` 3 t-JI.el E: `3T'AhW-4Af Lz2"4Q- C-' � .A P-LXJ&X. T, 7t<.!r t ya LIY�RG d'.J G7./ C� iA�►\JEL 4hC.` .4t1 144L E'` ti�� G./M4 A dy ; l® t-l�N 4S L./la ei-- CW S4C 4 -ICE- Cp AVvV- '2" l •4 A05a.4J.#� /�/�/ % cliz:lE's J41 !N E- /� CZ C AX�x%/LL G PAA4 :1 ir _%� Jam✓ � A � - 9c!/ J rAt[_r Y /� i./I7N SGOF '3 C l Ko QKa hl1tL mw mo,k FdEC,]LUl4 SC /P FE�'TIT FlNJ'S J g rT-0 2• iTl. �'�C�-/�''i1t.?�/ r� �4C%.J.K-Y�./i p / tama.wn�pog'�' 'f N E.�` -®---- q '5 71 7 s I/J _�i�lR`� 71-147 AC- 4AL- � !-3j-A j tt / ARE &fg6L7 `L7 ,P. � e'I' 4C Cj,7_4 k a t .a, aenfT ( a■ /? CY'1As PlA L-.JMA-X/7- AL'�ip7 7" 7T- LLX-J Y �' Gv `i� iA[ [ STP !s fTZ ] 1ES 9 A.404-5 7f�(�V A i%� AAgrr X;4Lr- off" ♦ + ! iP- / i CX.II-� t �{AGL. P� 9LA-�✓CY,�c/7 SlC_?L11G 7C7 WO C-a'-frye- M� . 7nGEXt oc $/X A__T�4 ti x7z J eAg-tbl�C,41�.,1J CG7MR4IaT/V1F.,NT: / SG1/°i�iC/6NT `iF)Y 'L° 15 f�EGY.l1fiEL� IN 7iYLET � Ems!/F' TIME L ` �' - - / V94C .4MC> S 4fiE /46QL/l1°EaU 7C? A 1./AoSsL4X br ^ Ms45LJAK4cw goo i-irc- Plj'46 r - XXJR 'N7'..' INL Sr4L.1- 1..1177.4 4L t7Z" -),y C J LZO, 70 E AJC � � 7�i CLOSE � ` r?:<X /DE A �-. CX�/N/nth ro `77 �TA�"ST 1-II7N Nil G ACJT1 J C 3•�" AT EA'lf C S'7zlLL_ Oa 34" AT Sl[ '} r.u°aCX S AAEs' 7Z7 GE CRJ CXX?x laOp AeOvE ,V 5 I L IA lk tN Ct�W° 4 CV^P [_ -q `_?A[._ uCa? A� 7a E'aE L�STI C.1'FPf' N C AM 6"Aa e/ � INTO C2 ICXEa4 •1AYA/ LJJJC77t I CO-QC 2 L AJ j ! �.'v'lC d4" LJJ[ C7£ RA7t4 7C' 57,4 L a�4D n 74C7V1 G JN G C A/•�[7 S , LMrK6 47fJf STATL l[X`•+►L �zticCkJ� I CYC ALLY ✓ 4P - CZ'�°f Crf n 1 X77P r AV V;L.1R /�., f f�CY�'," . ��L�F� % " t1V • 0 1�� c%rvrAa. s✓�c 4 BE 4 x�v6p '7b M�•�"ZO ti �E .l�L/i°EC A,' F X�7 A4J E=5 TC> <S?AkC*A � As ��wrc ,a 9` <L= moo" J/v A -AD '27'' rN�Jc t� I- V)L4 0 �s k G3" 4.1/7x, /W /1.•tAX- -t .4eV 09r Y,Ll.�t7a7�i> N4nC3+,EL,42 -m- CIVIR F70C"T eA17? L L 6u �1 CMU" NYry d � o»Ise,. M...•.• "..a. 1 JELEVAMCN sic - -� MSIN L A I ' t.A�VyA�a t� w��y �n,��s : w t-�•�a �T �^� / ,� , / '�ff� %� / a� .�,iZ,/ y�f�e� / FROVIr-4_ A �./.s54^ �X -40' #,V r 7 �..-I `+ t O 4^ °�+! 7i w1L... �� . I i/2"• !vw` /•1 &Ape: ' .A. i l J iQv✓Il ST41. ��E C7� !./A4L1 NL/Jr� UFn�GAC -4 �y IMh� i i TJ:E G77.Ei Le `ate MAY EX71 I /nJ7t� /wFE 4t.JG7 l ,/� rxa A/./ EL '>' :ArEr) PVA4 Al' A- t ,GCS-, r / 7" Cr 33 ^ A+� y` L l�►v !!. ✓R /-y�y�.�. F71 •� f -T f/� �'.`:• /l /"'fCY� ./ 6�r-c7-y-y I /'v z - .'^ M a.w..a•I" /`V%- ..-,09�' IV GS '9"/� f.4../��I t�"+J ��^y/6t/�• 'v3.Ai.�IG W'^-`A/C7"_ 74.'% 1•+µy f.J' -•`Y `K .X`►MV /cyrE'� Off ) ` p<4�/! �z 1 �►vA�►� 7r /�/1F� ' .`i4 vl� f�FGX IJJzE=+V 7/i A� 4-L11��+ r SVC � #\J � 0` 7LY[.E7 4V � X) As cr AeA4S/VV tzxLE A�✓c =7 > 7Z7 e& nra nApcx i► UkArMA .4AVAMfYE5 <f¢" rif3c.VF F L� 7�- }�NNW %5 f9�GYIIAEV :�7 PE 1 / ° r ® �Y1 s '� :L= •yy � .^y � ' ALTL Aa,,G44 ! /3 j �Mf �d�tf.�EL? /N RFF�ILATIG� /r JE h f • s my k /at //�i S . �v'v /� i �l llvh 4 >t�4 T S AIDC) T7t.,r- A46C)C_6 ISA fS AN Y✓'vAL€/ I7 6 JPFi1 . " Affr // s ' ,� G"7C� s^I/ %R I vry /i� �� i�SIP L�:L� a, / 1L �/� C� UJ'�/r J� %-R: YILLD f' / h/aIAB ►S INS / !iNTSL� AAQ.� Ed. a �'! ",WAR l n�.fNL.f1PX L J�CJU!l`aE- �,�.0 , 7L .LF ! 114(1 MMIO PtAR /5 M PE IYV /�.0 1-JwSr Tl L FiE�w� '7C > v 1^ I1 f- r c 7 � c r t< r 9 vac c. 3 lg� �.S s_444U nbr AC A'1�: Yt!" ALL 1/ATiiC.dN A Cl rx. /N F,�rrT utJJnwc rx 4,6, A FJ -VA77CN.4CrN.47 cr?�/T�p[ S J5 MUT 7� E/CC 5 L Ea�F ,�u: tJAC.�/7' 7C) 441, A C A tJ t�cxlALLj >,pr At�rn Er G 7GX1E SC'f iM/J: til AFiE F,XA5 4' o~Inlf � .� 7't > A44VE A ANt4 AALaftrS 1!14A6 A',G> xicx#4TrI-&9 dAtl d.Jl7tJST.al�t3 CW51AA. \,AL..\vtM ANO ,A1 A._44EC> /Fs 7;, f A447Frr 6r,70 /ter 7MAL L.tT/ - Iv> CEJ Mm AT LBIA" r lc.> nq��/L")5GRAB BAw'a' , ----- - -- - not to•xctM l,h{e TLV-�+C.,.S•4nJ/7,-"r J� 4"q^1AIJV 7E rA .Qen/t-'J/w<.4a Jv: A , F`X7L99ES A% A7 t ! i � i , t !,_ 1- •4C ,s FfaC.�i 77� /tf.� 1W !! s r J A40M I S t,l/TN 007 M" Nn /vWC*:kE 77th LZ -- _701LET il5?S1 /e I:? 5f� a5 CYV i�l4L�_ LJ/Tet!/I�t Cr Ff•�( , CCF• 11 iGE7" .S547 - 1 1•.LALr�c J• Hl � r f� �, � , !Y.OWasAC"1� .Vc' i'sc� 5 G'i4 P. Too of ^awq - • lot - o -o M fx► IN GE3 `E71i�G 1r7Yi"uS '#ANV `-a'>< AL4:O f A,,A4N 6 -+tom "1•A . -� _ .. - u _ I- Ory: / •.; `..3' G/'�'•74fC�E. ,1..! ixv GYM L� '7N/W1. °i6 tF11�3T r4�.lT ,. r � -- rt b r- .� T t�4S TtwA7"" :lit. .45 4 N F t�C�LL1M : SaL.'�D fes/ Or , v ._ r51OW O= 4,0Z GOADASWr _ i P! . , w..«.« a-,� U" SL1t4P4C'lE 3.c�s 9L4L1. /VtJT !ts/fir ' •- .fuM•y ♦anew. of - tMfq Mike koaW • . M co -s f of 6.Ms - - .. °. : f ,,., ' sOEM DIRECT-IONAL SIGNSO n., c ur R . c�ec x .a.� ra rer t cx a � ac c 7� r.r f , Mme. �. r r / Y : A w n v� 1-.0YM fav � �y y�-y+ ��� �t^� .f Di SIT C� 1=a�G7 / _ST.�1MQ. br A 37POD " t.%Jl�` J'-3:AOS 5-^P -` � lvwwl'vUAA A4j...�[e�•,1AjN.E - e � � � Cr A A4NA _ /5 1 n Aye 1L L A �dD /. 41% Mei tE ,i4ti/ /" F�G7%1 f .tom =' L AAZ N- S .PE PE- KUIPEO Ar 70' A' JO e0r=AA G#= c71t 4,arAC�n4wl -V-, Air -9-45� v/syard r /,�,t,qA1AMO ->AJ�-:: r -o anx .xMT 8 0 ��MAMP r, e a� 5&ZW C AS 74P Cy� � � s n,.aa � � � � ; � , � w17k Cxz7h9vNcy L 4AD O= sco Cot l �IlL sllf'E � L•X acC a lr r:�� 4 ,r•./rnu 71 1-1,Y MAX LC' k £ /1iW lig LJJL ( ' AR4tAq �T •4,1S4£k3 . "AD C/RXA(_ Ci PV9 1/` T1 r C X 47L L.41 tf . 5 ,WILL 1e /PSD 7D ge 6000 ` 3 t-JI.el E: `3T'AhW-4Af Lz2"4Q- C-' � .A P-LXJ&X. T, 7t<.!r t ya LIY�RG d'.J G7./ C� iA�►\JEL 4hC.` .4t1 144L E'` ti�� G./M4 A dy ; l® t-l�N 4S L./la ei-- CW S4C 4 -ICE- Cp AVvV- '2" l •4 A05a.4J.#� /�/�/ % cliz:lE's J41 !N E- /� CZ C AX�x%/LL G PAA4 :1 ir _%� Jam✓ � A � - 9c!/ J rAt[_r Y /� i./I7N SGOF '3 C l Ko QKa hl1tL mw mo,k FdEC,]LUl4 SC /P FE�'TIT FlNJ'S J g rT-0 2• iTl. �'�C�-/�''i1t.?�/ r� �4C%.J.K-Y�./i p / tama.wn�pog'�' 'f N E.�` -®---- q '5 71 7 s I/J _�i�lR`� 71-147 AC- 4AL- � !-3j-A j tt / ARE &fg6L7 `L7 ,P. � e'I' 4C Cj,7_4 k a t .a, aenfT ( a■ /? CY'1As PlA L-.JMA-X/7- AL'�ip7 7" 7T- LLX-J Y �' Gv `i� iA[ [ STP !s fTZ ] 1ES 9 A.404-5 7f�(�V A i%� AAgrr X;4Lr- off" ♦ + ! iP- / i CX.II-� t �{AGL. P� 9LA-�✓CY,�c/7 SlC_?L11G 7C7 WO C-a'-frye- M� . 7nGEXt oc $/X A__T�4 ti x7z J eAg-tbl�C,41�.,1J CG7MR4IaT/V1F.,NT: / SG1/°i�iC/6NT `iF)Y 'L° 15 f�EGY.l1fiEL� IN 7iYLET � Ems!/F' TIME L ` �' - - / V94C .4MC> S 4fiE /46QL/l1°EaU 7C? A 1./AoSsL4X br ^ Ms45LJAK4cw goo i-irc- Plj'46 r - XXJR 'N7'..' INL Sr4L.1- 1..1177.4 4L t7Z" -),y C J LZO, 70 E AJC � � 7�i CLOSE � ` r?:<X /DE A �-. CX�/N/nth ro `77 �TA�"ST 1-II7N Nil G ACJT1 J C 3•�" AT EA'lf C S'7zlLL_ Oa 34" AT Sl[ '} r.u°aCX S AAEs' 7Z7 GE CRJ CXX?x laOp AeOvE ,V 5 I L IA lk tN Ct�W° 4 CV^P [_ -q `_?A[._ uCa? A� 7a E'aE L�STI C.1'FPf' N C AM 6"Aa e/ � INTO C2 ICXEa4 •1AYA/ LJJJC77t I CO-QC 2 L AJ j ! �.'v'lC d4" LJJ[ C7£ RA7t4 7C' 57,4 L a�4D n 74C7V1 G JN G C A/•�[7 S , LMrK6 47fJf STATL l[X`•+►L �zticCkJ� I CYC ALLY ✓ 4P - CZ'�°f Crf n 1 X77P r AV V;L.1R /�., f f�CY�'," . ��L�F� % " t1V • 0 1�� c%rvrAa. s✓�c 4 BE 4 x�v6p '7b M�•�"ZO ti �E .l�L/i°EC A,' F X�7 A4J E=5 TC> <S?AkC*A � As ��wrc ,a 9` <L= moo" J/v A -AD '27'' rN�Jc t� I- V)L4 0 �s k G3" 4.1/7x, /W /1.•tAX- -t .4eV 09r Y,Ll.�t7a7�i> N4nC3+,EL,42 -m- CIVIR F70C"T eA17? L L 6u �1 CMU" NYry d � o»Ise,. M...•.• "..a. 1 JELEVAMCN sic - -� MSIN L A I ' t.A�VyA�a t� w��y �n,��s : w t-�•�a �T �^� / ,� , / '�ff� %� / a� .�,iZ,/ y�f�e� / FROVIr-4_ A �./.s54^ �X -40' #,V r 7 �..-I `+ t O 4^ °�+! 7i w1L... �� . I i/2"• !vw` /•1 &Ape: ' .A. i l J iQv✓Il ST41. ��E C7� !./A4L1 NL/Jr� UFn�GAC -4 �y IMh� i i TJ:E G77.Ei Le `ate MAY EX71 I /nJ7t� /wFE 4t.JG7 l ,/� rxa A/./ EL '>' :ArEr) PVA4 Al' A- t ,GCS-, r / 7" Cr 33 ^ A+� y` L l�►v !!. ✓R /-y�y�.�. F71 •� f -T f/� �'.`:• /l /"'fCY� ./ 6�r-c7-y-y I /'v z - .'^ M a.w..a•I" /`V%- ..-,09�' IV GS '9"/� f.4../��I t�"+J ��^y/6t/�• 'v3.Ai.�IG W'^-`A/C7"_ 74.'% 1•+µy f.J' -•`Y `K .X`►MV /cyrE'� Off ) ` p<4�/! �z 1 �►vA�►� 7r /�/1F� ' .`i4 vl� f�FGX IJJzE=+V 7/i A� 4-L11��+ r SVC � #\J � 0` 7LY[.E7 4V � X) As cr AeA4S/VV tzxLE A�✓c =7 > 7Z7 e& nra nApcx i► UkArMA .4AVAMfYE5 <f¢" rif3c.VF F L� 7�- }�NNW %5 f9�GYIIAEV :�7 PE 1 / ° r ® �Y1 s '� :L= •yy � .^y � ' ALTL Aa,,G44 ! /3 j �Mf �d�tf.�EL? /N RFF�ILATIG� /r JE h f • s my k /at //�i S . �v'v /� i �l llvh 4 >t�4 T S AIDC) T7t.,r- A46C)C_6 ISA fS AN Y✓'vAL€/ I7 6 JPFi1 . " Affr // s ' ,� G"7C� s^I/ %R I vry /i� �� i�SIP L�:L� a, / 1L �/� C� UJ'�/r J� %-R: YILLD f' / h/aIAB ►S INS / !iNTSL� AAQ.� Ed. a �'! ",WAR l n�.fNL.f1PX L J�CJU!l`aE- �,�.0 , 7L .LF ! 114(1 MMIO PtAR /5 M PE IYV /�.0 1-JwSr Tl L FiE�w� '7C > v 1^ I1 f- r c 7 � c r t< r 9 vac c. 3 lg� �.S s_444U nbr AC A'1�: Yt!" ALL 1/ATiiC.dN A Cl rx. /N F,�rrT utJJnwc rx 4,6, A FJ -VA77CN.4CrN.47 cr?�/T�p[ S J5 MUT 7� E/CC 5 L Ea�F ,�u: tJAC.�/7' 7C) 441, A C A tJ t�cxlALLj >,pr At�rn Er G 7GX1E SC'f iM/J: til AFiE F,XA5 4' o~Inlf � .� 7't > A44VE A ANt4 AALaftrS 1!14A6 A',G> xicx#4TrI-&9 dAtl d.Jl7tJST.al�t3 CW51AA. \,AL..\vtM ANO ,A1 A._44EC> /Fs 7;, f A447Frr 6r,70 /ter 7MAL L.tT/ - Iv> CEJ Mm AT LBIA" r lc.> nq��/L")5GRAB BAw'a' , ----- - -- - not to•xctM l,h{e TLV-�+C.,.S•4nJ/7,-"r J� 4"q^1AIJV 7E rA .Qen/t-'J/w<.4a Jv: A , F`X7L99ES A% A7 t ! i � i , t !,_ 1- •4C ,s FfaC.�i 77� /tf.� 1W !! s r J A40M I S t,l/TN 007 M" Nn /vWC*:kE 77th LZ -- _701LET il5?S1 /e I:? 5f� a5 CYV i�l4L�_ LJ/Tet!/I�t Cr Ff•�( , CCF• 11 iGE7" .S547 - Or - m. ft &--CW ' �► • s- t=( wit am 91j' Ia fy � s '°''Ir M�. "`• -♦ I •ems ` v • it rim .:- a �, v e N,r :I ♦ ®. L N ♦ lap Y 0 I I 4 r i K 4 �I t i' 44 r y I w I� r I i I i _ r 1 t rr r I I f l 4 m R, 4 I Y I I II1, I„ II I Ir I Ii ,.o 4 f , e u - W/ 0000 Ali 31 tr - 1114 - r tt `` II i� i _ Qr tee. �Y r ru L.L. / 411c -W �► !'��/�/!£�+i -- �,�� �NGal..f ='-=-- ��� � -- s 4- - t+ fo J -toCAGY q .. ..-- �.. ALL LeTre r r v. :. k , ,. ,..tea... .�4=• u �,� ,. ., , ., ,,. �, _ ., ��n:��� � ,tom _ rE_.,. t x i ° to C�=-12- 1I1» 771 Almx- 10 ' {{{#WW✓ 4 ,f ,g VA AL r r T o rr � a fr)LO CA ,. JAMEL -+ J��'.'w+I tier a� 2y �1vr.�� awe .«)v-774cx ,Ctx�- R [litli ` 00 a' Mn Ncza-rz IIII r f V . V,, Y, • dA is JZ k r�? y° .. � �� s.•.., aux. 8q w I 24 X 36 PRINTED ON NO. 1OOOH CLEARPRINT w .11", I I ll� � . � - � . I '' 11 11 11 �11 1. I I I ;_ ­ I I . -EAR-THWORK 1. I :'­­ I � I I 1, 11 __''1,1,, . ',,,,.- �'11 * I ��,,'� *1, SCOPE: I i�`�` I " I . � — 1-1 . ': � .. I . I I I . . . I - _ I ; - - � Prov.i,de and perform excavation, backfill, . � - and grading as indica . , I _ . :, 11 I 1. I I I I I I I I I , 1, . rm I I I � 1��', I nature of materials to be encount I �"._ fecting the work to 11 . I I I , � . I I �_ � . I "I � 11 �. I � I I ��, I'll 1_1 B. Material to be excavated is assumed to be earth or other materials I . , I I I � ­ I'll r m ip- , , � �­ I pers., If "rock" as hereinafter defined is encountered within the I I 11'� _� I � . limits of excavation, the C � I I ,�, : �111 for nditions�. "Rock is defined as fresh, hard con- , . I ,'­�. , . I I 1. I e " I or blasting removal. � I . . � � . I 111:11 1. . . SJT,E PREPARATION: I I ''; ,­ � _ 1���_ 1� I , , . - :',� . � I A. ,Excavation. All excavations shall be made true to the grades and 11 - �� ilevation* �1_ I ,, � (I � ,� I I � � t'� . I � . � . '. I i� water and other flu I � I � L �, , 1. , I I � � '', r I I , � I � � keep the p cessible'and workable condition at all � I � � I- �11 I . times. ,, I I ­ . I I . � 11 . � 1 � C m ,�' I - 11 11 I I I � � �., 11 � I �,, , - I I . I I I . . 0. Walks, Curbs, , I I � - I I _-. ;_ , � � be removed. :1� , I . �_;, � '' � .: I I , I I I 1� I '. I E. ,Basements, SeplLic_Tank-s and any similar structures, except those lo- � I , . 11 I I .: I 11 cated within g g � ! \ 1 t shown on architect 3. Refer to both architectural and mechanical drawings for � d t occur. See d I '' s. min. g g . 3#1 ..... 2" zl,,� �� , � men LOT new TOOICings I �� I , . I �, . � �, I � " . � , I �.­, . .. I f Wff 1(i . )"D � 1� . : - Ject site. ' l T V %A' I , I I F. Sewer, Water, Gas Lines, Electrical Conduit: Sewer, water, gas and od shall be 1/32" oversize. 11 I ." serve I . � � I be used shall be re-routed in ' :1 I , . acco e o . n ; �, I I I � , , I I vi I , �', I -, 3. I ,1� I � ;_1. I I I I "I, I , a let -in ribbon. , � , ,� � " �. . , " G. Subgrade Cavities Pits."caves, wells and similar % � " �,_, I "_ I - man-made or natural structures shall be earth filled in accordance 'the for raf te 1. I I with requirements of sub -sections 4 and 5 of these specifica- i " I I I I 1)� I I - tions. . I approved metal "x" bridging at same spacing. �, , ,,,, � 11 I I I �1, 1, I � - ot Systems shall be removed to a depth of 3'-O" I � I ,� . below orl I � � , 11 . � I � � � .1 I I I * * I I I. Stri : Al I topsoil shall be stripped to the depth that the _LP -P-1.99 1 11 I I I . I I � � . om I , 11 I ior to the I - I Documents, whichever paeted'at a moisture content ' , I �� , " - ­ ,, I � I that will permit proper compaction and fill stability as hereinafter specified for fill. 1 I", - . ". I I .11 . �'11 . �, .- . I I . I . Ir— ing weather conditions i", � . "J I I . I I . . 1 e been discontinued because of adver I ditions, Nk I U %.Z ONAILIN" '"'CHEDULE .11 I additional material shall not,be deposited until the last %,7p , I . - -� lle � � I ably compacted., S , . ­ , . Nail*s*driven perpendicular to the 1�1% . I I � .. .1 � ,� , I . DETAIL FASTENING I I I I ' I MATER � I _. I I . . I ll: Fill material imported for site grading, if required, 1� I I I I s cst . 3-16d I � 1 I hardpan chunks in excess of 4 inches, or other deleterious substances. 1-16d '. 11 I I - � The material shall c nd or sand shall.conform to . I I I '1�1 1. . �. . . . I Minimum "R" value*: 45 . 2-8d 11 I 11 m . ­ �1, � - - I � ,_ '' -, -I � . 2-8d . I I I 1 1. � �_ mion , � � ,,, . , 2-8d t 1� . I I I . I I I � if I �,'� I to site excavatio .To ­!, , I . be scarifi � .� � to a moisture content commensurate wit side. 2-8d ­', � � � -1 I '' I I 11 . I and compacted to 92% of I 557. Previously excavated soil shall then be � - iform lifts not exceeding eight 2-8d I ��.11.�., inches in uncompact - I I , content, and compacted to 32%of the maximum dry density, as determined 11 I I � above. . , I ��, % 11 1. _ � " � C. Eguinnt: Compaction equipment shall be a type and size suitable I � I .111, I n ed. Puddling, water flooding or jetting to I 1� �11 permitted. 2-8d � I � - 2-16d I .1 I I . I 0. Observation and Testin2: Observation and testing should be lab ' -, I � � . ipproved by Architect.and -, �� ,,�� I � " _1, 11 � I I om I 14". . I 40 I I and ot stud. 2-16d ,�0, t ,� � be removed f , I 11- , I , I I .� I � I , 1 . '' I I 11 I : , � �'I-t ,� 11 I : I . i Site preparation.and grading for the proposed building emplacement and I I � ompacting a portio 1, I 1�" . I I . .1 ,loose surficial zone, and placing and compacting imported fill. . I I . � I � ,". � I . , I NOTE: . I ,�. 1.� � I I A. om . I 1, I ­ - I I I 11 � , I . ,except with the approval of the Arc I I I I I . . :,�� ''I'll � I I . - , t, I I I I ­ . 1.� I .'' - I I as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. U Z $ S E 01%- % PREFABRI CATE D' TR %) "' I � I I 1-11 I I A I -I � I I I , DRAINAGE: I . I I I I I I SCOPE � ,� . 11 I � . � , I - I I A,. Contractor shall control the excavatin I I I 11 �1: I'll, , " I . _ 11. " v , ,_,�".;,� ,�, �111 11 �, � - " this result. Water which has unintentionally accumulated in the ex clips and nails for bearing clip connections. , I . . � I , �111, , "I , -1 I , I . cavat v u r I ��, , '' I I �', . . I directed.- I I � I I I I I— " �_�, � 11 t , I I � I I � A. Chords/Members ....................... Stress rated Douglas Fir as req - . I _:� , ­ " 11 ? 11 . I I uired,by the design calculations. ,,-:: .., I , ", � , , _� , , ", .. 11 I " . I � I � I . 11 . Maximum moisture content = 16%. __ , I I I . - I I � . I I � I . I grade stamped. I'— - l-': -'11 "I I I , �, - - I , , , I I I I I . I I I � � I I : _ � ";'�' 11 . _ ,; � I I . 1-11.:� ,11 I'll �_ ­; I " � I �, � I I . . I I I I , � " . I I � ....... In accordance with A.1,T,C, Stan- , _ -1 . � I _%`- I I I , I I I I . I � � . , " "', , � ,� " , � 1�_�� " , I , : , I . 11 I I I I . I I be resorcinol formaldehyde con- ­ � - 11. 11, _ I 11, I I I L I . I I I forming to Mil -A -397B. Type 1. 1,� � �, I �, I '. -, 1� �': I - I I I I . ;�','_,� -1 I , `�`­ .� -1 , -1-1 , I , , . I , , - I I � � I ns of any finger I ;�_;111 I I I , I I I I I I , �, � . , I � :,_ '� 11 ��', " ,� _ , I " 1- : -�,;, �� ,%, ��, I � I . I I I � . I I I I , . I I,- � I I I . I I I I ,,�, ­�, I I - .11 11 I :.,.�, I I . , � I ., 11 I ''I I � 1�� t� 1. " ,�,-,, e,.' � I,'. I ... ,,, I I 6 """' "I 11 11� I 11 1. 1, �.:'Z��I.flll � - , � I 1-11 - " , , , . ; I , 11. , � I I , I I . I r I � I I .� I 11 I I I I � I I � I I I �, � I � . . � . 11 � e I I I � I I I I � - I . � � I 11 I 1,; �� , � , ,,,, I ,t�', , � " ­ : � 'r, � �.,� ': I , "I �, � � , I ''I , � � I I . I I I I I I I I I . I I I ; � . � ,� I I �, I ' . I I , , � . I ' I �,,� � ., . I � I 1 ,24 X 36 PRINTIlED ON No. 1000H CLEARPRIINT * I � I I , , I I , � 9" 7 , I - . , I , ��: " _, . I I � I , ­,� , "" � 11 I I � . . � I I I I � 1. I � 11 . I � . . . DESIGN ' . ' I Shall be by the manufacturer for the speci fic conditions andl'oads n pro I per- the Man- ufacturer. Truss M i tectur . ral , hitect's requii re- ments. . I -SHOP DRAW1 I . fabrication. I ERECTION I ation ments. .1 K A 0% � """"LUED LAIL All"ATED& rBEAMZ� u M N 14ATERIALS T177 —in accordance with the "Standard Specifications for Structural 24F. Lumber o rm ature �etting res e AineriFan —Institute of Timber Construction in Manual lo. 110 and shall rcent (12%). Themaximum difference between the � ­ Standard No. 25-10, 4o. 25-11 and the following requirements: 2. Strength reduc d so that bundle after unloading. 2. Architectural 4pearance em r _hF I wrapped fO s P—mentand sh;ll- rm e sub- mitted to the Architect for approval and distribution prior to fabri- cation. An additio ,ings require extensive correcting. I m rm G"ENERAL i s a. C. 1 4'-O" 1/c. (200#/If min.) Roof Floor a. a. b. b. C. C. d. d. e. e. f. f. 9. 9- h. I h. i. i. . j. 31. Roof Floor misc. a. a. a. b. b. b. C. - c . — C. n a. ae I owance fo ent the Unless otherwise ndodirect the work and he shall be ' s in ,accordance with I nce of the work. This requirement will apply continuously and not be I ­ . of the , . ractor's . es performed by the Architect's u F O' U N ru"' A T 1100" IN" ' I . � 1 I noted. 18" o/c E.W. or #10/#10 6"x6" unless noted otherwise. n I 201-01, . � . . I'll I I .1 I I I I � I . I I 11 . ­1� I -1. I ­­ ­ 11 -11 ­_ I ­ -11 ­ 1� I -1 I . . I I � I 11 11 11 I 11.11, 1�._­_ '­,, �� ''I'll : _� I .1 I I I , - . I I I - � I I . � . .... I " 1, I �", I I . I � I I . . I - - " I 11, I � � , 11� � � � I I I I 11 I .1 I ­ . I . . - I � I I I '1- ­�% - I 1� �, , �', 1, � -1 , 11 I "I � I - . I � - I � , � I I 11 I . � I � 11 11 , I "I I 1. � -1 - � I'', 1, I I ", Im" 1AINa r � , ", � � . I I � I I ''I -11111 "I ",", 11 I 11 1, � . Z � . � I I I "I 11 "I LL I I ; 1, "`�� T- 4 , . . � I ,� � I ­ ; I I I I I I I I I I - � I I I �1 I I . I I . 1, � , �, �, �, I , " - I \ . I I . 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MOMENTLOADS (KIPS) R BOLT ,r ,moi"' '' �� �►' in 91 ODER NJ. its 61 • 13RACINGi LOADS Tt T D E PLATE IS ASSUMED TO Of AT F INISH#0 FLOOR LEWL M IiI NSf all ®i ONC T HON fcHE TANOARD ARNCO CONOITI4r+ LATE 0NSOOR N t-STTA�KD110 22 s �P4NS t ou i0R tug D CONDI�I©NSe R i IZ $ ANCA UAN �t3fg ARE 8ASE0 ON THE PROPERTIE 01F RcvistfJK �► 1iTEEL0EPE�tf?i ONOLT �O�ICRETA FUAL UPLIFT AND SHEAR CAPAC�TY MAY BE HQ X HAS T BEEN CHECXEOE OUKOATION OESIG►+. ANCHOR BOLT OIST T?LERANCE BEYkEEN t"S OF COLUMN ANCHOR BOLT CLUSTERS is SxEET NO ® I/$- IN 0' AND o 1/4• OVERALL. OUT OF LEVEL Toc.EROt*E FOR TOP OF CONCRETE PIERS AND HALLS IS • 1/ii• IN 20' a 1/4- 0 BALL. f ALL AKHM BOLTS SHALL PROJECT FROM THE S ,KE CONCRETE E S TED OTHERWISE ON THIS ANCHOR OOL PLKN. E £ ELEVATION �-.... TE . INC"01"C DESIGN' IS tWT BY ARMCO BUILDING s x , tjxO V j Q �I Tj 17A -1 A� # *�c-7 r M s i.. _ V z 4 z L a Q 9 editionrwuNDATION LOADS 1� Thi s des 1 gn is based on 19'82 ,d. De*d Load Li.ve Load Wind Load A Ai _ ,D DEADWIND # . i _ 3 3 ! MOMENTLOADS (KIPS) R BOLT ,r ,moi"' '' �� �►' in 91 ODER NJ. its 61 • 13RACINGi LOADS Tt T D E PLATE IS ASSUMED TO Of AT F INISH#0 FLOOR LEWL M IiI NSf all ®i ONC T HON fcHE TANOARD ARNCO CONOITI4r+ LATE 0NSOOR N t-STTA�KD110 22 s �P4NS t ou i0R tug D CONDI�I©NSe R i IZ $ ANCA UAN �t3fg ARE 8ASE0 ON THE PROPERTIE 01F RcvistfJK �► 1iTEEL0EPE�tf?i ONOLT �O�ICRETA FUAL UPLIFT AND SHEAR CAPAC�TY MAY BE HQ X HAS T BEEN CHECXEOE OUKOATION OESIG►+. ANCHOR BOLT OIST T?LERANCE BEYkEEN t"S OF COLUMN ANCHOR BOLT CLUSTERS is SxEET NO ® I/$- IN 0' AND o 1/4• OVERALL. OUT OF LEVEL Toc.EROt*E FOR TOP OF CONCRETE PIERS AND HALLS IS • 1/ii• IN 20' a 1/4- 0 BALL. f ALL AKHM BOLTS SHALL PROJECT FROM THE S ,KE CONCRETE E S TED OTHERWISE ON THIS ANCHOR OOL PLKN. E £ ELEVATION �-.... TE . INC"01"C DESIGN' IS tWT BY ARMCO BUILDING s a a . ,� � , , _� .d . r .� 24 X 38 PiRtN7EO ON NO, 1000H CLEARPRIN7 s .3jh. TI 1041 $MY 4/2/61 tic t r 24 X 38 PiRtN7EO ON NO, 1000H CLEARPRIN7 s .3jh. TI 1041 $MY 4/2/61 tic s ■ y` i I� k. ■ 71 11 EAVE PURLIN _ TYPICAL -- NOTE- AT SIDEWALL BRACE ROD LOCATIONS, INSTALL EAVE GIRT 2- X1BOLTS 51550 WITH TWO WASHERS- �� ® S WITH ALL THE TOLERANCE TO, THE HIGH 4-JXIJH,S.BOLTS 53753 TS 53779 53734 ® END AND FIELD CUT THE ANCHOR BOLT AS 2 WASHERS 53734 -U } OUI D O ELIMINATE --- 4- X 1 BQL TS 5 15S0 2 12 S 70806 t � TIIATE INTERFERENCEPER H.S. BDL 7 , r NUTS S3779 TYPICAL WITH ONE WASHER 3734 `..'$� HILLSIDE WASHER 51138 RAFTER a`' T s xE PmyNO. BRACE 6'5969 RAFTER EAVE A , $ t '�,• STRAP 74045 JAM � T ,.. � ; --�--� - , TYPIC -.. � 5Y 124 r 51$ AR WASHER c "EAVE GIRT � ! tSOEE SCHEDULE) 2� X 1 a S1126 ,..._,.._ �._.__ S S 1550 PURLINS EAVE SUPPORT WES OF TS 53179 ANGLE 74046. -d S1129 FRAME. I E W SHER TYP® BOTH E S FIEL S TO COL . �---s N. 2- 1 HdS. {• -L- DIMEN COMPENSATE F 1-, 51130 BRACE RACE STRUT tS £ L .VIEW)- �.. TS 987 27- .Lij TS ` SEE ROOF 4- S BOLTS S37S3 PURLIN PLAN L EA PURLIN FACES r' X 1 H.% FOR LAP EAVE I N FADES DOWNSLOPE / 1BRACE ROD W/4 WASHERS S3734 . GIRT E EA ,P T H D H C Q T F... _ 61637' DIMENSIONS ,� f `� �- 0 'ETA 1 2 ----''` �QETAILAT 4 " . ,QE.T A I L ATDETA I L RT U3 DE702S "I T A 82 OE1027 07185 9/83 LAP PURLIN AT EAVE GIRT BRACE STRUT BETWEEN S I DEWALL INTERIFRA T EAVE .SUPPORT E GIRT STRAP . HILLSIDE R CONNECTION, COLUMNS 8 HAUNCH a , NOTE a I N MAY FACE. UPSL NOTEG' PURLIN MAY FACE UPSLOPE OR DOWNSLOPE. OR DOWNSLOPE. _ 012 RIDGE PURLIN IN �I PURLIN (LCOCAT FOR • 1 TS 51550 ROOF ONLY) .. NUTS 53779 � _ 8 12 SIMS 748{)6 " 2• WITH ONE WASHER- � tLOCAT I FOR' - �t.QCADT 17flF4R 53734 a CF F Y) u 12 °70806 F R ONLY) •. RAFTER XI BOLTS RAFTER � �TYPP) _ PURLIN N SPACER X 1 TS T : - - o 51'550 & S 699'33 FOR 5 -0 ;�s _ , '5377"9 _ FOR 69999 FOR 2'-6" v 53"779 -- FOR I LICE PURLIN SPLICE iii TH TWO WASHERS- �„ X 1 104„ .S . BOLT R I DGEf# 53734 821 t.2 WAS %-QIMEN 53734 (LOCATE , w a WASHER RT E PURLIN SPACER zo A 1 FLANGE BRACEE LIN PL 69993 FOR'a_O 73 -D I MEN ) (MAY AY BE FOR L 69999 FOR 2'-6- a 12 SDS 70806 map "�'`" SEE ROOF Thi 0I DIMENS IONS (T YP . I •v- � PURLIN PLAN SIDES) t� FOR LAP d NOTE:F BRACE E L ATI PART RSA DIMENSIONS FE TO STRUCTURAL L Y TA +� DETAI ET L. TV -40 TAS AT3 0 i -Al -L R -T 7010 12/81 QE7012 12!85 t 2®86., . ..L A T US T3S3 OPPOSING PURL I NS -AT PURLIN SPACER PURLIN SPACERS --DOWN SLOPE FROM RIDGE PURLINS PURLIN TO FRAME, CONNECTION INTERIOR FRAME AT PURLIN LAP WITH WELDED CLIPS SHOWING FLANGE BRACES . - r GIRT 4CLIP GIRT CLIC t}4 a^ ,--COLUW4 GIRT CLIP IRT '�` 1'/4"H .S . BOLT GIRT 1 W/ 2 WASHERSK 734 I -LOCATE I --WASHER T _ GIRT CLIP HEAD I WASHER i4048 12 T1 T _2761 OF # IZ ' 7 s- ^M '4X 1 TS SI SSt� IRT T l ..v g.. ft IRT EXTENSION TS 3779.. SIS21 9E ON S T 1 . X2 TS IS X1 IS. SOL 7 S' 5�37S3 TS girm V T T I. x H" S T A 0T RT' W T1� !.G T 1 SIDE.01F SUILDING-WIT" ARN—ly OR #tO R . . $ 1/2 .S • T T '0 X 1/2 HM K. .. ,i , F . r Y. t: .00 k Sr a i , , y �ZJ o R' ` a t }ok .. '. '! a - `d • Fes'. - v , will v , a.•. , i , .,y. N, NOW" 10101 WIN I .. • a a p s, 410110 Y '» v a °£ _ ,: & :; ✓ . ... .. r r r. r. . .II. .. .t t t •.s,: _. .. ., i °. .. ,f ,. ,.. .,. g;{3 .. e U + ._... Sa9x-.,. ... ,,,. t•+f., t': f;.y �: .,. ..,`*'. •e^as. rj 71 11 EAVE PURLIN _ TYPICAL -- NOTE- AT SIDEWALL BRACE ROD LOCATIONS, INSTALL EAVE GIRT 2- X1BOLTS 51550 WITH TWO WASHERS- �� ® S WITH ALL THE TOLERANCE TO, THE HIGH 4-JXIJH,S.BOLTS 53753 TS 53779 53734 ® END AND FIELD CUT THE ANCHOR BOLT AS 2 WASHERS 53734 -U } OUI D O ELIMINATE --- 4- X 1 BQL TS 5 15S0 2 12 S 70806 t � TIIATE INTERFERENCEPER H.S. BDL 7 , r NUTS S3779 TYPICAL WITH ONE WASHER 3734 `..'$� HILLSIDE WASHER 51138 RAFTER a`' T s xE PmyNO. BRACE 6'5969 RAFTER EAVE A , $ t '�,• STRAP 74045 JAM � T ,.. � ; --�--� - , TYPIC -.. � 5Y 124 r 51$ AR WASHER c "EAVE GIRT � ! tSOEE SCHEDULE) 2� X 1 a S1126 ,..._,.._ �._.__ S S 1550 PURLINS EAVE SUPPORT WES OF TS 53179 ANGLE 74046. -d S1129 FRAME. I E W SHER TYP® BOTH E S FIEL S TO COL . �---s N. 2- 1 HdS. {• -L- DIMEN COMPENSATE F 1-, 51130 BRACE RACE STRUT tS £ L .VIEW)- �.. TS 987 27- .Lij TS ` SEE ROOF 4- S BOLTS S37S3 PURLIN PLAN L EA PURLIN FACES r' X 1 H.% FOR LAP EAVE I N FADES DOWNSLOPE / 1BRACE ROD W/4 WASHERS S3734 . GIRT E EA ,P T H D H C Q T F... _ 61637' DIMENSIONS ,� f `� �- 0 'ETA 1 2 ----''` �QETAILAT 4 " . ,QE.T A I L ATDETA I L RT U3 DE702S "I T A 82 OE1027 07185 9/83 LAP PURLIN AT EAVE GIRT BRACE STRUT BETWEEN S I DEWALL INTERIFRA T EAVE .SUPPORT E GIRT STRAP . HILLSIDE R CONNECTION, COLUMNS 8 HAUNCH a , NOTE a I N MAY FACE. UPSL NOTEG' PURLIN MAY FACE UPSLOPE OR DOWNSLOPE. OR DOWNSLOPE. _ 012 RIDGE PURLIN IN �I PURLIN (LCOCAT FOR • 1 TS 51550 ROOF ONLY) .. NUTS 53779 � _ 8 12 SIMS 748{)6 " 2• WITH ONE WASHER- � tLOCAT I FOR' - �t.QCADT 17flF4R 53734 a CF F Y) u 12 °70806 F R ONLY) •. RAFTER XI BOLTS RAFTER � �TYPP) _ PURLIN N SPACER X 1 TS T : - - o 51'550 & S 699'33 FOR 5 -0 ;�s _ , '5377"9 _ FOR 69999 FOR 2'-6" v 53"779 -- FOR I LICE PURLIN SPLICE iii TH TWO WASHERS- �„ X 1 104„ .S . BOLT R I DGEf# 53734 821 t.2 WAS %-QIMEN 53734 (LOCATE , w a WASHER RT E PURLIN SPACER zo A 1 FLANGE BRACEE LIN PL 69993 FOR'a_O 73 -D I MEN ) (MAY AY BE FOR L 69999 FOR 2'-6- a 12 SDS 70806 map "�'`" SEE ROOF Thi 0I DIMENS IONS (T YP . I •v- � PURLIN PLAN SIDES) t� FOR LAP d NOTE:F BRACE E L ATI PART RSA DIMENSIONS FE TO STRUCTURAL L Y TA +� DETAI ET L. TV -40 TAS AT3 0 i -Al -L R -T 7010 12/81 QE7012 12!85 t 2®86., . ..L A T US T3S3 OPPOSING PURL I NS -AT PURLIN SPACER PURLIN SPACERS --DOWN SLOPE FROM RIDGE PURLINS PURLIN TO FRAME, CONNECTION INTERIOR FRAME AT PURLIN LAP WITH WELDED CLIPS SHOWING FLANGE BRACES . - r GIRT 4CLIP GIRT CLIC t}4 a^ ,--COLUW4 GIRT CLIP IRT '�` 1'/4"H .S . BOLT GIRT 1 W/ 2 WASHERSK 734 I -LOCATE I --WASHER T _ GIRT CLIP HEAD I WASHER i4048 12 T1 T _2761 OF # IZ ' 7 s- ^M '4X 1 TS SI SSt� IRT T l ..v g.. ft IRT EXTENSION TS 3779.. SIS21 9E ON S T 1 . X2 TS IS X1 IS. SOL 7 S' 5�37S3 TS girm V T T I. x H" S T A 0T RT' W T1� !.G T 1 SIDE.01F SUILDING-WIT" ARN—ly OR #tO R . . $ 1/2 .S • T T '0 X 1/2 HM K. .. ,i , F . r Y. t: .00 k Sr a i , , y �ZJ o R' ` a t }ok .. '. '! a - `d • Fes'. - v , will v , a.•. , i , .,y. N, NOW" 10101 WIN I .. • a a p s, 410110 Y '» v a °£ _ ,: & :; ✓ . ... .. r r r. r. . .II. .. .t t t •.s,: _. .. ., i °. .. ,f ,. ,.. .,. g;{3 .. e U + ._... Sa9x-.,. ... ,,,. t•+f., t': f;.y �: .,. ..,`*'. •e^as. EAVE GIRT EAVE PURLIN NOTE PURLIN MAY FACE UPSLOPE OR DOWNSLOPE SEE STRUCTURAL FRflME SECTION � "' SW GIRT ?404gL� RAFTER So END BAY 2-U12 SDS 2-JXI BOLTS 51550 , PURLINS o , 70800 - ; "~ b NUTS 53779 to RAKE GIRT ---� } 4 ®� ,® ,A4 GIRT XT. 2- X 1 Xi BOLTS 51550 ,� 3/16"+ GAP 51521 © (f) BODS 51550 NUTS 53779 < OCCURS APPROX ® �' �' ®,,► HALFWAY BETWEEN �, b NUTS 53779 NOTE® PURLINS START ERECTING RAKE t' 2- X 1 H.S. ,,> - �- GIRT WITH .RIDGE 2 xiN.S. � EW GIRT PART FIRST AND BOLTS 53753 BOL: S 598? RAKE GIRT I - bNUTS EAVE PART LAST NOTE: INSTALL GIRTS WITH UNPUNCHED LEG TOWARD �--- GIRT ANGLE 1-XIBOLT 52550 xBOL? 51550 OUTSIDE OF BUILDING WITH ARW-IV OR KOR-MET 67631 b NUT 53779 WALLS. Lij b NUT 537 ADD 112" WASHERS TO THE 1/2" X 1 112" H.S. Q 4 BOLTS IF THE BOLTS WILL NOT TIGHTEN. �. _DETAIL TAIL C�� s DE73SG L. 2/86 DE7033 8/80 " DE7037 11/80 - T T `t I �30�G 03/84 END FRAME AT EAVE-ARW-Tit RAKE GIRT- ARW- RAKE GIRT LTING TO LAPPED ARW-IM RAKE GIRT RIDGE BOLTING TO GIRTS b GIRT EXTENSION PURLINS, BOLT REQ'D. b GAP LAPPED PURLINS, BOLTS REQ'D. b GAP AT CORNER OF-BUILDING - GIRT CLIP "DIA" OF PIPE COLUMN 74049 IRT CLIP` COLUMN DETERMINES WHICH SET OF HOLES OR SLOTS ARE USED COLUMN TO BOLT GIRT TO GIRT CLIP. GIRT CLIP GIRT 4—JX I�BOLTS, 53752 � rr 1/ r r GIRT _ /Z X 1 4 H.S. BOLT b NUTS 53779 82158 W/ 2 WASHERS 2-°X1 OLTS 53752 5373 .--4 LOCATE 1 b 4 NUTS 53779 �- - NASS R UNDER SOL T _. ,- 2-JX 1 BIDL T S 51550 (fi GIRT CLIP ,, � _ -��--• HE b - I MASHER �- ,, 14048 2-� 12 S `' ER NUT I TYPO . ~. -g NUTS 537?9 ~� I P 75242 2 2-412 SDS 708 B H ENDS OF 1 F E CE. 'GIRT .N o 7E3808 ® X I BOL T S 51550 GIRTEXTENSION ° o "U"BOLTCOLUMN oF ANGE3RAC E- MAY U BOLT E.W. OL U GIRT EXTENSION b NUTS 53779 51521 51521 ��'' S ON DES ONE OR BOTH 5224? s ° ®,� ,� EXTENSION I ON FOR X DIMENSIONS W , E.W. COLUMN...a 2 - X I H ® . XT NS I ON PART > x 2�- XI H.S® BOLTS 53753 - X1 BOLTS 51550 GIRT °' 65093Rf CLIP 4- XI HSS. ERS. REFER TO �v,o BOLTS 53753 b NUTS 537?9 ADAPTOR BOLTS 53753 bN WALL ELEVATIONS w� NOTE-& INSTALL G RTS T N D L G TOWARD 52245 WASHERS 53734 .°°� z o NOTE: INSTALL GIRTS WITH UNPUNCHED LEG TOWARD OUTSIDE 0 BL W V OR`TW-100 I COLUMN F E.W. COLUMN r OUTSIDE OF BUILDING WITH ARW- IV OR KOR-METHALLS-. WALLS®1/2- DD 112" WASHERS TO 7€ X 1 1 /2" H .S . NOTE: 'INSTALL GIRTS WITH UNPUNCHED LEG TOWARD ADD 112" WASHERS TO THE 112" X 1 112" H.S. TS I THE BOLTS WILL NOT TIGHTEN. OUTSIDE OF BUILDING WITH .ARW-IV OR KOR-MET '� BOLTS IF THE BOLTS ILL T TIGHTEN. SEE STRUCTURAL ELEV . FOR FLANGE BRACE WAILS. LOCATION. DE T -41 I DETAIL AT $ o 40 -41 DET 03/84 DET355 2/86 DETAlL_.AT DET4S8 ��85 GIRTS GIRT EXT. CONNECTION GIRTS & GIRT EXT CONNECTION DET017 tor8v ENDWALL COLUMN CONNECTION , TO COL' TO COLUMN W/ FLANGE BRACE GIRT TO PIKE COL C CTI/ TO RAFTER {FULL FRAME) 4--X DOLTS 53752 -:+XI OLTS 53752 b NUTS 53779 XI T . 2 X i BOLTS 53752. ,o b 4 NUTS 53779 NUTS53779b 4 NUTS 53773 oo CLP 75242 �'t� . Amb Z7 1 IV L 42 x E ®W ® COLUMNOR x DIMENSIONS' E. COL tIR4�f. �trG7C• 4 F. EXTENSION A E® . C£�LUHN F I MENS I D S EX NSION EX`TENS ON PAPP :1 { AND . .COLUMN 4 -XiH.S p .REFER 70 EXTENSION SART � r0WARL ELEVATIONS REFER ® 00 r,C h BiT 5375 E L LEVATI S'H.S.A 1t it31:` r . sR� 53734 x � - . . C TS 3�S �y COLUMN Ft�1S ON W HERS 53734 r x EMIL AT- DETH-1 . . 2' Tow i f , L %C CT i.I, 4I.. EO NECT I TO TER B R (FULL FRAME) T PTER: ICE. (FULL FRAME) 4 `30/80 " ! its 1 G 13 . ' M��1w,w lrt•Mw/MVw >,^l.,q►u,/a♦r•:w.. 1M.r „awr,Vow,,nR,.a4.,F ..-;.lNwre,.w•—...:..:. .yy�. :. w+w W" UYn -;tx. '. a4^a.M4�F�w1YAM�w�I�nM - � 1R .:nrw1.�11rw,MM4NwNA}. r ♦Mtbww�mwlr> W..v+M .M�lr 1MNM--II✓, r. .. M`n��FMY�1!' :n'+lMr'•M .^Vti" /M4,/,,,y.rr,Mt ►�W.`.lIF. ..wx....a :nn.M..::rya.r a-. } .. s tr• f � y. NAM r i r , '� is wll� �� ♦ �" '"� � � p 4 ov— a,It 111011 .=7 A w w„ c.. . < x } x s w 5-. 5 tY !: I�, w mow. �... .. w t +,a 1 „� t4 i 4 , w �. .,. to is t s ti d. -a awl- � •4,... w. ... •:.. � T �t► .. gym. 4 :,Mf': /•' 1 ... ! '.1.,.. c. �.":< : 'lr.. , ♦ pr yw• ro NA Iwo '7`►., ,:. mow. . - ,. a rM �- 11F M w ti w t Y y j{5 i r ', _ r ! � �� a ''w«.,�."�► ,; , . -. # ,: • : t: 4 ". .,: ► -:. ,,.,. �! : ;.. ,.. ,:. -a ..• � ,. :.. � . ,... art? a ,. ,:.. 1 _ t r y y� 1 r i M � . -, o. •. 'fib,: ,. 9. ,et q a: t x es . tCrk 1, A > , r t ti ~w fi� ll... 4. � � I^ � I� �F.. ♦.. �"[ "R1. � mow.} �y� .,,,t .. ,- vet < t t - 4 f Rµ� r ti j M { a i i dit ANs Y� S • ,:' .v""^•T. .y. a y��.... a+.. vw .. ! x .n e' s r 13 . ' M��1w,w lrt•Mw/MVw >,^l.,q►u,/a♦r•:w.. 1M.r „awr,Vow,,nR,.a4.,F ..-;.lNwre,.w•—...:..:. .yy�. :. w+w W" UYn -;tx. '. a4^a.M4�F�w1YAM�w�I�nM - � 1R .:nrw1.�11rw,MM4NwNA}. r ♦Mtbww�mwlr> W..v+M .M�lr 1MNM--II✓, r. .. M`n��FMY�1!' :n'+lMr'•M .^Vti" /M4,/,,,y.rr,Mt ►�W.`.lIF. ..wx....a :nn.M..::rya.r a-. } .. s tr• f � y. NAM r i r , '� is wll� �� ♦ �" '"� � � p 4 ov— a,It 111011 .=7 A w w„ c.. . < x } x s w 5-. 5 tY !: I�, w mow. �... .. w t +,a 1 „� t4 i 4 , w �. .,. to is t s ti d. -a awl- � •4,... w. ... •:.. � T �t► .. gym. 4 :,Mf': /•' 1 ... ! '.1.,.. c. �.":< : 'lr.. , ♦ pr yw• ro NA Iwo '7`►., ,:. mow. . - ,. a rM �- 11F M w ti w t Y y j{5 i r ', _ r ! � �� a ''w«.,�."�► ,; , . -. # ,: • : t: 4 ". .,: ► -:. ,,.,. �! : ;.. ,.. ,:. -a ..• � ,. :.. � . ,... art? a ,. ,:.. 1 _ t r y y� 1 r i M � . -, o. •. 'fib,: ,. 9. ,et q a: t x es . tCrk 1, A > , r t ti ~w fi� ll... 4. � � I^ � I� �F.. ♦.. �"[ "R1. � mow.} �y� .,,,t .. ,- vet < t t - 4 f Rµ� r ti j M { a i i dit ANs Y� S • ,:' .v""^•T. .y. a y��.... a+.. vw .. ! x .n e' s 1 p { � I] I .- - a.�= / to F . , •, r.,.. .. +. . d n -. > .. .. - '�. '- . .. - .k'.,v.: ..., �.. ;:illi . .. t . r .:. 1: ... .. .. .. .. : M ., d. . _ . vie -. ". .' vel• ,.. nos= o ': I'' O' gig, 'a. 4, .,3• •x�` . < .t ,�' ,'~F:..' 'ilii •+ `, ,,,,: .. <. .. .. ... • .:..' ,d'.' s7;:'` ., - w,. �, 'a. k. ... ilii ".... �•w• ... .. .• , i.'�. �,,., :!.. _ ,iiia. ,, rw "' i„ a > ; �' i ;.s ili.i , ..... , ro•,4C..µM',�wr oa. l -'sav .. C%a. . o ., . s+'wawwa• i w+ r>m « r .p va. -r .•. . e.- w. <-rr .:.c-wlw. .... -+l,w..m.. rp+,p,rlp, 4_. w•+•.-. . r Q. .. , .-Y� • w.. 'arwe.b°i', mM as•.,+• ,: . v. :L.. f. 'a!` w7a f a✓l.m• •d'W.'1pi' a•i :b.r f• ^+ e:� J _ «wwa+ . •< i6• +—WAWVO .. d '.Jl'•4 +-ft e-. .., • .00600l � mayw ®.� e . . ..q..♦ . «'. - _ -? war ,o- .IP�r*•aJa'♦.614�w--+tr+a�w sew mAs.•w «. ilii w wyil li�l+lllns.'-Mrf/MFNM ate+• 'l' �:. A Y ��1� • x -x L F"N . , f • • < + -.: ♦. ... .. • �p. r, • mea .. - *`• \\i+1 ir►�sj jF�,{RE WITCH r 4M BLJDC34" TO SU00M'" ir • .'.. . �w EG s fe• : CORTWO, TAPE "'SFS t FROM 4 OR M loll lR�. Moa 4�°;4 AMp• Y • `" • '....Y' . , , ., ... , YY � - sww 4+n ,+®• na.ys..r.....a.wi+ew .. .. ` �,. r. ,. ;. .. - .. - : - ,. •,. ^. .. .. , c ! 44 ll+ ao.lrwsww+V•-° - .. .♦ +w'«r} - 9 , s jR Y� r. CAVeVIZp Sim i-FLASHINO CAO V36,A3 1/24 m r EAVE OW - , R , ,.,. .. , �a•�y�jl� •y{}Ajy,�2a'/yj +• , .. . ••:try•` "'k-010SCAM 4"46 A RIGHT t - , • .. :,RAK .. .. - fi •+w .. i� SVA. , i q ' #10 SCkWS>5946 SnTCH ,SCRf_WS AT i'E GIRT AAD 04TERi ,!"EWATE i4- _ {T tit Ri24*4.C. .k fS EAECT 'f'H UNPUt`°`CAED LEG AT MEL.,AP ON GRT 010 SC2EWS6;946 � OFVRT TO THS esu rsr a THE MIDSPAN I EEEN ' T f 3-0* At, Sc s tile, _ e ytP e 140 Z INTERMEDIATE GIRn t214�►•. EAVE '14,�. _rySECTION 12 SCR _ .. ttd z tit. �f 1240.{:. UNKUM LE0-O. GfR� T* 8E EUCTED TO _. _. .. • Y SMVALL COL. 4 A"AtHPAIWL,S TO G3 ; .., BRED. LEGSIW y ARE.p ; i. it"} iGJaQ.tie �x" UKOUAL TO PEMIT S1 - Ra . _ T BY REVERSING PART,HY� Y : - d , STITCH ,art *AMALL COLOR) e0jr. '7t - f#� ®�INTUNMATE GIRT r - ( -L OR) 6.•aC. - ,x '` - � +c T ASC WALL ERE �T�ON NOTES R } • ... t . J . .a a },. ,. ,� a �., . - aa•N • • • • r s ♦ ;` IJI � • • w _ , BASESH�L.g 6fs9U Locate "base shelf ,by measurin i I/9' 'from ccli:xn 'QH � FW TC l l •°'i - _ - �'.�� 'i`® . e; an'rho.s belts to edge cL cast leg o: base shelf. 5e: t S *,,-.VWWALL SE PLATE a 41♦ ' 'base Shell S'cticas at lett. r, r' COLUMN SiDEWALL COLO �C %C 1.4%; > m�� A%fCH 6f8 _ 2 Cfissc a12 guts fat vertical aI"3 r,e►nt m with i level and prop °y STITCH- SCREW a# P iREi7 : y 3 Stack drill panels. to provide 7,/3`3 pilot moles at 411 r ',.' • °'' (WALLt ) JN Si 4 faffitAner locations.. •c' champ not mace than 9 sr.oets C. a as t a�sE SIiELf� t7.C. RR fcc:illin7 at over time, rcit2 $::ort female tit or:ly •*"'M t}StiRfw a+IJ., SET10�! for st::ch screws. 66908 FIDM .:TEAL NT EOUIRED When installing panels, move' panel slight:y anted, allow- ing short female riw Llanger to ride up on the :ride sale rib. as shown. BASE SHELF m <•i a ___ a^ CORNER 66907 S I DEWALL, ISOMETRIC BASE SHELF 66908 "OR $1090 FIELD NOTCH ISE PLATE OF f=NOWALL COLUMN. PIacs s12 screws aLIEG TO CLEAR ski :scent t;, short `t�xale raw at :enter 0 � IF AEOUIREDe' q � : t . RASE SHELF SECTI, �{� _ _ $tee INSTALL STITCH S"PEWS 414- K ' t SE/L1lT fEQulfECIstep % s ep 9 step 6 14Y PANEL CRE -ST o' -T LCCATIOUS ' -" SHOIAN IN SICEti•.} - 0 xclr 'eadin ecce o: panel to 3' medu?e at bass sheat ar,3 ° � f5"!�tEiRIC install 012.giri sc:e'er at that side. Panel xciui• should ASE~ , rrp marxed on case shelf. P1%;mb panel and i'nstali outr,r screw to tcp qir•. a Mo vt female rib bacx Co assyrs ti3ht lap and insta:I screw ;v l in girt id'acont to tussle riga at to i:t and _ � D 9 Daae shelf. ~° 12 SCREWS �#���# � 9 install remaining girt and bass sr,!If screws. (WALL COLM D %nstall' stitch screws in side Imp. a4 INSTALL 1"VLL CC,< BENEATH 1-y`FhDSE Uw _ ccverinq E:tvati:n $heel will illustrate when and where G�`iER �'�• PANEL LAP UET�Af �.✓ lap is ri�,uired ire end all. tx'S SEE NOTESlz See coveting E/ovation.sheet tot starting d:xensions. ix-11� fascia has a protective'coating which must be removed f7f?VN• �Cro• 1-4 2 sU CORt.ER SIOEWALL> »-----=--' CORNER before insralration. u! COLL"MN COLUMN 1�- N 1s Whom tnst•allinq 6`8)36 ori 72au s -craws, use, a ?/16' doubx; `GIRT hex socket (71718 from Armco}. LINES r" RIEVIStONS, BY AV SCALE I"=50' ren N LEGEND S_ NON HAZARDOUS SALVAGE MATERIAL TANK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TANK RINSE WATER TANK CLEANING TANK U SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION TANK X 95.3 EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION FG9 L5FINISH GRADE ELEVATI ON 9.4-141 .JW m=.. co -0 4- to mvzc 41 uj cy W L> C> -4- c 0.1 U4 0 10 ct Z -ts -r- ow 0 �p LL. CL 'a to 4) 40 • of 4-) 0 (D co & x N LEGEND S_ NON HAZARDOUS SALVAGE MATERIAL TANK PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TANK RINSE WATER TANK CLEANING TANK U SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION TANK X 95.3 EXISTING GROUND ELEVATION FG9 L5FINISH GRADE ELEVATI ON 9.4-141 .JW m=.. co -0 4- to mvzc 41 uj cy W L> C> -4- c U4 0 10 ct Z -ts -r- ow 0 �p LL. CL 'a to 4) 40 • of 4-) 0 (D co & x ny Q Z > CC 0 u - w U) z cr- w a: W < cr DATE NOV WALE tit 50f, CIVI'm z I OP 1W OFr*ICE BLOG, -T 48 0 /_....� __... ...... ..... ..� . .,.... ...r.. ..._. �..r . ,... ._ _ . ..... ..... ..... .___ ..r 2"Z7 V 5!t 4W'# A - 1 ,C, Alk A AMk T T I:Z:Z T :3 0 60A 400A 70A 70AZSOA 101P 3P 5P } 3,� _j _j Cd --4 G-0550MCK4 THWN AL, f1c -.5*500 mcm (5) 4" -C THWW AL. W/W IQ 601LER BLDG rIONE)UCT,OR5 BY P-G.4E. W/W By TRArK5 I't -204 THWKI AL, (TYP OF (60A 2 P I �oOA)Zp 250A _j _j NOW -AUT -0 NOW -A= 3P 3P ZSKVA\ 25KVA ::Z < 7 10 13W 10 j --5w 3: XFMR XFMR, ry-) IG: 1'/4'C;a Z* I THEIN AL 1*8AL1 THM4 AL 100A 100A AIR COMPR ct 2t ?*AWEL (150 H -r) LU LLJ PWL"A PWL'B WELID, RECPT, W7R. L,P-G, t7Y tm, OF 2) WELL COMPR, F. L, A 415 4S 180 254 54 ON5. LINE R A M ELECTRICAL Unless otlierwise, specified,, the Builder shall; 1. Provide all labor, mat4prialof and equipment required to complete this installation. 2.. Ptovido materialst equipment a04*conatruction to comply with lacal- c6de and- C-alif6r-nial State BAilldiaq Standards Title No. 24, N.E.Co Zotestkdition. 3. W�-line on a set of. dxavings Any and'all deviations from the dr 4w, ngs'. 4. Tait;a1i powerwire type TM single conductort ,pper, 60OV, No. 11 AWG minimum size. 5. Pwv1de all new material andpment. 6. mA''rk or tag for identiticatio;etl circuits, conductors, conduit and electrical equipme ds nt. 7. Test all new wiring for continuityt short circuits, unintentional grounor wrong cq,nnections and test*equ*pment for proper operation-. 8. Obtain all permits audarrange fox all inqpections. drill.,weld or cut any building structural memb.er. 10,. Pa:int exposed metal surfac", of all electrical equipment, 11. Patch or repair -all walls, fl*orst Pavement etc.,, that may be,cut or"damaged during,'th4 installation. 12. All exterior lighting to be controlled by a 24 hour time-clook,.photocell and appropriate sized lighting contactor. �,_.�.---___ _ Z11c; - ,3 THWN AL IIIC-3*4 7-HWW AL. T7 L L L L W E L 0 REQ PT. (TYF� OF Z 4-6 45 45 46 45 17 '0 18 AN& 19 20 21 22 12 3 241 25 26 27- 128 CIO 29 30, 31 32, 33. W N 37 & 1 38 1391 J, 1401 1�11 I, t42 TOTAJ.,S TOTAL WATTS OA 760S 08 7740 PANEL TOTAL WATTS /624S OE aHIM kW = /StB5 KW 24-0 "NEI M HIM HEMt IMMEM131010 W_-AW=,A W" MEN VOLTAGE FEEDER mom A PHASE LOCATION S014 -OR- 540&- MAIN 'BREAKER" BREAKER - mom TYPE PANEL DESCRIPTION PANEL BUS - WATTS BKR. OA 98 4* mom 7 Lavctl 20. 1 Kota 1P 0 2.0, 3 20,, . � /000. 2C 7 8 momma 960 '20. 10 13 14 mom OP 1W OFr*ICE BLOG, -T 48 0 /_....� __... ...... ..... ..� . .,.... ...r.. ..._. �..r . ,... ._ _ . ..... ..... ..... .___ ..r 2"Z7 V 5!t 4W'# A - 1 ,C, Alk A AMk T T I:Z:Z T :3 0 60A 400A 70A 70AZSOA 101P 3P 5P } 3,� _j _j Cd --4 G-0550MCK4 THWN AL, f1c -.5*500 mcm (5) 4" -C THWW AL. W/W IQ 601LER BLDG rIONE)UCT,OR5 BY P-G.4E. W/W By TRArK5 I't -204 THWKI AL, (TYP OF (60A 2 P I �oOA)Zp 250A _j _j NOW -AUT -0 NOW -A= 3P 3P ZSKVA\ 25KVA ::Z < 7 10 13W 10 j --5w 3: XFMR XFMR, ry-) IG: 1'/4'C;a Z* I THEIN AL 1*8AL1 THM4 AL 100A 100A AIR COMPR ct 2t ?*AWEL (150 H -r) LU LLJ PWL"A PWL'B WELID, RECPT, W7R. L,P-G, t7Y tm, OF 2) WELL COMPR, F. L, A 415 4S 180 254 54 ON5. LINE R A M ELECTRICAL Unless otlierwise, specified,, the Builder shall; 1. Provide all labor, mat4prialof and equipment required to complete this installation. 2.. Ptovido materialst equipment a04*conatruction to comply with lacal- c6de and- C-alif6r-nial State BAilldiaq Standards Title No. 24, N.E.Co Zotestkdition. 3. W�-line on a set of. dxavings Any and'all deviations from the dr 4w, ngs'. 4. Tait;a1i powerwire type TM single conductort ,pper, 60OV, No. 11 AWG minimum size. 5. Pwv1de all new material andpment. 6. mA''rk or tag for identiticatio;etl circuits, conductors, conduit and electrical equipme ds nt. 7. Test all new wiring for continuityt short circuits, unintentional grounor wrong cq,nnections and test*equ*pment for proper operation-. 8. Obtain all permits audarrange fox all inqpections. drill.,weld or cut any building structural memb.er. 10,. Pa:int exposed metal surfac", of all electrical equipment, 11. Patch or repair -all walls, fl*orst Pavement etc.,, that may be,cut or"damaged during,'th4 installation. 12. All exterior lighting to be controlled by a 24 hour time-clook,.photocell and appropriate sized lighting contactor. �,_.�.---___ _ Z11c; - ,3 THWN AL IIIC-3*4 7-HWW AL. T7 L L L L W E L 0 REQ PT. (TYF� OF Z 4-6 45 45 46 45 17 '0 18 AN& 19 20 21 22 12 3 241 25 26 27- 128 29 30, 31 32, 33. W 1,36 37 & 1 38 1391 J, 1401 1�11 I, t42 TOTAJ.,S TOTAL WATTS OA 760S 08 7740 PANEL TOTAL WATTS /624S 15. 5I<W LCL kW = /StB5 KW 24-0 VoLT:5 10 (o(o, AMP* VOLTAGE FEEDER WIRE 7 qW1,J A PHASE LOCATION S014 -OR- 540&- MAIN 'BREAKER" BREAKER /006- - SPACE TYPE PANEL DESCRIPTION PANEL BUS - WATTS BKR. OA 98 4* BKRO WATTS (D B 7 Lavctl 20. 1 Kota 1P 0 2.0, 3 20,, 2, 1, 4 --A 2 wow -e< 20 500 coaca/SSP II E500 tVA)O. C 04C Zaw W 2.8 00 AIR CaAAoinow m& /000. 2C 7 8 960 '20. 10 13 14 16 171 18 19] 20 21 22 23 24 2:6 27 29 30 31 32 35� M 3.6 37 , .1, 38 39, 1 f _J40 -A. 1, 1 1.142 L • _4 226C Ae 3rd 1c At'S720 TOTAL., WATTS OA 7100 00" S64C PANEL TOTAL WATTS /2740 mr LIGHTINGFIXTURE SCHEDULE TYPE DESCR'IPTION MOUNT WATTS LAMPS -rfo L i 4 i , Q k AT, -6 2Lrt>- 240A 5UZFACF_ 100 2 F40 C v,,,/ SUgFACe- 0 C) 2 P40 Li-rHr)�J 1A CAT_�# C C14 A I t�J 2- -F 40 1R_E_ L-1 LU tA A r�_'I<L P j(00 V50HPS LI A OP 1W OFr*ICE BLOG, -T 48 0 /_....� __... ...... ..... ..� . .,.... ...r.. ..._. �..r . ,... ._ _ . ..... ..... ..... .___ ..r 2"Z7 V 5!t 4W'# A - 1 ,C, Alk A AMk T T I:Z:Z T :3 0 60A 400A 70A 70AZSOA 101P 3P 5P } 3,� _j _j Cd --4 G-0550MCK4 THWN AL, f1c -.5*500 mcm (5) 4" -C THWW AL. W/W IQ 601LER BLDG rIONE)UCT,OR5 BY P-G.4E. W/W By TRArK5 I't -204 THWKI AL, (TYP OF (60A 2 P I �oOA)Zp 250A _j _j NOW -AUT -0 NOW -A= 3P 3P ZSKVA\ 25KVA ::Z < 7 10 13W 10 j --5w 3: XFMR XFMR, ry-) IG: 1'/4'C;a Z* I THEIN AL 1*8AL1 THM4 AL 100A 100A AIR COMPR ct 2t ?*AWEL (150 H -r) LU LLJ PWL"A PWL'B WELID, RECPT, W7R. L,P-G, t7Y tm, OF 2) WELL COMPR, F. L, A 415 4S 180 254 54 ON5. LINE R A M ELECTRICAL Unless otlierwise, specified,, the Builder shall; 1. Provide all labor, mat4prialof and equipment required to complete this installation. 2.. Ptovido materialst equipment a04*conatruction to comply with lacal- c6de and- C-alif6r-nial State BAilldiaq Standards Title No. 24, N.E.Co Zotestkdition. 3. W�-line on a set of. dxavings Any and'all deviations from the dr 4w, ngs'. 4. Tait;a1i powerwire type TM single conductort ,pper, 60OV, No. 11 AWG minimum size. 5. Pwv1de all new material andpment. 6. mA''rk or tag for identiticatio;etl circuits, conductors, conduit and electrical equipme ds nt. 7. Test all new wiring for continuityt short circuits, unintentional grounor wrong cq,nnections and test*equ*pment for proper operation-. 8. Obtain all permits audarrange fox all inqpections. drill.,weld or cut any building structural memb.er. 10,. Pa:int exposed metal surfac", of all electrical equipment, 11. Patch or repair -all walls, fl*orst Pavement etc.,, that may be,cut or"damaged during,'th4 installation. 12. All exterior lighting to be controlled by a 24 hour time-clook,.photocell and appropriate sized lighting contactor. �,_.�.---___ _ Z11c; - ,3 THWN AL IIIC-3*4 7-HWW AL. T7 L L L L W E L 0 REQ PT. (TYF� OF Z 4-6 45 45 46 45 A ,5YM50L LP57 SYM50L 0ESCRIPI-low -Now DUPLEX COWYEWIENCE RESEP7o&,CLE IZOV, ZOA GWD, ---BW D TE 0 C K7. D U PLE. X CONVEWIENCE RECPr,)jZ0YjZ0AjGQDj- VV IDEDICA WELD RECEP*r 4-80V ' 50A F—U IDISCOWWEC7 :5WITCH) w, P'. FUSFED A5 RECOMMENDED BY Mr -C -r, ZI�JGLE POLE Lr, :SVqITC14 1D0Ue>LE= LT, 5WITCH 0 H DOUBLE LT, 5wircH THREVE WA� CESIC-YWAVOW < > W LL W,P. WEATHERPROOF Ul W _j Uj Z ?<, 4 t=LUQR. F)Xr.�SURFACE— MOUNT !.-*w'1Zr=-. LAMP OUAWTIT-Y W APER F=1X71JRE= SCHEDULE 4'x?)' I=LUOR - FIX"r,)CHAIQ MOUMT LAMP QUAWT17Y LL _j A5 PER r-1)(TURF.- SCHEDULE— < D, .j /A FIXTURE TYPE! W1 \LI(0�0�,,­01--FIX7URE WA7TAGF.::7 U I -Z 3 4 GUAJTrry IL, Ly- AN& r A ,5YM50L LP57 SYM50L 0ESCRIPI-low -Now DUPLEX COWYEWIENCE RESEP7o&,CLE IZOV, ZOA GWD, ---BW D TE 0 C K7. D U PLE. X CONVEWIENCE RECPr,)jZ0YjZ0AjGQDj- VV IDEDICA WELD RECEP*r 4-80V ' 50A F—U IDISCOWWEC7 :5WITCH) w, P'. FUSFED A5 RECOMMENDED BY Mr -C -r, ZI�JGLE POLE Lr, :SVqITC14 1D0Ue>LE= LT, 5WITCH 0 H DOUBLE LT, 5wircH THREVE WA� CESIC-YWAVOW < > W LL W,P. WEATHERPROOF Ul W _j Uj Z ?<, 4 t=LUQR. F)Xr.�SURFACE— MOUNT !.-*w'1Zr=-. LAMP OUAWTIT-Y W APER F=1X71JRE= SCHEDULE 4'x?)' I=LUOR - FIX"r,)CHAIQ MOUMT LAMP QUAWT17Y LL _j A5 PER r-1)(TURF.- SCHEDULE— < D, .j /A FIXTURE TYPE! W1 \LI(0�0�,,­01--FIX7URE WA7TAGF.::7 U I -Z 3 4 GUAJTrry IL, Ly- lWaidtal A,105 �4 OFFI-CE BLDG �w ■ A A A, I OFFISE. Allo) m a ii, sz L W.P. E5, 14) U7 I L IT ` HMl` � f f LOCK 11 LUW--CH RM, SHOP BLIDG OF Z) x I E/C t1i W. P, rziF ,i z ii, sz L W.P. E5, 14) U7 I L IT ` HMl` � f f LOCK 11 LUW--CH RM, SHOP BLIDG OF Z) x PROP MMARY� INFORWID.4' The d-sjgn and fnf0 Tm I OA G u he -rain ii-,, the txclu-sive pro;i-Orty o ft ELECTPJC Ca AT 1C.0 CX-AFTOA, U ECtIU., c 40"Wolo" LICOM #w 406w: 0 JtARY C.'QAA"ON Ituc-04 9 tit ir's S" t r i to h 1'64 ted, HERITAGE, RAILWAY RVI C � j,:t WC11'' 4�z It. if *CALE:1/ App*ovcv ort: O"wNloy 0 MIS toDATIC'.`tel 31. OFFICE OFFICE UCO B /A ii s E { �QSb Ili OFFICE OFFICE. /A 7 -tC4 IQ L ---j 106 /E5 Paa, -r-r -D 106 0 1= -F I 34 X 38 VR*#M ON NO, 4 00 MARP"m • H A- L \-I t P4 to OFFICE A K L.J '9 Ll '96 WORK H 0 P J- 0 F F I r= 7o UrILITY RM$ C)b F -V -T Ei 7n -76 LUMC;H RM, 51-40P G3LIDG