HomeMy WebLinkAbout1.7-7237GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL GRADING SHALL CONFORM WITH CHAPTER 33 - CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND STANDARDS PERTAINING THERETO. ALSO REFER TO SOILS REPORT PREPARED BY KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED 08/02/04. UPDATED BY KRAZAN do ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED 10/21/2015. 2. ALL CUT AND/OR FILL SLOPES SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN TWO (2) HORIZONTAL TO ONE (1) VERTICLE. 3. ALL FILL SLOPES SHALL NOT CUT WITHIN TWELEV (12) FEET HORIZONTALLY OR THE TOR OF EXISTING AND/OR PLANNED SLOPES. 4. AL FILL AREAS TO BE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIAL FOR A STRUCTURE FILL AND THE AREA SCARIFIED TO A DEPTH OF SIX (6) INCHES. 5. FILL AREAS SLOPING STEEPER THAN FIVE TO ONE (5:1) SHALL BE KEYED AND BENCHED TO SUPPORT FILL. 6. FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACID IN LAYERS NOT EXCEEDING SIX (6) INCHES IN COMPACTED THICKNESS AND COMPACTED AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT BY AN APPROVED METHOD. 7. ENGINEER/BUILDING OFFICIAL WILL BE NOTIFIED FORTY EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO PLACING OF ANY FILL MATERIAL. 8. ALL FILL TO BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF NINETY (907.) PERCENT MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINRD BY APPROVED METHOD PER CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE SECTION 3305 AND SO CERTIFIED BY TESTS AND REPORTS FROM SOILS ENGINEER. 9. All SLOPES IN EXCESS OF THREE (3) FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL BE PREPARED AND MAINTAINED TO CONTROL AGAINST EROSION. 10. DIVERTER TERRACES (SWALES) WITH THREE (3) FEET MINIMUM WIDTH AND ONE (1) FOOT MINIMUM DEPTH ARE REQUIRED AT TOP OF CUT SLOPES WHEN EXISTING TERRAIN SLOPES TOWARD TOP OF CUT. 11. BERMS OR DRAINAGE DEVICES ARE REQUIRED AT TOP OF ALL FILL SLOPES. 12. SURFACE DRAINAGE TO BE ONE (1%) PERCENT MINIMUM, EXCEPT AS WAIVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 13. GRADING WORK WILL BE SUPERVISED AS ENGINEERED GRADING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 33 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 14. THE FAGS OF ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE PLANTED WITH A (MOUND COVER INDIGENOUS TO THE AREA. 15. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL EXERCISE SUFFICIENT SUPERVISOR CONTROL DURING GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANS, SPECIFICATION AND CODE WITHIN HIS PURVIEW. 16. ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE TUNED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURE'S SPECIFICATIONS. 17. WORK CREWS SHALL SHUT OFF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT WHEN NOT IN USE. 18. ANY WORK WITHIN EXISTING CITY RIGHT OF WAY WILL REQUIRE AN OPEN STREET PERMIT. 19. USA NOTE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CALL U.S.A. ALERT BEFORE BEGINNING ANY WORK ON THE PROJECT (1-800-227-2600) OR (1-800-642-2444). 20. IF THE PROJECT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELJMINA11ON SYSTEM (NPDES), A -NOTICE OF INTENT" (NOI) TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (SWRCB ORDER NO. 2009-009-DWQ AS AMENDED BY ORDER 2010 -0014 -DWI AND ORDER 2012-0006-DWhQ)) MUST BE FILED WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD IN SACRAMENTO BEFORE THE BEGINNING OR ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL PERMIT REQUIRES THAT A STORM WATER POLLUTION! PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) BE PREPARED, CONTINUOSLY CARRIED OUT, AND ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION DURING NORMAL CONSTRUCTION HOURS. WASTE DISCHARGE IDENTIFICATION (VW) NUMBER -C.3 71S-9_3 HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD FOR THIS PROJECT. 21. AN OPEN STREET PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN EXISTING ACCEPTED STREET RIGHT OR WAY. UNLESS SECURED BY A SUBDIVISION AGREE- MENT, SECURITY BASED ON AN APPROVED ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR THE WORK PERFORMED WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY AND INSURANCE AS REWIRED SHALL BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT. 22 ANY ITEMS IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT ARE DAMAGED OR DO NOT MEET CURRENT STANDARDS SET BY PUBLIC WORKS WILL REQUIRE REPAIRING AND/OR UPGRADING AS PER CITY ENGINEER. 23. UNDERGROUND SERMCE ALERT SHALL BE CONTACTED TWO (2) WORKING DAYS PF40R TO CONSTRUCTION. (1-800-642-2444) 24. 24 HOUR NOTICE: PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION) THE CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SECTION SHALL BE GIVEN AT LEAST 24 HOUR NOTICE. THE SECTION MAY BE NOTIFIED AT (661) 326-3049. 25. COMPACTION TEST NOTE COMPACTION TESTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER/SUBDIVIDER/CONTRACTOR. THE NUMBER AND LOCATION OF REWIRED TESTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 26. MAXIMUM SLOPE RA110 FROM BACK OF SIDEWALK TO FACE OF WALL OR STRUCTURE SHALL BE 4:1, EXCEPT FOR TWO FEET BEHIND THE SIDEWALK WHERE THE MAXIMUM SLOPE SHALL EE 27*. ALTERNATIVELY, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY APPROVE CURBING BEHIND THE SIDEWALK OR OTHER METHOD TO PREVENT EROSION ONTO THE SIDEWALK. NOTES: SIDEYARD SLOPE TO BE 2% FOR 10' OR TO PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN ALL LOTS TO BE GRADED ACCORDING TO THE TYPICAL DETAIL UNLESS OTHERWISE OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THESE PLANS FINISH GRADING & SWALES TO BE COMPLETED BY BUILDER AT TIME OF HOUSE REAR P.L. CONSTRUCTION. PADS TO BE GRAULD I -HUM I-KUN I IU BACK AT .5% AT ROUGH GRADE �� up,R. --- ���o ----- 7 <v Q ° / BUILDING PAD Q�---------------Z �A F vAR. <. FRONT P.L. TYPICAL LOT GRADING Drawing File: 7237GRDFS 05/17//2017 A 2' PAD C I An Fy OFEASEMENT NOTES N. 1 /4 COR. SEC. 26, 29/26 M.D.M. ' ' 5' LANDSCAPI= EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD F � CALC. POSITION NOT FD. OR SET A ROSEDALE HIGHWAY. K.C.S. CONC. MON. FD. 1.2' DN. 30' S. OF ss N. 1/4 COR. SEC. 26 (3 AKER SI ELD TYPICAL STEP SECTION SIDE YARD AND BACKYARD B' R.O.W. B 5' _z O PAD °- Lij _z I VARIES 2:1 MAX. TYPICAL STEP SECTION SIDE YARD & FRONT YARD @ R. 0. W. C TRACT BNDY C' 6' WOOD FENCE 1'- 2' RETAINING WALL IF PAD ADJACENT PROPERTY/ PAD MAX. 1'-3' MIN. COVERAGE 6" TYPICAL STEP SECTION SIDE YARD AND BACKYARD OWNER: KELLY BAILEY -� RCP W/RGJ CL Ill & MAN TOLE TYPE nA " PER COB SID 9200 BRIDGET LEIGH WAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93312 SUBDIVIDER: KELLY BAILEY S7D. CITY MONUMENT ENCASEMENT PER CGB S751 9200 BRIDGET LEIGH WAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93312 ENGINEER: SMITHTECH/USA, INC. 1424 17TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 TRACT No.. 7237 GF1,AD1NG4q*'PLAN BENCH MARK USED: CHISELED "O" TOP CURB NORTHERLY CURB RETURN AT THE N/E CORNER OF PALM RANCH AND COCO PALM. ELEVATION 358.03 U.S.G.S. DATUM LEGAL DESCRIPTION BENCH MARK SET: TOP OF CURE; SOUTH BCR SOUTH EWST CORNER OF ALLEN ROAD AND PALM AVENUE ELEVATION 362.06 U.S.G.S. DATUM LOT 12 OF TRACT 6036, UNIT THREE, IN THE CITY OF BAK=RSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP REI"ORDED FEBRUARY 14, 2006 IN BOOK 54, PAGE 137 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE C=OUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SIGN NUMBE 6 ARE FEDERAL LODES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED BY (CA). (CA) IND'CATES CALIFORNIA CODES. LEGEND -� TYP. SEWER MAIN & M, I NHOLE TYPE "A " PER COB S SW- 4 -� RCP W/RGJ CL Ill & MAN TOLE TYPE nA " PER COB SID SW -4 i TYP. TYPE °A" CA TCH 3A PER COB S 7 D-14 - - - - T}P. STORM DRAIN PIPE AS NO7FD 1-1 FAULT S7D. CITY MONUMENT ENCASEMENT PER CGB S751 ST -13 (TO BE CONST. OR E)6�'TS AS NOTED) TELEPHONE POLE STREET SLOPE �- CENTER LINE = 6' BLOCK WALL ig GRADE BREAK � CR CURB RETURN Z w o SLOPE SECTION DETAIL A A' PROJECT EP EXISTING PAVMENT 10 20 20 10 _ . STREET WIDTH PRC PT OF REVERSE CURVE LLJw LOT GRADING PIVC PT OF VERTICAL CURVE Q 1 TRANS TRANSITION RD. _ SEC FLOW LINE M o% -- SLOPE OF FLOW LINE F'7' LOT PAD ELEVATIOH '` ADDITIONAL NOTES ON SHEET TWO 23' SCALE: I 1 " = 100' KEY MAP A.P.N.: PTN. 495 -460 -13 -OC 29/26 M.D.M AS WITNESS COR. PER it P.M. 7637, P.M.B. 32, PG. 89 1- a 00L$ITY �; N 89'39'04" E 443.05, TRrI% , O Y HINAULT DRIVE Gt,IY s CTR. SEC. 23, 29/26 M.D.M. - FD. 2" I.P. CONC. FILLED W/ PIN IN L.H. - I'LR P.M. 7584, P.M.B. 32, FG. 107 PERMIT NUMBER: H15-40000076 FL R /!A' 30' 20' 10' I M 1I'4" PER. FT. 2:1 PAD K,1_,. J n ROUGH GRADE UNE -/ .3' BELOW FL -1-11 HINAULT STREET CROSS SECTION PLATE S-27 ?=VISED .20' A.C. OVER .40' C.A.B. OVER .50' OF 95% COMP. O.G. R -VALUE = 60 T.I. = 4.5 �QQPOFESsj(j E v�\ „ I i No. 35473 Exp. 9-30-1;, clw_ ,e t/ TF�� CALIFO� �P �7!TY RECORDS 6 2 3 1 4 11 Z. BASIS OF BEARINGS "7HE BEARING OF N 0077'43'- 'W A.' 9NG THE CENTERLINE OF PALM R, INCH STREET AS SHOWN ON TRACT 527P --UNIT B RECORDED IN BOOK 42 � F PAg:S 4 - 6 OF MAPS WAS TAKEN AS 7l F BASS OF BEARINGS SHOWN HE, iEON ROSEDALE ',V'( I 1-1 FAULT c� c PALM AVE. � Z w o a z PROJECT z z s CTR. SEC. 23, 29/26 M.D.M. - FD. 2" I.P. CONC. FILLED W/ PIN IN L.H. - I'LR P.M. 7584, P.M.B. 32, FG. 107 PERMIT NUMBER: H15-40000076 FL R /!A' 30' 20' 10' I M 1I'4" PER. FT. 2:1 PAD K,1_,. J n ROUGH GRADE UNE -/ .3' BELOW FL -1-11 HINAULT STREET CROSS SECTION PLATE S-27 ?=VISED .20' A.C. OVER .40' C.A.B. OVER .50' OF 95% COMP. O.G. R -VALUE = 60 T.I. = 4.5 �QQPOFESsj(j E v�\ „ I i No. 35473 Exp. 9-30-1;, clw_ ,e t/ TF�� CALIFO� �P �7!TY RECORDS 6 2 3 1 4 11 Z. BASIS OF BEARINGS "7HE BEARING OF N 0077'43'- 'W A.' 9NG THE CENTERLINE OF PALM R, INCH STREET AS SHOWN ON TRACT 527P --UNIT B RECORDED IN BOOK 42 � F PAg:S 4 - 6 OF MAPS WAS TAKEN AS 7l F BASS OF BEARINGS SHOWN HE, iEON VICINITY MAS' N.T.S. TOTAL ACREAGE - TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED CNLY TOTAL ACREAGE: 2.82 Gross Acres TOTAL LOTS: 8 BUILDABLE SinithTech'A USA INCORPORATED HABERF _i.'E BUILDING 142= 17TH STREET BAKERS=IELE, CALIFORNIA 93301 (,661) 327-8492 FAX 327-8493 The GRADi' a PL,k`q as shown on this drawing is hereby aFproved, suh, c ar i ,rt corrections or additions. Approval by th e Public rno Butlding Department indicates apprcvai only a , „ ls(ao anti coitormance to City S'andard:. Codes tot the suDdivider ur developer sha!I be racy of calculations for this plan and sha I submit a ea "as -y Jced" plan atter completion of the grading. APPROVED BY: 7 rcZDpartment D tment ,^Da rl' BuildiD2'te ?"'RACT N0. 7420 ' L: 11' 17 GRADING PLAN' ROBEI"T E. SMITH RCE 3:;473 C;ATE JOB NO - 13-108 SHEET 1 OF !r =;HEE. TS ?Yzl ✓ - I ! J�? t� 1 ROSEDALE ',V'( I 1-1 FAULT c� c PALM AVE. �T 1� _ a z PROJECT z z LLJw z SITE Q 1 BRIMHALL RD. _ VICINITY MAS' N.T.S. TOTAL ACREAGE - TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED CNLY TOTAL ACREAGE: 2.82 Gross Acres TOTAL LOTS: 8 BUILDABLE SinithTech'A USA INCORPORATED HABERF _i.'E BUILDING 142= 17TH STREET BAKERS=IELE, CALIFORNIA 93301 (,661) 327-8492 FAX 327-8493 The GRADi' a PL,k`q as shown on this drawing is hereby aFproved, suh, c ar i ,rt corrections or additions. Approval by th e Public rno Butlding Department indicates apprcvai only a , „ ls(ao anti coitormance to City S'andard:. Codes tot the suDdivider ur developer sha!I be racy of calculations for this plan and sha I submit a ea "as -y Jced" plan atter completion of the grading. APPROVED BY: 7 rcZDpartment D tment ,^Da rl' BuildiD2'te ?"'RACT N0. 7420 ' L: 11' 17 GRADING PLAN' ROBEI"T E. SMITH RCE 3:;473 C;ATE JOB NO - 13-108 SHEET 1 OF !r =;HEE. TS ?Yzl ✓ - I ! J�? t� 1 gecorpmopdatiops fpr site preparation included in our previous report are as follows: Site Preparation General site clearing should include removal'of vegetation; existing utilities; structures including foundations; basement walls and floors; existing stockpiled soil; trees and associated root systems; rabble; rubbish; a any loose and/or saturated materials. Site stripping should extend to a minimum depth of 2 to 4: inches, or until all organics in excess of 3 percent by volume are removed. Deeper stripping may 'be required in localized areas. These materials will not be suitable for use as Engineered Fill. Howweri stripped topsoil may be stockpiled and re -used in landscape ornon- structural areas. Up to 11/z feet of fill material was encountered in the southeast portion of the site. In addition, end dump piles of fill soil and debris are located in the southeast portion of the site. The fill material predominately consists of silty sand, sandy silt and sand soil mixed'with debris consisting of concrete, asphaltic concrete and weeds. The thickness and extent of fill material was determined . based on limited test borings. Thicker fill may be present at the site. The fill material should be completely reinoyed so that the native soils may be prepared properly. The fill soils will be suitable for re -use as Engineered Fill provides} it is cleansed of excessive ofganics and debris. The debris consistingof concrete, asphaltic con4wete and weeds will not ba' suitable for reuse as Engineered Fill apd should be removed from the site. Priorlo backfilling IKrazan & Associates, Inc. should inspegt the bottom of the excavatipn to verify no additional exfavation is required. Following strippipg and fill removal operations, it is recommended that the exposed subgrade in building pad, extgior flatworkand pavement areas, be excavated/scariflg4 to a depth of at least 12 inches, workeduntil uniform and free from large clods, moisture -conditioned as necessary, and re compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density based op ASTM Test Method D1557. Limits of recompaction should extend 5 feet beyond structural elemients. This compaction effort should stabilize the surface soils and located any unsuitable or pliant areas not found daring ourfield investigation. The site was previously utilized as agricultural land. Associated with this development may be buried structures such as irrigation lines. Any buried structures encounteftd during construction should be properly removed and the resulting excavations backfilled. Excavations, depressions, or soft and pliant areas extending below planned finish subgrade level should be cleaned to firm undisturbed soil, and backfilled with Engineered Fill. In general, any septic tanks, debris pits, cesspools, or similar structures should be entiaely removed. Water wells should be abandoned in accordance with county standards. Concrete footings should be removed to an: equivalent depth of at least 3 feet below proposed footing elevations or as recommended by the Soils Engineer. Any other buried structures should be remov4d in accordance with the recommendations of: the Soils Engineer. The resulting excavations should be backfilled with Engineered Fill. The upper soils, during wet winter months, become very moist due to the absorptive characteristics of the soil. Earthwork operations performed during winter months may encounter very moist unstable soils, which may require removal to grade a stable building foundation. Project site wipte;#At}on consisting of placement of aggregate base and protecting exposed soils dw.iu� *e construction phase should be performed. A representative of our firm should be present during all site clearing and grading operations to test and observe earthwork construction. This testing and observation is an integral partof our service as acceptance of earthwork construction is dependent upon compaction of the material and the stability of the material. The Soils Engineer may reject any material that does not meet compaction and stability requirements. Further recommendations of this report are predicated upon the assumption that earthwork construction will conform to recommendations set forth in this section and the Engineered Fill section. At the time of our recent site visit on, October 20, 2015, the undeveloped lot was vacant and void of vegetation. Based on the observations made during. our recent site visit, the recommendations presented in the previous report shall remain applicable to the currently PgMsed construction. ratan and Associates should be contacted prior to start, of gradingaerations and the contractor should the depth of exisiina undocumented fill if any at the sit€ under observation bk Yrazan so that we mafv whether additional iaova2 is warranted. In addition to the above, O�e following recommendations are included to comply With the 2013 CBC and shall supersede the reconpnendations of the previous teport where applicable. FloorSiabs wind Exteerlo Flabwark Concrete slab -on -grade f pors should be underlain by a water vapor retarder, ne water vapor retarder should be installed in accordance with accepted engineering practice, The watt vapor retarder should :. consist of a vapor retarder sheeting underlain by a miliimum of 3 inches of comparted, clean, gravel of/4- inch maximum size. To aid in concrete curing an 94anal 2 to 4 inches of granulgr fill may be placed on top of the vapor retarder. The granular fill should eor* ist .of damp clean sand with et least 10 to 30 percent of the sand passing the 100 sieve. The sand should be free of clay, silt, or organic maternal: .Rock dust which is manufactured sapd from rock crushing openttions: is typically suitable felt the granular fill.. This granular fill material should be compacted. The exterior floors should be poured .separately in order to act independently of the walls and foundation system. All fills required, to bring the building pads l o grade should be Engineered mills. Moisture within the stn.��ture may be derived fromwater vapors, which werp, transformed from the moisture within the soils. This moisture vapor can travel through the vapor membrane and penetrate the slab -on -grade. This moisture vapor penetration can *ffect floor coverings and produce mold and mildew in the structure. To minimize moisture vapor intrli.sion, it is recommended that a vapor retarder be installed. It is recommended that the utility trenches within the structure:be compacted, as specified in our report, to minimize the taansm* sion of moisture through the utility trench bacl&ll. Special attention to the immediate drainage and irrigation around the buRding is recommended. Positive draivage should be established away from the structure and should be maintained throughout the life of the structure. Ponding of water should not be allowed adjacent to the structure. Over -irrigation within landscaped areas adjacent tol the structure should not be performed. In. addition, ventilation of the structure (i.e. ventilation fans): is recommended to reduce the accumulation of interior moisture. Drawing File: FrGRD7237 11/15/2015 TRACT No. 7237 GRADING PLAN The ground surface should slope away from building pad and pavement areas toward appropriate drop inlets or other surface drainage devices. In accordance with Section 1804 of the 2013 California Building Code, it is recommended that the ground surface adjacent to foundations be sloped a minimum of 5 percent for a minimum distance of 10 feet away from structures, or to an approved alternative means of drainage conveyance. Swales used for conveyance of drainage and located within l0 feet of founc}ations should be sloped.a minimum of 2 percent. Impervious surfaces, such as pavement and exterior concrete flatwork, within 10 feet of building foundations should be sloped a minimum of 1 percent away from the structure. Drainage gradients should be maintained to carry all surface water to collection devices and/or facilities and off-site. These grades should be maintained for the life of the project. seismic Paramiters --X0113 Caiiforeiia Bufidig Code The Site Class per Section 1613 of the 2013 California Building Code (2013 CBC) and Table 20.3-1 of ASCE 7-10 is based upon the site soil conditions. It is our opinion that Site Class D is most consistent with the subject site soil conditions. For seismic design of the structures based on the seismic provisions of the 2013 CBC; we reco�mend the following paran}pters; Snns Set#m ic.Item Value CBC Reference Site Class D Section 1613.3.1 Site.Upefficient Fa 1.080 Table 1613.3.3 SS 1.05f1 Section 1613.3.1 Snns 1.131, Section 1613.3.x: SDs 0.75 Section 1613.3.4 Site Coefficient F;, 1.602 Table 1613.3.3 ( ! Sl 0.393 Section 1613.3.1 Sm; 0.639 Section 1613.3.3 SD, 0.426 Section 1613.3.4 Limitations Soils Engineering is one of the newest divisions of Civil Engineering. This branch of Civil Engineering is constantly improving as new technologies and uncle*tanding of earth sciences ac� wca. Although your site was analyzed using thlO most appropriate and most current techniques and methods, undoubtedly there will be substantial future i4provements in this branch of engineering. In addition to advancements in the field of Soils Engineering, physical changes in the We, either due to excavation or flplacement, new agency regulations, or possible changes in the proposid structure after the soils report is completed may require, the soils report to be professionally reviewed. In light of _this, the Owner should be aware that there, is a practical limit to the usefulness of this report without critical review. Although the time limit for this review is strictly arbitrary, it is suggested that 2 years be considered a reasonable time for the usefulness of this report. iFogA4ption and eWbworlc construction is characterized by the presence of a ealcuiRted r sic that sQ4 and groundwater conditions have been fully revealed by the original foundation investigation. This risl is derived from the practical necessity of basing interpretations and design conclusions on lmited sampling of the earth. Tine recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that soil conditions do.:not vary significantly from those disclosed during the field investigation. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, the Soils Engineer should be notified so that supplemental recommendations may be made. The conclusions of this report are based on the information provided regarding the propos,,-d construction. If the proposed construction is relocated or redesigned, the conclusions in this report may not be valid. The Soils Engineer should be notified of arty changes so the recommendations may be reviewed and re- evaluated. This report is a Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Update with the purpose of evaluating the soil conditions in terms of building foundation design and related site preparation. The scope of our services did not include any Environmental Site Assessment for the presence or absence of hazardous and/or toxic materials in the soil, greupdwater, or atmosphere, or toe presence of wetlands. Any statements, or absence of statements, in this rq sort or on any boring log regarding odors, unusual or suspi4nous items, or conditions observed, aro' strictly for descriptive puaoses and are not: intended to convey engineering judgment regarding pore#tial hazardous and/or toxic assessment. The geotechnical engingering information presented herein is based upon prgsfessional interpretatiot utilizing standard engine (ring practices and a degree -0 conservatism deemed prgper for this project. It is not warranted that suC4 information. and :interpret4tion cannot be superseded by future geotechnicil engineering developments. We emphasize that this report is valid for the project outlined above and should not be used for any other sites. Recommendations and limitations provided in our previous Report, dated July V, 2004, which were n6t revised or`superseded herein, .will apply to this letter If you have any questions, or if we can be of farthhcs assistance, please contact our office at (661) 837-9200- Re 37-9200_ RTe.sspAe�ctfulllyp�su�b�vmiitttefvdg, � �bSgCyCl2itl'i & h1r7S6Yfl.ttGi`.TE9, INC. Ryan . Privets, FE Pro j€t Engineer RCE No. 59372 6 oQPOF E SSIOA, �Qk, SRT E. 3 <CC/ LU No.35473 "` * Exp. 9-30-17 mT CtvI\- q OF S m it h 'Tec i h 0 A INC0RP0RATED HABERFELDE BUILDING 142 17TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 327-8492 FAX 327-8493 s • ii RJB`R i E. SMITH RCE 354-73 .)A JOB NO. — 13-108 SHEET OF -47- SHEE-TS EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING S.D. AND CATCH BASIN PER TRACT 6036 NOTE HINAULT STREET TO BE CONSTRUCTED PER TRACT 7237 STREET PLANS. N. 1/4 COR. SEC. 267 29/26 M.D.N. CALC. POSITION NOT FD. OR SET Q I` N-) N Qo 0 O N O �--4 I E P QD Z ►1 TV ---1V) CL ROSEDALE 06g0, .487 %'_--s► CITY OF BAKERSFIELD �- � � ��5 ' �- z PAD �o PAD A A' PAD -'� ► K.0Q. cee 7M 61.3 PAD PAD X =� PAD 4 FD. 1.2' DN. 30' S. OF 61.3 61.7 W 61.5 N. 1/4 COR. SEC. 26 v T1fP. LOT c�►oINE, 5EE FRONT StlEET ; I 29 M:D�g 5g� _ -t 2 AS WITNESS COR. E — Q� �, P . --� V J% i lam• � • � • � 2 i -P � � � a� C-11 �' COUNTY EP r` 2 _ -_ - e� LIMITS -� I I I I 89°39'04" E 488 I I" ti � 10fQo --CITY--,.�--- ——,—--------- 5 N HINAULT 1 N 89.42'17" E GRADING —LI ITS --Cl DRIVE — 9 — T i 6 �. 7 8 G4J G ��p� JG CENTERLINE ��0� EP B 14 cP �t7�j C. EP F J cn F O F J 9 .253% - � � - c- CD C2 W J G L Q I` N-) N Qo 0 O N O �--4 I E P QD Z ►1 TV ---1V) FOR DETAIL A 1 a 06g0, .487 %'_--s► CITY OF BAKERSFIELD �- � � ��5 ' �- z PAD �o PAD A A' PAD -'� ► a 6 � 61.3 W' 61.3 PAD PAD X =� PAD 4 -toW 61.3 61.7 W 61.5 v T1fP. LOT c�►oINE, 5EE FRONT StlEET ; I FOR DETAIL A A' TRACT 8 PAD0 z 61.8 A A L, j N t I X W 6' I 1 GRADING UMIT Io R,5q q4 FL59. U�iLTS- 0F. C0N3V0-JJ lT09-''- - .. - ��� LFL6a.64---F�EX. COCO PA HR Ne PAD 6i. 0 8 0-) PAD o J. 8 I EX PLS_ --- EX FIL--- 00 , r, Q I Ln Y '--- tP EX. 6' OM UW FENCE N i� (M BE REMOVED) O> � 05 Lo LL - CD C:D 6 Cl z C D A, D PAD ?. G 60.9 i N 89°4"17" E 2!14.33 vv v ...........:........:..:: ..........:. i I �5 6 .00 59.9 ;+� I f� 1 r I , r 0 AD 59.87 i 6z'. 2 ?. 8 a 61.4 Cl)I.iRT - Lu LL- O- 6 06g0, .487 %'_--s► CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO 7 �- PAD -' fiQ c PAD -'� ► 61. �3 x �_ 61.8 4 O J 0,-) m¢ SUMP A' TRACT 8 PAD0 z 61.8 A A L, j N t I X W 6' I 1 GRADING UMIT Io R,5q q4 FL59. U�iLTS- 0F. C0N3V0-JJ lT09-''- - .. - ��� LFL6a.64---F�EX. COCO PA HR Ne PAD 6i. 0 8 0-) PAD o J. 8 I EX PLS_ --- EX FIL--- 00 , r, Q I Ln Y '--- tP EX. 6' OM UW FENCE N i� (M BE REMOVED) O> � 05 Lo LL - CD C:D 6 Cl z C D A, D PAD ?. G 60.9 i N 89°4"17" E 2!14.33 vv v ...........:........:..:: ..........:. i I �5 6 .00 59.9 ;+� I f� 1 r I , r 0 AD 59.87 i 6z'. 2 ?. 8 a 61.4 Cl)I.iRT - Lu LL- O- LANDSCAPE EASEMENT TO 06g0, .487 %'_--s► CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO BE DEDICATED WITH THE �- m �- �_ o SUMP :..: O M) SCALE. EASEMENT NOTES 1" = 50' (D 5' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO BE DEDICATED WITH THE FINAL MAP �O?�QFESS/py9 c= No.35473 113 = Enp.8-30-17 ' CTR. SEC. 26, 2926 M.D.M.� �s� crv1� P��� FD. 2 I.P. CONC. FILLED W/ PIN 9TFOFCA��Fae�'` IN L.H. - PER P.M. 7584, P.M.B. 32, PG. 107 C' T Y RECORDS #.- SHEET IS TO BE USED FOR EF,'OS ON CONTROL PURPOSES ONLY. THIS SHEET VICINITY MAP N.T.S. NOT BE USED FOR GRADING PURPOSES., 58— 5 -5B � 58 516 / 1. LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL APPROVAL TO DO SO HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. IF FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT IT, THE SWPPP MAY BE MODIFIED AS LONG AS THE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT COND111ONS ARE MET. ANY ALTERATIONS TO THE SWPPP MUST BE NOTED IN THE SWPPP BINDER KEPT ON STIE. 3. NO LAND CLEARING OR GRADING SHALL BEGIN UNTIL ALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. 4. THIS PLAN SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ALL INCLUSIVE AS THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT SOIL SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE AND BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES THAT APPLY. 6. ADDITIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE QUALIFIED SWPPP PRACTITIONER (QSP). 7. DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. EXISTING DRAIN INLETS SHALL BE PROTECTED UNTIL FINAL REMOVAL AND THE CONNECTING PIPE SHALL BE PROPERLY CAPPED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 8. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO TAKE WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION ON ANY EXPOSED AREAS WHEN THE PROJECT IS COMPLETE. 5F15C379583 SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: CONSTRUCT WORK E31IIPMENT STORAGE AREAS AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PER THE CALIFORNk BMP HANDBOOK. PROVIDE STANDARD STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION PER BMP STANDARD SE -10 OF THE CAU=0RN1A BMP HANDBOOK. PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION FOR EXISTING INLETS AT START OF CONSTRUCTION. AS PROPOSED INLETS ARE CONSTRUCTED INLE1 PROTEC11ON SHALL BE INSTALLED. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS DESIGNED TO REDUCE SOIL TRACK OFF INTO THE STREET. ONCE THE INTERIOR ROADS AND PARK LOTS ARE COMPLETE, IT MAY BE POSSIBLE "0 REPLACE THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WITH REGULAR STREET SWEEPING. THIS IS UP TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DISCRETION. ALL DISTURBANCE (F LAND TO BE WITHIN TRACT BOUNDARY INCLUDING STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND ANY STOCKPILE, N.T.S. m lo.35473 70 ;p.9-30-17 cIvl SWPPP BMP LEGEND 0 TC -1 ROSEDALE HWY. MATERIAL DELIVERY AND STORAGE 0 SE -1 - SILT EE,,,NCE HINAULT OSTORM DRAIN AND CATCH BASIN PROTECTION PER SE 10 a � ,SILT FENCE PER SE -1 o PORTABLE TOILETS CONCRETE 1,v'ASHOU T SITE PALM AVE. CD z PROJECT `z z S! TE w BRIMHALL RD. VICINITY MAP N.T.S. NOT BE USED FOR GRADING PURPOSES., 58— 5 -5B � 58 516 / 1. LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL APPROVAL TO DO SO HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. IF FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT IT, THE SWPPP MAY BE MODIFIED AS LONG AS THE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT COND111ONS ARE MET. ANY ALTERATIONS TO THE SWPPP MUST BE NOTED IN THE SWPPP BINDER KEPT ON STIE. 3. NO LAND CLEARING OR GRADING SHALL BEGIN UNTIL ALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. 4. THIS PLAN SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ALL INCLUSIVE AS THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT SOIL SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE AND BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT. 5. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES THAT APPLY. 6. ADDITIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE QUALIFIED SWPPP PRACTITIONER (QSP). 7. DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. EXISTING DRAIN INLETS SHALL BE PROTECTED UNTIL FINAL REMOVAL AND THE CONNECTING PIPE SHALL BE PROPERLY CAPPED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 8. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO TAKE WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION ON ANY EXPOSED AREAS WHEN THE PROJECT IS COMPLETE. 5F15C379583 SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: CONSTRUCT WORK E31IIPMENT STORAGE AREAS AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PER THE CALIFORNk BMP HANDBOOK. PROVIDE STANDARD STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION PER BMP STANDARD SE -10 OF THE CAU=0RN1A BMP HANDBOOK. PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION FOR EXISTING INLETS AT START OF CONSTRUCTION. AS PROPOSED INLETS ARE CONSTRUCTED INLE1 PROTEC11ON SHALL BE INSTALLED. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS DESIGNED TO REDUCE SOIL TRACK OFF INTO THE STREET. ONCE THE INTERIOR ROADS AND PARK LOTS ARE COMPLETE, IT MAY BE POSSIBLE "0 REPLACE THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WITH REGULAR STREET SWEEPING. THIS IS UP TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DISCRETION. ALL DISTURBANCE (F LAND TO BE WITHIN TRACT BOUNDARY INCLUDING STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND ANY STOCKPILE, N.T.S. m lo.35473 70 ;p.9-30-17 cIvl SWPPP BMP LEGEND 0 TC -1 - STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MATERIAL DELIVERY AND STORAGE 0 SE -1 - SILT EE,,,NCE ® DISCHARGE LOCATION OSTORM DRAIN AND CATCH BASIN PROTECTION PER SE 10 ,SILT FENCE PER SE -1 ® PORTABLE TOILETS CONCRETE 1,v'ASHOU T SITE STRAW WATTLE. DETAIL N.T.S. KEEP SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING CATCH BASIN GRAVEL BAG HTML N.T.S. Sml'thTech*-- USA INCORPORATED HABERFELDE BUILDING 1424 17TH STREET BA.KERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ;661) 327-8492 FAX 327-8493 EID-10-SIOLIV & SERIMEIVr7l CojdTIWL PLAN ROBER-- E. SMITH RCE 35z-73 DA FE JOB NO. -- 13-108 SHEET 4 OF S' SE-EETS