HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 3063ORDINANCE NO. 3063 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDINGS, APPROVING SEGMENT VI OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE BAKERSFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (LAND USE AMENDMENT 2-86), AND ADOPTING CASA LOMA SPECIFIC PLAN. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield referred Segment VI of a proposed amendment to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65351 of the Government Code, held a public hearing on June 19, 1986, on Segment VI of the proposed amendment, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield California_~n, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, such proposed amendment to the Land Use and Circulation Element of the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan concerns the area approximately bounded by Brundage Lane, Mount Vernon Avenue, Pacheco Road and Union Avenue and more par- ticularly identified in Exhibit l, attached hereto and by refer- ence incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, for the above-described Segment an Environmental Impact Report, titled the Final Environmental Impact Report - Casa Loma Specific Plan and Final Enterprise Zone Application, was completed and certified by the County of Kern; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this Environmental Impact Report in its capacity as a responsible agency; and WHEREAS, the law and regulations relating to the prepa- ration and adoption of environmental impact reports as set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State Environmental Impact Report Guidelines have been duly followed by the lead agency and all responsible agencies. WHEREAS, the EIR has been certified by the County of Kern in Resolution No. 86-042 attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and by reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, mitigation measures for environmental impacts were identified and are attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and by ref- erence incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern jointly contracted for the preparation of a Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the Casa Loma Specific Plan has been completed and submitted for adoption; WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 59-86 on June 19, 1986, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of Segment VI and the Casa Loma Specific Plan by this Council and this Council has fully considered the findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Code, conducted and held a public the above-described Segment VI of Section 65355 of the Government hearing on July 30, 1986, on the proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan and the Casa Loma Specific Plan, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given an least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, the State of california has required that the Casa Loma Specific Plan be adopted by ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED and found by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitals and findings, incorporated herein, are true and correct. SECTION 2. The Final EIR for Segment VI and the Casa Loma Specific Plan is hereby certified as complete and in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. SECTION 3. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received, accepted and approved. SECTION 4. Segment VI of the proposed amendment to the Land Use and Circulation Elements and the Casa Loma Specific Plan, affecting property generally located north of Pacheco Road, east of Union Avenue, south of Brundage Lane and west of Mount Vernon Avenue, as shown on the map attached as Attachment 4, are hereby approved and adopted, incorporating in the project the mitigation measures specified in Exhibit 3, and that such amendment to the Land Use and Circulation Elements be combined with other segments described in Council resolutions to form a single Land Use and Circulation Element Amendment 2-86. SECTION 5. Pursuant to Section 17.06.060 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, the Casa Loma Specific Plan is designated as, and shall constitute, the zoning standards and regulations for, and establishes the zone districts, permitted and conditional uses for, the area covered by said Plan. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu- lar meeting thereof held on the 6th day of August , 198__6, by the following vote: APPROVED this CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 6th day of August , 19 86 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: AJS/bl 40.SEGVI.1 4 SPECIFIC PLAN "PROJECT AREA" A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakersfield and the unincorporated area of Kern County, California, being a portion of Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18 in Township 30 South, Range 28 East, M.D.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the north right of way line of Brundage Lane at the intersection of the east right of way line of "V" Street (being a point on the City/County bound- ary llne): Thence (1) west along said north right of way line to a point of intersection with the northerly projection of the east line of the Berneta Park Tract recorded in Book 3 of maps at page 40 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (2) south along said east tract line and projection thereof, crossing State Freeway 58, to a point on the south right of way line of Belle Terrace; Thence (3) east along said south right of way line to intersect the east line of Lot 7 of Tract No. 1346 recorded in Book 6 of maps at page 10 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (4) south along boundary line of said tract, to a point on the north line of Lot 43 of said tract; Thence (5) east along the boundary line of said tract and projection thereof, to intersect the northerly projection of the east right of way line of Delaware Street; Thence (6) south along said east right of way line and projection thereof to a point on the south right of way line of Amadore Avenue; Thence (7) east along said south right of way line to a point on the west right of way line of Union Avenue. Thence (8) south along said west right of way line to a point on the north right of way line of Casa Loma Drive; Thence (9) west along said north right of way line to intersect the northerly projection of the west right of way line of Lawson Road; Thence (10) south along said west right of way line and projection thereof to the south right of way line of Lawson Road; Thence (11) east along said south right of way line to a point on the northwest right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; Thence (12) southwesterly along said right of way line to intersect the westerly projection of the north right of way line of Phoenix Avenue; Thence (13) east along said north right of way line intersecting the east right of way line of Elliot Street; Thence (14) south along said east right of way line intersecting the south right of way line of Louise Avenue; Thence Wilson Branch (15) west along said south right of way line (which westerly becomes Road) to a point on the southwesterly right of way line of the Centra~ Kern Island Canal (being a portion of the City/County Boundary Line); Thence (16) southeasterly along said right of way line and City/County line approximately 2,400 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 46 of Tract No. 1878 recorded in Book 9 of Maps at Page 96 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder~ Thence (17) west along the south line of said Lot 46 intersecting the east line of Lot 45 of said tract also being a point on the east boundary of said tract; Thence (18) south along said tract boundary line to a point on the south right of way line of Planz Road; Thence (19) west along said south right of way line to a point on the west line of Lot I of Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J.B. Haggln in Section 18, T.30S.,iR.28E.,M.D.B.&M.: EXHIBIT 1 Thence (20) south along said west lot line and southerly prolongation thereof to a point on the northeasterly right of way line of South Chester Avenue; Thence (21) southeasterly along said right of way line to a point on the east right of way line of Union Avenue; Thence (22) south along said west right of way line and southerly projection thereof to a point on the south right of way line of White Lane; Thence (23) west along said south right of way line intersecting the east bound- ary line of Tract No. 2093 recorded n Book 10 of Maps at Page 7 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (24) south along said east tract boundary to the southeast corner therenf, said corner also being the northeast corner of Tract No. 2651 recorded in Book 12 of Maps at Page 131 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (25) south and west along the east and south boundaries of said Tract 2651 intersecting the west right of way line of Eve Street; Thence (26) south along said west right of way line and projection thereof to point on the south right of way line of Pacheco Road; Thence (27) east along said south right of way line (which becomes east Pacheco Road east of Union Avenue) 2,600 feet more or less to the west boundary line of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Sewage Farm; Thence (28) north along said west boundary line (also being on the City/County boundary line) to a point on the north right of way line of Watts Drive; Thence (29) west along said north right of way line to a point on the east boun- dary line of the Valle Grande Golf Course; Thence (30) north and northwesterly following said golf course boundary line to a point on the south line of said Section 4 (also being a point on the City/County boundary line); Thence (31) east along said south section line to the southeast section corner thereof; Thence (32) City/County norht right north along the east line of said Section 4 (also being the boundary line) and a northerly projection thereof intersecting the of way line of Brundage Lane; Thence (33) west along said north right of way line and projections thereof, continuing across Lakeview Avenue and Union Avenue to the point of beginning. CASA LOMA SPECIFIC PLAN AREA EXHIBIT 4 Aff a ! of osting ( r uanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA t ss. County of Kern ~ CAROL WILLIAMS, Being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on August 8 , 19 86 , she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on August 6 , 19 86 , which ordinance was numbered 3063 New Series, and entitled: An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield making findings, approving Segment VI of proposed amend- ment to the Land Use' El~nent of the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Land Use Amendn~nt 2-86), and adopting Casa Lcma Specific Plan. City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 12th... day of .....Au.gust .......................,19...8.6... ~:y comm. expires AUG 21 19~