HomeMy WebLinkAboutP99-0233TIFJ., REQUESTED BY AND f WH8N RECORDED, MAIL TO: 0 LM, iI TITLE LE COMPANY CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 ay c�s i a_- b 14 James Maples,Assessor- Recorder PATTI Kern County Official Records Pages 7 DOCUMENT #:0199122809 8/26/1999 8:00:00 11111111 11111 HIII 11111 1111111111 1111 Fees.... 25.00 Taxes... AeissizzsesA Other ... TOTAL PAID.. 25.00 Stat. Types:1 CONDITIONAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. P99 -0233 Being a merger and redivision of those portions of land shown as Parcels 2 & 3 on that Certificate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver 19 -93, recorded November 22, 1993, in Book 6945, Page 172, Official Records, and Parcel A on that Certificate of Compliance for Lot Line Adjustment No. 347, recorded October 7, 1994, as Document #146663, Official Records, and all being portions of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 26, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 373 - 032- 23 -00 -9, 373 - 032- 17 -00 -29 & 373 - 032- 19 -00 -8. Property Owners: SKINNER HARDY, TRUSTEE OF THE FRED HARDY TRUST, as to Parcel A; SKINNER HARDY, TRUSTEE OF THE HARRY HARDY TRUST, as to Parcel 2 ;and SKINNER HARDY, TRUSTEE OF THE SKINNER HARDY TRUST, as to Parcel 3. This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield is designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance. Acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, he hereby states that, in order for those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" to comply with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land, the conditions, as detailed below, shall be fulfilled and implemented on the property. With the division of Lot A, the subdivider shall 1. pay the required in -lieu park fee, including the area for Lot B. 2. construct to City standards Berkshire Road and the local street adjacent to Lot B. 3. extend sewer service to Lot B. connect the house to the municipal system, and pay all applicable fees. 4. relocate the existing fence on Lot B so , it does not encroach into existing right of way or setback areas. N 5. reconstruct the fence so height limitations for line of sight purposes are not exceeded. Persuant to this certificate, the property described herein may be sold, ^leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto, provided, however, that BEFORE ANY BUILDING PERMIT OR OTHER DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL IS ISSUED FOR THIS REAL PROPERTY, THE ABOVE CONDITIONS MUST BE FULFILLED. The above conditions are in additiona to any other permit requirements which may be imposed. Upon successful completion of the above conditions, a Certificate of Compliance may be filed for Lot B. x Dated May 7, 1999 �y. A RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2001 City Engineer City of Bakersfield S:\Minor Land Div\PMWNP99 -0233 coc.wpd Page 1 of 7 Pages CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of oY� l On / C , before me, 1� l bli Datt Name and Title of Officer (e.g., "Jank Doe, No ary Public ") personally appeared o , Name( *-6f Signer(s) personally known to me wied 4 _ tn, e asis o sa is ac cry eynden cP_ to be the persons whose name( is% MARIA ROSA PERALEZ subscribed to the with' instrument and Commission # 12 34. Notary Public - C�.alifc�mia a Kew County �' MY Comm, Bores for b, 2 WI NESS my hand and official seal. a 2 Place Notary Seal Above Signatu a of Notary Public acknowledged to met he executed the same in his authorized capacityr., an that by 601:ms,��� signature�Cj..on the instrument the personf�, or the entity upon behalf of which the person{s� acted, executed the instrument. OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. (f I (�_e, ' - -Le--, 6 Description of Attached Document � F Title or Type of Document: -�P2UKe_4 A-1,42 0 .111P.V_ A)a, Document Date: `7 `� Number of Pages: __/ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Cam. Capacity(ies) Cla�i ed bX Sig Signer's Name: � /)� t J � /" � ❑ Individual - �- £orporate Officer — Title(s): l � �Q 1 1��2� ❑ Partner — El Limited El General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator El Other: fiel, , a Signer Is Representing: � c��j) r .(n Q J ��ri�Z2Y� iam © 1997 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313 -2402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll -Free 1- 800 - 876 -6827 PA & C 2 0 r 7 PA &F S EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. P99 -0233 Being a merger and resubdivision of Parcel "All of Lot Line Adjustment No. 347 as evidenced by that Certificate of Compliance recorded as Document No. 146663 of Official Records and Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel Map Waiver No. 19� -93, as evidenced by that Certificate of Compliance recorded in Book 6945, Page 172 of Official Records in the Kern County Recorder's Office, being located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California: LOT "A" All those portions of Parcel "All of Lot Line Adjustment No. 347 as evidenced by that Certificate of Compliance recorded as Document No. 146663 of Official Records and Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel Map Waiver No. 19 -93, as evidenced by that Certificate of Compliance recorded in Book 694.5, Page 172 of .Official Records in the Kern County Recorder's Office, being located in the Southeast Qua-r-ter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, thence N8900813511W, along the South line thereof, 1321.89 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence N0 035146 "E, along the West line thereof, 677.01 feet; thence S89 008135 "E, 1321.92 feet to a point on the East line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence SO 035154 11W, along said East line, 677.01 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Commencing at a point on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, from which point the Southeast corner thereof bears .589°08' 35 "E, -439.00 feet; thence NO°5.1' 2.5"E, 47.60 feet to the True Point of Beginning being a point on the North line of Berkshire Road per easement recorded in Book 4959, Page 836 of Of-f i c i a l - Reco r d`s ; thence continuing .NO ° 51 ' 25 "E , 128.40 feet; thence N89 008135!'W3 111.35 feet to the beginning of a 20.00 foot radius tangent curve, concave Southerly; thence Westerly along said curve, through a central angle of 90 000'0011, an arc distance of 3..1 .42 feet to a point on the West A i ne of a future street per above - referenced document; thence along said East and North l i nes : SO 051' 25'1W, 89.10 feet ; S440 19' 20 "E,, 28.37 feet; and S89 030104 11E, 111.23 feet to.the True Point of Beginning. Containing 20.16 acres, more or less. Page 3 of 7. LOT ft $11 All that portion of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map waiver No. 19 -93, as evidenced by that Certificate of Compliance recorded in Book 8945, Page 172 of Official Records in the Kern County Recorder's Office, being 1- ocated in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., In the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, from which point the Southeast corner thereof .bears S89 008135 11E, 439.00 feet; thence N0051125 11E, 47.80 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing N0051 12511E, 128-.40 feet; thence N89 008135 11w, 111.35 feet to the beginning of a 20.00 foot radius tangent curve, concave Southerly; thence westerly along said curve, through a central angle'of 9000010011, an arc distance of 31.42 feet; thence S0 ° 51 ' 251'w, 89 . 10 f ee t , t hence S 4 4 ° 19 ' 2011E , 28 .37 f e t ; t hence S89 030104 "E, 111.23 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 0.38 acres, more or less. 63ames LMMARTER AND DE I FEL ps$� \� No. 17564 jjtf K. Delmar ter * Exp.t�pjo/ E #17564/Exp. 6/34/01 CIVL CA19��� Page 4 of 7 . r "'INFORMATION SHEET'S PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. — 99 OWNER SKINNER HARDY TRUST 3032 AZALEA GLEN GLENDALE, OREGON 97442 SURVEYOR DELMARTER AND DEIFEL 2901 "H" Street, #3 Bakersfield, CA 93301 c/o James K. Delmarter GENERAL NOTES: ZONE: 2010 PLAN DESIGNATION: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: WATER SUPPLY: SEVER SUPPLY EXISTING USE: PROPOSED USE: March 12, 1999 R -1 (Single Family Residential). LR {Low Density Residential 373 - 030 -17, 19 and 23 City of Bakersfield City of Bakersfield Existing house and unimproved land Future Subdivision, vesting Tentative Tract Noe 5752, Revised vvavvniGie tpr --- Av . p �� rotor -- -- - Ct: =SCH. - -....z milli �,,.._ .. .. be — - i yi: M1iO e - Mil Ct. air•' �i' `� ° R k'-* a ^y - a. $ t .� cen..l�r: is -- > c a �. n » n t; ° " ' +Parks .v.9 Saver �e prt gS::Dt: p �.!'• "► �< me. SCH:''��ss is A o' d ne '� Z d ue,r« s i De E 8 t Ave: a Ett m aN' Ave. Ct eti ° _ ; y ..',� �'K ner A "ve ��atle :orp su . d Wy: _ .:. :. — ar t. i4Uberry 8it� ss C o ° m E CaaaWalk, Dc o.. .. . Rouse y Rokan Q ` esa " Ad: Ave. ::� ...� . o `. 'Neill AvF. .. t'.n as 3. r :aFs ., 11ASrgal Ave. ... M _ w ! Bu erfl �. a •- c m to C ' , C irgab . ti .. n d. sail G o ... ;ts oou ti e c Via° i• Via` Yin = Ci.�, _ Carlit ;t von -Ave.► .. ti o in' a '� �- - o i .� Ct. d. c, non Ct irrt rt AALCI"" -SCN. �►ver o Ln. d ° d c arri Roa w ... ringfld ... _ ° -- ....... d _ rule E Rd. :.St. " Fairview Road . E. i d Giasitt n �N `, Z ¢ . C�ybii""""°° 8 s untryw Ridgernont S s A Glaaa y "t ins.: �' ' t :v uw �. Sn rif bait . M 1401000k ° n. �. N? .:.St. Ciao iorelan WY y LOA ssie surCt Cl Ile a o .ts Charlotte S:. a .Auto s' O d . °� ss w C° Jun uck ut. a Fares �� .1 Gin v •••• ec s= 5 v wcr,t r ; _ a� b "Chastain G na.. .� -Rekland a oaie r y o ° low L�OUDON d .. >: t M l Dr . o ,c = L c Piriane : > cues W GntnwHe ; e• .' a SCN. �' ... rl ana .� -. Frank s •° m Ru serr _ < - ->- et Ct. � � 3 3 e vv _ � c3 i - m c ..-.• , Q Park Ma i Ci. �� wtenee Ave. Loudon St. Fi a u� c N o Erna A o ° "' :v 4 ,a qc�� w k t310isom.Yal1 ;� y ..: iissa ..��... _ Ream . s - 0 CL Q�0 c H Ct. h v Ln.. t� ,r N CRadstord Yvheattand t. euricP N�aurice o Ave. Pi. v -� -- 8 uc � - Ad i ' cn va 'y Ava. e , in i �Tyndell Ave.. c c . Sp►ingio t Sut� lower e�� t1?:,re:Mitscher t. ° McClesry eremv Seasons _ r: edforo cc ° o Ct.'� 1 ` r,t c ' ' St .. c oelwood "A �, E Linneli. -War. ft m Ciengary p Jasoar Av ra � W.F., elsev Ave a S. Ct. 24. �, Ro kfortr �� H , . d M Ave._ c _ Maybrook i .o _i Ave, v Mari5 'o .� R.A.Spruance Ct. o '°oa Ro'M^' ¢ ' . i t- ` ton Ave. ¢ ea Loralton it�rMir�son � o oai ....,_.. s„y E br'k E dr ? �d 1.1.F,Yt+rnetll Ci m little o n Ave. , ,'• . CIO F.Q ■ Cascade 3 Northwind a� w it Cory p GPM Ej E 1 can saw Or. •� t'.etmeterns �. •• . F alls ° as Whirlwind �,? lbaby,iu�a Y.� t Pt. St °9Ct. M tRt k aaa = v3> 4 o t Carat = c t windtlower Ave, Darden of Faith :a•:i7 6 t� o 'n Yfleet a H y C clone r v G�1vary •� ° o .� � d =- o Scenic View E n. " .. r.' L = Ct. outher 8ree2e5e asor�s_ 3 ='� Garder. of Hope v Magda en v Str+eaver Are. S 3 d w «.k.. -y -•-� r. Ct ° tee....:. -- G..rden of Peace _.,� _ c� �a to m �... �.�cs .m �: ° : ,, Candace Ave. • s's a Arvin Lt�ison Canal s "': ..> t 3 E_ m C- a Encino St.. y A se c �' _ ; U,emsree Avei '° m• i .W ".'. s` 4C Evans r► G� t 1 Berkshire laterfield �, Berkshire Ro 8erksh A .� "�v, ¢ Catt►edtal ,� Ie: Aose: ASitto A AV �. _, Tr�ea. rope Are. -� :\ C Savannii i."sPebble : t _ . ma St. Rio '' �@ O ��..� • •� •Fbrnt`�SL':..:: .�: r .. � _ _ eo f - j a �2'Hiddsn:Cove °CL :8anrwIt t. m` e►�J v3 0 : s ::•:Pine- View - Points Sierra: ye, to ••••• Welch Q g g • I .\v Q 4. Tranquil Coble CL Iii rt'a : Summii A Archer Ave. Ave.} «� See, .1n�•:Cove.•CL J 2 Bark City Ave. g Av Q.1�amM -ft'.. 3 ... ~' T .:; �•- Cad er • Ps= .Ave: , �OUIVIER -... 99 1 kIDGEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL �'' f : tr! �;cA Kt cwOOd : Ave. ' : JR. ML SOH. Q Bus. a�ioskmg Avenue ; m c a; Hoskin t -Avenue Z. s to w:0) Ott !fin VF!► •A-- - .` ..:•:. "': ': ..:,._. �':.:`� l+r 0) m 0 > z 46 m m 0 r� > 0 -4000 (A rn M > > > Q > rTl Ln CONC. MONUMENT W/ BRASS -0 —00 z 0 CAP STAMPED R.C.E. 17564 IN 0 CA 111-4 -n LAMPHOLE PER TR. 5762-139 31 > ; 0 p ED 0 r z M.BK. 43s PG. 68 0 0— . 0 ASSERI 871UM -q r.. 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CJj rn . -n m * - rri z oz" r� C > 3 0 GO) m:Q . i ;d z a CA > z rT, 0 0 to 0 tc (n sa rn s m CA m r- 0 49, 0 > rTl 0 In 00 2 1 Z VANITY ROSE >Zox -Or- V) C) M M > rfl --,,,Cn<r-;o -m 10 m --i > (Do 46 m m m 'o m (A -ri n C (n • n M ; .--i ° rn r in 0 L Join m Co 0 1 L C -< > a rri m • -JU rrl x xx Cn 4-4 C-4 CA .. j b- m to > > m 0 z (A m m RZ m --I z >z w CD m C13 0 W r N> rn Z X L4 cil Lu 0ou '�� M Z.0 it - Am, MOM CA "=Oo a' • CD (00 r r-TI z - - Fi CA rn M CC) 00 -n mood.2 co -n25 --1 0 C — G'7 i 3. CJj rn . -n m * - rri z oz" r� C Cn omo, rr CA r xwo o o (A 0 GO) m:Q . i ;d z a CA > z rT, 0 0 (n M. II I tc (n sa rn s m CA --J --4 > 0 ,... m o z C-) a M I { 49, 0 > rTl (7) 0 In 00 2 1 m m 0 0 > -n.-q C-) ;a 0 cl) 0 rn >Zox -Or- V) C) M M > rfl --,,,Cn<r-;o -m 10 m --i > 46 m m m 'o > rri CC I too L4 -n Cn Z 0 0 L4 > EX. WATER MAIN :7= T"Ch 273.51 192.86" 210.64 s 00035*54* W 677.01 WMIX ROAD (COUNTY ROAD NO. 50) CA; CA • -n rTlQ-n rnZrnam 00 -n mood.2 co -n25 --1 0 C — G'7 i 3. > Q �.,, y -n c� v to z of- oom m a m z C/) d) z m m r 0 m m a ma • ovom I Cn omo, rr CA r xwo o o (A z -0 > a -mob z rri > --I C tc OLAM mz:* Cn C/);Ko>zmc C --4 m z (n M < a3 o 4cjammiV > OZ0nL 0. o < > M o 36001mo r-COO Moz rT FI > M-z m --h CA o 9 Zo m-rl z le m C > A C > K) 5� m *0 %14 0 -n > m m 0 0 > -n.-q C-) ;a 0 cl) 0 rn >Zox -Or- V) C) M M > rfl --,,,Cn<r-;o -m 10 m --i > 46 m m m 'o m (A -ri n C (n • n M ; .--i ° rn r in 0 L Join m Co 0 1 L C -< > �m vnz -d--m N C) Z m MM 0 > -0 r. 0 ;a ---f > 0 q ;o :q o 0> < m z r- 0 V) rrl ma (m z w > U, 0 CO M %a I -0m G-J > rn an K 45 45 in N noun- CONC. MONUMENT W/ BRASS N. CAP STAMPED R.C.E. 17564 IN Z i cn LAMPHOLE PER TR. 5762-Be Y. m> > 46 (A M.BK. 43, PG. 613 ca ;a x ASSERT STREET' p 00035*46" W -677.01 cj) Z Vr: > m II q it q 45 00 c #4 C) M > M -oz>m C.4 M > 0 m C-) 0 en > M Z:* in CA c c") > m c z cc/)) -.1 x rri — 0 z m O.Z z c 0 uj m cz mm-Am� C). 0 z cri o in zJ-1-t: ;a 0 m 0 CD m > --4 � . 03 a 0 F-mmc 0 z rr 9>mz M--LL4 z - .qow mo Z M -n � . .m (AC)i~° m > K) --4 M - > 1%j = 0 M -71 ;a cn z CD m c,n o m rn > W:5 01) o x cl 0 X_c�z CO a cm Ln m CA Z 0 C-) 0 > 0 - n 0 Mom Mmmmr- F > o x 0 Z -0 rn C rrl 0 m Co. = rn co ;a z 0 0 rn mz ma (m z w > U, 0 CO M %a I -0m G-J > rn an K 45 45 0 � N noun- CONC. MONUMENT W/ BRASS -c rn.--f CAP STAMPED R.C.E. 17564 IN Z i cn LAMPHOLE PER TR. 5762-Be Y. m> > 46 (A M.BK. 43, PG. 613 ca ;a x 0 CA CO fm 00035*46" W -677.01 cj) Z ma (m z w > U, 0 CO M %a I -0m G-J > rn an K 45 45 0 � N CPR. 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