HomeMy WebLinkAbout800 34 phase ii 9-30-2011LIMITED PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT of a MOBIL GASOLINE SERVICE STATION 80034 TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 Prepared for: United Central Bank 4555 West Walnut Street Garland, Texas 75041 Prepared by: fnvrr. r rrr�ntal P.O. Box 1956 Paradise, California 95967 (877) 563 -4300 (toll free) PEI Project #1 1-2604A Issue Date: September 30, 2011 SECTION I. INTRODUCTION Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. (PEI) was retained by United Central Bank (Client) to perform a Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Limited Phase II) of a property at 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, California (Site). The Site consists of an approximate 0.72 -acre parcel of land, occupied by a 3,000 square -foot, single -story retail building, four double -sided gasoline dispensers covered by a large free- standing canopy, and a drive - through carwash. The underground storage tank (UST) system consists of three 10,000 - gallon capacity USTs which were reportedly installed in 1988. The Site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 34th Street and Q Street within a commercial area. This Limited Phase II was generally performed in order to evaluate recognized environmental conditions (RECs) identified in a Phase I ESA report issued by PEI for the subject property August 8, 2011. PEI recommended the following (pertinent portions directly excerpted): ♦ Given the potential for releases from fueling systems and the length of time since the last significant subsurface investigation (14 years), PEI recommends a subsurface investigation at the subject property. ♦ PEI recommends comprehensive inspection and testing of the UST systems (including leak detection systems) by an accredited UST professional in consultation with the local regulatory agency representative to evaluate the system integrity and compliance with state and local regulations. PEI also recommends verification of proper environmental insurance for the UST systems. The carwash clarifier should be cleaned and inspected by a licensed hazardous waste disposal contractor, and if leaks are suspected, the clarifier should be included in the recommended subsurface investigation of the subject property. The scope of work completed for this Limited Phase II includes a subsurface assessment performed in accordance with the August 12, 2011 proposal that was approved by the Client. The scope of work included the sampling of up to eight (8) soil borings and analysis of up to fourteen (14) soil samples. The completed scope of work included the drilling of one (1) background and eight (8) exterior locations. Seventeen (17) soil matrix samples were submitted to the lab and eleven (11) of these samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260E and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) differentiated by carbon chain length (ccid) by EPA Method 8015M. Seven samples from depths of 29- to 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) were held pending the results of the shallower samples. Since no VOCs or TPH was detected in any of the shallower samples, the deeper samples were not analyzed. It should be noted that while two borings were advanced near the carwash clarifier, the contents of the clarifier were not cleaned and inspected by a licensed hazardous waste disposal contactor. The cleaning an inspection was not included in the scope of work, but can be performed at a later date if desired. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 80034 1h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 2 C. LIMITATIONS The Limited Phase II findings are based on the conditions existing at the site on September 9, 2011, when the field sampling was performed. This work was performed in accordance with the August 12, 2011 proposal that was approved by the Client and the site owner.' This Assessment has been conducted and prepared in accordance with generally accepted practices and procedures exercised by reputable professionals under similar circumstances. PEI makes no other warranties or guarantees, either expressed or implied, as to the findings, opinions, or recommendations contained in this report. This Limited Phase II was not fully comprehensive in nature but was restricted to areas near clarifiers, dispensers, current underground storage tanks (USTs), a former waste oil UST, and one background location. The findings presented in this report were based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the areas investigated during the time frame of this assessment. These findings may not be considered representative of future conditions in the .areas investigated or conditions in any untested areas of the site. This investigation was performed in accordance with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaking similar studies at the same time and in the same geographical area. No other warranty is expressed or implied. It should be recognized that this study was not intended to be a definitive investigation of potential impact at the subject property. Given that the Scope of Services for this investigation was limited and that the investigation was further limited by the lack of accessibility in some areas, it is possible that currently unrecognized impacts (or higher levels than those found) may exist at the site. Therefore, PEI cannot act as insurers and cannot "certify" that a site is free of environmental contamination, that impact does not exist below a certain level in other areas of the site, or that some other, currently unrecognized, environmental. impact does not exist at the site. The recommendations provided in this report do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon in any way for legal interpretations. This report has been prepared for the sole use of the Client. This report may not be relied upon by any other party without the written authorization of PEI and the Client. The Scope of Services performed in the execution of this investigation may not be appropriate to satisfy the needs of other private users or public agencies, and. any re -use of this document or the findings, conclusions, or recommendations presented herein is at the sole risk of said user. This report is not necessarily designed to be used for regulatory review or closure purposes, but simply to facilitate a real estate transaction or review. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800*34'h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 4 B. PHYSIOG.RAPHIC AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS The subject property's physical setting was researched employing a United States Geological Survey (USGS) 15 Minute Topographic Quadrangle (Quad) Map relevant to the subject property (Figure 1, Appendix A). The USGS 15 Minute Quad Map has an approximate scale of 1 inch to 16,500 feet, and shows physical features such as wetlands, roadways, mines, and buildings. The USGS 15 Minute Quad Map was used as the Standard Physical Setting Source, and is sufficient as a single reference. The Oildale, California Quad Map (dated 1973) shows no physical features that are likely to environmentally impact the subject property. The subject property is identified as unspecified urban developed land (white shading). No mines, wells, aboveground storage tanks, or wetlands were depicted in the immediate area of the subject property. The elevation of the subject property is approximately 410 to 415 feet above mean sea level with a slight topographic gradient to the southwest. C. LOCAL AND SITE GEOLOGY The general area of the subject property is located within the San Joaquin Valley where the Sierra Nevada, Great Valley, and Coastal Range physiographic provinces meet. The San Joaquin Valley consists of dissected uplands, alluvial fans, overflow areas, and lake bottoms. The alluvial fans are the sites of active stream deposition of sands and silts derived from the Siena Nevada and dissected uplands. The overflow lands and lake bottoms lie in the central part of the valley where silt and clay,accumulate in quiet lake and marsh environments. The soils beneath the Site are medium- to fine- grained sands that grade with depth to sand containing less than five percent by volume small, angular gravel comprised largely of quartzite fragments. All soils encountered were arkosic, containing unweathered potassium feldspar and flakes of biotite mica. The upper four feet of sand at several locations was organic, however no rootlets, burrows, fossils, or caliche were noted in any soil samples described. The sands were very well sorted and poorly graded, with only one or two grain sizes noted in every soil sample. Oxidation was not present. No depositional structures, such as cross- bedding, were noted in any of the borings. The inferred depositional environment is fluvial or alluvial. D. LOCAL AND SITE HYDROGEOLOGY Groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings drilled to depths of thirty feet bgs on site. The soil was consistently moist at depths of approximately 16- and 29 feet bgs in every boring. At these two depths, the soil was slightly more silty and organic and may represent paleosols. At no drilling location was there enough moisture to pool or collect and so this moisture is not considered "groundwater ". Geotracker data from a location 0.75 miles southwest of the Site shows groundwater at a depth of 117 to 124 feet bgs. Online data also suggest that groundwater moves in a southeasterly direction, Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 80034 1h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 6 PEI prepared a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the United Central Bank dated August 8, 2011. Observations noted by PEI include the following (summarized): This area has a history of cultivated farmland use prior to 1941. The subject property has been occupied by a gasoline service station since approximately 1970. Automotive repair was performed on the property from 1970 to 1999 when the automotive service bays were remodeled into the current convenience store. No removal or soil sampling data are available for the two former hydraulic lifts and lube pit which reportedly existed in the three former service bays. It is unknown whether an oil /water clarifier may also have been extant. . The original fuel USTs and one waste oil UST were removed from the property and replaced with the current systems in 1988, apparently in the same location as the former USTs. According to the records reviewed, the soil sampling from the fuel USTs' pit did not show environmental impact; however moderate petroleum impact was noted in soil beneath he northern fuel dispenser. The depth of the soil samples and quantity and final disposition of the impacted soil was not obvious in documentation reviewed by PEI, although Chevron indicated that the impacted soil had been removed. Subsequent sampling in 1997 did not discover indications of environmental impact beneath that dispenser. In September 1999, the 1,000 - gallon capacity waste oil UST was removed and no significant impact was discovered. No subsequent environmental investigations have been completed since 1999. The most recent compliance information for the subject property was provided to the Bakersfield Fire Department in January 2009. It included a corrective action notice for various leak testing requirements. PEI recommended a subsurface investigation at the subject property. Limited Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34'" Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 8 All down -hole drilling equipment was decontaminated using a three stage process of a non - phosphate grade detergent (Alconox) mixed with potable water, a potable water rinse and a de- ionized water rinse. After collection of the soil samples, each borehole was backfilled to near - surface with hydrated bentonite, then sealed with a plug to match the existing asphalt. D. SOIL MATRIX SAMPLING Discrete soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis at a depth in each boring of 4- to 5 feet, 9- to 10 feet, 19 -to 20 feet, and /or 29- to 30 feet bgs, depending upon the boring location. Field observations (e.g. odor, coloration, dampness, and /or PID readings) were used to determine sampling depths. Disposable gloves (changed between each boring) were utilized to limit cross - contamination between core samples. Soil samples were collected in 1.5 -inch diameter by 12- inch long clear acetate sleeves cut by hacksaw from each coring run (4 feet in length). The acetate sleeves were capped with TeflonTM sheets and caps and placed in a cooler filled with ice. The samples were thus kept at a temperature of approximately 4 °C before being delivered to the laboratory. Soil samples were analyzed for VOCs by USEPA Method 8260B and TPH differentiated by carbon chain length (ccid) by EPA Method 8015M. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34`h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 10 SECTION VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. (PEI) was retained by United Central Bank (Client) to perform a Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment consisting of 9 borings for soil matrix sample collection and analysis. The subject property is located at 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA. This Limited Phase II was performed in order to assess recognized environmental conditions (RECs) identified in an August 8, 2011 Phase I ESA report issued by PEI for the subject property. The RECs identified relevant to this report included the possible impact to the subsurface by a three -stage clarifier associated with the carwash, the former location of a waste oil UST, the pump islands, and the former (and current) location of product USTs. The scope of work for this Limited Phase II included a subsurface assessment performed in accordance with the August 12, 2011 proposal that was approved by the Client. The scope of work included the sampling of soil at 8 boring locations, and a 9th boring was added as an assumed background location. Seventeen soil matrix samples were submitted to the lab and eleven samples were analyzed for VOCs and TPH (ccid). Six deep soil samples were not analyzed when the shallower samples at each location were shown to be not impacted by the compounds of concern above detection levels. No potential locations of unknown USTs or other items of concern were found during historical document review or by the geophysical survey. Initial laboratory analyses of I1 selected soil samples from 9 boring locations showed no concentrations of VOCs or TPH (ccid) were detected above laboratory detection limits. Therefore, further subsurface assessment is not warranted at this time. However, as discussed in PEI's Phase I ESA, there may be localized residual petroleum hydrocarbon impact located on -site in areas of the historic hydraulic lifts, service bays and the like, associated with the former gasoline service station. These residual impacts (if any) are unlikely to present a significant issue unless the property is - demolished or if significant subsurface work is performed. In addition, the on -site clarifier related to the current car wash should be -inspected and cleaned, although based upon the soil sample results, the clarifier does not appear to present a significant threat-of environmental impairment to the subject property at the present. Finally, the UST system test results, included as part of the scope of work herein, are provided under separate cover. Limited Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 12 SECTION IX. STATEMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS This Assessment has been performed for the exclusive use and benefit of the addressee(s) identified on the cover of this report, or agents directly specified by it (them), for the transaction at issue concerning the subject property described in this report. This Assessment shall not be used or relied upon by others without the prior written consent of Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. and of the addressee(s) named on the cover of this report. The objective of this limited subsurface investigation was to discover potential environmental impact from historical usage of the subject property to subsurface soils, as specified in the scope of services, with the limitations identified in the proposal. The field and laboratory procedures described herein were conducted in accordance with generally accepted environmental consulting practices in order to accomplish the stated objectives. Signature of Environmental Consultant — Peter K CIoven, CEM, REA: Signature /Environmental Consultant Signature /Stamp of California Professional Licensed Geologist #4351 — Mark Slatten: A, ALA Signature /Stamp of Professional Geologist ............ . Limited Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 14 IC� ra sp s C Q _A B-1 Clarifier effluent NW side Date Started: 1 Date Finished: 9/09/11 9/09/11 PET Rep: Mark Slatten, RG/CEG SAMPLE LOG BOREHOLE LOG NO. 1 of I Client: Mobil Gasoline Service Station Sheet: Location: 800 34 th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Drill Rig/Sampling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Geoprobe 66 1 2-1 NA (AMSL): BOREHOLELOG Pid Open Pid Ba Soil Push 3 Push 2 Push I Depth USCS Graphic Geologic Description Hole (ppm) Sample In (ppm) Feet Symbol Log (Soil Ty pe. Color. Grain. Minor Soil C"'imi'M Moisavc. Density. 0&1r. Etc.) 0— SPUD, asphalt cover 4" with 2" gravel and sand base. Hand augered to 4 feet bgs. 2 3 sw 0 rec very -10', SAND, pale yellow (2.5YBI ), medium-grained, poorly graded, c well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 0.0 0.0 4 6 f7 7 0.0 9 0.0 7D=10' bgs, B -3 Waste Oil Tank W Date Started: Date Finished: 9/09/11 9/09/11 PEI Rep: Dri Mark Slatten, RG /CEG SAMPLE LOG Pid Opcn PID Bag Push 4 Push 3 Push 2 Push I Depth USCS HOIc (pprlt) Push 5 Push 6 Push 7 In Symbol ( m) Feet y 0 ) GM 2 rec very 3 0 BOREHOLE LOG NO. 1 of 1 ent: Mobile Gasoline Service Station Sheet: -a`' °" 80034 lh Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 f! Rig/Sampling Method: I Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Geoprobe 66 2" NA (AMSL): BORFHOLL•LOG Graphic Geologic Description Ln.. (Soil TyTc. Color. Grain. Minor Sod Component, Moisntrc. ncnsi¢, odor. Etc.) SPUD, asphalt cover 4" thick. 0'° Hand augered to 4 feet bgs. 04'. PEA GRAVEL, yellow brown (10YR5/4), silty fill, loose, no odor. 4 -8', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 8 -21, SAND, yellow brown (10YR5/4), fine- to very- fine - drained, silty, very poorly graded, very well sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 21 -28, SAND, yellow brown (10YR5/4), medium - grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. i<t . sw 11 i 1 . :3. sm 0.0 12 t 10 �;. 0.0 ' 20 . !1�•i> 7iY:Jt %: a 3 SkR.L Z;F 0.0 24 SW !x' ■ �ci�JCt� ✓t 0.0 1 29 ■ Refusal T1 at 28' • 1 4 -8', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 8 -21, SAND, yellow brown (10YR5/4), fine- to very- fine - drained, silty, very poorly graded, very well sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 21 -28, SAND, yellow brown (10YR5/4), medium - grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. B -5 NE Pump Island Date Started: Date Finished: 9/09/11 9/09/11 PEI Rep: Dri Mark Slatten, RG /CEG SAMPLE LOG Pid Open Pit) Bag Push 4 Push 3 Push 2 Push 1 Depth Hole (prim) Push 3 Push 5 Push 6 Push 7 In LISCS (PP-) Feet Symbol 0 1 SM 2 0,0 recc very 3 0.0 n 4 0.0 Soil Sample 6 7 OA B 9 10 SW I1 0.0 12 13 14 15 0.0 16 17 18 19 0.0 20 21 22 SW 23 0.0 24 25 26 SW 27 0.0 2s 29 0.0 0.0 ® a 30 Soil Sample BOREHOLE LOG Client: Mobile Gasoline Service Station Location. 80034 lh Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 NO. 1 of 1 Sheet: 11 Rig/Sampling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Geoprobe 66 2" NA (AMSL): BOREHOLE LOG Graphic Geologic Description Log (Soil Typc. Color. Gra n. Muuor Soil Compmrol, Moi.farc. Ihnult, (Mar, lac ) SPUD, asphalt cover 4" with 6" gravel and sand base. Hand augered to 4 feet bgs. 0-4', SAND, very dark grayish brown (2.5Y3/2), medium - grained, silty, organic, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. TD at 30' bgs 4 -20'. SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 20-24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6 /4), medium - grained, gravelly > 5% by volume, RX to 1/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR614), medium - grained, gravelly to 5°% by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. SAA but wet B-'7 BOREHOLE LUG NO.1 of 1 E Of U$TS Client: Sheet: Mobile Gasoline Service Station Location: 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA Date Started: Date Finished: 9/09/11 1 9/09/11 93301 PEI Rep: Drill Rig/Sampling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Mark Slatten, RG /CEG Geoprobe 66 2" NA (AMSL): SAMPLE LOG BOREHOLE LOG Pid Opcn PID Bag Push 4 Push 3 Push 2 Push 1 Depth USCS Graphic g P Geologic Description HOIc (ppm) Push 8 Push 5 Push 6 Push 7 In Lo (PPM) Feet Symbol S (Soil T}pc. Color. Grain. Minot Sni! Cump�mcnL Moiswa. Thnsiq•.Odov, Ft':.) � SPUR, asphalt cover 4" thick. Hand augered to 2 feet bgs. 0 -12', PEA GRAVEL, yellow brown (10YR5 /4), silty fill, loose, no odor. 12 -20', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 0.0 =1 16 am p 17 la 19 0.0 20 21 Sw 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium- grained, gravelly 22 > 5% by volume, RX to 114 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 23 0.0 24 25 26 Sw 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6 /4), medium - grained, gravelly 27 to 50/6 by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. p.p 2s 29 SAA but wet p.0 0.0 3p Soil TD at 30' Sample bgs B -9 S of USTs Date Started: Date Finished: 9/09/11 9/09/11 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Mobile Gasoline Service Station Location. 80034 th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Number: NO. 1 of 1 Sheet: PEI Rep: Drill Rig/Sampling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: I Casing Elevation Mark Slatten, RG /CEG Geoprobe 66 2" NA (AMSL): SAMPLE LOG BOREHOLE LOG Pid Open ?to Bag Push 4 Push 3 Push 2 Push I depth 1n USCS Graphic Geologic Description Hole tppm) Push R Push 5 Push 6 Push 7 Feet Symbol 1-08 m) (Soil T}pc. Color. Grain, Minor Soil CumwmrnL Mmzuuc.lXnaiq'. Odor. Etc ) 0 SPUD, asphalt cover 4" thick. 00 Hand augered to 2 feet bgs. 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soil Sample TD at 30' bgs 0 -9', PEA GRAVEL, yellow brown (10YR5/4), silty fill, loose, no odor. 9 -20', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium- grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium - grained, gravelly > 5% by volume, RX to 1/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium- grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. SAA but wet I 2 No recov ry 3 0.0 4 GM 5 6 7 0.0 8 9 0.1 ® Soil 10 Sample I1 0.0 .12 13 14 SW 0.0 15 16 17 19 19 0.0 0.0 ® 20 Soi I Sample 21 S W 22 23 0.0 24 25 Z6 SW 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soil Sample TD at 30' bgs 0 -9', PEA GRAVEL, yellow brown (10YR5/4), silty fill, loose, no odor. 9 -20', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium- grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium - grained, gravelly > 5% by volume, RX to 1/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium- grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. SAA but wet -Enifiro — CheM., Inc, ;rel (909) 5910- -590 Fax (909) 590�5907 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pamona; CA 9� 1766 5 .9 Date: September 19, 2011 Mr, Peter Cloven Pinnacle Environmental, n: ", q. 7.3-,9 Bl.ac.k Point P.1.a.ce•, Clayton, CA, 945.17 (925)673-.5500 E-Mail:: PC:loven@.-.P-ET-EINVi,Cqm Project .t Bakersfield.. 11-0912-39 t.-h-rough -54 Dear K-c, Qlov(.�.n: The analytical results f Or the so : :.$..ara es-, received by our labor-ator'y on. September. 12, ..2.011,.., are att-a6-hed. All samples were received thilled,, intact art.d: accompanying oh�.'n Qf. custody reco-rd... you and, your Envi,ro-Chem �ap preciat.eps., the: opportunity-, to provide company this and other services. Pl e- ea.s-"do adt hesitate to call us. if yo.0 'have any questi.Ofts. Sincerely, Curtis Desilets Vi,ce­:Pre-sident/p.;rogx.a.m .M-.-an::iIg Andy Wang 6,b 6'r. a t o i.y. Manager Enviro, Chem Ana.. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 9-1766 Tel.(909)5904905 Fax (909)590-5907 8015B QAIQC' Report�: Pate Analyzed: 9.11312011 .S.0 lqu.-I Matrix;. Mate-Ix Spike -(M, S)IMattix Spike Dupllcate,(M P) Spike&Sample Laibll,'.D.. 110:912 =�' MS1:..11 SD Units: mg/Kq- (,pp k14 PAR Anal to . ......... . . .... ................. .. . .. �LCS STD:RIECOVERY,',*. zed. and Reviewed. -By, A.n.,a!Y. Final Reviewer:. -20G -c c . i I i-c-22"Rang . 4 zed. and Reviewed. -By, A.n.,a!Y. Final Reviewer:. Enviro - Chem .1n.c. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (900) 590-5905 Fax (909) 590-5907 1ABORATPRI. �--�QRT CUSTOM; Pinnacle Enviromentalt:1.0 739 Black Point Place Clayton, CA 945.11 (-925)673-55.0.0 E-t-Mail: PC.-l-oven@,RE1---ENV-C9m PROJtCT: Bakersfield. 'tIVE DATE j�Vci D:- 0 9-/12- 11 .MATRI.X; S'OIL DATE SAMPLED : -09 /09411 DATE ANALYZED ;-09ji2 •RtPORT TO-,MR" PETEjR-CLOVEN DATE,. REPORTED:. 0 9 /19.411 .SAMPLE 1, D - B , -1-41-81 LAB '1,.D-.-: 110912-39 ANALYSIS: VOLAMILE,.ORGANICS., EPA ,.MM1T-H0D-50.3.0B/82605j -2- UNIT mg/Kg = �41-=XQRAM PER K, LOGRAtf. PPM RESULT PQr4 X1 M PA ZMEMAR i* ND = LION- DETECTED OR BkLO9.-:' TRE P DATA, REVI.ZWED AND Appa - OVED'.'BY: CAL-DRS CERTIFICATE # 155•• Chen - Inc,, Mi., 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 T61 (gog) 590.5905 Fax (909) 590-5907 IABORATORY, REPORT-.- �T,!,JYL ,CUSTOMER.: Pinnacle Environmental... -Tim :.0.0.0a.......... :739 Black Point Place ... . ......... ­%:'k Clayton., CA 945-17' _ :.STYRENE.. (925). 673 -5500 E-Mail•. RCI-oven., PEI=EXV.Com PROJECT: Bakerskield .. . .... T -0. 8T CHL ROETHANS'... RA IN ATKI•: SOIL: DATE REC-EIVED;-:09/12/­­U DATE. SAMPLED; .09 /09111 DATE AN-ALY.ZED.-09112/11 REPO RT: TO: MR CLOVEN ' DATE R91PORTE'b::.-0.-9 /,19/­11 SAMPLE B-2-4"-r5' LAB I . D. ,.1:1097.2 -40• ANA347SIS•; VOLATILE ORGANICS' EPA MMTHOD: •5030B/826.0.$, PAGE ';2­'.0E-'2, UNIT;. mg/,Kg = MIL, QRAH -PER KILOGRAM, T X o PARAMETER ]?- RESU.1 PqL: X1 •'.3 r7DICHLOROPROPAN&.-. HLOR09ENZEN9 Z, -2.r,-D.IC14LOROPRO0AN.E, ND 0.. 0 0 5., OPRd'PENE-, A2 ... . .... .. ........ -.l i.3-DICHLOROPROPEN:E :0....0.05'. TRANS-1j "OICHILOMPROPUE.' . .. ... . . ...... . ETOYI)SENZENt D ................. ............... . 5 NO4k-.'-' N .0 .............. .. . ...... ...... , '*'.:..-'Q"� -0 2 0 . ........ .HEXACH-16ROtt)TAQ '*1 ft"-.-' 11 . .. .0. Go... 5 k;" 1S6 QPYLBENZkN-'9 .... ..... . 0. 4486096�y ItOLQF _N_ . ..... , 0 J2, D .... .. ...... 4..-- METHYL.:- 2 -PENTANbi4E' (M*X--.BM ...... V • . ETHER ;,RjD' '0& .C.-ALOR -DE" PIE - ENE .... ; I : .. .. ...... . . ..... . . ...... ... 0., �T,!,JYL :.0.0.0a.......... �PRQ PY • BENZENE ... . ......... ­%:'k ....... _ :.STYRENE.. .. ........ ... .1, 5. .. . .... T -0. 8T CHL ROETHANS'... RA ........... ..... . ... ND, A 05., . .. ....... . OR0.Ej.HA H 51 T. kt9AC-,Ht0RdETR8N87 N TOLUENE NQ . .... r R08 "W :1..2. �-"'T'***R1dH1- t ENE ... . ...... HLOR09ENZEN9 TR-T'(-Ii ... . .... .. ........ -T ft , E; V0 0 R - T*.0 H. . ........... ..... .. .. .. _TRj.CffL'bRo8vi EN E (t ...... . ...... 0; T*A'Aft-' ... R :.:...... >..::._ ,TRICAOROF-L. abHLORoPAbpANE . .......... 0 66T , EN- L -2,J-TRIMETHYLBENZE .. . ....... ... .. ... ............. T MET E . ........... 0 0.0.5 YLENE' ... .. . ... .. . . . . . .. .... . ... ....... .. 0.1. 0 XYLE. .......... . . .......... ..... .. .:0...:..:0.0:5...:.. :: .... ... ... ............. ..... ..... COMMENTS P% = PRAtTY-CAL '00A---Nt;xt ND NON-DETF,,QTED OR BELOW TOO, m DATA REVIEWED AND APPROVED B -C-AL-DH.S CERTIFICATE +4155-5 Enviro - Chem, Inc. 1214 Z Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91,766 Tef (909). 59,0-5905. Fax- 9) - 590-590.7 go I X ABORAT. OR, RZ ?QFtT: CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Environmental, :I c. 739 Black Point Place .. . . 0 0 5..... :..TR.1CHLO I 2 3!, T R .1 C H LORO-PROPAN Clayton, CA 94517 E Q VK :1. i2. 4*-T.R-'I-M . THYL Z Z-9' (925).613-5500 E-mail.: PCI,o @PEI- ENV:.:Com PROJECT: Bakersfield ... ........ . . . ... .... t4ATRIX:,,SOI .. ..... BATE: E! PtCtz- :09/1-.2-aa: DATE SAMPLED : 0 9 / 0 9 / 11 :DATE - ANALXZji:D 0-9Z 12 1*1 REPORT TO:MR.. PETER CLOVEN 'RATE;: UPO SAMPLE I.D.: B-3-91- 10, .... ....... 3 AH I.D�-;:.: 1109:12-41 ANALYSIS:- VQLATIL4 ORGANICS, EPA. NXTHPD, 5,q,$04j.8-2-6QB- PA, OR 2 'OF.,-,2,. UNIT: mg /Kg KIL.0GR:AM--= :Ppm PARAMETER SAMPLE: RESU4T PQL: �11 1-i.3-DICAL-OROPROPANE ...... - M", 0.005... ... 2'. bi' 2�_* CHLOROPROPAN-9 0-9:95 . . . ... ..... .1 7,..,I­DIC LOROPROPENE., .. . ... .. . . ........ ........... 3-DICHLOROPROPENE TRANS-1, 3_'DI ........... _QHLORQPEOPENE 'tT-H'fttE-NSEN'E -0 6- A .5 ..2 '�VA NE_ . 0..',020 .. . . ..... EXACH10ROBUTADIENE.: D: .... ... ISOPROPYLBENZ19NE: ;4 -I SOPROPY:LTOLUENE ..N V . TTH YZ. 2 P EN-TANQUE (M15 . .... .... ....... ...... . . ..... .. METHYL. teat -BUTYL ETHER. . MTBE: " . . ...... _:NV4 ... ........ Tn R.I.-M . ...... THYLRNE. g-H-U_w . ... ..... 44 .. ... ..... .0 _01 0" M. p 14 -D: :,-N..-Rk0P.;Y LBRUZENE:­... 6_0_02 °;.1:':'2 ::S R.A"--GHLQR0,,. ..:M!­..� .... ... . .. .4... ............ . . . . ... ... ........ 4 ...... ..... . .. . . ..... . ........... .7 2` Z TtTRAQH1OR0ETjLANR .......... ...... PC-F,-jT__ 0- )TOLUENE ....... 0 2,.­3 ""TRiCHLOROBENZENE: X ... . 4 _-Tp%1CHL0R05ZN.g5NE U . . . ....... TA CHI;O ROBT AA 1. -1 0 "T I 2.7;TRX CH b U R V ET H R N p ........ .................. . .......... 0: ,,.,TRIC HL ETH ......... .. . . .. ........ .. . . 0 0 5..... :..TR.1CHLO I 2 3!, T R .1 C H LORO-PROPAN ti . ...... .... E Q VK :1. i2. 4*-T.R-'I-M . THYL Z Z-9' b. a.. 0,5 . ... .. --A-Y-Q-13 S ... ........ . . . ... .... ORI-DE .. ..... M .. ....... . .. ....... 0: . 0E . . ... ... ............... ' . ...... . .. . ..... .. '..... . ....... ' 066�tS. PQL PRACTICAL UANTi-T LIMI .... ....... .V-DETEq.TE.D OR, BELOW'-- TAT);.-OT, - DATA. REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY 14 -� C DaS CERTIFICATE # .155 3- AL ... _.., ,cnviro- , Chem., Inc. 1214. E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909) 5,90, .5905 Fax (909) 590-5907 LABORATORY REPORT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Environmental, 739 Black Point P'laqe Clayton, CA 94517 (925) 6735500 E-Mail: RQ1oven@-PEI-ENV,'CoM PROJECTi. Bakersfield MATRIX; SOIL t - :09/12/11 . DATE -RtCftV- 0 DATE SAMPtEb:09/09/11 DATE ANALYZED-:09112-/11 REPORT TO ;.-M-R.. - PETER CLOVEN. DATTE REPORTED: 0:9Z1V-11 SAMPLE I.D.',94- B-:4-4-1--51 LAB I,, Ds, : 1109 .2, -43 ANALYSIS.; V-0LA2ILA. ORGANICS EPA 14ETHQD 5,0-30B/826-0B.,,: PAGE 2.::�01? UNIT: mgr/Kg = MI]44TQF-W PARAMETER SAMPLE RESULT PQL -Xi t:: 3--DICH LOR . .... -ND 0... 010 .... . . ... .2..i.2.,-7DICH-LOROPROPAU-.-..,,.,. I 2 - }DTCHLOROPR.OPENE - O�RO-P 3 DICLIT'OP ENE.. A., 0'05, tRANS'LA; a7-•DICHtOROPROVENE1 AD 6. 0.0 5. -: ND .2,.- ,HEXAOONF,:� 0 -42--* ..... B"U.-IT.-AbILNE.- 0. . . ........ 'ExAcHE R.O. . . . N-D ... ISO P.- A ........ . ... .4 RO-1) Y .010 1 S I O�. 4 -4-mM.- THYL - Z PENT ANO T 9iTH&R. (M., B ,MtTRYU9NE,, -CHLORIDE NAPHTILAZIRM.- .. .......... .. ........ .. . .. ... .... .:1!,-.PRO.P-Y--*1 B N. E E Z NE� . . . .......... ... .......... .... .. . ... ....... ....... .... 4 .........::0'00 .... . . .... b 1" i 2:w 2: T. E....T... R. A C..-.: H.' L-OR09THAN& ND 1 •.. .. . . .... . . .... .. TETRA 0"AbETHEN 00 -C-A"t T 'LUE R. T RIQ1 Z O-R N.D. - A 0.5 N - F, . . . . . . 7 0 ... 010 ;w­ OETHAN18 0, 2- R.-ICHLOROE 0:0.5 :. HL:Q:ROE:THLh1F: (;X. 00111 ... .. ... ...... ..... . TRLCF3L �.�aftddk'Q .. Q .05 d 2. 3�rTRI-CALOROPRO PANE ...... J-r 2:..4 7z��Y ftkidfuk. 2-i 5--7-T -14 KE ENZER ... ...... ... VINYL: CHLQR . . ..... ........ . ...... . I. 0 il D T M/P-XY!,FNE" ... ... . .... ...... .............. 0 0 I'D 0 XY L E DIE ... .. ............ . ..... ....... ........... ... . .. ... . . . 0, . ...... %m? qTs pQl; -pi2.AcTicAt ob T ND -NON- DETECTED OR 88,0W, Tg DATA REVIEWED AND APPROVED, By CZk.L - 1) ji S q-'F.R T 1, F -CATE # Elaviro - Chem, Inc. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909 590-5905 Fax (909) 590,5907 LABORATORY REPORT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Environmental, rno,.. 739 Black Point Place 2-TETRAGHL OA& HiAN' Clayton, CA 94517 . . . ........................ g5.... ...... 'OETHANE.... 2 -I-t-tt-AACHLOR (925)673-55.00 E-Mail: PQlo. A@ PE)C-E .. PROJECT. Bakersfield MATRIX;,20IL ND . ..... ..... ..................... .. DATE FtjC�,;;VE'D.; 0,9112/11 OL�D:09/09/11 DATE SAM DATR,ANALYZ:ED::09/12/11 REPORT TO::MR... PETER CLOVEN Di. 0 V 1 9..Z. 11 SAMPLE I.D...; B-5-41-51 ... .... . .....fii LAB I..jD;.--, •10912-4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANALYSIS-.* VOLATILE ORGANICS, EPIC, METHOD: 4030B/82-60B.- PAGE .2; PNIT: mg /Kg = MILLIGRAM PER KILOGRAM =» RP14 PARAMETER SAMPLE. RES.VtT. POL X3, 1.,_3-nDI(tHLOROPROP,ANE ND'. L,QRP.PBQPANE -N ........ . ....... ..... . ..... -1c 1- Q . LCHLOROPROPENE, ND 1 •. R H, Y - L 1 ZENE.. 2 7.1 3- 01,C11LOROPROPENE" WD,_ •LBEftRNM -.1 7:-TRIMETHY RAN S, .1 8=DICHLOROPROPENE. N.D• .7. v rfLL0RI-D19'- ETHYLBENZENE .. . ...... ... .. . . . . ... . ....... .0 %'­ ......... . :..0 H EXAN Q &E: ...... 0 .. . . ........ . "ftE�tAQHL'OROBUTADIE1!t .. .... ...... -TICAL QUANTI.T'AT"ION L-'-1 M;l T. C Q L, BEW rt 9D'* E:TFQTED OR BELOW -THEi .1,8.0p9OP YLTOL UEN . .... . -* bi - ........ . ..... _� ..... ..... . . (MIBK)� AL- DHS.. :CERYIFT.CATE # 1555 C, . ...... ... i .......... ME,.T-li..X-L.,tert-7,BUTYL''ETHER Q4 T B Rj . ... ... N ......... . .................. ------ MRTjtXLIRA QRLORT XD: .... ........ . . . ........ 3. . ......... .... PYL' 'ENZEINk N., R0. B . . . . .......... .4 . . ....... . 2-TETRAGHL OA& HiAN' . . . ........................ g5.... ...... 'OETHANE.... 2 -I-t-tt-AACHLOR RD . .. . ........ . . ......... ...... TETRACHLOROETHENE•:.. TO9' ND . ..... ..... ..................... .. . . ......... . . ........ ........... . . ... .......... ROE 9-ZF E = ..... ....... ... . ... . ....... . . ... ... OROS tRANE ... .... . .....fii . . ..... ... .................. . . ...... . .. .... .. . TRI-CHLQ ROE TRANE.w TRICHLOR b . .... . .. .... ... ... . .......... 0. . . . . . . . . . . N-D.: 2. 3 TRI 'CHLOR PROPAN , 1 •. R H, Y - L 1 ZENE.. ..... .. ... b. •LBEftRNM -.1 7:-TRIMETHY . . ... ....... . ..... I'. 6- .7. v rfLL0RI-D19'- u .. . ...... ... 64 • X�: '777W7 0 .. .... ...... -TICAL QUANTI.T'AT"ION L-'-1 M;l T. C Q L, rt 9D'* E:TFQTED OR BELOW -THEi DATA AEVI"EWEVAND APPROVED -By AL- DHS.. :CERYIFT.CATE # 1555 C, Enviro - Chem, /tic. 1214 E., Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 T6V(q0.9),.59.0-5905 Fax ,(909). 590-5907 'LABORATORY REPORT, CUSTOMER; Pinnacle Environmettal, Inc. 739 Blaok Point Place V Clayton., CA 94517 (925) 673-5500 E-114,il- PQ.1 oven@ PRI -ElgV,�P.om, PROJECT: Bakersfield 14ATRIX,,SOIL DATt- gEQEIVED:09Z12/11 DATE' S-,DiMJ?LED,. 09-Z09- DATE ANALYZED;- 09 -.:12` 11 REPORT TO:KR_.VETER CLOVEN DATE. R4: PORTED :.09-/19/­­11-- SAMPLE I. D.,:. LAB I.D.: 110912 -. -47 ' ANALYSIS: VOLATILE ORGANICS, EPA METHOD -:5030B/82-60B, PAGE- UNIT V, m9/K9 MILLIGRAM PEA-::. PPM" PARAMETER SAMPLE, RESULT: P.!2L;.Xl Enviro — Chern, Inc. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909) 590_59,o5 F0 '(goo , A.. )..590-5907 LABORATORY REP04-7- CUSTO. dER:- Pinnacle. Envirormental, 1nq 739. Black Point Place Play .�toh, CA 94517 (925) 673-5500 E-Mail: PClov9n@PE1.'-;-ENVw'Com PROJECT: Bakersfield M .ATRIX:SOIL.- DATE- RECEIVED:09/12/11 DATE SAMPLED ;09./09/11 D4T.-E AN.ALY-ZE.D,.09Z13Z1j :ttPORT' TO:14R.. tTtk CLOVEN DATE REP091 Fj. smut. B: I.... D., 1,10912-4.9 -AN - ijYSIZ,: VOLT- 1.1 ORGANICS.,, EPA METHOD 5 .3.OB,/Q2.6.OB, PAGE 2 UNIT: mg.,/Kg = MILLIGRAM PER-KILPGRAX PPM-, . PQL" SAN? ;E, P40 , 3-DT UE CHLOROPR OPA 2;•i 2­01-C14LOBOPR.PANE ND ...... 9 ND NON-'DETECTED OR BELOW TH E T L DATA RE .x P�..WED AND APPROVED BY: CAL.-DH'S CERTIFICATE 0.1555 P Enviro -Chem., h7c. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909). 590 ,.6905 Fax (909)' 590-5907 UWORATORY REPORT .CTJSTONF,.R, Pinnacle Environmental, Inc: 739 Black Point Place C1.4yton, CA 94517 (.925)673-5500 X-Mailt PCloven@PZI-ENV.Cqm PROJECT: Bakersfield MATRIX:;SOIL;, DATE pE.cE-I.,.VE0;..09Z12.Z1,. DATE, SAMPLED:09/09111. DATE. REPORT TO,::MR,,PETFR CLOVEN, .DATE`, RE•ORT.$D�*-05.119/1. s.PMPLE I - D. • R B-8-94 -10, L-A13 I. D..,-, 11.0912 -50' ANALYSIS: VOLATILE ORGANICS, EPA METHOD 50308/8260.8-, PAGX 2 Mg/KT - MILLIGRAM PER KIL0.qFAM .PPM,. PARAMETER SAMPLE RES.==-' PQL. X1 DATA REVIEWED AND APPROVED-BY; Q AL- DH-S' CERTI F1 CATE # 155 Enviro - Chem, Inc. 1214 E. Lexing. an Avenue,: Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909) 590-5905.FaX (909) 590-5907 LABORATORY RMPORT OUS'TOp4ER'z Pinnacle Environmental, 730 Black Point Place Clayton, *CA 94517' :192*5167-3-5500.j &-Mail-. PCloven@.PEI-MM ..Cq.T PROLTE'C,T*: 1 4kersf iel-,d MATRIX -�--S-O! DATE. RECRTVED-.--09/ DATE- SAMPtE;b:-:09Z09/11 11 REPORT TO-MR.-., PETEA MOV8N -OATE. REP .91 B a.-ig1-20 AB 0,9.12-51 ANALT.;SIS:, VOIATT...IX'.-QRGANjCs, EPA METHOD 5030R/$26,(-)8-' PAGE UNIT: /�Cg =. MILLIGRAM -PZR,jKTLO PARAMZTISP,;, SAMPLE RESULT Envirp - Chem., Inc. 1214 E... Lexington Avenue,. Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (900) 590-5905 Fax (909) 5905907 LAB DR ,..ORY. RE ?ART AT CUSTOD�ER: Pinnacle FnVirQnmental, .100: �­ 739 Black,.. Poipt place Clayton•, CA 94517 (425)673-5500 E-Ma1li PC1oven@PE1`ENV,.Q.0m ZROJECT: Bakers field--:. CE 'D t-09/12-/1.1 DATE .-.REC -E MATRIK.: DA.T.E• AM;1-ZED:0/1.3/11- DATF,...,9AM-.tiLEb:09/0-9/*11• . L LAT.E �3,FPQATU-19 9/11. REPORT'..::TO;MR. PETER CLOVEN ' SAMP.L.-a. IA577F AN•YSITS', VQLATILjg ORGANICS, EPA METHOD 50308/82608., PAGE U IT mg/.Kg = MILLIGRAM PER KILOGRAM :PPM. PARAMETER SAMPLE RESULT PROPANE NQ 0,05 . ......... . ..... . .. . "NOD . ..... ND 17. R ........ .. .... . ND WbPR PE &wk� J NQ 7TT. .... .. .. *.'.".::, 4M........ .. . .... .. ..... ND ..ND .... -NZEWE b U&N-E. jo... ..... .. ETHER M T. B Eijb U '01r AX .. -ND q .0 . . ...... . . ND. ... . ... . ......... 0", .... . . ... . . 'ND IN lzz ••NQ­ 7 U.N .... ... .. . A- 0-M Na, ROETH U . . ..... .. . N X; 'ND 0` ..J RM IR . ...... . ... . . ......... . ......... . . 1W r T14- . ........ LO kin kin ND ND • UANT. C0144ENTS, PQL PRAC;T"* TCAL QUANT 'E NQ E V9 N.,.D T-.ECT�4- OR BEZOW. TH • DATA RIWIEWED ANQ APPROVED BY CAL-bR8�: CFRTIFIC&TE :# 155-5 gwj�j�-ffln ErWro - Chem., Inc. 1214 E. Lexington. -Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909) 590-5905 Fax (909) 590-5907 LABORATORY REPORT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Entri,•rprmental:, :fttt. NO. 739 BlacX Point Place Clayton,. CA, 94517• ...... .......... . ... . .. . .. ................. .... .. . ..... ....... .. (925).673­455,00. E',-Mail-: PCloven#PEI -.ENV. Com K>*UECT: Bakersfield .7 _777777. TETRAC T 5 NIFiTtIZ: SOIL , 14, DATE RECEIVED; 09/12./1'1 ' b:09 /09/11 : DATE SAMPLE , ND' DATE AN1NTYZ8D;09/13/1.1 a 't>O E Rt TO:.,N. R PET -R • CLOVEN-. . ................. ........ . DATE. REPORTED :0:9119/11 SAMPLE. I.D.: B-9---•1.9:!:-201 ...... ..... .. ­ � _K .. . . . ... .... LAB I.D.: 110912-5.4 ANALYSIS: VOLATILE QRG4NICS EPA METHOD 77 7 5030B/8260B,,., PAqX .2 .0 mg /]Kg MILLIORAK.PER KIL GRAM = PPM PARAM:%TER, . SAMPLE RESULT PQL X1 1,.37Q1CRLOROPROPANt,-`--.'. ND.... 00& 2 2•-QIC­�RjOROPROPAN.9--:. - 0 .00• .. Q . . ...... . .... ... .. ............... ... .... . . _02.8. . ... ... ..... . . . . .... ..... . . .. ... .. .... .. ............ -T . ... ......... . ..... S­- TRANS:''! . '::��DTQHL ROPRO-PEN VI.N'YL CHLORIDE.. ET.AYtBENZFN9`:­ ........... N 2-hUAN ... ... . ND 0'** 2'0 RENACHLOROACT-Abl. ..... .... .. ND . .... ......... MP ILO 26­ . . ..... . . b, 0214 60(S'. PROPYL."I - ".U.-ENZ, 00 ....... ........... . ..... ..... . : y2 ....... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . 0. O-ZOL M n METHYL.. bEwt-a- T. . . ...... ...... NO. ......... 0. .05 ...... S TYA-914 .. . .... ...... .......... . ... . .. . .. ................. .... .. . ..... ....... .. ........... . .. . .. . r. 2­TE.T.-RACap-Q� *QZ_ZH . .... ...... 6; CFO .... . .. ... . ........ . ... .. . ........ ..... .. . ... . ;MfAg "" . .... . .. ........ . .. ...... 1: 1 2, .. .. . ........... 4 ._TNTRAC ELM08 .. . ...... . b.b..". .7 _777777. TETRAC T 5 .. ........ . TOLUENE: 14, ;0*:; 00.'5- _�f'Ri ND' ..... . ... . 6 -Z! -NE; . ................. ........ . 0 .0 . ..... ...... ..... .. ­ � _K .. . . . ... .... . .. .. . ..... ... @..0,05 ..... . . .. ..... k­ . 7­7 "', �,' 2�l CHIT-0. OR-THAN.".. .. .. ' "' . ... . . ...... ..... Gob .T ... . . ...... ..... . . . ....... NP; TR fdf RO A I .. .... ..... ...... - �0 -I 4 -T . ... ......... .......... I.,. ..... . . ............ . . . . . ....... . ....................... VI.N'YL CHLORIDE.. .......... ........ .... . . .... . ................... .. ........ . ... . ..... . . . . .......... .... 01 .5 N . ......... -T 7: IT'D = 1JON-DRTECTE-D OR BELOW .: t-•15 PQ DATA REVIEWED .AND APPRQVED BY; CAL-DRS; GERTI-FICATR'.. . . . . . . . . . . . ;Fwdeo -- Chem.,Jnc,. . 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, . CA .91 . 7,66, . - T61 (999): 590-5905 Fax (909) .590-5907 MEITHOD BLANK REPORT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle EnvirormeWitalr 739 Bladk Point'Place Clayton,• CA 94517 (9?5) 673-55.0Q E-M4,il: P.Q10ver18pEr. �9$ :.com - PROJECT: takerpfield MATRIX-SOIL, DATE RECEIVED DATE SAMPLED09/091`11 DATE ANALYZED..09/12/­11.. R REPORTED .U- p..Qg.T.' T-Q:MR. PETER, g%_.0V2.N.. D-.:09/19/­` METHOD BLANK. 'FOR: LAB Z. D.: 110912-39, -740 ".41. '-43; ­47, '-491, -50, -'51 44. W� ANALYSIS:, VOLATILX,..0Aq F�,QX. 2 UNITA,mg/Kg = MI-LiiGW* #EA-':.K- U--bGRAM- = j?PX -RESU IT PARAMETER �� f Enviro,Chem, -Inc.. �Pk cone` fff' . %RO"", 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 9.1766 Tel (6.9 9)590-5905 Fax (909)�9 0-6907 $260B; QA/QC RQPo"r-t iunrobenzene Chlbtbbenziene Date Analyzed: 9M2-1,31201 1. .0054 08% . tk*': ...... .. Machine .., ­W: ... . ... ........ 8 U, P con U611. maka 00mi Ntatrix, 6plKe (MS)/Matrix Spike Duplicate (M) 0,0 %RC' 77- e...., j Tt'h", Seikeo Sample. Lab SR.-: spK cone; f 0170555 i:_ a K .%RG. %RPO ACP . % AA CP RPD An.qly� Benzene -.4 .:0 0.059 118 OX $, 014 Q -08: ol 00w. ------ - ;:..::.p- 20: -.: .Cblorobenzene: ­.. I .. � 0,050.:. . . . . . . . . . . 0.'050 0 0.55 7 3.0 2% J. 5rl25.;. 7 0 ZO M-Dichloroethene -0-: 0_ 77E-H_-` Me QP "Y Sur ed Ove i. .. .. 'S 0. 0 0 4%. 7�-1 26; A . Toluene ........ 0.0 5,0 5W7 0.0 116% Q 05 Q-958 1060/6, .:17 -125.: 5. .. ...... ... . . . 0-20 Trjchiorqet��p TIOE .. ... ...... .7 0.050 0.056 I Z.- 10 6 ON 75- 125.....' . . . . ......... . . �.__ i: ..:. 50.0 10430, 100%. • r. Anal �Pk cone` fff' . %RO"", A cP.: TRC 0.05.Q. 7r iunrobenzene Chlbtbbenziene 0.050 .0054 08% 7 ...0 050 ­W: ... . ... ........ 8 U, P con _-4 4'1,!-DJdh1Q.rOthene -oq 0,0 %RC' 77- e...., j Tt'h", 0.060 0170555 i:_ 110% 75; •.b6nz6ji :07X yiene .... .. ........ . �05 0 ... . 75 . Vnj pne. At W...' W .... ... .. . ..... 10 0% Toluene -d8: ol 00w. 70 -1- 30 0.057 1:.. 4%. - - i O.Q%.ii�. .5 e . . . . . . . . . . 0.'050 'D. 7 3.0 jhe n e 0 . ....... . 0A _n&tNA' iunrobenzene ­W: ... . ... ........ 8 U, P con . ...... ... ....... %RC' fe 1:0, �46 rffl .D I OmOh ania MO UOT At W...' W 6 10 0% Toluene -d8: 70 -1- 30 1,012%. .- I %..... foo i O.Q%.ii�. .5 .' _06 'D. 7 3.0 77E-H_-` Me QP "Y Sur ed Ove i. .. .. 'S %R %K R-09% ORG .. .. .. . . .. . .......... • IN U . ...... . ... .. lbpo.r� .. ... ...... .7 00"1/0 I Z.- ff.50/6': . . . . ......... . . �.__ i: ..:. 50.0 10430, 100%. • r. yy ...... . ........ . .. ............... �4 Surrogate: 1bYO(ie:to.MatrJx interference;..; or) LC-',5�,: A4 in control: therefore. the :an, is, in c trpL !:S-.-R. -Sam le Results. sp c. n6. -S ike'C ono Ontration ACP'%RC =i-.Accepted Percent Recovery MS Matrix Spike MSD =.Matrix Spike Duplicate By. Anatyzedf B) eviewed, Fin-al Rewlewer?!-•p En-viro - Chemp'j-, lock-, 1214 E. Lexh7gtoij Avenue, Pomona; CA 9.1766 � T16 p09 ). 590-5905 Fax (909)-590-5907 bMTHQD BL,'A,M:;_jRX-P0R-T CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Environmental,., 11-nez,* 739 Black Point Place Clayton,, CA 945.17 (9-2.5) 673-5500 E- Mai . 1: K.1ov9n0PE'%---ZNV.Cam PROJECT--. Bakersfield -MATRIX*: SOIL DATE RECEIVED ,,09/i2L11 `DATE ANA.LYZED.;...,09-In- DATE STN-PL .- EDO'9- 1 09 11 REPORT TO.: MR.'"' -PgTEP, CLOVEN DAT-a PE:PORTED. 09 /1 9JI I METHQD BLANX. FOR- LAB. -40, --41 -43, -45,.-:4-7 '-'49:, -50, ­51 ANALYSTS.. VQL?LTILE! 0RQA-NIC3•' --.:19PA-..)jF!, .0.3 1.: .2. .04/--82'6.0B::-::::PAQE: .. ... PPA: UNIT:"�, Mct/K.-Cf. I.,LX0 Envirp - Cherr% Inc. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue., Pomona, QA 91766 Tel* (909) 590-5905 Fax 009) 590-5907 -!;AZ0RA-,0R REP-Q�M COSTOM8R: Pinnacle.: Eavirormentaji 7*39 Bladk PQ*.±nt Plaqe Claytq;p -94517- (925).673 -550.0 E-MiL11"r PC10Ven@PE--Z-ENV.00m Bake:rq'f isld MATRIX-.,SOIL... DATE RECEIVED:09Z.12ZIl Y. DATE - SAMPLED: 09/09/11. DATE. ANALYZED; 09 3/11, REPORT TO-MR.- PETER..-:..-.:Ct0,VEN RNPORTTE D: .0-9 /19 /11.' SAMPLE 191 -20,' LAB - 1. D... 11.09.1..2 -54 ANALYSIS: VOLATILE ORGANICS, EPA METHOD 5030B/826.013, PAGE. UNIT:;.. I DIGRAM.- PER KILOGRAM = 'PPK PARAMETER: ,Z, RESULT -T PQL X1 ..T Ke, Enviro - Chem., Inc., 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, -Pomona;- PA 9.1766 Tet (909) 590-5905.-Pik' 590 5907 LABQ RY A4�>QRT. CUSTOMER Pinnacle Environmental, n. 939 Black Point- Place ClaytgZj;, P4'94-5.17 (-.995):613-550-0 lk"W41: PEI-..;FNV. Com p,RO ;JE.CT : ::;. Baker**fie1d Mla 09JL.2. 111 X *,j*_QI- L DATE R&CEIVED: DATE SAM PLED.*09/09/11 DP4 i .TF�,.ANRLYZ.9D:09/'13Z11 REPORT TO MR.. PF,.ir...E.P,...:CL0VE!j DATE REPORTED ;-.0.9/1-9/11: SAMPLE. I.. D. A ...... . .. r LAB 110912-63 : ­#- ANAL'T-SIS; VOLATILE : ORQMrCS EPA' METHOD: 5*030B/8.2-60B V4r_7E UNIT:?- mg /Kg MILUIGRAN :PER: KILOGRAM. =, PPM PARAMETER SAMPIE RE .SUL T Enviro -Chem,, Inc. 121-4 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91.766 Tel (909). 590,5905; Fax (909).. .5.907 LMQRATORY REPORT CU$TOMER.-.1 Pinn4cle Envirorunentalf I- Wm. 739 B14ck Pol�n•-, Placei. u4yton, CA 94517 (92.5)67 -5500 E -mail. PCloven@PEI -ENV C QM DATE:...R �.EIVED 09J:12 /11 IL MR.T. R T X -,8'0 DATE SAMPLED : 09/09/1 DATE ANAI_ .. RE--P0RT,,-- TO'' •: P-8..' .-CLOV DATE REPORTED LA-B:. 'SAMP.-LF I.:, D', 1.10912-51 V6tAT..I--LE oRGAkTjCS,, EPA. METHOD 50.3QB/82,60.R., PAr'E UNIT: Mg /Kg = MILLIGPLPJ4- PER KTLOGRAM: = :PPM.: Enviro - Chem, Inc. 12-14 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909 89-P-5907 LABORATORY n.P.Q.R.T.- ,.,CUSTOMER:. Pinnacle Environmental, Inc., 739 Black Point Place Claytpn., CA 94517 (925) 673-5500 E-Mail: PCloven@PE1-E.NV'.C&a PR04ECT: Bakersfield MATRIX,:•SOI•., DATE REC81VED: 0-9-/12/11 D,.kTE SAMPL-ED:09Z09/11 DATE ANPL-YYi-ED:-.0-5-,,-/., 1 a./ 11 RE-PORT TOilMR_. PETER ER CLOVEN DATE REPQRT$:D:-09/19-`/11 SAKPLE I.D..*, LAB 110912-5.0 ANALYSIS ::- VOLATILE, 'ORGANICS, EPA METHOD 5030B/8260B, PAGE I UNIT: . mq/Kg ='MILLIGRAM PER KILOGRAM = PPM PAWAAMETER SAMPLE RESULT VQt xi: rr"viro - Chem,,, tho. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (909) 590-5905 Fax. (9,09).5.90-S901- LABORATORY REPORT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Env.ir-onmentall lri;a: 739;. . Black PoiAt Place Clayton, CA 94617' (925)..673-5500 E- -Mail: PCloven'@PEI-EW.CoM; Bakersfield MATRIX CAL_:; DATE RE.CET, Q: DATE, SAMPLE I D:.09/09/11 DATE ANALYZED:' 09./,13/­.1-1-. REPORT T.O.s.MR.' PETER CLOVEN DATE- SAMPLE 1. 5. . LAB T. 1109:12 -.4 ANALYSIS VOLATILE ORGANICS., EPA METHOD S-030B/T82-60B.-'r PAGE. UNIT mg/Kg = MILLIGRAW PER KTL-O.GRA.X, Vi PARAMETER $WT49 RESULT Enviro - Chem, Inc. 1214- E; Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91.766 Tel (909). 590,5905, 590-5907 1ABORATQRY REPOPM CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Environmental, 1-nir". 739•Black Point Place Clayton,, CA 94517 (�25) 6-73-5500 E-Mail: PC1oven@PE,1*-ENV...-ConL. PROJECT-: Bakersfield MATR,.-1X,:,SOIL DATZ' RECEIVED: 09:,Z12-1/11 DATE SAMPLED:0910.9/11. 09Z RE-PORT TOP.MR. PETER CLOVEN D&TE RE'PORTEM.-O-9/15/11 SAMPLE I. D. B-6-4 v.-51 LAB I D 912-- 4 7 ANALYSIS: VOLATILE, ORGANICS, EPA METHOD 503.4B.182608, -PAGt'J,:."' UNIT: mg/Kg = MILLIGRM PER.-KILOGRAM =- PPM PARAMETER, SAMPLE RESULT P¢L ^A is Enviro — Chem, Inc., 1214 E., Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766- Tel (909) 560-5,905 Fax (909) 590,5909 LABORATORY nPORT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Environiuental I Ind.` 735 Black PQint Place Clayton, CA 94517, (925:)673 -5500 E-Mail: PCl0ven@j?EI-ZXV-00RV-. PROJECT: Bakersfield DATE RECEIVED: -.09 /1:2/.11 MATRIX SOM' -- 4A 09/12/ .11 :DATF--- Al...I.-YZED. 'OATE", $AMPI'81): 09 09 /11 REPORT TO:DQ - PETER CLOVEN :QA.T.,E1R-0PORT--$D;-09- 19/ 11 LAB I.D.: 110912-45 SAMPLE B-5-41-51 4L4 . .ANA Tly VOLATILE ORGANICS•, EPA METHOD 5030B 'OR T I -OFF PER, KILOGRAM =PPM m/Kg- = MILLIORAId .:UNIT; g SAMPLE RESULT' POL::. X1 Enviro - Chem., Inc. 1214 E... Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Tel (90.9 5.90-5. .905.,:F 590-5-907 LABORATORY REPORT Q,USTOME�;,. Pinnacle Environmental,, Thd,- 739 Black Point Place Clayton, CA. 94517 (925)673--5500 E-Mail: PCloyen@ PEI ;--ENV, Com. PROJECT: Bakersfield MATRIX::SOIL DATE DATE 5.AMPLE D : 0 9 / 0 9./ 11 DATE- ANALYZED: 0 9112 11 REPORT TO:MR. PET8R CLOVEN .0IL.T..p,,REPORT'al D: 0 9./.1:9./Z11. SAMPLE. I.D.: B-4-41-51 I. D.. i10912--43 ANALYSIS-*: VOLATILE ORGANICS, EPA. ME-THOD,:5030B-/82603t PAGE '0'*F'':.4- UNIT Z' mg/Kg = MjLL:rGRAM -PER -KIT 9(;R AM­ = PPM - SAMPLE :- REaVUr 9.1. E- vino - C17 em., - In.o. 1214. E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 . ToP (9-09)-- 590-59.05 Fax 590,5907 IJIMORATOIR n., R T QAT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Envirormental,, is 739 Black Point Place Clayton., CA 94517 (925.) 673-5500 E-Mail: PCloven@-PEI:'ENV -..Com PROJECT; Bakersfielcl MATRIX,.SOI.L PATE -RE . CEIV9b: ..0-9/1211-1. D4T�. $AM-ftEQ:09/09/11 DATE REPORT TO:-MR....PETER CLOVEN DATE• SAMPLE:�I,D,: B-3-91-101 -LAB, I.D.-: 110912-41 Z4 ANAT4TSIS.-., VOIAT.I.-LE ORGANICS., EPA METHOD 5030B/8'26OBt. 1U. VNIT1�.- mg/Kg- = MIT4T4IG1jAM PER ]�:IL,QGRAM =: pp*,.; PARAMETER SAMPLE IRE4SULT PQ] -"...Xl Eoviro - Chem,: ln.c.: 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766 Ter. (909) 590 -5905 Fax (909) 590 -5907 IJWORATQIRY REPORT CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Environmental,. :# 739 Black ..Po4mt .Place Claxton, CA 94517 ('926) 673-5500 E- Mail:.. PC1.oven@.PEI'-E.1 Com 'P R0 QT- - Bakersfield MATRIX. SOIL., DATE. ?,ECEIVED:09 /12/.11 DATE' S'ANlPL.Ep:,09 /09/1_Z_ DATE ANALXZED`09 12/11 ,REPORT TO :.MR.: PETER CLOVEN . DiTE REPORT.E.D:.09 /*:..9:(11 SAMPLE I.D.:. I,D::;: 1109.1.2 =40 ANALYSIS: VOLATILE .QRCANIC.S, ZPA METHOp; 5030B/22 :00W, PAGE UNIT: mg /Kg = .MILi,IQRAM: ASR. KILOGRAM . = PPM r,�,»►�rz+inc+n SAMPLE RESTJL.T PQTA. X1 Of Enviro - Chemllnc.. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA ,91760 Tqj (909) 590 -5905 Fax X_ (909) 590-5907 LABORATORY PtEPO*.R'T- CUSTOMER: Pinnacle Envirormental.j. inc. 739-Black Poitit Place Clayton, CA 94517., (925)67.3-5500 PCIPWOMI.-EW.Com, PROJECT.: Bakersfield: -01 DATE-., RECEJ�TE[);_,09/12 11 D4ATRIX:S -L., .0/12/11 09/09/11 -DATE ANALYZED. --9 DATE SAM,.PL.F,'D: REPORT TO :MR. PETER CLOVEN DATE:.: RPOETD:.09 1.9 11 SAMPLE I.-D.t B-1-4F-81 LAB I.D..:: 1109-12-39- ANALYSIS: VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA METHOD 5.030B./82:-FOB, 'PAGE 1 2, UNIT t. mg/Kq. -MILLIGRAW.RER KILOGRAM ....= PP 's AbnLE RESULT P01 X-1 Envirp. - Chem; Inc.. 1214 E. Lexington Avenue, Pomona, CA 191766 Tel (909). 5190-5905 Fax - (9019) 590 -5907 JJW, QR 1Q.R. ..RZ T CUSTOMER:: Pinnacle Environmentalt Inc 739'B-lack Point Place Clayton, CA 945177• (925) 673 -5 -7- 500 Rr all.it PClo ENVI. Com PROJECT: Bakersfield: DATE, ]ttCZT.VED.,09J12/11 MATRIXt,SOIL DAT, 9 EXTRACTED: 09 /1.3/1,1 DATE SRM'KED:09/09'/`­­`.11. DATE ANALYZED; 09.113Z11., REPORT TO: MR.'. PE'T'E',R"' CI'OVEN DATE REPORTED,: 9 19-/11 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(TPH).. CARBON CHAIN ANALYSIS MET1ff0p�;;.----.EPA 80.15B UN±.T:.,* mg /Kg = MjttIQM'M PER •K'ILOGAAM = PER. LAB- I. D. C4-4 I10 dll:C22- C23-C35 DF METHOD.. BLANK -COMMENT s = GASOLINE RAN C11'C22 DIZS91 RANGE Q-3,5 =.MOTOR -OIL :;RATq'G8 DF D I ' LUT I ON FACTOR' CAL QQ -4--NT,1TAT-X00 LIKIT. PQL -PR ACT I ACTUAL -D-ETECTION :,�%JMIT X :?--QT4 'NON- = DETECTED IMIT 'DETE 09 BELOW Tffl� D 09 CTED FleN by,.- Data. tiewed. and 7�pp�ro ... .... CAL-DHS ELAP CERTIVI CATE No B_8 BOREHOLE LOG NO.1 of 1 N of USTs Client: Mobile Gasoline Service Station Sheet: Date Started: Date Finished: Location: 800 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA 9/09/11 9/09/11 9301 PEI Rep: Drill Rig/Sampling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Mark Slatten, RG /CEG Geoprobe 66 211 NA (AMSL): SAMPLE LOG BORP.HOLr LOG Pid Opcn PlD Bag Push 4 Push 3 Push 2 Push I Depth USCS Graphic Geologic Description Holc m Push 8 Push 5 Push 6 Push 7 In t � (pp in) Feet Symbol Log (& nlType .Cn)pr.Gram.Mm,rSollCom{nncnl MuLeture.Drnsin.(kfnr . rtc.) 0 SPUD, asphalt cover 4" thick. Hand augered to 2 feet bgs. 0 -9', PEA GRAVEL, yellow brown (10YR5 /4), silty fill, loose, no odor. 9 -20', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y813), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium - grained, gravelly > 5% by volume, RX to 1/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR614), medium - grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. SAA but wet .;[r.: :• •t XSin w X W 1 1 0, 0 147 . . 0.0 x if.:fi 23 M 1111111♦ iN- xri:'�f4;L'; %:�K�� 0 -9', PEA GRAVEL, yellow brown (10YR5 /4), silty fill, loose, no odor. 9 -20', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y813), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium - grained, gravelly > 5% by volume, RX to 1/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR614), medium - grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. SAA but wet B -6 NW Pump Island Date Started: Date Finished: 9/09/11 9/09/11 PET Rep: Dri Mark Slatten, RG /CEG SAMPLE LOG Pid Open PI Bug Push 4 Push 3 Push 2 Push I Depth t)SCS Kok Ippm) Push S Push 5 Push 6 Push 7 e Symbol I m) Feet 0 I SM 2 rec ve t� 0 t � .t r BOREHOLE LOG NO. 1 of 1 ent. Mobile Gasoline Service Station Sheet: atlon. 80034 1h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 11 Rig/Satnpling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Geoprobe 66 2" NA ()AMSL): BOREHOLE LOG Graphic Geologic Description LOg (Soil 7y}x. Color. Grain. Miner Soil CmjxmcnL Moisture, Domity. odor. Fie.) SPUD, asphalt cover 4" with 6" gravel and sand base. Hand augered to 4 feet bgs. 0-4', SAND, very dark grayish brown (2.5Y3/2), medium - grained, silty, organic, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 4 -20', SAND, pale yellow (2.5YB/3), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. 20-24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6 /4), medium - grained, gravelly > 5% by volume, RX to 1/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6 /4), medium - grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. SAA but wet B -4 Background SE Corner Date Started: Date Finished: 9/09!11 9/09/11 PEI Rep: Dri Mark Slatten, RG /CEG SAMPLE LOG Pid open PtD Bag Push 4 Push 3 Push 2 Push 1 Depth USCS Hole (ppm) Push 5 Push 6 Push 7 to Symbol ( m) Feet 0 ) SM 2 0.2 recc very 3 0.0 4 5 6 7 0.0 B 9 0.0 10 SW Soil Sample 1l 0.7 12 13 14 IS 0.0 16 17 IS 19 0.1 20 21 22 SW 23 0.0 24 25 26 sw 27 0.0 0.0 28 Soil Sample 29 3U BOREHOLE LOO Client: Mobile Gasoline Service Station Location: 80034 th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 NO. 1 of 1 Sheet: II Rig/Sampling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Geoprobe 66 2" NA (AMSL): BOREHOLE LOG Graphic Geologic Description Log (Sail Type. Color, Grain. Minor Soil C,""p"" ni. Mojitore. Denary. Cklor. Lrk ) SPUD, asphalt cover 4" with 6" gravel and sand base. Hand augered to 4 feet bgs. 0-4', SAND, very dark grayish brown (2.5Y3/2), medium - grained, silty, organic, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. Refusal TD at 28' bgs 4 -20', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. P 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium - grained, gravelly > 5% by volume, RX to 3/4 ", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 20 -24, SAND, light yellow brown (10YR6/4), medium - grained, gravelly to 5% by volume, RX to 1", poorly graded, poorly sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. Number: B_2 BOREHOLE LOG NO.1 of 1 Clarifier effluent 5E side Client: Mobil Gasoline Service Station Sheet: Date Stared: Date Finished: Location. 80034 th Street Bakersfield, CA 9/09/11 9/09/11 9301 PEI Rep: Drill Rig/Sampling Method: Borehole Dia.: Casing Dia.: Casing Elevation Mark Slatten, RG /CEG Geoprobe 66 2" NA (AMSL): SAMPLE LOG BOREHOLE LOG Pidl Hole Pid 8a.- Soil Push 3 Push 2 Push 1 Depth DSCS Graphic Geologic Description (PP a (ppm) Sample Feet Symbol LOS (Soil Typc. Color, Grain. Minor Soil CumponenL Moisane. Drnsily. Mir. Elc.) 0 SPUD, asphalt cover 4" with 2" gravel and sand base. Hand augered to 4 feet bgs. 2 SM 04', SAND, very dark grayish brown (2.SY3/2), medium - grained, silty, recc very 3 i organic, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, dry, no odor. 0.0 0.0 � 4 5 b SW 7 9 0.0 10 TD =10' bgs 4 -10', SAND, pale yellow (2.5Y8/3), medium - grained, poorly graded, well sorted, loose, massively bedded, slightly damp, no odor. SECTION VII. REFERENCES The following references were utilized during the preparation of this report: 29 CFR Part 1910.120, 8 CCR 5192 ADR Environmental Group, Inc., 2001, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, October 1. American Society for Testing and .Materials (ASTM) Phase I ESA Standard EI527 -2005. Envirodox, Inc., 2009, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, August 19. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1986, Standard Operating Safety Guides for Hazardous Waste Operations. Pinnacle Environmental, Inc., 2011, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, August 8. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 80034 1h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 13 SECTION V. EVALUATION OF RESULTS This Limited Phase II was performed in order to evaluate recognized environmental conditions (RECs) identified in a Phase I ESA report issued by PEI in August 2011. A geophysical survey of select exterior areas of the subject property evaluated the property for current or past large buried metallic anomalies (e.g., USTs) and found no evidence of unidentified anomalies or USTs. Down hole and soil sample PID readings were measured to be 1.0 ppm or Iess in every instance. Multiple background ambient air readings resulted in measurements that were usually 0.0 ppm but "peaked" at 0.2 ppm. The laboratory results of soil matrix samples collected from 9 soil borings show that there are no VOC or TPH concentrations above laboratory detection limits anywhere soil matrix samples were collected. The data are presented in Table 1 below: TABLE 1 - ANALYTICAL RESULTS g X.7,Q p r.., , r ., ND <10 i li' 1`r` .r y� ka7q�.4 t It :: ., ��{i">tf7qs �; s ♦Li j3 a g gn ,+' *,f �e " "`�:?�•+ ¢' s " ND <10 ND <10 ran < 0.005 to 0.02 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 014 y� ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 I }; a ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 7�� , ND <10 ND <l 0 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 B= $raf�Q`r .: s �.,.. ND <1 Q ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 .... ...M� ND <I0 ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 4AJ ,�= ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 ., ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND < 0.005 to 0.02 ND <0.005 = Not Detected above laboratory detection limits. N = not defined mg/Kg = milligrams per kilogram = parts per million. C4 -C 10 = gasoline range C11 -Cl2 = diesel range C23 -C35 = oil range Limited Phase Il Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc, 80034 1h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page I 1 W SECTION IV. FIELD ACTIVITIES A. UST SYSTEM INTEGRITY TESTING PEI retained the services of a Confidence UST Services, Inc. (CUSI), a California licensed UST integrity testing firm to assess the general compliance and integrity of the current UST systems. CUSI's scope of work generally included: secondary containment testing (e.g., tank annular, piping sump, piping, dispenser sump); precision test 3 USTs /lines and dispenser; annual monitor certification; leak detector testing; vapor recovery testing with dispensers. The CUSI report will be submitted under separate cover from this subsurface investigation report. B. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN A site - specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP), compliant with the requirements of 29 CFR Part 1910.120, 8 CCR 5192, and the EPA Standard Operating Safety Guides for Hazardous Waste Operations (1986) was developed by PEI prior to field activities. Based on the conditions of the site, the expected levels of constituents present in the soil, and the type of work performed, all activities were conducted in Level D Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The HASP provided the requisite details and guidance. All PEI employees involved in field work at this site previously completed the required 40 hours initial training, had maintained qualification through annual refresher training, are under a program of medical monitoring, and are certified to wear respiratory protection, as specified in 29 CFR part 1910.134 and 8 CCR 5144. The site safety officer conducted a tailgate safety meeting prior to the start of drilling activities. PEI retains the signed Health and Safety Plan in the project file. Underground Service Alert (USA aka Dig Safe) was contacted on August 24, 2011. The Dig Alert ticket number was #274812. C. DRILLING METHODS PEI obtained the drilling services of Interphase for the September 9, 2011 field work to obtain the soil matrix samples at the Site, with a Geoprobe® 6600. The field work was accomplished in one field day. Weather at the time of the drilling was a warm temperature of about 90 °F. The proposed scope included 8 soil matrix sample locations. However, due to field conditions and available time, one additional assumed "background" boring was completed (see Figure 3, Appendix A). Two borings (B -1 and -2) were located adjacent to a three -stage clarifier associated with the carwash. One boring (B -3) was placed adjacent to the former location of a waste oil UST. One boring (B -4) was placed at an assumed background location. Based upon historical research (Pinnacle, 2011), this boring location is away from previous or current site activities. Two borings (B -5 and B -6) were located adjacent to the pump islands. Soil borings B- 7, -8, and -9 were located on three sides of the UST farm. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34" Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 9 similar to the gradient at the Site. However, the local groundwater may be influenced by several factors, and may not conform to the reported nearby pattern. E. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS Previous environmental documentation concerning the subject property includes a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Envirodox for United Central Bank dated August 19, 2009. That report concluded the following (directly excerpted): The following historical recognized environmental conditions (HRECs) were identified in connection with the property: Based on the historical records, an auto repair service with two hydraulic lifts operated on the subject property from 1970 until the hydraulic lifts were removed and auto repair ceased in 1999. The former auto repair area was renovated into the current mini mart area in 1999. Subsurface condition in the former auto repair area cannot be identified due to lack of historical investigation records, however, based on year of building renovation in 1999, possible discoloration or visible contamination (from hydraulic tank leak or surface leak) present at the time of the hydraulic lift removal, soil excavation, and backfll must have been encountered and reported to government official within the permit and field inspection process. No records of violation, on -site contamination, were found during the years of auto repair operation. No further action or subsurface investigation is recommended for the property at this time. The Envirodox report references an October 31, 2001 Phase l ESA that was completed by ADR Environmental Group (ADR) for the owner of the subject property, Ms. Lina Yoo. The Envirodox report provided the following review of the ADR report (directly excerpted): Based on the ADR's review of available historical information, the subject property was historically agricultural land until approximately 1941 when a portion of a military barracks installation was constructed on the subject property and properties to the north and west of subject property. A gas station was constructed in 1970. The carwash was installed and the auto service bays including hydraulic lifts and associated piping were removed in 1999. ADR recommended that all suspect asbestos - containing materials should either be presumed to contain asbestos or adequate rebuttal sampling should be conducted by an HERA accredited building Inspector prior to renovation, including maintenance, or demolition if these activities will disturb the material(s). Limited Phase Il Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34`h Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 7 SECTION 111. GENERAL, SITE DESCRIPTION This section provides a brief description of the site, the physical setting of the site and vicinity, and a summary of previous environmental investigations. A. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND VICINITY The Site consists of an approximate 0.72 -acre parcel of land, occupied by a 3,000 square -foot, single -story retail building, four double -sided gasoline dispensers covered by a large free- standing canopy, and a drive - through carwash. The underground storage tank (UST) system consists of three 10,000- gallon capacity USTs which were reportedly installed in 1988. The Site is Iocated at the northwest corner of the intersection of 34th Street and Q Street within a commercial area. The Site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection-of 34th Street and Q Street within a commercial area. The subject property location is shown on Figures 1 and 2 in Appendix A. The property is bordered by the following: North: Immediately by a parking lot (for the western adjoining commercial building), then by a commercial -use property occupied by medical offices (3551 Q Street), then by a commercial -use property. East: Immediately by Q Street, then by a commercial -use property occupied by a convalescent home (Life House Retirement Property, 730 34th Street). South: Immediately by 34th Street, then by a gas station (Fastrip Gas, 805 34th Street) and commercial building (Medi -Stop, 815 34th Street), then by residential -use property. West: Immediately by two -story commercial -use property (medical -use tenants, 820 34th Street), then by commercial -use property. The Site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of 34th - Street and Q Street within a commercial area. The site location map is provided as Figure 1 adapted from on -line versions of the OildaIe, CA Map (dated 1973). An aerial photograph site diagram is provided as Figure 2. A site diagram showing soil boring locations is provided as Figure 3. All these figures are included in Appendix A. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34 "' Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 5 SECTION II. SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS A. PURPOSE The purpose of this Limited Phase II is to assess RECs identified in an August 2011 Phase I ESA conducted by PEI on the subject property. The objective of this Limited Phase II Site Assessment is to collect and quantitatively analyze original samples of soil in such a manner as to reduce uncertainties about the physical and chemical characteristics of this media in limited areas. The boring locations were selected to identify areas of potentially unknown impact from the current subject property operations (e.g., USTs, dispensers). B. SCOPE OF WORK Based on information available to PEI, the following scope of work was proposed: I. Preparation of PEI Health and Safety Plan and notification of Dig Alert/Underground Service Alert (USA). 2. PEI will meet with someone knowledgeable about the property, if available, in an effort to identify on -site utilities. In addition, a private on -site utility locating firm (e.g., geophysical survey) will be retained in an attempt to delineate the on -site USTs, and locate metallic utilities for the proposed boring locations. 3. Drilling of up to eight (8) exterior soil borings. Six borings will be completed up to 30- feet below ground surface (bgs) and two (2) borings will be completed up to 10 feet bgs using direct push technology (e.g., Geoprobe). Borings will be located based upon information provided within the Phase I information, visual observations, and geophysical data. Based on field conditions, PEI completed one additional boring for background analysis. 4. Initial laboratory analyses of up to fourteen (14) soil samples (depending on field observations) and based upon those results, potential analysis of additional samples with Client approval. 5. UST Integrity Testing - PEI will retain the services of a UST integrity testing firm to assess the general compliance and integrity of the current UST systems. Proposed work generally includes: tank integrity testing, product line and leak detector testing, vapory recovery testing, SB 989 spill containment testing, and annual monitor certification. 6. Report preparation by PEI. The purpose of this proposed limited subsurface screening investigation is to evaluate whether the subsurface in limited areas at the subject property has been impacted by VOCs and /or TPH. Sub- surface soil sampling was proposed for this limited scope screening investigation. Groundwater and soil vapor sampling were not included in this investigation. Disposal of aforementioned hazardous materials was not included as part of this assessment. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Pinnacle Environmental, Inc. 800 34* Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ ..............................2 I1. SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS ....................................................... ............................... 3 A. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................. ..............................3 B. SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................... ..............................3 C. LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................... ..............................4 III. GENERAL SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................ ..............................5 A. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND VICINITY ......................................................... ..............................5 B. PHYSIOGRAPHIC AND TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS..: .......................................................... 6 C. LOCAL AND SITE GEOLOGY ........................................................................ ..............................6 D. LOCAL AND SITE HYDROGEOLOGY ....... ............................... E. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS .............................................. ..............................7 IV. FIELD ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... ............................... 9 A. UST SYSTEM INTEGRITY TESTING ............................................................... ..............................9 B. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ......................................................................... ............................... 9 C. DRILLING METHODS ....................................................................................... ............................... 9 D. SOIL MATRIX SAMPLING .............................................................................. ..............................1 Q V. EVALUATION OF RESULTS ................................................................... .............................11 VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... .............................12 VII. REFERENCES ............................................................................................ .............................13 VIII. STATEMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ........... .............................14 Appendix: A: Figures Figure 1 — Topographic Map Figure 2 - Aerial Site Map Figure 3 — Soil Boring Location Map B: Boring Logs C: Analytical Report & Chains of Custody