HomeMy WebLinkAbout4301 chester phase 1 01-25-2011PHASE I- ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Of 4301 Chester Avenue Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 Section 18 and the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13, Township 29 S, Range 28 E of the Oildale Quadrangle, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian Kern County California Prepared For Don Anderson Real Property Manager Prepared By Craig Perkins REA -I Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services 2101 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, Ca 93301 (661) 326 -3684 January 25,-2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Summary and Signature ............................................... ..............................1 2.0 Introduction .............................................................. ..............................2 2.1 Purpose ........................................................... ..............................3 2.2 Scope of Services ............................................... ..............................3 2.3 Limitations and Exceptions ................................... ..............................3 2.4 User Reliance .................................................. ..............................3 3.0 Site Description ......................................................... ..............................3 3.1 Location and Legal Description ............................. ..............................4 3.2 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics .................. ..............................4 3.3 Current and Past Uses of the Site ........................... ..............................5 3.4 Topography, Geology, Hydrogeology and Soils ......... ..............................5 4.0 Records Review ........................................................ ..............................5 4.1 DOGGR Records ............................................. ..............................6 4.2 Department of Toxic Substances Control "Envirostor" ... ..............................6 4.3 Historical Aerial Photographs ................................ ..............................6 5.0 Site Reconnaissance ................................................... ..............................7 5.1 Methodology ................................................... ..............................7 5.2 Onsite Observations ........................................... ..............................7 6.0 Interviews .............................................................. .............................18 7.0 Findings, Opinions and Conclusions ............................... .............................18 8.0 References ............................................................. .............................19 9.0 Signature of Environmental Professional ........................... .............................20 10.0 Tables Table 1 Property owner and area .................................... ..............................4 11.0 Figures Figure 1 Aerial of the proposed acquisition parcels ............... ..............................2 Figure2 DOGGR well aerial .......................................... ..............................6 Figure 3 Front of property ............................................. ..............................7 Figure 4 Billboards on property ....................................... ..............................8 Figure5 Gas meter ..............................8 Figure 6 ....................................................... Fenced in garage ............................................. ..............................9 Figure7 Bate boxes ..............................9 Figure8 .................................................. Mature trees .............................10 Figure 9 ................................................ Horseshoe pits ............................................. .............................10 Figure 10 Concrete tables ............................................ .............................11 ii Figure11 Disked land ...................................................................... ..............................1 l Figure 12 Irrigation piping ......................................... .............................12 Figure 13 Metal high voltage tower ............................... .............................12 Figure 14 Wooden high voltage pole ............................. .............................13 Figure 15 Electrical outlet .......................................... .............................13 Figure 16 Water lines ................................................ .............................14 Figure 17 Well pump house ........................................ .............................14 Figure18 Concrete pad ............................................. .............................15 Figure19 Main house ............................................... .............................15 Figure 20 Mother -in -law house .................................... .............................16 Figure21 Shed ....................................................... .............................16 Figure22 Back house .... ............................... ', .......... .............................17 Figure 23 Oil stained railroad ties .................................. .............................17 Figure 24 Tumbleweeds along north fence ....................... .............................18 iii 1. Summary and Signature This report is being prepared in response to a request form the City of Bakersfield Property Management Division for a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on a 5.37 acres parcel located in North Bakersfield, Kern County, California. This report conforms to the requirements and limitations of the ASTM Standard Practice E 1527 -05 (ASTM). The site, with a physical address of 4301 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield California, is located in Sections 13 and 18 of Township 29S and Range 28E, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian, of the Oildale US Geological Survey Quadrangles, Kern County, California. The site currently supports six structures ranging from a main house with an approximately 1617 square feet in size with an attached mother -in -law house, a small free standing one bedroom house, storage shed, a well pump house and a detached garage. Construction of these structures is shown to have begun in 1981. The findings, resulting from the review of the available records and site reconnaissance, indicate that there is no evidence of any recognized environmental conditions within the buildings or property. The building however, should be tested for the presence of encapsulated asbestos and lead based paint which may be potentially in previously painted materials within the structure prior to demolishing the building. It is therefore my opinion that there is no additional need for further environmental assessment of the structure or property. REA 1 -08330 Ires:IL Craig T. Perkins R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist 2J'// Date 2. Introduction This report presents the findings of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed on 5.37 acres located on the south side of the Kern River along the west side of Chester Avenue (4301 Chester Avenue) in Bakersfield, California as shown on the area vicinity map (Figure 1). This parcel is being reviewed for its potential purchase by the City of Bakersfield Property Management Division for an as yet undetermined use. Figure 1: aerial of the proposed acquisition parcels. 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this Phase I is to evaluate whether current or past activities on, or adjoining, the site may have resulted in "recognized environmental conditions" that the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substance or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substance or petroleum product into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater or surface water of the property. N 2.2 Scope of Services This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was conducted in general conformance with the methods and procedures described in the ASTM Standard Practice E 1527 -05. The scope of services includes: • Review of standard historical sources for current and past uses of the site, and interviews with persons having knowledge of the past and current use of the site. • Site reconnaissance to assess evidence of current and past use, storage, and release of toxic or hazardous materials, including determination of the onsite presence of ponds, landfills, storage tanks, oil wells, electric transformers, drums and other storage containers, and any onsite dumping of wastes. • Reconnaissance of properties adjacent to the site. • Review of available government records for known or potential hazardous waste sites or land fills near the site. • A written Phase I ESA report to present the environmental findings opinion and conclusion. 2.3 Limitations and Exceptions This Phase I ESA report was prepared in accordance with the purpose and scope of services described above. In addition, the following limitations and exceptions are applicable to this report: • This report has relied on currently available or "reasonably ascertainable" records as defined by ASTM Standard Practice E 1527 -05 section 8.1.4. • The findings, opinions and conclusions of this report are based on information obtained on given dates, through reasonably ascertainable records and reasonably perceptible site conditions and features as they existed during the site's reconnaissance. They do not apply to site conditions and features that I am unaware and have not had the opportunity to evaluate. 2.4 User Reliance This Phase I ESA is not intended to eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for existence of recognized environmental conditions at the site. It was prepared only to assess if there is reason to suspect the presence of hazardous substance or petroleum products at the site. Therefore, this Phase I ESA does not include the collection and /or analysis of soil, groundwater, building materials, or other environmental samples which are considered Phase II activities. 3.0 Site Description This section presents site information gathered from record reviews, site reconnaissance and interviews. The section is organized to provide the location and legal description of the site, the site general characteristics, both onsite and offsite current and past uses of the property, general topography and soils and the description of any improvements. C 3.1 Location and Legal Description The property located at 4301 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, Kern County and is described as: ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, OF THE MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, SAID LAND ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP 333, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED MAY 26, 1972, IN BOOK 3 PAGE 30 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION, 549.56 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT ALSO BEGINNING A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LEVEE NUMBER 1 CANNAL; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 89° 47'29" WEST, 130.457 FEET; THENCE NORTH 50° 42'50" EAST 172.319 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE NORTH 51° 25'38" EAST 517.208 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66° 02'52" EAST, 136.946 FEET; THENCE NORTH 790 10'12" EAST, 69.332 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CHESTER AVENUE; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES: (1) SOUTH 20° 07' 44" EAST, 77.586 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, A RADIUS OF 945 FEET; (2) SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16° 35520 ", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 273.606 FEET; (3) SOUTH 00° 43'27" WEST TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID LEVEE NUMBER 1 CANNAL; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, NORTH 89° 09'07" WEST, 680.760 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING The current owner of this property /parcel as determined by the Kern County Assessor office is shown in table 1. Table 1: Indicates the property owner parcel number and area in acres of the property. LANDO"ER(s) ASSESSOR'S AREA PARCEL NUMBER Acres Nor Cal Holding and Management 119- 160 -02 -6 1 5.37 3.2 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics The property is a 5.37 acre site located at 4301 Chester Avenue, a developed street with curb, gutters and sidewalks. The site has two different sets of high voltage utility lines through the middle of the property. The first and oldest is a set of wooden poles that feed two billboards that are on the east side along Chester Avenue. The second set is metal towers that cross the property two of the towers are actually on the property. The property is dotted with mature trees and grasses. Adjacent on the north side of the site is the Kern River and on the south is the Carrier 2 3.2 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics (co0ntinued) Canal. South of the Carrier Canal is the United States Marine Corps Reserve Center which is the transportation facility for the area. On the East side of the property and across Chester Avenue is a vacant field that has in the past been used as a softball /baseball field, there is still evidence of the playing field as can been seen in the previous figure 1. 3.3 Current and Past Uses of the Site Currently the site houses several abandon structures, horseshoe pits and resting tables and concrete slabs. From the mid 1970's until recently these houses were built and occupied. Prior to the construction of the houses, the site was vacant land with native shrubs and forbs. There was one attempted drilling operation in 1964 that produced only a dry hole. The details of the drilling operation are covered in DOGGER records section. 3.4 Topography, Geology, Hydrogeology and Soils This site is of two distinctive soil units, Excelsior sandy loam and Riverwash. Excelsior sandy loam is a deep well drained soil on alluvial fans. It is formed in alluvium derived dominantly from mixed rock sources with a 0 -2 percent slope. Vegetation in areas is not cultivated and consists of mainly annual grasses and forbs. The annual precipitation is about 6 inches at an elevation between 290 and 390 feet. Typically, the surface layer is grayish brown sandy loam about 7 inches thick. The upper 25 inches of the underlying material is light brownish gray loamy sand to about 60 inches. Included in this unit are small areas of Kimberlina fine sandy loam, Cajon loamy sand, Westhaven fine sandy loam and Wasco sandy loam. These included areas make up about 20 percent of the soil type. Permeability of this Excelsior sandy loam is slow. Available water capacity is low or moderate. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of water erosion is slight. Most areas of this unit are or have been used for irrigated crops. The Riverwash unit consists of areas of sand and gravel that are adjacent to or occur as islands within the Kern River and small intermittent streams. Riverwash supports little if any vegetation, but in places there are a few scattered annual grasses, forbs and some brushy plants. This unit has limited value for livestock grazing and has no value for farming. The unit has its greatest value as recreational sites and as a source of aggregate materials for road building or general construction. 4.0 Records Review The following records were reviewed in this section: DOGGR records, Department of Toxic Substances Control "Envirostor" and historical aerial photographs. The available records show no evidence of recognizable environmental conditions on the proposed site. The area adjoining the proposed site does show evidence of oil related operations; however, not on the actual proposed site. 5 4.1 DOGGR Records Oil well records were reviewed on the Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) web site. No active oil wells were found within the proposed site; however there was a plugged well within the site. This well number 995 (17X -18) was part of the KCL lease and was developed by ARCO Western Energy. There is no date as to when the well was plugged however, the maps indicate that the hole was drilled to a depth of 3602 feet and it came up dry in 1964. Figure 2, indicates the location of the well and as you can tell by the photo the old well is located in the southwest portion of the site along the main drive entering the site. There is no visual evidence remaining on the site. Figure 2: Shows the location of plugged well. 4.2 Department of Toxic Substances Control "Envirostor" Search of the Department of Toxic Substances Control "Envirostor" database shows no cleanup sites or hazardous waste permitted facilities located on or within one (1) mile radius of the property. There was however a hazardous materials release and fire in the mid 1980's that was not reported on "Envirostor" this is personal knowledge as a firefighter at the time. 4.3 State Water Resources Control Board "Geotracker" Search of "Geotracker" from the State Water Resources Board showed three (3) former closed leaking underground fuel tanks (LUFT) within a one (1) mile radius of the proposed site. The first and closet was the United States Naval Reserve Center (not the Marines Reserve Center) located at 4201 Chester Avenue. This was a soils case that involved gasoline and lubricating oils. The case was closed March 24, 1987. The second was a soils case for diesel at the Kern County Parks and Recreation facility located at 3805 Chester Avenue. The diesel soils case was closed on October 4, 1994. The third case, also a soils case was from a former ARCO gas station for gasoline. This case was cleaned on October 21, 1995. no 4.4 Historical Aerial Photographs Historical aerial photographs of the property and surrounding properties for the years 1937, 1947, 1959, 1975 1985, 1990 and 2009 were viewed at the County of Kern online database. The photographs depict the property as vacant land prior to 1975. The 1975 aerial indicate the present of a few out buildings and additional buildings in subsequent years begin to appear through 1985. No aerials were available for the years between 1960 and 1974. 5.0 Site Reconnaissance On January 19, 2011 a reconnaissance of the site and its surroundings was completed. This section ,provides the methodology of the reconnaissance visit and specific onsite and offsite observations. Based on the results of the visual inspection of the site, there were no recognizable environmental conditions present. 5.1 Methodology Prior to the reconnaissance visit, all available environmental records and historical photographs of the site were reviewed in an attempt to identify any potential environmental conditions of concern. The entire site was walked along with observing the adjoining parcels. Direct observations of environmental conditions and concerns with the property were noted. 5.2 Onsite Observations The property located at 4301 Chester Avenue is a 5.37 acre parcel with six structures that were built beginning in the mid 1970's with the latest being constructed in 1981. The entrance of the property is a concrete driveway that ends at the front gate and the driveway turns to gravel (figure 3). Figure 3: Driveway entrance off of Chester Avenue noting the end of concrete and the beginning of the gravel drive. 7 s ��4 yrd -'� `y • ��r ' e; � +t,4F� -e"� �° I'mm°'° �P..t3'. ! 1 C ��, . t. r `�a ? y���'w'd3"`suy° /4?" r :; t •, ; a marmn ro::-as.c'• ZZ W, warn rs�•nu .sc�wvt w u:�i�. 2",a' '6^ +MF � i�e�r.— ,.y.� w. _ � � Ub4+. t � t 1.'LL ..t. • , ,. •�a -.-^.- .J' �' •-c' � i Y.t � t y5 u � �:is7 v •bw.my:s �'"4 .,- ..! -::� r, ; I -I • ,: �� °�:.� +� 1 c `, '�' ' +�. i r � �� 8.5 "�' �`• .�:o a apt' e � •c•rw vtin..r r• f }� I +u a wad, trs .•„, b::.a .tom' °t•aw''6tij}*•�,*''' W-M- Act __� ». „�.+o'a,'•t�YN ,.fie",•. 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One is just west of the well house while the other is adjacent to the mother -in -law house also on the west side (figure 18). Figure 18: One of two concrete pads on the property that may have been used as parking pads. The property has several other structures. The main house is approximately 1617 square feet and has a mother -in -law house within the fenced court yard. Also within the courtyard is an out shed. There is a small house at the far west of the property. This property contains another one bedroom house that is similar to the mother -in -law house. Both houses are the same approximate Figure 19: This is the main house looking west at the front. 15 yy� x C itals ce � 's SM 1 • � �W 1��� a x�¢ �. ,n4. ,y.°i' z����� ,�,. �, r� ,e,�, ar 'L Y,�'i*">Y SQ, .+: ' pp �i M r 'rte az. ,yr »r�r��'� .�b�` Pr-/� �r•'>.�``.�_ >f • , W�� 'C`f7� Ti'f K �t ��„P �, y 1 j, '' E �T E$ 3 s0,5 F" H yy� x C itals ce � 's SM 1 • � �W 1��� a x�¢ �. ,n4. ,y.°i' z����� ,�,. �, r� ,e,�, ar 'L Y,�'i*">Y SQ, .+: ' pp �i M r 'rte az. ,yr »r�r��'� .�b�` Pr-/� �r•'>.�``.�_ >f • , W�� 'C`f7� Ti'f K �t ��„P �, y 1 j, '' E 5.2 Onsite Observations (continued) Figure 22: is the small house on the far west of the property that is close in size to the mother-in- law house. There is also a small fenced yard on the front side of the house. All three houses have broken windows and show evidence of transient or homeless individuals spending time in them. A person with a dog had come out of the previous pictured house during the phase one walk around. Along the south side of the property, rail road ties were used as landscaping. There is only one site that has any environmental concern. At some time someone had poured out what looks to be waste oil onto the rail road ties at the south west side of the mail house beside the garage (figure 24). The ties contained the spilled waste oil and should not be a concern as long as there are left in place. If they are to be removed then consultation with the land fill must occur to determine if they are acceptable or if they need to go to a hazardous materials land fill. Figure 23: indicated the location of the spilled waste oil on the rail road ties. 17 5.2 Onsite Observations (continued) The north side of the property shows signs of large tumbleweed migration by accumulating along the fence line as shown in figure 24. Figure 24: Shows the north fence line with large numbers of tumbleweeds and leaves. 6.0 Interviews Craig Perkins, a former Kern County Firefighter personally recalled a hazardous materials release from a fire at the Kern County museum which is 1/2 mile south of the property, back in the mid 1980's. The runoff did not reach the property under consideration. During the search of "Envirostor" no documentation was entered. 7.0 Findings, Opinions and Conclusions The property located at 4301 Chester Avenue sits on a 5.37 acre parcel adjacent to the Kern River to the north and the Carrier West canal on the south. Site reconnaissance of the property and structures on the property found evidence of recognized environmental conditions. There was evidence of motor oil that had been dumped on the rail road ties adjacent to the main house. No other environmental conditions were observed during the site visit. Based on the age of the buildings there may be some of the construction materials that could contain asbestos. It is my opinion that a consideration for further environmental sampling be performed prior to the destruction of any structures for the presence of asbestos. 18 8.0 References 1. American Society for Testing and Materials Standards. 2005. Environmental Site Assessment: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. ASTM 1527 -05. 3. County of Kern Arial Mapping. 1937, 1947, 1959, 1975 1985, 1990 and 2009. 4. State of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR). 2008. www. conservation .ca.gov /Index /Pages /Index.aspx. 5. State of California, Department of Toxic Substances Control. www. envirostor.dtsc.ca.-gov/public/ 6. Unites States Geological Survey (USGS), 7.5 minutes Topographic Quadrangle Sheet, Oildale, California. 7. United States Department of Agricultural, Soils Conservation Services, 1976, 1977, 1978. Soils Survey of Kern County, California, Northwestern Part. 19 9.0 Signature of Environmental Professional I certify that the information presented here regarding the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment of the property located in the south of the Kern River at 4301 Chester Avenue in the City of Bakersfield Sections 13 and 18, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. REA 1 -08330 Expires: 11 Q0 IM . Craig T. Perkins Registered Environmental Assessor State of California No. 08330 Expiration Date June 30, 2011 4301 Chester Avenue 119-160-01 & 02 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AND SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, SAID LAND ALSO KNOWN AS PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP 333, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED MAY 26,1972 , IN BOOK 3, PAGE 30 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION, 549.56 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE LEVEE NO. 1 CANAL; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE SOUTH 890 4T 299" WEST, 130.457 FEET: THENCE NORTH 500 47 50" EAST 172.319 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 13; THENCE NORTH 61* 25' 38" EAST, 517208 FEET: THENCE NORTH: 66" 02'52" EAST, 136.946 FEET; THENCE NORTH 790 10' 12" EAST, 69.332 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CHESTER AVENUE; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES AND DISTANCES: ( 1) SOUTH 20° 07' 44" EAST, 77.586 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, A RADIUS OF 945 FEET; (2) SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16" 35' 20", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 273.606 FEET; (3) SOUTH 00° 43'27- WEST, 170.060 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID LEVEE NO. 1 CANAL; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, NORTH 89° 09' or, WEST, 6so.760 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL OIL. GAS AND OTHER MINERALS CONTAINED WITHIN THE PROPERTY HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, WHETHER NOW KNOWN TO EXIST OR HEREAFTER DISCOVERED; ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERAL RIGHTS BELONGING OR APPERTAINING TO SAID PROPERTY; THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO PROSPECT FOR DRILL FOR PRODUCE, MINE, EXTRACT AND REMOVE OIL, GAS AND OTHERMINERALS UPON, FROM AND THROUGH SAID PROPERTY; THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO INJECT IN, STORE UNDER AND THEREAFTER WITHDRAW FROM SAID PROPERTY OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERALS AND PRODUCTS THEREOF WHETHER PRODUCED FROM SAID PROPERTY OR ELSEWHERE; THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO DRILL AND OPERATE WHATEVER WELLS, CONSTRUCT, INSTALL, OPERATE, MAINTAIN AND REMOVE WHATEVER OTHER FACILITIES AND DO WHATEVER ELSE MAY BE REASONABLY NECESSARY ON AND IN SAID PROPERTY FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT AND EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS SO EXCEPTED AND RESERVED; AND THE UNRESTRICTED RIGHT OF INGRESS TO AND EGRESS FROM SAID PROPERTY FOR ALL SUCH PURPOSES; BUT GRANTOR AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS SHALL COMPENSATE GRANTEE AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UPON DEMAND, FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES CAUSED TO IMPROVEMENTS AND GROWING CROPS UPON SAID PROPERTY BY THE ENJOYMENT OR EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS SO EXCEPTED AND RESERVED, AS EXCEPTED AND RESERVED BY KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, IN DEED RECORDED MARCH 13,1969, IN BOOK 4256, PAGE 762, OFFICIAL RECORDS; AND RE-RECORDED MARCH 28, 1969, IN BOOK 4261, PAGE 402 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY PORTION OF SAID LAND WHICH LIES WITHIN THE BED OF TIME KERN RIVER BETWEEN THE LINES OF MEAN HIGH WATER. f , • N `7 » �.a•u n s�s.e�. r.:rra ft:T KAt r. NIS 3 w �`•'"' �'1 �I' ! T. 2fL M. 28G w C-Ar Owwr I. F.�.,SIO• rM 571 - I ., m o Ci IZ J I of -O • I v I � � Z � � Z W -4 O N M C -4 m CN D w A N acs n o I•--- -- - - -- a M y n ' —1 w 1' I —i to N O I �• ti•'G 1�' � � . ss M ^ -n N ;>t p m � s age 0 NO i�' y .. � � ;'t11�� r � t4� �• ZM °' -ttc sZ a M op" �,�'Aj'j •"N Memorandum Property Management Division DATE: January 18, 2011 TO: Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 FROM: Donald M. Anderson, Real Property Manager SUBJECT: Water Resources - Kern River Parkway - 4301 Chester Avenue Request for Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The City of Bakersfield is acquiring land at 4301 Chester Avenue for the Kern River Parkway (map and legal attached). The property consists of a single family home with multiple outbuildings on approximately 5 acres. Please prepare a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for this property. If you need further information, my extension is 3061. FYI, I have the keys to the property. Thank you for your assistance. DMA/s Attachments Cc: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager API: Q If,T, taftis.,�, va. of Name. a.m ' 02930 995 ARCO Western Energy KCL 17X-18 OG 35.399483 Plugged -119.019208 sz� �70 Kern County Assessor /Recorder Web Page 1 of 2 rp County Hotnapage 0 =sieTs mice: About Us 0 Property Search 03 Property Valuations 0 Tax Relief, Exemptions Exclusions, Reductions 0 Things To Know/ News 0Assessor's Forms 0 Related Links Kern County Assessor 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 661 - 868 -3485 assessor @co.kern.ca.us 8 -5 M -F (Except Holidays) Kern Property rofile Property Information ATN 119 - 160- 02 -00 -8 Status I Active Parcel Num. 119- 160 -02 -6 View Parcel Map GIS Maa Site Addr. 4301 CHESTER AV BAKERSFIELD Legal PARCEL MAP 333 LOT P 1 Acres 5.37 Use Code 0106 - SFR <20AC NOT ON RS 1 2 3 4 Prior APN -- Supervisorial District 3 - Mike Maaaard Recorded Documents Document Number Document Type Date Recorded 210111247 Deed 08/17/10 210064855 Trustee's Deed 05/17/10 202088030 Deed 05/31/02 196164215 Deed 12/24/96 http: / /Www.recorder. co. kern. ca. us/ propertysearch 1propertydetails.php ?srctext= 1191600200... 1/21/2011 Property Characteristics Unit 1 Year Built 1981 S . Ft. 1617 Bed / Bath 3/1.75 http: / /Www.recorder. co. kern. ca. us/ propertysearch 1propertydetails.php ?srctext= 1191600200... 1/21/2011 Assessment Information for Tax Year 2010 -2011 Assessed Values Land Value: 102,998 Mineral Value: 0 Improvement Value: 108,72 Other Improvement: Personal Property Value: 0 Total: 211,718 Less Exemption Value: 7,00 Net Total Taxable Value: 204,718 Tax Rate Area: 001 -001 BAKERSFIELD INSIDE http: / /Www.recorder. co. kern. ca. us/ propertysearch 1propertydetails.php ?srctext= 1191600200... 1/21/2011 1 3 v 1 1 I ti Ilk , ku r C-f J� s- t�, /" Jr A- f ti PHASE 1 Worksheet SECTION TITLE. COMPLETE 1 Executive Summaryt/ 2 Introduction 2.1 Purpose 11ICA 2.2 Scope of Services `°•. he'd 2.3 Limitations and Exec tions of Site Assessment 1 it 2.4 User Reliance 3 Site Description 3.1 Location and Legal Description I I I 3.2 Site Vicinity Geophysical Characteristics 1 Zq ) 3.3 Current Use of the Site 3.4 Past Uses of the Site "A -70) ) 3.5 Discri tion of Structures, Roads, Other Improvements on Site 3.6 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Property 3.7 Topography, Geology, Hydrogeology and Soils 1/19/2011 4 Records Review 4.1 DOGGR Records I ' ! 4.2 Department of Toxic Substances Control "Envirostor" I , 4.3 State Water Resources Control Board "Geotracker" e 4.4 Bakersfield Fire Department 4.5 Historical Aerial Photographs 4.6 Kern County Assessor 5 Site Reconnaissance j ---1 5.1 Methodology i 5.2 Onsite Observations 6 Interviews 7 - Findings, Opinions and Conclusions ' References Z1 i 'Signatures of Environmental Professionals 10 Tables 11 Figures IIOZ /IZ /i "' OOZ009i6II= �xa�a. zs�dud• s�t��aprZadozd�a. z�asadozd/ sn• �a •uza�•oa•.zap.zoaaz•mnnnn / /:d�u £8'£L9`Z %9£179L V L I840JL 0 L'L 1S101WSSd 000N 8£OSL 00'Z 1WSd X10108/\ MANN L L£Zt, tls't,L 8Sf1 0Nb"1 dWMSO>i,. 09Ltlz Z9' L8 L OHO 8]E)VMJVE)- O-IJNG 0 L LOZ t,9 "Z %Z6ZW0'0 BZOOZ (MAS GOON 17969L £L" L L %0£L900'0 0421 Vz0 (INS (100>1 £969L ££'9 %560£00'0 vzooz (INS MOO Z969L £6'£L %608900 "0 OtOOZ HEJIH N2Ql 9t,0 LL sz "LZ %86£OL0'0 8t,00Z HJ1H MEN titloLL £S'K %LtZL00'0 VtOOZ H!JIH MQ1 £tOLL 8V9 %6L0£00'0 8066L HJIH MJBN ZtrOLL 92'9£ %t�ZZLLO'0 `d96 ON10Nn-d3�1 SHN LtIUL 8L'9tl %99£ZZ0'0 `d-90OZ HOS 0-Id)18 8900L 176'17t, %L9620'0 0d2l £6 HOS GIANO L900L £0'9t, %86%z0'0 0'8068 (INJMJ 0IdN8 9900L L9'6Z %t,6"LO'O 1884 6L NZ dMO>I LtIZ09 9V% "6 L %L9£600'0 1880 L L NZ WON 6£Z09 s£'t,9 %09t�L£0'0 1830 L NZ bMO)4 6ZZ09 Z "L170Z %000000' L 1/\00 Id001 N89 08200 unowd ajell quad Buixe.L ON pun, Ilea® me Xel 00'0 £8'£L9Z I8401 00'0 9'£K L6'9££3 L 070 uawllelsul PuZ uewllelsul 00 "0 69TC L Z6'9££ L O WO L/Z L S 4 Pied Pied unow n® col on(] 00*0 8 V L 9V99Z 00*0 £"soVz lea a}eb s4uwsd jwv 4wv lepeds saauaE) leioadS lelaadS lejeuaE) e9A L L00-L00 8LL`t,0Z polaad uolleaoJd Bei x81 ION on18A Pa1118 ION palll8 0-00-t'LZL80L -m 11!8 OR uan '06VE-898 09 18 a01001103 x81 ay; 04 popajlp eq pinoys slllq xe; Bulpieft suollsont) uollemoluI Ills XB.L Z jo Z aoud garn .zapzoaaU /jossassV X.unoo uzax k 7 , .y xA 1 i t ' y �$ !� :5 .a k, ♦ q �S. � f a u s y [g Fa q. �= a S 16% a 4 x Yom: f i x�a � a x • ' Z3, yt �y W 5 rf `u°'" 5' t � z rq e "'M Ai L �'r1Y11�d4D/ ` �if1�� r�ti gs', An ,. 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