HomeMy WebLinkAbout11101 white ln soil samplesv' � ATE r .L April 22, 2015 Mr. Howard Wines III, CBO Prevention Services Director Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 CB &I 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 320 Sacramento, California 95834 Phone: 916.565.4300 Fax: 916.565.4356 www.CBI.com Subject: Soil Excavation and Sampling Results from Diesel Fuel Theft AT &T Facility, 11101 White Lane, Bakersfield, California, OES #15- 0942, AT &T ITS #153284 Dear Mr. Wines: CB &I Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. (CB &I, formerly known as Shaw Environmental, Inc.) is pleased to present this letter report detailing field activities and laboratory analytical results from excavation of diesel- impacted soils in the area of a 1,500- gallon diesel fuel aboveground storage tank (AST) at the above - mentioned AT &T facility (Figure 1). Field activities consisted of excavating diesel- impacted soil and the collection and analysis of eight (8) soil samples from surface soils within the excavation footprint. Sampling activities discussed in this report were performed on February 18, 2015. Background On February 15, 2015, AT &T personnel at the facility discovered that someone had broken in the area behind the service building where the AST was located and had stolen fuel from the AST. Based on AT &T tank records, it is estimated approximately 1,122 gallons of fuel was removed from the AST. During the theft, some of the fuel had spilled onto the ground around the AST. Following discovery of the theft, AT &T contracted with CB &I to remove impacted soil, collect soil samples to ensure that impacted soil had been removed, and backfill the resulting excavation with clean fill material. Field Activities On February 18, 2015, CB &I and our subcontractor Environmental Logistics, Inc. (ELI) personnel arrived on -site to perform excavation and soil sampling activities. Due to the potential of underground cables in the area, soil was excavated by hand using a vacuum extractor and shovels. Removal activities began at the base of the AST and proceeded southward. Excavation activities continued until visual and olfactory observations indicated that the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation no longer contained impacted soil. As soil was loosened, it was extracted using the vacuum truck and then transferred into covered roll -off bins. Once full, the bins were labeled and transported to an appropriate 11101 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Soil Report. doc Mr. Howard Wines III April 22, 2015 Page 2 disposal facility. The resulting manifests, weight tickets, and load verification documents are included as Attachment 1. Soil sampling activities included field screening to ensure there were no field traces of impacted soil. Undisturbed soil was collected in plastic sample containers, and the containers were immediately labeled, placed on ice, and transported to the laboratory under a chain -of- custody form. During sample collection, no petroleum odors or staining were observed in the exposed native soils. Soil samples were labeled as along the centerline of the excavation and compass direction (CL -N, CL -C, and CL -S) and also as sidewall samples and compass direction (SW-N, SW -S, SW E and SW -W). In addition, one soil sample collected from an area that was deeper than the rest near the second tree adjacent to the excavation was labeled as a bottom sample (B -T2). Centerline samples were collected at a depth of approximately 1.5 feet below ground surface (bgs), the bottom sample was collected at a depth of approximately 2.5 feet bgs, and the sidewall samples were collected at a depth of approximately 1.5 feet bgs. A copy of the chain -of- custody document is included in Attachment 2, with soil sample locations depicted on Figure 3. Laboratory Analysis and Results The soil samples were submitted to Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, Inc., an Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)- certified laboratory located in Santa Maria, California, for analysis. The samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH -D) per EPA method 8015M. The samples were also analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) constituents per EPA method 8260B. Results of the analysis reported TPH -D in two soil samples at concentrations of 31 milligrams per kilogram (mg /Kg) (B -T2) and 13 mg /Kg (CL -S). No BTEX constituents were detected in any of the samples. A copy of the laboratory report is included in Attachment 2, with analytical results summarized in Table 1 and depicted on Figure 3. Discussion Excavated soil consisted of two distinct types, highly consolidated fine - grained sand and more loosely compacted fine- to medium- grained sand. The compacted soil appeared to be medium to dark brown while the loosely compacted soil was yellowish to Fight brown. It was observed that the loosely compacted soil was typically impacted with diesel while the highly compacted soil was not. It was apparent that the released diesel flowed along the surface in the loosely compacted soil until it encountered the highly compacted sand where the migration was halted. The diesel impacting to a greater depth near tree 2 was a result of the tree roots not allowing the sand to become highly compacted. Free product.and /or saturated soil were not encountered in the excavation, so it is assumed that the majority of the missing diesel fuel was stolen and not spilled. A total of approximately 40 cubic yards of diesel- impacted soil was removed and transported to Filter Recycling Facility located in Bloomington, CA, for recycling. Uniform hazardous waste manifests were used as transportation papers, and the resulting weight tickets and load verification tickets are included as Attachment 1. 11101 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Soil Report.doc Mr. Howard Wines III April 22, 2015 Page 3 Results of the laboratory analysis reported concentrations of TPH -D in both samples at concentrations up to 31 mg /Kg. For comparison purposes, the results were evaluated against the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Boards (RWQCBs) environmental screening level (ESL) for residential soils <3 meters where groundwater is a current or potential drinking water source. These results were well below the 100 mg /Kg ESL for TPH -D. Based on the resulting chemical analysis, it appears that the limits of diesel- impacted soil have been defined and diesel- impacted soil has been removed from around the AST. Comparing the detected TPH -D concentration to the ESL for diesel, it is CB &I's opinion that the concentrations reported in these samples do not pose any risk to human health or the environment. As a result, we recommend no further assessment or remedial activities related to the AST. If you have any questions regarding the information presented in this report, please contact Robert Delnagro at (916) 565 -4343. Sincerely, CB &I Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. Chris Rohlfing, P.G. #7229 Attachments: Table 1 — Soil Sample Analytical Results Figure 1 — Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 — Site Map Figure 3 — Sample Location Map Attachment 1 — Manifests, Weight Tickets, and Load Verification Tickets Attachment 2 — Laboratory Report and Chain -of- Custody Document Attachment 3 — Photo Log 11101 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA Soil Report.doc m cc 402 _j 5, cc m r LL. 0 od E m 0 w (1 E 42 0 0 2!1 0 CU - .) 0 2 -0 L M C X ca E a) > 0 2 fl cc$ Cl) A O C L 0 0 0) CL Z .0 Z E 0) a -n co C� z z z Z z z z z 0 :2 3. L- u� a c> a 9 cD q Lo co Q C-i w E z z z z z z z z RM m Lo cD -e Lo a to o C, E a N z Z z z z z z z u�l 0 0 Lo c) c! 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F— ,00 , w ii-519 ox� FZ a: a: APPROXIMATE SCALE I mmmmmo 300 600 FEET REFERENCEo PLAN DERIVED FROM GOOGLE EARTH AERIAL IMAGERY, DATED 4/15/14, AND CB&I ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE FIELD RECONNAISSANCE. a. w H N O r- 0 Z_ W m ❑ Z >- 11 00 1 W O Q.' a cL � W) w N m ❑ O W Y 0 W oilk W) �- 4 co p Z ❑ V W p• LL V C LL O V CB &I ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. k 180 PROMENADE CIRCLE, SUITE 320 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA J 0 FIGURE 2 � r SITE MAP AT &T CL m� a, M MYI Lo m u) C)° APPROXIMATE SCALE .. �rN ° to 0 40 80 FEET W, p� V E v REFERENCE; D ms PLAN DERIVED FROM GOOGLE EARTH AERIAL IMAGERY, DATED F--• o 4/15/14, AND CB &I ENVIRONMENTAL &INFRASTRUCTURE u- W moo FIELD RECONNAISSANCE. x4.o.a CB &I ENVIRONMENTAL & INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. 180 PROMENADE CIRCLE, SUITE 320 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 SITE MAP AT &T 11101 WHITE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CP 3: O 0 iq tD Dt Oft Ii Lf) W LL. LLI Xff i ATTACHMENT Manifests, Weight Tickets, and Load Verification Tickets Please print ortypa (Foirindesigned for use on elite (12-otch) typewnter) Form Approved- OMB No 2050-W39 01173882 JJK UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1 1. Generator ID Number age 1 of 3 Emergency Response Phone 4. Manifest Tracking Number WASTE MANIFEST 2>8' 41 ef Oil -Z/Z 3 e6 3 Gei*ralor's Na and Mailing Generator's Site Address (if different then rnakig address) w 4.5-33 Generator's Phone: Zs 6. Transporter I Gompany Name U S. EPA 10 Number 7, Transporter 2 Cmlkvky Narj-.e U-S EPA ID Number a. Designated Facility Name and Site Address• i 1W e(Ye VN U.S, EPA ID Number 04-1 FwAl (s Phone. r-190 2S2 fit, V q�j 9a. 9b. U.S. DOT Description fmclucliV Proper Shoping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number 10. Containers 1't TOW 12 Unit 13 Waste Codes HM and Packing Group (If any)) No. Type QuantitY ftivd. 0 A)6A- Re R 19 W"A?011�8 (Alks cm 2 UJ . 3. 4 14. Spe q"al Handling Instructions and Additional I Information Y— kin 9'cwy (3 ill tV! C *6 4a- '� 9 -sel Q/b 4 a.2-11.13+0roo % IV 4 V 15. GENERATORWOFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I bw* declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately bescribed above by the proper shipping rgene, and are classified, Packaged, marked and labelecliplacarded, and are in all respects In proper condition for transport according to applicable International and national governmental regulations. If ex shipment and I am the Rtnary Exporter, I Certify that the contents of this Consignment conform to the terrors of the attached EPA AdvKwledgrrot of Conan. I certify that the waste minimization staternerd identified in 40 CFR 262,27(a) (if I am a large quantity generator) or (b) (if I am a small quantity generator) is true. GeneraWsWeWs ProgeCyped Name Signature mo"M Day yew ki X1 tMK43 tie 16. International Shipments [A Import to U.S Expoft from U.S. port Of entry/ea Trormponet- slur alure (for exports only): Date Wmv US,-, 17. Transporter Acknowledgment of Rec*of Materials LU Fft-47yped 7 me Signature MMO Day YYear rz I T n I-s- 5! 1 cc Transporter 2 Printeffyped Name Signature f4inth Day Year ttC 18, Discrepancy 18a. Disc Indication Space F1 ouantity Type Fl Residue crep Part. lal Rejection ElFulfRejedon KUndest Reference Number 18b, Alternate Faddy (or Generator) U.S. F-PA 10 Number C3 Facility's Phone: 18c. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year 55 CD 19. Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Code$ (iLe' Codes for M�ardous waste treatment, ftosai, and recycling systems) UJ I Z 3. 14, 20. Designated Facility Omwr or Opemt% CerfikafioR of receipt of hazarciz materials covered by the man as noted 4T 182 A Name mom T- 'v EPA Form 8700-22 (Rev, 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete. DESIGNATED FALL * TO DESTINATION STATE (W RiQUIRED) RES I Do' ID 415r, GROSS - 42180 lb INSIXIND 0,31012015 040901FI-I WEIGHMASTER: GROSS-WEIGHED BY DEPUTY, DATE TARE-WEIGHTED BY DEPUTY. DATE fi Mill" THECAT SCALE %UARA%6TEE �a The CAT Scale Company guarantees that our states will give an accurate weight, What makes us different #roar: other scale pompanies is that we back up our guarantee with cash i "WEIGH WHAT WE SAY OR WE PAY" �u If you get an overweight one from the slate AFTER one of our CAT Scales showed a legal weight, we will '> immediately check our scale and we will: ( #) Reimburse you for the cost of the overweight fine it our scale is wrong, OR (2) A representative of CAT Scale Company will appear in court WITH the driver as an expert witness if we believe our scale was correct. IF YOU SHOULD GET AN OVERWEIGHT FINE, YOU SHOULD DO THE FOLLOWING TO GET THE PROBLEM RESOLVED.. 1) Post bond and request a court date. 2) Call CAT Scale Company direct 24 hours a day at 1-877-CAT-SCALE, ext. 7 (Toll Free) or visit www.catscateguaraantee.+com for instructions. 3) IMMEDIATELY send a copy of the citation, CAT Scale Ticket, your name. company, address, and phone number to CAT Scale Company Atim Guarantee Department. The four weights shown below are separate weights. The TOTAL WEIGHT was weighed on a full length platform scale. AXLE WEIGHTS CAN NOT BE CERTIFIED and are NOT LEGAL FOR TRADE, however, CAT SCALE COMPANY GUARANTEES THESE- WEIGHTS TO BE CORRECT. 806 SCALE 73488001LOCATION: 940 24 SEVEN TRAVEL • Re" OUSTOMER COPY *CAT ScaWO CA 3051 W14 r Transporter Bin Number Manifest #: Size of Roll-Off Bin 2 C, Level of Load (1/4,1/2,3/4, 11 L 0 Any Free liquids. P"No Yes If Yes, Estimated Quanity: Washout: No Yes If Yes, Gallons Used: Full a:. -------------- 3/4 -------------- 1/2 180 W. Monte Avenue FILTge RffCMJ_N_Cv www.filterrecycling.com VICI S Bloomington, California 92316 (909) 873-4141 (p), (909) 873-4142 (f) IdR IRUCK STQE GUAfgANTEE 1-11 TIA 8101 colia wha� "'�M If you get an overweight fine from the state one, we witl immedialeiy check our scale and we will reimburse you for the cost of the overweight fine if our scale is wrong. IF TOU SH . .11 �j �--' 1 �1w, , 1 1) Post bond and request a court date 2) Call 1110 Truck Stop Company direct 24 hours a day at (909) 877-1171. 3) IMMEDIATELY send acopy of the dl�ation, y�our name, company, address, and phone number to f-10 Truck Stop. rhe four weights shown below are separate weights. The TOTAL WEIGHT was weighed on a full lengt #ffaftm scale AXLE WEIGHTS CAN NOT BE CERTIFIED and are NOT LEGAL FOR TRADE. STEER AXLE 12040 1 b DRIVE AXLE 26280 1 b TRAILER AXLE 27800 1 b TOTAL AXLE 66060 -1 b Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Dereck Johnson Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Bakersfield, CA 93307 -3009 19 February 2015 RE: Environmental Logistics Dear Client: Work Order: 1500733 Enclosed is an analytical report for the above referenced project. The samples included in this report were received on 19- Feb -15 08:00 and analyzed in accordance with the attached chain -of- custody. Unless otherwise noted, all analytical testing was accomplished in accordance with the guidelines established in our Quality Assurance Manual, applicable standard operating procedures, and other related documentation. The results in this analytical report are limited to the samples tested and any reproduction thereof must be made in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, A ,t Marissa L. Censullo Project Manager TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance-with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 2 of 11 Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Soil w/ Diesel - Bottom Tree 2 1500733 -01 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -E 1500733 -02 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -N 1500733 -03 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Soil w/ Diesel - CL -S 1500733 -04 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Soil w/ Diesel - CL -N 1500733 -05 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -W 1500733 -06 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Soil w/ Diesel - CL -C 1500733 -07 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -S 1500733 -08 Solid 18- Feb -15 16:15 19- Feb -15 08:00 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance-with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 2 of 11 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19 -Feb -15 16:08 Soil w/ Diesel - Bottom Tree 2 1500733 -01 (Solid) Analyte Result Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes I Limit Oilfield Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) 31 10 mg/kg 1, BSBO517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 103% 61 -142 it it Volatile Oreanic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0049 mg /kg 1 B5B0551 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0049 it to Ff of " it Toluene ND 0.0049 it it It it it " Xylenes (total) ND 0.0049 if it it it " Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 104% 70 -130 " Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 104% 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -& 104% 70 -130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 3 of 11 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -E 1500733 -02 (Solid) I Analyte Result Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes Limit Oilfield Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) ND 10 mg/kg 1 B5B0517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 103% 61 -142 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg 1 B5B0551 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 it " it it if It Toluene ND 0.0050 it 11 to if It it Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 it it it to It IT Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101% 70 -130 If Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 104% 70 -130 ft if to it Surrogate: Toluene -d8 104% 70 -130 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -N 1500733 -03 (Solid) I Analyte Result Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes Lim, 91 Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) ND 10 mg/kg 1 B5B0517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 100% 61 -142 if Volatile Oreanic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg 1 B5B0551 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 it It it 11 to it Toluene ND 0.0050 IT of if IT it it Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 it IT 11 of if Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 102% 70 -130 It if " It Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 100% 70 -130 to, rf if Surrogate: Toluene -d8 105 % 70 -130 it it " or Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 4 of 11 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 Soil w/ Diesel - CL -S 1500733 -04 (Solid) I Analyte Result Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes t Limit Oilfield Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) 13 10 mg/kg 1 B5B0517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 102% 61 -142 If or It or Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0049 mg/kg I B5B0551 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0049 if it It it " if Toluene ND 0.0049 it it It It it Xylenes (total) ND 0.0049 if of It if of to Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 104% 70 -130 of Of If to Surrogate: Toluene -d8 106% 70 -130 of or of to Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 103% 70 -130 of rr to of Soil w/ Diesel - CL -N 1500733 -05 (Solid) I Analyte Result Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes I Limit Oilfield Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) ND 10 mg/kg I B5B0517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 101% 61 -142 of of IV to Volatile Oreanic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg 1 B5B0559 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 " " if it " to Toluene ND 0.0050 " if it It " " Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 " it if it " If Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 101% 70 -130 of it it of Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 88.8% 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 95.4% 70 -130 it It it " Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 5 of 11 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -W 1500733 -06 (Solid) Analyte Result Reportin g it Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes ' Lim Oilfield Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) ND 10 mg /kg 1 B5B0517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 104% 61 -142 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg 1 B5B0559 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 it if " " It " Toluene ND 0.0050 it it It if Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 it If IF it Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 124% 70 -130 It if it It Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene 91.0% 70 -130 FF if tr Ft Surrogate: Toluene -d8 95.0% 70 -130 " If It it Soil w/ Diesel - CL -C 1500733 -07 (Solid) ' Analyte Result Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes I Limit Oilfield Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (03 -C22) ND 10 mg/kg 1 B5B0517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 100% 61 -142 " If el it Volatile Organic Comnounds bv_EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0050 mg /kg 1 B5B0559 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 It it if to it Toluene ND 0.0050 If It it Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 " it " it it It Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 4- Bromofluorobenzene Surrogate: Toluene -d8 101% 70 -130 ff Pr IF if 101% 70 -130 It It it " 97.0% 70 -130 IF if It IF Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 6 of I 1 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 Soil w/ Diesel - SW -S 1500733 -08 (Solid) I Analyte Result Reporting Units Dilution Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes I Limit Oilfield Environmental and Compliance TEPH by GC FID TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) ND 10 mg/kg 1 B5B0517 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8015M .Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 103% 61 -142 Volatile Oreanic Comaounds by EPA Method 8260B Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg 1 B5B0559 19- Feb -15 19- Feb -15 EPA 8260B Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 it fl ti it if if Toluene ND 0.0050 tv of if Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 it it of it Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane Surrogate: 4- Bromof luorobenzene Surrogate: Toluene -d8 128% 70 -130 it FF 90.9% 70 -130 it Pr 97.5% 70 -130 if it Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 7 of I 1 6 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 TEPH by GC FID - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD knalyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch B5B0517 - EPA 3550B Blank (B5B0517 -BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 18- Feb -15 TPH Diesel (C13-C22) ND 10 mg/kg Surrogate: o- Terphenyl LCS (B5B0517 -BSI) 568 it 50.0 114 61 -142 Prepared & Analyzed: 18- Feb -15 TPH Diesel (C 13 -C22) — 517 10 mg/kg 500 103 83 -114 v Surrogate: o- Terphenyl LCS Dup (B5B0517 -BSD1) 565 50.0 113 61 -142 Prepared & Analyzed: 18- Feb -15 _ _ TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) _ _ 521 10 mg/kg 500 104 83 -114 0.841 20 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl Duplicate (B5B0517 -DUP1) 55.8 it Source: 1500669 -04 50.0 112 61 -142 Prepared & Analyzed: 18- Feb -15 TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) ND 10 mg/kg ND 20 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl Matrix Spike (B5B0517 -MSI) 565 ff Source: 1500669 -04 50.0 113 61 -142 Prepared & Analyzed: 18- Feb -15 TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) 514 10 mg/kg 498 ND 103 71 -128 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl Matrix Spike Dup (B5B0517 -MSD1) 561 Source: 1500669 -04 49.8 113 61 -142 Prepared & Analyzed: 18- Feb -15 TPH Diesel (C13 -C22) _ _ 512 10 mg/kg 499 ND 103 71 -128 0.452 20 Surrogate: o- Terphenyl 55.5 " 49.9 111 61 -142 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 8 of 11 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD �nalyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch B5B0551 - EPA 5035/5030B MEOH Blank (B5B0551 -BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 to Toluene ND 0.0050 Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 " - Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0527 0.0504 105 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0526 0.0504 104 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0503 0.0504 99.8 70 -130 LCS (M0551-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 - Benzene 0.111 _ 0.0051 mg/kg 0.101 109 70 -130 Toluene 0.120 0.0051 11 0.101 118 70 -130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0523 0.0507 103 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0498 0.0507 98.2 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0524 of 0.0507 103 70 -130 Duplicate (B5B0551 -DUPI) Source: 1500733 -01 Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg ND 20 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 ND 20 Toluene ND 0.0050 it ND 20 Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 ND 20 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0523 0.0501 104 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0531 0.0501 106 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0543 0.0501 108 70 -130 Matrix Spike (M0551-MS1) Source: 1500733 -02 Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 Benzene 0.112 0.0051 mg/kg 0.102 ND 111 70 -130 Toluene 0.119 0.0051 to 0.102 ND 118 70 -130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0518 of 0.0508 102 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0550 0.0508 108 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0518 0.0508 102 70 -130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 9 of 11 6 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260B - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD �nalyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch 135130559 - EPA 5035/5030B MEOH Blank (B5B0559 -BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 it Toluene ND 0.0050 it Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 " - Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0503 0.0501 100 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0481 0.0501 95.9 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0458 0.0501 91.4 70 -130 LCS (B5B0559 -BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 _ Benzene _ 0.107 _ 0.0050 mg/kg 0.0994 108 70 -130 Toluene 0.113 0.0050 fl 0.0994 114 70 -130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0466 It 0.0497 93.8 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0462 it 0.0497 92.9 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0482 it 0.0497 97.0 70 -130 LCS Dup (B5B0559 -BSDI) Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 Benzene 0.108 0.0050 mg/kg 0.100 107 70 -130 0.242 20 Toluene 0.115 0.0050 of 0.100 115 70 -130 1.22 20 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0493 if 0.0501 98.3 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0487 If 0.0501 97.1 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0465 If 0.0501 92.8 70 -130 Duplicate (B5B0559 -DUP1) Source: 1500733 -08 Prepared & Analyzed: 19- Feb -15 Benzene ND 0.0050 mg/kg ND 20 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0050 It ND 20 Toluene ND 0.0050 to ND 20 Xylenes (total) ND 0.0050 ND 20 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 0.0524 0.0499 105 70 -130 Surrogate: Toluene -d8 0.0475 0.0499 95.3 70 -130 Surrogate:4- Bromofluorobenzene 0.0445 0.0499 89.1 70 -130 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 10 of 11 Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, INC. Environmental Logistics - Bakersfield Project: Environmental Logistics 7405 E. Brundage Ln. Project Number: CB &I - AT &T White Ln - 41524B Reported: Bakersfield CA, 93307 -3009 Project Manager: Dereck Johnson 19- Feb -15 16:08 Notes and Definitions DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis RPD Relative Percent Difference Oilfield Environmental and Compliance The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety. TEL: (805) 922 -4772 307 Roemer Way, Suite 300, Santa Maria, CA 93454 www.oecusa.com FAX: (805) 925 -3376 Page 11 of 11 R 1r.wn� 01 C 4 co w co Ci a U c cc C14 cu r t E cts W 4 i tix .� ca i� t � t4 � t a; ty UJ ! co c` CL in c lo N o +?+ a v v m 3 ,•+ +� + 0- 0) vi ; ll C n u II a 0 a m IL (vN i • ! E! E t EE E ! E! ift w "" �, j IM404). •� R ~ .� � QI (e•' SY {jj � � p/� Qf Ol 1 I 1 1 ! R !' •�., (\ �" yi.,, � '� 'Cj" s... � 1�.,.���]„'']� W V�J .�r�(^j �• r•+�+fyry�� VII � .'r. jj� '(�(Q"� vv �'�J7'j�! V • ! 1 1 � t _! f �.1``� s El V) E:. Q LO 1 t t cl _• An + 77 i^L ! ! 1 _ � N � J► i ! ! ' ! ; ��❑ o � $ _� to It tl�Cy OX11>1 �'+ r • LP LL �_ V . �t t� �' CL L C O i7 ti t 'k.r <�, z +d •tq ! + +41 0 U "Y7 Q. C3 x: p. d 0: 0 to `` �, ` •N S . " i 01 &.-. i Gi i qi I -A o O �Qp LO w a� aA MCI .._ W rN 0 to ti as P. F PGO 4 Cod .. 0 0 rn 40 0 u u O 01 79 zDL�00❑❑00 Li 00 7r:w 5 :t q & 1-4 u A �o rp 0 '0 79 4-4 bf A o o 0 I:w U u u u 0 > F-� C a u 4-1 o UO 00 u > cd cn CO c 0 to ti as P. F r (y)), Ono _ �► W C� w .71 O O O O VO C7 V � CJ 40) ti D5tL) ' 8 O � a � ,,13 El- ID I CIO 0 to .71 O ti O O to us 0 rn 07120/2015 10:32 7144848601 PSI CYPRESS PAGE 01 RIGHT-TO-KNOW °s B,AKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. -::. ....... Prevention Services , :•.�; :ti ':i" g U 'R s F I a 1501 Truxtun Ave., 1st Floor REQUEST FOR INFORI++'IAT N File Bakersfield, CA 93301 ETA ' OFFICE: 661- 326 -3979 FAX: 661 -852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 PROCEDURES FOR OBTAINING INFORMATION REGARDING A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FILE Anyone requesting information regarding a file(s) that contains information on Hazardous Materials with the City of Bakersfield - Office of Prevention Services, may do so during the normal business hours, Monday - Friday, 8 :00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. The requester is required to fill out an Information Request Form. This form must be filled out entirely, with a signature at the bottom, confirming that they understand that a file research fee charged in 15- minute increments and, a fee is charged for copies for each page. If the information request form is faxed to this office for a reply, the policy in the Office of Prevention Services is to not give any information regarding a file(s) over the phone to ensure that information in the files) is not misinterpreted. If they are unable to come in and review the file(s), in cases such as these, the entire filers) is /are copied at the current rate. After the requester has reviewed the file and copies have been made (if requested), a receipt is issued showing the total payment due and payable upon receipt. We will not send copies until the payment has been received. Please make checks payable to: City of Bakersfield. NOTE. If the requester requests in writing that there is "no record at that location," this request can only be written by Howard Wines, Director of the Office of Prevention Services. DATE REQUESTED 07/20/2015 DATE CO"LETED REQUESTERS NAME & MAILING ADDRESS Tim Jauregui 714) 484 -8601 FAX NO. REQUESTERS NAME PSI 7 q 4) 484-8600 PHONE COMPANY NAME 6330 Gateway Drive, Suite B Cypress 90630 STREET NO & NAME CITY . ZIP CODE INFORMATION REQUESTED OF DD's BUSINE55 NAME 1505 White Lane Avenue Bakersfield 93307 STREET NO & NAME CFTY ZIP CODE WHAT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION ARE YOU SEEDING (BE SPECIFIC)? X understand that this information is based upon Information submitted by businesses to the Fire Department and the accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed. The receipt, storage, and distribution of this information in no way imply Bakersfield Fire Department's approval or endorsement, The charge for copies is $.25 for every page. If it our charge will be $so.00 per/hr for rile research $12.50, Payment due Upon recei t of an co "es X Signature l is necessary to create and compile data, fees charged in YS- minute increments at FD2073 (Rev. 08107) State of California — Health and Human Services Agency Department of Public Health - Radiologic Health Branch RAM - MATTER REQUIRING INVESTIGATION /INSPECTION ® MAJOR ❑ MINOR ( ® Field ❑ Office) LICENSEE / REGISTRANT / USER ASSIGNMENT LICENSEE /REGISTRANT /USER NAME 5010 NUMBER (Date Notified) Sierra Recycling & Demolition, Inc. 050514 LICENSEE /REGISTRANT /USER CONTACT PHONE INSPECTION OFFICE (AGENCY) Sergio Martinez 661 -428 -4660 RHB - South RM / Region 8 TITLE OTHER PHONE/EMAIL INSPECTOR Safety Advisor Alan Rook OFFICE ADDRESS EVENT TYPE: ® MATERIALS ❑ SS &D 1620 East Brundage Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307 ❑ Radiation Exposure (EXP) ❑ IC /FP /LASTS (SEC) EVENT /SITE LOCATION same as above ❑ Transportation (TRS) ❑ Leaking Source (LKS) ❑ Pre - Licensing Visit (PLV) ❑ Missing Licensee (ML) OTHER CONTACT PHONE ❑ Medical Event (MED) ❑ Release of Material (RLM) ® Landfill /Scrap Yard (LY) ❑ Pipe Scale (PS) LICENSE/REGISTRATION NUMBER OTHER PHONE /EMAIL ❑ Theft or Loss (LAS) ❑ Equipment Malfunction (EQP) Involve CA SS &D Issue: 171 Yes; ED ❑ Crematory (CR) ❑ Other (OTH) LPU (SS &D) notified: (date) INFORMATION SOURCE NAME /POSITION Matthew Doering ADDRESS — Number Street Radiation Detection Services, Inc. COMPLAINT (AL) ❑ Yes ® No Forwarded by NRC (If yes, check boxes below.) El Yes [-I No TELEPHONE NUMBER OTHER PHONE/EMAIL 619 - 456 -7030 Respond to NRC Yes ❑ [_1 No FIRST CONTACT BY (Check One Only) Respond to Complainant El Yes 171 No ❑Telephone ❑Letter /Form ED Email Anonymity Requested ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Other (Specify): REPORTABLE EVENT (LAMED) Contact Date: 5/7/2014 Contact Time: 0947 (mo /day /yr) NRC reportable event: ❑ 24 -hr* ❑ 30 -Day* ® Info ❑ NA Event Date: 5/1/2014 Discovery Date: 5/1/2014 (mo /day /yr) (mo /day /yr) *NRC Regulation Requiring Rpt.: OTHER NOTIFICATIONS: (e.g., other agencies, patient, etc.) ( *) If 24 -hr, this form must be reported to NRC Reported to NRC Ops Ctr.: Date: Ops. Ctr. within 24 hours. Time: How: HP CONSULTANT USED? ® YES ❑ NO ❑ LINK Email: hoo.hoc _nrc.aov; Fax: (301) 816 If 30 -day or Info report, RHB /SPSU submits -5151; Phone (301) 951 -0550 5010 to INL, and inspector PRESS /MEDIA INVOLVEMENT? ❑ YES ® NO ❑ UNK updates by email until "complete" in NMED CA NMED # (Sacramento - SPSU): XCA - database (https:Hnmed.ini.gov). - 050514 (5010 #) IF THIS 5010 WILL BE REPORTED TO NMED, IS THERE ANOTHER 5010 FOR THE SAME NMED EVENT? ❑ YES ® NO ❑ NA (If YES, use same XCA # and reference the other 5010 at the start of the COMMENTS section.) POTENTIAL AO? (See QA -RAM Notice 00 -03) ❑ Y ON Event Description (If immediate threat.to health and safety may exist, contact ICE Supervising HP to discuss.) On May 1, 2014, the Bakersfield Fire Department was contacted by an anonymous caller from Sierra Recycling & Demolition reporting radioactive material being stored in a metal bucket within the facility. Sergio Martinez, Safety Advisor, of Sierra Recycling & Demolition contacted Richard Gallego of Thomas Gray & Associates for radioactive waste removal. Mr. Gallego notified Robert Greger of the California Department of Public Health - Radiologic Health Branch for response to the radioactive materials. On May 8, 2014, a RHB INspector arrived at Sierra Recycling & Demolition to survey, identify, and transport the radioactive items to Thomas Gray & Associates for disposal. Using a Victoreen 450 CHP, serial #416, calibration 5/24/2013, in a background of 0.01 mr/hr, the highest reading on contact with the counterweight was 3 mr/hr, 0.3 mr/hr at 1 foot, and 0.09 mr/hr at 3 feet. Using a Canberra Inspector 1000 MCA, serial #13000482, a gamma spectrum was collected identifying the isotope of concern to be U -238 (depleted Uranium) with an activity of approximately 700 uCi. A 5- gallon plastic bucket containing ceramic tiles was surveyed using a Ludlum 19, serial #23041, calibration 6/11/2013, in a background of 0.008 mR/hr, the highest reading on contact with the tiles was 0.02 mR/hr, 0.016mR/hr at 1 foot, and 0.013mR/hr at 3 feet. Using a Canberra Inspector 1000 MCA, serial #13000482, a gamma spectrum was collected identifying the isotopes of concern to be Ra -226 with an activity of approximately 0.5 uCi and Th -232 with an activity of approximately 0.2 uCi. The counterweight and 5- gallon container of ceramic tiles will be disposed of through waste broker Thomas Gray & Associates once an agreement has been reached with Sierra Recycling & Demolition. On June 2, 2014, the waste materials were transferred by a RHB Inspector to Thomas Gray & Associates for final disposal. INITIATED BY Alan Rook Date: 6/5/2014 '(rev 6/6/13) ICE SUPERVISOR REVIEW D, Oesterle Date: 6 -13 -14 FORWARD TO: Sacramento (5i-5u) witnin 1 weeks of RHB receipt of notification Date Forwarded: 6 -13 -14 ATTACHMENT 3 Photo Log Phntearanh Ne kit " n i w W.. ro h a > M, ID K y+ Y C a - �� �hrc'Em s.r�� F''""-%�i i,'9"y,,' �y, ``y,r i✓i' ✓ids s, a k`Y Y1 v' _ k Pnnte Photograph No. 6 ilv A ., Foil' 6r• s"4,..3. ¢ 4 a< 4 Ax, *t� m a �'�y 4 -31V I,. W., � .dad" xstee . ,3 v ;° `aS � „4 �,.•: ncm'" �. f Mix �& u2-1 -,C,. A 7-1 M Photographic Record Prepared by: CB&I Photograph Date: February 18, 2015 Project No: 150319.327 Page 4 of 6 Phntnaranh Nn. 7 C �a F Q abY,YW tz'i 15"u ty '41F, yy