HomeMy WebLinkAbout32-90.TIFBY NHHNBAHCOROBDANtlAIL TD: ( 6448PAO[J698 . City of Bakersfield RECORDED BY' City Engineer GALE S.ENSTAD 1501 Truxtun Avenue 0 6 0 3 9 1 KERN COUNTY, RECORDER Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 N" Ga 30 AM & 3.9 g. 3q CERTIFICATE OF CCMPLiANCE SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) - 9, {10 R PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 32 -90 XASP 1.00 _ (Being a division of Lot 22 of Tract 4227.) REC,F£ 7.00 i" i CNi.S71 Il, tk) (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 20- 560 -22) N39,T(N6 C(011 ?c11 712.27 «T The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Parcel Map Waiver for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Said parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF BAKERSFIELD is the owner of the described parcels of land. Dated October 29, 1990 1203 E. W. SCRULZ RCE No. 18450, Expiration June 30, 1993 City Engineer City of Bakersfield cp*02- 90.coc EXHIBIT "A" ' 6448 PAGE 1699 BEING A DIVISION OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN AS LOT 22 OF TRACT 4227, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 6, 1980 IN BOOK 30 OF MAPS, PAGE 114 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF SECTIONS 34 AND 35, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A BEGINNING AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 22, SAID CORNER LYING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY OF DUNSNUIR ROAD ON A 505.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY AND TO WHICH POINT A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 73 °54'37" W; THENCE 1) NORTHEASTERLY ALONG LAST SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 74.25 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08 °25'27" TO THE BEGINNING OF A 25.00 FOOT RADIUS COMPOUND CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST; THENCE 2) NORTHEASTERLY, 9.68 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22 °10136" TO THE BEGINNING OF A 92.00 FOOT RADIUS REVERSE CURVE; THENCE 3) NORTHEASTERLY, 24.62 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15 °19147"; THENCE 4) DEPARTING FROM LAST SAID CURVE AND RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE S 60 °33114" E, 502.77 FEET; THENCE 5) N 29 °26'46" E, 73.20 FEET; THENCE 6) S 60 °33'14" E, 143.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 22; THENCE 7) S 03 °06'39 "E, 213.79 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 22; THENCE 8) DEPARTING FROM SAID SOUTHEAST CORNER N 60 °33114" W, 754.41 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOTS 2 THROUGH 8 INCLUSIVE OF SAID TRACT NO. 4227 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 2.07 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. k8�s \a80 B2 ptlp ao e, 6448 rac¢ J700 PARCEL B BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 22 SAID POINT OF BEGINNING BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF MARELLA WAY. THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE AND THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 22 THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES; THENCE 1) S 34 °53'56" E, 37.79 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 629.98 FOOT RADIUS TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST; THENCE 2) SOUTHEASTERLY 407.80 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 37 °05'19 "; THENCE 3) S 71 °59'15" E, 3.36 FEET TO A POINT ON A 1632.25 FOOT RADIUS NON - TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 22 AND TO WHICH POINT A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 71 °32106 "; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 22 THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES; THENCE 4) SOUTHERLY, 614.66 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21 °34133 "; THENCE 5) S 03 °06'39" E, 39.81 FEET; THENCE 6) DEPARTING FROM SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY N 60 °33114" W, 143.27 FEET; THENCE 7) S 29 °26'46" W, 73.20 FEET; THENCE 8) N 60 °33'14" W, 502.77 FEET TO A POINT ON A 92.00 FOOT RADIUS NON - TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AND TO WHICH POINT A RADIAL LINE BEARS S 58 °38'21" E, SAID CURVE ALSO BEING THE EASTERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF DUNSMUIR ROAD AND THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 22; THENCE 9) ALONG SAID CURVED RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE AND WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 22 NORTHWESTERLY 88.68 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 55 °13'43 "; THENCE 10) DEPARTING FROM LAST SAID CURVE AND RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE AND CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 22, N 29 °26'46" E, 662.65 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 8.31 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. lope" —Np Record and When Recorded Mail to: First Assembly of God 4901 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 0 64314 OFFER OF EASEMENT 1Ivl RECORDED BY GALE S. ENSTAD KERN COUNTY, RECORDER 090 OCT 30 AN a 39 196 PIREP RIM t CASH WHEREAS, FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF BAKERSFIELD, a California Corporation, is the owner of certain property in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, described as follows: Lots 1 and 22 of Tract No. 4227 filed in Book 30 of Maps at 02 t�l page 113 in the Recorder's office of the County of Kern, 77 State of California; and WHEREAS, as a condition of C.U.P. #5058 of the Planning Department of the City of Bakersfield, Lot 22 shall have an easement over Lot 1 for the existing waterline serving Lot 22; and WHEREAS, to assure that a waterline easement will be granted to Lot 22 over Lot 1, FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF BAKERSFIELD, a California corpora- tion, hereby has agreed that upon conveyance of either Lot 1 or Lot 22, a waterline easement over the east 5.00 feet of Lot 1 shall be reserved, so that upon sale of Lot 22 an appurtenant waterline easement can be conveyed to the purchaser of Lot 22 which provides service over that existing waterline lying within the east 5.00 feet of Lot 1. NOW, THEREFORE, First Assembly of God of Bakersfield, a California corporation, does hereby declare that this covenant is non - revocable, and shall continue to burden and benefit the two lots described above within Tract No. 4227, until such time as the defined waterline ease- ment over Lot 1 is granted to Lot 22. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, by its duly authorized officers, has executed this instrument this 21st day of October, 1990. FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF BAKERSFIELD, a C fornia Corporation By U4!/�� David L. Olds, Secretary 4, Of) 1,00 2.0 7.0, 3u4R, 6448 PAGE 1708 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF KERN on October 21, 1990 before me, the undersigned, A Notary Public for the State of California, personally appeared David L. Olds, personally known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument as Secretary, on behalf of First Assembly of God of Bakersfield, the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by -laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. UdTFIC1AL SEAL SHEM MUM MANHEWS �y_{..�. �p����/,�� MOT .......0 CP "0RMP � 1. % KEM COUNIY Signature _ My Ccnm. Fxoires lea 26 1992 vocovawowaw' ors _ L: I -_' NA Record and When Recorded Mail to: RE'C'ORDED BY GALE S.ENSTAD KERN COUNTY, RECORDER First Assembly Of God 0.6.0'9'9'-3 1490 OCT 30 AN & 39 4901 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 - 016 Nfi' 1,10 ' REC,fF 2.00 CASH 7.00 io : Declaration of �RWf 227 Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Declarant, First Assembly of God of Bakersfield, a California nonprofit religious corporation, is the Owner of real property located in Kern County, California, described as Parcel A as shown on the Certificate of Compliance in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, as recorded in Book6YY8 Page /b_ 9�i in the Official Records of the County of Kern. Declarant has improved or intends to improve the real property by constructing improvements on it containing dwelling units and other facilities in accordance with plans and specificiations on file with the City of Bakersfield, California. Declarant has obtained the approval of the City of Bakersfield to construct the aforesaid improvements on said property and the building permit therefor on the condition that should declarant sell, convey or otherwise transfer said property, Declarant shall be obligated to construct a masonry block wall to the City of Bakersfield requirements along the Southwest boundary of Parcel A adjacent to the parking area adjacent to the northerly line of Lot 1 of Tract 4227, Recorded in Map Book 30, Pages 113 and 114 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder prior to the consummation of any such sale, conveyance or transfer. {s7dw "-ZI -In FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF BAKERSFIELD, a California nonprofit religious corporation 4 Its: President By Dave Olds Its: Secretary Acknowledgment State of California ss. County of Kern 6448PAtE V06 On October 10, 1990, before me, a notary public for the State of California, personally appeared Robert Johnson and Dave olds, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons who executed the within instrument as president and secretary, respectively, on behalf of the corporation named therein and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. Witness my hand and official Seal. —9'R.. Q� 4^^+ _�i Nota y ublic for he M -------- OFFICIAL SEAL State of California SHERYLLODEAViMAMEVIS my commission expires: NOTARY PUBUC-CAUFORNtA TV(�e 'z(p , 19 q? KERN COUNTY My C,=. Expire, June 26,1992 0 El art T qTr h O cD "AS PROPOSE" BASIS OF BEARINGS: ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE RECORD OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD DATA FROM TRACT NO. 4227, RECORDED IN MAP BK. 30, PG. 114, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER. GRAPHIC SCALE v wo o so tao wo Q� (b� ( IN FEET) �� I inch = 100 f1. /�v p. Q I (o CO Q �ti 0 0 11 J U VI F 5' WIDE PIPELINE ' EASEMENT PER BK. 5323, PG. 110 O.R. A Atli 3iis W M 6 NO �B Aq 76 `3Sj M�pCpNp RCFi p� 3 5° RCf s4, , SA \ lo'O ReR C R22� Cl �q wq Y m r Q• 21 20 Q PARCEL B 8.31 Acres ' 19 4 18 C2I �C6 I 5 I 17 N d N r -- N s0 ze'I 16 o D- 33 ' �asR3j. W F Rqp - V ^o I 15 D m '97 S 60. S 603 . m I 14 70 7 R F 7g3j4q a; of �r -- 32e �RF PARCEL A N 13 ee oMey I 2 2.07 Acres r II a peal / 3 ASR 4 12 0 S 8 89'36'40 176.59' , w a d zo wo C 11 �a rqC�, / 25.00 / 6 / Z 00 nm�l II n U I rn D_ 92.00' Ln O ' K II N � ILIA Y N D m z 111 1 1 10 � o ti II 5' WIDE PIPELINE ' EASEMENT PER BK. 5323, PG. 110 O.R. A Atli 3iis W M 6 NO �B Aq 76 `3Sj M�pCpNp RCFi p� 3 5° RCf s4, , SA \ lo'O ReR C R22� Cl �q wq Y m r Q• 21 20 Q PARCEL B 8.31 Acres ' 19 4 18 C2I �C6 I 5 I 17 N d N r -- N s0 ze'I 16 o D- 33 ' �asR3j. W F Rqp - V ^o I 15 D m '97 S 60. S 603 . m I 14 70 7 R F 7g3j4q a; of �r -- 32e �RF PARCEL A N 13 ee oMey I 2 2.07 Acres r II a peal / 3 ASR 4 12 0 S 8 89'36'40 176.59' , n 1 ,(� n 11 rqC�, / 25.00 / 6 / Z 22'10 38 C5 FAVOR OF PSG.&E. E 'VC 4 12.38 / Z C6 92.00' 88.69 O ' 55'14 00 / 1 CURVE DATA O 4 / 1 1 10 CUR G4 25.00 9.68 4.90 22'10 38 C5 92.00 24.61 12.38 1519 30 C6 92.00' 88.69 48.13' 55'14 00 SHEET 2 Or- 2 n qrr Tr J PARCEL. iviHi WAIVER NO. 32 -90 BEING A DIVISION OF LOT 22 OF TRACT 4227, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 30, PGS. 113 &114 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. ALSO BEING A PORTION OF SECTIONS 34 &35, T. 29 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M. PROPERTY OWNER: FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 (805)327 -8446 ENGINEER DEWALT CORPORATION 2340 NILES STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93306 CNIS LYEP% . DEWALT R.C.E. 15331 (EXP. 3- 31 -93) DAT SEWER: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER: CALIF. WATER SERVICE CO. ZONING: R - 1 NOTE: ALL REQUIRED STREET IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK, ARE EXISTING. No. 15331 Fw CIY 1\ .�rf Ji CI.L \F� VICINITY MAP NO SCALE i N SHEET 1 OF 2