HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-90.TIFf BOOK65g5frc8 2052 RECORDED DY GALE S. El!STAD RecaTHEng requestcri by cad for tEe KERil C ^I "CT'(, "-(',ORDER 12 6 4 7 1 1991 OCT - I AM 0: 27 Farr ,REC .00 r•rt0? r3f11 r1 ., BOOK 65691"Ict 2220 RRNCEATED BY AND 8' a� RECORDED BY MORN RECORDED. NAIL T0: GALE S. F'tSTAD Chicago Title Insurance City of Bakersfield i 1 1 8 8 4 1 19 1 SCP 17 PH 1: 30 City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1 I per' 7.00 Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 �Op r H,'/' I.07 _LNO s gffr..FFf g5,.rX .— Ir' TI G' -44Gf 17. rh' 's Rr CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE A'2 °8i'00 0001 , ?01 TI9 :05 _NA SECTION 66499 .35, GOVERNMENT CODE) PARCEL MAP WAIVERJ-90 (Being a division and consolidation of a portion of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 19, T. 29 S., R. 28 E.) (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 2- 010 -40, 2- 010 -41, 2- 010 -42) - I The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line -� Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that, -r. upon staisfaction of the below- mentioned construction requirements, the Parcel Map \ Waiver for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. - Upon further development of Proposed Parcel 1, the following shall be required: removal of any existing rails within the 30th Street right of way, construction of standard street paving, curb & gutter, and sidewalk adjacent to Proposed Parcel 1 on 30th Street, and construction of standard curb & gutter and sidewalk adjacent to Proposed Parcel 1 on West Niles Street. Said parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, CountY of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown on J: Exhibit B. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY and JOE T. MCEIBBEN are the owners of the described parcel of land. v Dated September 13, 1991 amm IL 7 N E. W. SCHULZ 'Oo RCE No. 18450, Expiration J 30, 1993 City Engineer 003 City of Bakersfield amu 0 °a 7M15 DOCUMENT IS BEINC- RE- RECORDED TD CORRECT RDm THE PARCEL NU1P WRIVER NUMBER_. THE. CORRECT NUNIf ER_ n dp: :P10- 90.coc 15 7 -9CI. 37y 3 1/2" disk - suDdiuisiope ID IDSB y0 o Exhibit "A" Parcel 1: BOOK 6575 PAGE 20�2+ BOOK 6569 ma 2221 v v Pi0.dE15 ° CxP,R4S 9 -30 -9 _ .rt W. " O- That portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, described as follows: Commencing for reference at the Southeast corner of said Section, said Southeast corner being at coordinates Y= 606,771.22 feet and X= 1,701,327.84 feet; thence (1), along the East line of said Section, North 0 °35157" East, 437.19 feet; thence (2), at right angles, North 89 °24103" West, 57.75 feet; thence (3), along the West line of the East 57.75 feet of said Section, South 0 035157" West, 2.39 feet to the northerly boundary of the land described in the Deed to the State of California, recorded December 13, 1963 in Book 3671 at Page 42, Kern County Official Records; thence, along said northerly boundary, the following course: (4), South 45 °23'41" West, 54.08 feet and (5), from a tangent which bears North 89 °37'37" West, westerly along a curve concave northerly, with a radius of 808 feet, through an angle of 4 °23133 ", an arc distance of 61.94 feet to a Point in the East line of the land described as Parcel 2 in the Deed to the State of California, recorded January 11, 1965 in Book 3802, at Page 882, Kern County Official Redords, said Point being the True Point of Beginning; Thence (6), along last said East line, North 0 °35157" East, 577.94 feet to the southerly line of 30th Street, as described in the Deed to the City of Bakersfield recorded November 15, 1940 in Book 974 at Page 49, Kern County Official Records; Thence, along said southerly line, the following from a tangent which bears North 89 °06149" West, a curve concave northerly, with a radius of 1040 an angle of 18 °27125 ", an arc distance of 335.02 North 70 °39124" West, 108.30 feet to the easterl, Line of the Kern Island Canal; courses: (7), westerly along feet, through feet and (8), r Right of Way Thence (9), along said easterly Right of Way Line, South 16 °48'03" West, 599.54 feet to the southeasterly line of the land described as Parcel 2 in the Deed to Southern Pacific Company, recorded April 1, 1966 in Book 3933, at Page 672, Kern County Official Records; Thence (10), along last said southeasterly line northeasterly along a nontangent curve concave northwesterly with a radius of 407.25 feet through an angle of 9 011'4.4" an arc distance of 65.36 feet; thence (11), South 11 °35'29" West, 23.72 feet; (12), South 78 024'31" East, 56.98 feet; (13), easterly along a tangent curve concave northerly, with a radius of 1958 feet, through an angle of 5 "15'00" an arc distance of 179.41 feet and (14), South 83 °39'31" East 58.64 feet; Thence (15), along the easterly prolongation of course (14) herinabove described, South 83 °39'31" East, 225.36 feet; Thence (16), easterly along a tangent curve concave northerly, with a radius of 808 feet, through an angle of 1 °34'33 ", an arc distance of 22.22 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Except all oil, gas and other minerals contained within said land as reserved in the Deed from Kern County Land Company to Pacific Gas and Electric Company recorded August 19, 1954 in Book 2277 at Page 217, Kern County Official Records. Containing an area of 7.01 acres, more or less. PAGE / JF 3 1V.131111 ' BOON 6575 rAG[2054 v Bou 6569 non 2222 Exv� v-r<s 9-30- ,T b� Exhibit "A'• PARCEL 2 .That parcel of land situate in the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, described as follows; That portion of Parcel 2 of that land as described In dead dated July 26, 1965 between the State of California, grantor, and Southern Pacific Company (now Southern Pacific Transportation Company), grantee, recorded April 1, 1966 in Book 3933 at page 672 records of said County, lying easterly of the southerly extension of the easterly Right of Way Line of the Kern Island Canal. Together with all rights, excepting mineral rights as herein before reserved, title and interest, if any, in or to that parcel of land described as follows; Commencing at the southeast corner of said Section; thence (1), along the east line of said Section, North 0 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East, 437.19 feet; thence (2), at right angles, North 89 degrees 24 minutes, 03 seconds Wear, 57.75 feet; thence (3), along the weat ,line of the east 57.75 feet of said Section, South 0 degrees 35 minutes 57 aeconda West, 2.39 feet to the northerly boundary of the land described in the deed to the state of California, recorded December 131 1963 in Book 3671 at page 42, Kern County Official Record; thence, along said northerly boundary, the following course: (4), South 45 degrees 23 minutes 41 seconds West, 54.08 feet and (5), from a tangent which bears North 89 degrees 37 minutes 37 saconda West, westerly along a curve concave northerly, with a radius of 808 feet, through and angle of 4 degrees 23 minutes 33 aeconda, and arc distance of 61.94 feet to.a point in the east line of the land described as Parcel 2 in the dead to the State of California, recorded January 11, 1965 in Book 3602, at Page 682, Korn County Official Records; /SAG f 2 OF-? BOOK 6575 rna 2055 BOOK 6569 rrM 2223 thence (6), along last said east line, North 0 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East, 577.94 feet to the southerly line of 30th Street, as described in the deed to the City of Bakersfield recorded November 15, 1940 in Book 974 at page 49, Kern County Official Records; thence, along said southerly line, the following courses: (7), from a tangent which bears North 89 degrees 06 seconds 49 minutes West, along a curve concave northerly, with a radius of 1040 feet, through and angle of 8 degrees 13 minutes 41 seconds, to a point on the easterly line of a 50 feet wide right of way of Southern Pacific Transportation Company, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 0 degrees 49 minutes 58 seconds West, 93.86 feet; thence from a tangent which bears South 0 degrees 49 minutes 58 seconds West, southerly along a curve concave westerly with a radius of 407.25 feet, through an angle 28 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds and an arc distance of 203.91 feet; thence North 0 degrees 49 minutes 58 seconds East, 297.90 feet to the intersection with said southerly line of 30th Street; thence easterly along said southerly line of 30th Street to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Reserving unto the grantor its successors and assigns that portion of that easement for pipe line purposes, as described in agreement recorded in Book 5538 at page 1833 records of said County lying within, over, on, under, through and across the herein above described parcels. Said easement being 20 feet wide and lying 10 feet on each side of the center line of an existing pipeline as said pipeline now exists. PAGE 3,11F3 N n� co co N q I ' I •'s, _y nWb' P�PSy o = m a 6i8�@ a .. - 'YgES °r'f _ 7s• � 4LLe ° Ot = # � v R m oo a m;.M R o - $� 8 = eR o ° b _ m °RS�:emNpAO:$:arGm =m.Mm� e"C'm,"66 .........» 9 z w