HomeMy WebLinkAbout254The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Lot Line Adjustment for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Trust are the owners of the described parcels of land. Said parcels of land, being portions of Lots 25 and 26 as shown on the Sales Map of Lands of J. B. Haggin filed for record August 20, 1890, and situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit R and shown on Exhibit B. Dated this 31st day of May, 1988. E. W. V E. W. SCHULZ City Engineer City of Bakersfield RECORDNC R[:QUEBTC9 BY First&icrican'lir'IeJ, mpany — oo 6128Ppc¢2176 - eeeoen�xe nceuceien or xxn p uxex nceoeoe o, xn� •o. 0b041 Z City of Bakersfield City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 ORS 5.00 MW Loo REC.FE 3.00 FA LIME 9.00 GERT I F I CATS CF COMPLIANCE 4040300 0001 Rne TUNr (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) a LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 254 3 (Being an adjustment of a portion of Lots 25 and 26 as shown on the Sales Map of Lands of J. B. Haggin, filed for record August 20, 1890.) (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 368 - 020 -18 and 368 - 020 -14.) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Lot Line Adjustment for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Trust are the owners of the described parcels of land. Said parcels of land, being portions of Lots 25 and 26 as shown on the Sales Map of Lands of J. B. Haggin filed for record August 20, 1890, and situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit R and shown on Exhibit B. Dated this 31st day of May, 1988. E. W. V E. W. SCHULZ City Engineer City of Bakersfield HOW 6128 PAGE 21? 7 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 All those portions of Lots 25 and 26 in Section 29, Township c ^9 South, Range c7 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, as shown on Sales Map of Lands of J. B. Haggin, said Lots 25 and 26 to be defined as extending to the West and South lines of said Section 29, being described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 29, thence N.00 014'43 "E. along the West line of said Section 29 and West line of said Lot 25 a distance of 661.53 feet to the Northwest corner of the South half of said Lot 25; thence S.e9a46'41 "E., along the North line of said South half a distance of 347.40 feet to the Southeast corner of Parcel Map No. 7226 as filed in Parcel Map Book 33 at Page 110 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder and True Point of Beginning; thence N.01030'19 "E., along the East line of said Parcel Map No. 7226.a distance of 441.10 feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel Map No. 7286 and Sot,th line of Parcel Map No. 3582 as filed in Parcel Map Book 16 at Page 70 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, thence S.89o46'23 "E., along said South line a distance of 965.51 feet to the East line of said Lot 26; thence S.00O 15'07 "W., along said East line a distance of 1102.24 feet to the Southeast: corner of said Lot 26 and South line of said Section 29; thence N.89a 4/'11 "W., along said South line a distance of 661.24 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 26; thence N.00014'56 "E., along the East line of said Lot 26 a distance of 661.44 feet to the Northeast corner of the South half of said Lot 25; thence N.89a 46'41 "W., along the North line of said South half a distance of 313.88 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2 The South half of Lot 25 in Section 29, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, as shown on Sales Map of J. B. Haggin, said Lot 25 to be defined as extending to the West and South lines of said Section 29. —No. 4383 Exp. 9/30/89 CA) BOOR 6128 PAGE 2178 EXHIBIT "B" 1� WFST L/NE OF SEC -nOQ 29 29%27 0 zlo =rr. x 'a rzz; SHELLABARGER ROAD PJK.922� I tz ...... 7. 69'46'23"E. /322.6 /, LOT 26 . N I.... 357./0....../ �........ 965.5/' In I O 14 1i7� p In ; h PARCEL 1 . 19.862 acres 547. 4a ..._W, ..... 5/ 8.88' I :�_ 57. eo• I: w PARCEL 2 10.041 acres V dl i O I 4 I: 2 I: . N.89.47'/l "W. 5'.w. CORI./ER 5ECTlnl eez9�27 EA58&4En/T h/OTES _ OLD LOT L/NE U S.E. CO LaT k~ OW W y N N M R r 0 O a Y ill 0 —1 ___ —_ - -� /322.48' .........� BR/MHALL ROAD 5° Y 0/ 15 OF SECTia,/ 292927 li6LEEPta D 7EOLEG�H CUO�PE¢ g pg,� / /pp G/ 76 OFF/CLPRECO /ROS. VA U it /WA OF 5'e0 -FT, Wj /OE WEXJE2Ll../E EASEr✓/E�T UJ FAJOR OF �E2 Co. E2 K. 4990, P6.2 /2,OFF /C /AL 2EGORpS,ANO K. 4993, PG. /p°jgOFF/C /AL PEGpROS © /5.00 -FOOT' W /OE SEWER P /PE L /NE EASEMENT /N FA�/OR OF C/N GF 9A/eEPSF /ELD PEP PSOOK 584O,P[�. /840 OFF/G IAL 2ECbKOC 7, PE- 2ECOPOEO /N PJK. 5869,P6. /66/n,CIF/F/C/AL R.EGpRIJ(' , SCALE /'420[1 0 zlo =rr. x rzz; PJK.922� I tz U S.E. CO LaT k~ OW W y N N M R r 0 O a Y ill 0 —1 ___ —_ - -� /322.48' .........� BR/MHALL ROAD 5° Y 0/ 15 OF SECTia,/ 292927 li6LEEPta D 7EOLEG�H CUO�PE¢ g pg,� / /pp G/ 76 OFF/CLPRECO /ROS. VA U it /WA OF 5'e0 -FT, Wj /OE WEXJE2Ll../E EASEr✓/E�T UJ FAJOR OF �E2 Co. E2 K. 4990, P6.2 /2,OFF /C /AL 2EGORpS,ANO K. 4993, PG. /p°jgOFF/C /AL PEGpROS © /5.00 -FOOT' W /OE SEWER P /PE L /NE EASEMENT /N FA�/OR OF C/N GF 9A/eEPSF /ELD PEP PSOOK 584O,P[�. /840 OFF/G IAL 2ECbKOC 7, PE- 2ECOPOEO /N PJK. 5869,P6. /66/n,CIF/F/C/AL R.EGpRIJ(' , SCALE /'420[1 R!cenoNl4 x[OUfs1C0 Br Ti9:e CampBv _w x u.,.nlmm nmlL r0. J' CID m .IV, cc 11 �➢, IWO .— £tree[ • Rrt,c "icw, Ca 93101 •6124e;!2179 Jb.413 ,6=1�ag IJNt TAM B[NfMLXIS rO. ppA{N[ABy TRANSFER TAN &-:Q Rmc an pMn. - -d�I nv.wn Nnnnw,vrowen RW AM[ng dl. C. W GRANT DEED FOP A VALUABLE CONSIOENF,,M, ene,a of ­h a MeW Wk ladgaC llw NEV I WON Co.. MPLLPC General Pa[enenhlp: LTNIILEN LINFESTY and MARMA ANN LINFESTY, antl JANE E. MPLING Pee4and and We and JNDS B. LINMEY SR., LRUSTEE OF TPE JANES B. LIMES BE. FA:IIU TW T u/a dated Septeobef 14, 1978 undivided I/T IntemeC n. ORAXTI51 u S ERIGAN NEST LANGE fO., a P+ne[+1 p.,t .... Flp + n eUl....1 .FILE LINFFSTY end MET. ANN LIMFESTT. Bmband and wife +a e000unf[p p...ar[y a+ to an 1/S Int+[ea[: LVWIS BAPLING end JANE 5. DARLING.. -Land and vl(e +e wnmunlly property +e to an uMlvlded 1/B Inte[ea[ antl ]AMS B. LIXMBy 9L. TRIRTEE OF THE JM&N B. LIPME( 60... FAMILY tRUSTA poly in fne Gill al B+ternHeld , Mne o1 C+libm4. ds,i. e Cwn1, W a.- 5EE LEGAL OESUITTIOH ATTAGNED HERETO AND NWE A PASS MERFOF ev /a doted Sep[aebar 14, 1918 •a to an undlvided 1/4 In[e[ eat. - INIS WED IS BEING RECORDED AS A CONDITION PoR LOT LINE ADIUSTIENT N0. "Sa- CITY OF BANERSFIELD n in m,MUi�nwr rvrn. .. wtl �, xure+olnW wnrv. nemm�Nm n+w•Y4tl n n+ln Nala� W r ww u W AMERICAN NUT LATER CO., ef Pa n+f1S,4p 'i 4 i r��J"�` A'xYxALfx�ixuNiN Iwrun R MgIN an �L' BNE 6.��� : x, Llxuery s•. . IM-NM Ifnr ..+, w •onus �, +� �" f Wt la FFl MML TAN BIAItMIHIY .t] UIMll9l11 axOve y� i a t s a . � r ��i:rfO[e.1988 ,.........n.....x..rw....... uavxe.w..xx.wu.^- Janes B. Lindsey Sr. nru,uxrvx -s— vwvxv..rv.. m.x[ssnvu..exw ua ,.x.. _QWW Ly_ll. - Vlu� ro1 1.isse .:.a� Peericin per. .. Cada1 Q. vldla,.a.r..-.� '6128fct 21AI E IN L L(_N.. 1 IX N.LL 1_ nil tiro nr I, nr ltnnn nl Lots 23 Sh,1 26 In Section 29. nxrr.nip P9 ' , N.,n, P] Eent, M.'l. N., City nl Lot' " .,. stale or can (bcnla. ] lla nr `Irr a l,r r 911r era ,,. ra r...ne lbnq J . o . We auG.i an l '9 a hd m d e b..", 2a Ilnnn or mm rr[u n9 P'!, hr hry ne9[rlhee ea (9119..1 Comma ncl nq at ohr 5°u th—st corne of sa 1J $eGt llm 29, tlmn[r H.00 14'.,F. along the Y°atllne of said Srcti °n 29 and Nast Ilne ° Said Lot 23 a tltatence °.. 661.53 lret to tlir Nm tlrr,est [ rnq ! tM1! Sou tM1 M1w if nv aid Lot 2n1 N,,,c. 5.09 °y6'4t •E..oalong the Noetn I, of eela 5°utM1 a. P rc a eiat..". yo2634].� led le Perce15Me0M1BOOk 33 etrPege Pavicel Map No s 1: In the Unme of the kern county Necoveer and I'-P r°Int I Be9lnnl np^ Wence rv.01 °30'19 "E.. el°rkl tiv I,., Ilan 9f mid Pefcel ep r . 0226 a alsto"' of 1.10 feet to the Northeast co l9( Said Pa al Map N°. 4226 and South Ilse °f P cal Ma9nNe. 3502 o Il lad In Parcel he B° a la at P evrl °90 In the Office aI Me Nern County Pet order, thence 5.g9 4a'23'E., a19r,9 old South 11ne a tllst m[e o0 965.51 fee l t9 the East line of said L°t cal taerce $.UO 13'Ol "N., a l °Pp sa ld F +9t Ilne w JlStanee of 1102.24 (e et t0 on O_:t C °! aalg Lo! 2a ana So utM 11ne °I sole act It. 291oMmce N.89 Y9'II "N., al°MO awld $ou01 Ilnr w tliStenCe 9f ah1824 feet to tM 5°utheest corM °! nwla lot 261 thence N.OtI 14'56 "E., e19 n9 the Enst 11 or.' o sofa that 2h e elstance of 661.44 feet to tb No rth9A! Nm 111 Ilne °! ::l. +ld •+e tth3hel fencelstan . °!1313..91 the to the point of deglnnlnp• e rnlmy_j IDe South half of Lot .s in Section 29. T°rmalrlp ev s °ulh, Range 29 East. n...n -1 city of .eker.f ele. c°u°ty °f R.rn, see to of eau mrm +, +s enoen °n Selo neP °r 3. B. ..,g;n. said Lot Ilnes of aid totlbe defin P9,s eatmdln9 to the Nest did yE0 \,(.NU to a]H] � Ep M191A9 2 y'f IY 1: Al \9OP ( v 10 �MU __I v 3 .,E I RECORDING REQUESTED eY. WORLD TITLE COMPANY °7/36Gf RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City of Bakersfield City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bak.1.:;,u rsfield, Ca. 93301 300R 6146 PAGE 0807 009822 IRSOJ -21 A3:cu RECDP,DED BY CALE S. ENSTA7 KERN COJNTY CLER-F?ECORDcR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE tSECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE ) LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 253 cars 5.00 aw, 11.00 ,4FC'.Ff 3100 411 CW,.76£ 4.00 ?,,;73_A) 000.1 R4' ; 19:15' (Being an adjustment of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1693 and that parcel as shown in Book 5329, Page 201, Official Records.) (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 165 -032 -3 and 165-032 -6) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Lot Line Adjustment for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. K. ERIC TRYGGESTAD, and SOCIETA ITALIANA MUTUO SOCCORSO DANTE ALIGHIERI are the owners of the described parcels of land. Said parcels of land, being Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1693 and that parcel of land as shown in Book 5329, Page 201 of Official Records, and situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. Dated this 1st day of May, 1988. �.�� E. W. SCHULZ City Engineer City of Bakersfield dg:lla253.coc EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1: 300Y 6146 PACE 0808 All that portion of Section 11, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 1693, recorded in Parcel Map Book 8 at page 43; thence N 0 11'06" E a distance of 282.34 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing N 0 11'06" E a distance of 80.00 feet; thence S 89 17'51" E, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence N 0 11'05" E, a distance of 255.00 feet to a point 45.00 feet South of, as measured at right angles, the centerline of Wilson Road; thence S 89 17'51" E, parallel to said centerline, a distance of 100.00 feet; thence S 0 11'05" W a distance of 335.00 feet; thence N 89 17'51" W, a distance of 200.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 41498.57 square feet, more or less. PARCEL 2: All that portion of Section 11, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Parcel recorded in Parcel Map Book 8 at Page 43; t distance of 282.34 feet; thence S 89 17'51" feet; thence S 0 11'05" W a distance of 282 N 89 19'52" W, a distance of 507.31 feet to Beginning. Containing 3.29 Acres, more or less. 9�A/I S- 1 of Parcel Map 1693, 'pence N 0 11'06" E a E a distance of 507.31 .04 feet; thence the True Point of ��` Ne/J SnNe Raw � EGYddVTON STREET 262.34' 27 F2A "W2 O.R. m PARCEL GQ.FT $ �I 3 OK,5329 OG 201 O.R. N m �N� ua'ii ase zJ85.m Sm� n 2 _ bK. /5% M. '319 D. R. w_ y o _ o r /'- T 0� 282.04' t� "'� 235.cb t: _ I m 61704' 3a'I o a IQ N yam Z 0 nLSC 8p *'. mew $m71 J p2 tj 2 � � e 6080 377d 96T9 NODE Y RIXOEEXINnG�ROQQUUEE"ryD DY Y MCOIIR O WWR Ir[OUrtRD RY iioK6146IAUO AV 009823 r¢s" `1 A ` V _frf i_JO — v.c[ Asove Txu Lm[ sow R[cafoewv NOe --- OOCVUEx4tY I.^Nlifc IA`F o ✓o 00x NR1VA WFD4ROH[IYCONYFYEO. cco 11w.FO Nw Y FussueNSANO nu e10.,VRAn PFU NnaG �iliuE Oi GRANT DEED JOEN _F *A..----------- ------- -..... JUIY e. 19ee .......... ..... ..._. 9/366 S SOCIETA IidLIAEA HUM SOCCOP50 EAST[ :•oi'�! DR. 1. ERIC TEYOG[SIAD ALI ®IBS. A C09PORATION 2500 NER STIR LM ...... .... O LBIC TIYCG[STAD. A STACLL HAN ,,M, FIELD, G. 93309 w0 uF0 wxrM Mmwo[e „An TO ._ ------------- ....... SEE ATI ED ®IIEIT 'A' K. ERIC TRVGGESTAD 3xl = -2500 N. Stln RONd BEbrsfl*W. CMlbrnla 93309 a�oy i L J� MYL T4 [T.YTd[NYE YO �1 (� ERIC NE OESTAD 2s00 NEW ETIX ROAD VS. 1LA[ERSPIDL. IS. 93309 m iioK6146IAUO AV 009823 r¢s" `1 A ` V _frf i_JO — v.c[ Asove Txu Lm[ sow R[cafoewv NOe --- OOCVUEx4tY I.^Nlifc IA`F o ✓o 00x NR1VA WFD4ROH[IYCONYFYEO. cco 11w.FO Nw Y FussueNSANO nu e10.,VRAn PFU NnaG �iliuE Oi GRANT DEED JOEN _F *A..----------- ------- -..... JUIY e. 19ee .......... ..... ..._. ..........L...Nra:er. SOCIETA IidLIAEA HUM SOCCOP50 EAST[ :•oi'�! _� ALI ®IBS. A C09PORATION AmEigAwDN ...... .... ... LBIC TIYCG[STAD. A STACLL HAN ._ ------------- ....... SEE ATI ED ®IIEIT 'A' THIS DEED IS REDMOND PURSUANT TO SECTION MA12(d) OF NE SUBDIVISION LE ACT TH (MIFEDUATE SITE LOT LINE AD05MINT W. 253. CITT OF EI[LSFIDD SOCISTx MPTE ' �RQFIAS �+: 'bENATAI.E. .,Vlce- Fre[idRnt STATE OF UUPORMA MAIL TAE STATEMENT[ AS DIRECTED ADOVL s._ 'GoVGUSNCE®Sit. E%NIST -A- PARCH. 1: ALL TRAT PORTION Otr SECTION 11.T.305..R.29E..H.D.M.. IN THE C17T OF SANHr8FI81D. COUN� OF KERN. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. NOM PARt'ICOLAH.T DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: L'tl0Q03CIN3 AT THE NOR71MIST CONNaN OF TIE SOUIDMST DUAEDER OF SAID SELTIDN III "D®10E Nag 19.51-W. ALONG M NON11i LINE OF SAID Sp/35N&SC DUARIIIt AND Sib CHTTHiLINE OF WILSON ROAD. A DISTANT$ OF 1321.33 FAT TO TIE NOHIIBLIST C3161NER OF LOT 23 AS S"Dit" ON "ATE SAL66 NAP OF LANDS OF TIE H0O1 COUNIT LAND CONPANY FILED 3ANDARY 2S. la94 IN THE OFFICE OF TIE KERN cOUNTT RFYOItDHt; THENCE C INUING N a9 19.51 -W A DISTANCE OF 930.31 FELT TO THE CPNTERLIIE IN11IRS=1011 OF WILSON WOAD AND EDNOMION STREEC; TiRMCE SO 11.08'10. AL016 TIE C0R4RI.IN[ M E'CMOHDON STREET. A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FORT; ITS S 88 19.61 -E A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO TRG NORT1AFSf COPMR OF PARC6 l OF PA NAP 1693. PGT:Of6'FD IN PARCH. NAP 800[ 8 AT PADS 43 IN TIE MIRN COUNTY PH- ClSOR'S OFFICE. AIE TO TKi T1tiR POUR OF BOIANNAS; TNHCE SOO I7'51'E. ALDNO THE NORTH LIM OF SAID PARCH. 1. A DISTAtMX OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE 50 1105-10. ALDNG 111 BAST LIRE OF TIE NORD4ALT 80.00 FEET OF "to PARCH. 1. A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; 1TR]3CE N 89 19'SI -W. PARALLEL TO SAID JIMTR LING. A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FART TO TIE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL t; TI®ICR NO 11.06 -E. ALONG SAID W ST LING. A DISTANCE OF 80.09 EFL[ TO TIE TINE POINT OF BEGINNIMO. C AINOIM 16000.00 SOUARE FEET. NORE OR LESS RESERVING UNTO GRANTOR HEREIN, an easement over the east 6 faN of the s ds 51 foal of tha above des H,, f Pro0ertT. W ingress and egress b N amhii'lmma A m tool AMd looted Pn Grantor's pr rtT• SAID EASEMENT b b terNirmem Mhen al o the s Nl Forma arM /or tool shed Is removed trove Its Present oration. g !4 S w ¢ 364F6t46FwQ ,j' nna uu L July 8. 1988 Natale, Jr. y,xn.rrue.ave, miyy�,my ThOmae V. Ge Naiale� J[ opu ev � K — a0W __r4.aa.amP6..mmn Mtm�4 —____ _ ...•awra..woara..�w Alum Soovr�o Dnrte ARghNerl - - �- y'm" °°"'ra gorhla Ibliru a.ded.v.amm.�..uw.+,a- sm.ea.. aRr.o. "°„^'o^,w .r w PAIN Y.BECIe araemm, ®aaa+ r r.ewruaa.ar r,4S. Vic =pyyy KKxxxaxauaKxxawili.a wx_._ aeswmwrarm� �. �weaw AIWM A�NMJINR wnmemrarore m �� ww`�wnm.e rr+mr�.w.r�arr.aae..ea. vnamaw.auwrm 4o.r.rraaw� wo.r m..�aamr...ur T ITR ANN G SOY opu ev � K — a0W __r4.aa.amP6..mmn Mtm�4 —____ _ ...•awra..woara..�w Alum Soovr�o Dnrte ARghNerl - - �- y'm" °°"'ra gorhla Ibliru a.ded.v.amm.�..uw.+,a- sm.ea.. aRr.o. "°„^'o^,w .r w PAIN Y.BECIe araemm, ®aaa+ r r.ewruaa.ar r,4S. AL7A E/VG /NEE/4 /NG GEORGE R. DICKEY HUGHES SURVEY ING Civil Engineer WILEY D. HUGHES CIVIL ENGINEERING "No SURVEYING- LAND PLANNING OILFIELD SURVEYING Land Surveyor LETTER GATE W TO: %�.4.G�.f'E>' h�.SUBJECr �•L,fJ ��. X53 UC3G�c G��Df<'L�S ��i�ir�E'T/%ENT < �Ed l � E ❑ PLEASE REPLY ❑ NO REPLY NECESSARY 51 218 South H Street, Bakersfield, California 93304 • (805) 8341492 RECORDING REQUESTED BY DR. K. ERIC TRYGGESTAD 2500 NEW STINE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r Nina K. ERIC TRYGGESTAD RNa -2500 New Stine Road Met Bakersfield, California 93309 RP L MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Sane RRN DR. K. ERIC TRYGGESTAD e°0faaa 2500 NEW STINE ROAD M , BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93309 Zip SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE — DOCUyt ENTARY TRANSFER TAX$ �S•O� —✓ COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED, OR COMPUTED ON FULL VALUELESS LIENS AND J E UMBRAS REM INING ATTIMEOF., LE. gnature of Declarant or Agent delermming tea. Firm Name GRANT DEED JOB Na 88606 I J HY this iostsument dazed___ ---------- __uly 8, 1988 __. ...._.__._------ _---- _._.._____ fm a valuable considenhon, SOCIETA ITALIANA MUTUO SOCCORSO DANTE ALIGHIERI, A CORPORATION hereby GRANTS to K.ERIC TRYGGESTAD, A SINGLE MAN the following dexsibed Rnl Fro eny in the Stare of California, Cnooty City of ----------- BAKERSFIELD SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" THIS DEED IS RECORDED PURSUANT TO SECTION 66412(d) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT IN CONFORMANCE WITH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 253, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SOCIETA ITALIANA HUTUO SQ*C%SO DANTE BY: d, STATE OF CALIFORNIA On........ _.__ ....................... _._, 19._.._..., before me, the undenlgned, a Notary Public in end for said NSS. County mod State. Persona119 a PPe+ red.._..._.._...__..._.._ ...___............. .......... ....... _._.._._.._....._._._.. IIIP7Y .... ...... .. ........ mown no me to 6e the s permon------ whose . .... .... _..___..__.....____..eubucibed to the within instsmoent, and acknowledged to me thaL...._.h........... eaecoted the mama. e° t. Notary's Signature ._.._._.. .....___.__......_...__..._.__. _ Z E L MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ECHIBT "A" PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTION 11,T.30S.,R.27E.,M,D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 11; THENCE N89 17'51 "W, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE CENTERLINE OF WILSON ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 1321.33 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 23 AS SHOWN ON THE SALES MAP OF LANDS OF THE KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY FILED JANUARY 25, 1894 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER; THENCE CONTINUING N 89 17'51 "W A DISTANCE OF 730.31 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF WILSON ROAD AND EDMONTON STREET; THENCE SO 11'06 "W, ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF EDMONTON STREET, A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE S 89 17'51 "E ADISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP 1693, RECORDED IN PARCEL MAP BOOK 8 AT PAGE 43 IN THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, AND TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S59 17'51 "E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 1, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE SO 11'05 "W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHERLY 80.00 FEET OF SAID PARCEL 1, A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE N 89 17'51 "W, PARALLEL TO SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 1; THENCE NO 11'06 "E, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINGING 16000.00 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. RESERVING UNTO GRANTOR HEREIN, an easement over the east 6 feet of the south 51 feet of the above described .property, for ingress and egress to the mobil home and tool shed located on Grantor's property. SAID EASEMENT to be terminated when either the mobil home and /or tool shed is removed from its present location.