HomeMy WebLinkAbout371REQUESTED BY AND WHEY PECORDED, MA1LT0: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 146172 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 371 Un"DER 94CCT-6 PH it 14 ORS 5.00 AMP 1.00 �'4r£E o CHEO7 11.00 ,#706660 C001 ,Wl ?13.-33 Being an adjustment of the boundaries of those portions of land in the City of Bakersfield shown as Parcel 3 on Parcel Map 9451 and the parcel of land described to be conveyed to Morningstar Partners in that Judgment Directing Partition Before Distribution, recorded in Book 6947, Page 2345, 0. R, being a portion of the SE '/4 of Section 13, T. 29 S., R. 28 E, M. D. B. & M. Assessor's Parcel Numbers 437 - 010- 16 -00 -4 & 437 - 010- 19 -00 -6. The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Lot Line Adjustment for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies With the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Said adjusted parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described on Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. It should be noted that the preparation and recordation of a Certificate of Compliance shows that the lot line adjustments conform to the requirements of the Map Act only and should not be hrterpreted as the sole requirement for obtaining construction permits. KERNRIO BRA VO PAR TNERS 2, a California Corporation, and L UTHERANCHDRCHOFPRAYER, a California Corporation. are the owners of the described parcels of land. Dated October 4, 1994 RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 1997 City Engineer City of Bakersfield DO:p:MinordM6371.coc 1353 EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 371 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Being an adjustment of the boundaries of those parcels of land described as Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 9451, recorded February 28, 1991 in Parcel Map Book 41 at Page 148 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder and that parcel conveyed by Judgement Directing Partition Before Distribution recorded in Book 6947, Page 2345, O.R., and located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, being more particularly described as follows: ADJUSTED PARCEL A: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Parcel 3, thence S00 010'05 "E, along the East line of said parcel 540.00 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence S89 °36154 "W, along the South line thereof, also being the North line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 57.72 feet; thence S00 °42100 "E, 26.75 feet; thence N89 °13106 "W, 429.61 feet; thence NOO °23106 "W, 18.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence N89 °36154 "E, along said North line, 6.43 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel 3; thence N00 °07'22 "W, along the West line of said Parcel 3, 553.31 feet to the Northwest corner thereof, being a point on a 1004.59 foot non - tangent curve, from which point a radial to said curve bears N07 °53'46 "E; thence Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 7 °38'04 ", an are distance of 133.88 feet; thence S89 °54'28 "E, along the North line of said parcel, 350.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 6.22 Acres, More or Less. ADJUSTED PARCEL "B ": Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, thence S00 °10'05 "W, along the East line thereof, 594.50 feet; thence S89 °34'36'W, 1331.32 feet to the West line thereof; thence NOO °03152 "E, along said West line, 595.38 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence N89 036'54 "E, along said North line, 845.30 feet; thence S00 °23'OVE, 18.00 feet; thence S89 °13106 11E, 429.61 feet; thence N00 °42100 "W, 26.75 feet to a point on said North line; thence N89 °36154 "E, along said North line, 57.72 feet to the point of beginning. _ Containing 17.99 acres, more or less. ICKETT, DELMARTER & DEIFEL /j es � ti/fimarter ¢ ItZ 17564 ''�.,. Uf��++���s v�✓/�� James K. Delmarter * EXP. b'J;N q� RCE #17564/Exp. 6/30/97 qa pp, _. SCALE: lm W s m g0 � 0 2 W.175E4 EXP. f OM-7 2' I.P. FOR 1/16TH TAGGED RCE 17169 IN 89'35'14" E N 89.3654" E EXHISIT 5 C PANORAMA DRIVE rlmv ,, 2' I.P. TAGGED RCE 17564 D. FOUND CONC. MON'T ' TAGGED L.S. 4831 — 6 • 01. 38'04" R • 100499' L 13386' at m 3 3 3 N 'S• ]v 8 Z z Z 851.16'} FOUND 2' IP 85L13' TAGGED L.S. 4831 N 00'23'06" W IBIDO' ADJUSTED PARCEL "B" 11.99 acre• N 89'34'36" E 133132' rr�ilr�/ a _ ---7 AINAGE TAGGED L.S. 4841 51.'12' o W rW ,"rvp FOUND COW. MON'T u a TAGGED L.S. 3707 ° AT z 2126 612 acres z6osmeas;547S. ° 4'28° E 390ID0'Z E 35000' a a rr�ilr�/ FOUND 2' I.P. _ ---7 AINAGE TAGGED L.S. 4841 51.'12' SEMENT ADJUSTED 6500 I PARCEL °A" ,WD AWN 4WD pdp00� z 2126 612 acres ° zzz Z_ ¢C2 'LOP EASEMENT O ly ° 3K. 6495, PG. 1992, CUR, W 7 W^ Y wm yy LANDSCAPE EASEMENT`ID 4M °`, Bk. 6495, PG. 2031,0.R. K 4MAGE I Ou ttd ;EMENT fil 4 P 6567 = O 892 O.R.I d 6A3' N 00'42'00" WI 0 26.75' •" E 42961' FOUND 2' I.P. N 89'31'54" E TAGGED L.S. 4841 51.'12' yy�// z Q ,WD AWN 4WD pdp00� 0 906 Ui zzz Z_ ay O ly � a � 7 W^ Y 4M °N K FOUND CONC. MONUMENT TAGGED RCE THE BEARNG OF N 00. 10'05" E FOR THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 13, T79 6, R28 E, MD31. AS SHOW4 ON RECORD OF SURVEY FILED N RECORD OF SURVEY BOOK 15, PAGE 141, O.R. IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COL14TY RECORDER WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARING USED HEREON C /kCND. () RECORD PER PARCEL MAP 9451 PM, BOOK 41, PAGE 148 f I RECORD PER TRACT MAP $161 MAP BOOK 39, PAGE 16 • FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED .,... WAIVM OP 012EC7 ACCE59 IUGHTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BEN. AN ADJUSTMENT OF LOT LINES BETWEEN PANEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP 140. 5451 RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1991 M PANEL MAP BOOK 41 AT PAGE 148 IN T1E OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER AND THAT PARCEL CONVEYED BY JUDGEMENT DIRECTING PARTITION BEFORE DISTRIBUTION PER BOOK 6941, PAGE 2345, OR., N THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SMT14EAW OUARTER OF SECTION 13, T39 S, R28 E, MDM, KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CUNERS: PARCEL °A" - LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PEAVER (APN - 431 - 010 -16) PARCEL "B" - KERN RIO BRAVO PARTNERS 2 (AFN - 431 - 010 -19) LOT LINO AlYT05TMENT' 071-11