HomeMy WebLinkAbout391REQUESTED RY AND WHEN RECPRDED, MAIL TO: .lames Maples•Assessd 'ecorder PATTI Kern County Official Records Pages 3 CITY ENGINEER 3/09/1995 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOCUMENT #:0795029690 11 :06:05 1501 N AKER LD AVENUE B 9301 II III IIIII Illillllll II II Fees 11.00 30I95B29680e Taxes... Other.. Stat. Types:l TOTAL... 11.00 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 391 Being an adjustment of the boundaries of Lots 7 & 8 of Section 35, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M., according to the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin, filed May 3, 1889, in the office of the Kern County Recorder. Assessor's Parcel Number: 373 - 051 -01 -00 -4 Property Owner: REGIONAL MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC., a California corporation This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. At the request of the property owner, the undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the adjustment of the boundaries of those portions of land described on the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B" complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed Without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated February 9, 1995 Az RAUL M. ROJAS RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 1997 City Engineer City of Bakersfield asr:w.vsrvr.� tow EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 391 Being an adjustment of lot lines between Lots 7 and 8 in Section 35, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, according to "Kern County Sales Map No, 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin" filed in the Office of the Kern County Recorder on May 3, 1889. PARCEL 1: All that portion of Lot 8 in Section 35, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, according to "Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin" filed in the Office of the Kern County Recorder on May 3, 1889, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section; thence along the North line of said Section, S89 °06'25 "E, 660.82 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence along the East line of said Lot, SOO °34150 "W, 498.77 feet; thence parallel with said North line, N89 °06125 "W, 660.80 feet to the West line of said Section; thence along said West line, N00 °34'42 11E, 498.77 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 7.57 Acres, More or Less. PARCEL 2: All those portions of Lots 7 and 8 in Section 35, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California, according to "Kern County Sales Map No. i of Lands of J. B. Haggin" filed in the Office of the Kern County Recorder on May 3, 1889, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence along the South line of said Lots, N89 °05138 "W, 1321.53 feet to the West line of said Section; thence along said West line, N00 °34'42 "E, 819.05 feet; thence parallel with the North line of said Section, S89 °08'25 "E, 660.80 feet to the East line of said Lot 8; thence along said East line, N00 034'50 "E, 498.77 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 8; thence along the North line of said Section, S89 006'25 "E, 660.81 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 7; thence along the East line of said Lot 7, SOO °34158 "W, 1318.12 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 32.42 Acres, More or Less. LAND gGq`�` RrtICCKKEE_1^ITTT,, /1 BDEELMARTER i DEIFEL v 09 Wayne A. Deif Wayre A. Deilel LS. 5275 L.S. 5275 Expires: 12/31/95 9r_ 6 PI u fi pt p7 3 0 ll_ � EXHI15IT %Iba [LINE Afl1usTMEhtT N° :y91 %�9Rk.2177 � - "Gi �IlJF��IVt;.I AVENUE. •� `�P� °O(o'25�E 1321.lc3' •1 +2o'W�oES uK P#'ERSFcEip mEWER UNE �P6EMEM� � EXeK. (cC°IOi PAGE 960,o R. PAKCtL 1 7.57 AraE _ Spy °O /a'25 °E 6HO,So` -" �v �I II I a Nco o I� I•'} 13142E N- i3rA8O' PA K GEL 2 32.4 -2 AcKEs NaCE: AN EASEMEKT RK CANALS, VITCAES, FOAPS, N'ua1lWAYS,'fEL£E" LW RAILROADS LP RAILROADD oTHFaZ CbMQPN4 IpK `i PBcoKa4, ?Aar= ERN o Pfi N MA,f AFl 0E ' o _ _ �(S A*1� Qc�NnUT EE LOLN(6D FQOM CLE4eRD. Npy� °o538 "W 1321.53' C`� 41 �a3 � 113e1.466).� * 1 WaYre A. 00 1` 75275 1 cur> %, 0 ° `�/B RifdK°' /%26TILCAQ NKG LA -G&,FS PER" (-:)= REC.*P PEe p.M.6A, -?M. eK.34,9r.47 P.M: ?A&sL.MAQ O.R. - cmaxK og!f*,, C N s ML 09 i I F- �s ,k U C��'SFIEETONL� "