HomeMy WebLinkAbout275City of Bakersfield City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 �zo 267- or FAD IN CERT I F I CYATE (SECTION 66499.35, .N LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, 275 �T ! ,ox 6260 vra 1468 n8q „ 130 P 1' 30 r RECORDEO BY'. 0.1.x' `- KERN COUNTY nil$ mg.P XWE NT twx 8 =51410 OF COMGL I 6:%P44'E GOVERNMENT CODE) II (IV 1.00 11.00 (.'001 R01 T16o1, (Being an adjustment of Parcels 1, 2,and 3 of Parcel Map 3118, and the north 70' of the south 333.55' of that portion of Lot 5 of Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin which lies between the center -line of Hughes Lane and the Centerlline of Branch No. 1 of the Kern Island Canal.) (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 405 - 010- 10- 00 -3c, 405 -010- 11-00 -60, 405 - 010- 12- 00 -9c, and 405 - 010- 13- 00 -2c) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Lot Line Adjustment for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Said parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown an Exhibit B. ,T.ryhtE.S G. F1,,?1VC12 COA7RRCTOR. 11VG', is the owner of the described parcels of land. For informational purposes, a final soils report shall be submitted to the City Buildino Department prior to issuance of a building permit, and the following will be required prior to the granting ofoccupancy on any parcel shown on Exhibit 8: 1. Sewer service to all parcels in conformance with the approved plan for this adjustmentq 2. Construction of 5.5' wide combination sidewalk along Hughes Lane. Dated this 28th ,day of June, 1989 FRED KPPER Assistant City Engineer - City of Bakersfield RCE 18192 Expires 6 -30 -89 RG',aPaIMG RGGYGGII� PNa xxcx RcaaRRCG, xP�cia. Oq 11gz City of Bakersfield City Engineer 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 �zo 267- or FAD IN CERT I F I CYATE (SECTION 66499.35, .N LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO, 275 �T ! ,ox 6260 vra 1468 n8q „ 130 P 1' 30 r RECORDEO BY'. 0.1.x' `- KERN COUNTY nil$ mg.P XWE NT twx 8 =51410 OF COMGL I 6:%P44'E GOVERNMENT CODE) II (IV 1.00 11.00 (.'001 R01 T16o1, (Being an adjustment of Parcels 1, 2,and 3 of Parcel Map 3118, and the north 70' of the south 333.55' of that portion of Lot 5 of Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin which lies between the center -line of Hughes Lane and the Centerlline of Branch No. 1 of the Kern Island Canal.) (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 405 - 010- 10- 00 -3c, 405 -010- 11-00 -60, 405 - 010- 12- 00 -9c, and 405 - 010- 13- 00 -2c) The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers and Lot Line Adjustments and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby certifies that the Lot Line Adjustment for the hereinafter - described parcels of land complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. Said parcels of land, being situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, are more particularly described as follows on Exhibit A and shown an Exhibit B. ,T.ryhtE.S G. F1,,?1VC12 COA7RRCTOR. 11VG', is the owner of the described parcels of land. For informational purposes, a final soils report shall be submitted to the City Buildino Department prior to issuance of a building permit, and the following will be required prior to the granting ofoccupancy on any parcel shown on Exhibit 8: 1. Sewer service to all parcels in conformance with the approved plan for this adjustmentq 2. Construction of 5.5' wide combination sidewalk along Hughes Lane. Dated this 28th ,day of June, 1989 FRED KPPER Assistant City Engineer - City of Bakersfield RCE 18192 Expires 6 -30 -89 BOOK 6260 root 1469 E X. I B; I T 'A' L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N Parcel 'A', LLA No. 275 Canmencing:at the Southeast; corner, of Lot 5 of Section 13, T30S, R27E, MBDM, as per the Kern County Sales Map No. L of the lands of J. B. HaggAn, filed May 3, 1889, In the Office of the County Recorder; Thence N 0 02' 28" W along the centerline of the Hughes Lane ROW, as recorded July 1A, 1969, Book 4296, Page 232, 0. R. a distance of 488,89 ft, to the point of beginning; Thence 89 55' 40" W a distance of 237.83 ft. to a point on the centerline of Brance No. 1. of Kern Island Canal ROW, as recorded June 25, 1928, Book 128, Page 254 of 0. R., Thence N 16 57' 43" E along the centerline of said canal a distance of 98.93 ft.; Thence S 89 55' 40 "E a distance of 208.88 ft. to a point on the centerline of the Hughes Lane ROW; Thence S 0 02' 28 "E a distance of 94.66 ft. to the point of beginning. Being a parcel of 21,142,8 gross square feet. i I sou 6260 HA A70 E X I B I T- A L_E G A L D E 3 C R. I P T I 0 N Parcel 131, LLA No. 275 Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 5 of Section 13, T303, R27E, MDBM, as per the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of the Lands. of J. B. Haggin, filed May 3. 1889, In the office of the County Recorder; Thence N 0 02" 28 "W along the centerline of the Hughes Lane ROW', as recorded July 10, 1969, in Book 4296, Page 232 of 0. R., a distance of 391..81 ft. to the point of beginning; Thence N 89 551 40 "W a distance of 267.52 ft. to a point on the centerline of Branch No. 1 of the Kern Island Can- al ROW, as recorded June 25, 1928, in Book 128, Page 254 of' 0. R. ; Thence N 16 57'43 "E along the centerline of said canal a distance of 101.45 ft.; Thence 3 89 55040 "E a distance of 237.83 ft., to a point on the centerline of the Hughes Lane ROW; Thence 3 0 021284E a distance of 97.08 ft. to the point of beginning. Being a parcel of 24,529.7 gross square feet. „M qt�'�.1 .dz � N0. SjSa P q.e9 � r ��s: s eou 6260IVA AA E X I B I T 'A' L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N Parcel C _ LLA No 275 Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot. 5 of Section 13, 730S, R27E, MDBM, as per the Kern County Sales Map No. 1- of the lands of J.B. Haggin, filed May 3, 1.889, in the office of the County Recorder; Thence N 0 02' 28 "W along the centerline of the Hughes Lane ROW, as recorded July 10, 1969 In Book 4296, Page 232 of O.R., a distance of 327.55 ft. to the point of beginning; Thence N 89 551 400W a distance of 287.17 ft, to a point on the centerline of Branch No. 1 of the Kern Island Canal ROW, as recorded June 25. 1 -928, in Book 128, Page 254 of O.R.; Thence N16 57' 43"E along the centerline of said canal a. distance of 67.16ft.; Thence S 89 55' 40 0E a distance of 267.52 ft. to a point on the centerline of the Hughes Lane ROW; Thence S 0 02' 28 "E a distance of 64.26 ft. to the point of beginning. Being a parcel of 1- 7,822.19 gross square ft. t 3. aZ �PiGYf.. `� r i Book 6260 n ,,a 1472 EX I IT 'A' L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N Parcel D- LLA No. 275 Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 5 of Section 13, T303, R27E, MDBM, as per the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of the lands of J. B. Haggin filed My 3, 1889. in the office of the County Recorder; Thence N 0 02' 28 "W along the centerline of the Hughes Lane HOW, as recorded July 10, 1969, in Book 4296, Page 232 of O.R., a distance of 263.55 ft, to the point of beginning; Thence N 89 55' 40 "W a distance of 306.75 ft. to a point on the centerline of Branch No. 1 of the Kern Island Canal ROW, as recorded June 25, 1928, in Book 128, Page 254 of O.R.; Thence N 16 57' 43 "E along the centerline of said canal a distance of 66.88 ft. ; Thence S 89 55' 40 "E a distance of 287.17 ft. to a point on the centerline of the Hughes Lane ROW; Thence S 0 02' 28"E a distance of 64.00 ft. to the point of beginning. Being a parcel of 19,005.4 gross square feet. t Ko. 5556; 't wk, l�9� I